tv Hannity FOX News June 17, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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tomorrow night a woman nearly beheaded on u.s. soil by a radicalized co-worker speaks out for the first time. her story is harrowing. don't miss it tomorrow night. live on "the kelly file." we'll see you then. welcome to "hannity" we're broadcasting in trum tower where yesterday donald trump announced he is running for prooensesident of the united states. he will be our guest for the full hour. here is how this went down yesterday. >> our country needs a truly great leader. we need a truly great leader now. we need a leader that wrote the art of the deal.
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we need a leader that can bring back our jobs, can bring back our manufacturing, our military. can take care of our vets. ladies and gentlemen, i am officially running for president of the united states and we are going to make our country great again. >> joining us now for the full hour is 2016 gop presidential candidate donald trump. mr. trump, here we are at trump tower, big day yesterday. >> it's been a lucky building for me. let's see what happens. >> you started out yesterday saying our country is in serious trouble. i agree with you. how bad do you think it really is? >> on every front. if you like militarily they're laughing at us. can you imagine any of our great generals putting up with what
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we're putting up with isis? they're scoffing and laughing at us. they're taking our military equipment. we give it to our so-called people we're helping and they run and flee. the other day we lost 2,300 humvees. that's impossible. our country is in unbelievably bad shape. economically trade wise militarily our nuclear weapons, they don't even know if they work. you don't want to use nuclear weapons, but i watch reports and i read reports, they don't even know if the phone systems, the wires are 40 years old. they don't know if it works on nuclear weapons. we're becoming like a third world country. we need help. i've been telling you and saying it to everybody politicians are never going to bring us to the promised land. they're all talk and no action. >> you said that yesterday, all talk no action. they'll never fix the country. is there anybody that is -- you're running as a republican.
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you'll be competing against them. is there anybody that impresses you? some governors have done good jobs. employment rates high down to low. they created jobs nobody impressed you? >> a couple of governors got lucky with the fracking. that's a little bit of an artificial inducement. i don't want to be nasty to people in my own party. i don't want to really get into that. there are a lot of people that are running that should not by running. you know that and i know that. i know i built an unbelievable country, international all over the world. release my financials yesterday. and i'm not bragging about financials the last person that actually wants to do that is me. but i released about $9 billion of the finest real estate in the world. with very little almost no debt. a great, great company. again, all over the world. i deal with people all over the world. i beat china in so many different things. i beat i win.
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>> how did you beat china? >> let me explain first. this is the mindset that our country needs. we have people that don't have a clue. we have a president that doesn't have -- he's possibly incompetent when it comes to running something, namely a country. and you look at what's going on. you look at how china is beating us so badly in trade. you look at how mexico what they're doing to us on the border what they're doing to us in trade. the way they're taking all of the car companies and they're all going to mexico. and they make cars and sends them into this country. mexican workers are the ones doing the work. yet we're buying the cars in this country. no tax, no nothing. >> detroit has lost half its population. >> detroit is dying. you just say, why is this good? where is it good? they don't have a clue sean. i love my company. i love my family they're all saying, dad, you know your whole
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life is going to change. i love my life and what i do. but the fact is, that it was -- for me it was time. i cannot stand by and watch the incompetence of running -- our country is not going to be here. we're not going to have a country. you take a look at the southern border. we have guards standing there. border patrol. people are walking in front of them into the country. believe me -- i'm all -- i love mexican people i have great friends from mexico. they can't even believe what is going on and what they get away. >> you said mexico is not our friend. you said you would build a fence, nobody could build a better fence than donald trump. >> a wall. >> they're sending people here we don't want. some people got critical. >> a little bit critical. i'm not knocking about. you're talking about illegal immigration. if i were mexico i'd be sending the criminals, why not? why do they want them. it's not only coming from
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mexico it's coming from south america, latin america, probably coming from the middle east. who knows? why don't they just come through the border. we do nothing. i meet some border patrol people about two weeks ago. and i say, how bad is it they say, mr. trump, you have no idea the kind of people that are coming. >> i've been down there ten times. i've seen it up close and personal. >> mexico is not going to say you sean and you go over. they don't want to do that. they want to keep their people. look what's happening to our country -- i used the term you used the term we're becoming a dumping ground for the rest of the world. not just mexico. it's got to stop. >> let me ask about the concept of being presidential. transitioning from somebody that basically you say jump and anybody working for you will say how high and they will do it immediately and you're able to get things done. you know the wheels of washington grind ever so slowly. >> correct. >> how do you make that
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transition? >> it's a transition that believe it or not i've been in for many years. when i do things even building this building, it was supposed to be a 13 story building it's 68 stories. that was new york city politics at its height at its most sophisticated. all over the world i deal with government. in this country i deal with governments. you can sit up in my office, governors are calling me senators are calling me. they want my support. they want everything. i've been in politics all my life. the system can work. our system is broken. we have a president that doesn't talk to even his own party. you know he doesn't talk to the democrats. i know the democrats, i know the republicans. he's not talking to anybody. so then he'll write an executive order because he can't get people to do what he wants them to do so he writes out an executive order. we really do have a broken system. i have worked in the system for many years, and i've been very successful. >> do you need -- you're such a big dynamic personality.
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i watch you walk through this building there are crowds i've been on the streets with new york city donald everybody is calling your name. you get into twitter fights with rosy o'donnell. would that change in this environment? in other words -- >> look when i fight -- rosy's a bully. and she bullies people but she didn't bully me. i was proud -- that was a big mistake she made when she took me on. china is a bully to us. and they come out saying no, it's fair trade. it's not fair trade. they end their stuff here we send over there. we pay tax and we pay tariffs and all sorts of things. not fair. what they do to their currency makes it impossible for our companies to compete. what's going on with china, japan, mexico what's going on with every country. i give you an example saudi arabia makes a billion dollars a day. we're protecting them. why aren't they taking care of
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us? why aren't they? you mark my words, i predicted the iraq war better than anybody. i said in 2004 check it out, reuters, don't do it you'll destabilize the middle east. and the bad guys will take over the oil including iran. okay. >> the bad guys there in fair fairness -- >> they were bad. isis is meeting with iraq. we spend thousands of dollars, wounded warriors and iraq is in iran trying to work out a merger. it was a terrible thing. once we did it we should have stayed there. the mistake that obama made was really just getting out. but, i will say this we are a whipping post we are a laughing stock as a country. we're not expected anymore. that's why i decided to run for president. >> you're a republican -- let's say you didn't win the
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nomination, you wouldn't go third party? >> so many people want me to go third party. my inclination -- >> you want to be a republican? >> i'm a conservative republican. >> you're in this to win. >> i'm in this to win. >> is donald trump in any way going to be any different on the campaign trail -- you saw the new york daily news today. they want to take you down. meaning there are people -- >> they're trying to sell a newspaper. it loses $25 million, $30 million a year. i love seeing bad newspapers fail. that's a bad newspaper. i like -- "new york post" was fantastic. do you agree with that? >> i agree. totally. >> they want to do a caricature. the daily news is a failing enterprise. i love seeing it. >> we have to take a break. we'll talk about isis putin, the economy. donald trump will be here for the entire hour. we'll ask him how will he fix president obama's foreign policy failures that's next as we
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continue and much more. straight ahead. >> i will stop iran from getting nuclear weapons. and we won't be using a man like secretary kerry that has absolutely no concept of negotiation. who is making a horrible and laughable deal. your credit is in pretty good shape. >>chuck, i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to kaboom... get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class.
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race at 72 years old and falls and breaks his leg. i won't be doing that. i promise i will never be in a bicycle race. that i can tell you. all right that was donald trump yesterday talking about how he would deal with iran if elected president. we continue from trump tower. if you're president and iran on the verge of getting a nuclear weapon what would you do? >> i would certainly double up and triple up the sanctions. we take the sanctions off we're paying them hundreds of million dollars. we ever releasing funds to them. they probably can't believe it. i remember the person in state department harf. she's saying we don't want to complicate it and have one thing that has nothing to do with the other. we're paying them hundreds of -- tremendous amounts of money during the negotiation. why would you do it during the negotiation? we take off the sanctions, i would do the opposite. i would double up and triple up the sanctions. they don't want to negotiate. i have a feeling, i wrote the
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art of the deal. sometimes you don't know if you want do make a deal. it's called tapping, you tap them along. they're tapping us along right now. did you ever see a deal take so long? this deal has been going on forever. >> it will be extended before june. i want to -- >> we're not negotiating from strength. >> the number one state sponsor of terror they're fighting a proxy war. they said in the middle of the negotiations that the destruction of israel is not negotiable. they were chanting death to america and yelling at john kerry, our secretary of state, and they're still at the table with them. and you're right, they will get a $50 billion signing bonus to build more weapons. >> and heirthey're getting it now. >> how do you analyze the mindset of a president? >> we get sergeant bergdahl a traitor, they get five killers they desperately want and leaders that are right now in the battlefield trying to kill
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everybody. who would make that deal? it's the same thinking. it's different but the same thinking. we get bergdahl they get five guys they want. you have to double up triple up the sanctions. >> if they were on the verge you would take them out. >> let me explain before you get there. you wouldn't want to do that unless it's necessary. you cannot let them have a nuclear weapon. >> under any circumstances? >> you can not let them. from the standpoint of us and from the standpoint of israel you cannot let them have a nuclear weapon. i believe they're delaying everything because they're doing and developing. once they have it we can't talk the same way. it's a different ball game. i believe they are tapping us. i believe they're doing a lot of things. i said to myself how can it take this long to make a deal? you remember the last time i was with you, one day, two days maybe a week. this is going on forever. it's going on forever. they have these long delays in between. i'll say this it's a terrible deal for us. it's a terrible deal for israel. it's a deal that shouldn't
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happen. and we're negotiating from weakness. their negotiator goes back home and they celebrate him in the streets of iran. >> they laugh at us. >> obama makes the statement and they call him a liar. it turns out they're right. we have people who are rank amateurs kerry who is a nice guy. he's not an negotiator. he goes into a bicycle race at 72 or 73 years old and breaks his leg. >> let me talk about your foreign policy experience. you think youtd'd be able to get along with vladmir putin. have you had contact with him? >> yes. i was there two years ago. we had a tremendous success with the ms. universe contest. it's on nbc but that's okay. two years ago we had it in moscow. it was a tremendous success. i got to meet everybody. >> did you talk to him? >> i don't want to say. i got to meet all of the leaders. everybody was there.
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it was a massive event. let me tell you, it was tremendous mpt tremendous. putin truly hates obama. he thinks he's terrible. he thinks he's arrogant. he thinks he's just terrible >> did he tell you that? >> i don't want to say. he hates obama. obama hates him in all fairness. >> what would you have been about crimea and ukraine? >> i would have put us in a position where we're respected enough where maybe it wouldn't have happened. germany and all these countries, germany is doing better than we're doing, isn't it their battle more than ours? why aren't they more involved? why are we fighting so hard and all of these countries in europe are sort of like well okay we'll keep taking the oil and the gas. we'll keep giving money. what is deit about us? we're so far away. i'm not saying don't do it. i tell you what i would make sure all of those countries that have a much bigger stake than we do why aren't they more
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involved? you understand what i mean by that? >> it's in their best interest. >> why isn't germany -- >> if you were president you would pressure. >> i wouldn't pressure germany. they should be pressuring us. we are pressuring germany. why aren't you fighting. what are we doing? the truth is we don't know what we're doing. >> the biggest threat is radical islam. we saw what happened on 9/11 not far from this building of yours. you have talked about you have a strategy to deal with isis. you say you don't want to tell anybody. >> i would rather not but i'm going to. >> wouldn't it help the country? >> i'm going to. the reason i say -- when i watch obama get up and say that in two weeks we're going to attack here and two weeks we're going to do that. we'll have boots on the ground not going to have boots on the ground. he tells everything. i think of journal douglas mac arthur. they're spinning in their grave. he's telling everybody what
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we're doing. let's say we're not going to have boots on the ground. let's seeay we are, let them guess. i would rather not say. if i won i would rather not have them know. isis is tremendously rich because they have taken the oil that i say we should have taken. you remember -- >> i agreed with you at the time. >> take the oil. going out of iraq take the oil. give the families of the veterans and the families of the soldiers that died there and the wounded warriors, give them millions dollars each. i said take the oil. everybody said -- not everybody, the stupid people said don't do that. >> this was about paying for their liberation. that we gave them. >> look iraq doesn't even exist. there is no iraq. by the way -- >> what your isis strategy is? >> i wish they'd call. they don't call. they're not smart people.
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>> he said last week he still doesn't have a strategy. >> i will tell you what they should do. >> what? >> isis is tremendously rich. they're rich. do you know why? because of the oil. they have the oil. that's why they're rich. >> shut it off. >> no. they're building a hotel in syria. isis is building a hotel. they're in competition with me now. they have so much money. bomb the hell out of the air. don't worry about the cities. you kill them at the head. somebody is going to do that. the problem is i said it now, and i'm glad i said. somebody has to say it. but one of these republican guys are going to say, what a good idea. now in four weeks you won't remember it was trump. i tell you what, because i think i would be the greatest jobs president ever. >> if you were president today you would take out the oil sites tomorrow. >> when you get exxon mobil and these great oil companies they can rebuild it so fast. we have to take a break. we have lots more with donald
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trump. we'll talk about his plans with the economy. how do you get 93 million americans back into the work place. we will get to your questions you be been sending on facebook and twitter. >> we're going to be thriving as a country. triving. it can happen. i will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. i tell you that. you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement,
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♪ we all feel the calling to build something great. ♪ live from america's news headquarters. it's been a week and a half since two killers broke out of an upstate new york prison. and no sign of these two. now authorities are expanding their manhunt beyond the vicinity of the prison. police say there is no hard
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evidence they left the area. the clinton county da confirms reports the prison worker accused of helping both inmates escape discussed having them kill her husband. despite that allegation she got a visit from her spouse. thunderstorm bill a tropical depression. it's not causing much damage. but forecasters warn the state may see a lot of severe flooding. the biggest threat is near rivers and lakes. i'm jackie ibanez now back to "hannity." we have people that aren't working. they have no incentive to work. but they will have incentive to work. because the greatest social program is a job. and they will be proud and they'll love it and make much more money than they would have ever made.
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and they'll be doing so well. and we're going to be thriving as a country. thriving. it can happen. i will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. i tell you that. >> as we continue for the hour we're joined by 2016 gop presidential candidate donald trump. you in your speech mentioned something i talk about a lot. there are 46 million on food stamps for ho40 months or longer. you say you'd be the biggest job president. >> our gross domestic product was announced. we're less than zero. it's unheard of. >> negative growth. >> what's going on is unbelievable unbelievable. other countries have taken our jobs china has taken our jobs. mexico is the new china. they're killing us on jobs.
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japan, you look at what's happening with the cars. i mean i jokingly say when was the last time you saw a chevrolet in tokyo. you don't see it. they're sending millions of cars and we get nothing out of this. what i would do is i would renegotiate trade agreements. the trade agreements are horrible. they're one sided. the other -- i'm not just talking about those three countries, every country. everybody makes money. we're the big dumb bully. we have incompetent people running us. we are the big stupid fools. i would renegotiate trade agreements. i would make our country so rich so fast we have rebuilt china. just remember that. now, i have the largest bank in the world. in this building. a floor of this building. they're from china. they like me. i like the people from china. i just don't like that our leaders are not smart and that the chinese leaders are much smarter. >> if you become president you'll inherit $20 trillion in
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debt. >> tremendous problems. >> all those unemployment poverty numbers i gave you. would you balance a budget? you said you wouldn't country entitlements military. >> i won't cut social security it's unfair to people. >> that's their money. >> i'm the only republican who said -- all of a sudden huckabee said it. but he doesn't know how to do it. i'm a good businessman. you see that from my statement. you see that from what i've built. nobody knows how to do this. >> how do you balance the budget? >> take it away and take it back from all of the countries that have just ripped us. they just tearing the money out of our pockets. we have to bring jobs back to our country. we have to bring manufacturing back to our country. we have to bring our money back. we have tremendous potential in this you know what? if it's not done soon if we go another four or five or six years like this we won't be able to bring it back. >> would you insist on a balanced budget?
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relatively soon right now we're so under, we're so far under that you can't go too quickly. i would absolutely insist on it relatively soon. i will make deals, that would be so good and fast the other thing is i know all the smart people. i know the smartest guys on wall street. guys you never heard of. i know guys you have heard of that are overrated. i see guys on your show i know them all. i say he shouldn't be on the show. i know the overrated guys,ing the underrated guys. i know the best. we would have the -- we have the greatest negotiators in the world. we use politicians, we use diplomats that got their job because they gave money. >> would you be able to get americans out of poverty? >> i would create incentives for people to work. they don't have an incentive. they make more money sit ing there doing nothing than having a job.
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we have to create incentives that they do better by working. they have an incentive not to work. >> you would am cystinsist for any assistance you have to work for? >> you could look at things like that. actually bill clinton wanted that. a lot of people wanted that over the years. a lot of democrats wanted that. a lot of liberals wanted that. the problem we have right now, we have a society that sits back and says we don't have to do anything. eventually the 50% cannot carry -- it's unfair to them -- cannot carry the other 50%. >> you become president, you talked about new trade deals. you talk about the importance of balancing the budget not cutting social security entitlements. how quickly can you get 46 million americans off food stamp and 50 million americans off poverty. tell me what you would do to jump start the economy. >> it's not a question of things it's a question of incentives. we have to create incentives. we have to restructure our tax
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system so that people create incentives. you can do zones, lots of different things to get people to work. we have to change -- we have a very massive change coming up. this country cannot sustain itself. it can't go. you know that. we are right now the highest taxed nation in the world.e money because of common core and washington, we spend more money on education. than any country in the world. yet we'reativee 26th. 25 countries -- some of them spend 10% of what we spend and less. these are better in terms of education. there are so many things that you can cut. there are so many things. i'm building one of the great hotels in washington, d.c. right now. right on pennsylvania avenue. the old post office site which is amazing that i got it. i got it basically from the obama administration. nobody gets that one.
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maybe i'm a good negotiator who knows. they did a great thing. it will be a great hotel. i became familiar with d.c. and the kind of waste and the kind of -- the jobs look at the department of education. they're telling people from iowa and other places and new hampshire how to educate your children. dollars so much waste we have to take it. we'll take a break. we'll come back. more with 2016 presidential candidate donald trump as we broadcast from trump tower in new york city. stay with us on "hannity." >> politicians are all talk no action. nothing's going to get done. they will not bring us believe me, to the promised land. the e-class has 11 intelligent driver-assist systems. it recognizes pedestrians and alerts you. warns you about incoming cross-traffic. cameras and radar detect dangers you don't. and it can even stop by itself. so in this crash test,
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i watch the speeches of these people and they say the sun will rise the moon will set. all sorts of wonderful things will happen. and people are saying what's going on? i just want a job. just get me a job. al i don't need the rhetoric. i want a job. welcome back we continue the hour with 2016 presidential candidate, donald trump. let's go through social issues. you are prolife. rape incest exceptions. >> yes. >> gay marriage? >> i am for tradition. it's a changing format. >> colorado americanmarijuana. >> some bad things are happening in colorado with respect to people. i would have to look at that
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very carefully. >> states' rights versus federal government intrusion? >> i want to go back to the marijuana. a lot of people were in favor of it. now they're saying it's having tremendously damaging effects to the mind and brain and everything. >> what about the rights -- new york city almost impossible to get a conceal carry permit. i happen to have one. >> i have one, too. >> okay. it took a lot to get that. >> very hard. a lot of people out there have them and don't have permits. >> they don't obey the law. >> i'm a huge second amendment person. something is interesting that happened the two prisoners that escaped. you have people with houses up there that were against guns and now they're so happen they have guns. they're sitting there. one woman said i was against guns my husband was on them. she said now we have a gun on every table. there's a good example. >> do you believe climate change is a science, you convinced?
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>> i'm not a believer. this planet is so massive. when i hear obama saying that climate change is the number one problem, it is just madness. by the way, it started as global cooling, we went from warming to cooling. now they call it extreme weather. >> let me ask you about some of the top rated competitors in the republican party. first thought that comes to your mind. rand paul. >> a really nice guy. i've gotten to know him. i do like him a lot. he called me wanted to meet. i like him. i disagree with some of his policies. >> marco rubio? >> i think he's an overrated guy. i think i have much better hair than he does. i think that i never really met him. i saw him once quickly going on a stage. i really do think he was very disloyal to bush. because bush by all accounts was his mentor.
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florida is my second home. bush by all accounts was his mentor. i think he was extremely disloyal to bush. and if you can, i will ask you, to ask me about bush next because i watched your show last night. i thought it was horrible when he said a dear friend. a dear friend. you said marco rubio to bush. and bush said a dear friend. that's politics. that's what i mean. believe it. he's got to hate him. this was not marco rubio's -- he's a gungyoung guy. >> what do you think of jeb bush? i think he's a nice guy. he doesn't look like a person that wants to be doing this. >> scott walker. >> i know him very well. he came up to see me. he gave me a plaque. i like him a lot. the problem is wisconsin is having a lot of problems. i mean they're doing not well. and it's a tremendous amount of debt being piled up. they're having a lot of difficulty. >> carly fiorina. >> i know her, i never met her.
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she looks nice. she got fired viciously at hewlett packard. i don't mean like a little bit. she got fired viciously at hewlett packard. then she ran for the senate and lost in a land slide. >> rick perry? >> i think he's such a nice guy. i mean he's somebody that when you're with him it's much different than his persona. >> you're like that, do you happen that? >> >> hopefully in the opposite way. >> you're more quiet, introspective in person alone. >> well it could be. >> rick perry? >> probably a little bit. i'm a nice person. a lot of people don't know that. i give a lot of money to charities. i love good things. >> i want to ask you -- >> rick perry, nice guy. i don't think he has a chance. >> okay. when we come back i have the most important questioning to get to. hillary clinton, if it's your up against her or any of these other candidates how would you beat her?
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how do republicansts beat her? we'll ask that when we come back as we continue from trump tower in new york city. it's "hannity" stay with us. sadly the american dream is dead. but if i get elected president. i will bring it back. bigger and better and stronger than ever before and we will make america great again. this summer, get ready for suspense. unbridled jealousy. she's still there. new beginnings. goodbye. and sheer exhilaration. and sheer exhilaration. lock and load. roger. it's the event you don't want to miss. it's the summer of audi sales event. get up to $3000 bonus on select audi
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welcome back to "hannity." it's to ask 2016 presidential candidate donald trump questions about hillary clinton. 57% of americans do not find her honest and trustworthy. do you think she's honest and trustworthy? in the past you've donated money to her. >> i doubt it. you look at what's going on and you see what's sheed done's done between the e-mails and lots of things happen to the people who
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give money. i'm somebody who is smart. you would like at it and say -- >> americans elect somebody with that lack of trust and honesty? >> it's going to be a competitive race. i can say that. it's in a way it's amazing. i think many of these republican candidates -- i won't mention which one. i don't think they have a chance. >> do you view her as a third obama term? >> it is. it's going to be a third obama term. it's going -- i laugh when i hear her talk about income inequality. they phenomenonly and the money pours in and they talk -- she's gone far to the left because she doesn't want elizabeth warren to come in and other people to come in. she's got enough problems with sanders. but she's going left. but i don't think that will be the end case. i think she's going to start going a little bit more once she -- looks like she'll get the
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nomination. hard to believe in one sense. i really think if that were any republican with the e-mails, where you delete after getting a subpoena. you get a subpoena from the united states congress and you delete >> she had a subpoena deleted 30,000. now, we're finding e mails that she was supposed to have handed over in 2012. >> this is what bothers me about the republican politicians why don't they bring it up anymore? >> you name one thing she's accomplished that made peoples' lives better? you can't answer it. >> i'm having problems witness. people have said name one accomplishment. hillary? she's a champion of her biggest fans i've watched
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her biggest fans have been asked that question and can't answer it. she's a woman was the best answer. >> what do you think of taking money from countries that have approachus human rights records? >> it's a conflict of interest. it could be illegal. at the at the minimum, it's a conflict of interest. >> and she grants it. she has a conservative republican doing it? >> yes. yes. >> how do you feel if you're the candidate where republicans are sexist, hate poor people, want to throw granny over the cliff? they're racist? . >> i happen to think this is going to be based on competence not personality. someone said do you think i have
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a good personality? i don't know. people that know me, like me. i said i'm not sure it's important this time i think it's going to be based on confidence. i create a great society. great jobs. i think that wins the elections. >> does donald trump expect to work well with congress? >> i know politicians better than anyone. if you can't deal with a politician something is wrong with you. obama doesn't deal. he doesn't deal. you can work with politicians including politicians on the other side. >> let's take a break. donald trump makes his final push to you, straight ahead. are you still getting heartburn flare-ups?
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oprah winfrey? would that be your first choice for vice president? >> you know she's a friend of mine and george stephanopoulos asked me if i was kidding. it won't be for oprah but i do like her a lot. that was done as a little joke. i said i'd love to have oprah because she is a friend of mine but obviously that is not for her. >> one question about presidential, it's unlike any deal you've done before. you will have access to nuclear weapons. you'll have your finger on the button. are you ready for the onslaught, the avalanche of criticism that will come your way? >> i've been a public reason all my life for whatever reason they say i'm the best known businessman, i wrote the "art of the deal" the best-selling
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business book of all time with "the apprentice", continuing to be a success i get in the public eye you talk about the nuclear button, i worry about these maniacs that are trying to get nuclear weapons. >> we have them. >> we have to keep that way from these people. that is going to be and would be the better question. >> so why you want to be president and what you'll do as president? >> the reason i want to be president is i want to make america great again. it's simple we have tremendous phone shall. the world is ripping us off. china are taking our jobs, money, and manufacturing. they're loaning the money back owe us. mexico is a disaster at the border. japan, everybody. we're a laughingstock.
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that won't happen under president trump. >> you want to get americans back to work? >> we are going to make america great again. >> as always thank you for joining us we'll see you back in studio tomorrow night. >> the donald trump took you on in a speech today about common core and immigration. i want to ask you. >> [ laughter ] >> sorry. i shouldn't have done that. >> the candidacy of trump making some people laugh. but is that a big mistake? karl rove will analyze. >> in some cases hillary clinton is reversing course on policies that she embraced before for the benefit of clinton donors and i'm saying this warrants investigation. >> is is the american press really investigating the clinton foundation? watergate legend bob woodward will weigh in. also ahead look at this picture. a raccoon ride on alligator
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