tv Americas Newsroom FOX News June 10, 2015 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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here's food news. rumor r has it pizza hut is about to add a hot dog stuffed crust. the option of a mustard drizzle on top. >> order us three. >> by the way, doctors say this is good for you. bill: good morning. we have breaking news on a fox news alert. the manhunt continues at this hour. two convicted murderers who escaped from a maximum security prison are still on the run. new details on the woman who was supposed to be their getaway driver. i'm bill hemmer. martha: the detectives are saying richard matt and david sweat were spotted walk a few miles away from the prison. these two convicts are clearly a
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danger. bill: police believe prison employee joyce mitchell was supposed to help the criminals but changed her mind at the last second. what is the latest this morning on that manhunt? >> reporter: sources close to the investigation tell fox news that willsboro will still have a peacive manhunt today. the forest rangers make their way down this road. we have seen a number of forest rangers and deputy sheriffs traveling down this road presumably to continue their search. let me give you a sense of the topography. you can see as the police cars and vehicles pass us, off in the
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distance is mill road. this is the road where it's believed early tuesday morning the two suspects were seen walking in a driving rainstorm. the men ran into the road when a vehicle approached. it's 40 miles south of the prison. we are told buy sources close to the investigation that there will be a police presence here. the manhunt continues not just here but outside the prison walls just feet literally from where the manhole is located where these two guys emerged. bill: anyone charged with being an accomplice? >> reporter: so far no.
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but out reporter said joyce mitchell who worked in the tailor shop in the prison as a supervisor had plans to provide a getaway car and provided the tools used during the escape. the manhunt continues. so far no arrests no fugitives. martha: the police at the center of this controversial video stepping down. officer eric casebolt who is the man you saw pushing that girl to the ground, putting his knee to her back. he drew his gun on the young people. this came out of a pool party disturbance. the police chief announced the officer's resignation calling this officer's actions out of control. >> the actions of casebolt as
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seen on the video of the disturbance at the community pool are indefensible. martha: we expect to hear from casebolt's attorney sometime today, right? >> reporter: that's right. a press conference is scheduled for later today. boy, did this officer set off a firestorm when the video went viral. corporal eric casebolt seen sheer outside a pool party in mckinney texas last weekend. the chief says he showed up to the call out of control. out of the 12 sisters who respond, the other 11 performed according to the way they were trained. casebolt is a 10-year veteran of the department. no rookie. he had been placed on administrative leave while an investigation played out.
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his behavior sparked -- sparked demonstrations. we are told the investigation is ongoing and it's possible there could be criminal charges filed. martha: now that he resigned, what's the reaction from the community? >> reporter: for the most part people are happy though some residents supported the department say can the police did what they had to do because the party was out of control and there was fighting underway. the city's mayor is saying this is not indicative of mckinney as a whole. >> we'll take this as a victory. we feel safer already. but we still want charged filed. >> reporter: charges would come from the district
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attorney's office. they are currently waiting on the results of the police department investigation. bill: more breaking news out of iraq. a series of early-morning attacks killing 140 people today. the biggest attack hit the capital city. 10 dead, two dozen injured. this is the pentagon recommends sending 400 more troops in the fight against isis. byron york, chief correspondent byron, good morning to you. for context on the story it was yesterday when the president said we don't have a strategy, similar to what he said 10 months ago. >> the president has take and lot of heat for this and it's going to take more.
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more. in the context of the statement we don't have a complete strategy for iraq, we have 3,000 americans in iraq training iraqi soldiers. we had reports they are training 2,598 iraqi soldiers. that's a better than one to one final word for our viewers student to teacher ratio and yet we have seen the fall of ramadi which is a huge embarrassment for iraqi forces. and we saw ash carter say ramadi fell because the iraqi forces didn't have the will to fight. critics want to see a greater u.s. involvement and critic who don't want more involvement will say how in the world is the addition of 400 more forces to this going to change the threat of isis in iraq. >> he admitted the obvious there has been no plan to deal
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with isil of any significance since he called them a jv team in early 2014. it's a great failing of the administration at least so far. bill: can it turn around? there are zero sunnis trained as of today. >> that's disturbing news that the american forces are trained which put us in a place where we are taking side in the sectarian conflict in iraq rather than training an inclusive force of sunni, shiia and kurds. tom cotton and others have said we are not allowing u.s. forces to be spotters on the munitions
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being dropped. they don't work that well unless you have somebody on the ground pointing out where the drops are. bill: the white house will argue the iraqis have to defend their own country we can't do it for them. thank you byron. martha: washington officials investigating a pair of bomb threats which forced the evacuation of senate building rooms and the senate briefing room. >> these threats are real and require the attention of senior-level officials at each of these agencies. martha: unnerving. secret officials say someone called a threat in warning about
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a bomb in the briefing room. earlier in the day there was a call about a suspicious package in the dirksen senate building that called a hearing off. >> we'll stand in recess for this committee hearing. the capital police is clearing this. martha: both of those venues thanked to be cleared. bill: senator ron johnson was chairing a hearing on the tsa before the building was evacuated. more on these report on the tsa security lapses. bill: as we wait for a supreme court decision on obamacare republicans are hammering the president for calling his signature law a success. bill: the deadly amtrak derailment report is due out today including new information
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about what the train's engineer was or was not doing at the time of the crash. we'll bring that to you when it breaks. martha: former florida governor jeb bush takes the phone stage with a visit to germany as he weighs whether he will run for the presidency. >> if events can be turned in the direction of peace then who else but us, the great democracies of the west will do the turning. ♪ those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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martha: breaking news from the ntsb. it appears the amtrak engineer who was in charge of that train in that awful crash in philadelphia he was not on his cell phone an does not appear to have accessed the wifi on the train either. bill: the tsa had an embarrassing two weeks. two reports of agents slipping weapons through the screening. senator ron johnson thanks for coming back to "america's newsroom." this seems to be a battle between security and efficiency. something has got to give. what did you learn in that hearing? >> the tsa has the dual goals of
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being efficient so nobody misses their flight and also being 100% security. it's not working. we need a top to bottom look at how the program is working or not working. bill: i want to take you back to yesterday's hearing. there is a couple very relevant points. this is john roth with homeland security talking about red teams. >> the red teams are not yours and the leaked report is yours. >> i can't confirm or deny the specific results or the methodology by which we did our testing. we don't identify ourselves as red team, these are auditors we use who are members of the inspector general's office. bill: the auditors are
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accountants that work for the government? >> when i met with inspector general roth in my office before the hearing he said they are ectdants. -- they are accountants. so that's why this is so obvious what we are doing is not working. somebody else is calling it the security theater. it does deter some bad actors but it doesn't keep us 100% safe. bill: back inside the hearing senator claire mccaskill with this conversation with rebecca warring. listen to this exchange. >> i know this is the whole thing of time versus safety. and how quickly can we move people through right? >> that's the essence of the
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problem. bill: the essence of the problem is something called tsa precheck. i signed up years ago when it was first offered. but what's happening now is everybody is being flushed over to the precheck line and that's where things get through and people get through. do i have that right? >> the concept of tsa precheck is a good one. known passengers fully vetted who can have a security check. but we are hand out that security precheck like halloween candy and it defeats the purpose of the program. and we have to do a layered approach. the a.i.t. machines that are supposed to be scanning for bombs are not working the way they should. they don't do a good job of detecting metal weapons. put a metal detector on the
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other side. how about bomb-sniffing dogs that are incredibly effective. that would be layered security. the air marshall said we need to repurpose air marshalls to have a police and investigative function. we'll be holding a hearing on the tsa administrator. we want to get him confirmed as quickly as possible. my charge to the department of homeland security jeh johnson is we have to start thinking outside the box. we have to prioritize what we can do to provide the best security. bill: you think with dogs and additional security and going up and down the line making sure everything is taken care of you can maintain efficiency and still keep things safe and not have embarrassing incidents we have been reporting for two weeks. >> when we are patting down
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83-year-old grandmas in wheelchairs, that's security theater. it makes no sense whatsoever. bill: back to rebecca warring. this on the fear and distrust. >> the culture that exists at tsa is one of fear and distrust. while tsa cannot control all the risks associated with aviation security. better training and management of the workforce will result in improvement to morale. bill: we found that the tsa is treating this as a p.r. crisis as opposed to a national security threat. >> the department of homeland security is one of the lowest morale departments in the federal government. this is a department plagued with low employee morale.
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particularly the tsa. people are people. it's a tedious job and it's easy to become complacent. you need to rotate staff provide incentives to keep people completely alert to keep this nation safe. i give secretary johnson credit for acting swiftly. we'll work with him and the tsa administrator and get them to think outside the box and start pry oathizing. bill: thank you somewhere, ron johnson, and republican from wisconsin. martha: an update on the amtrak crash in philadelphia that took the lives of 8 people and injured 200 people. the evidence that has just been revealed. bill: a witness says it's the loudest thing he ever heard. the explosion that rocked an
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entire block. >> i thought a bomb went off. i was lying down on the couch and all of a sudden boom! then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. i like my seafood like i like my vacations: tropical. and during red lobster's island escape, three new tropical dishes take me straight to the islands. so i'm diving fork-first into the lobster and shrimp in paradise, with panko-crusted lobster tail and jumbo shrimp in captain morgan barbecue glaze. or the ultimate island seafood feast, with tender crab wood-grilled lobster and two island-inspired flavors of jumbo shrimp. because a summer without tropical flavors might as well be winter.
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bill: three people injured two critically after a jet ski explode. >> it was the loudest thing i ever heard. i looked you have and the jet ski is in a million pieces and two people are laying on the ground. the jet ski was on fire, the truck was on fire. one of the gentlemen was just laying there unconscious. i told him to stay still. bill: the victims are being treated for cuts and burns.
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martha: the ntsb released its findings on the deadly amtrak crash in philadelphia. an analysis of the engineer's phone records indicate he was not using his cell phone at the time of that derailment at the time of the crash. good morning james. >> reporter: the critical issue investigators have been examining is why amtrak train 188 was hurtling towards a 50-mile-an-hour curve at 106 miles per hour. the 32-year-old engineer told the national transportation safety board said he has no memory of the derailment. the investigation was aimed at determining whether he was using his phone at the time of the derailment. he voluntarily provided his
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password to the foreign. analysis of the phone records indicate the engineer did not access the train's wifi system while he was operating the locomotive. his lawyer said the day after the accident his client only used his cell phone when he came to from the crash to call for help. they were on the way from philadelphia to new york city. the ntsb laboratory is requiring a phone identical to the engineers as a quote-unquote exemplar model to run further tests to validate their data thus far. bill: one lawmaker saying they
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attack took just steps away from the ancient temple visited by millions of tourists. very important to the egyptian economy every year. >> despite the constant doom and gloom prove discs and unending chicken little warnings that somehow making healthcare easier to buy would end -- would lead to the end of life. none of that seemed to happen. in a lot of ways the affordable care act worked out better than some of us anticipated. martha: has it worked out better than you anticipated? president obama says challenges to obamacare are just fiction. the head of the department of
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health and services is about to go before a house committee. so everything is a lot better and folks were just sort of chicken littling that the sky is falling. i'm sure you agree. >> yes. 16.4 million more people have health insurance. people in their 20s stay on their plans and no preexisting conditions. when they talk about places where it's going up by 10% or more but they don't talk about where it's going down. even without the affordable care act insurance companies would be raising prices. it's working in many, many ways. of course the right wing will be very upset if they overturn the subsidies because they have
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no alternative plan. martha: many people don't have the doctors they were promised that the president said they could keep. the kaiser family foundation says costs have gone up 22.2% and people's premiums have jumped over $3,000. the president told people during the campaign and after that most families would save $2,500. while more people are covered the underpinning injustice is everybody is paying for it across the board. everybody else is paying for it. >> we would be paying more without the affordable care act. >> that's preposterous. the interesting thing about that clip the president sticking his chest out. notice he didn't say it's more affordable. notice he didn't say costs are going down because what you said and what the kaiser foundation
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said is absolutely right. right now we have millions of families that were promised cheaper healthcare. they are looking at double digit premium increases right now. we have had exchanges across the country imploding left and right. this has not worked. from the moment it went through congress. and president obama not on as a former constitutional lawyer had the law wrong that's what the issue is with the supreme court. it was written poorly and ramrodded through in a wildly partisan way probably the most partisan law ever passed in the country. >> the states participating like kentucky are doing very well. >> what happened in vermont? >> martha: there are other effects of all this. a lot of companies don't want to hire people because their costs
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have gone up across the board. for the company the premiums are skyrocketing. they are looking at this saying how can we cut costs? don't be able to hire anybody this year. >> i would like to know what the republican plan is to lower costs. martha: you can say more people are covered and that's nice for those people. but everyone else -- the president told people that wasn't what was going to happen. he said he would cut billions from medicare. have we heard more about that? >> the first thing we need to do is get rid of this abomination of the laugh and replace it with what? >> it looks like it's unconstitutional and replace it with free market principles and keeping your word, allen.
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in fact -- >> it's been a disaster for america. >> you replace the millions of dollars coming out of the pockets of americans. the billions of dollars this thing costs. martha: not to mention the fact people don't want to be doctors anymore. doctors are retiring and folding their practices left and right. do you disagree with that? >> i don't know anybody like that. if i can actually ask a question here. so you have got a bunch of republican senators, about 31 who signed on to extending the subsidies they are against they are so worried the supreme court may rule against the subsidies. explain that to me. >> i think we have a former constitutional professor in office who ramrodded this law through. it was poorly written. they changed the rules of the
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senate to try to get this thing through. it was the most partisan sweeping law and it was a mess from the beginning. the first step is to be getting rid of it. to find solutions to fixed the problem. billions of dollars we could have applied to our economy to get it moving faster, getting people employed in jobs, than to be rolling back the workweek to 30 hours a week. >> if the supreme court rolls it back it will hurt their constituencies and and elect democrats. martha: hopefully they will elect somebody who will be able to change the system. >> i would like to know what the new plan is. martha: that's a good plan,
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alan. good to see you both. bill: game three of the nba finals. cleveland, ohio is woking. le bron james has been red hot scoring 40 points. leading in the the cavalier. it was not however enough. cavaliers win by 5 96-91 the final. these games start too late, alan i can't watch them. it's like midnight. they are in cleveland for game four thursday night then back to golden state regardless. it could very well. cleveland -- they were hot on fire. they won a championship in that city.
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martha: they are forgiving le bron for leaving. jeb bush taking a veiled jab at the president during a speech in germany. >> everything we do ought to be to isolate its corrupt leadership from its people for starters. giving the sense that we are reacting in a tepid fashion only enables the bad behavior of putin. i think there is lots to do. martha: he's trying to stand out from all the other republican candidates. bill: this service dog is being called a hero. this quick actions saved his blind owner's life. we'll tell you how.
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jeb bush is saying the united states is a country that's pulled away from its global responsibilities. >> who sells but us, the great democracies of the west will do the turning. bill: former mayor of new york city giuliani. what did you think of the speech? >> the united states has to once again resume its position as leader. if the united states doesn't somebody else will. the fallacy in this leading from behind that president obama followed and the reset of the relationship with russia,ed the president has created vacuums power vacuums. tour abhors a vacuum. it's not a cliche' it's a reality. so he creates a extra dmiewment
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south china sea. by reducing our navy. every creates a vacuum the middle east by not supporting the original syrian rebels. creates a vacuum in iraq by pulling our troops out leaving no one behind. probably the decision so far of the 21st century. isis is a complete product of his taking our troops out of there. i was opposed if i was running for president of the united states the idea of a timetable came up. i said it's the stupidest thing i ever heard. suppose we set a timetable for the civil war and we said 1863. bill: what the president would argue is america can be everywhere for everyone, and he would argue we can't do a job for the iraqis they aren't
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willing to do for themselves. somewhat he thufd be arguing is allow can this to festerrist many putting the u.s. in danger. when the cole got hit we didn't respond. we said to bin laden hit us again, we didn't do anything. when bush went on offense and hit them hard we didn't have attacks. once again we are starting to see islamic fundamentalists spread throughout the world. experts can argue whether it's more dangerous than 9/11. this has happened because the president has left vacuums. bill: this is what the president said this week about not having a finalized strategy in iraq. >> when a finalized plan is presented to me by the pentagon, then i will share it with the american people. we don't yet have a complete
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strategy because it requires commitments on the part of the iraqis as well. bill: but now we have this headline 400 more advisors are going into iraq to train in the hotbed of a live gentleman and ramadi. >> the u.s. -- should be embarrassed coming out to save he didn't have a strategy in iraq. what's he doing? iraq has been an issue for his entire presidency. every doesn't have a strategy for iraq? he's going to get one handed to him today? you want to know why isis and isil exists? he just told you why. the strategy should have been to leave behind a substantial number of american soldiers who would have picked up isis, isil at an early stage and we would have been able to wipe him out at an early stage instead of letting the monster grow its
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head. this president didn't have a policy for iraq. this would be like a president during a cold war saying i didn't have a policy. it would be john kennedy saying i don't have a policy for the soviet union give me three years. bill: this is a stormy that will come out from the white house we believe today. let me get back to jeb bush. he received this in germany. reacting in a tepid fashion only enables the bad behavior from people like vladimir putin who are going to real aisles the reset button did not turn out so hot. he did not say hillary clinton by name or barack obama by name. but this is something that will come up. >> i'm sitting in the united states so i have no problem with hitting it hard. the reset of the relationship with the soient union was one of the other worst decisions in the
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ther part of this century. resetting the relationship with russia without getting anything for it. we took away the nuclear defense of poland and the czech rough. this is a total lack of knowledge by the president and hillary clinton. the thing that turned the soviet union was so-called star wars. the idea we could have a nuclear defense. gorbachev has written about it. if you don't look at the iron dome as i have in february -- i had the honor of being there several times at the prime minister's request. look at the iron dome, i have taken a picture of it to bring back to plls reagan to show her that it works. if you can shoot down a plane with a missile, you can shoot down a missile with a missile. so taking away the defense of the czech republic and poland.
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i wouldn't have given it away for anything. but he got nothing for it. just like he's getting nothing for the agreement with iran where we'll allow a homicidal maniac to have his hands on nuclear material. that's an absurd decision. i'm going to paris this weekend to fight it with a bipartisan group including two former heads of the democrat is national committee. bill: rudy giuliani here in the studio. martha: the pope and putin will sit down for a chat today. his forric moment. what they will discuss. bill: road rage turning red hot. wait until you see what happens when the guy gets out of his car.
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bill: a service dog going beyond caught of duty, throwing himself in front of a bus to protect his owner. he stayed by his owner's side while the emergency workers respond. he's amazing and i'm not surprised. that's the way he is. they say the love an animal and their partner and he proved it. bill: she suffered several broken bones and a head wound but is expected to be okay. figo sustained a leg injury and will stay at the vet until his owner can take him. martha: putin is going to sit down with the pope in italy.
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this after the threat of more sanctions against russia. putin meeting with the italian prime minister first. >> reporter: it's rare to see putin on a public visit to europe given the current public climate. italy which has substantial trade relations with russia has been playing it carefully not publicly criticizing putin over actions with ukraine. but not breaking ties with the g7. the message from italy is if the accord on ukraine are upheld better trade relations will follow. but the tension over ukraine
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should not behinder other forms of collaboration. the g8 met earlier this week and threatened to extend sanctions on russia. putin continues to deny that he is sending russian soldiers into ukraine. his line is they don't follow orders, they are following their heart to defend those separatists. bill: the former head of military intelligence with a warning about the threat of a nuclear iran. he's about to speak on capitol hill. martha: the "new york times" claims marco rubio has debt and he bought a fishing boat. ergy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one
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>> the white house is coming to the hill to vote on a plan that could sink the health care law. insurance companies are planning huge rate increases on americans and businesses across the country and republicans are likely to question the secretary on the rising cost for family and businesses. we are watching that on the left honed side of the screen and will bring it to you. and iran's nuclear ambitions taking center strange, the former head of intelligence blasting the president's effort to hammer out a deal with the country of iran when it comes to nuclear weapons and potential nuclear power. i am martha maccallum. >> and i am bill hemmer. michael flynn delivered a pointed apackttack on the iran deal
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calling it nothing more than a place holder based on wish full thinking. >> we are obtained an advance draft of the opening remarks. christen fisher is live. what should we expect to hear? >> he said obama's attempt at a nuclear deal is facing in insufficiency. he will say the timeline only makes sense if a wider reconcile is made with iran. critics are highly unsure if iran will agree much less comply with a deal and a self
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imposed deadline is three weeks ago. >> what about the big picture in terms of the white house strategy and the reason that is under fire? >> according to the written testimony he will blast the united states on having no policy with conflict that has no end in sight. this comes as the pentagon is putting forth a new plan in iraq calling for sending 400 troops military advisors to a new base in anbar province with the goal to train more sunni's in the fight against isis. this is only a recommendation from the pentagon. we are waiting for the final decision from the white house. back to the manhunt for the two wanted killers.
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david sweat richard matt, escaped from a prison in upstate new york. the focus is a town 40 miles from the prison after a possible sighting that put residents on edge. >> river on one side swamp railroad on the other way. and they could lay up for a while. i think they should get the national guard. >> steve rogers, retired lieutenant and detective. you have seen this story and have been following it. what is your best guest where they are? >> well planned well executed, people on the inside and outside were involved. my guess is getting out of country either get to canada or mexico. question is where do they go from there. it is a difficult operation. >> a lot of people say you have
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a plan to get out but not a plan once you are out. >> i think they have plan. look how well planned and executed this was. no body heard any noise in the prison? and there is speculation they only dug half way and maybe someone on the outside dug the rest of the way in and they met. i think they are well financed. where will they get the money and transportation where they want to go? i don't believe they are in that area. >> what about the idea of going door to door and checking homes? >> it is a good idea. but who says come in tay are in my living room. i believe if they get caught, i don't think they will be taken alive. they have absolutely nothing to lose >> it is all or nothing. >> live or die. >> have you dealt with escapees?
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>> only a couple. we had a fellow in a small cell and he managed to go through a ceiling light and escaped. we caught him a day or so later. this is an interesting case because you needed tools hammers, saws, somebody on the inside is responsible for the escape of these individuals. >> you believe that? >> absolutely. no doubt. >> you are five days down the road. it doesn't appear they have made a mistake. >> that is why i say they could have been planning this for a while. they have to have money and a way to get out. somebody else is involved that wants them out. >> border patrol state police, fbi, u.s. marshal do you see the jobs law enforcement doing is
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how it should be done? >> yes, they are doing a great job. it is going to be manpower intensive to catch this. and i am sure there is more going on. the border between canada and the united states and mexico and the united states are doing the best they can. >> steve rogers, a lot of anxiety in upstate new york. >> should be anxiety around the country. growing security on how safe we are after the tsa agents failed to detect fake bombs 67-70 times. now the inspector general is disputing claims the agency stuck them through and were on the specialized elite red teams that were supposed to be better that checking. he said they were the auditors and accountants. >> do you have a red team that
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reports to you? >> we don't identify ourselves as red team the red teams are not yours and this leaked report is yours? >> we don't identify as red teams. these are auditors we use that are members of the inspect patience patience -- inspector general's office. >> the president of anderson university is here to talk to us. good to have you on the program. >> thank you. >> these were thought elite teams supposed to understand how to get stuff through. they were accountants and auditors for the ig. >> clearly the results are unacceptable that that many people would be able to get through. the concern is why the tsa officers or the technology that is in place did not detect those devices.
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the point about the ig's is they have access to what we call the owners guide of the technology of the standard operating procedures and what the security officers should or should not be to in terms of resolving those alarms. whether they used them as the inspector general noted, he said they didn't. he said they had access to others who could have used that and have in the past. but the bottom line is they need to do a better job. >> sir i am sorry to jump in we have a litany of problems here in the agency that you ran. we have people sneaking through fake bombs, patches with tsa on the sleeves disappearing, 73 people working at our airports who are on terror watch list. this agency is a mess. do you agree with me on that now you are not there anymore?
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>> yeah, so i think watt all of these incidents show is the complexity of what tsa is all about and watt their challenge is in terms of making sure terrorist don't get on the planes but do it in a way that balances privacy, civil liberties and the experience of moving through long keys that could be terrorist targets as well. >> what should be done? one thing i know you were proud of when we spoke in the past was the tsa program. and now the senators are questions the tsa folks on capital hill, or the administrators and saying you are giving away pre-checks like halloween candy. >> i disagree with that assessment. there is vetting done for everybody going through pre-check. either the million signed up or
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a real-time threat assessment is done. the owners manual behind that is not published because the government doesn't want to provide a road map to terrorist. so some people talking about these things don't have all of the insights as to what was done. >> i am sure that is true. but on all three markers, disappearing badges fake bombs getting through, the could be terrorist working in the nation's airport, michael mccaul was here saying we need to privatize the program. we need get rid of the tsa. it is not working. it is a waste of time and money. what do you say to that? >> prior to 9/11 it was privatized and that didn't work. there has been no attacks since
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9/11. people are trying to smuggle underwear bombs and shoe bombs from overseas locations. the concern is if someone in the united states is radicalized a homegrown extremist who acquires the material and the ability to do those things, then the tsa and the other agencies of security up to the task of deterring them. >> doesn't look like they are, sir. thank you for your time. we appreciate it. it is good to have you. >> thank you. we need a solution to that. is marco rubio benefiting from the articles about his personal life? our panel reacts to weigh in. and the trial of an undercover nypd detective beat down of a driver. and then there is this:
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the officer in that video is out of job after wrestling a teenager to the ground. is the youth of america not responding to authority? our panel will debate that next. >> the actions of casebolt as seen on the video are indefensible. our policy training and practice do not support his actions. nt? yes...i can put you right through. sales department-this is nate. human resources. technical support. hold please. [announcer]you work hard to grow your business. [man] yes!i can totally do that for you. [announcer]our new online business planning tools will help your business thrive. wells fargo.together we'll go far. hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people? ♪ well this summer, stay with choice hotels twice
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>> florida senator marco rubio is firing back at the new york times after two front page stories say he was burdened by student loans he purchased a fishing boat for $80,000 after getting his first big check for $800,000 to write a book and he had several traffic violations and sold a home that he purchased with a friend for $18,000 less than what we paid for it. the rubio campaign saying quote "the new york times" attacked marco rubio because he could not afford to pay for college describing his student loan debt as a hole in his making. the attacks in the times are the latest against marco and his family. let's bring in the experts. ed rollins joe trippi both
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campaign managers and fox news contributor contributor. ed people are saying there is other stuff marco rubio has to worry about. is there? >> he is a poor boy who did well i can tell you that. a lot of people have student loans and put themselves through college. his father was a bartender his mother a nurse aid he got elected to the legislature which made no money, and unlike the majority speaker in new york which took forever to investigate, he never took bribes. a lot of people have trouble with finances when they don't have enough money and that is the case. is that enough to disqualify you from being president? i say absurd. i think it will him with a lot of people who can relate to what he is going to.
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>> the fundraising has increased since the stories came out. one thing in the other story the times printed the other day was this was a concern to the romney campaign. they were worried about his financial situation and that is one thing that kept them from picking him. mitt romney is denying that today. he said i asked the vetting team if anything in his past disqualified him as vice president including his finances, and they said there is not. joe, what do you think of this? >> that could be true, but first of all, welcome marco rubio to the leader board. this is what happens when you emerge as one of the frontrunners. it is going to happen to anybody that gets into the higher bar and up into the first tier. they are going to get these
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stories. that is what this is about. but look it is a lot easier to run for president than it is to run for vice president. vice president you get vetted and the vetting team can decide there is nothing there. where the public if they saw the same facts may have a different reaction. this is fair game. he has turned into a money raiser which you cannot discount in the republican primary attacking new york times for attacking you. that always works. he is raising money doing that. >> i said on the show last year or two years ago if romney would have picked rubio he probably would have won florida. rubio is a young, exciting candidate and the times doing this is showing that. >> where do you think this is
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coming from? >> there are 16-17 candidates who can do everything they can to trash the frontrunner. i think it came from clinton came campaign. everybody does opposition research. do they deserve to be two front page stories? absolutely not. >> i want everyone telling me about their traffic tickets when we meet next time. >> i had one saturday. >> i am not talking about my tickets. >> i plead guilty. >> $55. i will send it to you. she has been a shadow for hillary clinton so how is the strategy working out? carly fiorina returns to new hampshire and we will talk to her live about all that and more.
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case during the testimony. i didn't read the tweet or know what it is about there is no excuse for me not telling you. i didn't expect anything out of it. so it was just kind of pushed under the rug and forgot about it. >> total of 21 jurors and alternates remain that case. a new recommendation from the pentagon wanting to send 400 more u.s. troops to help in the region specifically the anbar province province. my next guest wrote a book called valley of the shadow ralph peters is here. how are you doing? >> i am doing fine >> the president said we are
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waiting on strategy and now according to "the new york times" there is an idea to send 400 more. on the face of it what do you saw about that? >> four fully empowered air controllers could be worth a lot more than 400 trainers. in military affairs you learn early on don't reinforce failure. reinforce success. and our efforts to train the iraqi military our repeated efforts have failed comprehensively and catastrophically. you will hear excuses by the iraqi army fell apart but the bold line is it fell apart. >> this commander is chief is criticized for not doing much in iraq and this is something. >> it is a small sacri show he is doing something. but put it another way.
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we have all heard the cliche clicheof crêpe -- one cliche of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again. what worked for us in iraq? what worked the sunnis pled and the counterinsurgency but what worked was releasing insurgeants at night to kill the bad guys. what matters is our security. we should forget about iranian backed baghdad government and focus on killing isis militants.
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they are not just terrorist. they are militants. >> the president would argue the iraqis have to take care of their own country. john boehner the house speaker weighed in on the idea of 400 more. this is what he said: >> he has no strategy much less overarching strategy to take on isis and the other terrorist threats in the middle east. >> general martin dempsey said this in israel. to be determined with regard to a strategy and that is appropriate because i want to understand we have a concept that could improve iraqi military capability. general, your emphasis is commitment and motivation wins and you find that on behalf of isis. >> the islamic state militants
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are highly motivated. they didn't have u.s. trainers, or our resources, but isis is continually winning even though they are outnumbered. war colleges and command and staff colleges are going to study the brilliant islamic state operation against ramadi. it was daring, it was stunning it was something our military officers who were taught caution above all would not have dreamed of doing. we have to take islamic state seriously. and we don't. the president wants to get off as cheaply as he can. and you cannot get off cheaply in warfare. when you try it is far more expensive in the long run. >> colonel thank you. it was an accidental mishap in space throwing the international space station off
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orbit and raising questions about the future of the russian space program. >> and new developments after this out of control pool party. what the officer is doing today and are kids no longer listening to authority? >> i do not condone the actions of those individuals who violated the rules showed disrespect to the security people on scene and to the officers responding however, we as a department are held to a high standard of action as do our jobs. ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf. great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! the ready for you alert, only at when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts only duracell quantum because it lasts longer in 99% of devices.
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new york city as people try to do that. 42 million vehicles go through the tunnel every year. more on that accident inside the tunnel when we get it. >> it appears like $42 million every day. we are expected to hear from eric casebolt today. he resigned yesterday. today julie is a fox news contributor and kevin is here director of black speer. you do a lot kevin. here is what the police chief said about his own officer. >> he came into the call out of control and as the video shows was out of control during the incident. i had 12 officers on the scene
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and 11 of them performed according to their training. they did an excellent job. >> he said i do not condone, his words, the actions of the individuals who violated the rules of the community. that is all the kids running around tht in the congress. what do you think? >> i think we have a situation where kids can act recklessly. the idea something like this is rising to the level of national attention should show you how things have become in america where we want to put the cops on blast on something like this. michael brown stole cigarettes and got shot and that was national attention.
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when will this stop and not talk about this at this level? >> let me get to that in a moment. julie weigh in. i thought the chief had criticism for everybody. >> from the limited information i have which is the video tape it seems the police chief is on the mark. i thought the cop thoughing -- throwing a girl down like that and pulling a gun was excessive. the kids showed up at the party that was out of control. out of control parties i went to in high school and luckily no one threw me on the ground. i think this has been going on for generations. that is what happens. >> let me ask you this did you believe kids are more defiant of
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authority? or do we just have more cameras in more places to watch this? kevin? >> i would say yes. i think black kids have become even more sow because of the way they are conditioned to believe justice should no longer apply to us. the minute it came out it was about a white cop throwing a black girl on the ground. >> there were black and white kids there. not just all african-americans >> that is my point. he singled out that particular girl. i was asked if that was racial but no that was the personal closest to him. >> my question wasn't about race t. . my question was are youth more defiant, or nothing changed and we are seeing more incidents
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like this because of recorded phones. >> i think there are more. >> i have to say if us in the '80s and '90s have phones we would be living things down even more because it is an existing record that never existed before. i don't think so. i think kids and high school push boundaries. when mom and dad were away he had keg parties for generations. >> we are in the youtube generation. people want to be on tv. people want to act out. there are many instances where if no cameras are around many things like ferguson would never have happened. the first thing people do at parties is pull out cameras and act nutty. get on youtube and make yourself
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$20,000. >> i think it is a matter of kids enjoying themselves. when adults are not around kids for generations in high school enjoyed themselves. this might have happened a hundred times over back in the day. and no body knew about it. >> back when you were toilet papering homes. >> i was hoping i was doing that. >> keep it clean. a lot of kids don't believe anything happens unless there is a picture of it. that is the generation coming up as result of technology. kevin julie thank you both. republican presidential candidate carly fiorina stepping up her campaign effort in a key battleground state. she is in new hampshire and what is the buzz about carly fiorina? she will join us. >> and this road rage beat down caught on camera. inches away from turning deadly. two drivers duke it out on the pave lit
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a road rage incident in california caught on camera. two cars trying to occupy the lane driver trying to merge, one driver hits the other man nearly ran over by the tire of an oncomingtruck. the punch almost landed the other driver under a moving van. police say no one filled charges. that is a case of inches. just inches. >> everybody is contempted. when somebody cuts you off -- tempted -- but you never do it.
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republican presidential candidate carly fiorina, returning to battleground new hampshire this week. she is joining us now. good morning to you. good to have you back. >> good morning, martha thanks for having me. >> i think we have a little delay. i want to let the viewers know. you are back in new hampshire. and let's put up the polls for new hampshire. you have bush walker paul and you are at 4% range. a lot of reports from the field are you are gaining momentum out there. how do you feel? >> i was at 2% and 0% before that. i feel we are gaining momentum. people want to know what i have to say. it is great to be back in new
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hampshire. >> you hear people talking about you not being afraid to go after hillary. why do you think you have set yourself that way and why are others on the same side not doing that? >> well i cannot say for others but i believe we are in a fight for the future of this nation. i think it is a fight. i think it is an important fight. i think hillary clinton will be the nominee of her party. i disagree with her policy. beyond that she is not trustworthy, no track record of leadership and we need a leader in the white house who is prepared to serve the nation and unlock the nation and be trusted and that requires transparency and understand the world and technology and all of the things required in the oval office and someone that understand executive decision making and leadership. i am not afraid to fight because
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k this is a fight. >> i know you want the top job. if you get it big decisions to be made. we are hearing the president not having a strategy in terms of training the iraqi troops and now one is establishing. the biggest news is we will establish a base in the anbar province province and add 400 special forces to train the iraqis to fight. what do you think of that strategy? >> this president, it always seems to me does everything too little too late. so this strikes me as too little too late. but beyond that everything he announced in the fight against isis even when he said arm rebels in syria or armed the
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kurds, it dribbles out slowly and circumstances on the ground are changing. i wish president obama would hold a camp david summit with the allies and ask them what they need. we should provide intelligence to the egyptians and things that are asked for. this strikes me once again as too little too late a vow to pressure as opposed to a strategy that will work. >> you made it clear you would con convene a summit, figure out what they need and give it to them. correct? >> exactly right. >> marco rubio is getting attention for buying a fishing boat after getting a first big
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check in life. $800000 to write a book. they say this is proving he is not fiscally sound or good at managing money. what do you think about that? >> well look i think it is the "the new york times" and they are digging around for everything on every. i wish they would do a story more on what bill and hillary clinton have been doing with their money. honestly the question i think now for the clinton's is what else don't we know. what don't know we know about the donors or the conflicts of interest when ms. clinton is serving as secretary of state. we are finding out so little of the charitable donations go to charitable work. marco rubio bought a fishing boat. i would much rather know about the conflict of interest between
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the swedish government and our former secretary of state. >> carly fiorina, thank you very much. good to talk to you. we hope to see you back on the program soon. >> thank you for having me. >> jon scott is coming up next on "happening now." how are you doing? >> bill good morning. the obama administration is ready to increase wages for millions of americans without congressional approval. sounds good? some say it is a job killer in disguise. and closing in on the prison escapees. a highly charged debate for vaccines coming to a head. one state approving requirements on mandatory vaccines. we will tell you where. >> a man annoyed about a drone in his area.
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that is a $1400 drone and that was his t-shirt. what the drones' owner is threatening now. >> stop the drone violence. we want to educate people. we question people about bought we were flying. the life behind it. ♪ those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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to be drone wars lawsuits, drone shot out of the sky when they fly over your beach party. huntington beach, california, south of los angeles, a guy cross the street believes a drone invaded his privacy and watch him knock it out of the sky with his t-shirt. >> don't push that. what the hell? what the hell? >> completely legal. >> the drone's owners say they are out $1400 but will not press charges with the neighbor pays up. he said they were spying. >> i think he questioned whether we were flying legally or not. and of course we were. >> we are out $1400 and the gentlemen refuses to make good with his liability. >> so the video bill, wracked
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up 250,000 youtube views. the owns got the money back licensing this video to stations. >> what is the law in california? >> there is not one. drones are not regulated by the faa. 17 states restrict their use. who owns the air space? what stops a neighbor from using a drone to look into your yard or window? very little. >> it wasn't a privacy issue. the gentlemen became upset and hit it down to the ground which is an act of vandalism. >> the supreme court says landowners own their air space but the faa says navigable air space is open to the public. it is he said/she said and there is going to be lawsuits and this is just the beginning.
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>> hope he got his t-shirt back. thank you, william. william, there in los angeles. brand new details on the manhunt for two convicted killers and the person who may have helped them breakout from that prison. this is judy. judy is 65 years old. her mortgage payment is $728 a month. that's almost $9,000 a year now judy doesn't think that she'll be able to retire until her mortgage is fully paid off. this is mike. mike is also
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>> your husband and. >> exactly. have a great day, see coming up. have a great day, see you back here tomorrow. >> dramatic developments in the search for tweet to convicted murderers who escaped from a maximum-security prison in upstate new york. i am jenna lee. john: i'm john scott. a prison worker is on as helping with the breakout which she was set to play an even bigger role, julie's mitchell was supposed to provide the getaway car but never showed up and checked into a hospital with a panic attack in said. then police descended on a small town in the foothills of the adirondacks after reports of two men walking during a rainstorm.
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