tv Hannity FOX News June 8, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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tune in tomorrow night. brit hume will be here and james rosen and the baltimore cops are finally speaking out in the kelly file exclusive. don't miss that. dvr us. tonight, caught on tape. a texas police officer is placed on leave after breaking up a fight at a pool party. plus riot police were called in after a concert spirals out of control. >> this idea that everybody on the left is plotting against christianity. and wants to wipe out religious is offensive. to me. bill maher bashes christianity. pastor pastor jeffers and keith ablow is here. >> the blood of our children is on your hands and you pay for the murder of our children.
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controversial obama pal chicago priest michael flager unloads on the nra. "hannity" start right here right now. welcome to "hannity" an investigation is underway tonight after a cell phone video captured a dramatic scene in mckinney texas on froididay night. the officer has been placed on administrative leave after police responded to a disturbance call. he's seen restraining a teenage girl after she refused to leave. he draws his weapon to move the crowd back and predictably the video was posted on social media and the officer is being accused of everything from using excessive force to being racist. the mckinney police department is looking into what happened. here now with much more is a neighbor who lives in the area and says this has nothing to do with race. and he witnessed the arrest.
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thank you for being with us appreciate it. >> how you doing? >> you were there, you saw it. i think people are too quick to make judgments about 30 seconds videos. seven minutes videos. tell us what happened. >> well first off, let me make this disclaimer. the community that i live it the area where i've been living for the past eight years is not a racist community. it is a diverse subdivision. black, white, hispanic. east indian american indian. all living together. and, you know in friendship basically. going back to the incident at the pool is basically what the situation is a pool party gone out of control. there may have been 130 kids there. only seven of those kids caused a whole bunch of confusion and ruined it for everybody. basically with our homeowner association you can only have two people go to the pool with
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you per guest per household. the people that were in the pool and doing things of that nature they were supposed to be there. but when the flyer went viral, everybody frutom outside our community came in there. and of course the security guard is telling people no you can't come in. you can't come in. that's when the people started jumping over the fences and arguing with the security guards and other residents there. you know you have teenager going toe to toe with adults and trying to get them out of the pool. >> did you see -- >> that is when -- >> but here is what i heard. is that i hear on a couple of the videos that the cops were saying you've got to leave. you've got to leave. you've got to leave. and the kids weren't listening at all. did you see that? >> well yeah i saw that. so let me get back to -- so the story that came out on this social media website that they don't want black kids in the pool is totally preposterous.
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no neighbor called the cops because there were -- that was a black pool party. why the cops were called because after the people started jumping in the fight started breaking out. then it became a disturbance. of course when the cops get there, yes they did tell people to leave. some of the people ran. and those that -- i think you saw on the video he's telling them to sit down. even at the end of the video you see the same police officer go up there and say don't run from the police. you are free to go. you're not in trouble you didn't do anything. everything of that nature. the whole thing with this racial stigma. i don't believe that that police officer came out there with the intent of throwing a 14-year-old girl down and starting this. this is not ferguson. this is not baltimore. this is not trayvon martin michael brown or eric gardener or anything like that. what this is is out of control pool party. that's it. >> let me ask you this there was another resident was quoted
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he was one of the people who called the police saw the whole thing. he said watching 30 seconds of a clip does not tell the whole story. he said the officers even the one that drew his gun, acted appropriately. what is your thoughts? >> well first off, i do agree with you. a seven minute clip does not properly capture the entire incident that happened over 30 minutes. as far as the officer's actions, what i will say is is that i don't know his mindset. but it did disturb me that a 14-year-old african-american woman, me being an african-american male is on the ground and guns were drawed. the threatening pose with the gentleman -- >> let's show it to our audience. seeing the officer when he reaches for his gun, we go back to the video, somebody is
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addressing the officer and if you watch closely, here, it's at that moment if you look at the video -- that's thewrong spot. the guy comes up behind him. it was not in relation to the girl but it was the guys coming in behind them that drew the weapon not the young girl on the ground. >> no. no. not the young girl on the ground. >> your last thoughts you want everybody to know this is a good community. >> this is a great community. this is a great community. nobody is walking around with hooded sheets or burning crosses. we are a normal average every day suburb in america. >> you're in our thoughts and prayers. thanks for telling the story and setting the record straight. i think that's important. that's not the only dramatic video we have to show you. last night in new jersey things got way out of hand as the radio station hot 97 had their annual summer jam concert when people who didn't have tickets tried to
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force their way into the sold out venue. riots police were called in. concert goers pelted officers with bottles, leading to the arrest of over 60 people. here now is a man who had tickets to go to the concert. he wasn't able to get in. thank you for being with us. all right. so people without tickets, you had a ticket. you didn't get in. were pelting rock and bottles at the cobs did you see that? >> i saw that. but the presumption that people did not have tickets is incorrect. what happened was we were there waiting in line for over an hour after the concert started. and they were being extremely slow to let people in. the concert was already going on. and people -- they started getting agitated. we were wondering why we can't get in to the concert. what antagonized everything was after the initial scuffle they closed the gates. they gave us no answers as to whether we were going to get in to the concert. everybody was sitting there
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wondering what's going on are we getting our money back. will we get let in the concert. once the police came out and barricaded everything and started tear gassing people. that's when everybody started being really antagonized. >> but every report contradicts what you're saying. there were people without tickets. that were making it more difficult for people like you to get into the show. and then when things began to escalate. the cops were -- there is video of it -- were hit having bottles and so on thrown at them. >> i'm not sure where these reports are coming from. who said these people didn't have tickets? >> it's all over the media today. we can -- open up any newspaper. they're all saying the same thing. >> who are saying this? >> the people that were there and that's what they're reporting and there are eyewitnesses who are saying it. my question to you is this are you unhappy -- did you see the cops being hits with bottles and rocks? >> what i was unhappy wasn't the
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police reaction but the fact that the security for the venue took so long in letting people into the concert. >> that's a fair complaint. that's a valid complaint. you had a ticket you deserve to get in. >> i deserve to get in. what happened i stuck around for another two to three hours expecting once every died down they would let us in. we approached the gate. they were letting people exit. and we asked the police officers hey, we've been waiting there is nobody here. the chaos has died down. why are we not allowed to get into the concert that we spent hundreds of dollars for. people came from los angeles, atlanta. >> the station stis giving back money. i've got to move on. thanks for telling us your side of the story. i hope next time you get in. joining us with more reaction to both these stories. bo this cop has been put on administrative leave. let's go to the video.
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i want to go to the moment where the cop pulls out his gun. if you look in the background you see the cop he's struggling with that young girl. the narrative -- was these two guys coming in. right there. you see the one guy get near the cop. he draws the guns because they're coming in behind him. not on the girl as has been reported. in that moment i'm trying to understand why he's suspended considering he had no idea what these people behind him were doing. they were a threat to him. >> you don't know what they said to him. they may have said i'm going to pop a cap. there's got to be an investigation. you got to find what made that reaction. there is another video that i saw prior to this. of the violence of the girls pulling each other's hair punching each other. there was a lot of violence going on. this cop is trying to take charge. why did he pull his gun? let the cop explain. was something said. did he -- what if those kids
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jumped on his back pulled his gun out and shot him h. nobody would care. >> you know my commitment to gun safety because i have shown you some of my guns at times. and if you watch the officer, we go back he pulled it out and kept it right down here by his side in the safest manner that a trained officer would use. correct? he's not pointing it at anybody. he has it -- >> right. >> watch. there are the two guys. making some move threatening him. he pulls it and put it down on his side. look where he holds it. he is holding it down by his side. >> look at the two officers they're saying listen hold on. >> he didn't know who was behind him. did the guy have a shank, knife, gun. >> the guy has shorts on. you pull a gun at him. he could shoot anybody at any time. >> you don't see that was threatening? >> no. there's no threat at all. >> you didn't hear what these
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guys said. we cannot judge this. >> i'm not judging that. i'm saying that was to me he should have never drawn the gun. >> do you think that's a fireable offense? >> not fireable. that's excessive force. >> he didn't hit anybody. >> just by taking the gun out is more -- >> again, right here. watch this guy is mocking the cop. >> look at that. >> wait a minute. >> look at the other cop. >> it is too -- the other cops. he holstered his weapon. >> he was a cop and a detective in the 1970's. when i did a car stop i used to have my gun at my side at all times. when i was in some sort of reaction or action i had it pointing down. you don't know what these kids would have come out. they could have come out with something and popped the cop. you don't know. >> guys thank you. i appreciate you both. we'll have more on both of these stories coming up later tonight. first, coming up. >> conservatives who constantly
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whine that christianity is under attack from liberals have to explain why there are over 300,000 churches in the u.s. but only 400 whole foods. >> bill mo herks, r complains. later tonight. >> i'm white. i'm entitled. there's a black man stealing my show. he's back remember him? the controversial chicago priest father michael flager obama's best friend. he's at it again. he's telling the nra they have the blood of children on their hands. really? we'll going to examine this when we get back. we'll talk about who may have blood on their hands. straight ahead.
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bill maher went on a tirade against those who believe cristens are being persecuted. those who whine that christianity are under attack have to explain why there are 400,000 400,000 clurchs. hannity says the war against religion is alive and well. it's more of the media thing like my friend ariana from huffington post because she's written three books about faith. where is religion belittled in the liberal world? >> joining us with reaction dr. keith ablow as well as pastor fox news contributor doctor robert jeffers. there are a lot ofexamples. it's interesting christians are often attacks. you don't see as much said about other religions.
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>> christians losing their business. a marine being court marshalled because she has a bible verse. it doesn't rise to the level of having your head chopped off by isis in the middle east but it's all the same attitude that allows for those attacks, sean. i want to remind that the nazis weren't able to take the jews to the creamatoriums. the nazis had to change public opinion. they marginalized the jewish people. >> christians are being marginalized the way jews in germany were? >> absolutely. they are being treated as objects of contempt by the media and once that happens, then the taking away of further rights will be very easy. >> you know marco rubio, dr. ablow, did talk about a conflict potentially is coming. those that practice their faith may be finding themselves at
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odds with the law of the land gay marriage being one of those big issues. where do you come down on this? >> i think anybody of faith is under assault in these times. because if you take your truth, your sense of self from real values from jesus or from whatever your faith is you are going to incur the wrath of those who want the state to have all authority. who don't want you to think for yourself. and when we talk about yourself i see that as connected to ultimate truths and to god. >> both of you were on last week talking about megyn kelly's interview with the duggers. let me go back to the portion of the interview with two of the sisters that were victims in this case. >> i was one of the victims so i can speak out and i can say this and set the record straight here. and in josh's case he was a by young boy in puberty.
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and a little too curious about girls and that got him into trouble. he made bad choices. whatever things they might say. legally, we can do this or we can do that. it's like it's obviously, they're not protecting us. i see it as a revictimization. it's a thousand times worse. >> why? >> because this is something that was already dealt with. we've already forgiven josh. >> do you think so many people are commenting on this because they were a christian family? >> sean i believe that's an element of it. piling on of them because of their believes. >> you know the family. >> i know the family. they attend my church. >> have you known about this for a long time. >> no, i learned about it on television like everybody believes of this story. >> but there's a feeling that because they were a religious
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family that is an element in the case. >> it's an element in this case there is a double standard which i know you're talking about tonight looking to the left. look at bernie sanders, he as an adult can write this thing about women fantasizing about gang right and out there talking about women's rights. he should be disqualified. the duggers are they going to be disqualified forever? >> keith recollectwhere do you stand? >> it's always a sign of trouble when one group under assault says they're being treated better than we are for perceived infraction. the duggers may worship in a real church but they subscribe to the church of just being silly folks. because the story they tell is one that's completely incredible of five young women, five girls who are touched under their clothing or over their clothing. they never awaken. they wait 16 months to talk to police about their son who is at that point an adolescent about
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his behavior. why would you go then? who do they go to? they goto a guy that does time. is that a coincidence? >> let me just say, we don't know all the details yet. they are unfolding and they are yet to be revealed. back to the idea of persecuting christians i think it is absolutely imperative that christians get involved in the political process and choose a president who will appoint justices and judges who will support the very -- >> obama has attacked christianity. the guy that can't mention radical islam, remember he said this. >> remember, that during the crusades people committed terrible things in the name of jesus. all too often it was justified in the name of christ. >> wasn't the crusades a response to islamic army aggression of christian sites
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they were trying to recover? >> of course it was. it is true christians have done terrible things throughout history. they've been acting in opposition to their christian faith. there are no new testament verses that say kill unbelievers. when these radical islamists going out killing christians they are doing what muhammad and the quran command them to do. >> the pastor couldn't be more correct. the bottom line is if you take the teachings of jesus whether you consider them -- consider yourself saved or you don't. those teachings are pristine they're wonderful guides for life. there is nothing in there them that says hurt other people. >> after friday i didn't think you would get along. >> we like each other. coming up next tonight on "hannity." >> i'm white, i'm entitled. there's a black man stealing my show. >> all right. remember him? controversial chicago priest, friends of the obamas. he's back. now he's openly attacking the
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nra claiming children's blood is on their hands. we'll debate that next. later, the brazen prison break that reminds us op a hollywood movie. how did they escape with power tools? hur rauld geraldo will weigh in on this video. audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is you imagination. nissan. innovation that excites. you know the importance of heart health. you watch your diet, excercise... and may take an omega-3 supplement, such as fish oil. but when it comes to omega-3s, it's the epa and dha that really matter for heart health.
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experience the audi a4 at your local dealer today. welcome back. father michael flager is back. this time the controversial priest wants you to know that the nra has blood on its hands. watch this. >> i'm just tired, tired of the nra. tired of them prostituting themselves and buying politicians in this country. at the end of the day, you can argue us you can call us names. but you've got to deal with god. and the blood of our children is on your hands. you will pay for the murder of our children.
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>> now we invited father flager on to the program but he declined to come on. joining us is the president of the brady campaign dan gross. how are you? >> good how are you? >> we talk a lot about this subject. you have experienced gun violence in your family which is personal to you with your brother? >> yep. >> i explained to you my position i want anybody who owns a gun to be really safe about about it. people say to me, i know you recommend you have carried a gun. >> where do we disagree? >> it's important to focus on where we agree. there's a lot of overlap on our points of view. i enjoy having those conversations with you. there is common ground. and common ground where we can achieve a calm wantommon goal. i think being trained in
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firearms is important. appreciating the risk to your family. i know you store with your beautiful family your firearms safely. we completely agree on that. i think the other area we agree on is just keeping guns out of dangerous hands. nobody at least involved with my organization wants to take guns away or wants to prevent a law abiding citizen from buying a gun. we just want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, of dangerous people. >> we have those laws, though. >> we don't have them everywhere. you go into a federally licensed firearm dealer you're required to get a brady firearm check. you're not online, and everybody thousands of guns are sold to lord knows who. we want to agree a convicted felon a domestic abuser or rapist shouldn't be able to go to one of those venue and buy a gun. >> everybody knows the name trayvon martin or michael brown. everybody knows the name freddie gray. and i'm not trying to set you up with a question here. i bet you can't name five kids
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who were killed in chicago in the last year. we don't follow these names. we have an epidemic of black on black crime. this is where it becomes political for me. because the president will speak out by cambridge police trayvon martin michael brown, freddie gray but he never talked about chicago. i have some numbers. the percentage of back people killed by other black people. 90.1%. the percentage of white people is 83%. the number of chicago homicide in 2015 161 this year alone. the number of chicago shootings, 820 this year alone. and to me none of those people care about your laws. they're not going to obey your laws. it's the law abiding person i'm worried about that has to deal with that violence. >> see so the part we might disagree there isn't an opportunity to do something about it to keep the guns off the streets that creating the
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violence. i can name a number of those kids i was with a number of the parents this weekend protesting what we call a bad apple gun dealer. 5% of gun dealers in our country are responsible for selling 90% of the crime guns. they know exactly what they're doing. there's one guy in chicago, chuck's gun shop and pistol range, 1,500 -- >> is he obeying the law? >> no. >> i would support you. >> this guy has sold 1,500 guns that has been recovered in crimes. this is about preventing guns from getting into the hands of criminals and getting on to the streets of chicago. >> i never asked you this question do you have a gun? >> i don't. but i fire guns a number of times. i'm trained in good safety. >> i know and love your family. you're good people. what god forbid would you do if somebody breaks into your house? >> what i know is the odds of a gun in my -- >> i'm not talking about odds.
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what would you do if somebody -- >> it's a calculation of the risks. i choose not to have a gun. if i did choose to have a gun -- that's something i would be open to and consider. i know i would keep it locked. i probably wouldn't worry terribly about my family. you know i don't think it's very likely that somebody is going to break into my house. i think it's more more likely -- >> i understand your concern. i have a fingerprint safe. >> i know we talked about it. >> i have gun locks. >> i love it. >> i could take you to my house tell them where you are and you couldn't get them. without some type of bomb you wouldn't be able to blow it open. if somebody does break in you don't have many options. that's why i believe law abiding responsible gun owners i'm worried about their freedoms being chipped away. >> that's not going to happen. all i want to do -- i will commit to you on air. we went to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands.
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convicted felons the ones that aren't supposed to have guns. and make sure everyone chooses to have guns does it safely like you do, mr. hannity. >> it's a refreshing day if you can have a civil conversation. two convicted murderers escape from a maximum security prissen. we'll check in with geraldo rivera. he'll react to this video out of texas. later, the duggar family is being attacked by the media while another celebrity family they're sexual abuse story goes unnoticed. we'll check in with governor sarah palin and talk about the double standard. ♪ calloused fingers from my guitar strings. ♪ ♪ wild like the wind in the tall pine trees. ♪ ♪ i got roots and i got wings. ♪
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tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. insurance coverage has expanded nationally and you may now be covered. contact your health plan for the latest information. live from america's news headquarter i'm kelly right. the very latest on the manhunt for two escapes killers in new york. no sign of david sweat and rich
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matt. the two convicts who have triggered a massive search. the prison is not far from the canadian border. it's possible they've made their way across the border. police say sweat is a local person so the threat level is highest in broom county. >> but everything is on the table at this point. so again, we're working very diligently with our colleagues and partners in the new york state police running down local leads to insure both of these gentlemen return to prison. >> the search for sweat and matt extends to the mexican border. $100,000 reward is being offered for their capture. i'll kelly wright. we return to "hannity" after this break. welcome back to "hannity" it is a scenario you would normally see inside a hollywood blockbuster. two convicted murders use power tools to escape a prison in new york state. here with much more is fox news correspondent geraldo rivera.
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shah shank redemption. the escape from alcatraz. a bold plot. two career criminals. before people begip romanticizing these people and rooting for them to succeed. they are the grossest scum you will ever find. one is a killer of a sheriff's deputy the other man diskilled and dismembered his neighbor. the new york papers are surmising, our colleagues at the "new york post" that richard matt is an exceptionally well-endowed and seduced a female jail employee who we have identified as someone who worked in the tailor shop. in prison generally speaking your life in prison is a
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function of how well you get along with everybody else. so if you are a charmer that everybody likes, even if you've got this trail of dismembered bodies. >> how do you know so much about prison? >> you know -- >> have you ever been in prison? >> i've been arrested but let's not get into that. a long and colorful story dealing with the civil rights. he had access to the tailor shop. we believe it was a female employee not a correctional officer. a female employee in the shop who aided and abetted him. he had help on the outside. that is very clear. you don't get through this elaborate plan and then leave the -- >> how does a prisoner get a power tool? >> the tailor shop we're talking about endowment. maybe he stuck it in his pants. who knows. >> too much information, geraldo. he had a power tool. obviously he had help on both sides of this. in this day and age you don't
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think this can happen. you think this is a movie but it can happen. now you got two murderers on the loose. >> it's not only how did they get the power tools. it's how did they pull off this operation? you've got to go through a steel wall. if you're cutting through it it's not a silent movie. you go through the bricks and the mortar. and then the lock that holds down the man hole cover. it makes noise. there are prison snitches how could this thing happen. >> where were the guards who work at night that should have heard that type of noise thad would be -- when you're engaged in that. let me go back to what we started the program with tonight. we have two incidents involving the police. i think that there is an emboldment out there. people are emboldened. they think they can do anything with police. let's go to the pool party in texas. it gets out of control. police are ordering people to leave. they're not leaving. one cop pulled his gun.
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he's on administrative leave. and i know people are quick to judge. i want to go to one oft eyewitnesses here. he said watching 30 seconds of a clip does not tell the story. i was the one who called the police. i saw the whole thing. he's standing behind the police officer and his actions. notice the police officer even though he had the gun out, he didn't have it pointed at anybody. but he doesn't know what's coming up behind him. >> as we have discussed many times before, sean, everything cops do now is on videotape. everything they do is on those cell phone videos. it is affecting the way police conduct themselves. this guy, obviously, didn't get the memo. when you are deal ing with teenager you don't pull out the piece, not the 9 millimeter. maybe the taser, even if you're not going to use it. the instinct to draw is what has up set people. this wasn't a racial incident. >> it had to do with black and white kids fighting each other.
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in that sense. not in the police response to these particular kids. i don't think that the act of drawing that 9. >> he don't know what is behind him. >> she's got a bikini on. >> i don't think it was about her. it had more to do with what was coming up behind him. >> maybe. he is on leave for a good reason. let's get the tempers calming down. >> you don't want this guy to lose his job. >> i absolutely do not. i want the police chief to send a memo you don't take your piece out. >> let me go to new jersey. you have a place in new jersey or used to. >> i do, i still do. >> nowia you got cops being pelted with bricks and bottles. then the tear gas comes out. all these kids going to concert didn't have tickets. they rush in the door. why do people now feel emboldened that they can throw rocks and bottles at cops. >> when you have chris brown performing at some of these other hip hop rapper types, they
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encourage an attitude of anti-social, even confrontational behavior. i think that it clearly was something, the catalyst to those young people not having tickets. some had tickets. there was frustration. they went to the wall they were definitely the kind of people that the cops would be -- by that i mean rough guys hats you know pants down and all the rest of it. the cops might be more susceptible to jumping into the fray the new jersey state cops. tried their best i think to use reasonable force. you know it's an unfortunate situation. the cops were there, i think, in anticipation of trouble. and indeed trouble followed. >> thanks for your insight. appreciate it. good to see you. coming up the mainstream media has been attacking the duggar family. but they didn't bat an eye at a similar sexual abuse story involving a liberal hollywood celebrity. we'll talk about the glaring double standard coming up next. you know, in any job any profession image matters. i want some gray...but not too much.
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he went in and said he had done this. and so we first off, of course really talked to him. and then we went and talked to all the girls. >> there was so much grief in our hearts. as parents we felt we're failures. you know here we tried to raise our kids to do what's right. to know what right. and yet, one of our children
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made some really bad choices. and i think as a parent we were just devastated. we put faith cards in our home. >> we talked to our daughters. and reminded them about wrong and right touch. and about if anybody ever touched you in a wrong way, for you to come and tell your mom. >> immediately. >> that was a clip from megyn kelly's exclusive interview with the duggar family. my next guest is taking the mainstream media to task. former governor sarah palin. there is a double standard. why don't you explain your point. i know a lot of people have commented on it. >> yeah, i wrote a post after bristol had pointed out that issues like say, that liberal actress leana dunham have been rewarded with fame and fortune
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for admitting to his sexual preditation with her own little sister that she used her sister for sexual experiments for for her sexual outlet. and leana predator predator, and she has been praised and rewarded and the media has a yawn when it comes to covering she, or others we have heard about on the liberal side yet try to crucify a family for a 14-year-old boy's issue that he had which is a bad, bad, issue 12 years ago. and he was an example i used with this double standard. and that hypocrisy. it's blatant in this case. >> let me go to two of the sisters. and their very emotional reaction on the fact they found out, the police report had been released, which was not supposed to happen.
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they said they felt revictimized >> they told us our parents told us to be open and honest. we're here to help you. >> we were serious. >> we were in tears i couldn't believe what was going on. whenever i heard the police report had been released when i said -- what? they can't do this to us. >> that to me is do you know what? people do have a right to privacy. that hurt a lot, that family. i wanted to get your reaction to
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this. >> they do have a right to privacy. >> well yes. the difference with our family like the duggars is that people make their living by digging and prodding and trying to find something on conservative families and trying to destroy them and their reputations these girls are being revictimized under the guise of let them explain. they're innocent. these girls, yes. and this release is tragic and why is there no dialogue to let's get that law enforcement official who released this file? who would who would wants to speak out and
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trust law enforcement what they're being told was counsellors? and they're then exploited. why isn't the press going after the police chief who released it know is for political reasons sean. >> one political question. you see the unfolding, what are your thoughts? >> i'm the g.o.p. has a deep bench because competition is good. competition produces better. work harder produce more. this is i think going to be hillary as their nominee given other guys a shot. you know? the old college try. let them be seen as being covered fairly so when it time
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comes for hillary clinton to be knighted they'll be able to say hey, we covered everybody. but no. they want to follow a leader. in this case, it will be hillary. look at what is going on with bernie sanders right now. people are saying this is a shake up hillary should be scared. no. his approach is right. he's taking his message to the people. >> thank you, governor. coming up next we need your help question of the day, straight ahead.
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the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> when a finalized plan is presented to me by the pentagon then i will share it with the american people. the details of that are not worked out. >> details not yet worked out? are you kidding? it's been two years. last august, president obama said this: >> we don't have a strategy yet. >> what the deuce is going on? charles krauthammer has some thoughts. >> if you were president would you return the federal prosecutions in the states like colorado, washington state? >> yes. >> governor chris christie saying he would stop the legalizing of pot in states like colorado. but why? we'll present the facts. >> bruce born with male
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