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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  June 23, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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that is pretty cool. a severe storm underway that is a solar flare. scott kelly tweeted this. we know he is okay because he tweeted this picture. >> we have to run. >> bye, everybody. more teenagers facing terrorist charges for trying to help isis with plans of attacks stopped overseas and in the states. i am jon scott. >> and i am in for jenna lee. a north carolina teenager turned in my his own father. 19-year-old justin sullivan was planning an isis-inspired plot here in the united states and another plot between two british teens overseas.
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we have the details on it arrest of the american teenager first. >> reporter: a complaint against justin sullivan details how the fbi first became aware of this 19-year-old muslim convert. it started with a 9/11 call his father made complaining to the operator his father was pouring gasoline on religious figureinefigurines. we are scared to leave the house. in the background justin can be heard saying why are you trying to say i am a terrorist repeatedly? >> the warning signs were there. that is why i you know made some calls. i am true blue. >> on june 6th an fbi undercover agent made e-mail contact with justin pretending
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to be a former jihadist. he asked if the man could make him a silencer and the 19-year-old conifiededfided he wanted to kill up to a thousand people. they delivered the silencer the to home and later agents arrested justin at the home and when asked about plans to wage a jihadist war here in the united states his response was quote i didn't mean it. he has been charged with providing support for a terrorist organization and a receipt for a silencer. >> lots of confused kids out in the world. this is just the latest of
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dozens of those arrested. nine alleged isis sympathizers were arrested last month facing charges of trying to provide material support for a terrorist organization. >> and another alleged terror plot is broken up in the uk with two teens planning to blow up parliament and buckingham palace. >> reporter: here too, young people are bad ideas. two 16-year-olds were sentenced this week for planning to build potentially deadly explosive devices. they were 15 at the time and would not have been taken too seriously except for sulfur, acetone, and other items coming in the mail for homemade bombs.
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what other got the authorities tension was what they planned to target. they wanted to hit the houses of parliament but the buckingham palace. most observers in the 24 hours have been remarking they would probably not have been able to get too near the landmarks and not have done too much damage but the targets of shopping and schools nearby could have been equally deadly. the mother or father blew the whistle and they intercepted the phone calls between them praising homegrown terrorist. they are going into juvenile detention for a year and a lot of other youth cases in the uk involving terror convictions and they are looking hard at the appeal of the jihadi message to
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young people. >> those parents are being vigilant and watching what their kids are doing and saying on the internet. a u.s. airstrike in mosul takes out a known isis operative and that is why the pentagon said he was targeted last week. he works to recruit volunteers to fight for the islamic state and responsible for planning hundreds of suicide attacks around the world. he is one of the first foreign fighters to join up with isis it is said. and the growing controversy over the confederate flag is sparking a rally at the south carolina state house. this comes the day after the governor called for the removal of the confederate flag from the state capital grounds. a reversal of her position. >> whether it is on the state house grounds or in a museum the
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flag is always a part of the soil of south carolina. but this is a moment in which we could say that flag while a part of our past does not represent the future of our great state. >> john roberts is following the story live from atlanta. >> reporter: you mention the rally just getting underway in columbia building support for removal of the flag from the war memorial. 15 years ago the confederate flag flew atop the state house dome underneath the u.s. flag and flag for south carolina. south carolina leaders want it gone all together now and maybe put in a museum. nicky haley led the call yesterday to remove it backed by democrats and republicans alike acknowledging the confederate flag is a part of the history of south carolina and for many people it is a deeply offensive symbol of a brutal pass and
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after dylann roof was seen photographed with the flag it has no place there. >> my hope is by removing a symbol that divides us we can move forward with harmony and honor the nine blessed souls who are now in heaven. >> reporter: because he is from south carolina, lindsay graham was the only republican presidential candidate calling for it to be removed saying i hope by removing the flag we can take another step toward healing. the other republican candidates said it was a state issue. hillary clinton on the other hand did not defer to the state tweeting out as i said for years taking down the confederate flag is done. and in mississippi the speak of the house is calling for the confederate flag symbol to be
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take off the state flag. there was a vote 14 years ago on changing the flag but by 2-1 people voted to keep it. walmart and sears are removing items bearing the confederate flag from their stores and website. after the flag was taken down after the south carolina dome it was removed any further moves require a majority vote and it is not clear if there is the two thirds majority to do it. but supporters are trying to round up people to get behind this so it may well be in the end the flag gets moved. >> thanks a lot, john roberts. we take you to capitol hill where the senate is voting at this moment in a showdown over president obama's trade agenda. a key procedural vote underway on a bill that will give the
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president so-called fast track authority to negotiate trade agreements. this bill has divided democrats and created an unusual alliance between the president and congressional republicans. mike emanauual is live with more. >> reporter: thosewe will find out soon if there is enough support. the senate is voting on trade promotion authority allowing president obama and the next president to negotiate trade deals and bring them before the congress. senator mcconnell is urging bipartisan support. >> it is showing both sides can work together to secure the homeland and the leadership
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abroad. in one of world's fastest growing aggression. >> massachusetts liberal senator elizabeth warren, who was gone against president obama on this since the start. she wrote the true impact of the trade deal turns on how well the rules are enforced and that is the problem. america's current problem makes it impossible to protect rules that protect hard working families but easy to favor rules that favor multi-million corporations. another key democrat explained why he supports the billal. >> if you believe america shooed stop the race on environmental right and human rights this is legislation is our chance to lift global standards up.
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>> reporter: trade promotion authority passed last month and they hope to pass this and another providing aid for those who lose their job and hope to send both bills to the president by the end of the week. tom brady appealing his deflate gate punishment hoping to reverse a four-game suspension. does the star quarterback stand a chance? and new polling on match ups between hillary clinton and jeb bush and mark rubio and we will tell you who came on top as the political panel weighs in on the 2016 race.
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just in to the newsroom. new pictures of nfl super star tom brady arriving at nfl head quarters. he is appealing his four game
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suspension at the league head quarters in new york city and the punishment handed down after the report shows the new england quarterback was generally aware of a scheme to deflate footballs. the hearing is overseen by the commissioner despite the request he excuse himself. the decision may not be announced until the end of july. new polling in the race to the white howseuse. mc hillary clinton seems to have the lead over mark rubio being ten points ahead in a match up and leads governor bush by 8% points. we have our panel here to discuss this. thanks both of you for being
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here. should republicans be worried by the numbers in the polling? >> i don't think so. polls this early on tell us about name recognition. and hillary clinton has been on the national scene for three decades she is one of the most famous politicians in the country if not the world, this isn't telling us much minus how famous hillary clinton is. >> one of republicans biggest sources of optimism was something like sanders or o'malley would be damaging her standards. this poll shows that is not the case. since march, the percentage of democrat voters backing her is going up and only 8% of
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democratic primary voters say they canned -- they could not see not voting hadfor her. i imagine hillary world is happy this morning. >> but republican voters tend to fall in line whoever the nominee is. you have people like bush, scott walker, you name your candidate, marco rubio, they have all their favorite so once we get to a nominee is it likely all of this support is going to be based on the nominee and hillary clinton might find herself in second place? >> that is possible. you have a different situation on the democratic side where they have a nominee and every on on the other side is making up their mind. the question is how excited are republicans going to be about
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nominee. there is more excitement about other candidates. if you have two nominees republicans are not excited about jeb and democrats not excited about hillary. that could lead to a nasty election with mud being thrown on both sides. >> here is a motivating fact for republican voters. 54% of them say they plan to vote in gop primaries 54% of them who plan and the decline of moral values is one of the top concerns and the candidates out there on the republican side who does that help? >> i think that very helpful to jeb bush and to mark rubio potentially. bush cut his teeth on the social conservative issues. the fact he fought the terry
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shaviro fight wins him respect among moral majority voters. i followed him at the faith and freedom summit and he got a warm reception from the socially conservative flag. and rubio, even though backed to the left on immigration but is very much on base with marriage and abortion issues >> should a mark rubio or a scott walker be worried about the fact that hillary clinton is so far out ahead of them in these polls? >> absolutely not. these guys came on the national scene, you know six or seven years ago and they are relatively unknown to americans. their job between now and whenever the primary wraps up is to make the case of who they
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are. that is what the clintons have had the chance to do. they are well known but a lot of people don't like them. republican candidates have a chance with the exception of jeb bush who is well known, to introduce themselves to the american public and that is a great opportunity for the candidates. >> evening among democratic voters hillary clinton's negatives are 44% positive among democrats and 44% negative. that is a significant number. >> thank you both. >> thanks, jon. if you disrupt a flight are you legally responsible for the cost? one passenger went nuts over a bag of nuts and turned it into a long delayor the travelers. the legal panel weighs in. coming up next. your credit is in pretty good shape. >>chuck, i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to kaboom... get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian.
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a second former federal drug agent pleads guilty to selling $300000 worth of bitcoins. the agent was investigating the founder of the underground website called silk road. the man was arrested for enabling the money secretly solicit solicit solicited the money in exchange for information. a day long delay after a flight was diverted after authorities say a passenger became unruly demanding bags of nuts. the ordeal would run up a bill for the airline of more than half a million dollars. here to talk about this is lisa wheel and doug burns a former prosecutor. good to see both of you.
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this dude is 42 years old. way too old to act like this. >> he was acting nutty! >> 15 minutes after takeoff he demanded i need nuts or a snack. get it to me and he is walking around being crazy. that wasn't enough. he wanted more. the pilot is saying this guy is crazy we will land. >> acting erratically. >> and the pilots make the energy landing and has to dump 13,208 gallons of fuel and the passengers stuck in the terminal for another day and now they are suing. >> the passengers have a case. we can say we understand you had to divert the flight because this guy was acting nutty and who knows what he was going to do and a danger to himself and others. but the plane company has an obligation to put us up in a hotel take care of us not just
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let us sleep on the floor. i think it is a small class action suit to sue the airline and also the guy. >> if the guy did criminal conduct, he is innocent until proven guilty obviously but assume he is guilty and the airline is not responsible. however she is right. you cannot have people laying in the floor. you have to put them up. that is the damages >> the reason they had to layover is because the limitation for the crew flying time. you could not put them back in the air. with that in mind, those are rules of -- >> but still i would argue for the passengers i got all of that, understand you had to divert, but put me in a place not on the floor. that is all. and the passengers as well could
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say that was disturbing thing for us to watch. we were in the plane and scared and you didn't do anything to help us. >> i want to know what is going to happen to this guy. he is a resident of california. >> i did a number of these cases as prosecutor and defense. in the united states it isn't an overwhelmingly charnelge but this is a charge. this is being fought internationally. >> you cannot get on a flight and interfere with the flight which obviously he did. >> i wonder if he will get jail time or fined. why would he do that? >> it is ridiculous. i have to go. i prefer doritos on the flight. >> i am good with nuts. >> i like pretzels.
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new details about how the prisoners got the tools to break out who might have smuggled them in and how they were hidden hidden. and the midwest is cleaning up after the tornados and injuries and looking at the path of the nect expected round of storms. but managing my symptoms was all i was doing. so when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas
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a when you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. connections you almost miss. and ones you never thought you'd make. we help connect where you are. to places you never thought you'd go. this, is why we travel. and why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter.
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new information about how the two convicted murderers managed to escape from a maximum prison and how they got the tools. tornados causing damage across two states and severe storms are moving east. a look at the damage and the places about to get hit with high winds and hail. and new plans to protect against threats from the other side of the globe. and what nato is using to keep the european allies safe. >> let's get to the new developments in the search for the two escaped murders. as we hear how a prison maker smuggled them tools they needed to break out and investigators finish the dna testing at items found at a nearby hunting cabin to see if they are the fugitives. david lee miller is live in owls head with more.
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>> owls head new york is ground zero for the manhunt taking place. there are more than 1,000 law enforcement officers on the ground and a massive effort is taking place in an area called titus mountain. law enforcement was brought to the area after dna was found in a hunting cabin linked to the fugitives. look at what we saw moments ago not far from here. this is the area where the search is intensifying. you can see two state troopers armed with an assault rifle. you can see off to the side of the mountain numerous vehicles parked here and only residents and law enforcement are permitted behind this point. there are a number of crews here
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trying to get the best possible picture but the area is off limits beyond this point. and giving you idea about the terrain a creak runs through this area. you can see the rushing water and you can see how heavily wooded and rural the area is. the fugitives might be only yards away but from this advantage point you will never see them. as the search intensifies so does the investigation into how the fugitives broke out. they may have been able to get power tools and one correctional officer at the prison has been suspended in connection with the broader investigation and others have talked to authorities as they tried to figure out not only how the pair got out but now where they are located. back to you. >> thanks for showing us that
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perspective perspective, david lee miller. a fox extreme weather alert. the storms spawned tornados that damaged homes and uprooted trees and seven people at least are injured. now the storms are headed east. we have live coverage garret is live in the chicago room but starting with the fox extreme weather center update. >> we are tracking the threat of severe storms and i want to show you the radar ever the past 24 hours. this is showing how quickly moving the storm systems were and we had one line moving through during the morning hours and you can see that racing eastward eventually through portions of michigan and another line firing up behind that and that also produced severe weather in portions of illinois and iowa. that whole storm system continues to move eastward and we are seeing that severe weather threat in portions of
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the northeast and we have severe thunderstorms watches for portions of new england until 4 p.m. eastern and further south until 7 p.m. including portions of pennsylvania and new jersey. and we have the potential for additional severe storms heading further south across portions of the mid-atlantic. we don't have tornado warnings now but severe thunderstorms warnings in affect for pennsylvania in pittsburgh. and we have a very unstable air mass that is warm and humid and we have wind sheer with upper levels of the atmosphere that should be enhancing the severe weather threat and again parts of the mid atlantic and there is tornados and large hail and damaging winds and in the second area we will watch across portions of the high plains but that is elevated for tomorrow as we go into the storm system
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ejecting. we have a tornado threat in portions of the eastern u.s. and in an enhanced threat in new jersey and that area and you don't think of tornados in places lick new york city but that is the case today -- like -- have a way to get the warnings throughout the day and you could see them getting issued later this afternoon as the storms continue to develop. and tomorrow severe weather is possible across the planes and midwest, and a big concern is the big story going on how warm it is out there. take a look at the forecast images. 103 in raleigh, 104 in memphis and a 100 in the city of tulsa. >> no wonder those big storms are popping up. summer is here. >> and more on the communities already hit by the severe
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storms. let's go to garret live in chicago with it details. >> reporter: yeah, these storms covered a lot of ground and dumped a lot of rain and brought strong winds, including some tornados. it has covered all the way from minnesota down to iowa and over to michigan where outside of grand rapids a tornado damaged homes and businesses and knocked off the roof of a good will store trapping five people inside. here is how folks there describe described it: >> i have never seen winds that strong. >> i have seen bad storms but never damage like this in our immediate area. the road up to the farm a couple miles out was just tree after tree after tree. >> some of the worst damage we are seeing today is in part of illinois where at least five
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tornados hit, including the town of sterling in the northern part of the state where strong winds ripped the roof off a mall and the wall of a sporting good store. the storm worked its way east toward a large camp ground filled with hundreds of rv's and a tornado decimated the area throwing trailers into trees and ripping them out of the ground and throwing them on top of the motor homes. the fire chief is calling it the worst thing he every saw. the governor of illinois deployed the search and rescue team to assist to look for anyone who may be trapped still. so far officials only know of five people that have been injured. >> thank you, garret. a procedural vote in the senate passed that will give the president the trade promotion authority he has long been
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seeking. this has been such a contintious vote in the senate. 60 votes were needed to pass that and they got exactly 60. senator ben cardon voted yes last time and no this time. and ted cruz was a yes last time and voted no this time. they got the 60 votes they needed and that means tomorrow when the actually vote on the trade promotion authority package comes up it will need a majority to pass the senate and they should have that and then they will send the bill with the house for the president's signature. it looks like it a done deal and the fast track trade authority the president obama has been seeking is now going to become law with the assistance of
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republicans primarily but this own democratic party. we will keep you appraised as it moves through the legislature. >> the u.s. contributing arms aircraft, and troops to help europe defend any aggression against russian aggression and what it means for our relationship with russia and team usa is headed to the women's world cup quarterfinals without two of their top players. the controversy surrounding their suspension next.
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injection site reactions. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. check your blood sugar. your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, sweating, extreme drowsiness swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. today's the day to ask about levemir® flextouch®. covered by most health insurance and medicare plans. time to check out what is ahead on "outnumbered" at the top of the hour. what do you have? >> after three american captives were beheaded by isis the white house is reportedly about to announce changes in how we try to save u.s. hostages. >> and word the massive cyber attack of federal worker data
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may have been seven times larger than the administration led on. will anybody be held accountable? >> and big changes coming from a iconic breakfast favorites. another win for the food police or will it make us healthier? >> all of that plus our #oneluckyguy. "outnumbered" at the top of the hour. >> team usa is headed to the woman's world cup quarterfinals after the american women beating columbia by a score of 2-0 but they go into the the next round without two of their tap players. the coach accused the refs of purposely giving two american players yellow card penalties that will cause them to miss the upcoming game. they are reporting it could lead to a reprimand from fifa.
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the united states is planning to send weapons to six european areas to stop russian aggression. they where saying russia is echoing nazi germany in the 1930's. we have the director of the woodrow wilson and former deputy at the carnegie museum for international peace. how much of a slap is this for the russians over their behavior? >> i don't think they are intimidated by the equipment being put on the ground. as has been said a number of times there are no new american boots on the ground in europe at best it is a rotation of americans who are stationed over there, relatively small units maybe a company or biattalion so up to a thousand men.
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the forces committed to the rapid reaction force would be made available and doesn't mean they are being placed on border positions with russia and they will be per se exercises designed to intimidate the russians. same thing with putting the equipment forward basing that equipment in places like the baltic region so it is there and doesn't have to be airlifted in case of a crisis. >> these are going to be placed in european nations. russia has become belligerent in places like ukraine. is it your feeling that nato and nato nations should be doing more of their own heavy lifting against the russians here or is this a sign of american resolve in trying to buck up nato? >> at the end of the day, it will have to be both jon. we have seen so far from eastern european countries is a lot of
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noise, a lot of concern, a lot of complaining and demands to see more from the united states. we have not seen enough preparation for the actual threat may they face from russia within their own society which is unlikely to be world war iii. it will not be a russian armored column rolling across the border. it is much more likely to be the hybrid war operation we saw in ukraine that depend on sympathy from local populations who are alienated and don't feel included in society with unemployment issues and may not have citizenship as is the case in the baltic states. it is taking advantage of those do domestic, political cleavage circumstances where they need to do the work. you can send as much americans
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and equipment as you want but it will not solve the problems there. >> thank you, matthew. a fox news alert on sad news from hollywood. dick van patton has died. he is well known for roles in movies and television including the dad in eight is enough. and he appeared on broadway many times. dick van patton was 86. senior housing is very much in demand as the american population is aging. more communities are popping up. and how developers are keeping up. and skinny jeans might help you look good but research showing they could be dangerous. we will explain how. i am totally blind.
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right now, rents are increasing across the country. zillow says prices are up 4.3 percent over a year ago and rent is rising at double digit rates in cities like denver san francisco and san jose. experts say they are attracting new residents with job opportunities but the construction is not keeping it up. in jackson mississippi the rates rose 23% in one year. developers are trying to keep up with senior housing as the population is aging. we are live in denver which is a great way to retire and she
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has force. >> i have good news for you and others approaching a certain age. retirement retirement living doesn't mean going to a normal home. they have a sky bar here dining with a view and you would find things much more akin to an all inclusive resort or country club. that is partly because of de demand. the number is expected to increase to 13% by 2020. developers are working to keep up. wish list for retired life include easy access to dining shopping, transportation, denver is not alone. the number of those 65 and older
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is expected to boom. >> we found they want to be near pharmacies and grocery stores and transportation and you heard the same thing when other groups interviewed millennials. >> take the cooperative in iowa. one of the biggest selling points is the pub because they want to stay young and have fun but be closer to family. >> kids moved here to establish resident because of work and what happens? mom and dad follow. they had we go where our family is. >> reporter: also interesting is that folks are renting in places like this for independent lib libing is about $4,000 a mont including meals and transportation. they do memory care and assisted living. if you are planning to retire in
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50 years from now you might consider this place. >> looks like a great place. >> i like the way it looks. listen up there is a warning for you if you wear skinny jeans. doctors say avoid long periods of squatting while wearing the skinny jeans. a woman was hospitalized for four days after suffering muscle damage swelling and nerve damage in her leg after squatting for several hours. the woman said her pants got tight and feet became numb. if i am going some place where i will bend for a long time i cannot wear the skinny jeans. >> that is why i don't wear them ever. >> you are so smart, jon. >> coming up in the next hour a hearing getting underway over the massive recall with safety regulators focusing on tekata as we hear more reports of airbag
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>> quick correction. earlier reported on the women's world cup and mistakenly called abby wambach the coach. she is are forward for the team. apologize for the error. jon: hope she gets to play. see you back here in an hour. "outnumbered" begins now. ♪ >> this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, andrea tantaros, host of "kennedy" on our sister network fox business's kennedy herself. the author of american wife, taya kyle. today's #oneluckyguy, welcome back to the coach. host of making money with charles payne and fbn charles payne himself. nice being back. >> nice being back. >> day i can't so great to have you back. your husband american hero. i know your life inspired the movie "american sniper." there are updates on the journey.


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