tv Red Eye FOX News June 20, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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here. >> you didn't tell me we were going to a costume party. >> oh, we are not. >> live from america's news headquarters, new york police say two convicted killers on the run may have been spotted near allegheny county near the pennsylvania border 350 miles away from the prison they've escaped from. there is a possible sighting last week in the same area. police are sharing no other details. richard matt and david sweat escaped two weeks ago. sweat is serving a life term matt serving 25 years to life. police say the pair should be considered very dangerous. >> an intense manhunt in new orleans for a prisoner that shot
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and killed a cop. police say officer darrell holloway was transporting the suspect when he was shot. the police chief says boyd was handcuffed in the back seat but managed to rest into the front seat and shoot the officer. >> hundreds of demonstrators marching in downtown charleston today to protest murders of nine people in a church wednesday night, carrying signs that read "still, we will rise" and "stop white terrorism". accused killer is being held. politicians and protestors are calling for the confederate flag to be removed from the grounds of the south carolina state house. one legislator says he'll
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introduce a bill to move it to a museum. "red eye" starts now. you're watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. welcome to "red eye." hi everyone, i'm andy le nosuchunsky. [speaking spanish]. ann coulter. [speaking spanish] goodbye america. and i need a surgeon stat. we have a bleeding heart john devore. and before his pod cast you had to be kidnapped to see the inside of his basement. host of the anthony cumia pod cast show. >> a block. the le de.
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that's the first story. >> nothing can stop marco rubio, including stop signs. the presidential hopeful and his wife were cited 17 times for traffic violations including speeding, running red lights and reckless driving. it goes back to 1997 and they found four citations for rubio and 13 for his wife. on four separate occasions they agreed to attend a remedial driving school. who really dug up the report? the washington freebie con alleges with some impressive documentation the citations were pulled by a left wing opposition research group founded by hillary clinton ally david brock. anthony, kudos to "the times." an amazing piece of journalism to dig up. >> absolutely. i can't see this being a bad thing. talk about wanting to be -- to reflect every mankind of a thing. what guy hasn't sped or blown a red light like that.
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and most was his wife. >> exactly. what is this moving? >> how sexist is it to run an article that appears to confirm the stereo type that women ire worse drivers than men? >> we are. it is totally confirming the stereo types but you are being harsh on the "new york times." i am impressed because usually they print the dnc press release. this time they had to go through the media matters website. >> good for them. >> is this the best you and your liberal cronies have, traffic tickets? that's what i'm voting for. it is like a boom time for opposition research. we moved into this phase where everyone is digging up everything they can on everybody. bernie sanders and his weird erotic fiction. it mi be a weird time that this is the absolute worst.
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>> was that fiction? >> god i hope so. >> no it was an essay. white men were writing about weird sexual things all the time. >> so joanne, so rubio himself had four tickets since 1997. that is pretty good. >> there is a single tear going down his cheek. i think that's what happened. >> he is so cool. he is so cool. i love it. these are simple misdemeanors. like you said this is all of the digging they could do. it could be the least important issue for a president. when was the last president that went out to cvs to pick something up? >> it couldn't be a less important issue and that is pulling pranks on your fellow
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crass mates in high school. >> yes in high school. >> another big breaking story by the "new york times" on mitt romney. >> and candidate spouses are now fair game as in this article, that's not good news for hillary. >> it is fantastic news for us. >> john, the fast and the furious movies are incredibly popular as they should be. does the "new york times" not understand that? >> america wants a president who is fast and furious. >> absolutely. >> it is funny marco rubio could play a villain. >> he could. >> i think this is going to backfire especially if this is what the clinton campaign is saying. >> it shows that the rubios are real people. they are a real couple driving themselves around. cal penn tweeted recently, well at least they are driving themselves because i think we
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see a lot of other candidates with issues if they didn't have drivers driving themselves? >> hillary said she hasn't driven since 1972. it was something like that. she literally said she hasn't driven herself. >> yes of course. they referred to rubio's truck as an suv. it is a classic liberal blunder. it is never get involved in a land war in asia. >> i cannot -- i can completely confirm that. all right in other campaign news it is still unclear if donald trump is running for president. here he is in a stop in mason
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city iowa. >> i will be i can making an announcement and i think people in this room, i think a lot of people are going to be very, very happy. >> oh so he is not running. why would you do that? you have smutch a great life. >> why would he do that? i want to make the country much more important. >> and as always he had more to say. >> you have a chance to be great. we can't continue to be lead by stupid people and controlled by the wrong people and that is what is happening with our country. jay do you think my prayers will be answered? will donald trump run? first of all that was totally unfair. as always he has more to say.
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we expect him to give a speech and that was a chief shot. point two i didn't know the apprentice had been i can ped up again. and we have gone through this before with sarah palin. you have to be a governor. the rest should just forget it. you are distracting us. and the democrats don't go through this. i think because the mainstream media is so much part of the democratic party. they don't reward anyone who crews up the democrats. you don't get a show on msnbc by being howard dean or dennis could you sin niche. if you run in the republican primary expru an i'm plausible candidate, ie, not a governor, you end up with radio shows and often gigs on fox news. and that is why i think we have 800 candidates running. >> and that's why america is great. >> you are a fan of unethical and amoral people like hillary
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clinton. >> yes and yes. >> i want him to run so badly. i want him to be the candidate. >> i agree 100%. there is something going on in both parties where clinton is basically being anointed and then you have the republican clown show. there are some serious candidates legitimate candidates. these clowns really i think muddy the conversation. >> i have to interrupt. clowning is a real profession. >> this man is talking about the conversation they are having right now. >> trump runs the miss usa pageant. you didn't win. >> i didn't. >> i assume you loathe him. >> no. if you watch the greg gutfeld show sunday, 10:00 p.m. eastern time, greg and i
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interviewed trump and we asked him hypothetical questions about a hypothetical presidency campaign. greg did ask him so why didn't joanne win miss usa? that's not on the taped seggent in. -- segment. he said obviously my pageant was rigged. we thought it was a funny answer . >> funny answer or breaking news? >> i didn't need to inwith. i didn't need to win. look at me now. >> you have almost as much money as trump. but you are still a man of the people. >> absolutely. are you pro the donald or anti. >> you have to stump for trump. i have to push this all the way to the white house. i believe through the casino i have contributed a lot of money to the campaign.
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>> he actually said one of the reasons -- he said he could fund the campaign and i get that -- and i guess that is thanks to you. >> i don't get that a lot of people get involved in this. in order to try to bolster their popularity they lambast each other. it is toxic. bye-bye donald. >> meanwhile it looks like the election could hinge on one key issue. he announced the decision he would run. >> let's join the rest of the world and go metric. i happen to live in canada and they completed the process. believe me, it is easy. only myanmar liberia and the united states aren't metric. and it will help our economy. >> oh bless his heart. meanwhile bobbie gindle
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disagrees with a spokesman saying typical democrat wants to make america more european. governor gindle would rather make it more american. as a euro trash wanna be, i assume you love the metric system. >> i love it. it is one of the many things we have given. an unparalleled war machine. this is very important and i support my colleagues and the peers in the pursuit. is lincoln retired? >> without the money. >> it was a brilliant spin on gin del's part. >> can you believe we are talking about the metric system while hords of illegal
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immigrants are going across our borders and destroying our way of life? >> i cannot and i would like them to tell me how long 147 centimeters is. no one understands the metric system. i am glad we have their donald trump running. that will be fun. >> no need to comment on that because it will be done. >> if you give him a centimeter he will take a kilometer? >> i wish i knew what that meant. >> he is the kind of guy you want to be president. high he is the press -- he is the presence we all need. we need a good laugh. >> he mentioned myanmar i. i think we should take the
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example of drug trade and get into it. >> and now for a weapon the tsa was actually able to find. an atlanta man said he was harassed sim plewy by choosing to carry a loaded assault rifle to a georgia airport. when he dropped his daughter off at hartsfield jackson international he made sure to pack his ar15 complete with a 90-round drum magazine. an act that is perfectly legal. he taped it on his phone but clearly focused on his daughter's embarrassment. >> i saw your gun. i'm curious do you have a permit? >> are you not allowed to ask me. >> i they ever seen a gun and somebody walking around with a gun in the airport. that's why i have to ask. >> you think it is not allowed? >> i don't know, sir. that's what i'm asking you. that's all i'm doing. >> then what you need to do is read the policy.
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>> as cooley left the officers followed him to the parking lot. >> are you following me and taking pictures of my automobile. >> that's not legal. >> it is considered harassment. >> we have a right to ask you questions. we always have a right to ask you question. >> were you suspecting me of committing a crime? >> no. >> then you didn't have a right to approach me. >> you take that up with your attorney. have a good day. >> anthony for you this is pretty much for the grace of god story. >> i am of course a strong advocate for the second amendment. i am a legal gun owner. this is ridiculous. it stirs up problems and gives amo to the other side to say look at the gun nuts. this is instigating.
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are you outraged of this profiling? >> they profiled a person with an ar. >> they assumed he was a maniac. >> i think it communicates some attempt there. >> sounds like profiling. >> i don't think either one of them are nuts. that was a nice little education , the gun nut gave. the cop was polite and i have no animosity toward him. i like the dwun rights supporters are educating people. >> he was trying to prove a point as to there is a legal poith t for him to do that. >> come on, it was funny. >> how bad did you feel for his daughter? >> so bad. his wardrobe! at the airport you don't want to wear a gun that large. really. you want to dress for comfort because, you know, it is an
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awful experience. something that does a hundred rounds is a little too much. the bag is a little too beg. something smaller would be better. >> are you a fan of drum magazines sph. >> they are horrible they jam up. it affects your aim. it is one of those look at me. >> that's what offended me the most. >> the fact you had to say that is embarrassing. coming up, an announcement about the future of "red eye" but first go doesn't want to hire overweight men. in future news go daddy has to relocate outside of the u.s. you are watching "red eye" on fnc so stick around.
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no fatties at go daddy. he said he was turned down because he is an over weight christian. they prefer fit christians. he made it through five rounds of interviews before getting an e-mail explaining they, quote, decided there is not a strong enough match to move forward at this time. but conley says at the bottom of the e-mail were internal comments like this, quote about keith he is great for the job in skills, but he looks worse for the wear. do we really want an obese christian? is that what our new image requires of us? that would be a switch from danica patrick. go daddy says, quote the allegations are completely without merit and we
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unequivocally de night them. whose story are you buying? conley's or go daddy? speaking as an over weight christian i am offended but what happened to freedom of association? have americans given up on that? the only time you can sue for discrimination is if you are an african-american. that's it. that's it. i don't want to hear about anybody else. you can hire whomever you want to and fire whomever you want to. by the way that is not only ann coulter's position, but the supreme court's position. civil rights are for blacks. >> to be fair his lawyer says all he wants is an apology. should they apologize? >> why are they suing? he was sitting on this for a year. allegedly he told a friend about this experience and they said you need to do something about that. maybe he hasn't had work for a year and he needs a little money. i think he would like a paycheck. i personally am all for
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knowing why you didn't get the job. so many times i haven't gotten jobs. i wondered why. a little constructive criticism can go a long ways. >> which do you think they hated more, he was fat or christian? >> i think it was the fedora he was wearing. he came into a job interview with that i would be leak, i'm sorry. that's the question, right? if they were to discriminated against him for his religion that is problematic right? >> i don't think it should be. >> now legally it is a problem. i just want to start americans thinking properly. and then everyone will be happy you. if i am going to -- if he was muslim and de fight the job -- >> if somebody was
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discriminating against a christian i would have to stand -- but you are not fair. >> i hope they never are. i hate christians who wear pho doras. they are the worst. >> is it ever okay to discriminate? putting in obese christians gives them leeway. >> that i think -- did it also say hip sister [bleep] >> i don't think it did. i think like you said he is running out of money and he decides to sue. >> i can see being ticked off but i don't think he should sue. >> we have all been ticked off at a job interview. i didn't get the job and i knew i was better for the job. >> are you surprised that a company that advertises with
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basically soft cor porn could be involved? >> it is an i.t. job. and he is a software engineer. i would like to see what the other employees look like. >> it could be that their motto is software and hard bodies. >> get rid of danica patrick. >> coming up, a storm trooper is unfairly arrested for loitering. it is the latest attack on our law enforcement officer. each week they search for a new planet to call home. >> it is pretty dry that position.
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[ female announcer ] who are we? we are the thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can say, "i did it!" ♪ ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. live from america's news headquarters i'm patricia stark.
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two convicted killers who escaped a new york prison may have been spotted. plows say there has been a possible sighting in allegheny county, about 350 miles from the correctional facility in new york. david sweat and richard matt escaped two weeks ago. hundreds of law enforcement have been searching for them since the u.s. marshal says it's also added the men to the most-wanted fugitive list. prison worker joyce mitchell is charged with helping them escape. a correction officer has been suspended in connection with the situation. >> folks making their voices heard in south carolina following a shooting wednesday in a historic black church that left nine people dead hundreds of demonstrators marched down the streets chanting "black lives matter". many calling for the confederate flag to be removed from the grounds of the south carolina state house. the fbi investigating a website appearing to show suspect dylann
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roof. he is facing nine counts of murder. and a number of politicians weighing in on this tragedy in charleston. democratic presidential front runner hillary clinton was one. >> despite our best efforts and highest hopes, america's long struggle with race is far from finished. >> an suv plowing into a crowd in austria. police say the driver was distraught over personal issues we're told he was under a restraining order to keep away from his wife and children. the driver surrounded without resisting. now back to "red eye". people.
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they say [bleep]. [no audio] so they do some work long story short three smart bombs take that entire building out. just more proof that selfies are a bad idea. how great is it. >> i love this. i want to implement it comments about my show. surround the old chimney there. this is fantastic. if they are using social media to recruit people and make people think they want to go up to their version fine, this is great. it is the simplest form of intelligence and they are laying it right out there. this is a much better way of us using social media we end
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up with the lame tweets tweets and facebook accounts. i thought you were going to say trying to out anthony wiener and i was going to disagree with you. it reminds me in the 1993 world trade center bombing in case any of you have not looked this up or forgotten the way we caught one of the ringleaders was he returned the truck used to set the bombs to get his deposit back. i assume you think it is wrong we are docking the isis members like this? >> i am against war. this is the kind of thing you can only do once, right? >> you can do it more than once if you don't tell them. the isis memo that just went
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out, like dear teenage jihadist don't take selfies in sensitive. >> we know mill 11 y'alls are -- millennials are incapable. case in point will it make you think twice about posting a selfie? >> no. >> the eager is bigger than any rational decision. >> the air force should hire young women. there is nothing like a jilted woman who has been cheated on that can go through social media through her ex's page and see that's not your parent's car and that's not -- that basement you said you were in that is the girl's house. we can as you -- we can always piece it together. >> that's my ex. he is planning a plot against the u.s.
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you should drop a bomb on him. >> don't give her ideas. >> i don't like that you can't see the duck mouth through the burka though. >> a 40-year-old man was arrested for hanging outside a school dressed a is a storm trooper from "star wars." massachusetts' own django feet's own was busted after being spotted in full empire raw gail yaw in front of the elementary school about the time the kids were due to head home. he held the students until they took him away and charged him with disturbing a school. he said he was walking through the neighborhood to which police replied shut up, nerd.
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>> he is just a guy. he is like a clown walking around. there is nothing strange about a 40-year-old man hanging out at an elementary school. isn't this just more evidence of a war on the empire? just pretend you get the reference. >> i don't get the reference. >> that's why i did. >> yam out on the discussion. i don't know why they did this. >> storm troopers have a tough and thankless job. do you think there has been a lot of storm trooper rhetoric we have seen in the media lately? do you think that played a part in this? >> we should respect the job they have to do. it is a tough job. more importantly though i hear go daddy turned down porkins for a job because they didn't want an obese jedi.
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>> joanne, in all seriousness are you buying the excuse he was wandering around showing off his awesome costumes? >> i actually do. he bought it and wanted to show it off. >> the real crime is this was a teachable moment. the teachers did not take advantage. not enough of our kids know about "star wars." so really they could have made a lesson out of it. >> and it is a fair point. if it did take place a longtime ago. >> are you happy it didn't turn into another black storm trooper controversy which was never a continue verse see to begin with? >> i am happy it didn't turn into another storm trooper controversy. >> they are all heros.
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a kid. signing a 30-year mortgage on a home. scary sure but no match for our colossal self-belief. we're supposed to do scary. without scary, we don't get to be brave. buy in. quickenloans/home buy. refi. power. an fda advisory committee has given the green light to fee pale viagra. it is one of the subjects tonight. >> welcome to lady's corner. the labido enhancing pill was previously rejected twice over
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concerns of side effects and low benefits. after accusations from women's health organizations the fda may soon approve the drug. as for those ladies who approve mind over matter thinking of a work colleague may do the trick. they find that 46% of women fantasize about a co-worker during sek. during sex. the side effects are dizziness, fainting and nausea. is any of that worth it for as you always put it, just sex? >> i don't think so. as soon as you are in the mood then you are nauseous. you can't do anything. what is interesting there is an argument that men may use it as a date rape drug because it causes the drowseyness and the sleepiness. so i definitely think that sort of like apple watches or whatever you never want to get the first one.
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another one will come out soon. if they do approve this wait this will the next round of pills comes out. looks like m why getting the pink pill. anthony do you think it was politically motivated. some are not happy they will approve this. they say it is only being approved because of pressure from women's groups. >> i am waiting for bill cosby's approval. he has a pez dispenser. they are made to fix the physical ability of a man. it is getting a woman's law be dough back. the side effects sound like a night out at a single's bar anyway.
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>> that gets into what you were saying in the green room. yeah my girl don't need a sex pill to be turned on. >> exactly what we were talking about. >> well i hate to be the only capitalist here, but that's what is motivating us. the drugs may make a ton of money, right? there was a lot of demand and a lot of interest, but that's what the fda is there for to facility tate the pharmaceutical company. >> and please release the story. >> i don't know about the demand for this, but i will say that i have always thought the idea that we need to give men a pill to be more interested in sex you have these walking [bleep] thinking about sex17 times an hour. oh let's create a pill that will make them want to have sex more. great idea. >> i dwre.
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let's talk about the study for a second. scwoa anne, do you think it is accurate? >> about the thinking of co-workers? yeah. i think 8% of women actually do. cheat with a co-worker. so long as everyone is having fun, right? anthony would you care if a girlfriend was fantasizing about a man she woulded with? >> i would just don't want to hear about it. that's like roxy. i don't have to worry. i am on it. >> they said that is true. >> i regret.
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>> any thoughts about it? >> we work too much. >> we spend too much time at work. >> what do you think the siesta is for. >> a midday nap. >> the obvious solution for this is women should not be working. >> that's a fantastic idea. >> it is socialism. >> coming up, the special announcement i was talking about all night. plus a human pillow you can talk into. go to fox eye.
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oh no. who are you? daddy, this is blair he booked this room with priceline express deals and saved a ton. i got everything i wanted..... i always do. he seemed nice. here at td ameritrade, they love innovating. and apparently, they also love stickers. what's up with these things, victor? we decided to give ourselves stickers for each feature we release. we read about 10,000 suggestions a week to create features that as traders we'd want to use, like social signals,
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people in long distance relationships. but p it makes you happy it can't be that bad, right sf >> this is great if you're in a long distance relationship? >> that is your problem. it's a marketing thing. yes. this thing is supposed to sleep with this thing? >> i don't know. >> it's a pillow. >> it looks like an alien autopsy thing. >> this can give you night terrors. >> can it take a punch? >> emotion. >> you can. yes. >> you can buy one. >> yes. >> it is good. >> and what if you're having a long conversation? are you going to get tired of get? you're going to cramp up? whatever? >> i think it's absurd.
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>> just waiting for one of them to catch on fire. >> yes. >> i'm changing my phone number if i get one of those. >> is there space on it? >> somehow your face? >> like a stick figure face. that is good enough for him. >> yes. >> are you okay andy? >> andy. >> oh my gosh. does anyone is something nongross? >> there seems to be a problem with real human contact. >> that is the point of a telephone. >> yes. >> you're not with the person. >> right. >> yes. >> use your words.
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>> right. >> that is the bad part. >> some of you may have noticed we haven't had a regular host. that is about to change. comedian tom shulo will be taking over the next two weeks we'll air reruns as we prepare to relaunch the show then monday june 22nd red eye with tom shalu will be live. tom welcome to the family. what do you have planned. >> thank you, andy this, is to you and everyone in the studio and listening at home. >> sorry, tom, that is all the time we have left. very special thanks to joanne john, and ann coulter. that does it for me i'll see you number. joanne will see you sunday. hopefully, we'll see you back
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here in two weeks. have a good spring break, everyone. ♪ how's it progressing with the prisoner? he'll tell us everything he knows very shortly, sir. as you were... where were we? 13 serving 14! service! if your boss stops by, you act like you're working. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. you show up. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. so when you're ready start with us.
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ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at @greta and huge#greta tonight. breaking news tonight. police investigate a new lead in the manhunt for the two convicted murderers who escaped from a maximum security prison in upstate new york over two weeks ago. there has been a credible sighting near the new york/pennsylvania border. new york state police releasing a statement saying in part on the afternoon of june 20th a witness spotted two men along a railroad line that runs along route 20 in the town of friendship new york. while this is an unconfirmed sighting the state police is asking residents who live in this area to be on alert. hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being
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