tv Hannity FOX News June 24, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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tracy turned 44 the day of our interview. given a second chance at life. she bears a reminder of what happened that day. scars, yes, but also this, a declaration that she is a fighter and a survivor, and that's how we will remember her too. good night. tonight -- >> it shouldn't fly there, it shouldn't fly anywhere. >> a special hannity history lesson on the democrats and clinton's connection to the confederate flag. mark stein is here with reaction. >> no family of an american hostage has ever been prosecuted for paying a ransom for the return of their loved ones. rudy giuliani will weigh-in on president obama allows families of american hostages to pay terrorist ransom. >> you can't pay ransom. it is terrible. it's heartbreaking. >> and hillary clinton ditches the scooby van for yet another private jet.
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we'll react. >> i think our country needs big change. >> governor bobby jindal is here to explain why he has announced today he's running for president. "hannity" starts right here, right now. tonight, a hannity history lesson on democrats civil rights record. and their connection to the confederate flag. liberals in the mainstream media want to blame the gop for race problems in america, but they will never tell you the real history. let's start at the 1964 civil rights act. guess what? 80% of republicans in congress voted for the bill. only 64% of democrats did. oh, and by the way. al gore's father, bill clinton's mentor, a segregationist by the name of j. william fullbright. a one time senate majority leader and former klan member, they all voted against the civil rights act. as for the 1965 voting rights act, 87% of congressional republicans voted for it, 79% of democrats voted for it, so the republican party, they were the party that lyndon johnson
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credited with the civil rights act passage. now let's move on to south carolina and the confederate flag issue. in 1962, democratic south carolina governor fritz hollings raised the confederate flag atop the south carolina state house. you're not going to hear that history from hillary clinton, because here's what she said yesterday. >> it shouldn't fly there, it shouldn't fly anywhere. >> by the way, in 1996, a republican governor in south carolina tried to take the flag down. he was voted out. let's look at 1987, then governor bill clinton in arkansas, he signed a bill indicating the confederate roots of the arkansas state flag, it said in part quote, the blue star above the word "arkansas" is to commet rate the confederate states of america. looks like hillary has a little bit of a flag problem. here now with reaction, the
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author of climate change, the facts mark stein. mr. stein, here's what bothers me. lyndon johnson said without republicans, there is no passage of the civil rights act, voting rights act. >> right. >> 64-65. future democratic leader in the senate, robert byrd filibustered the bill, al gore's father wasn't there, bill clinton's mentor j. william fullbright, all of these men voted against it. but most people don't know this. >> no. >> how did this become a republican problem? >> exactly. i mean, i know the gop is called the stupid party. but the idea that the republicans can have the confederate flag hung around their neck is ridiculous. it's a democratic flag. the states that seceded during the civil war were all democrat states. that's their flag. the save states were democrat states. the racist states until the 1960s were democrat states. the democratic party was the largest and most powerful institution supporting slavery in the english speaking world. it's the only one that survived
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into the 21st century. slave holding is very unusual among the english speaking peoples. canadians didn't do it. australians didn't do it. the democratic party and the states they controlled did it. it's their flag. hillary clinton had it on campaign bumper stickers running for president in 2008. you mentioned robert c. byrd, sean. bill clinton was doing ku klux klan jokes at byrd's funeral. saying, robert c. byrd, he just did what he had to do, you know i'm too sexy for my sheet. it's their flag. it's their -- >> it's their problem. >> it's nothing to do with the republican party. >> i found a 1992 new york times article. you know what the story was about? bill clinton playing golf at a club that he played at all of his adult life as governor, that didn't allow black membership. i guarantee you most americans
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don't know that about, quote, america's first black president. >> no. and, again, sean it's a party with an incredible century and a half history of institutional racism. there's nothing like it anywhere on the planet. people go on about apartheid in south africa. the national party came to power in 1948 and they were gone 45 years later. that's how long they lasted. and they are nothing now. the democratic party has never come to terms with the evil of its past, the idea -- it was a party committed to the proposition of the one human being could own another human being. and they've never -- they've never said a word about that. >> so this is a democratic -- >> they've never apologized for it, they never atoned for it, in the way that they have the reconciliation commission in south africa. tony blair a couple of years ago was going around apologizing for everything. he apologized for the irish potato famine.
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the canadian government apologized for how it treated indian schoolchildren. when is the democratic party going to apologize for being the biggest slave holding supporting institution on the planet? and sticking with racism for the century after the abolition of slavery? >> here is my question. this is a democratic problem. and it looks like nikki haley the republican governor is going to clean up their mess. it's become blown up into a huge issue. i believe in substance over symbolism. i don't believe this is going to stop the next kid like roof that wants to shoot nine innocent church goers after sitting in a bible study with them for nine hours. nor do i believe any more gun laws are going to solve the problem. don't we have to start examining that all these people that are prone to or involved in these incidents, they tend to tell -- telegraph what their thoughts are prior. and now we discover that this guy dylann roof had all these rantings and ravings of a racist lunatic, and nobody picked up on
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it. isn't that more substantive, won't that do more if we examine these websites prior to these incidents to save lives than changing a flag? >> well, i think what you're saying there, sean, is that actually human judgment is what makes the difference. that's true in everything. if you remember the millennium bomber at the british columbia washington state border, it was an alert border guard not liking the look in the eye. it's true of national security, and it's true for these kind of crimes. and they both tend to feature less lone wolves than known wolves. in other words, they are signalling their moves before hand in quite some detail. we had columbine where the kids were walking around doing hitler salutes and everything beforehand, and nobody wants to make -- the same with virginia tech. and nobody wants to make a judgment about people these days. and about their behavior.
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and that's really the only way you can stop individuals like this. and it testifies -- i think it's actually insulting to the dead in charleston that it's dwindled down into a stupid argument about the confederate flag. >> let me ask you this >> this guy roof, the flags he wore on his outfit the flag of old apartheid south africa and he had the flag of rodiceo. the confederate flag didn't do it for him. >> he needs more symbols. >> the idea that it's come down to an argument about this, is completely absurd, even by the standards of all the jesse jackson, al sharpton grievancemonger grievancemongering. it's absurd. >> you have all these retailers that have decided to stop selling anything confederate. now, i'm going to play the president using the n word, and
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then ask the question, if they're going to do that with confederate flags and other items, should they maybe do it with some of the most vile rap music, not all of it, but those that use the b word the n word the h word. >> racism, we're not cured of, clearly. it's not just a matter of it not being polite to say [ bleep ] in public. that's not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. it's not just a matter of overt discrimination. we have -- societies don't overnight completely erase everything that happened 200 to 300 years prior. >> should the president use that? and if stores ban the confederate flag, should they ban music that uses the n word? >> well, i don't think you can have it both ways. we seem to live in a world where, on this network, when the president uses that word it's bleeped out. at the same time if some rap act wants to put it throughout his cd, that cd will be in the racks of walmart with everything else. i don't think you can have it
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both ways. i'm big on free speech issues, i don't think you can have a situation where words are bad words, but certain people are allowed to use those bad words. >> if you're going to make a decision one way, don't you have to make it the other way to be consistent? >> i think that's true. i don't think the president should have used that word. >> i don't either. >> i think that's simply unbecoming for the president of the united states to talk like that. and it's not what the issue is about these days. as i said, those kind of issues are actually his party's issues. and i go back to that point, sean. the democratic party is uniquely virulently racist and pro slavery to a degree unseen anywhere in the english speaking world. that's where they should have that argument about themselves and leave the rest of us out of
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if, because it has nothing to do with us. and i don't want their internal history hung around my neck. >> well said. and the history, also the first republican president, was lincoln. and, of course he was the one that kept the union together and ended slavery. mark stein, good to see you. thank you, sir. coming up next tonight -- right here on "hannity" -- >> is it a symbol of southern pride or symbol of hate? and then, what about this? does this offend you? this word. >> if you thought that was bad, wait until you hear what happened on don lemon's show last night. later -- no family of an american hostage has ever been prosecuted for paying a ransom for the return of their loved ones. the last thing we should ever do is to add to a family's pain. >> a rare moment where i actually agree with obama. some think the president's decision to allow families to negotiate with hostage takers sets a dangerous precedent.
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earlier this week, after president obama used the n word, cnn's don lemon played off on that controversial moment and did something on his show that is now garnering a lot of criticism. watch this. >> this is what america is talking about right now. does this offend you? it's a confederate flag. is it a symbol of southern pride or a symbol of hate? and then, what about this? does this offend you? this word. >> unfortunately, mr. lemon's awkward conversation about race in america did not end with that segment. last night, lemon had a "new
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york times" columnist on his show who asked president obama to apologize for slavery. take a look at this. >> i just think it could be so redemptive and so powerful and so moving you wouldn't have any hassle from congress. there would be pushback from people of course. but for a man who's the leader of what was once the largest slave holding nation on earth to say, i apologize for what we did in america's original sin -- >> here now with reaction, larry elder. you're shaking your head. >> it's ridiculous. you're going to have the first black president apologize for slavery. >> is he responsible for that? >> not only is he not responsible, but why wouldn't you have someone who was white, a white president? this is ridiculous. this is the thing, the thing with don lemon and the sign, is such a stunt, such a gimmick and so gratuitous and insulting, it reminds me of president obama using the n word, he was trying to make a larger point. instead he has us talking about the n word. >> i don't like that word. that word is meant to be
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offensive. i think juan is right. i think the word is gratuitous. it wasn't just cnn, it's the president that's being gratuitous by using that word. your thoughts? >> i don't understand why this is such a big deal. the president was not rapping, he was speaking to a talk show host. and he was explaining his view that the definition of a racist is not just somebody who doesn't use the n word publicly. that's what he was saying, further more, if you read his first book he used the word throughout the whole book. i am far more disturbed about the president's assertion that america has racism in its dna and that we're not cured yet. dna implies never changing. for crying out loud in 1960 60% of americans said they would never vote for a black person for president. in 1954, only 4% approved of black-white marriages. now 87% do.
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and the number of people who wouldn't vote for a black president is nejible. the country has changed. accept the change. >> the president did say that we have come a long way in this country. >> he said it's in our dna. >> but on the dna question -- >> let me speak to larry. go ahead. >> do you know what he's done? he shifted. in 2007 he gave a speech at moorehouse college and called his generation the joshua generation and the mld generation the moses generation. he said the moses generation got us 90% of the way there. and this was before he got elected. don't you think that cut into the 10% a little bit there? >> yao are youou're off on this one. >> for crying out loud he went from that guy to a victorcrat. >> larry, it's clear that the president said we have made tremendous progress on race in his lifetime. >> then act like it. >> when he talks about dna, i don't see why you're getting so upset.
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the fact is in the constitution of the united states it says we are 3/5 human. we're not even fully human. >> it was amended, juan. it was amended. >> yeah. okay. >> did you get the news? the 13th amendment. it was a change. >> but our birth as an american people, we had racism baked in the pie. >> you know, juan, these worshippers who were murdered had their loved ones forgive the guy who killed their loved ones. when is black america going to forgive white america for slavery? when? >> most black americans don't walk around lamenting, oh, my god, we want an apology for slavery. >> you had don lemon have some white guy tell obama to apologize for slavery. we're still doing this. when we're going to move ahead? >> it ain't black people. larry, you're wrong about that. it could be you, if you said the left is using this and constantly using this, and constantly playing the race card, i may say you're on to something. i can't tell you i say black
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people every day say, i can't lead my life because there was once slavery in the country. i see people trying to overcome. >> i would like to have a conversation about this. there is a word that is as offensive as the n word, only used by the left. that term is uncle tom. let's have a national discussion about putting that term to rest and whether or not when you use that term you're a bigot. let's talk about that. >> i couldn't agree with you more. i probably think you've been targeted. i have been targeted. >> you think? >> i know conservative friends, including my son, that has been victimized by this kind of thinking. that people want you in a box. >> larry, his son got the smart genes in the family. >> stop it. >> don't tell me your son has called you an uncle tom, juan. >> no, no. he didn't say that. >> you can say anything about a black conservative. >> that's what i'm saying. >> and by the way, the term "uncle tom" is the least of it.
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>> well i get upset. i find it offensive. >> sean, obama mentioned after these shootings, the bombing that took place in birmingham in 1963, and he was right to do so. my goodness in 1963, you're talking about the top sheriff who sicked dogs and turned water hoses on civil rights workers. jorm wallace was the governor who said segregation forever. and j. edgar hoover was the head of the fbi. they knew who did it right away. they sat on the information. the people who were responsible weren't brought to justice for decades. fast forward, to south carolina. a female that is of indian descent is the governor. this is not your grandfather's america anymore. >> that does not suggest that we should not continue to fight racism where it exists. and when you see that young man exposed to the kind of hatred and websites and flags, i think you have to understand that poison is still in the system. >> we have to leave it there.
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>> he is a deviant, just like manson was a deviant. nobody said he was leading a charge about white supremacy. we wrote him off as a deviant, evil nut. so is this guy. great debate both of you. coming up president obama's changes the country's policy towards hostage negotiation. should families be able to pay ransom if their loved ones are being held overseas without fear of prosecution? i kind of agree with the president here. former new york city mayor rudy giuliani will weigh in. and hillary clinton's campaign. we'll weigh in on her hypocrisy coming up. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into
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no family of an american hostage has ever been prosecuted for paying a ransom for the return of their loved ones. the last thing that we should ever do is to add do family's pain with threats like that. >> that was the president earlier today announcing a brand new executive order clearing the way for americans to make private ransom payments to terrorist organizations like isis abroad in order to free loved ones being held hostage without threat of prosecution. is this the right decision? here to respond is rudy giuliani. i'm only speaking for myself and i don't often agree with obama. if it was my son -- >> absolutely. >> my daughter. >> you're right. >> no government is going to stop me if i can pay money to free them. >> right. >> i understand. i think families ought to have the right to make their own decision. >> but here's the problem, sean. >> it creates more hostage takers.
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>> so the problem is, it creates more hostage situations. you're setting up a business now. what president obama essentially did was, he set up a business. i have done a lot of work, security work in mexico and south america. mexico has many more kidnappings than the united states. u.s. has very few kidnappings. a lot richer people in america to kidnap. >> sure. >> the reason is in the united states, we don't pay ransom. we turn it over to the fbi. they catch the person and then of course we used to have the death penalty for it. now it's life in prison. in mexico, everybody pays. it's a business. >> this is the problem with this stuff. youi know you. you love your son and your daughter. so on a personal level, what would you do? >> here's what you do. you have a rule and a law against it and then in certain situations, you have plausible deniability. >> if you were a prosecutor and
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i sat in your office and said i did it -- >> i would deny prosecution. >> i would too. but i think there's a value in having the rule. president reagan did this. not just president obama. but in those days you could do it with plausible deniability. you didn't have to have it as a rule. the minute you announce it as a rule, people start thinking, i have a business here, i can make a lot of money this way. you know where that money's going. >> terror organizations. >> exactly. terror organizations that want to come back here and kill us. >> all these other countries have allowed their citizens to negotiate with isis and they have paid sums of money, and they got their loved ones back. we're watching our loved ones getting beheaded and all of these instances getting killed. and who am i to say, you can't do that because you're encouraging future hostage taking? >> it's a very hard thing. but i think the better way to deal with it is to have a rule against it, and then if you're
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going to violate it, violate and it keep quiet about it. if you get rid of that rule and you announce what the president just announced, isis -- not just isis but hezbollah, all of these groups now have a nice new way of making money which will be more valuable than it was before. >> let me move on to presidential politics. i see hillary as a weak candidate. somebody that can be defeated. i see this whole issue with the confederate flag, she's got a lot of questions to answer about her husband honoring that flag, about the clinton/gore button, about him playing golf at a golf club that did not allow black membership. >> right. >> so i think she's got a problem. what are you looking for in a republican nominee? who are you looking at so far that may be inspiring you? >> i'm looking for -- first of all, my major focus is national security. that's really what the president runs. >> right, commander in chief.
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>> that's his main job. that's where congress has a role, but the least role. i'm looking for a president that will be like a ronald reagan to a jimmy carter. ronald reagan took over a dispirt spirit /* disspirited country. it was moving in the wrong direction. as gorbachev says in his book, ronald reagan spent the soviet union into olive bloif /* blif -- oblivion because they couldn't keep up with the huge military buildup that we were doing. for example, if we were building our navy rather than reducing our navy to preworld war i levels china would not be thinking about increasing its navy to take over the sea. this man -- this man in the white house doesn't understand what i just said, and i could say it, i can scream it, you're not going to understand it, the best way to contain china and make it the peaceful rise of china is for us to have an enormously robust navy that is
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the greatest navy in the world, that can patrol two oceans that can fight two or three wars, and china will not challenge us. because the chinese are practical. putin maybe isn't as practical, but the chinese are practical. same thing in europe. the minute putin went into crimea what obama should have done is sent 50,000 troops tomato. he didn't have to engage them just send them. that puts the fear of god into people. we have the greatest military in the world. they want to do these things and he's holding them back. i have people in the military telling me about some of these hostage situations. they will tell me, they should use us for extractions, our percentage rate of extracting people is extraordinarily high. you talk about any of them.
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the s.e.a.l.s, the rangers. >> who's on rudy giuliani's radar in terms of -- >> jeb for sure. marco rubio. you know i like senator graham. >> that's the only mistake. go ahead. >> i like him very much. i like george pataki, i wish he could get traction. >> he's not going to win. you know he's not going to win. >> i love george. scott walker i'd like to know more about. >> yeah. >> rick perry i have a great fondness for. >> great success in texas. >> and what rick perry has, like jeb bush has, it would be interesting to compare their two records as governor. very close. great economic development, low taxes, all the things we want domestically out of a president. and i think a much different candidate than he was four years ago. >> i have to break. mr. mayor, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> i think you would be a great secretary of defense.
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just my thought. i think that would work. hillary clinton ditched the skooby van. the daily mail caught her red-handed getting off on a private jet yesterday. one of those big gas guzzling air polluting planes she likes to fly in. frank hunts gretchen carlson, also more on the confederate flag issue. bobby jindal is here to explain why he's running for president. that and more straight ahead. may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today.
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and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. the 2015 c-class. at the very touchpoint of performance and innovation. new developments in the hunt for those two prison escapees in upstate new york. prison guard gene palmer sits in jail awaiting a second court hearing thursday afternoon. late wednesday, he was arraigned on several felony accusing him of assisting in the escape of convicted killers richard matt and david sweat. authorities say palmer delivered tools inside frozen meat to the inmates in the days before they
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fled. he is now the second prison employee tied to the plot. joyce mitchell a training supervisor at the prison has also been charged as an accomplice. matt and sweat have been on the run since june 6. authorities are now focusing their manhunt some 20 miles west of the prison, where items belonging to the prisoners were found in a hunting cabin. now back to "hannity." welcome back to "hannity". remember when hillary clinton after announcing her candidacy makes a big deal driving her scooby van all across the country? that didn't last long. look at this exclusive photo there "the daily mail" showing the democratic candidate literally ditching her humble van for a more lavish private jet. isn't that nice? it looks like a pretty big one. maybe seats 15 people. here with reaction, frank luntz.
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dagen mcdowell. and author and colleague of a brand-new book "getting real" gretchen carlson. by the way, your cover looks so much better than mine and mine had my picture on it. >> well thank you. it was the first shot that he took. >> figures. >> no it was. >> he took 600 of me and still didn't look good. >> i was as stunned as anybody. >> this private jet issue comes up all the time. leer jet, limousine hypocrites like al gore and hillary clinton. i can't take the -- what? >> nobody cares. >> except me. i used to like you. go ahead. >> her language has gotten so much better in the last couple of weeks. she's playing the class warfare card. i agree with that. >> the race card. >> but she's fighting for people. and she's doing it in a way that she'll actually announce for every hard working american for everyone who gets up early in the morning, and she'll do this personalized politics, which she never did before.
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and in our dial testing, she's doing well. but watch bernie sanders. he is absolutely moving in new hampshire. he's moving in iowa. >> 7 points in new hampshire. >> it's amazing. >> wisconsin, iowa. >> that's why she's going further left, though. that's why she is going after the very same people that bernie sanders. at least temporarily, she's going right for the base and -- >> she's not obama, though, she's not bill clinton either. >> she can be a better version of hillary clinton because you couldn't get much worse at times. >> i'm going to agree with both of them. everything about politics is optics. when people do see the scooby van, you can't start off as an average american and then go back to the private plane. i don't think can you do that. i'm going to disagree with you. the more and more this happens, the more people don't see her as authentic. the trust factor has gone down significantly. >> if this one issue hurts her, she's going to get back in the van. she's smarter than that. >> she's beating every republican. every type of scandal that's
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come out against her in the last 90 days financial scandals political scandals ethical scandals, family scandals, all of them. and she is beating all of the candidates. >> she goes to missouri. >> they don't have a candidate, though. look at her -- the one poll i keep going back to that matters, how do you get elected president when 57% of americans don't find you honest or trustworthy? >> i have an answer for that. god help this country if we're now prepared to vote for someone we don't trust. but every election cycle we do things we never dreamed of. barack obama never should have won in 2012 with the right direction of 25%. >> they never -- >> and, sean, it's just -- >> this is scary, you were right about this. let's go to gretchen. she starts out with 47% of the country. she's got to basically win in the right states and she can be president. >> that's right. but i do think we should focus on the african-american community. she went to ferguson in that jet. why is that important?
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in 2012 president obama didn't go anywhere near african-american communities. why? unemployment was so high there, he didn't want toe address it. i think it will be a problem for her. >> did you read the comment, girl, you're ten months too late. where was she? i thought that was a fair comment. >> they're counting on women going into the voting both and voting for her because she's a woman. and i'll point out that she's gone hard against wall street. she's gone very far left in terms of bashing wall street. and i just wanted to point out, going back to her top contributors, citigroup, goldman sachs one and two. morgan stanley. how will they react? >> does she have herself a confederate flag problem, considering bill clinton signed the law honoring the confederate flag? and of course she didn't say anything then. >> i don't know if she does or not. this whole issue is incredibly divisive. i have to say, growing up in minnesota and having my first job in the state of virginia, i
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was shocked to see the confederate flag flying so much there from being in the north. i want to point out also, that i think that we need to take a step back and see who fought in the war and what the original status of that flag was all about. >> i have lived in pursuing my radio career, i lived in alabama and georgia, and the people in the south are wonderful. >> they are. >> it's god, faith, family, country. >> totally. >> and there are legitimate reasons on the other side. you can be a good person without any racial intent and still want to keep the flag. that's what i learned in my time in the south. >> the problem is, the media has its own definition. the media sets the context. and whether it's hillary clinton and the hypocrisy of what she says versus what she does and i acknowledge that. or it's the flag -- >> you think she's going to win. i'm reading you. i've known you too long. >> it was on your show three weeks before the election, i
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said that obama was looking -- >> i hated every second of that. >> i did not say anything about who's going to win yet. >> can i say something about the confederate flag since i grew up in virginia? the underground were 30 miles away from where i grew up. that flag, we think it could be both, but definitely the confederate side i know that for a fact. i am say this. that flag has been hijacked by a few filled with hate. and nobody in my family has a problem with it not flying on government land and not flying -- >> and it looks like it's gone. and that's fine. i want to deal with the problem of people that are telegraphing their hate and that are putting it on the internet and we're not catching them. you wanted to say something about hillary clinton and you got cut off. >> sorry. >> she is going to bring out voters as barack obama did. what does it say about our country right now? that we are prepared to say we do not trust her, we do not have faith in her, and yet we're willing to vote for her. >> we already know the answer to the 2016 election? we don't even know who the
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republican candidate is going to be. >> i agree. >> how is it so fickle? one email away from not being a candidate. >> are we going to make the same mistakes as 2008 and 2012? >> maybe. i hope not. i'm willing to pay the chinese. i know they have their server. they have hacked everything else in the country. i'll raise money to buy her server that she deleted. >> you know where bill clinton's server is at? >> where? >> hooters. >> thank you all, by the way, gretchen's new book "getting real" she'll be at the nixon and reagan library next week. >> this weekend. >> bobby jindal made it official earlier today. he's running for president. he will be here to explain why he's decided to throw his hat in the ring. straight ahead. by experian.
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my name is bobby jindal. i am governor of the great state my name is bobby jindal. i am governor of the great state of louisiana. and i am running for president of the greatest country in the world, the united states of america. [ applause ] >> that was louisiana governor bobby jindal earlier today announcing he is in fact joining this long list of people running for president. here now the man himself, the governor of the great state of louisiana. governor how are you?
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good to see you. >> sean i'm doing great. we launched a cause, not just a campaign here in kenner louisiana. >> you know it is a growing field, but to me, it's a strong field. you have a great record as governor. like many others. how do you separate from such a big crowd? former governors, current senators current governors. it's a big, tough field there. how do you break out? >> sean, one of the things i said today, jeb bush is out there saying we've got to lose the primary to win the general. let me translate that for you. what he is saying is republicans need to abandon our conservative positions. that's nonsense. i'm running because we need to take our country back. hillary clinton, president obama, they are trying to turn the american dream into the european nightmare. we need to rescue this country from socialism. we don't measure our people's success by how people are doing in the government. we measure how they are doing in the real world in the private sector of the economy. we need to speak the truth.
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they don't think in washington you can repeal obama care or have term limits. we have to do all of those things to rescue the american treatment for our children. >> if you become children you will cut the size of government real cuts not just a reduction in the rate of increase? >> absolutely. sean look every republican candidate talks about it. we need a doer not a talker. i have cut the size of my budget in louisiana 26%. we have over 30,000 fewer state government bureaucrats than the day i took office. we are a top 10 state in private sector job creation. a lot of republican candidates will tell you they will protect innocent human life get rid of common core hunt down isis. we are doing things in our state. we need a doer not a talker. we have a first-term senator who has needed on-the-job training in the white house. we don't need a repeat of that. >> i was really angry at some quotes in "the washington post" about you that under any other circumstances, i would argue would be racist. i want your thoughts on it.
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i want to put it on the screen. there's not much indian left in bobby jindal said pearson cross, a political science professor at the university of louisiana at lafayette. and the post went on to claim that as the years went by and jindal's political star rose many in the indian american community became disillusioned with their native son. are you as angry about that as i am? >> well sean i'm so tired of the left trying to divide us by race. one of the things i said in my speech today, indian americans, african-americans, irish americans, rich americans, poor americans, we're all americans. i'm tired of hyphenated americans. my parents came across the world so their children could be born americans. they came here in search of the american dream, in search of freedom and opportunity. >> you said as governor of louisiana, you cut the size of the budget by 26% in real dollars, meaning lower than when you took office.
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and you eliminated 30,000 job. and you're saying you can do that nationally. what about national security? we've got isis radical islamic terrorists this president won't even mention. we have crimea putin, china's territorial ambitions to deal with iran and the desire for nukes, the entire middle east the broken relationship with israel. how do you handle all of that? >> we can't stop leading from behind. sean we have to invest in our military. we need to stand with israel. we need to hunt down and kill these terrorists. as president, i would name the enemy, radical islamic terrorists. we have a president who wants to criticize medieval christians and wage war on junk food. he won't even say the words, radical islamic terrorists. we will stop that nuclear arms race in the middle east. we will have brigades in eastern europe to deter putin's aggression. peace through strength works. america's military is the best
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in the world. but this president is hollowing out our military. we need a commander in chief that believes in american exceptionalism again. >> governor we look forward to having you next week for the full hour. congratulations on your announcement today. and best of luck to you in what's going to be a very tough campaign for everybody. thank you. >> thank you, sean. coming up we need your help. tonight's question of the day, an important one. that's straight ahead. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit ♪ ♪ ♪ (charge music) you wouldn't hire an organist without hearing them first. charge! so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck.
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♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? welcome back. tonight's question we need your inp welcome back to "hannity." time for tonight's question of the day. we need your input. as we explained earlier in the show should democrats apologize to americans for putting up the confederate flag above the south carolina state house in 1962? that was their decision. they put it up. a republican governor in 1996 tried to take it down. let's go to, @sean hannity on twitter and let us know what you think.
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