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tv   Bulls and Bears  FOX News  June 20, 2015 7:00am-7:31am PDT

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how did you get yours all burned up? >> stay tuned tomorrow. we have chris wallace. we've got dr. ben carson joining us and last-minute father's day presents because it's tomorrow. >> for the after-the-show show. bye. the desperate hunt for terrorists is on. not over there. here. just this week alone, five isis-inspired terror suspects arrested in the u.s. one of those stabbing an fbi agent investigating reports of a plot to attack us on july 4th. so just how big of a threat is this getting to be for our lives? for our economy? hi everyone. i'm brenda buttner. this is "bulls & bears." here they are, the bulls and bears this week gary b. smith, jonas max faris, john layfield along with naomi canseco and ashley pratt. it seems like the threats are going. how worried should we be for our
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safety and our economy? >> extremely, brenda. i think, you know, it's not too much of an exaggeration. we're fighting right now the next world war. and here's the reason. we are now an interconnected society. terrorists have so much easier way to strike. they can recruit easier. they can hack into government sites like we've seen. they can -- they have knowledge about where our military bases are, how to build bombs and things like that. if the terrorists made a concentrated effort cyber-wise to attack the united states the devastation, brenda, to the economy could be just like we had -- we saw in europe to their economies during world war ii. horrible. >> it doesn't look like we'll have a marshall plan available for us. ashley how worried are you about this for our safety and for our economy? you lived in boston. you understood what happened when a homegrown terrorist perpetrated that terrible act. >> yep.
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yeah brenda. i grew up 40 minutes from boston in manchester new hampshire. i have tons of friends who live the. i watched all of this happen just in complete shock. and that's what happens with homegrown terrorism. and what we see now is isis operating in a space very much online. and that's something to be very very aware of and very afraid of because the way in which terror is growing is different than it used to be. and i think we have to fear the copycat idea and even some of the sympathizers that were arrested this week near the new york area you saw the pressure cooker bombs, which is exactly what happened in boston. and that's become an ease of access far lot of sympathizers. isis knows the space they're operating in and that's why they've invested so heavily in social media. i think that's why they're having sadly so much success in getting young, impressionable minds here in the united states looking to take america down because that is what isis is promoting and that's exactly what they hate. and around july 4th, which is, you know an aiconic american
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holiday, should be on v alert. >> you're not skwit so concerned. you think the threat might be exaggerated? >> i think the real threat is exaggerated. i think the psychological threat, the fear you might not do something based on irrational fears, that is elevated because of the internet. not like the internet is going to attack us and hack us. these relatively ordinary attacks 50 years ago we never would have heard of has become blown out of proportion. itis like if there's a shark attack all of a sudden there's a million videos online about the guy getting eaten by a shark even though your odds of getting attack by a shark are extremely small. i saw a quote on the government site. i'm going to -- i'm saving my money for it bro. i just don't get scared when i see the type of criminal in america that's sympathizing with isis is a mastermind that can pull off anything major. >> jonas, look what happened in boston. it crippled the city, shut them down for three days while a
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manhunt went on. it's so crippling to that city for the economy. i would rather spend money up front versus track them down versus having a city completely incapacitated by a homegrown terrorist. >> if you can spend money and make people think they're safer, that's great. >> we spend money on tsa and 95% of threats aren't detected. >> a state of perpetual fear by the same token, that's not good for the economy to blow -- >> it's not perpetual fear to be on alert. >> you need to be on alert for this -- are you on alert for sharks at the beach? the statistical odds are pretty low you'll get attacked right? >> sharks aren't organizing or strategizing with known terrorist group. we have two situations here where we have isis that grew out of post 9/11. they're younger, they're technologically savvy and they're hitting a point in american society which is weak. we have a cultural phenomenon right now which is young people until the muslim communities are feeling disconnected because a lot of the muslim communities and mosques, a lot of muslim scholars have said that mosques
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haven't adapted to the 21st century. so young muslims are going online american muslims going online and reading translations that are just wrong, wrong translations created by isis so they can recruit young americans. that's another problem. >> it's important to note that "rolling stone" even like idolized him and dzhokhar tsarnaev became the model for young sympathizer who is wanted to take down america. >> john getting back to the economy here. we saw an impact after 9/11 there was the cocooning effect. ultimately our way of life has lived on as it has through many wars. but if this were a homegrown terrorist, what kind of difference does that make to how afraid we are and how we won't go out to the malls and spend, we'll just stay at home? >> well we have an example of that with the d.c. sniper how it froze commerce on the east coast. people were putting up tarps at gas stations because they were in so much fear of what they
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thought was a solo sniper turned out to be two people that it froze the east seaboard because of this act of terror. and i disagree with jonas. look if you have a major fire come through your city like a 9/11 lef, and then you put a fire prevention program in place and you have a couple small fires, but you look around after ten years or more and you say there aren't many fires, why do we have fire prevention it's not a big deal i think the government has done a very good job. the fbi especially of finding these terrorist plots and stopping them before they happen. i think we can go a step further. what gary is talking about on the internet that is the big worry, especially the deep web and his software. i think you put some kind of crime stopper type bounty on the people who stop terrorist plans and you offer a reward. you will get so many americans now. these guys who are in college dropouts living in a garage somewhere in silicon valley helping the government. i think that's what the government needs because that's where i think the government is
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overwhelmed is over the internet not just the terrorist plots they thwarted. >> i'm just saying these disenfranchised nincompoops respect as big a threat as drinking and driving and second hand smoke and all these things -- >> hold on. gary, go ahead. >> but they don't have to be because right now one stupid terrorist can inflict more harm and hurt the economy more than a thousand hoodlums could years ago. that's why if you have one guy commandeer a plane and crash it into the world trade center like we had 9/11 what was the impact on the economy? there were trillions. forget about the crash into the pentagon and stuff like that. it basically brought down the economy for a few years. that's why i think jonas is underestimating the threat. >> then we've given them power they don't deserve. they're not that dangerous to deserve that kind of attention. that is my point. they are not a huge army that can destroy america like we blow it out of proprgs. i'm not saying it's not a threat. i'm just saying don't give
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someone the power -- >> how are we giving them the power? >> by spending a fortune on it by the fbi doing -- cia doing these press releases about the nincompoops they find. we caught them now we're safe. >> you would say don't spend the money. look, if they fly into the world trade center or the freedom tower -- >> the world trade center attack from a guy with a knife who wants to join isis. >> i'm saying the big threats. what if they hack into the power grid? are we supposed to say oh you know what he hacked in you don't have to worry about it? >> i think if you read some of the texts you'll see they won't hack into anything because they're dummies. >> go ahead. >> talking in code. >> these aren't the master minds. these are the people carrying out the plans. isis, the people at the top of isis, are giving out manuals online and really these little soldiers these young people are reading these materials and building bombs and doing -- and
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they want them to be lone actors because they're not as traceable. as far as we know we don't know a lot of it. the fbi is not releasing statistics not releasing l information on how many actors they're catching. jonas, i think that's a risky move the say let's just not spend the money on it. >> if you want to live in fear of a muslim mastermind the rest of your life, that's your choice. >> last word to john. 20 seconds. >> jonas, you sound like president obama. they're nincompoops, the jv right? >> -- over several hundred years, i would say -- >> jonas, you talk over everybody but nobody can hear what's going on. look the same thing that happened with isis -- >> okay. >> r. >> are they the varsity threat to america in the last 200 years? >> great debate guys. got to shut you down there for a minute though. cavuto on business in about 20 minutes. what have you got? >> hey, brenda. rich and proud of it.
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billionaire presidential candidate donald trump out on the campaign trail touting it big time. some are saying more candidates should be doing it. whether they're rich or not. and the government agency hit with a massive hack attack. hiring coaches to teach about creativity. what about teaching cybersecurity? we'll see you at the bottom of the hour. >> you absolutely will. we can't wait. up here first, how's this for irony? deportations of illegals are actually up. not here in america but in mexico. if you're running a business legalzoom has your back. over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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you probably know xerox as the company that's all about printing. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today's xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. with xerox, you're ready for real business. i'm uma pemmaraju. the city of charleston continues to hon nor the victims shot down in the mass consider. thousands gathered holding hands and remembering those murdered during a bible class at the historic church. local community leaders and church members calling on their faith to help them heal through
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tragedy saying the shooting suspect, dylann roof, will never divide them. in other news two escaped killers from a new york prison entering their third week on the run, but police are checking leads that they may have been spotted. two people fitting the description of david sweat and richard matt were reportedly seen last week in steuben county new york. the two fugitives also apparently seen in irwin and lindley, both near the pennsylvania border. i'm uma pemmaraju. now back to more of "bulls & bears." for all our headlines, logon to make it a great day. get this. mexico deporting more illegals from its country than we are. what exactly are we doing? a new report shows the illegals we're catching we're releasing. even the ones who committed serious crimes. >> a thousand of those people have already been convicted of new crimes again in the future and so clearly there's a
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breakdown there. so when that is not followed what happens? who is held accountable? does anybody lose their job? >> it could be sir. we'll just have to see. >> has anyone lost their job -- >> not yet. >> since you've been i.c.e. director? >> not yet. >> how do we stop this madness? >> i think this is a clear-cut one, brenda. we live to the letter of the law. look you know i am not a big fan of government and the restrictive laws they make. but i abide by them. i mean, if you don't like the laws you change them. so we have these illegal by definition immigrants that are here. what do we then do? we say, okay we're not going to follow the law, no you deport them back to where they came from. that's what the whole program is set up to do. i'm baffled on this one. >> you know, it's not just illegal immigrants being deported it's serious craftsmans who are here illegally who get sent back they come back they commit more crimes and they're out on the
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streets. >> so we have two issues here. we have the situation with criminals, which i agree with gary we should either lock them up -- i don't know if they're coming back through or if there's some way to block them working with other governments. i'm not as familiar with i.c.e. and how they track these illegals they release after they've been in prison. but the other issue is we have a human rights situation in central america and what i'm more concerned with is how is it we've exported our dirty work to mexico so that they can deny all of the central americans seeking asylum? a much higher rate than america. and without a profit. i'm concerned about that. the reality is that the criminal element is a very small element and that should be dealt with the law. >> john a small element? i mean we've got murderers, racists, i mean they get into jail they're here illegally, they get out, and they're back on the streets. >> do you know how small an element that is people losing
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family members to murders to people who have been arrested and released? you can't deport 11 million, 12 million illegals. at least listen to what i'm saying. you can't deport that many but the ones that have committed crimes, i'm worried about human rights in the united states. i don't care where you send them. get them out of this country. those guys are a danger to our society. >> all right. jonas, your take on this. >> first of all, the best part about this news is that mexico is doing our dirty work. i think outsourcing this job is a good idea. they'll do it cheaper and possibly not the way we would do it and that's why fast and cheap and that's why it's working. that's a good move we made. as far as the criminals, lawmakers might get hopped up about a thousand people doing crimes. forget the illegal thing for a second. that's a buzzword to not get you thinking about the math. there's 30,000 some odd illegals. 75% of people in the u.s. are back in jail within five years. if you statistically want to be
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seiche don't let u.s. citizens out of prison. let all the illegal immigrants out of prison. if you want to feel good do something with the illegals criminals because you'll feel better about it. statistically speaking u.s. citizens are much more likely to do crimes much more like ten times more likely than these illegals. >> okay but the illegals are committing crimes adam. >> they are. >> ashley? >> yeah. i think the point here is to really kind of realize that no matter what ideological beliefs that we all have the point is if you break the law, you go to jail you serve your time. and, you know, putting murderers on the streets because of overcrowding of jails, which, you know, we've discussed this before at length i think is important to kind of mention here as well. that is a significant issue, and i think when we have such an overcrowding we're rereleasing people into the streets who can potentially harm anyone here. doesn't matter where you're from, you know what country you live in or who you are. i think we have to abide by the law here and say, you know what enough is enough and try to find
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a way to, you know navigate that system here at home. >> all right. last word ashley. thank you. jool "cahin' in" just over an hour from now. eric what do you have coming up? >> senator rand paul is here. what he thinks about trump's presidential run, and, oh yes, he's unveiling a new tax plan he says will return $2 billion tax dollars to americans. plus, a new plan to put microchips in prisoners so they can't escape? "cahin' in," see you at 11:30. >> you will. we'll be watching. up here first, scott walker took unions to school. is he about to take professors out of them? ♪ how's it progressing with the prisoner? he'll tell us everything he knows very shortly, sir. as you were...
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coming up no laughing matter.
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emerson college is offering a degree in comedy. and the news coming the same week wisconsin governor and possible 2016 presidential candidate scott walker is getting serious about reforming our public universities. he wants to scrap tenure for college professors. john you say this isn't funny. we need reforms now. >> comedy class is as big a waste of time as poetry and shakespeare. you go to comedy class, you won't be the cable guy. he drops out. who will teach his class, chris rock? college holds people for four years because it is simply a money grab. we're not getting people well versed to be there in life. the reason is a lot of it is because of stupid tenure keeps a
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lot of these guys in william la jeunesse land-- la-la land. >> naomi, if you have a job for life, why not comedy? >> if we have a serious conversation about reforming education, scott walker is the last person i'll ask because he doesn't have a college education -- >> neither does bill gates. >> but he wants to reform college education. the reality is by punishing professors who are teaching our children and we're spoeed to be competing with china? he wants to cut down on professor's tenures and instead of looking at what's costing a lot for colleges and that is the infrastructure let's talk about tuition costs. why are they so high? >> okay. that's a different debate. got to move on now. gary merson. >> not only did my daughter graduate from emerson with an
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mfa but it was an mf nashgs poetry john. so thank you. wait till i attack your family. >> she's the exception. she's a great girl very smart. >> second of all, i don't see there's any difference between getting a degree in comedy or dance or music. i'd rather have more comedians out there than some other professions. third, i think colleges should be allowed to do what they want to attract and keep talent. the bugaboo in all this is that it gets so much government funding. if they were allowed to stand more on their own, let them do what they want. >> we have to move on quickly. ashley? >> i think it's -- comedy is the least of our worries. half the courses being taught in colleges, and the daily collar puts out the most ridiculous and that is a laugh. that's where we should be focusing our time here. it doesn't matter what you major in. if you're not prepared out of college for the real world and can't tackle a down economy and get a job, that's the real issue. >> okay.
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jonas, i'm sorry. you have 20 seconds. >> i did an economics undergrad. that was comedy back in the day. the truth is computer science and everything else and once you're doeng everything else they're all about the same value. i think comedy is relevant is income producing compared to some things maybe more than poetry and there's a legitimate history of comedy. so i don't think this is a joke actually. >> none of you need a degree in comedy. you're all good and funny. thanks guys and ashley and naomi for joining us. twitter could be about to make you a serious #profit. ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it.
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government bonds. >> twitter has acknowledged their prons. i think the stock turns up 20% on the year. >> get in on the debate. #bullsandbears. tweet us. neil is next. sick of politicians bought and paid for to one who's bought and paid for i guess himself. >> i've done an amazing job. i hire people. they do a website. it costs me $3. i'm rich. i have lobbyists that can produce anything forrer for me. net worth dlshgs 8 billion. i don't need anybody's money. it's nice. >> home run, hello. i'm neil cavuto. that single-handedly ha made the election season. isn't that rich? the donald telling america it's okay to be rich even when you're running for the white house. is that the message america need


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