tv Happening Now FOX News June 4, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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is a moral failure. now i want to speak to the i want to speak to the millenials in just a moment. this massive debt, it is passed on from our generation to yours. this is breaking of a soaps compact. compact and you deserve better. i am going to offer a responsible plan to fix the entitlement system and fix this for your generation. to those americans, those i might add, forgotten americans, drowning in personal debt and working for harder wages that don't keep up with the higher cost of living i came here today to say i hear you. i know you face rising health care costs and rising child care
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costs and tuitition costs and mounting student loan debt. i hear you and i will do something about it. (applause) to the 1 and 5 children in families that are on food stamps and one in seven americans living in poverty and 1 and 10 americans that are unemployed or given up hope of finding a job, i hear you, you are not forgotten. i am running to be your president. (applause) for small businesses on main street and struggling to get by and smothered by regulation and targeted by dodd- frank. i hear you. you are not forgotten. your time is coming. the american people so this game
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where the insiders get rich and middle-class pays the tab. something wrong with dow at record highs and businesses on main street can't get a loan. when did capitalism involve elimination of big banks and regulations struggle our community banks? (applause) capitalism is not a guarantee of reward without risk. it is not about wall street at the expense of main street. the reason i am running for president i know for certain, our country's best days lie ahead. there is nothing wrong in america today that a change in leadership will not make happen. (applause)
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we're just a few good decisions away from unleashing economic growth and reviving the american deem. we need to fix a tax code that is riddled with loop holes and sends jobs overseas and punishes success. we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. it is time to reduce it and bring the jobs home and working families. by the time the administration has finished with his experument in big government. they would have added 600,000 pages of regulations to the federal register. on the first day in office i will issue a freeze on pending regulations from the obama administration. that same day. that same day, i will send to congress a comprehensive and roll back of job- killing man
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dates created by obama care and dodd- frank. agencies will have to live under strict regulatory budgets and health insurers have to earn the right to your money instead of lobbying washington to force you to hand it over. on day one, i will also sign an executive order approving the construction of the keystone pipeline. (applause) energy is vital to our economy and i might add to our national security. on day one. i will sign an executive order authorizing the export of american natural gas and oil and freeing our european allies from the dependence of russia energy supplies.
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vladimar putin uses energy to hold our allies hostage. so here's our message, if energy is going to be used as a weapon america will have the largest arsenal. (applause) we will unleash an eran of economic growth and limitless opportunity. we will rebuild american industry and lift wages for american workers. it can be done because it has been done in texas. (applause) during my 14 years as governor texas companies created one- third of all new american jobs. (applause) in the last seven years of my tenure, texas created
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1.5 million new jobs. as a matter of fact without texas america would have lost 400000 jobs. we were the engine of growth because we had a simple formula. control taxes and spending and implement smart regulation and unvest in an educated work force and you stop fri volous lawsuits. texas now has the second highest high school graduation rate in the country and highest graduation rate for african-american and hispanic students and led the exports. and passed historic tax relief and i passed balanced budgets for 14 years.
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we not only created opportunity, we stood for law and order. when there was a crisis at our board last year and the president refused my invitation to so that challenge that we faced i told him, mr. president if you do not secure the border texas will. and because of that threat because of that threat that was posed by the drug cartels and transnational gangs, i deployed the texas national guard and the policy worked. apprehensions declined 74 percent. if you elect me your president, i will secure that border. (applause) homeland security begins with
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border security. and the most basic compact between the president and the people is to keep the country safe. the great lesson of history strength and resolve bring peace and order and weakness and vacillation invite chaos and conflict. my very first act as president is to rescend any agreement with iran for them to get a nuclear weapon. now is the time for clear sighted proven leadership. we have seen what happens when we elect a president based on media acclaim rather than a record of accomplishment. this this will be a show me don't tell me election where
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voters look pass the rhetoric to the real record. the question of every candidate will be this: when have you led? leadership is not a speech on the senate floor, it is not what you say, it is what you have done. (applause) and we will not find the kind of leadership needed to revitalize by looking to the political class in washington. i've been tested. i've led the most successful state in america. (applause) i have dealt with crisis after crisis from the desintigration of the space shuttle to hurricane catastrophic and rita and the crieses at the border and the first diagnosis of ebola in america.
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and brought together first respond sxers charities and people of faith to house and heal vulnerable citizens dealing with tragedy. the spirit of compassion demonstrated by texan system alive in america today. we have experienced a deficit of leadership, among the american people, there is a surplus of spirit. (applause) and among our great people there is a spirit of selflessness that we live to make the world better for our children and not just for themselves. it was said that when king george iii was asked what general washington would do when he won the war. he would return to his farm and relength quish power. and to that the monarch replied. if he does that he will be the
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greatest man of his age. george washington lived in the service of the cause greater than self. (applause) you know if anyone is wondering if america possesses the character of selfless heroes i am here to say yes. i am surrounded by heroes in all generations. (applause) they are all in the different generations but they are woven together by the same thread of selfless sacrifice. they are heroes like medal of honor resupient mike thornon who survived enemy ampush in and made it back to the safety of a water rescue only to find out his fellow team member was left behind and presumed dead.
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mike didn't leave. he returned through enemy fire and got lieutenant norris that was still alive and swam hours and kept his friend afloat until they were rescued. heroes like marcus latrel. he survived a savage attack on the side of a mountain in stan sdpan losing three teammates and 16 fellow warriors were shot down trying to rescue him. he is not just the loan survivor to a nitta and me he is a second son. (applause) and ta e coil who suffered the
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deep loss of her husband chris and an america hero. when i think of her, i think of a brave woman who carries the lofty burden of chris' legacy but the grief of every family who has lost a loved one to the great tragedy of the war and the difficult aftermath. a nitta and i want to thank taia for her tremendous courage. america america is an extraordinary country and our greatness lies not in your government but in our people. and each day americans demonstrate tremendous courage and many of those americans have been knocked down and they are looking for a second chance. let's give them that second chance and give them real
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leadership and a future greater than the greatest days of our past and let's give them a president who leads nem the direction of our highest dreams and our best dreams and highest hopes and our greatest promise. thank you and god bless you. (applause) >> so the man who served as the governor of texas in the 27 million people for 14 years or so is officially into the race for the republican nomination to be president of the united states. 86 degrees and very humid in that room. if you wonder why governor rick perry and those on stage were glowing in the face. carl cameron said it is warm and humid. chris wals anchor of fox news sunday. and you know a lot of people said after his campaign went
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down in flames that rick perry might be filled with trepidation. but you didn't hear it in the speech. it was a erous eg entry speech. >> i agree, john. what is so confounding about pick rer rer. he delivers a heck of a speech and does have a strong record in the governor of texas for 14 years and all he says is exactly right. the state of texas, really was the engine of job growth in america in those 14 years and that explains when he ran and announced back in august of 2011 that he soarred right to the top of the republican field. but, and you have to say but, after he roached that lofty position, he went down and he went down because of mistakes of his own making and when he forgot the name of the third department he was going to end
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as president and a number of other statements along the way. and at that time he had had back surgery and still on medication and admits now, he probably was arrogant thinking he could get in the race at that particular time. and we'll have to see if it is different this time. that was a strong start and he has to perform every day on the stump. and let's be honest. he has little margin for error. and the media will just react like no big deal. it is like dan quayle misspelling potato or al gore exaggerating something. and with rick perry, you know he lacked some firepower, you know if you make a mistake, he will be caught up on it. and does he have it.
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texas is a good state and to a certain degree when people contribute to campaigns they are making investments. and perry doesn't look like the largest investment. and that is ninth or 10th whether he gets in the debate in august. and he starts at a disadvantage and they are sounding popullist themes and he joins them and talking about wall street dominating and main street banks. and took on vladimar putin in the speech. and i think it was. >> and i was struck by the popullist theeps. you saw rick sanatorium and mike
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huckabee, and you know there is a understanding in the wake of romney's run in 2012 the republican party is the party of fat cats and they protect the one percent. and i think you are seeing people redefining the party and we are sensitive to income inequality and only gotten worse under president obama and we'll have answers. and they care about people like you, they will say the republican who ever that nominee is cares about the average person. >> we'll look at the latest fox news polls. and they finished making the phone calls. and jeb bush comes in at the top along with dr., i am sorry with scott walker of wisconsin 12 percent each. dr. ben carson comes in at len percent. captain rest of the top of the
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field. rand paul nine percent. and ted cruz eight percent. and mark rubio 7 percent and mike huckabee at six percent. and it is a crowded field. how do these republican candidates try to distinning gish themselves without tearing down one another. >> and they have to tear down one another. and to a certain agreement in a mild way, you heard rick perry saying that we need record and not red rick. and leadership and all of the u.s. senators running and saying it should be a governor. and good way of saying drop the senators out of the race. and you know, it is going to be hard and the thing that strikes me looking at that poll and those numbers. there is no front runner. if the top two is at 12 percent. normally awe front runner is at
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35 percent. and ben carson who was a lone shot is one point behind at 11 percent. it is wide open. now at this moment perry is down in ninth place at four percent. you know ben carson was there not so long ago. and moved up in the top tier. this race has enormous time to go and a lot of distance to cover even before we get to the voting and nomination. >> we'll see if rick perry can redeem himself. chris wallace, thank you. and be sure to watch the interview with republican presidential candidate rick sanatorium. and the race for the white house is a hot topic. and check your local listings for the time running in your area. >> the ceasefire between israel and hamas. what is behind the hostilities
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>> law makers on both sides of the isle sounding the alarm on the growing drug violence in mexico. governor chavets sending a letter to secretary kerry asking him to close the consulate. violence is on the rise and concern about the american personnel stationed there. >> you know john we talked about violence in mexico in a weekly and daily basis.
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now you don't hear about it. but experts say mexico is a dangerous play to live and visit. 100 u.s. citizens murdered and 130 kidnapped last year. gunmen killed a congressional candidate in his office. and even u.s. department warns "violence with the mexican military and conflicts can occur in all times the day near the texas border. no highway routes through tamaulipas are considered safe. they want the consulates closed in mattamoris and nuevideo laredo and guadalajarra. and they are dangerous and they want upon cut the pay of the
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women there and tell them it is too dangerous for their spouse or loved one to visit them. homicide and exportion and fire fight with machine guns and rival criminal gangs compete for the control of the drugs going north. and stole ep guns and cars going south. yet the media and the president's political party are staying quiet. >> i think there has been a concerted effort on the part of the mexican government to try to suppress certain areas when it comes to the public awareness of violence. bottom line vast parts of mexico is not safe and doubtful that they will close the consulates. the state department is on notice that congress is watching. back to you. >> what a mess. >> one of the most volatile borders heating up. israel retaliate with air
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strikes after rockets fired from the palestinian enclave. and adding a new element rocket attacks from a terror group connected to isis. john is here. welcome to have you here today. >> thank you so much. >> what do you make with the escalation of violence with israel retaliating with the rocket attacks against the people who struck back at israel? >> well what we are seeing is a volatile border as you noted, but what is interesting about it it is not hamas carrying out the attack. there was a 50 day war where israel and hamas slugged it out. but now they don't control it at all. the omar brigade fired as a means to strike at hamas.
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and last week we saw attacks from the islamic gihad. hamas doesn't have control over its own territory. >> checking out the israeli newspapers and noting the fact that renegade groups that get in the way of accord between israel and hamas going forward with meaningful dialog? >> it is important to note not as if hamas is interested in a long- term dilog and peace with the israelis. they are not interested in engaging with hostilities after last summer's war that devastated the gaza strip. hamas is a jihaddist organization and dedicated to israel's destruction. they will not broker long- term reach. >> what about the inroads made
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by isis in that area. >> this is something we are watching very carefully. and again, the group that we noted and fired rockets at israel yesterday, they fired these rockets in retaliation for arrests made by hamas and the killing of purported isis members. you can so the jihaddist groups creeping in the gaza strip and challenging the authority of hamas. and again, this is turning in to a free-for-all over there. and not as if it was a stable territory but at least hamas had control of the violence and they are increasingly losing that control. >> and absolutely raises the stakes in a big way. and thank you for joining us with the insights. >> my pleasure. >> more drama in the movie massacre trial. why the judge exploded at the
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attorneys for the defense of james holm >> and the 2000 collapse on the minneapolis bridge was blamed on safety inspections. now a group of college kids might have been able to find a way to monitor bridges 24- 7. [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner, revolutionary by every standard. and that became our passion. to always build something better airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. that redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. after all, you can't turn dreams into airplanes unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. ♪ ♪
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if you're running a business legalzoom has your back. over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. >> on a busy news day, here's what is still to come on "happening now". new details emerge in the
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washington d.c. mansion murders. investigators are looking into the possibility of a forced entry. and plus heading straight into the inferno. the view from a helmet camera as firefighters rush into a burning pafrment why the four department is releasing the video now. thousands of american bridges deteriorating and in danger of collapse. how new technology could put the fears to rest with help of good vibration. >> the final portion of a tape in the trial of james holmes. a star witnesses expected to be grilled by the defense. yesterday the ripped in to the defense for requesting a mistrial and the irritation of the judge is noted today.
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>> it started out of the gate with the defense attorney telling the judge she wanted to clarify something he said while he rejected the mistrial. and the judge informed miss nelson he did not need her to clarify something he had done. he said this. >> so the way it works. attorneys have an opportunity to make arguments and i rule. and then we move on. >> holmes' attorneys insist the 22 hours of videotape violate the client's right against self incrimination. the jurors are only to listen. the attorneys said jurors would be impacted that holmes didn't
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feel nothing. he didn't care which movie was playing a midnight show is deliberate. >> i think it is wrong to kill children. >> so you were considering one thing having to do with right or wrong and that had to do with children. you wanted to love them out of the situation? >> yes. >> of the 12 people killed the youngest was six year old veronica shot four times and once the prosecution finishes to play the videos the defense will begin the cross examination. the defense plan to replay portions of the video along with questioning dr. reed. and he believes that holmes anyhow right from wrong the night of the shooting. he is one of two court appointed
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psychiatrist that said george was sane. >> so eerie. and the latest on the brutal murders in the washington d.c. mansion. documents indicate that the suspect or suspects forced their way in the home. police originally said there was no signs of a break in. they believe the cell phones were stolen. they were held hostage and killed inside of the home. crows found the bodies as they battled a fire in the mansion. welcome, sir, great to have you here. what do you make of the findings or they are releasing information that there was a forced entry? >> it is possibility they missed the foot print that you showed to the viewers.
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and possible that the suspects cleaned the evident out. they had a lot of time to clone evidence and they missed that foot print. and so the police will do the forensic check and do comparison with footwear and take it from there. >> how could they have missed the footprint? >> it is difficult to explain that maybe they anyhow it was there and did take samples from there and waiting for information to come back. >> cell phones are missing? >> this by the way, the collection of evidence is going to expand this investigation. this is physical evidence they did not have a few weeks ago. >> in terms of the vehicle, you have new theories of why they didn't search the vehicle at length in the beginning? >> there is always the question of preservation of evidence. they department want evidence
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contaminated. i believe they were going to make sure expert forensic teams do what they do best. all kinds of things go in the investigation. >> it seems like it is longer. we found a boot print and we realize the cell phones are missing. you are the expert. >> i can remember doing detective work and people are frustrated and what is going on here. they are doing a meticulous investigation and one thing the investigator wants to make sure of. it is not compromised. and a wrong word or misinformation that looks small to the people and looks big to the suspects and police. >> what surprised you the most as the investigation progressed? >> they did not immediately come out and say there were multiple suspects. i mean i have been involved in
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law enforcement 38 years and it appeared there were multiple suspects. >> there was blood matching the shoe of the suspect in custody. >> and the dna, but the question is who and how many were involved in this? >> particularly the actions. and the fact that the money was involved. >> and why just 40000. and there is a lot of loose ends to be tightened up. but the key is going after more suspects and they are taking their time. they want everyone involved in this and they will get caught. >> you know your business and covered a lot of crimes and we'll be waiting and watching as it is revealed to all of us. thank you sir. >> head cam video that lets you
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see what the firefighters see when they battle a raging fire. and we see no reason to stop. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. it could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. and that would be something worth shouting about. cvs health, because health is everything. ♪ ♪ when you're living with diabetes steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead.
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>> i am gretchen carlson. what has mayor guiliani and chris christie times up. and the one and only judge judy has a few things about guiliani and mayor deblasso and stop and frisk. and viagra for women and whether it should be approved. it might help you or someone you know at the top of the hour. nright now, rescue crews are stepping up the search for the survivors for the cruise disaster in choina. divers searched the ship's cabins one by one and so far no signs of life.
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75 deaths so far. that is expected to rise. >> helmet cam video released by the sacramento fire department allowing you to see through the eyes of a firefighter. you can see the flames shooting out of the windows and doors. toxic smoke fills the air and one point it gets so thick you can't see anything. the fire department wants the video to remind people how important it is to have smoke detectors in your home. >> new push to fix our crumbling infrastructure. senator giliowa brand calling for the authority to spend more money on bridge projects. check this out. it is a gadget that can detect early problems on bridges before they turn in full- blown crisis.
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>> many of america's bridges are now in trouble. one man in new jersey has suspected for a long time. >> reporter: when it is dark and on the road he's fine. but take him over the george washington from new jersey to new york and he can get petrifid. your fear you will go off of the bridge or it will collapse. >> i experience a lot of anxiety. > reporter: it is a geph yrophobia disorder. a recent report found that 65000 u.s. bridges are deficient structurally and close to 8000 are close to collapse. >> one of the problems is the
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manhours to monitor soundness. >> our bridges are obsolete and. >> she is from the stephens institute of technology and invented with other students vibration energy harvesting. >> for structural health implementation. or vece. >> it monitors the vibration deep within the bridge's infrastructure. >> it turns them in to energy and powered the health monitoring system. >> that detected internal cracks and swelling and stiffness and sent in real time to bridge management warning them of current and future problems. it might give lou can have the but it doesn't. >> the fear is still there.
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and technology is not going to do anything about that unless they lower the bridge. >> reporter: tiffany can't lower the bridge. but can make sure it will not fall down. >> young minds coming up with that. >> reporter: they got a patent a couple of daysing on jon. >> excellent. good for them. >> it is not an oscar or agreement. award for the unhealthiest restaurant offerings of the year and the winners might surprise you. and the authorities report a break in the man who stalked a hollywood car after a break. >> he was fixated on mi la kunis. and we work around-the-clock to bring him in. hey, it's the wheel deal! hey, hey, the duke of deals! i know a few guys in the rental car biz. let's go,
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>>. >> some new developments in the fifa corruption scandal. former fifa vice president jack warner claims he has an avalanche of evidence and that he'll reveal all despite fearing for his life. warner is among 14 people indicted in the wide-ranging u.s. soccer probe. he also claims to know why outgoing fifa president sepp blatter decided to step down. blatter announced his resignation earlier this week after he was re-elected to a fifth straight term. >> hurricane blanco weakening to a category 2 storm. it's no pushover. forecasters say the hurricane is still packing winds of nearly 110 miles per hour and is expected to move closer to land later today. strong surf is likely to cause life-threatening conditions there. >> actress mileaa kunis feeling
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relieved today after the man stalking her is back in custody. dunne climbed through a bathroom window and then scaling a fence. authorities have not yet said where they found him. he was arrested in february 2012 for breaking into an empty condo she owned. months after that he was taken into custody once again after waiting for the actress outside her gym for three days violating a restraining order. dunne sentenced to five years probation and ordered to stay away from mila kunis for ten years. subway announcing it will remove artificial ingredients from its menu vowing to get rid of artificial colors favors and preservatives by 2017. the company is trying to keep up with younger demographics. that's looking for more natural and organic offerings.
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analysts say subway experienced a 3% sales decline last year in the u.s. on that topic, a health advocacy group is unveiling the winners of this year's extreme eating awards. the dubious honor goes to chain restaurants serving up high calorie meals. red lobster makes the list. the seafood giant getting recognized for a combination that according to the group, when paired with a signature cocktail packs a whopping 3,600 calories. here to tell us more liz mcdonald from the fox business network. you haven't tried this? >> no i haven't. i wouldn't be here if i did. that's right. here's the combo meal from red lobster. when you order it with a lobsterita cocktail it has a whopping 3,600 calories. that's enough for two days of eating plus a four-day dose of salt. watch dogs are calling it cardiac arrest on a single plate. what is in this shipwreck of a
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meal? the center for science and public interest says if you buy the combo meal of parity aisle jumbo coconut shrimp walt's favorite shrimp, shrimp linguine you will ib eating whopping four buckets of kfc fried chicken, corn of the cobb. rules will force chain restaurants to list calories for each menu item for the first time. who are the runners up? ihop chorizo fiesta omelet has nearly 2,000 calories. and dickey's barbecue pit meat plate. and outback herb roasted prime rib dinner 2,400 calories.
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the advocacy group called that prime rib. >> i'm just getting hungry. >> me too. >> it's not just the calories though it's the salt and all the other stuff. >> all of that and the fat content. i thought the other fast food chains are going to be on this. it's interesting these guys are on it too. let's go. >> a black bear bouncing back after strategy and a seinfeld member revealing a show secret.
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in the wild after treating for her burns suffered in the washington state wildfire. >> remember george's fiance susan? they killed her off because the cast found her too hard to work with. have a great day. "the real story" with gretchen starts now. explosive new details coming to light in an alleged plot to kill an american citizen on american soil. hi everyone. i'm gretchen carlson and this is "the real story." david wright in custody for conspiring to carry out a beheading. pam ella geller organized that muhammed cartoon contest in texas. he brought large fighting knives and decided to go after the police instead. officers moved in shooting and killing rahim after he refused to drop the knife. a third
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