tv Hannity FOX News June 13, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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hello, america. i'm greg gutfeld, along with kimberly guilfoyle, eric bolling, dana perino and andrea tantaros. while we're obsessing over a texas pool party this story broke. hackers nailed the office of personnel management and stole information from millions of americans. this is bad. because the opm performs federal background checks and dispenses security clearances. these hackers just won the spy lotto, making snow den look like know snow white. they got social security numbers, health records, addresses. if you're an employee with a past you're now at their mercy.
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if a spy wants you to steal files from work all he has to do is dangle that brief affair you had with a llama back in '87. we all have skeletons. some belong to llamas. at some point we're going to have to declare stigma amnesty. if something bad is leaked about you or me let's just ignore it. because it's going to happen. but we punish no one for such bow avenue yors. we publicize sewn you's hacked e-mails. joked about jennifer lawrence's hacked photos and elevated to hero status a wonk who gristed 900,000 documents from the pentagon. we don't follow spying because we're too busy attacking ourselves. christians bakers washington redskins hobby lobby. these are the identity spats that china thanks us for. while petty divisiveness distracts us we lose track of yet another real adversary, race gender class, as we quarterly over identity someone just stole all of ours. but hey, if a cop had done it
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maybe we'd march. >> kate i'm going to go to you first. it's been awhile. how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. >> you look great. >> thanks. >> that's enough. kg this story is an amazing story. >> it is. >> there are no good pictures of computer hacking. so nobody really cares, right? >> it's true. so for television we need things like video and photos. >> we have no pictures. >> here's hacking, guys this is what it looks like. yes, there it is. i'm glad that we're covering it. i guess we'll talk about the details here. it is a serious thing. intelligence officials are saying this is the worst it can get. we're talking about 14 million people. the government of course said it was only 4 million people. we're not just talking about social security numbers. we're talking about information about your family maybe your friends, who you know. so the information that they have now they know who you're associated with. and the other thing, too, is that they were warned about this happening. >> yes. >> the government was warned a year ago.
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hey, you might want to put in some encryption codes to prevent this from happening. they failed to do so which implies to me that as a whole our government has gotten really complacent when it comes to national security. we live in a world now where american government officials and especially the leadership think that the world is a nice place and we don't have to really worry about protecting ourselves against enemy that is do exist. they're just the chinese. we work with them all the time. we don't need to worry about them. essentially while we're worried about the things happening at home we're ignoring the fact we still have very serious enemies around the world. and now they have all this personal information they certainly will use against us. >> to blackmail. >> in a very bad way. yes. eric may 2007 a v.a. employee left his place with a government laptop. bush got blamed for that because it had all these patient records. >> yeah. >> this is amazing. is it because it's president obama that it's not as much press? >> i think it's big. i think there's going to be press. i think once some of the
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information starts to leak out what they have like the sony hack when we started reading the actual e-mails everyone wanted to talk about it. the pictures obviously everyone wanted to see. there's breaking news greg. al sharpton is organizing a march in d.c. hands up dense act. mayor deblasio has decided to talk to his son. he's warning him about offensive or aggressive chinese emogis. chinese are all going to resign because they're worried about al sharpton blowback. here's the thing. defense wins championships. a good offense is beat by a good defense always. we're so busy aggressively going after other people's stuff in some cases americans innocent americans, that we're not fighting the fight defensively. put the walls up. get the better walls. there's no reason the army web site should be hacked. there's no reason 14 million americans have information as katy points out, not just their social security numbers and phone numbers. their personal lives are being
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outed now. everything they do, whether they drink, whether they smoke, which doctors they see. you're right, greg. this is the absolute lotto for spy information. there's going to be massive bribes going on >> yes. because john shindler is a really good writer on daily beast said that this will go out there. one they'll be going after our counter intelligence agents. let's say our spies are doing something. they will have stuff on our spies. because they went through the security checks. so they can't spy anymore because they'll be blackmailed. >> did you ever see "the american"? >> yes. >> it is a good show. in that show they do stuff like this. they get information. it's the basis then for which you turn the spies for the other country. so that's potential here. but to your larger point, i think if we had a movie made about it greg like "the interview" we could get more attention for this story. we just need some stars and racist e-mails like the ones that sony had. >> yeah. >> or if you had, how about credit card numbers? now, here every american would
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start screaming if this was target and the idea was hey, somebody's going to get my credit card number and go shopping for kimberly's white dress. then people would be really like wow, that's a good idea. >> the one i'm wearing? >> yes. >> it's on me now. >> interesting point. target ceo got fired over that. should president obama be impeached? >> yes i think so. >> six minutes into this show. my gosh. thank you for that layup. all right. listen. so here's the big problem. it's the chinese. they're very, very good at this. >> do we know for a fact it's them? >> oh, come on. >> let me tell you something. this is really funny. the administration wouldn't say who did it right? >> yeah. >> so guess who said it? >> who? >> it was harry reid just says oh by the way the chinese did this. susan collins backed him up. if harry reid hadn't like -- >> why won't they point the finger? are they afraid to point the finger at china afraid of
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retaliation? >> yes. because if the united states retaliates china has said any retaliation by the united states will be considered an act of war against china. so they are sort of pinning us back like this. and it's a problem. they do have one of the most effective cyber warfare units in the world. only maybe the russians can beat that. >> no we're good. we spy, too. >> okay. >> you know what's they have? our debt. that's what they have. >> they can't do anything about that. >> they play games with our debt they would screw themselves more than us. >> but here's the question. why are we always worried about other people? okay. so we have a good offense. we have a lot of information probably on the chinese, the russians whoever else is spying on us. why don't we build that defense? why are we so vulnerable to all these -- >> correia, china, who else. any comers can find the way in. >> breaking news chinese hackers are responsible for this. i just was told that. and sensitive information on military personnel.
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>> which is a huge problem. they always target u.s. defense contractors, counter intelligence officers. they'll put this in a compromising position. they steal all our seekcrets. the nuclear submarine information, they stole and copied our technology. it's embarrassing. >> the problem is, you guys, isn't this really caused by global warming? isn't president obama correct that the number one threat is global warming? because global warming heats up china. >> china is building islands, greg. that's a threat, too. they're creating global warming by building fake islands in the ocean, okay? >> i had no idea. here's ian bremer on i guess "fox and friend" right? or "fbn" discussing the threat of china. >> i think that the greatest danger and threat to the united states in the world today is absolutely coming from china. it's not isis. it's not what's happening in iraq. the fact that you have the
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largest hack against the u.s. government in history. and it took us four months to be aware of. is something that should be concerning every single american. what are going try to do, of course is blackmail a whole bunch of people. find out who was most vulnerable to cash. who's most vulnerable to selective information that they can turn against the united states governments. i mean every government tries to do this. the point is that china's going to be so much more effective when they're empowered with the kind of information that the u.s. never dreamed they'd actually have. >> only solution to this vise amnesty. we can all be black mailed right? >> yeah i mean. >> he looks innocent. >> shouldn't we have some kind of vice amnesty? >> i'm onboard. >> b /*. >> bolling is ready to sign up. how do we know for sure it's
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china? >> i'm going to say the problem with eric is that llama. >> yes. >> that you were talking about earlier. >> it wasn't a llama. >> the administration should be watching "the five" when we call them out not pointing the finger at china they better get in front of it. >> the fbi director said oh, gosh there are two kind of american companies. companies that have been hacked and companies that don't know they've been hacked. >> right. >> that tells you everybody's been hacked. it makes me think like when i'm on e-mail and sending a lovely note to you, gregory. i have got to watch myself. >> especially with your little pet phrases for you. >> my emogis. >> what about that point? bolling baby at that time? >> he is babe. >> in terms of what we don't know. if they can hack into a personal database run by the government that has all this information, what happens when they hack into the electrical grid? or when they hack into the transportation system or the system that runs the airplanes? >> terrorists after that. >> you don't think chinese want to do that? >> they want to dangle the
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information and say here we'll trade you. we won't go public with this but you got to tell us what's going on. >> in the long term if it gets ugly they have that card. >> they're after patents, which companies are reporting. what those are the things. i don't think they're looking to blow us up. >> maybe not today but down the road they certainly will. >> the iranians i would say absolutely. if the chinese sell that information to anyone else then we're screwed. >> they're already for sale on the dark net. i'm so sorry to tell you. >> dark net? is that some kind of hair product? >> you people should keep up. catch up. >> for your roots. i know what dark net is. we used to worry about msg. can the government pick your neighbors? ahead we'll discuss a plan that just might do that.
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affordable housing. there are a lot of groups or mayors might say hey, i need the money. i have budget deficit so i have to do it and they do it. doesn't matter what the community wants or where the money comes from. the federal money comes from federal taxpayers. half the people. so the people who are working paying their taxes are put into the system so that affordable housing could be built in neighborhoods that they probably live in that they may not want so they pay a premium so they could live where they want to live. and you end up with just another massive redistribution of wealth. that is what mia love was trying to say to julian castro who apparently wants to move his way up the democrat party was taking the other tack the socialist route, more of the same of obama. >> what do you think, juan? >> i'm just amazed at the response to this. because i think this i good policy and good sense. i just think that what we have is zip codes in this country that determine everything. and in new york city where you guys live i think you have things like group homes. i know i'd have one in my neighborhood in washington, d.c. do i think, you know why i do
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want a group home with ill people in my neighborhood? but you know what? i don't think that's wrong. and i don't think it's wrong to say that schools in this country are again determined by zip codes. i don't think there's any question that if you're talking about getting jobs transportation matters. i know in some neighborhoods in washington, d.c. and in new york city no theaters, no movie theaters no good restaurants, no parks to go play in. so the idea you would encourage this doesn't seem like communism to me. >> everything you just said is correct. but when the government sees a poor area its solution is to move the poor out. no. it doesn't address the problem that is you just mentioned which is lack of an educated labor force. >> right. >> and a local population that has no purchasing power. those are the things that you have to address. the only way you can address is is avoiding the social engineering moving out and trying to create some kind of free market idea to get businesses there. we talked about this awhile ago. >> the island?
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>> no. an amnesty. when immigrants go into the worse neighborhood and they fix it up they should become citizens. i think when you save place. but the problem is then you see immigrants saving cities. in baltimore. and you see 40 korean groceries get burned down. >> right. >> they still go in there. i think the answer is an amnesty act people working to become citizens. go build the city. moving the poor out to places where they may not be able to live there because they can't afford it. >> you're setting them up for failure. that to me is not an economic model. >> wouldn't you rather if it was you and your son you had the opportunity to live in a decent place? and then the schools, the education, the shopping? >> you're absolutely right. >> work hard to make sure thought happens. i don't understand what's wrong with that. >> that's the point here. i mean this policy that they're trying to implement by the way has been in the works for a couple of years now. this is coming to fruition in the next month but they've been working on this for a couple of
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years. this is a cop out for bad liberal progressive policies. what i mean by that is look. this is social engineering just like we've seen over the past 50 years in places like baltimore, st. louis, detroit. we've seen how this works out. and it doesn't work out well. the way that you empower the poor to be able to live in those neighborhoods is not to just move them and give them something, give them the neighborhood. you have policies that allow them to get out of the neighborhood permanently and afford that neighborhood through hard work. the thing about what julian castro has been saying in part of his testimony is well we need kids to be able to have access to good schools. okay. then why are progressives -- you're not, juan but why are the majority of progressives against school choice? we could fix that problem very carefully. the bottom line is that when you are handed something instead of having to work for it you don't respect it as much. that's exactly what we've seen in cities. >> i grew up in section 8 housing in brooklyn. and i've heard lindsey graham
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say the same thing about down in south carolina how he and his family got out of a bad situation when his mom died. >> there is another alternative. if you want to use liberal speak and call the money that's being used you know how liberals turn things around? talk about business incentives to lower income communities. >> yeah. >> the same money -- >> that's good. >> instead of building housing in a wealthy neighborhood. some under the market which will drop the market for everyone's housing. go into the lower income neighborhoods and say here's business incentives so that people can get jobs. >> they had enterprise zones. now obama has got promise zones. they haven't worked that great. but i think it's the way to go. >> that's a good idea. >> and now to this. the government has been trying to change the way we live for years in order to save the planet. the mainstream media has helped push the hype. check out the dire predictions made on abc exactly seven years
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ago today for this year, 2015. >> in 2015 we still fail to address the climate problem. >> how warm is it going to get? how much will sea level rise? we don't really know where the end is. >> temperatures have hit dangerous levels. >> agricultural production is dropping because temperatures are rising. >> it's june 8, 2015. one carton of milk is $12.99. >> gas has reached over $9 a gallon. >> i'm scared [ mute ] right now but i have to get this out. >> okay, greg. >> this reveals the amnesia of the media. i don't think anybody who worked on that segment remembers that piece at all. the media treats fear like a one-night stand. they jump on it and then they gave leave the next day and forget. remember the alar scare? nobody even remembers alar. >> what was that? >> apples. apples. >> oh, apples. >> no one knows. >> we're all going to die. >> that was uplifting. now a message from our positive
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sponsor. whoa betty downer. >> i went to see "mad max" last weekend with brassy. i got to tell you something. the apocalyptic visions, they're everywhere in our fantasies in this country. all over the place. that was a great example of them but it's so ridiculous because that's supposed to be the news media. >> i know. >> by the way. the conservatives the economy is about to fail, the terrorists are attacking. >> we have our own. >> i think so. >> that's actually all happening. okay. ahead on "the five" tomorrow hillary clinton is going to try to make americans trust her again during her first major campaign speech. how does she plan to do that? ed henry knows and he'll join us next. before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet... ...served my country... ...carried the weight of a family... ...and walked a daughter down the aisle. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain.
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her husband bill has faith in her. >> there are poll that is show that fewer and fewer americans think that your wife is honest and trustworthy. that must really bother you. >> i trust her with my life and have on more than one occasion. she was always whenever i had troubles she was the rock in our family. >> jake tapper didn't know -- hillary is going to try to convince the rest of america to trust her at her first campaign major rally in new york tomorrow. is this going to be i don't know, hillary 2016 reboot new one or continuation of the struggle she's had over the last couple of months ed henry? >> eric i think it's hillary 3.0, really. when you talk about a reboot she already tried that last year with the book tour "hard choices" and slipped up a little when she said the clip tons were dead broke chen they left the white house and pricey speeches and book advances that came admittedly years later not when they first left the white house.
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thousand she slipped up in trying to connect to the middle class. then you had 2.0 perhaps in april, the video launch the scooby doo van, chipotle surveillance video. 3.0 first big public rally. you mentioned bill clinton. this is the first time we will see her on the same stage with bill clinton since she announced as a presidential candidate. he's been doing interviews had foundation events. he's been very much in the background of this campaign. this is his sort of coming out. >> ed when is your interview with hillary? >> juan if i told you that -- i think it's going come but it's going to be a long time. a long ways. >> is she talking to anybody? >> she hasn't talked to anyone. i'm hoping to get the first one. i'm working on it. >> i'm saying really seriously, i was joke with you. bill clinton is on cnn this weekend for an hour right? where's the candidate? >> well we've been asking that question for some time. out on the road? we've been pressing her. she's taking some questions. her campaign has tried to say
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look she's taken a whole bunch of questions from real voters not from you guys. okay fine. a lot of the voters have been her supporters at carefully staged events. they haven't exactly been tough questions. yes, you're right, though. bill clinton has faced the music on the foundation. he's at least given his version of it. she's answer add few questions but not a lot. not a lot about the e-mail. and so i think this is again this 3.0 rollout if you will tomorrow she gets to give her economic vision her rationale for running. but again we're not expecting her to answer questions and really face the music. it's going to come down the road but not yet. >> what do you make of the reports that in fact the campaign is concerned about her numbers, about slipping in the polls, and also that she's going to be utilizing her mother's difficult childhood and troubled past to help humanize and make her relatable to the middle class? >> that's smart. her mother was seen and she passed a few years ago as
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somebody that people who knew her well -- i didn't know her well but said that her mother was a rock in the family had a very tough childhood as you said. look we've seen marco rubio talk about his parents whether you're democrat or republican. that's always a way to try and connect. obviously smart politics for hillary clinton. ultimately people aren't going to vote on her mother or on bill clinton. they're going to vote on her. she knows that. i think that's the big reason why she wants this to be a coming out for her tomorrow number one. but number two, the tease video they gave us for tomorrow's speech was all about her being a fighter. what happened today? the president's trade deal went down. hillary clinton didn't fight. she didn't pick a side. she's been waffling on that. so there are a lot of big fights. she hasn't been weighing in on all of them or answering our questions on them. >> ed i have a very serious question. is hillary now launching her third round of campaigns because she has enough money from pant suit t-shirt sales and crocheted pillows to make it happen? >> i think that look she's got that pant suit t-shirt that john
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podesta modelled a few weeks back on the drudge report i think for the entire day. it's probably bringing her some money. rand paul is selling flip-flops. he's trying to sell ray bans he wears and he can't do that because it's theirs. but money is not going to be a problem for hillary clinton. what is going to be a challenge and potentially a problem is actually getting out there and connecting with the middle class, given some of the foundation problems given the fact that the clip tons brought in $25 million last year from speeches and book income. that's not exactly middle class. >> note to all candidates don't sell flip-flops during a campaign. >> or wear a pant suit t shirt. >> is it true ed that bill joined rock stage so he could see all the women in the audience in one shot? >> no it's not true. >> as a follow up this is actually a serious question. you got china attacking us spying on us. you got isis you got russia,
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you got iran. and her priority is diversity. how long is that going to last? she's again stressing something that causes americans to fight amongst themselves rather than facing a common enemy, which is not what this country needs. >> let me answer it this way. a week or so ago i was at the white house and in the briefing asked josh earnest. north korea hacked sony. we had the russians hack the white house to your point. the chinese now allegedly hacking maybe the entire federal government. and why did hillary clinton have a personal server at her house in new york? if the president of the united states and white house staffers are being hacked by foreign governments, why don't we think the secretary of state maybe was hacked as well? and so josh earnest pushed back on that. but that is one of those questions we're going to be pressing her on which is how a secretary of state she thought it was safe and secure to just have her e-mail on a personal server. >> just yell really loud ed from the 20 or 30 feet that you guys are off to the side. they won't let you get close.
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we're going to leave it right there. thank you very much. >> good to see you. coming up the parents of an naacp leader say their daughter has been lying about her race for years. that wild story coming up. caring for someone with alzheimer's means i am a lot of things. i am his sunshine. i am his advocate. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to his current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. vo: namenda xr doesn't change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or who's had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients. before starting treatment, tell their doctor if they have or ever had, a seizure disorder, difficulty passing urine liver, kidney or bladder problems, and about medications they're taking. certain medications, changes in diet, or medical conditions may affect the amount of namenda xr in the body and may increase side effects. the most common side effects are headache, diarrhea
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to get that right. and we take it very seriously. because we love them. and we know you love them too. it's the most bizarre story of the day. by far. this is the president of the spokane washington branch of the naacp. she has identified herself for years as an african-american. but her parents have come forward to reveal her true racial identity. they say this is her as a teen. and she's not black. she's white. like them. so how is she answering questions? >> i think she's told herself as well as she's told others this erroneous identity of hers enough that by now she may believe it more than she believes the truth.
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>> so how is dollezal answering questions about her race? >> your dad really isn't an african-american man. >> that's a very -- i mean i don't know what you're implying. >> are you african-american? >> i don't understand the question. >> well the naacp standing by rachel. what do you say, greg? >> this is pure white privilege deciding at any moment to be black. she lectures on it. she's an expert. is it fraud, a psychological disorder? i think it's actually both. when you're so obsessed with identity politics it's not healthy. because you're constantly worried about how you're perceived as opposed to your achievements. once your identity becomes your achievement, then you run into serious problems. very very deep problems. it's why in a lot of these hoaxes you see where people have hoaxed hate crimes they're always people with psychological
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issues. i think she has a real problem. >> was there ever like bring your parents to work day? i don't understand. so then they turned her in. well you know what i'm saying? >> yeah. >> put up your yearbook photo or whatever. her parents must think there's something seriously wrong with her. why is she trying to pretend she's something she's not? >> well the local government in fact may be suing her. because she said on applications you know where she was going to be like on the police investigations committee and all that complaints commission that she was black. so do you think she's going to end up being sued and lose? >> i mean listen. >> she could just say that's because i'm black. >> she could just say i don't understand the question. and i didn't understand what you're talking about. listen to the interview right now about it. but i don't think that's fair or appropriate. i mean she's perpetuating a fraud on everybody in that organization. i mean that is really --
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>> they're fine with it. >> that she's pretending? >> they're absolutely fine. not only the local chapter where she's an executive there but also the national. they're cool with it. juan second best story of the day. the best story of the day was lebron james last night flashing abc news on national television whatever. wow. unbelievable. they got that one through. >> do you know he drinks apple martinis? >> can you believe a camera right there and he goes like this? whatever. make a long story short. you watch the show a lot? >> what are you doing? >> can i be latino? i love latin culture. >> if you were jeb bush. >> call yourself blanco. >> like elizabeth warren. >> but it's worse. she got a full ride scholarship to howard university in washington, d.c. she has claimed multiple times there have been hate crimes against her >> yes. >> that is something that is very serious because it has to do with accusing other people of
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crimes maybe they did not commit. this is bizarre and shocking right, but christian adams a doj civil rights attorney under the holder justice department said don't be surprised about this. this is a result of a race guilt psychosis. she wrote a piece about it at pj media. he said he once knew a white italian woman who worked at doj who posed as a sioux indian. he said this is actually pretty prevalent. >> was that elizabeth warren? >> no it wasn't. cherokee. >> race focus all the time. >> it goes back to if identity becomes your achievement, what do you do? this is what happens. i do think it leads to psychological disorders. you have to start doing things and stop thinking about yourself. >> in black america there's such a thing as passing. the black people who are light skinned an they will pass for white and pretend. but it creates such tensions. and it has broken apart by the way this lady's family. are you offended by her doing
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that? >> offended know. but something psychological going on. reminds me of dave chapelle's jokes about the black guy who this he's white becomes blind and becomes head of the kkk. something's going on. don't you think, eric? >> you're biting your tongue. >> i'm laughing. i love dave chapelle. >> he's done sassing about lebron. >> can i do a show? new moms and dads want to know where you can get a full year off to work and still take care of your kids with a full salary? we've got the answer here on "the five." >> wow. the citi double cash card. it earns you cash back now and cash back later. with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay.
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♪ all right. well multibillionaire richard francen thinks if you take care of your workers they'll take care of your business. he's offering now a very generous parental leave option. one year off, one year with full pay. that goes for both moms and dads. now, some of the details of this greg are that it's only
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for 140 employees out of 50,000 employees. you have to have worked there for four years. and it's only applicable in the u.k. and switzerland. why? because america's always working so europe can have time off. >> i have three points to make here. why not paternity leave? what if i want to spend a year with my puppy, captain whiskers? peternity. let's think about this. this discriminates against the childless. you get a year off because you produce a brat? if anything if you have a child you should work more because your brat's going to annoy me at the restaurants. >> on airplanes. >> i should get paternity leave for my inner child. >> you hate children. >> no i like children to be seen not heard. >> a whole year off? it's too long. i would not do it. >> wait. wait. for maternity? >> for a year? >> oh, wait. you're saying you don't think new mothers should have time with the child? >> no no. i did not say that. take as much time as you like
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everyone. i personally do not need a year off. thank you. >> do you need a year off? >> i think this country's got to do better with moms and babies. >> i hate mothers and babies juan. what a strong man argument. >> everybody gets maternity leave. do i think a year? i don't know. >> no, no. but i'm saying most american companies only give a certain percentage a few weeks of maternity. we're talking about paternity, about dads here. >> and moms. >> almost no american companies give you. >> parental leave. >> almost no companies give you that. if we care about kids we should give parents some time with a newborn child. >> a year out of the workforce? isn't that too long? >> richard branson founding of virgin airlines records, virgin everything knock yourself out. it's great. he wants to do it. he's a business man. he's making a bad business decision just like that idiot in seem remember the credit card
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guy, the payments guy? the ceo is going to take a dollar and give every employee 70,000 bucks? pretty soon he'll be broke. richard branson, 140 people out of 50,000 employees. this is more publicity than anything else. >> that's true. >> than an actual policy. if richard branson really means what he says about if he's worried about the kids and the year that the mom spends with the kids make it offer it to everyone richard. every one of your 50,000 employees. >> then you have to make sure they stay because they don't just take the leave and then bye bye. >> see you forever. >> the company making an investment. >> i'm following you. >> you got it? >> bye bye. >> he's making people earn it though. saying you have to have been there for four years in a management level. >> i think if you're there two years you should get 25%. >> not the whole year off, though. >> right. >> but in terms of the new family structure i think it's a good thing that men also have the option to take leave.
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>> i don't want to hurt my boots. there's going to be a lot of guys going, geez now i have to spend a year? it's like don't tell my wife about this. >> all right. >> well thanks for that. >> we're going to go along and not take a year off. and one more thing is up next. >> we take a three-minute break.
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time for one more thing. eric. >> okay. so the special olympics of new jersey kicked off today and there's a police officer law enforcement torch run which started it all. take a look here are a couple of friends from my local law enforcement community. they ran in it. 3,000 law enforcement officers ran in that run raising $3 million for the special olympics of new jersey. law enforcement guys have a big heart. congratulations. thank you for that. >> excellent. kimberly. >> thank you so much. so earlier -- stop. >> kimberly. >> earlier -- >> kimberly. >> this is the worst. i can't wait to watch "special report." >> so earlier in the week we celebrated barbara bush's birthday. and now we are celebrating 41's
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birthday. former president george hw bush 91 years young celebrating his birthday at his home on the maine coast. you might ask who's attending and who's there. well his son 43 is there. and unfortunately the one that wants to be 45 is not there. he is actually in europe. however, let's take a look at the little skydiving situation from last year. remember this? >> i love this. >> awesome. >> 90 years old. this is last year how he celebrated his birthday. you've got to love this family america. >> isn't that fantastic? god bless him and happy birthday mr. president. >> kimberly you did use a bad phrase. 91 years young. >> i'm sorry. what are you going to do about it? >> i'm 91 years old. >> what are you going to do about it? >> you're gone. get your things and go. i just got a breaking news bulletin. sunday night at 10:00 p.m. eastern the government will be conducting scientific experiments using all cable network channels sending sonar
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attack waves aimed at your brain. it will be very very painful. the only way you can block them is to watch this show at 10:00 p.m.! >> somebody is going think that's real. >> no it is real. the government is controlling your mind. >> >> i see the evidence of that. >> we never landed on the moon and the jade helm is for real. >> it's controlled by lebron james. [ laughter ] >> now you've done it. >> here we go again. >> juan? >> by the way, john sununu 41's chief of staff has a new book out. it's patriot it i good. i haven't finished it but so far it's a pretty good book. >> that is your thing? >> no. last night nba finals lebron james driving to the basket gets fouled and whacks his head against the cameraman and opens a gash a bloody gash on his head. i thought this was it. this guy's gone.
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in fact he came back. to not only shoot the free throws but then they glued his scalp during the game. this i'd never heard of. they will glue your head back together. he had to have stitches later on. but you know lebron -- the cleveland cavaliers lost the the game. i will say this. i was so impressed. lebron james scored 20 points had 12 rebounds with a huge gash in his head. >> and then they lost. >> i said that. >> by 21 points. >> but man, that's awesome. that hurt. >> can i tease one more thing? there's a really super interesting story about the golden state warriors that you're not going to want to miss. you got to see it tomorrow morning at 11:30. >> go california. >> lebron will be glued to that. >> nothing to do with lebron. >> yeah right. we'll be talking about it tomorrow. we know it. >> my turn? when dana's gone it is my duty to bring in a dog story, right? >> oh, boy. >> there's a new study out of japan that's my little puppy. his name is dadsen after the dad
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boots. that is him. there's a new study out of japan, kyoto university that shows that dogs don't like people who are mean to their owners. so if you want to be friendly with the puppies and everyone else because they're so cute you better be nice to their owners. it was a study that showed they did this stuff with a couple of different people. and people that were mean to the dog owners did not have a good time with the dogs. >> i'm glad they're doing that research instead of looking at cancer or anything you know? >> what kind of dog was this? >> a labrador retriever. >> set your dvrs.
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[national hi, friends, good morning. today is saturday, the 13th of june, 2015. i'm anna kooiman and a fox news alert. police under attack in texas. [gunfire] listen as suspects open fire outside a dallas police headquarters. we're live with the breaking developments overnight. >> plus, a love-struck prison worker now under arrest for helping two convicted killers escape from behind bars. how she aided in their escape and the latest on where they might be hiding today. >> don't call america the land of the opportunity. that's racist and sex
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