tv Outnumbered FOX News June 8, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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andy levy >> diane, good to have you. now you go go have a cup of soup or a sandwich. >> it is lunch time while you watch "outnumbered." >> two convicted killers who escaped from a maximum security prison in new york city state they have crossed into canada or headed to another state. and there is a lot of talk the fugitives had help likely from inside the prison. david sweat and richard matt used power tools to cut through a steel wall in their adjoining cells before making their way out of the correctional facility. contractors and employees are being interviewed.
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and they are searching door to door for the people. one report says a woman working at the prison has been questioned in connection with the case and has been removed from her post. we are watching all of this and we will bring you the news and updates as they become available. president obama admitting he doesn't have a complete strategy to beat isis. i am sandra smith harris faulkner, jedediah is here and co cohost of red eye andy levy is here. >> i had trouble with my tie today. i blanked on how to tie a windsor. i would like to apologize to
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america. >> you are usually not awake this early. >> i think that is part of the problem. >> you are looking good. great to have you. mr. obama's remarks coming after the g-7 summit in germany where he met with iraq's prime minister in their first face to face meeting since the fall of ramadi last month. but the president was unable to detail the strategy to take back parts of iraq because the pentagon is still working on it. listen. >> when a finalized plan is presented to me by the pentagon i will share it with the american people. we don't yet have a complete strategy because it requires commitment by the iraqi as well. >> a year ago in august he said
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something similar. >> i don't want to put had cart before the horse. we don't have a strategy yet. what i have seen in the news reports suggesting that folks are getting a little further ahead of where we are at than we currently are. and i think that is not just my assessment but the assessment of our military. >> this as a fox news poll finds 71 percent of american voters don't think the obama administration has a clear strategy for defeating isis. they would be accurate in that assessment with the president saying there is no strategy or a complete strategy. by the way, the same poll revealing a majority of american voters are in favor of doing whatever it takes to defeat islamic extremist. >> you are coming to me first because i covered the previous g-7 summit meeting. he said the words before we
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don't have a strategy and now we know why. we are waiting on iraq. and then he dropped this nugget of news that i thought it was interesting. he had a one-on-one meeting with the prime minister of iraq that wasn't expected and he was encouraging him further to have a national guard law past. you want to lay down how we deal with problems in iraq and they have sectarian difficulties over there. the president said your recruitment is down. start a national guard so everybody feels like they are part of something. that is complicated and could take years. >> stanley was asked if the u.s. halted isis. listen to how he responded. >> they have to halt the spread of isis in people's mind because isis is convinceing people around the world and particularly in
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the region, they are unstoppable. you need to build a coalition that is creditability in the gulf states turkey iraq united states and others >> what did you make of that? saying we have to halt the spread of isis in minds? >> as it sounds like winning hearts and minds from the bush era. it sounds like a good idea but it is harder when you put it in practice. how are we going to change the hearts and minds of people joining isis when we have an administration that will not identify the purpose for doing this and call out radical islam. i think that is a little difficult. >> i would have respected the president so much more if he had not admitted we don't have a strategy. last time he admitted in august the dod wasn't happy. there were accounts of generals and others saying we have strategy but the president doesn't want to implement them.
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i agree with president obama not putting boots on the ground but i would have respected him more saying i am leaving behind but message to the radical islamist if you attack us in the united states or form a base over there where you can strike us we will come over and wipe you and turn you into a parking lot and then we will leave. that is it. no heart and mind. no nation building. we will be out. >> or there are critics that say i wish he would have said this or that. but also there are critics saying do you want to reveal we don't have a strategy. >> that is another thing. it is one thing to say you don't have strategy and admit it verses not having a strategy. it seems the way to stop it in people's mind is stop the spread
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of isis. he is saying isis has an err of victory because they keep winning and we don't seem capable of stopping them. the way to stop them from thinking isis is invisible is to show they are not and stop them. >> these are good points jedediah. the fact we are sitting here means there is no strategy and that is painful to the american people who want the president and pentagon to do whatever it takes as the poll reveals. is this okay for him to step up there and say? >> not at this point. not to keep saying it over and over again. i hear the point of needing commitment on the part of the iraqis. we have armed people that abandon their post. we spent time and money investing in something they don't care themselves. but wasn't the president supposed to be a great
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negotiator negotiator? if we watch this year after year and he hasn't been able to make it happen. where is the time lineline. what are you doing about it? what are we doing? >> that is the question. what is the deadline on the iraqis. we have been through two administrations now. what is their deadline? and the other question that should have followed and the president was going through the room picking this but i would like to see follow-up on the deadline and the conversation with the prime minister. when you talked about how recruitment is down and isis recruitment is up any thoughts? you are taking about the shiite government in iran fighting the shiite government in baghdad.
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>> followu with something that was said about the arming of iraqis and them leaving their post the problem is the weapons end up in the hands of isis. i thought the last time when we fought a war where the enemy wasn't using our weapons against us. >> that is what happened in libya. there is a concern if we arm the kurds those weapons will end up in the hands of our enemies. do we want to be in a proxy war with iran? i do think there is maybe a belief the white house thinks iran gets involved and they will be the ones -- >> they said they would. they get to keep what they fight for? >> and do we care they keep that? harris i think that is a great point. i don't think we do. >> it makes you wonder what this
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will do for political opportunity. the president has no strategy and polling wise the american people saying we want more. absolutely. >> all right. >> you have to be a hawk to have an idea. >> or follow through. how pc are our college campuses? why a liberal professor said things have changed so much since starting to teach that his liberal students terrifying him. the debate this started. and hillary clinton's reported decision to primarily focus on blue america in the white house. the serious concerns members from her own party have about this strategy. and right after the show catch more "outnumbered" on the web. log on to and click on the overtime tab and tell us your questions comments or the topic you want to hear more about. get the complete balanced nutrition of ensure. with nine grams of protein...
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changed so much since sarting teaching that liberal students terrifying him with students not hesitating to complain. i used to pride myself getting students to discuss difficult subjects and now i hesitate i will not get tenure. what if i am not giving the customers/students the experience they are paying for. that sparked rebuttal from someone calling herself a liberal professor saying her students never scared her and she wrote this. the actually problem isn't the scary breed of a student, but if university faculty are feeling dissempowered in their classroom that is because they have less power at work. the declining pool of tenure jobs and the rising number of
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poorly made adjuncts mean professors are in a tough position. former dean on the couch. your thoughts? >> this isn't about tenure. tenure shouldn't even exist. this is about teachers being afraid to make students think because when they bring in text or articles that are supposed to bring about uncomfortable conversations smiles that happen in classrooms. we understand that is what academics is supposed to be about they get backlash. you have teachers playing it safe getting only non-controversial non-controversial projects out there. students have the power to shape what is going on in the classroom and affect their jobs. >> andy 190,000 reposts and shares on facebook.
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but he wrote in a pseudofake name so he would not lose his job. >> i halfway agree with jedediah. i believe this is a tenure problem partially. i understand tenure is fashion able but there are good problems to be raised meaning bad teachers can't be fired etc. but the point is to allow teachers to teach out fear of ad min min ministrative or the students reaction. it is easy to use buzz word of the day. it is easier to drop that in as sort of becoming a discussion instead of a discussion starter.
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and i think that is going to -- >> feminist, racist -- >> i think it is a dual problem. i think it is it students and also the lack of tenure. >> if you cannot discuss in open form topics in an open classroom is this a society where we have talk about everything in the bathroom? >> careful there harris. >> i mean alone in the bathroom. >> i was listening to jedediah and why thoughts were changing. i feel like you are saying the teachers solely to blame here. but he is pointing to the kids and called them coddled undergrads. he said he is not worried about him coming after him for thinking too extreme like
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communist behavior or racist but sensitive toward their feelings and hurting their feelings. so aren't we are all too sensitive sensitive? >> i think it is the society around academics and what it means. it is no longer a place. when i was younger i hoped for a place you could go and be challenged. now it is a place where everything is safe and secure and everyone is feeling bad and coddled. >> the sophistication of america talks about it now and whether or not is starting on the campus. >> i think it is ironic the liberal professors are complaining. isn't this the point of progressive america? academics are primary progressive and it is taking over and instead of making
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everyone equally happy everyone is equally miserable. college campuses are supposed to be the epicenter of free speech. now it is overrun by the tyranny of the minority. you have have students dom complaining about american sniper saying they are offended and they win. it was shutdown and something else was aired instead. the cost of this is even crazier. having your kids get coddled and turn into victims for $50,000 >> you tell someone you are offended and it is a conversation ender. some advise for former president bill clinton from a man who served in his cabinet. what he says bill clinton should do to not hurt his wife's
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campaign. and hillary clinton is planning a dozen speeches coming up and can we ask her questions? advisors say she will stay away from foreign policy. given the rise of isis is that the right move? if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me... and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas
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welcome back to "outnumbered." hillary clinton officially kicking off her campaign for president at a rally in new york city this weekend. soon after that the democratic front runner is planning a dozen speeches on domestic issues like college affordable equal pay were women and cracking down on wall street. but her advisors say she will not focus much on foreign policy in the coming
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them. >> i wonder where she is going to run and hide. if she doesn't talk about the track record as secretary of state and focus on foreign policy where is she going to go? wall street regulations? that is tough when your opponents point fingers to where most of your campaign donations came from; wall street. if she doesn't talk about her track record and focus on foreign policy is she going to talk and answer the tough questions on the economy,
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andrea? what are you going to do make this a more business friendly in america? >> it is understandable she doesn't want to talk about the foreign policy record. it is so hollow. a lot of guest on hannity can't find an answer about success. she is not do it like obama. >> he was the kind of guy who got people who would not vote for him normally to vote for him. and he got the base excited. she is worried about the base and the left coming out and the academics rooting for bernie sanders and elizabeth warren
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will stay home. i think she needs to do a lot of convincing because she doesn't have the media well. when she is out there talking i think people will be disappoint disappointed. >> we looked at polling this weekend and she is bleeding number do is sander and the younger demographic. if you look at them side by side she has 56% and he has about 11%. but that 11% came from her hide with the younger demographics. >> the main foreign policy component was getting the guy who made the youtube video thrown in prison. >> and did spend a couple hundred thousands of our dollars to apologize for the video in pakistan. that was well helped. >> and recommendations for former president bill clinton from someone who served in his
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cabinet. former secretary weighing in on bill's paid speeches and hillary's campaign calling a lack of disclosure a key vulnerability and that is not all. watch. >> they have to put everything out. more disclosure than any other candidate. >> stop the rumors? >> i would say he has to stop and paint. >> that is good advice. this is someone who is a clinton fan but offering an honest critique that this type of behavior going out and raising all of this money, could hurt them. >> it isn't just the paid speeches but his defense of them. he made the comment about needing the cash to pay the bills. there is something to be said for he is out there giving speeches with important message
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but your defense was disappointing. >> the clinton's don't care. they don't care what we think. they don't care what the media thinks. they think they are above the law. >> i want to go to andy on this. >> i was going to say the same thing. they have gotten away with this for years why in the world would they change? they have no incentive to change. >> and they have bills to pay. >> it takes me a couple hours of research to make $500,000. >> and listen you say it is work but the american people are questioning this now. it is a tough thing to hear. they are making that much money
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speaking at universities. they are taking this out of the pocket of college students. a lot of this is weighing on them. >> well the trustworthy factor and transparency is something you see popping up in the polling with regard to hillary clinton even within her own democratic party. i think it is a bigger issue of whether or not he works and gives speeches. that keeps the topic on the table of where they get their money from. and questions about the foundation. he said he would step away. it keeps it going. no one begrudges anyone or shouldn't have earning a living. it is about the allocation within the ranks. >> no body begrudges anyone for making a living? that is not true. the liberals do. this current administration does. that is how this president was elected. they begrudgingly have disdain
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to people who make money. they wag their finger at people like mitt romney and others but they can take home multi-million salrarieslies sallies sallies sallies. i don't think the clinton's getting rich is breaking news. but i think the trust factor is a big deal. and i think maybe there is a belief on part of the clinton's that they are arrogant and think they will win. they have this in the bag. so they have to raise money now because the first dude and hillary clinton will not be able to make these speeches. >> if you are going to run for make a lot of money and have a lot of money own it. tell the american people you will help them make that kind of money. >> i would like to say i do begrudge them making money.
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>> i was going to say this is better. he hangs out with hillary. >> exactly. >> queen bee syndrome. the idea that women in executive rolls keep other women out of top positions. one researcher is saying this is a myth and what they say is actually to blame. oh no. who are you? daddy, this is blair he booked this room with priceline express deals and saved a ton. i got everything i wanted..... i always do. he seemed nice.
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women in top roles. where women were appointed ceo other women were more likely to make it to senior positions. but with no women at the top the likelihood of women receiving the top position were slim. the value of this declined with each woman. okay. i had to stop you at the commercial break because everyone got into the discussion too early. i told you to save it for tv harris. >> you are pointing at me. >> did you believe the queen bee symptom or syndrome exist? >> well this study would have us
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believe that women are nice to each other and men are holding us down. i will not say that is not going on but it has been my experience other women are like there are going to be four of us i am one of them, i might let a couple in but i will have to kill some of you. maybe that is my own experience. >> any time i hear queen bee it is a man saying it. >> every field i have worked in -- insurance company, restaurant, academics -- i found that women are tough on other women. when i had a boss that was a woman it has been harder to get ahead. there has been more stuff thrown in my path. there is not a sense of comrades and help each other out. there is a trend that happens
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out the especially in corporate america where we are harder on each other than men tend to be on women. >> what do you think of it being men keeping women down and the only reason a woman is elevated under the man is a because they are fulfilling a quota. >> let me explain what is going on. this is typical male blaming. a woman probably wrote this study. i am kidding. i never really bought the queen bee syndrome theory so i tend to agree with the study. i think it exist to a certain degree but i think many to do the same to other men.
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>> i am a girl's girl and i agree with jedediah. the best boss i had was a woman but the iowas worst was a woman as well. the research far outnumbers the study. men practiced being together for centuries in the military in sports in the last century. they are used to playing together and patting each other on the behind. they are conditioned to do so. women are not. isn't it a very interesting theory?
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we are wired differently. it can get caddy. i have worked in work places where by design it is set-up. >> ads encouraging recent grads to apply at this business for paying for college tuition. the manager is saying he is just trying to help girls. does he have a point or is this outrageous even for vegas?
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>> we cannot wait to bring you more "outnumbered" but first jon scott is coming up with the second hour of "happening now." >> we cannot wait to bring you "happening now" in the next hour. a guy takes a bulldozer and goes on a rampage sending people running for their lives. four cars and a house destroyed
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before the police could stop him. what sparked this? and he has been held in iran for nearly a year and now a washington post reporter faces another closed door hearing in the trial. we will talk with his brother and find out what he knows about this case. and excessive force or necessary tool? a texas police officer caught on tape pushing a girl to the ground after an out of control pool party. that tape went viral and the cops are in hot water. will there be legal action? it is all happening now. harris? >> we can't wait. thank you. a las vegas strip club is coming under fire encouraging resent high school grads to apply. the sign reads now auditions the class of 2015 and pay your way through college. the manager of the club is offering a way for women to make good money and some make up to
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$1,000 a night. take a listen. >> hundreds are either in college or have worked their way through college and like i said without one penny of debt. not having to take out student loans or borrow money from family and friends. >> but some residents say the ad sends a bad message to women. >> you could change the route of a woman trying to progress and go to college. so i don't agree with it at all. >> what do you think? is this wrong? or a business trying to make money and have a right to go out there? >> it is better than recruiting high school undergrads. the whole paying your way through college is what guys use to feel better about going to
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strip clubs. why are you trying to take it away? >> come on it is true. you hear stories where people say absolutely. where they say where else can you make that kind of cash and they are only do it to put themselves through law or graduate school. that happens? >> i have seen those movies too. >> live is a movie. >> this is an advertisement the guy is putting up to let men know you might get in the strip club and see someone who is barely 18. >> they know that already. >> you think this is recruitment effort to get girls in? >> you don't think guys know? you know there are young women. i argue despite what andy is saying it is because a lot are putting themselves through college or otherwise. i defy andy's logic. >> how many doctors do you be who started off at the lace
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club? i don't know many. >> they may not share that story with you. >> i am sure i could have made more in college at little darlings than i did at the outback steak house. >> this is true. but i love the blooming onion. >> but i think i would have that little darling story is in the background and probably not be sitting on the couch. i think it is a dangerous message. i think they are probably having a hard time getting young girls and probably don't want a 70-year-old stripper so they are letting young girls know they are welcome. >> and you can hold the man accountability. this is his job. >> harris as a mom -- >> please don't go there. my kids are six and eight. there is no poll in our house. >> you have that maternal instinct so does it bother you
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knowing girls coming out of school might be influenced by this? >> they are of age. they are women and can make decision on their own and hopefully they have loving adults in their life who would tell them all of their choices. that is what i would want for my girls. i think we are assuming a lot. you are assuming people are going in there and earning money for college. maybe they are just working there. i guess it is hard for me to judge. it isn't do i want my kids to strip? no. but when they are adults i am hoping we will have a conversation about what the other options are. we are not talking about underage. and i agree with sandra saying this as a great billboard to get men into the club. >> do you think it is smart or makes them look bad? >> if that is how you want to pay your bills don't judge. but i think there should be a disclaimer if you are trying to
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be a doctor eventually it is going to come back and bite you and i am not sure if that is your goal. >> who should be responsible for that? >> i like you are worried it makes the strip club look bad. >> they are imbalanced. >> you know the feeling or the grand parents do. you want the stuff dog in the claw machine over and over but it keeps falling at the last second. now we know why. the claw secret revealed next.
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>> you know the claw machines on the fair and new jersey turnpike rest stop on late lonely nights and trying to get the bear and claw drops it at the last second. it is not your fault. the machines are rigged. shocking i know. the instruction maniel tune said to taunt player ares with near wins and keep them coming back with more.
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jenna, is this the lost shocking story. >> i have lost a ton of money at this game. i want to boat the machine and you odds are against me and i will be the one to get the spidermap toy. it is like to try to get bad boy, to behave. >> and now on the couch today. what about three- card can't be beat? >> i am going to disagreement i had such rage against the machine. and we had one of those in the restaurant in the vestibule. and the claw you notice how limp it was. it could barely pick up the toi. and the money you make off of this scam. >> people come in screaming and
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we had to deal with the complaints. >> didn't a kid crawl into one of these inside of the claw machine. >> he found a way to beat the machine. nnever been into. it but the basketball hoop that is apparently smaller than the ball. >> my husband can shot that 50 times in a row. it is supposed to be impenetrable but he can do it. >> and now i know it costs me $23. thank you for helping me with the math. >> at lost you know what you are in for. >> changes me. >> and we'll stay right here for outnumbered over time. oh yes. there is more. and click on the over time tab and while youor the page. there is a live trap to get in through twitter and facebook
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page. right now "happening now". >> fox news alert. another security scare in the skies. the tsa failing to disqualify 73 airport workers whose name is on the terror watch list. >> and not finding all of the applicants in the airline industry getting the scrutiny they deserve. >> we heard a rumbling. >> this was not the landing they expected. >> and more than 70 people on a passenger jet get the ride of their lives after being on the ground. what caused the plane to skid off course. >> and a pool party cut short after being called to the scene. >> i understand how he was
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