tv Media Buzz FOX News June 21, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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g with us. i'm maria bartiromo. i'll see you this week at 6:00 a.m. top 9:00 a.m. on fox business network. take a look at where to find fox business network or click on channel finder at on the buzz beater a terrible shooting at a charleston church. are they pushing this as a 2016 campaign issue. jeb bush might be president and donald trump who won't be president competing for media oxygen and it was a contest. >> you view your last name as a liability in some ways? do you view it as helpful in some ways? >> i don't sit on a couch and get hung up about this. i'm blessed to be jeb bush but i know if i'm going to be successful i have to make my own way as a candidate. >> i will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. i tell you that. >> isis. how are you going to defeat
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isis? >> i would hit them so hard and find our proper general and hit them so hard your head would spin. >> nobody bigger and better at the military than i am. >> should the press take the donald seriously and did jeb bush's speech help change his media image and ted cruz punching back for portraying him as kind of crazy. >> the main street media is not fair and impartial. they have served i believe, as the guard protecting barack obama and this presidency. no one is more ready for hillary than the mainstream media. >> my conversation with the senator as we continue our sit down with the presidential candidates. plus nbc decides against bringing brian williams back as anchor after his iraq provocation. lester holt getting the nod instead. williams will become breaking
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news anchor for msnbc and is now asking for forgiveness. >> i was sloppier and said things that weren't true. looking back that's plain. >> can he rehabilitate himself and how bad as nbc's brand been damaged? i'm howard kurtz and this is "mediabuzz." in the wake of the horrible shootings at a black church in charleston the media's focus turning to gun control and race and what the presidential candidates are saying. hillary clinton warning over the weekend that we must keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the violently unstable and that once again racist rhetoricmetastasised.
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mercy, let me read two political headlines in the last day or so. hillary clinton calls for common sense gun reforms in the wake of charleston shooting and republican candidates struggle to talk about race and guns. accurate portrayal or media spin? >> it's a decent accurate portrayal. on the republican side two of these candidates ben carson being one of them governor scott walker talking about race relations, talking about the need for the country to unite and the fact that the shooter was a racist. beyond that i do believe that some of these candidates did struggle. senator marco rubio ignored the topic when he spoke at friday at one of the conferences and jeb bush started slowly. he didn't understand what was in the heart of the shooter but at the same time later on said it was racially motivated. again, a little too long on the republican side. >> so fair for the media to
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point that out. president obama in the wake of the shootings talked about gun control. he got kind of dinged by the media for saying the politics of d.c. won't allow for any action. this of course after he failed to successfully get any kind of gun control initiative through after newtown. >> he's right. politics of d.c. will probably make it impossible to get any action done. that's been the case over many of these mass shootings. >> outcry about gun control or race or whatever the issue is and then nothing happens. >> when the media criticized the president for as some said waving a white flag is that because a lot of journalists are sympathetic to the idea of some gun control reforms? >> i think that's probably true. a lot of americans are there as well. i just don't think -- i think the president wasn't throwing in the towel so much as talking in terms of reality. you're not going to see -- i don't think we'll see a lot of change. you did see that even now over the debate about the flag.
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>> confederate flag. and in that political article, except for ben carson republicans struggling to characterize the motivation behind the tragic shooting. is that a fair observation? >> yeah. it was slow coming for the people who ended up there but for ben carson ted cruz also to his credit said it was racially motivated crime. >> hard to avoid that. >> it's really not risky. i don't understand why this is difficult. you get right to it. we knew before they found this guy and we knew his name we knew he said you rape women and you're taking over our country and you have to go. we knew that thursday morning. >> it almost took a page out of governor haley's statement. she didn't mention the word racism or anything like that when she gave her first emotional speech when it did happen. they looked at governor haley
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and took a page out. >> white supremacist going to a black church with a gun. no question about it. let me move to the rest of the campaign. jeb bush more or less designated as media front runner. one day of coverage for his announcement speech while donald trump designated by the media as a joke has been driving the debate all week. tabloid "new york daily news" calls him a clown on the cover. >> bush is running for nomination of a political party that no longer exists. he has a mexican wife. he is the brother of a president who led us in a ground war in iraq that his party is totally against. >> i don't care what your last name is if you're qualified and you have passion and vision for the country, you should be able to pay it forward and serve this country. >> i think this is donald trump's biggest day and he will be ignored from hence forth. >> what makes mr. trump interesting is he takes in some
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ways the most interesting field since the republicans first fielded a candidate in 1856 and makes it look silly. >> i've had a couple people. i'm not a fan of george. he's a dope. >> the daily news will be out of business. they do that for circulation. >> we'll break away right now and go to charleston where church service is under way to remember those nine victims. >> to work until not only justice in this case but for those who are still living in the margin of life those who are less fortunate than ourselves that we stay on the battlefield until there is no more fight to be fought. and for that we say thank you.
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now, for the test. somebody said i thought we heard the test. no you just heard the pretest. let me hasten on and draw your attention to psalm 46. i won't be before you long. if i see somebody trying to nod and sleep in this warm room i promise you i will start with genesis. and i will read very slowly. you think they're passing out water now, you wait until i get to them. psalm 46 the first seven verses. you will find these words
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recorded in king james version of the bible. psalm 46. god is our refuge and strength. a present help in trouble. therefore, though the earth be we moved and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, though the waters be troubled more the mountains shake with the swelling thereof, there is a river that shall be made the city of god the holy place of the tabernacle. god is in the midst of hurt she shall not be moved. god shall help her.
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and the kingsdoms were moved and he used his voice and the earth melt. the lord of host is with us. the god of jacob is our refuge. let us pray. our father and our god, thank you for blessing the spiritual food for which we are now about to eat in the name of jesus we pray and the people of god shall say amen. god is our refuge. every now and then you and i must realize that we've had some difficulties and some of us have
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been in one kind of trouble or another. when we were young we would run to our parents when we got in trouble. and when we got older, we began to confide in our friends, our spouses, and other co-workers. when we got in trouble, we couldn't tell nobody what had happened. when we got in trouble. have you ever been in trouble? stayed up all night trying to figure out this illusion only to have a greater headache than you started out with. but when you and i realized that
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there are some things we just can't handle by ourselves. i wish i had a witness. there are some problems and issues that we are unable to provide answers to. i want to suggest and recommend to you this morning if you find a problem or situation too hard for you, i want you to know that it's just right for god. i wish i had a witness here. when evil is in the world, you and i may not be able to control evildoers, but i want you to know the day that i know a man who is able to handle all of our problems. some of us are still trying to
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seek answers to what happened last week wednesday. i've been there and done that and spent the night. i've decided to turn it over -- you all aren't hearing me. i decided to turn it over to jesus. you mean we ought to forget what happened? no don't forget. but to remember that the god who created our soul and a god who will make a way out of nowhere. there are answers we're still waiting for but answers by leaving our hand in the hand of god. i'm reminded by some news media
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persons that wonder why the nine families all spoke of forgiveness and didn't have malice in their hearts. on this father's day, you ought to know the nine families guided. nine families guided you will know how the children are behaving. we ought to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. if you knew our daddy, you would know that he sat weeping at night.
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if you knew our daddy, you would know that some days are up and some days are down. almost level to the ground. if you knew our daddy, you would say when i look back over my life and see what the lord has done for us my soul cries out hallelujah thank god for saving me. god is our refuge and strength. you have to remember that we are to put our hope and trust in
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god. stock markets may crash. friends may leave you. mom and dad may be called back home to god himself. if you keep your hand in god's hand he'll make a way somehow. the second point i want you to remember from this sermon that god is our refuge and strength is that praise for the great things for he has already done. god has a track record. god has a track record. i want to share with you that i have to praise how many of you have a praise? i don't go through a whole litany of things early in the
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morning. i have five things i say and sometimes it gets to ten. here's what i say the reason i praise him, he woke me up this morning. the second reason i say is he woke me up this morning and the third reason i praise him, i say he woke me up this morning. and the fourth reason i praise him, he woke me up this morning. by the time i got to the fifth one, he woke me up this morning. and he started me on my way. happy in my hand. give me power to do his will.
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sit down. you are worrying me now. the third reason i want you to remember god is our refuge and strength with the knowledge that god who has always protected us that's why i was pleased when the authorities made the phone call to us to say you can go back to mother emanuel to worship. [ applause ] some folks might need more time in order to walk in. for those of us here this
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morning, i want you to know because the doors of mother emanuel is open on this sunday. it sends a message to every demon in hell and on earth that no weapon no weapon shall prosper, no weapon held against us. some wanted to raise black and white and brown but no weapon formed against us shall prosper. all right. sit down now. i'm about to close out.
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i want to thank you for listening to this message. i don't want you to leave here without a life application to the message. when times of trouble come into our lives, how do we respond? do we respond by being afraid and resort to fear or do we respond -- as for me and my household, for our boys and our friends, for me and my household, we will serve the of our fathers and
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faith of the mothers and faith of the church in which god has brought us into. you showed up this morning. we are serving notice on every evil into. you showed up this morning. we are serving notice on every evil doer. just because you think you got the victory, i got an e-mail turned into an e-mail that turned into a message to you. remind them that i am still god and we have some difficulties ahead. the only way evil can triumph is
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for good folks to sit down and do nothing. if we are people of faith, we'll join hands and work together to form a new partnership. not them against us but we are the children of god who will be marching onto victory. when they were in trouble, they ran and found a place that was a refuge in him. talking about a refuge in god. some of us when we get in trouble, we run from god but those of us who are people of faith, we run to god. that's why we can't have enough prayer vigil or worship and singing and praising because all of that god inhabits our praise. god is our refuge.
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i'm going to close and go to my seat. god has been mighty good to us. and some folk have called him many names. some folk have called him mary's baby. some called him the bright and morning star. some called him my bridge over troubled waters. some called him my alpha and mega and my beginning and my end. some called him the lillie of the valley. do we have a witness? some have called him a leaning post. some have called him a battle ax in a time of war.
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some have called him a leaning post. my mama called him a sure foundation. my daddy called him -- somebody say hallelujah. my dada called him a way maker. a way maker. i call him by his name and his name is above all names and his name is the bright and morning star the living water, and i called him jesus. if i get 12 folks to stand up and say jesus, god is my refuge and my strength. when i'm weak he makes me strong. when i'm tired he makes me
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strong. when i'm weary, he makes me strong. when evil doers come upon my track, he makes me strong. but i'm so glad as i sit down at this time to put it this way. i have seen the lightning flash. i've heard the thunder roll. i felt trying to conquer my soul but i heard the master boy to say fight on. fight on. because he promised -- somebody say he promised never -- ♪
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>> reporter: 1,200 inside and just about that standing outside. this has been a day and scene where we have seen hundreds stream by and for days we've seen mourners leaving flowers and singing songs and joining in ways to remember the victims here. the reverend we just heard from right now thanked all of those who sent e-mails and who have been coming here leaving flowers and cards throughout the day and he mentioned there are a lot of folks who expected us to do something strange and break out in a riot. he said they just don't know us. we're people of faith. we work toward a common good. there's nothing we can't accomplish together in the name of jesus. tonight we do expect thousands to span a local bridge arm to arm to remember those who were killed here. we weren't sure if they would hold regular church services this morning but we got announcement yesterday from church leaders at 8:30 this morning bible study as normally as has gone on and church
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services at 9:30 that are ongoing right now. >> thanks very much. if you want to continue to watch this church service -- i'm glad that we were able to bring that to you this morning. you can follow live streaming on let's go around the table. >> just powerful. reminds me of the moments of 9/11 where out of tragedy can come hope and healing. >> the coverage of this has been so incredible to watch. the killer intent on dividing a community and country united the whole faith filled community in black, white together. everything is peaceful. people be uplifted. it's incredible. >> i think his words were well spoken amazing and moving and it speaks to the unity that's come together across the country both in denouncing the tragedy but also in mourning the victims. the problem is i think, moving
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forward there won't be a lot of agreement about what if anything to do about it. >> the media focused so much attention on the dark side of society, it's nice that we can provide some of that moments that you saw there at that church in charleston. we'll be right back. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle great rates for great rides. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours.
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i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. then my friend said "try aleve". just two pills, all day. and now, i'm back for my best bud! aleve. all day strong and try aleve pm now with an easy open cap. welcome back. due to breaking news we'll bring you that interview with senator ted cruz. a lot of interesting things to say on next week's program. let me go back to our panel before we broke away to the church service, we were playing clips and more clips about donald trump getting this attention. my question is with jeb bush announcing on monday and trump announcing on tuesday, how is it that donald trump got a week's worth of coverage? >> he's incredibly provocative
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and controversial figure with outrageous one liners that somehow make the news. the media loves that. it drives what the media is looking for. what's fascinating is the conservative media is split on trump. you have george will saying he shouldn't be onerunning, et cetera but you have rush limbaugh saying that his message will resonate resonate. >> he knows how to play this game. he knows that making these stat more coverage. he went on a lot of shows. >> i would not underestimate him. i think people who write him off as a joke are making a big mistake.
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these blunt statements are making the numbers go off the charts for a while. he takes it too far and then drops off. i think in a race where everybody is around 10%, it's unclear that he can't get into the top -- >> if what you're saying is correct, pundits are wrong. you have "new york daily news" putting him on the front as a clown. he has a lot of money to spend. they claim this is a clown. a cartoonish figure but journalists are thrilled because donald trump drives ratings and clinics. >> also they are treating him like a legitimate candidate by covering the announcement and then covering everything he said or tweeted since. there's a bunch the panels this week and discussions about how much of a chance he has and how much do the statements resonate and how much of an effect will it have on the whole race and
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debates especially that's treating him like a legitimate candidate. >> ape rides escalator and he's a candidate the media loves to hate but loves to cover. >> ed schultz loves donald trump and made positive comments about donald trump. what he's going to do is create a lot of noise and is that effectively going and the media is going to follow it. >> jeb bush a serious candidate, who answers a lot of questions from the press. he doesn't get that much coverage or at least didn't this week which should have been his week. >> that's the problem for the rest of the field that trump creates. there's a bunch of people we haven't heard of and we're not going to because media coverage of trump is so overbearing that they get lost in the weeds. even jeb bush is having trouble
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getting some oxygen. he'll get it eventually i think. trump is going to preempt that. >> our priorities are upside down. >> there's 17 people in the race they all have to be covered. only three people would get more attention. every candidate is treated -- jeb bush is quite dull. i think he's earnest and smart and people think he's capable and that's why he's collected the most money. >> all right. our time got truncated here. thank you very much. when we come back nbc agrees to keep brian williams but bars him from returning to the anchor chair. does that plan make any sense? if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me... and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing
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now i know about novolog®. taken by millions since 2001. vo: ask your health care provider about adding novolog®. it can help provide the additional control you may need. brian williams apologized on friday and accepted a demotion after nbc barred had him from returning to the anchor chair. he spoke to his colleague, matt lauer, about a downward spiral that began with a false war story about iraq. >> our helicopters were hit by ground far including the one i was in. looking back it had to have been ego that made me think i had to be sharper, funnier, quicker then anybody else. put myself closer to the action. >> you say i was not trying to
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mislead people but i need to make sure we understand each other here. did you know when you went on "nightly news" that you were telling a story that was not true? >> no. i -- it came from a bad place. >> nbc awarding the "nightly news" job to lester holt while williams will be an anchor for breaking news on msnbc after williams made inaccurate statements and not just about iraq. joining us now is david, television and media critic for "the baltimore sun." what about those that say punishment is too harsh? >> you know howie, if credibility is what you base a news division on it's what you sell how cannot banishing him be a good idea? why do you move him from -- he's not trustworthy enough to be the anchor for nbc news but he is
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for msnbc. >> that's my next question. if credibility is the issue, what about credibility of msnbc? >> it says -- what would a potential viewer to msnbc say? it's like you run an accounting firm and one of the accountants stole from your of your clients and you say rather than firing him he'll move him from a-list of clients down to b-list of clients. nobody will be happy. he stole. that's the point. a lie is a lie and a liar is a liar. that's why i said banish him. all this other stuff of that statement from nbc saying well most of it he didn't say on the air on nbc platforms. it's still a lie. the moral reasoning here is so tortured that you have to wonder why would nbc not just end its relationship with him. >> i have to say that he was contrite. i felt sympathy for him as a guy who basically imploded his career by not telling the truth.
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it was very noteworthy is matt lauer said he wouldn't say he lied. he was given two opportunities to say what else did you not tell the truth about and he deflected the question and nbc not putting out its internal report its internal investigation of these problems. what would nbc reporters say if the government said we looked at this and it's bad but we won't tell you details. >> they had trouble in their statement, even in their release they called it at one point -- they started out calling it an investigation. now they call it a review. they can't even get their story straight about what they do. i would disagree with you about that interview. al tompkins had a piece. he said he thought it was a disaster. he said brian williams did what some children and criminals do. all of this happened to him. he wasn't the active agent. he really is. if you look at it there is a lot of that. he couldn't admit he lied.
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something inside of him made him do this. >> he said it was a dark place. >> you know, why isn't that dark place going to rear up when he's doing a plane crash into the world trade center live on tv. >> an effort to give him a chance after 22-year career at the network to rehabilitate himself. even though msnbc wants to move toward straight news in the daytime, brian news will be on the network of chris matthews al sharpton, rachel madow. >> jason blair didn't get a second chance. people who lie in the news business if you give everybody a second chance we're going to have no standards. nobody wants to see somebody go through really bad stuff like he went through. you have to have standards. that's all i'm saying about this. so when people say to me everybody deserves a second chance. americans are forgiving. no. they're forgiving to some of the
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people connected who are elites. you reported the jason blair story. nobody said let's give him a second chance. >> he was a serial fabricateor. brian williams didn't tell the truth on a number of instances. we don't know what those other instances are. the other thing is the news division at rank and file revolted against him coming back to "nightly news." that's why lester holt now has the job. >> good for lester holt. he deserves it. >> he's a class act. >> we'll have more on the coverage of the charleston shootings in just a moment. there's nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms
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family feud. rachel dolezal re's parents revealed she wasn't african-american as she claimed. >> you've sent mixed signals over the years. are you an african-american woman? >> i identify as black. >> why point out an african-american man and say that's my father when you know that your father is a caucasian man? >> any man can be a father. not every man can be a dad. >> and dolezal's parents hitting back against their daughter. >> is that true? she identified as black since the age of five? >> no that's a fabrication. that's false. that did not happen. >> did you call her up and say what are you doing? >> no she did not want to communicate with us about anything. she didn't want to communicate
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with us. >> joining us from new york is a former "the new york times" reporter and now an anchor at arise tv. this is a train wreck of a story involving a dysfunctional family. why did television become so addicted to it? >> because of what you said, howie, it's a train wreck, and the media loves a good train wreck and especially if that train wreck involves something as instrumental in the founding of this country as race. you mix the train wreck fascination and race and you've got a perfect story. >> i know there's a debate about whether -- whatever your ethnicity you can identify as black but some of the media seem to forget that rachel dolezal died again and again, sued howard university of discrimination because she was white and claimed another plaque guy was her father and there's no proof who her parents who actually are her parents, that she's their daughter. have we lost the focus here? >> well i was just wondering why she was allowed to
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consistently perpetuate these lies. claims thee was important in a teepee, not born in a teepee. claimed she was physically abused in south africa. never been to south africa. claimed one of her adopted brothers was not her son, not her son, adopted brother. the list goes on and on. she's either seriously troubled woman or a pathological liar or a combination of both but the fact that this woman was allowed to be given this big of a forum on so many different platforms is deeply deeply troubling. >> let's touch now on charleston. what has struck you about the coverage of this shooter who killed nine people in that church? >> i just find it very curious how the perpetrator is painted in the media. some of the portrayals of this gentleman are just simply -- gentleman is not even the proper word excuse me. the portrayal of this deviant person just far too sympathetic for my liking, howie. the fact that they refer to his past refer to him as troubled deranged a lone crazy person. hiot emmatic of
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his entire culture and when the media tends to talk about black perpetrators their actions are emmatic of an entire culture this. person is portrayed as almost a sympathetic character and i find that deeply troubling. i worry -- i pray for his family. i pray for the victims of south carolina. this is a huge tragedy, but this person here clearly has deep rooted problems but we cannot allow that to then allow us to par tray him in a sympathetic manner. not a sympathetic character at all. he's evil a murderer and deserves whatever reckoning is coming his way. >> this drives me crazy, and i've made it a policy not to mention the names of these mass murderers because that's what they want. they crave that infamy. i guess there's a natural tendency on the part of the media to try to understand why would somebody snap or what makes them tick. i don't care. a white supremacist who targeted a black church deliberately. >> right. >> but you say sympathetic, and
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i don't know that i would go that far. >> why isn't he being called a thug being called a terrorist? why isn't he being referred to in the ways that many black perpetrators are often referred to as. i find that very curious. don't you? >> that's a fair point, and so you say when you look at these tragedies and we've been through too many of them. >> correct. >> too many evil people visiting death on innocent folks, in this case going to a bible study in a church. you think when the perpetrator is black the coverage is different in tone than when they are white? >> do i, and i find it interesting some news outlets were reluctant to call this what it is a race crime. some people were arguing that this is about christianity. this is not about christianity at all. this person was targeted black people specifically. he wanted to started a race war. he used the "n" word repeatedly. if you look at his manifesto online it was clear he hated black people and this was a hate crime. this was a terrorist attack and people need to call it out for
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what it is. >> it was a terrorist attack. i don't think you can say it's not about christianity at all because it did take place in a church. >> it took place in a church but he was motivated by race primarily and not christianity because he could have attacked a white christian church many in south carolina as well. specifically targeted a black church. >> got to go. lola thanks very much. and i want to give you my two cents on this issue. 24 hours after the horrifying shooting at this church that left nine people dead south carolina lawmaker todd rutherford decided to blame this awful tragedy in part on fox news. now, i understand rutherford was grieving after losing a friend in that church but this was reprehensible. here's what he told cnn's jake tapper. >> he hears that because he watches the news and watches things like fox news where they talk about things that they call news but they are really not. use that coded language use hate speech and talk about the president as if he's not the president, they talk about church-goers as if they are not
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really church-goers and that's what this young man acted on. >> rutherford doubled down in an appearance on bill o'reilly and i shouldn't even have to say that and we don't even know if the shooter walked fox. i have no clue what this guy means talking about church-goers as if they are not really church-goers. the shooter was a psychopath and as i said a white supremacist and i would say this whether we learned the shooter watched msnbc or al jazeera for anything else. this blame came goes well beyond fox. president clinton said rush limbaugh helped foster a climate of hated that left to the oklahoma city bombing and some liberals blamed the shooting of gabby giffords on sarah palin and a targeted map of crosshairs. blaming this violence on some media figure or network is appalling and has no place in civil discourse.
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still to come a few words about the pope. benny's the oldest dog in the shelter. he needed help all day so i adopted him. when my back pain flared up, we both felt it. i tried tylenol but it was 6 pills a day. with aleve it's just two pills, all day. now i'm back! aleve. all day strong. ♪ roundup ♪ ♪ roundup has a sharp-shootin' wand ♪ ♪ just point and shoot, and weeds are gone ♪ ♪ 'round fences, trees, even mulched beds ♪ ♪ 'cause the only good weed is a weed that's dead ♪ ♪ roundup ♪ [ male announcer ] with a one-touch wand. [ whip cracks ]
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pope francis plunged into political controversy this week by urging action cleanse climate change and his inkick cyclical embraced media presence. the pope dismissed the mere accumulation of data is leading to overload and confusion. sort of mental pollution. he worries real relationships between actual people tend to be replaced by a kind of internet communication which allows us. he hasn't spent too much time spending time or e-mailing on the iphone or doesn't get what the pontiff is saying. that's it for this edition of media buzz. i'm howard kurtz. happy father's day to all the dads out there. check out our facebook page and give us a like and be part of
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your buzz by e-mailing us your questions. back here at 11:00 and 5:00 eastern with my exclusive interview about ted cruz talking about the media and, of course, we'll have the latest buzz. a fox news alert. law enforcement officials now combing an area of southern new york after possible sidings of the two murderers who escaped from a maximum security prison. the men matching the descriptions of david sweat and richard matt. they were spotted along a railroad near the pennsylvania border. hello, everyone. welcome to america's news headquarters. i'm arthel neville. >> and i'm gregg jarrett in for eric shawn. we're awaiting a statement from police ump in amity, new york, and we don't know exactly what they say but the trail say parentally getting a whole lot
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