tv The Kelly File FOX News June 17, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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interesting. again, thanks for watching us tonight. i am bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops here. we are definitely looking good evening, this is a fox news alert. officials at the charleston police department say it happened in the downtown area. a local newspaper reports it's not clear if the gunman fired inside or outside of the church. there are reports of injuries. that has not yet been confirmed. we're working on getting that confirmed and will bring it to
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you. we do know six ambulances were spotted in the area of the shooting. >> white male. approximately 21 years of age. slender small build. white shirt. possibly hoody. blue jeans. and clean shaver. happened around 9:00. >> police are reporting a bomb threat tonight. they're looking into that as well the emmanuel church is a historic african american church that traces roots to 1816 when several churches split from charleston's methodist episcopal church. there has been a shooting at emmanuel ane church.
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21 years old male slender build. timberland boots and he is clean shaven. now, let's continue to watch "the kelly file", already in progress. begins asking her to leave. she refuses to leave and refuses to show her i.d. a park ranger then comes over at one point and starts threatening arrests unless they leave. that's when the officer appears to grab crystal dixon's arm. listen to this. >> don't touch my mom. >> don't touch my mom. >> don't touch my arm. >> get off. >> i ask you to go. >> get off. >> now to the 12-year-old girl in question. look at this surveillance video inside the pool staff building. you see the girl in the black bathing suit will walk over and
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come and hit police. and then more kids come over as the camera switches angles. you can see they start hitting the officer. that is when a pool employee calls 911 and begins describing the very scene. listen to this. >> there are two officers here fighting with them. >> cell phone video shows an officer wrap his arm around the 12 year old's neck to move her from the wall to police cruiser. the girl begins screaming. a female police officer tries to calm her down. the family of the 12 year old says she suffered a broken jaw. while she was cuffed and crying on the ground the girl only complained about getting pepper spray in the eye with the officer telling her how to relieve the burning. listen to this.
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>> blink your eyes. the more you blink. blink, blink, blink. >> now fairfield police also say crystal dixon asked one of the kids to get a taser from her purse. the police chief believes under the circumstances his officers acted with great restraint. the mayor believes the police acted properly and believe if she had just given her identification this all could have been avoided. >> thank you. joining me now is crystal dixon, the mother who dropped off the kids and who is subsequently arrested along with her attorney clyde bennett. let me start with the injuries to your 12-year-old niece. was she hurt? >> on behalf of ms. dixon i am not going to allow her to answer too many questions because she
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has criminal charges pending against her. she can answer basic fundamental questions. if you ask her about what transpired that day you expose her to potential information that could be inconsistent with her best interests for the criminal trial. i will not permit her to answer questions about the case. >> let me ask you whether the 12-year-old niece was hurt. what were her injuries? >> my understanding was that she sustained serious injuries as a result of the altercation. >> keep in mind you have a 12-year-old girl -- that's my understanding. that's my understanding. you have a grown adult male trying to subdue a 12-year-old girl. how much force is necessary to subdue a 12-year-old female if you are an adult grown man? you have to take that girl and throw her against a car and you have an amount of force on her? if you do that is it plausible
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to sustain injuries? the answer is yes. >> the problem is that moments before we see the officer do that to the 12 year old we see the 12 year old hitting the cop repeatedly in that other surveillance video that was not highlighted by the family's defenders. here it is on the screen. she punches the cop and then they turn the corner and more punching ensues. so the police say they were well within their rights. what say you to that? >> i have seen the video and i have seen what purports to be this young lady hitting the police officer. if you are a grown man, you are physically grown and have physical capability to subdue a 12-year-old girl without using excessive force what type of force is necessary to stop a 12-year-old girl from striking a grown man? the grown man can do a lot of things beside forcibly grabbing her and throwing her against a
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motor vehicle and then pressing her body against the motor vehicle. >> what do you think of the moment -- the other piece of the surveillance where you see what appears to be the young woman punching the officer, he appears surrounded by family members. at that point the backup wasn't there. it was just this cop and one other. and they turn the corner and you see the family members come and one other cop. the police are saying he felt threatened. >> you saw small children and teenagers screaming and being frightened by the fact that their mother was being physically attacked by a police officer. you did not see children attacking the police officer but for the one 12 year old who made contact with him a couple ofims to. if you are a police officer you do not have to resort to that level of force in order to subdue a 12 year old. the other individuals were not making contact just surrounded by their mother frightened by
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what was going on. >> i know that you are pregnant and expecting a baby and that was part of the issue between you and your sister. your sister did not want them to man handle you because you are expecting a baby. yet a lot of people see the tape and say then just comply. when the police tell you to do something just comply and deal with it later. what do you say? >> let me answer that question. >> are you going to let her answer anything? why is she here? why don't you just let her say what she wants to say? >> can i answer your question first? >> i want to hear from crystal because we are almost out of time. i am giving her the floor to say what it is she wanted to say to viewers tonight. go ahead, ma'am. >> can i make my point? and then i will let her speak. >> go ahead, clyde. >> there is a fundamental misunderstanding that wrou have to do what the police tell you to do. the fact of the matter is in the
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law in this country and the state of ohio is that the police must have probable cause that you committed a crime and that you are about to commit a crime before they engage you, before they grab you. in america you can't just go up to a person and grab them. that is what happened in this case. that is wrong. >> i got it. >> when you ask the question you ask you are basically avoiding the misconduct. >> your point is why should she have to comply with what was an illegal order. that is going to be your argument. >> go ahead. tell us what you wanted to tell us tonight. >> you can speak with clyde. >> thank you both for being here. >> i got it. thank you both. with us tonight sheriff david clark. there you have it. the cops didn't need to use that amount of force to subdue a 12 year old and other family members. >> that was a textbook response by the police department totally
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appropriate use of force. i think even a little more force would have been reasonable under the circumstances. they were getting no compliance to their lawful commands. i'm getting sick and tired of people engaging the police in these situations not complying, resisting arrest fighting the police and think the police should just go home. >> they say it wasn't a lawful command. he was stopping her demanding i.d. and she had no obligation to comply. >> it is not up to her or those folks as to whether it was lawful. that gets solved later on in a court of law. when an officer gives a lawful command like if they tell you to jump off a building that is not a lawful command. when they say to leave or put your hands behind your back or you are under arrest you must comply. when you get into a physical confrontation with a law enforcement officer i would like to use that for a training tape on how officers should behave
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and respond in those situations. when you get into a physical confrontation with a law enforcement officer you can expect to get hurt because i expect that officer to win. i will answer the question as to how much force is necessary to get a 12 year old into custody, reasonable force. another reasonable force to overcome not meet resistance but overcome resistance. those officers acted appropriately. they were clear in their command and like i said they probably could have used other intermediate weapons, batons tasers to meet the physical resistance. they didn't. that was restraint beyond the call of duty. i am tired of these individuals thinking that they can confront the police in these situations and the police are going to back off. >> now there is an allegation of racism as well. >> there is no racism there. there is no racism. i'm tired of that too. every time a white officer confronts a black individual
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right away people jump to race. i have one thing for those people in this situation here. i think there was a racial component, three words, shutup already. >> always interesting getting your perspective. thanks for being here sir. >> my pleasure. >> what do you think? i can feel the comments coming. we also had a kelly file exclusive in the case of a student suing an elite new england college after the school refused to consider evidence that might clear him in a sexual assault case. for the first time his attorney speaks out and wait until you hear the new details. plus breaking news on brian williams and his future at nbc news. the big headline and then media reports surfaced that donald trump hired actors to cheer his presidential announcement. why not? the trump team is denying it and dana perino is next on why this could become a bigger deal.
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this man is accused of beheading one woman and trying to behead a second. that second victim has avoided the national spot light until she spoke with us today. >> so he got to you and what happened next? >> he started slashing my neck. nobody told us to expect it... intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes it's not likely to go away on its own. so let's do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help it provides estrogens to help rebuild
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are you running? are you not running? i am officially running for president of the united states. i will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. free trade can be wonderful if you have smart people but we have people that are stupid. i like china. i sell apartments. i just sold an apartment for $15 million to somebody from china. i don't need anybody's money it's nice. i'm really rich. we are dying. we are dying. we need money. thank you, darling. mr. trump, you are not a nice person. sdpl we don't need nice. >> that's true but i am. we have losers. we won't be using a man like secretary kerry that goes into a
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bicycle race at 72 years old and falls and breaks his leg. i won't be doing that. the american dream is dead. if i get elected president i will bring it back. >> come on. that was fantastic! that was donald trump yesterday announcing his presidential run to a room full of supporters in new york city. reports surfaced suggesting the supporters may have been paid actors. dana perino cohost of the five. i don't know is it so bad if they did? is it bad if hillary clinton has staged events in iowa? >> he is entertaining. i will give him that. i love the campaign slogan. it's make america great again. it incapsulates exactly what a lot of voters would want. i think this is complete non sense. the story about the paid actors
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you can pay for a lot of things in life. you can pay for actors. he is very rich. one thing you can't pay for in american politics is votes. he has 62% negative rating with gop primary voters. and a lot of ways i think what is happening in this article is they are running for president. so things are different. so the hollywood reporter finds out there is an e-mail from the donald trump team to a casting agency saying we will pay you $50 for three hours of work if you wear a t shirt and clap for donald trump. that is called astroturfing. it happens. some campaigns do it try to steal a crowd with a bunch of people. it is frowned upon. you can do it. trump campaign is denying it. the casting agency is like i'm not going to return that phone call. when you are running for president you have to start answering a lot of things including specifics. >> maybe.
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hillary clinton doesn't. maybe he will follow that model. if he does he doesn't have to answer for everything. what about donald trump? he is a successful businessman, tv star. we took herman cain seriously, both successful business executives. why not donald trump who has almost $9 billion in success? >> people are welcome to. i'm looking at the numbers. he has a 62% negative rating with the gop voters. that is a deficit you cannot buy your way out of. he will probably make the debate. if you say things to people that sound popular and they feel good like if you say i'm going to bring back all of the jobs from china that to me is political malpractice to say things like that to people who may have lost jobs in ohio and think maybe they don't think trump is going to get my job back. it is pretty serious business.
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this is the most important job in the world. he is not the boss. he is auditioning for the job, interviewing for the job. at that point you have to be able to sell yourself not just your brand, but why you should be the person in the job. >> do you think he hurts the republican party as some have argued? they say he is going to be making crazy assertions about mexicans raping women and that is going to tarnish the gop will it? >> i don't know. maybe in the eyes of like the mainstream media. they will give donald trump all of the air time that they possibly can to achieve that goal to make the republicans look silly. if you have 62% of republican primary voters saying i would never vote for him then i think what's in the republican party is not going to hurt them. >> dana perino, always interesting to get your perspective. also tonight big news on rachel dolezal. the naacp chief who had to quit
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when it turns out she is not really black. what might be in her future. up next don't miss this. this man faces first degree murder charges for beheading one woman and trying to behead another. today for the first time on any national broadcast that second victim speaks to us. >> do you think he was trying to decapitate you? >> yes, ma'am. >> he was actually in the process of beheading you?
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this is a fox news report. there has been a shooting it is reported in charleston. investigators say it happened around 9:00 wednesday night at the historic emmanuel ame church the gunman remains at large. helicopters are circling the report. it's not clear if the gunman fired inside or outside of the church. there are initial reports of injuries. that has not yet been confirmed either but six ambulances were spotted in the area of the
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shooting. >> white male. approximately 21 years of age. small built. wearing a white shirt. possibly hoody. blue jeans. timberland boots and clean shaven. it happened around 9:00. >> the emmanuel ame church traces it's roots to 1816 when several churches split from charleston's methodist episcopal church. recapping there has been a shooting in the emmanuel ame church in downtown charleston. right now, i want to break down the description of the man they're looking for. they say he's a white man, clean shaven slender small build blue jeans timberland boots and
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a gray sweat shirt. we're waiting for a news conference and if it happens we'll break in live with that. now back to "the kelly file" already in progress screaming for help. and didn't think anybody was going to come around. >> but the cfo who is both a reserve sheriff's deputy and a member of their elite force grabbed a rifle and opened fire wounding nole nd and stopping the attack. his actions gained him national attention and awards for heroism. here he is. >> i'm very grateful that i was there. i don't know how i would be mentally if i wasn't. i don't view myself as a hero. i view myself as put in a position i was prepared. >> prepared in the nick of time to save the life of tracy johnson. listen again. >> do you think he was trying to decapitate you?
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>> yes, ma'am. >> he was actually in the process of beheading you? >> yes. he got a millimeter within my jugular. >> where did he cut you? >> the right side of my neck. >> would you mind showing us? >> all right here. >> did he slice you or did he stab you? >> sliced me. he was slicing me. >> and other employees say while he was slicing and attacking he was shouting arabic statements. we know he converted to islam and that his social media foot print included a depiction of someone beheaded with a quote that read i will instill terror in the hearts of unbelieveers. he used his facebook page to celebrate the attacks of 9/11 showing twin towers burning and posting islam will dominate the world and we need more for allah. the fbi was brought in and the
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debate began over whether it was work place violence or terrorism. many believe terrorism cut and dry. it is murder which is what the d.a. charged. tracy johnson can't decide if terrorism or racism was the motivating factor. >> thank you. tomorrow night our exclusive interview with tracy johnson, the one woman who survived that attack that day in moore, oklahoma. she walks us through what happened to her and her reaction to this case not being treated as terror. tomorrow night 9 p.m. don't miss that. we have brabing new-- breaking news on brian williams and his future at nbc news. plus rachel dolezal and reports that the former naacp chief may land a very big gig. we'll tell you what it is. when eating healthy and drinking water just isn't enough to
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new details on a lawsuit against an elite college raising questions about the rights of young men on college campusess in america. in december of 2013 amhurst college expelled a male student for sexual misconduct. the young man who was expelled after a hearing in which he had very few rights is known as john doe. he hired a lawyer and discovered evidence which appears to clear him in the case but amhurst will not hear him. john doe's attorney began an interview with me tonight by elaborating on the nature. >> she started by saying it was all coerced, but then when she got to the investigative stage
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and then said actually it was -- i did it willingly at first and changed my mind in the middle. >> just so viewers can see what she testified to because we have a transcript to it. john raped me the night of february 4, 2012. in my initial report i did not agree to perform oral sex at the beginning. i said no repeatedly and physically pushed against him john did not listen and held me down. is it not plausible, has it not happened in prior rape cases that a victim consents and even though it may seem preposterous to some says i no longer consent. >> the fact that she willingly consented at the beginning at a time in her testimony and the findings of the panel mr. doe
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was himself incapacitated should have left the panel to conclude that she had committed sexual misconduct and not him. beyond that it became clear that in fact she was really the moving force behind the sex for the entire event. >> so the audience knows john doe had his hearing and was expelled and then his ex girlfriend who is the room mate of the alleged victim here came forward and said hold on. in that hearing i, the girlfriend of john doe, told the investigator that there were text messages they needed to follow up on. and she now swears i was surprised to see they never followed up on it they never called the witnesses involved in texting the alleged victim on the night in question. and so now she says i will set the record straight. i have obtained the texts and here they are. these texts show the alleged
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victim the accuser that night saying my room mate knows me. i wasn't an innocent bystander talking about she is going to break it to the room mate that she had a sexual exchange with the room mate's boyfriend saying i just did something so stupid. and then she laments that he was too drunk to make a good lie out of it when the room mate comes back. you bring all of this. john doe brings this after the fact and says hello. what does amhurst say? >> amhurst considered it for a year and declined to do anything about it. >> you're claiming that this is a denial of john doe's due process rights and that it was gender discrimination against a college male? >> well that's right. there was no fair procedure here.
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he was told on november 1 that he was charged with an offense that occurred nearly two years before. within six weeks there was a hearing, expelled labelled sex offender. his future was in ruins. he wasn't allowed to have a lawyer and wasn't allowed to investigate if he knew how to investigate because he was told he couldn't speak to anyone about it. he had to go through this -- given an adviser who was a member of the administration who was prohibited from advocating on his behalf. >> so most damming testimony as i see it -- put her to the side in the proceedings was somebody by the initials of l.r. who told the investigator that john doe confessed the assault to her. how do you defend that? >> well in fact nobody believed that. investigator didn't believe her.
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it is clear the hearing panel didn't believe her. john doe was so intoxicated that everyone agreed that he was incapacitated and they therefore discredited the notion that he had confessed. >> the texts that were revealed after the hearing that could have been revealed during the hearing included the revelation that the alleged victim had a sexual encounter with another man. do you think that something more -- something should happen to sandra jones? >> we are not interested in prosecuting ms. jones but interested in getting relief for this man who was a wonderful student. he was a first generation citizen of the united states. hoo he was doing so well. the world was his oyster and in a six-week period of time his future was in complete ruins.
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>> how is he today? >> he suffers from shame and embarrassment. he is depressed. he doesn't sleep at night. >> he has no college degree and he has been labelled a discipline problem by the school. thank you for coming on and telling us his story. >> thank you for having me. sandra jones is the alias used for the alleged victim in the case. why is a larger media not covering john doe's story? i want to get to the brian williams news in a minute but where are the media on this? where are they? >> i haven't seen a major media report except in home state and if john doe would come forward that would help drive the story. male college students don't make sympathetic victims in the eyes of the media. that is a designation for women
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especially in these cases where the assumption is men are pigs. in some cases the charges turn out to be not true and i see very little interest on the part of the mainstream media. >> what about the "rolling stone" case? shouldn't the media have their antenna up to tell the other side? not every allegation is true. >> the "rolling stone" debacle should have reminded us all that sometimes these allegations turn out to be false, exaggerated. i didn't know about this story until you reported on it. seems to me the text messages in real time from the woman who was the accuser kind of blows the school's case out of the water. there are some disputed facts. you would think this would be a story for more than "the kelly file." >> devastating to this woman's case. she can never pursue this case in a court of law. i want to switch gears. there is big news out of nbc
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news and brian williams. have they reached a decision on his future? >> people familiar with the process tell me that brian williams is not expected to return to nbc anchor chair but will remain with the network under this scenario handed over to lester holt. it was impossible in the wake of brian williams making up the story and other questions that was such a strong revolt maybe not too strong a word by many in the news division against him returning to the anchor chair. as it dragged on it became difficult for nbc to bring him back. people i have talked to expect he could go to msnbc which has been ratings challenged. or he could become a correspondent or a combination of the two. >> wow. that's an amazing story for someone who was at the top of
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his game not that long ago. confirming it tonight. the "new york times" confirming it. we appreciate it. good to see you. also tonight, the white woman who quote identifies as black may be looking at a big new gig. plus what happened when a big soccer official suggested the reason women's soccer is getting more popular has little to do with the women's athletic skills. we'll take that up
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>> there is real to rachel. so i asked reality experts they said if this reality show comes off and it is bizarre, what does it remind you of? i put it in the category of buck buckwild, and in the category of amish mafia. and finally i put in the category of dancing in the dark. two people talk to each other in the dark and turn lights on and see if they want to date. >> i have to turn on hulu. i can't believe i missed this. >> and now you can be a racist
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against dogs? >> if you're in new york you have to get a dna test and get proof your dog is a pedigree to make sure you have the type of dog this condo complex, which is luxury, will find acceptable. >> no weiner dogs? >> if you have a maltese or a pomeranian, don't even apply. >> there is my baby. >> well very to give bailey to my sister. there was an issue with aggression. >> really? >> look at her in her halloween outfit. >> do you have a german sheperd?
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>> president obama says bans on types of dogs are ineffective. >> that is packed and you have a lot of great facilities and everything is shiny and clean. listen, i'm not saying "fox and friends" isn't. but it's the owners. not the breed. it's the owners. >> bailey was my aggressive side. and basia my sweet side. british soccer -- women's soccer ratings have gone up 285% brazilian soccer federation thinks they know why. before, they dressed like men. now, do what women do now.
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they dress up, they look elegant. they wear shorter shorts and tighter sherts and i blame bim. women aren't watching. if men watch, and solution to problems >> this is an enlightened man. i'd like to have him on the show. marco? we'll have a discussion about why you think women are doing so well in soccer. >> it would be fun to see you talk soccer. >> this is a fox news alert in new york, there has been a shooting in a church in charston, south carolina and there are several bodies inside of the church. investigators say it happened around 9:00 wednesday night at
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historic emmanuel ame transported to the musc emergency trauma center the investigation continues we're able investigation continued, we were able to determine that there were eight deceased individuals inside of the church. two individuals were transported to the musc. one of them has died. so at this point, we have nine victims in this hideous crime that has been committed. right now we are working with all of our partners. we have members of charleston police department the charleston police department the fbi, and many other, the atf and many other federal agencies
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are here. we have a unified command that is working this investigation. we have investigators that are out tracking leads that are coming in. and we will continue to do that until we find this individual who has carried out this crime tonight and bring him to justice. we are looking for a white male approximately 21 years old. sandy blond hair and he obviously is extremely dangerous. and what we are asking if anyone in the community has information about this particular individual that he contact law enforcement immediately. we have all the resources that are available to us not only locally, but from the state as well as federal agencies. we have resources that are being flown in right now from washington, d.c. that will help us not only track leads, but also work this investigation. and i can say that we will put all effort we will put all
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resources, and we will put all of our energy into finding this individual who committed this crime tonight. and as i said earlier, this is a tragedy that no community should have to experience. it is senseless. it is unfathomable that somebody in today's society could walk into a church when people are having a prayer meeting and take their lives. and i can assure you that we are going to do everything in our power to find this individual to lock him up and to make sure that he does not hurt anyone else. >> any word on the victims' names at this time, chief? >> we are not able to release any of that. the coroner is now working that particular part of the investigation. and just let me say i know that there was some questions earlier about why we weren't coming forward. as you can imagine, this was a very chaotic scene when we arrived.
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we had a lot of moving parts. we were tracking this individual with k-9s. we were making sure that he was not in the area to commit other crimes. and as all this was going on we received information that there might be a secondary explosive device in the scene. so we had to make sure that not only our responders but you and other people in the community were safe. so i promise you that we will keep you updated. we will give you regular updates as quickly as we can. but please understand that the primary role right now and the primary emphasis is going to be us catching this individual before he hurts somebody else. >> is this being investigated as a hate crime, chief? >> we'll take questions after the mayor speaks. >> this is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy. in the history of emanuel ame church. ame churches people in prayer.
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wednesday evening, a ritual coming together praying and worshipping god. awful person come in and shoot them is -- is inexplicable. obviously, the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible. as the chief said the county police department state law enforcement division, other municipalities the fbi, and others are all combined and working with us to make sure that we catch this awful person and bring him to justice as soon as possible. we just left speaking with members of the family. it was a heartbreaking scene i have never witnessed in my life
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before. and i told them that this community sends forth their love for them and that we are all in this together in this community to help those who have lost a loved one get through this time and give them love and support and encouragement as we bring this awful person to justice as soon as humanely possible. >> is the city offering any reward in hopes of capturing this shooter? >> we will be offering a reward. we'll have to look at that tomorrow to see exactly what the amount will be. but i can guarantee you tomorrow we will be announcing a reward. and what i would ask as well is that obviously, if you as the media receive any information at all in any form or fashion, please make sure that you give that to us as soon as possible. because it's likely that you might be getting some
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information via your resources. >> a call from a gentleman responsibility. is there any legitimacy to that? >> we're look at all leads right now. we're not going to talk about how the investigation is proceeding. so we'll be happy to answer questions that are nonspecific to the investigation. >> are there any survivors right now? did anybody survive? >> there are, yes. >> how many? >> we're not going to talk about specific numbers. but there are individuals. >> do the man who was brought into the marriott in cuffs, can you speak to his involvement in this? >> we're not talking about any of that investigative activity at this time. >> can you speak to the condition of senator -- >> we're not identifying any victims. so i'm not speaking to the condition of any individuals at this point. >> do you believe this was a hate crime? >> i do believe this was a hate crime circumstances that why the fbi is here? is it being investigated as a hate crime? >> it will be investigated as a hate crime. but the fbi will be here regardless because of the size and scope of the investigation and they're our partners. and they will be here to help us regardless. but they're here for that specific reason. >> now, without going into the
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specifics, if it's being investigated -- >> a reason someone could walk into church and s is out of pain. it's the only reason. its most dastardly act that one can possible imagine. and we will bring that person to justice as soon as possible. >> how does that investigation go -- how does the hate crime investigation, how does that differ from a regular investigation? >> the methods and the techniques that will be used in the investigation will be the exact same thing. what occurs is as we go forward with any type of prosecution, that's where those particular regulations would come into play. >> you there is only one gunman is that right? >> as far as we know right now, there is only one person we're looking. >> i can only answer one person. >> we've seen some prayer and anger as well. what is the message to the community right now? >> the message to the community is this is an opportunity for us
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all to unite because of a significant tragedy that has occurred. and what we need right now is we need everybody to come together and pray for these families and we need them to come together and help us find this person so nobody else is hurt. and what we need is for the community to look at this and say we have had enough of this violence. and if we stand up together we can stop this violence. and that's what we need the community to do. so i understand that people might be angry. i understand that they might be upset. and that is certainly emotions that we would all understand. but we need to do, though, come together and help us to, one, support the families, support our community. and catch this person so that he doesn't hurt somebody else. >> chief, why were -- >> that this is one, one hateful person. one hateful person that did these dastardly deeds. one hateful person. so if all the rest of us need to
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work to help find this person give the police any leads you might find and then give love and support to the family members of those who lives were taken. >> the fighting elder of the church. >> let me take this opportunity on behalf of -- >> your name? >> my last name is spelled goff g-o-f-f g-o-f-f. i'm the presiding elder of the annual conference which -- >> my first name is norvell norvel-o-r-v-e-l n-o-r-v-e-l. which is the entire state of south carolina. and there is only one voice that speaks for the ame church in south carolina and that's bishop norris. and as a presiding elder, i'm here to report that bishop norris also reinforced what the mayor has already spoken with mayor riley and support the statement of the police chief. we have more than 50 some odd
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ame preachers on the grounds and at the embassy suite hotel along with the members of mother emanuel church. we will hold a prayer vigil at noon tomorrow and here in charleston where the reverend watkins is a pastor. we want the entire community to pray for safety for our people and that we would hope that this person who has committed this heinous crime, which is a hate crime, be brought to justice. so we stand in solidarity. but we also solicit your prayers for the family members who have lost loved ones here tonight. thank you so much. >> do you have a sense of -- >> i can't answer that. >> police chief -- >> in an area -- >> we'll be back in a couple of hours. we'll notify you when we're coming back. thank you very much. >> chief, chief -- >> is there anything in terms of safety we need to know -- >> now, just to give you a recap here, what is happening there in charleston, south carolina tonight, it
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