tv The Kelly File FOX News June 18, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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cis and the global warming controversy. big show. the factor on friday. i am bill o'reilly. please always remember that the spin stops here. because we are definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight a mass murderer suspect in custody and back in south carolina after being captured 300 miles away and now a search for answers are under way following a devastating attack at a historical church that left nine people dead. welcome to "the kelly file." i'm megyn kelly. it was just about this time last night when a 21-year-old man opened fire inside the emanu ale african e african episcopal church. a group was there to study the
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bible and sit in trust what they thought was safety and feeling connected to god and one another. the killer was among them. he sat with them for a full hour. an imposter among the faithful. a man with evil in his heart pretending to worship and as the bible study ended so do did his charade as he then stood up and opened fire on innocents ranging from a young child to an 87-year-old woman. one report says he reloaded his gun five times. it is our kelly file policy to refrain from naming or showing the faces of these mass shooters. once they have been apprehended. too often it is infamy they seek and we decline to help. we urge our colleagues in the media both at fox news and beyond to join us in this effort. especially in a case like this. where this killer allowed one person to live reportedly for the expressed purpose of having
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her tell the world what he done. tonight we have breaking news on the killer in this case and what led him to that terrible moment. we also have news on the victims. and we will discuss the opportunism we saw today as some felt compelled to take advantage of this tragedy to push a personal sometimes political agenda. tonight we have fbi profilers, and ben carson who issued one of the most thoughtful responses to this incomprehensible crime this ann. but first a look back at how this tragedy unfolded. as we mentioned the killer spent about an hour with his victims at the church. then at approximately 9:05:00 p.m. he told the victims you rape our women and you are taking over our country and you have to go speaking to all african-americans. then he started shooting. authorities immediately responded. >> several victims regarding that active shooter.
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give me at least four medic units. >> all units responding. >> can you please send out an ems command page advising of an active shooter. >> among the victims prominent names in the african-american community including pastors, a state senator, a librarian, high school coach. several others survived. three, including a 5-year-old girl whose grandmother told her to play dead as word spread heartbroken friends converged on the church. their grief palpable. by daybreak police would release key clues. >> he's a younger white male we're estimating between 21 and 25 years of age. he's approximately 5'9" in height and as you will see he has on a very distinctive sweat shirt that has markings and i
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would point out that also the vehicle that you'll see has a very distinctive front license plate. >> shortly after 10:00 a.m. law enforcement revealed his identity and his vehicle. by 10:49 a.m. police got their man. apprehending him a state away in shelby, north carolina. a tip from an alert citizen led to his arrest. a moment of light in a very dark day. over the next hour or so we heard from attorney general lynch who said federal authorities have opened up a hate crime investigation here. and from south carolina officials, including governor nikki haley whose heartbreak was evident. >> the heart and soul of south carolina was broken.
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and so we have some grieving to do. we got some pain we have to go through. parents are having to explain to their kids how they can go to church and feel safe and that's not something we ever thought we would deal with. >> president obama spoke from the white house. more on that in just a bit. while the nation could finally breathe a sigh of relief there was no long ear threat mourners would gather for a vigil to honor those lost. as for the accused he waived his right to extradition and has now returned to south carolina. fox news is live in charleston tonight. what's the latest? >> reporter: well megyn when we got the call this morning that all of this had gone down and happened here in my state of south carolina this is where i grew up. my sister lives here. my family goes to the beach very close right off the coast of charleston. i grew up about two hours away in columbia and lived on smith street when i interned at the nbc affiliate a few blocks down the road.
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when we pulled into downtown charleston our whole crew we turned the corner calhoun street was opened for the first time today and we passed this church and there it is down there, emanuel ame church the doors were closed and i thought to myself nine people lost their lives in a senseless way last night and you're right. how do you explain that to your children as nikki haley was saying. the governor of south carolina. we saw people at the church today. lines, droves of people that were bringing flowers, were bringing candles, saying prayers, uniting different races, denominations, political views, crying about the loss that happened in that church about 24 hours ago. and men were out there with their babies and were teaching their 5 and 6-year-olds about forgiveness and those lessons that they learned they said in bible school. the south growing up here it's not unordinary for all of us go to church on sunday morning. the majority of us do that here.
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and then on wednesday nights everyone went to church as well. that was not uncommon. so what happened last night is just -- it's so bizarre and is blowing all of our minds. this is a very popular intersection. this gas station is where everyone stops to get gas, gets their beer the college students, the church right down the street. it's a very popular and historic area megyn so it breaks everyone's heart that this happened. >> thank you. for more on the aftermath of last night's tragedy we're joined by pastry thomas dickson who rushed to the scene and journd the mourners. thank you for being here with us. when you went to the church last night what did you see? >> i actually wasn't able to even get close to the church. the scene was cordoned off very swiftly. and no one was allowed actually in or out. over time though some of the community leaders that had gathered were allowed to to
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come through the scene but not inside of the church. never once was the interior of the church breached. >> was there fear at that hour given that the killer was still on the loose? >> there was apprehension. there was apprehension. in any community you have that apprehension. there's one thing about it we can't allow fear to grip us and stall us or stagnate us in whatever our mission is that we have to do. we can't just let terror prevent us from going about whatever it is that we need to do at any given time. this is america. we don't do that. >> were you able to speak to any of the survivors? i know there was a 5-year-old girl who was told by her grandmother to play dead and she survived. were you able to speak with anybody who came out of the church? >> unfortunately, no. and it's my understanding that --
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>> unfortunately we seem to have lost pastor's feed. you can understand the chaos that's going on right now down in south carolina with all the tv crews there trying to cover the story for your as best we can. we'll try to get that feed re-established and go back to the pastor momentarily. we got him. pastor my apologies. we lost your feed for a moment. you were talk about the inability to speak with the survivors last night. >> okay. >> sorry. you know what he can't hear us. my apologies, folks opinion we're having a rough time with our technology. we'll move on. if we get the pastor back we'll bring him to you. here at the kelly file we don't show the shooter's face or give them the notoriety. to discuss the person is dr. mary o'toole. she understands some of the world's most vicious killers.
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and ron haska, a former assistant director of the fbi who retired after a distinguished 30 year career. thank you both so much for being here. so i want to talk about this -- we refer to him as the killer or shooter. it's worthwhile to explore what we know about that led up to this moment so we can understand when we see it in the future whether we're seeing a problem person. let me ask you one of the things that stand out he allegedly told one of the victims, the 5-year-old survived because he thought she was dead according to reports the but an elderly woman i'll let you live. i'll let you live because he said i'm going to commit suicide and i want somebody to be able to tell people what happened here. what does that tell you about him? >> well that tells me that he wanted to receive credit for what he done. that he wanted that attention so that the world would cho he was the one responsible for this
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crime. >> ron, so often these killers are looking for infamy. they want their faces to be on the evening news along with their names. why? >> there's an intersection between these acts and mental illness. you see that commonly with so many of these active shooters. frequently and it was mentioned that this person had, at least commented on his intent to commit suicide. that happens in at least 40% of these events where their life sended by suicide before the police arrive. >> what do you make of the fact he didn't. he fled. and was apprehended without a scuffle. >> mary ellen is quick to comment on this as well but i see here a person who is a coward. somebody who did not have control, was trying regain control by a group that he thought company control. and he was so cowardly he could
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not bring himself to take his own life. >> mary ellen the fact that he sat there in this group as i said in the introduction of trust, of faith, reading the bible for an hour and then killed them all, save for a few, what does that tell us? >> that's very important behavior. and the prosecutor will need to be aware of what that behavior indicates. there was a detachment between him and those victims. during that hour he probably knew their names. some of them embraced him. they were friendly to him. they welcomed him into the group. and yet at the end of that hour he began shooting them. this is someone that had no empathy. he didn't connect with these people as other humans. saw them more as objects. and something has to explain that kind of behavior. in addition to the fact that he was apparently cool calm and
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collective and i'm sure they were screaming and crying and he's just casually reloading his gun. in the midst of this chaos, and that goes to his personality. that has to be explained. >> on top of that mary ellen we learned tonight he did have trouble with the law, he been arrested at a mall for causing trouble, been banned from the mall returned to the mall even though he wasn't permitted to do so legally and for some reason his father gave him a gun on his birthday despite the fact that his friends said he was a pill popper and had been in trouble with the law. >> yeah. two things are striking to me. the whole situation involving the mall and he had been banned from the mall but he came back. that indicates somebody that is -- he's a rule breaker. and that becomes important for someone like me who analyzes behavior because in a crime scene you want to know is this
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person so disdainful of other people that they don't listen to authority figures? the world is all about them in other words. and then the second issue is that this is someone that either family is simply not aware of the red flags that would have pre-existed this behavior or something is terribly off to give an individual like this who would have been evidencing manifesting indicators that his behavior is deteriorating, to give them a gun is absolutely makes no sense to me whatsoever. >> you know we'll learn more about that in the coming days about his behavior and what warning signs there were. ron, they reportedly found skinhead materials in his home videos that were anti-black hateful racist. colleagues students who knew him one said yeah he used to
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tell racist jokes. one said i'm surprised he black friends. they are charging this as a hate crime. they are going to be able to make that charge from the sound of it. >> i think so. and from the federal perspective, megyn, hate crime, you know it's certainly a label. it's a statute, so it gives the fbi certain authorities to go in and conduct an investigation. jointly here with the state and local authorities. but it confer ascertain amount of jurisdiction and ability to move aggressively in a case like this. it's a label. it helps for us to explain motivation. but i would be surprised, frankly, at this point if doj steps up and say we want to take this case and prosecute it. >> why? >> because i think the state resources are there, supplemented by anything that the fbi has to offer, and that there's a great likelihood that substantial justice can be obtained by a state prosecution. there's a certification procedure whereby doj might take
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the case in this case i just don't see the need because i think there can be a very successful state prosecution with a potential death sentence. >> right. and the state jurisdiction may be able to handle this more than adequately. thank you both tonight. also this evening we have more on the south carolina lawmaker who suggested the shooter decided to attack this church and these innocent victims by language used. we'll look at this theory and let you here what he said ahead. as mourners try to come to grips with their grief president obama went to tissue of gun control. while ben carson shared a different take on tragedy. we'll hear from dr. carson next and fact check some of the president's claims about guns still ahead. >> we don't have all facts but we do know that once again, innocent people were killed in
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we do know that once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. >> how many people do we need to see cut down before we act? we send this message of solidarity that we will not forsake those who have been victimized by gun violence. this time we have to find answers together. >> hillary clinton and barack obama remarking on the charleston shooting today both expressing sorrow for the victims and then calling for more gun control. the president went on to make controversial claims about mass shootings and we'll get to those in a moment. but before we do the president's critics are already asking was this the right message and the right tone at
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the right time? dr. ben carson also shared a message with america about the shooting today. he's a republican candidate for president. dr. carson good to see you again tonight. let me first ask you that question whether you think that was the right tone at the right moment from the president and from hillary clinton? >> certainly not the tone that i would have adopted. i think we have to start is going to the heart of the matter. the heart of the matter is not guns. the heart of the matter is the heart. the heart and soul of people. you know this young man didn't wake up yesterday and suddenly turn into a maniac. clearly there have been thing in his background in his upbringing that led to the type of mentality that would allow him to do something like this. one of the thing i think that we really need to start concentrating on in this country is once again instilling the right kind of values particularly in our young people. we're so busy giving away all of
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our values and principles for the sake of political correctness that we have people floating out there with no solid foundation or beliefs. >> i mean we saw today so many people rush to the dark place, you know. one guy saying this shooter watched too many fox news. one person who used to work for the obama administration ripping on nikki haley because she allowed the confederate flag to stand in south carolina. as if there's any evidence that anything like that would lead anyone to commit mass murder. you came out with a peace calling for more tolerance, for more togetherness and more understanding and less hate. >> absolutely. it's destroying our nation. you know we have a war on women, race wars income wars age wars religious wars anything you could imagine we have a war on and we're giving people license to hate people
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who disagree with them. to try to destroy their lives. to even try to destroy them. this will have consequences in our society. and a house divided against itself cannot stand. it never has and never will stand. we have to recognize that this is going to destroy us as a nation just as fast as any of the other factors and there are multiple of them that threaten to do the same thing. >> you wrote earlier with external jihadist forces trying to destroy us why would we aid them by engaging in self destructive behaviors stimulused by hate? you know it's a good point. we saw that after 9/11. we came together as a nation and then we seemed to drift right back into the red, blew divisive diminishing places. >> well i hope we the american people can come to tuneding that we are not each other's enemies. the enemies are those who are
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stoking the flames of division trying to divide us into every category and weakening us as a society. you don't have to be all that observant to see what's happening to us. we must wake up people and recognize who the real problems are. they are the per vavayors of hatred in this society. >> the president seemed to strike a tone suggesting this is indicative of a darker period in our history, the exact sound bite -- actually we have it. listen. >> the fact that this took place in a black church obviously, also raises questions about a dark part of our history. this is not the first time that black churches have been attacked. >> does it raise questions about the dark part of our history? is it a broader commentary do you think, on society today? >> well i think it goes back to what i was saying before.
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you know we have succumbed to the purveyors of division in all those different categories including race. it's up to us the people to about in to focus on the positive things on the things that we have in common and stop listening to those who are stoking the fires of division. have we made enormous progress in this country in race? absolutely. when i was a kid, i mean i remember all kind of horrible thing going on that don't occur now. but is the problem solved? of course it isn't. we need to work at it in a constructive way. as long as there are people with small minds you're going to have these kinds of problems. but we cannot generalize and say because this happened you know the whole place is going to pot. let's be optimistic and let's look at the ways we can solve these problems together. >> dr. carson great to see you. thank you for being with us. you heard a moment ago the new
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calls for gun control and came with controversial statistics on mass shootings. we have a fact check next. as the grieving continues for families of the victims we'll take a look at how the media is reporting on the shooting and on the suspected shooter. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the ones with the guts to stand apart - join a league all their own. ♪ i like my seafood like i like my vacations: tropical. and during red lobster's island escape, three new dishes take me straight to the islands. like the ultimate island seafood feast, with crab, lobster and jumbo shrimp. all you have to do...
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back now to our breaking news on the charleston church shooting. the suspected shooter is back in south carolina. he'll have a bond hearing soon. ap is reporting that a childhood friend of his called the fbi have recognizing him in the surveillance footage that was released by authorities. we learned earlier today police think the gun he used was given to him as a birthday present by his father. in remarks this morning president obama used this as a chance to go after the issue of gun control. >> at some point we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence doesn't happen in other advanced countries and at some point it will be important for the american people to come to grips with it. and for us to be able to shift how we think about the issue of gun violence collectively.
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>> welcome to you both. you know this is an issue that makes people feel very strongly about it on both sides. i don't doubt his sincerity. they believe gun control will diminish the number of gun violence we see in the country. so i ask you whether the facts bear that out? >> no megyn. they simply don't. i don't think that they mean to do a disservice to the memory of those who lost their lives in europe and other countries where there has been gun violence and there have been mass shootings. just in fact there was the one in norway which regulates guns quite heavily in 2011 where you had a thug who murdered 69 people and it played out on live television. there's also the case of the
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shooting rampage that took place in britain again where hand guns are illegal and 12 people were murdered there. this happens quite a bit. this is not unique to american society, megyn this, is a moral deficiencies that all of humanity serves. >> you look at the stats and they are quite dreadful even in europe which has tight gun control laws the number of mass shootings over there. even in kindergarten like we saw as sandy hook. they are terrible. how do you get to the point this is due to one if control laws. >> americans are 20 times more likely to be murdered by gun violence than any other developed country. we have more gun in america unregulated than afghanistan, pakistan russia india. that's outrageous. the fact that we're a developed country and our standards are below countries that don't have these regulations. >> let me ask you this. the question is we have any reason to believe tighter
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regulations would have prevented these crimes. it appears father had a gun. i haven't heard it was an illegal gun that he gave to his son or perhaps he just bought him one. my point is we don't have evidence this is an unlawful gun. we didn't have that evidence in the case of sandy hook either. >> there's an interesting study recently done. in australia in 1996 there was a mass shooting epidemic. 11 mass shootings that happened in a decade. under conservative prime minister she passed sweeping gun reform laws destroyed 650,000 semiautomatic and automatic weapons, created tight, tight restrictions in australia and within ten years the murders created by gun violence dropped by 59%. they went from 11 murders in a decade mass murders in a decade to zero. so there are -- there's evidence here to show that this type of a form does have a serious impact. can you control the black market >> yet that's not the experience we have in our country when bill
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clinton passed his gun law. >> right. there's something i want to point out. i could sit here i did write the book on it and i can spout off stats all day long. this gun we do know actually that this individual this murderous thug in charleston was barred from carrying. we can talk about statistics it's irrelevant. in south carolina all you have to do is be charged with a felony to be declared not able to carry. he was charged with a felony for drunk possession. it was cocaine. his father purchased a firearm for him for his birthday. that could have bean straw man purchase which is a felony. he told someone he stole the gun he used in these murders. that's also a felony. felony felony felony. we have regulations on firearm ownership which is why --the
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murder rate is higher the crime rate is higher. >> a lot of people say, you know somebody like this is determined to kill. and gun defenders will say what they needed in that church is somebody else who was carrying. we were supposed to air a special tonight which we postponed until next week about a woman who was at a food processing plant in oklahoma. her colleague was beheaded by a mad man who ran in. she was in the process of getting beheaded. her life was saved because there was a man in that company with a gun and shot him. >> we do have very serious data that backs up that gun reform does prevent murders, massive murders. 49 out of the 60 massive murders we had in our country have been due to illegal and legal purchasing of guns. so this is a -- >> it's illegal, that underscores dana's points.
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if it's illegal how will another law prevent it. >> passing on the situation where it was gifted or stolen. >> it's illegal. it's a straw man purchase. you cannot -- no no. you cannot purchase the firearm and gift it to someone who is ineligible to own a firearm. it's a felony. >> it's felony absolutely. >> even in the sandy hook situation his mother had the guns legally and he took them. how are stricter gun laws going to prevent that? the question is whether the focus is on the wrong thing because remember the mental health thing, how we were going crack down on that after newtown? what happened? >> it's not a one or the other issue. we have to deal with boston these issues. >> where is the dealing with the mental health? >> that's in congress. i think we should pass massive
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mental health reform. >> should it be easier to commit people? >> i don't know. i think people should have free access to mental health. there should be clinics. we have a certificate mental health issue in america but that's not causing these situations. >> we have a huge problem. we don't follow through. if you remember the discovery channel thug. that was a court order he should have been receiving mental health and the state board didn't follow up. if you adjudicate somebody mentally unfit you have to follow the laws in place. >> ladies thank you. with the fbi now investigating this as a hate crime we'll hear from tlaurm who seems to think that fox news is somehow to blame. really? is that helpful. >> he did so based on some ill gotten belief on some wrong belief that it's okay to do that. he hears that because he watches the news and he watches things like fox news where they talk
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he did so based on some ill gotten belief on some wrong belief that it's okay to do that. he hears that because he watches the news and he watches things like fox news where they talk about things that they call news but they are really not. they use that coded language. they use hate speech. they talk about the president as if he's not the president. they talk about church goers as if they are not church goers and that's why this young man acted upon. >> that was south carolina state representative todd rutherford earlier today butting the brame on last night's mass shooting on the fox news channel. joining me now dr. alvita king and a reverend.
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first we'll begin with miss king. thank you for being here. it's so sad to see more divisiveness and hate poured on top of already divisiveness and hate. >> megyn, thank you for the opportunity to get to the heart of the matter. my unocal dr. martin luther king jr. once said hatred cannot drive out hatred only love can do that. my uncle and daddy, we're coming occupy father's day weekend, talked about them very much. talked about a beloved community so to reach trite to perhaps blame fox news for the shooting or things like that are not going bring relief to those who lost family members. i agree with the governor who
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said that we have to heal we have to give ourselves permission to heal. i must add, megyn, that we must pray. and so -- please may i say that i do agree that gun control will not stop problems like this. and to just say simply if it's fox news if we have gun control that won't happen. that's not realistic. >> i know that the reverend martin luther king said darkness cannot drive out darkness only light can do that. yet we see such a rush to go the dark place. people are searching for tans. people don't know what to do with this kind of pain and grief. what should they blame? what is at the heart of this? >> i believe dr. carson hit on it quite well when he talked about the divisiveness those things that divide us and cause
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us to fight each other. we are created of one blood. we're supposed to be a human family. uncle also said we must learn to live together as brothers and i say as sisters or perish as fools. it is correct to say that we all sometimes don't see each other as human beings we look at the dividing factors and so all human life being sacred for the unborn from the womb to the tomb the sick the elderly, certainly to go into a church the president mentioned that it was a black church. i remember that my grandmother was shot in ebenezer church by an african-american man in the 1970. that's the first thing i thought about when i heard this incident. i thought oh, no not again. i didn't see skin color. my grandmother was shot by an african-american man on a sunday while she was playing the lord's
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prayer on the organ. so it's not about whether church is an african-american church or caucasian church. there's a worship experience for human beings. >> dr. king thank you for being with us tonight. >> thank you. >> joining us now with more associate pastor in harlem. what about that? you can't deny what this guy said and the hatred in his heart for african-americans and yet i don't know is it about race or is it about the deterioration of our society as we've seen in so many of these cases? >> it's about a combination of the two. i think there's certainly a black worship experience and there's certainly in this instance this is a hate crime by any standard. and i think that the black community particularly is grieving because the black worship experience on wednesday night, the prayer service is not like sunday morning with the singing. >> we have a picture of the actual prayer service, the bible
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discussion that they were having prior to -- look at this. look at this. there's the pastor moments before he was murdered. this was taken by one of the victims. he was murdered as well. >> we can't go into the mind of a mad man but i believe it's because of the incondessent light that that pastor and church shined that drew him in. that even as they preached the gospel and lived the gospel -- >> he was desperate to put it out. it was threatening to him. >> evil came to the door. after we get through the lamentations and hand wringing what will we do something about it. will we do something to bring the races together? >> bring the community together. we shun god in the public square. we don't come together in sunday services like we used to. am i wrong? >> one of your correspondents said earlier about how everybody, no matter what they did on saturday night went some place on sunday morning.
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those fundamentals have been driven out by the politically correct crowd. but the basic crowd, the reason that emanuel will rise again is because of faith and that faith may not be politically correct but it sustained us for generations and generations yet to come. what we need to do whatever god you fear and bow down before we need to pray to that god, a. but we need to do tangible acts as people and citizens of america outside of our own community. soech much us needs to become an ambassador to fine somebody to connect with and make a difference. >> what a great way to try to shine some light in this darkness as opposed to adding to the hate. reverend so great to see you. also tonight we're going take a look how the media is reporting on this shooter and whether they are helping or hurting next.
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decided not to show the suspect or name him so as not to give him notoriety. >> for me the enlightenment came was when john hinckley, jr. told me the reason he tried to kill president reagan was to get on the cover of "time" magazine. and the reason people will commit crimes has to do with their desire for name notoriety, for attention. anything we do that rewards that behavior is bad and encourages the behavior. >> how far do you go on that scale? we decided to show video of this person but to blur out his face. where do you draw the line between delivering the news and being complicit m inviting additional bad behaviors?
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>> usually the suggestion i would make is where it's covered and how it's covered. the local community need to have the complete facts. there are people there who know these families who grew up together who went to school together. but beyond the local affected reason nothing good can come from naming the shooter, from giving biographical details about the shooter, for making the shooter into a pseudo rock star by giving dramatic retellings of their life story. that's only bad. >> i maintain that in print perhaps you have to get the facts throughout but on broadcast media night after night, the rock star status that these people attain it's dangerous ssh it not? >> there's no doubt about it. my apologies, we're getting an
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go to thanks megyn. the city of charleston south carolina is mourning tonight after a mass shooting at a historically black church that left nine people dead the suspect, identified as 21-year-old dylann roof has been flown back to charleston to face charges. police are still trying to determine a motive but it appears to be racially charged. joining us now live at the scene of the arrest is our own mike tobin. mike. >> reporter: sean this really is a remarkable example of the authorities, the media and the public working together. that's why you arrived at that
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