tv The Five FOX News June 16, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." look out, politicians. the gop field just added a businessman to the list of presidential hopefuls. >> ladies and gentlemen, i am officially run ingning for president of the united states. and we are going to make our country great again! [ cheers and applause ] >> like him or not donald trump is an unabashed believe in his
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ability to bring prosperity back to america. he embraced his wealth rather than running pretty posting a net worth near $9 billion. let's dig into what the donald had to say on policy. here's what donald trump said he could offer the american people. >> i will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. i tell you that. i'll bring back our jobs from china, from mexico from japan, from so many places. i'll bring back our jobs and i'll bring back our money. >> on foreign policy trump had some interesting ideas that just might resonate with some conservatives. >> when mexico sends its people they're not sending their best. i would build a great wall. and nobody builds walls better than me believe me. i will have mexico pay for that wall. when was the last time anybody saw us beating let's say china
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in a trade deal? they kill us. i beat china all the time. all the time. when did we beat japan at anything? they send their cars over by the millions. and what do we do? when was the last time you saw a chevrolet in tokyo? >> i don't even know where to start. pages upon pages. >> amazing. >> like 50 minutes of -- it's pretty darn good kg. at least you saw some fresh ideas. >> i said it was like the lego movie the theme song "everything is awesome." it really got me excited. i felt richer just listening to him, that there's going to be economic prosperity. i like his business approach. he clearly loves america. i thought this was a great speech. that's what i love about this country. you can have people like this success story, now he's putting his hat in. let's see. i don't know. it will be fun. >> greg he said he's going to be
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the greatest jobs president that god ever created. >> he's probably created more jobs than most small countries just by the building in new york. what i find interesting about what happened today is the reaction on twitter and the reaction among the media. a lot of people in the media laugh at donald trump. these are the same people who believe bernie sanders is relevant. and sanders champion as ideology that contributed to the deaths of millions of people last century. they find some out which is weird to me. they find an ideology that is deadly to be romantic. this is the modern disease. they champion sub version but demonize and mock industry. it is bizarre to me. it's sad. because we do make fun of donald trump even though what -- the interesting thing about this is. wh issues he would follow it up with something that he did. like i made a web site. i made deals. i built a company. he keeps saying i did this. the reason why that's so weird
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none of the other candidates are saying that because they didn't do it. so it's funny because it's true. it's funny because he builds things. >> dana he was not afraid to take shots at other countries. he took shots at china. he certainly took shots at mexico. you heard the comment about they send us not their best. but he said i'm going to build a wall on our southern border. i know how to build walls. he said are going to pay for it. >> right. on what planet is that actually true? eric do you think you can make mexico pay for a permanent wall between mexico and the united states? you can do that? >> i think that donald trump -- yeah. >> how? >> there's no question you can build a wall. >> and you're going to build a wall and make mexico pay for it. on what planet could that actually happen? >> i think it could happen. >> that could happen? you could actually do that? make a wall and have another country pay for it? >> well yes you can. but here's the problem. >> okay, how? >> one of the ways you do it you tax them. >> you tax mexico?
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the president of the united states is going to tax mexico to get a wall for the united states of america? i mean this is -- i'm pointing out the absurdity of a lot of these comments. i get it that he's entertaining. now that he loves america. he's done a lot of great things. he also has done things without ever having to work with 535 members of congress. who actually control the purse strings in america. when you're the president of the united states you have no money unless the congress says here's what you can spend it on. so you certainly don't have mexico's money to make them pay for a wall between the two countries. >> you can certainly do it through trade restrictions. you may not like trade restrictions. >> who's going to put those trade restrictions on? congress has to actually pass the trade restrictions. we saw last week, that is not happening with this congress. the realities are, there are -- you can be entertaining and you can be fun. and you can say things that actually appeal to people. you still have to figure out a way to get to 270 electoral
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votes. get iowa new hampshire and south carolina. [ overlapping speakers ] >> i'll give you this. even president obama has not suggested he could get another country to pay for building a wall between mexico and the united states. >> but he's too busy apologizing for america all the time to ask -- stick it to anybody. that's the problem. >> there's another way of doing this. listen mexico you're our number one besides our own putsching of pumping of our oil. you're our number one importer of oil. we can say you know what mexico? we'll do it all in canada unless you want to pay for the wall. there's a way to do it. >> you in the energy business you think that's possible in a world market? >> here's what i think. you may not like a lot of the things that donald trump said today. but for once we heard something different. we heard a guy who wasn't afraid to say things -- >> totally not plausible. you just admitted everything he said is not plausible. >> how dud i admit that? >> you say it's possible not to take any more mexico oil?
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you'll actually cut it off in the world market you would say that? >> mexico we're going to cut the price we pay for your barrel by $2 a barrel for the next 5 years until we pay for the wall. than kay san either screw you, united states. >> then sell it to china. guess who wins? china. >> look. all i'm simply saying there are ideas here that we haven't heard before. for once it's refreshing to me to hear something different. >> you should be saying that with rand paul around eric. he's going to be very upset with you. >> rand paul has a lot of big ideas that some of the other candidates do. >> i want to make sure you remember rand paul. >> juan take a listen to this. >> you're going to be getting a call. >> debate stage has to scare some gop contenders. the man can talk and he made it clear he's going after frontrunners jeb bush and marco rubio. watch. >> some of the candidates they went in they didn't know the air conditioner didn't work. they sweated like dogs.
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they didn't note room was too big because they didn't have anybody there. how are they going to beat isis? look at bush. it took him five days to answer the question on iraq. he couldn't answer the question. he didn't know. i said is he intelligent? then i looked at rubio. he was unable to answer the question. is iraq a good thing or a bad thing? how are these people going to lead us? >> he also went on to say how could anyone vote for these guys. go ahead, juan. your thoughts on donald trump taking shots at jeb and rubio. >> this is the candidate from "mad" magazine. alfred e. newman saying i'm running for president. a guy who at one point was pro-choice now he says he's pro-life. >> oh, please. everybody flips on issues. >> let me tell you. he keeps flipping that. comment about the people from mexico? remember he said we shouldn't take any people from mexico only take european immigrants.
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then he says he has a secret plan to defeat isis. he won't say what it is but it will wipe out isis in an instant. if you're running to be the head of the clown car running to say oh you know what i'm going to please republicans because i'll say outrageous things. i demand obama's birth certificate. what a ridiculous waste of republican energy. >> something very important, though. on a debate stage with ten people up there, yeah he'll bully and boast i'm the most successful person to ever run for president. forget about thomas jefferson. so what about that george washington victory. >> as one of the other candidates specifically jeb bush he's going to take some shots. they're going to end up going head-to-head on a debate stage. got to think jeb's not looking forward to this. >> what's everybody so afraid of? >> a comedy show. >> i don't think it's a comedy show. >> he would insult the intelligence of the republican voters and have no chance. >> i disagree. >> 60% of republicans say they couldn't vote for him?
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>> that is the numbers. 59%. he has the highest negatives of any republican presidential candidate i guess in the history. also the other thing is -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> name recognition. >> when people talk about ben carson. don't you think ben carson could be president? his path is very difficult. only six presidents i have a list here or six presidents in our country's history actually have never previously held elected office. most of them actually have to be paintings because there weren't cameras back then. and we don't include -- >> no selfies. >> no selfies. it is a leap to get there. because of the path that i've been talking about. you have to get to 270 electoral votes. you might be able to win popularity but that's like cotton candy. it melts on contact. if you aren't willing to shake the hands in iowa to figure out how to win new hampshire or even be in south carolina you are not going to win the path to the presidency. it's just reality. >> are you going to weigh in on this one? >> about the debates, there is some advantage that trump will have.
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because when he gets up there and there's a dozen people he immediately makes santorum and rand look like apprentices. he's going to be donald trump up there. those guys are all going to be sitting there going oh, there's trump and fall into this kind of thing that america is used to which is donald trump looking at them that's not going to work. that's not going to work rand. you're fired. everybody is going to laugh and he's going to get a lot of applause. >> the candidate in the race most hurt by trump entering in my estimation is rand paul. rand paul is different, unique has a lot of appeal to across voters. and donald trump getting in sucks that energy out of the room. >> you don't think donald trump hurts carlie fiorina the most with the business background? >> that's debatable. but she's unique in other ways. she's unique in other ways and she also has accomplishments in business. i think for rand paul for a unique person that was in the race with crossover appeal i think donald trump hurts him the most. one more truss i'll throw in for donald. a lot of the candidates are talk about their rough upbringing.
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like oh, i was from this. i was from that. he's the opposite of that. he's like i'm awesome. everything he says is i'm awesome. >> glad you said that. this is perfect transition to this. a good friend of mine summed up the speech perfectly "quote he's an ego manmaniacegomaniac. so full of himself. >> does my family like me? i think so. i'm using my own money. i'm not using the lobbyists, not using donors. i don't care. i'm really rich. i'll proud of my net worth. i've done an amazing job. i don't have to brag. i don't have to. believe it or not. >> this is beyond self-involved and egotism, don't you think? it's an exercise in his ego just on fire. >> wait a second. >> it's so fun. >> entertaining. >> he never said he was going to stop the rising ocean. somebody did his name rhymes with barack hussein obama.
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>> if he's really born in the country according to trump. it's not good for the gop. i'm amazed. >> i think it's refreshing. i'm glad to see someone else step up and say screw china. we're going to go after china. not worried about the trillion dollar debt they owe. they need us as much as we need them. i love his frankness. >> you can say what you want. he made a lot of money. he's created a lot of jobs in this economy. you can't fault him on that. >> and his daddy gave him everything in the world. >> i'm almost done juan. he's not afraid to answer a question. he has ideas. he has passion, enthusiasm. he's not going to be afraid or intimidated to debate people. i want everybody to bring their best their a game when they're up there on the stage. i want to hear what he has to say. plenty of people i know were very enthusiasted about what he said. i bought into donald trump and made money. >> if you said to me you know what rush limbaugh should run for president. you know what michael savage should run for president. i'd say come on kimberly.
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what is this about? are we running for conservative right wing talk show host? >> that was 2012. >> had mitt romney embraced his success and his money the way donald trump is doing right now, would things have turned out differently for him? >> probably not. >> why not? >> i think this is one of the biggest -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> you can have that fantasy. it's not reality. >> he's always trying to play down his wealth. >> let me give you a couple of positives. i think that makes our country great again is a very good slogan. hope and change but more specifically directed toot last eight years, perhaps even last 16 years is how he's going to look at that. i also think that he is a very nice person. people who know him personally like him very much. but i will also tell you, people say that about hillary clinton. one of the things the democrats will say, hope you don't meet her. guess what you're going to like her. people that meet him personally now if he's willing to go and do the work and leave new york city and leave trump tower and go to iowa and shake some hands and in new hampshire and if he's actually going to be willing to do that work he could probably
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win over some folks. >> he's going to be on the debate stage. because of just that. >> name i.d. not because he's shaking hands. >> he's a nice person and he has name i.d. he came into the fox building the other day and came over and said hello to me. you know what the people who work in this building the people who let us in, the people who clean the building flock to him. >> by the way, that's an interesting point that transcends -- there's something about trump that transcends race. if he walks down the street it doesn't matter what columnor the person is. there's donald and i want to be him. i want to be as rich as that guy, doesn't matter the janitor or doorman. >> his family love him. >> that's an easy audience. >> >> some candidates have issues. >> which candidate in the race don't love their -- >> that's a great issue, though.
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>> i mean his kids. >> they're not running. >> president obama has always shunned the idea that americans are exceptional of our wealth. donald trump says, we're going to bring back wealth. look is there going to be a president trump? probably not likely. >> like reagan. >> but it's nice to see fresh ideas. >> you know what i noticed in his speech in he did isis obama care immigration, bowe better call bergdahl. he did the five rundown. >> they're yelling at me right now. sorry. all right. some must-see tv tonight on the fox news channel. donald trump post announcement interview on "o'reilly factor." two must-see hours and hannity with jeb bush. former naacp leader accused of lying about her race addresses the controversy over her skin color.
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dolezal is blacker than clarence thomas. roll it francine. >> those of us who talk about race as a social construct that it is more complicated, bill clinton is the first black president own though he didn't claim he is black. she's not african-american but could be black in a cultural sense. she's taken on the identities identities struggles. she's identified with them. i bet a lot of people would support rachel dolezal than clarence thomas. >> he just admitted ideology is a skin color of. to him a white communist is blacker than a black businessman. he's whiter than vanilla ice. we could all play along with identity cross dressing. even kareem abdul-jabbar said let rachel be black. never mind she once sued a black college for discrimination because she was white or that she was always the victim of alleged hate crimes. if she lies about race is she lying about that? i thank rachel.
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identity politics she reveals the absurdity of those who cling to it. i think therefore i am does not apply to pigment. one cannot claims experiences one never had. rachel didn't grow up as a black child. rachel pulled a racial rosy ruiz. that's the woman who hopped in at the last mile to win the boston marathon. rachel simply cut to the finish line of the identity marathon. she hoped to elicitly gain from a lifetime as a black woman which is the ultimate left wing sin. cultural appropriation. wear an indian head dress at a concert. have burritos at a college exchange. activists will call you racist for incorporating other cultures. if so, then rachel's black persona must be the worst form of white privilege. i say that as a snake charmer from the tilungu community of sri lanka. howard -- juan howard university. she sued howard university claiming she was discriminated in favor of blacks. they removed her art she said
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because of black students. how could dyson or anybody say this is okay? she's using race to further her career. >> one way or the other. what's astounding to me is to hear people make excuses for mental disorder. at some point this woman's troubled. >> right. >> okay. you can say i have sensitivity and compassion. but look, clearly this is a troubled person who has tremendous psychological issues. he wants to put some kind of construct on it to excuse it. the fact is when she was pretending at one point she says i'm being discriminated against as a white person when she filed her suit against howard. now she's being discriminated against as a black person. she can't even deal with reality. yet she wants to appeal to others to behave on a moral basis, to achieve justice? how can you say that when you have no integrity? she has zero zilch. >> and dyson is enabling this sickness. kimberly she claimed she was victim of hate crimes including
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a letter that was sent to her. when they investigated the letter they found out it ended up in her p.o. box without a type time stamp. it was placed in there. >> the person who had the box had to have had the key. sorry about that claim. big fat lie. this is a huge problem. she's actually doing a disservice to black people and african-americans. she was poaching off of things that she was trying to get that they could have been getting legitimately like scholarships and advantages that are supposed to be there to help people. it's really awful. why are they defending this? you talk about mental illness. i don't know. what i do see for sure is lying. lying. >> she said at one point she was born in a tipi. >> yes. >> and used a bow and arrow. that's also a lie. >> learned from elizabeth warren. >> i think the thing is that somehow on the left there are people like dyson or jabbar who want to somehow say oh, it's okay. you have a problem.
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you had a problem at home. or you have had a tough childhood >> yes. >> therefore your bad behavior is to be tolerated and lies. it hurts the cause. that's stupidity. >> even worse than that rachel dolezal, her 15 minutes are almost up and we'll stop talking about her in a couple of days. i'm sure that's going to pass. but for dyson and kareem abdul-jabbar and melissa harris perry defending her. there's a big problem defending this kind of thing. because small business association gives out loans to minorities to women, to disabled people. it's a finite amount of money. >> right. >> not we'll take all comers. it's a certain amount of money. last year african-americans got $388 million. that means that money was for african-americans. if she comes in and takes some of that 388 mill whatever if a bunch of people do it that's money that african-americans will not have to create jobs to start businesses. so all these three -- all these african-americans who are defending this you're out of your mind and hurting your own
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cause. >> that's like you applying for a small business loan as a female female entrepreneur. >> i've done that. let's look at "the today show" where she defended herself. >> are you an african-american woman? >> i identify as black. >> younger there. >> 16 in that picture. >> is she a caucasian woman or african-american woman? >> i would say visibly she would be identified as white by people who see her. >> have you done something to darken your complexion? >> i certainly don't stay out of the sun. and i also don't -- as some of the critics have said put on black face as a performance. >> dana if you decided to come out as asian, would you be treated as compassion atly as so many other people? they would eat you alive because of the ideology. >> the only way i would be treated compassion atly and with love is if i came out as a democrat.
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that's really the only possible way. it would take me a lot of like changing around to make that happen. i think that we should take the left up on it though. if race is so fluid, then we don't need preferences anymore. i mean can we get back to the purity then of governing? >> or just be all american. >> maybe we should take them up on it. >> affirmative action goes out the window. >> yeah. >> it's a fraud. but it's a fraud against black people. i don't understand why you guys can be defending her. it's absurd! >> it's a theft crime. >> identity theft. >> identity theft. >> i think it's a real problem. but it's a shame the left tries to defend it. >> they're enabling her. she might not be well. and that's not right. >> exactly. >> where's dr. ablo? >> i don't know. >> he can help. pot smoking is legal in colorado. so should an employer be able to fire you if you smoke a joint outside the office? >> yes. >> the high court's ruling next. >> the answer to that is yes. te to severe plaque psoriasis.
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a new setback for pot use in a state where it's now legal. colorado supreme court just ruled an employer can fire a worker for smoking weed off the job. that includes both recreational and medical marijuana. now, this ruling stemmed from a case brought by brandon coast a medical marijuana using fired by the dish network for failing a drug test in 2010. here's his reaction to the decision. >> if we're going to allow people to smoke marijuana, are we just not going to allow them to work? i wouldn't be able to actually work fit didn't have it. i'd be sitting there going -- weird like that. i can't even sleep like that. i want to be able to work one day. i want society to change for me to be able to work one day. >> okay. so admittedly this is a tough decision and situation for him personally. because it seems like it lacks compassion and it's harsh. because he is a quadriplegic.
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he was injured that horrible car accident. his legs shake like convulsively. it makes it very difficult for him to be able to do the work. so he was prescribed lawfully under state law medical marijuana to be able to use it. so he was par taking in it also recreationally weekends et cetera. he tested dirty. the employer fired him as is their right to do so. now based on this decision because it is illegal still under federal law. what's do you have to offer now, people? >> here's the problem. because the feds haven't turned it over to the states yet which shay should do. if that were the case dish couldn't have fired this guy. because in colorado it's legal. it's not legal in other states. in new jersey he still could be fired. in colorado it's legal. he shouldn't have been fired. however, the feds are still upholding a federal criminal treatment of marijuana, even though the states -- 20 states -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> just the point you raise, right?
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this is a colorado state supreme court. >> right. >> i'm thinking why are they relying on federal law? >> because federal law takes precedent over state law. >> okay. in this case though they didn't need to. because the colorado law that legalized marijuana said that employers don't have to make any exemptions for people who smoke marijuana, that they are free to do this. >> that's why this was affirmed. thank you very much. >> i don't think it's really about the federal law. >> he wouldn't be able to do it. >> like he had a beer on the weekend. it's not illegal. >> that's what's ridiculous. >> like a corona with a lime. >> that's what's hypocritical about this. people go have a drink every night. presidents have martinis every night. we don't fire them. >> how do you know? >> how do i know? i know. jerry ford used to talk about how many martinis he had. >> i think this issue between the state and federal is going to come to ahead on marijuana in
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the next two years because their at such tension. there is a real issue for -- i don't know what this guy's employer was. but if you are an employer that has a top secret clearance with the federal government to manufacture airplane parts for the cia. the top secret clearance requires no marijuana, no drugs. so therefore, the feds actually -- i think that this ruling helps protect those employers from losing major federal contracts. now, that could be intention. it could actually get solved. at the moment i think the court was right. >> since this is going to come to a head in dana's opinion we should go to our own local head mr. greg gutman. >> reporter: look on the job drinking or smoking pot you should be fired. but an off day, you can't punish somebody because they have a different form of oblivion than you do. if having a joint is what makes your life easier and somebody else is the martini, there should be no difference. there's no difference. >> martinis aren't illegal under
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federal law. >> we've already been through this subject. that's a tedious subject. >> one more wrinkle in the ruling. they came down and said literally because thc stays in your blood system for 30 days where as alcohol doesn't. >> therefore no job. coming up the pope is about to issue a controversial message on climate change. it's concerning some conservatives in the catholic community and beyond. we've got it. details next. now?
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on thursday pope francis will release a letter to catholic bishops called an encyclical. this is a message that will focus on the environment. the pontiff is expected to warn the world about climate change. an italian magazine has leaked a draft of it. the pope is reportedly going to declare that global warming is real and partly caused by humans.
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he'll call on world leaders to fight it. it's raising concern by some like judge napolitano. >> is the pope going to provide the moral basis for what? regulating the pollutants in the environment? if the pope is going to say catholics have to get behind the left on global warming, that would be absurd and it would cause an schism in the church. >> greg this is not a surprise the pope is coming out with this encyclical. he's been sort of inching that way up to this. do i believe that global warming bebelievers and supporters are hoping that the pope will be able to convince skeptics to just go along with the program. >> the most dangerous person on the planet is somebody who's seeking strange new respect from their adversaries. that is what the pope is doing. he doesn't want to be your grandfather's pope. he wants to be a modern pope. all he needs is dreadlocks and a dog with a bandanna and he could
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be on occupy wall street. meanwhile the media will focus on the right how are catholics going to deal with climate change apostles. but how is the media going to deal with a pope who is strongly against gay marriage. still against condoms. he's pro-life and doesn't want female priests. all those claiming to embrace the pope are actually ignoring the intolerance they so claim to condemn among the conservatives. this is rather confusing for this pope. also he came out the "charlie hebdo" attacks? what did he say? he criticized the cartoonists. >> excuse me. can i move a little further? >> i'm coming over to the religious side. >> we can tell. this is where god lives on this side of the table. >> i'm not a fan of the pope speaking out for religious reasons but for ideological reasons he is an malthusian.
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he believes that the earth is overpopulated. everybody said catholics have to stop breeding like ran bits? that's a malthusian believe. they believe the earth is overpopulated. it will be nice if there are a few billion people left. how does that happen? global warming. >> now you overtalked and you have no monologue tomorrow. >> cap-and-trade on your time. >> i apologize. >> kimberly. >> what's next? green eggs and ham? k.g. can't one be concerned about global warming and also be skeptical of the solutions so far put forward by the world governments that he wants us to support? >> yes i think he can. but obviously he's really stepping into very very difficult political waters here by exerting his opinion and his influence. and i think this is going to be problematic for catholics and believers. they may not go with this at all. >> i don't think it's actually going to matter to catholics eric. what do you think? like this is not the big issue on the catholics' brain.
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>> the united states catholics it may be important to developing nations catholics because they're the ones that that are going to support some of the pope's initiatives. he's against cap-and-trade. but he is looking for the wealthier countries to pony up and get involved. that would cost businesses a lot. my biggest issue with this. by the way the pope you're the man. i love you. [ overlapping speakers ] >> e-r-i-c. >> is this time point that he's not the man? >> here's the question. i don't like bob costas weighing in on guns i hate the idea the pope is weighing in on this. >> that's what we mean by catholics not weighing in. >> fossil fuels provide cheap fuel for people who are poor. >> in poverty. >> right. to move away from that before it's time could hurt them. >> he spoke to that eric. he said wait a second. he believes in renewable energy. he did say you may have to stay
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with some fossil fuel. let me say, gregg in response to you. popes have been talking about this issue since the 70s. >> they've always been wrong. >> they haven't been wrong. and i think the problem for you is that you put it in a box of pure politics left and right. the right are going to doubt this. left celebrate. what if the pope is simply saying this is god's creation. this is a green earth. we should do all we can to support god's green earth. is that so radical? >> to love up mother earth. >> is that some leftist idea? >> he has a marxist background. >> oh, my god. here we go. argentinian. a southern pope. >> i know he's a big guy. >> that is a bad idea to care about the earth? >> somebody bring in some holy water. >> hold up a cross. [ overlapping speakers ] >> bless ourselves. >> what did i do? i criticized his beliefs. >> i think he's good.
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and making use of any of the following mistakes are you guilty? according to, here are some things to avoid. >> slouching. it can indicate you lack confidence or self-esteem. greg is already talking about this. a weak handshake. no one likes those. it could signal lack of authority. folded arms. it can give the impression you are closed off to others. here's another one. not making eye contact. it signals deception, lack of respect. but what about this, greg? i've seen you go like -- >> you know what i was just thinking? slouching could the smartest person i ever med in my life william f. buckley, spent 90% of his life on tv like this. remember how he used to -- so tell me something, mr. saul. like this. or he was down like this. he was brilliant. by the way, i don't care about body language. i care about real language. like manners. like i'm tired of going into restaurants and feeling like when somebody's polite to you you have to be thankful.
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why can't people just be polite? good manners, america. >> wait a second dana. what's wrong with being polite? what's wrong with eye contact, a firm handshake, not slouching. >> all that's great. >> yeah. so? i thought you were saying yes to greg when he said he doesn't care. >> saying yes that was how william f. buckley used to conduct interviews and did the debates. which every young person should go watch on youtube right now. it will make you smarter. >> do you slouch? >> i find it so unnerving. i'm watching him and he's going like this. >> i do this. i make a point. >> you get your point and then you nail it down. >> yeah. apparently -- >> you nail it down a lot. >> confidence in the point i'm making. >> the problem at this table is like i'll be doing a test read. like give me a run through so i can read. everybody is talking, fidgeting. >> did you turn this e block
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into something about you? it's supposed to be about other folks. >> what about glancing at the clock? talking to somebody and they're looking over your shoulder at the clock because they got better things to do? >> it's time to do. >> you can tell by the appetizer this is not working out. >> look at the clock. do this. >> texting me can you call me right now and say i have an emergency? get me out of this date? i'm sitting at home by myself? yeah sure i can do that. >> what about people who move into your space when you're talking to them? i don't like that. >> everyone does that. >> you mean close talker? >> close walker close talker. >> name? >> not saying. >> i know. i know. >> weekends. >> you guys. you are trouble. one more thing up next. i have type 2 diabetes. i started with pills. and now i take a long-acting insulin at night.
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time for one more thing. dana you're up first. >> all right. a disgruntled ex-staffer named todd bobnich accused former san diego republican openly gay running for congress very close race in san diego. right before the election there was a guy named todd bosnich who just pled guilty in federal court for lying about smearing
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the reputation of demayo by claims of sexual harassment. this happened two weeks before the election. it was a left intent all along to try to smear carl demayo. they used terrible tactics. now this guy is possibly facing up to 20 years in prison. cnn was called on by demayo to correct the record. they kind of sort of did it yesterday. it's not good enough. i'll tell you the left you better get with the program and knock it off with the attacks against people's sexuality. >> very good. all right, greg you're up. >> all right. it's time for this. >> excellent. >> what the heck is that? question mark. >> let's go around the table. i want you guys to figure out what exactly this is. go around start with you, kimberly. it's not an ex-husband. but what is it? could it be somebody from your past? >> oh, my god. i hope it's not someone from my future! god! help me! is that an manatee? >> not a manatee. >> jellyfish? >> it's not a jellyfish.
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>> caspar fish? >> portugese man of war. >> no. actually kathy griffin. rare sefalopod. baby octopus at the monterey bay quarterback aquarium. >> who likes the limbo? who likes the limbo champ? i do. she's had the guinness book of records for the lowest limbo since 2010 when she did it with regis and kelly. >> she did this under the suv. i kind of wanted to try this but now i'm a little bit scared. but i like her outfit. how cool is it? she goes i'm just so emotional about getting underneath it. the clearance is around nine inches. certain parts are lower than others. it took a lot of concentration and controlled breathing. >> under the car?
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>> we'll move on. my favorite baseball team the st. louis cardinals they have the number one record in all of major league baseball. did you hear what happened today? >> what? >> the fbi is investigating them for hacking into houston astros' database looking into some of their minor league players and maybe some of their trades. i have no idea what this is about. but boy, this could end up being a -- >> is tom brady on that team? >> not spygate deflategate or signgate. >> a pitcher named lemon jell-o? >> it's a drink. >> all right. >> so on sunday guess what? rafi my son came back from hate not hillary. this is a video of me taking batting practice at nationals park on sunday. >> you go. >> and i'm raking them knocking them out of there. this was so much fun. and then guess what. i got to go and pitch in the bull pen. here i am pitching in the bull pen. and then i went into the
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visitors' locker room. >> wow! >> holding up a base and a ball. >> yes. >> this was a great time. thank you, washington nationals, my favorite team forever. >> just talking about how awesome he was. >> that's it for us. the donald makes the decision. trump goes all in on a run for the white house. this is "special report." >> good evening. i'm doug mcelway in for bret baier tonight. he has been a real estate mogul, investor television personality, and often a punch line. now donald trump wants to be president. the donald finally pulled the trigger today after years of teasing and tempting. senior correspondent eric shawn was in the room when trump made the announcement with much fanfare and plenty of jabs at his fellow contenders. ♪ >> in a brazen and bold bid for the white house, donald trump di
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