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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 25, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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puts his girlfriend on craigslist described her as a purebred but a little high maintenance. >> i love that. >> she couldn't give him that choice. that's his dog. don't forget to join us tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. "fox & friends" starts now. >> bye. ♪ good morning to you today is thursday june 25th i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. coming out in full force, blaming conservative principles and fox news for the shooting in south carolina. this morning -- oh a response. >> fox news' attack when we report the truth? well you want a war, you got a war. i'm not going to sit here any longer and take this garbage. >> gill o'reilly's no spin take and the reaction it's getting today. meanwhile, rush limbaugh warned the american flag is nexted to banned. now his prediction, almost closer to being true.
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what the hell the fight is about over the confederate flag we need to put the american flag down. >> crazy. the far left louis farrakhan calling for a revolt of the american flag is. is this just the beginning? we're going to talk about that. all right. brand-new outrage brewsence u.s. treasury secretary jack lew. apparently his plan to put a famous american woman on our money is offensive to women. are they undervalued? while you think about that let me just remind you mornings with "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ i want you in my arms rescue me i need your charm ♪ hey, the fans score. >> uh-huh.
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>> with a baby. and does something the first baseman couldn't. by catching the ball and saves the day. is this good parenting or bad parenting? he's protecting the child in one day. >> to multitask like moms do this is a prime example of doing just that. i say, good catch. >> i think it's good parenting but bad baseball. >> also today on the program, governor bobby jindal who declared last night at 5:50 that he would be like to be our next president. also ben jones, you remember him from "dukes of hazzard" he's going to weigh in on the confederate flag brouhaha because it's being taken down all over the place. he's going to continue to sell it at his stores. and kimberly guilfoyle is here with a new book and also she has her son with her today. she's going to tell us the secret of salami. all right.
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meanwhile, it was just one week ago today that we were with you talking about the massacre at the church down in cherylarleston south carolina. since then it has morphed into eye adebate about the confederate flag being taken down all over the place. and a debate on race. in particular the president of the united states saying we are a racist nation. and there are fingers pointed at fox news as having inappropriate messages. bill o'reilly last night at 8:00 p.m. has had it up to here. and he said this. >> far left merchants have the nerve, the gull to say america say white supremacist nation? and the press does nothing about it? fox news is attacked when we report the truth? well you want a war. you got a war. i'm not going to sit here any longer and take this garbage. people who lie, run the country down who are racists themselves are going to be called out here
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on "the factor." in the real world, america remains the country that provides the most opportunity to people. that's why millions of folks are trying to get in here. many of them people of color. the american congress has passed law after law after law to ensure that all americans have equal opportunity to pursue happiness. as i said last night, every country has racist elements within it. you're always going to have that. you're always going to have terrible incidents like ferguson and baltimore and charleston every stat every poll say the same thing. there is not an epidemic of racism in the united states. that the truth. and the liars who distort the record are now on notice. you will be held to account. >> i mean it's been over and over again, especially over the last six years, every time you bring up a criticism or something like that then you are a racist. >> racist! >> if you have a problem with
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policy it's behind that. if you're concerned about immigrants you don't like hispanic people or the president, you don't like black people that is just not a reality. >> i've said many times, it's disappointing and irresponsible to call racism when it's not racism. it underscores it. >> it blunts it. >> it actually does. >> if we were a racist nation barack obama would not have been elected president twice. bernie goldberg has somebody in his cross hairs and it's actually those in the progressive left. >> charleston south carolina as terrible as that was, is not selma, alabama. and this is not 1965. baltimore is selma. and ferguson missouri wasn't selma. progressives are because they don't progress. they're stuck in the past. and the real pity in all of this is that liberals who are
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at the forefront of civil rights have turned the word racist into a meanings word. once upon a time it was a serious indictment. racist. now, it's mush thanks to the left. >> and to be clear, no one is saying that what happened in charleston south carolina once the facts were in was not a hateful, racist murderous act. >> sure. he called thames. >> absolutely. >> guy's a racist. >> they took shots at "fox & friends" because a week ago this morning, we knew that it was a hate crime. but at that time we didn't know the nature of it. keep in mind it happened at a church. and we had bishop jackson on in the morning. and he said, let's wait for all the facts to come in. but, remember it happened at a church and it was an attack on religion. at that time r right through our program, we were never told the nature of the bias. i think at 9:50 or 10 it was revealed that the guy who did
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the shooting was a racist. evil racist. and, yet the dishonest political left took what we had reported you know we were unable to say the nature of the bias crime. but we had said it was a hate crime. but we did not say it was based on race. and the political left they put these images of the guy in the apartheid clothes and stuff like that and said, "fox & friends" could not admit the guy was racist. that is not true. >> and disingenuous. and it was based on the facts of the scene. >> i know. >> because the bottom line is it is not implausible for this to be an attack on christians. it's not implausible, and here's why. because christians and others around the world are being attacked. they're being burned alive. and no one in the white house seems to bring that up or think it's important to emphasize. >> the most important and the
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reason it was plausible that it could have been attack on religion it happened not at a hardware store, it happened at a church. >> we know south carolina is the subject of great debate including the confederate flag. this symbol now, some call it a hateful one and some doll it an historic one. we'll be speaking to ben jones. >> cooter. >> from "dukes of hazzard." he's going to tell you why he's still selling it it in stores. >> here's the quote, we're not going to be changing toe ing toing to shamed into turning our backs on heritage. he's going to be on at 7:20 eastern time. but another person who stood up is a democrat senator jim webb former secretary of the navy under ronald reagan. he said look if you look at the history of the civil war, before you quickly say take the flag down understand there are
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slave owners fighting in the north and there were nonslave owners fighting in the south. so it's not as cut and dried as it seems. i think it's time to take it down. i get it. i don't think that's wrong. but i do think anyone who says i'd like to keep it up i don't think it should be shouted down either. >> there's a film critic in the "new york post" saying "gone with the wind" is a racist relic. jeb bush and donald trump both officially announced they're running for president. and they both got bounces in the very latest fox news poll. donald trump is the head line here. he's right behind jeb bush at 11%. >> and ben carson coming up at 10% there. you know we're looking at this the numbers here i think nobody got 1% as well and governor bobby jindal who announced
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yesterday is at 2%. he's the newest. >> two of the top here in nonpoliticians. and rand paul with the most unique message is making some noise. the guy who has dropped is marco rubio. i thought that was significant. one poll one time. and those people who thought donald trump is a side show you might think so. >> and ooh on the street listen to get news people said once again, the things that donald trump said are the things i'm thinking. he has struck a chord. he's a guy who can create a lot of jobs. and he's number two in the poll. >> and when jobs comes out of his mouth, people believe he can create them. i think there are two ladies that have jobs today and that's because you two got hair cuts. >> looking very good. good morning to you all. i do have a fox news alert to bring to you.
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a pilot is now missing at this hour after a military jet crashes overnight in arizona. the air force said the f-16 crashed near douglas. that's about two hours southeast of the davis mountain base in tucson -- excuse me, davis-monthane base. the unidentified pilot was taking part in a night training mission. was the only person on board. military personnel have secured that crash site that belonged to the 162nd wing of the air national guard. our thoughts and prayers go out to that aviator's family this morning. we'll keep you posted. here in new york a second prison worker now arrested for aiding in the escape in upstate new york. corrections officer, you can see him right there, gene palmer placed under arrest accused of providing the tools that richard matt and david sweat used to escape from the prison.
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palmer is believed to be the person who passed the prisoners hamburger meat that was inside with tools. and also issuing a chilly new warning, wherever those two escaped prisoners are, police believe they're probably carrying guns. they're concerned they could have taken a shotgun from one of those cabins upstate. boston marathon dzhokhar tsarnaev breaking his silence moment bls he was sentenced to death. he praised allah several times and apologized to the victims he said i'm sorry for the lives that i've taken for the suffering that i've caused you, i pray for your relief for your healing, for your well-being and for your strength. i ask allah to have mercy upon me and my brother and my family. >> i regret ever wanting to hear him speak because what he said show nod remorse, no regret and
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no empathy for what he's done for our lives. >> i was actually really happy that he made the statement. i have forgiven him. i have come to a place of peace, i genuinely hope he does as well. >> we'll be back in 25 minutes. coming up rush limbaugh warned the fight over the confederate flag was on the beginning. >> next flag that will come under assault, and it will not be long is the american flag. do not look at me that way. it makes perfect sense. >> angry protesters in colorado and south carolina burning the american flag. does he have a point? wait till you hear what somebody said yesterday to prove that. and a brand-new intern controversy for the clintons. but it's not what you think. hillary's interns demanding equal pay. one of them is going to join us live -- straight ahead. ♪
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things worse, nation of islam leader louis farrakhan said this. >> i don't know what the [ bleep ] the fight is about over the american flag. we need to put the american flag down because we caught as much [ bleep ] under that as the confederate flag." >> and people cheered. is it becoming true? fox's contributor erick erickson. is farrakhan on to something? >> it wasn't about the flag per se but about the advance of the american culture itself. the flag is just a symbol of that. once you convince people that the confederate flag is racist. then you go after the monuments, the county names and the states. then you go against the american flag because you begin to move towards your cultural utopia
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that really doesn't exist. >> you point out in the interview that there are a couple of places in california where they're banning the american flag? >> right, schools in california during cinco de mayo they banned the american flag at the university of california you are 59. the university of california itself said it's a micro aggression to call the united states a melting pot or to call it a land of opportunity. it's about culture itself. >> all right, erick, few people more in touch on a regular basis from your website. you and nikki haley got up to the republicans and senator scott and lindsey graham on the right saying hey, let's take this flag down and put it in a museum was that a mistake in your mind? >> no i don't think it was. i don't think it's for a bunch of liberals around the country who hate south carolina without that flag flying anyway. i think it's for the people of
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south carolina to decide. i think nikki haley got the decision right. >> webb comes out and say you've got to understand the war. there are slave owners in the north and nonslave owners fighting. >> i think it's a more complicated issue than the west would have you believe. it's not entirely a single issue. the civil war was really complicated. they want to tear down statues in the south. those statues were eflektd thor 1900s, paid for often by union soldiers as well as confederate soldiers to honor the farmer who picked up a weapon to defend his country. not to defend slavery. the civil war, it's not just a single prophet. i's a far more complicated tradition. the left doesn't want to say is that. >> erick erickson thanks so much. fox news contributor, great radio show host. thanks i appreciate that. our fox news alert.
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mysterious deaths and disappearances. now investigators raising the question is this the work of a serial killer? then a brand-new intern controversy for the clintons hillary's interns demanding pay or equal pay. we'll hear why. your energy... immunity... and metabolism like never before. centrum multigummies. see gummies in a whole new light. morning ted. scott. ready to hit some balls? sure. ooh! hey buddy, what's up? this is what it can be like to have shingles. aw man. a painful, blistering rash.
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we've got some quick headlines for you on this thursday morning. a texas police officer is killed in the line of duty run over by a criminal driving a police car. it all started when sergeant chris kelly tried to pull a man over just north of austin texas. the suspect smashed into a fire hydrant, ran away and stole a police cruiser. that's when he ran into sergeant kelly killing him. the suspect is now under arrest. and yet another child is bit bin a shark at a north carolina beach.
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the third attack in just ten days. an 8-year-old boy was swimming in just knee-deep water, in surf city where he was bitten on the foot and ankle as well. his injuries are not considered serious. but they were shocking. >> you this -- >> up and down the ladder many women are paid less for the same work. which is why i think we all cheered at patricia arquette's speech at the oscars because she's right. it's time to have wage equality once and for all. well perhaps one of secretary clinton's biggest campaign platform is the promise of wage equality. some supporters not applying it anymore. carolyn asoreo applied for the campaign but was surprised to learn there wouldn't be equal pay for her equal work. thank you for being with us.
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>> good morning, thank you for having me. >> you will find out that hillary exploits the expectations unfair is like finding out there was no santa. you get the position and then what did you find out? >> well i found out that it wasn't paid. that i had to move to nevada. i had to try and find my own housing to pay my own gas money and to do everything paying out of my own pocket and work full time to help her build this campaign without any wages. >> so most people listen to this would sympathize with that i think 20 years old, i needcash i needed a job. but some say, hey, you're just complaining. what do you say about that? >> i think that internships used to be something that would get you a job. they used to have this prestige. it used to be something that would get your foot in the door with companies but any more that's not what's happening.
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anymore, what's. happening is abuse. they're exploitive. >> hillary clinton is somebody you look up to. you wore her t-shirt. what's your message to her with the fact that 14% of your generation are unemployed? what's your message? >> i'm hoping that she reads this i'm hoping that she sees my intern jags minute rentals, it's not enough to give us beyonce, it's not enough to give us a spotify play list. >> let me ask you this are you going to vote for her? >> yes. >> did you just say yes? >> yes. >> let me ask you something, you're pretty much describing a situation that you feel underappreciated underpaid, and not welcomed and actually promising have been broken. i read your entire piece.
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yet you say you were going to vote for her. if this were a relationship and say it was a guy and he did all this to you, my thoughts are you would probably break up with him. why are you not breaking up with hillary clinton? >> what's important to me given that the next president of the united states has the opportunity to possibly nominate up to three new supreme court judges and given the lawsuits that have already happened because of these unpaid internships, there's going to be a case in the future that will decide this debate once and for all. >>ry are you giving her another chance? she has let you down and i'm counting on at least four accounts. why would you not at least give someone on the other side a ticket? and i think you do your process in terms of political enlightenment and discovery. why would you not look at those aren't 0 the other side. if donald trump on the other side i'll pay you an internship right now. would you think about voting for
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him? >> i'd think about voting for him but his policies are better for my generation hand hillaries. >> you had said she's let you down and yet you're still willing to work for her. i would ask you this in fairness. you'll come back to us maybe, think about the candidates on the other side think about what they have offered your generation in terms of jobs in this country, maybe we'll see another op-ed written. i thank you for your time and i'm sorry she's let you down and hope she's hearing your message today, caroline osorio thank you for being with us. >> thank you. brewing against the united states secretary jack lew, apparently his plan put a famous american woman on our money and the plan is offensive to women. we're going to explore that next. and his girlfriend gave him the choice it's either me or the dog, and guess which one is for sale on craigslist?
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24/7 delivering the top stories and updates at anytime. the service is going to launch on xm on channel 115. remember we are on 114. so if you're listening to the talking, 114. or if you want the news right then 115. >> all right. get the idea? >> i get that. also on our show today, on fm news talk we launch on fm news talk 97.1. our first guest live today at 9:48 their time will be arnold schwarzenegger. meanwhile we want to share
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something, we don't know if you go on craigslist looking for, dogs cats i actually sold a refrigerator. anyway a guy in roanoke posted this ad and it sure looks like he's ready to unload his dog, doesn't it? >> he writes she say purebred from a wealthy area and i have had her four years. she likes to play games. not totally trained. has long hair she's a little high maintenance, especially the nails, but she love having them done. the nails. stays up allel night yapping, but sleeps while i work. anyone interested in my 30-year-old selfish, wicked gold-digging girlfriend come and get her! me and my dog want her re-homed asap. >> he said she has been re-homed for original breeders her
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parents. molly and i are looking for a new home. >> it does look like what he's trying to turn this burn on his ex into a dating profile. >> yeah i'll say this a man who chooses his dog over a girlfriend i think is not the best advertisement for a future girlfriend. >> what happened to a roommate nothing you can do to separate a boy and his dog? >> a rule? >> i don't think it was the choice either the dog or me. i think she kind of disqualified herself with the other stuff. >> i mean if he's calling her a gold digger. i think there are other problems aside from who can walk the dog. >> maybe he was looking for a gold digger at the time and he grew out of it. >> maybe. you never know. >> he had a gold digger he wanted a golden retriever. >> so they're looking for a new home if you happen to be in virginia. all right. time now, 24 minutes before the top of the hour.
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we've got the fbi, don't we involved in a case? >> yeah police are asking for the fbi's help in a case in ohio. it's a fox news alert that a serial killer may be on the loose. there's a small ohio town that is reeling since disappearances and deaths of women. women in chillicothe, ohio have vanished. four of them have since turned up dead. the most recent body found over the weekend. two other women remain missing today. the women are mostly in their 20s and 30s. you can see their pictures right there. all of them are mothers. local police are now calling in the fbi to help investigate. if you have any information on this, please call local police. we'll continue to follow this story. the irs tea party scandal targeted just got a whole lot worse. there's a watchdog report that says the agency erased computer backups after learning that thousands of e-mails related to that scandal were lost.
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the report says those backups likely contained e-mails from lois lerner she's the former irs official at the heart of that controversy. the report adds they were deleted by mistake, not as part of a cover-up. the author of that report is expected to testify before a house oversight committee later this morning. and getting a woman on a ten dollar bill seems to be great for feminists, right? women are outraged saying put them on the ten dollar bill is say slap in the face. huh? the reason behind this the ten dollar is the least used of the major bills they say and accounts for 5% of all currency on paper. treasury jack lew defends it saying that the ten is next in line for an update. so that's the one that should get the woman. what do you think? >> typical man move. >> yeah. >> it just gets in the way. >> thank you.
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she's one half of the comedy team from the long-running tv series "laverne & shirley" now cindy williams is giving show secrets in the tell-all book. >> the next guest got an inside look when he sat down with the actress. we're going to fox, michael p i ne pinero. i sat down with the star to talk about her childhood and success. ♪ ♪ four five six seven eight schlemiel ♪ >> thank you so much for joining us. so when did cindy williams first hear that calling, when did you first get in the spotlight? >> when i was a little girl i put on plays with my sister in
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our garage. my grandmother was the first person to get a tv on our block. so i was mesmerized as a little girl from the age of 4 about anything that lived in there. but i never thought of it as oh is this going to be my career. it was sort of a natural progression because i wasn't academically inclined in school. >> your story is a hollywood story in a lot of ways at least going by the book. it's a look at the industry it's amazing? >> well i was very blessed. ias very blessed. and "laverne & shirley" certainly opened the gateway to a wonderland. >> you push down on it when you want more gas. >> can we use the beans for gas? >> these two were great together. what was the dynamics like for the two to work out there the years? >> the chemistry was, we just had it. >> was there a natural tension with comedy? >> did things get off on the
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set? yes. it created differences, but never really created differences. >> sure. >> because we were always on the same page when we hit that stage. ♪ >> what does comedy mean to you? >> comedy? >> comedy. >> comedy is got when 200 people laugh together at the same thing. you're in the same place at the same time with people. and that's god to me. i mean that's like the biggest comfort. and it's just a blessing to be able to you know elicit that. >> what did you hope to achieve with this book? >> i just wanted people to have a fun read. i wanted them to be me in the book. and i just wanted when you put the book down have a smile on your face. >> cindy williams thank you so much. what a pleasure. >> oh, right back at you. >> she was great.
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it's available now. it's a great beach read. and as always for all the interviews go to >> does cindy still talk to laverne? >> yes, they're good friends. >> i always thought there was a rift between the two, but that's not the case. >> i missed the time when one show went to another show. "all in the family" gave us "happy days." and then "laverne & shirley." is that true? >> yeah. >> what about "maude"? didn't "maude" give us something? >> "all in the family." >> red eye gave birth to a great show. >> right here on the fox news. >> thank you very much. 18 minutes before the top of the hour -- coming up straight ahead -- think you're saving money by renting? think again.
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three cities where buying a home is now the better deal. that story -- next. plus check out this multitasking dad catching a foul ball with a baby in hand. look at this. good job, dad. how does his wife feel about that? he tells us her reaction when father and child join us live straight ahead. ♪ walk this way talk this way ♪ i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit the e-class has 11 intelligent driver-assist systems. it recognizes pedestrians and alerts you. warns you about incoming cross-traffic. cameras and radar detect dangers you don't. and it can even stop by itself.
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explain that to me how come it's cheaper to actually buy the house than rent it? >> that's a good question. first of all, i think there's always benefits to homeowner ownership ownership, the ability to own something and cash in on the equities. but there's an interesting phenomenon going on in certain cities i'm not talking about cities like seattle, san francisco and new york. in cities across america, rent has spiked between 10% and 23% over the course of one year. making renting unaffordable. >> sure. >> so it bring renters to the question should i buy? is now the time to buy than rent? >> there's three cities. jackson, mississippi, where the rent has gone up almost 23%. and the median rent is $1,100. you say it's cheaper to buy a house there than to rent it, right? >> it is. the average home price in
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jackson, mississippi, it right around $165,000. and for a buyer to put 5% down they would literally be able to get a mortgage that about ten bucks, you know give or take equivalent to the rent that they would be paying. so that one say no-brainer. >> another no-brainer is in portland maine, which is one of the most beautiful cities along the coast in maine. rent's gone up close to 20%. median rent is $1,100. cheaper to buy than rent there as well? >> it is in some cases to get a home for $200,000. to purchase you'd be able to purchase a property that is either equivalent to what you were paying in rent for couple hundred dollars more. >> final stop denver. rent increase has gone up 10%.
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and $1800. >> and $1800 is expensive for denver the average home price is $350,000. you can get a smaller house or a nice kondzcondo for $2200. and a house. you're on your way to making money as a first-time home buyer. >> that's right, you put equity into your pocket and not the landlord's. kendrick todd joining us from seattle, where she's been up all night. i'm not going to say "sleepless in seattle" because that would be too expected. 11 minutes before the top of the hour coming up a democratic city councilman is all about tolerance, unless you're talking about gun rights. >> you know it was the respective war, right? >> shut up! >> great guy. where's the tolerance there. more on the stunning reaction coming up in the next hour.
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plus check out this multitasking father catching a foul ball with baby in hand. watch this. there's the dad. whoo-hoo. how does this wife feel about that catch? he's going to tell us her reaction when dad and baby join us live, next. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions
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talk about multitasking. watch this.
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>> to the right side. gonzalez leans in and over and -- >> a fans catches a foul ball while holding his infant son. >> only one game. keith heartartly and his son isaac join us now to talk about it are you feeding him. >> not right now, but during the game i was. >> what's going on in your mind ball is popped up where you are, unbelievable seats. you stand up. what's going through your mind? >> there wasn't time for many things to go through my mind. the wind kept pushing it in my direction. it happened to land in my hand. >> isaac wants us top hear his version of the story. what did isaac's mom, your wife
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have to say? >> if you look at the video, my wife is the only one in the section not standing up. she's sitting behind me shaking her head. mostly disbelief. i think the only thing she said to me is of course this would happen to you. >> were you thinking to yourself i'll catch this ball and prevent the dodgers from catching this ball and hoping it wasn't fan interference or just a guy wanting a foul ball? >> i don't think either really. first i was just trying to protect him. i didn't see adrian coming my way. i was looking up in the air watching the ball come my direction. it wasn't until i reached out and the ball hit my hand until i saw adrian coming at me. that's when i pulled back. >> did adrian say anything to you? >> not at the moment.
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i made eye contact later in the game and gave him a thumb's eye. he nodded. i turned around pretty quickly. there wasn't much time with contact. >> tell me the response you got. some say it's great parenting, some say it's scary, bad parenting. what response are you getting? >> from the loved ones and people i care about, they are all very supportive. they knew i wasn't going to drop him. this little guy is my i whole world. his safety is never in question when he's in my arms. >> i assume that ball is in his room? >> that's your ball. don't give it to him. you caught it. >> every good dad wants to do what's best for their son. that's my feeling so -- >> great seats. later he'll thank you for those seats. thanks so much. >> bye baby isaac.
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sweetest voice. what a catch. the left calling the confederate flag a hazard. but we have "dukes of hazzard" here to respond. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? our eyes...they have a 200-degree range of sight. which is good for me hey! ... and bad for the barkley twins. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now with our most vitamin d three ever.
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and why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter. [alarms blaring] ohhhhh... whoa whoa whoa! who's responsible for this?!? if something goes wrong, you find a scapegoat. ...rick. it's what you do.
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ahhhhhhhh! what'd you say? uh-oh! kelly! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. rick. don't walk away from me. ahhhhhhhh! . good morning to you. today is thursday june 25th i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. rush limbaugh warned the american flag was next to be banned. now his prediction is one step closer to coming true. >> we need to put the american flag down. >> well that's just garbage. the far left are calling for revolt of old glory. is this just the beginning? a democratic city councilman is all about tolerance until it's about gun rights. >> you know i live in the second
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war, right? >> then shut up. >> what's the tolerance pal? that's all i've got to say. leading the pack brand new polls, jeb bush topping republicans neck in neck with the man in the middle, donald trump. what's that mean for hillary clinton? we'll talk about that live are from new york city. this is "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ little aggressive for grilling. >> we will cook you. >> your burger you can have the
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great great-tasting burger that tastes like a steak. i love steak. i've got a killer steak marinade. >> really? >> yeah. >> we used to buy minute steak at home. my dad used to beat it with a tenderizer. we thought we were beating the system. >> after it was marinaded? >> no we would buy cheap meat and beat the [ bleep ] out of it. it's my secret. now i can't do cooking with friends. i gave away my secret. ever since last thursday morning when we brought you the terrible news out of charleston south carolina about the massacre at the church it has been revealed the killer was an evil racist. in some of the images that have been released he's waving a confederate flag. then there's the blowback on
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confederate flag. taken down in south carolina. >> by a republican governor. >> not just south carolina. other states are following suit. maryland governor says he wants to take it off the license plates n. virginia it's phase ago off the license plates as well. in mississippi, they're saying now some are suggesting that we should take the emblem off the mississippi state flag. we have six big companies that have stopped selling items. this is a major push in our historical change. >> sure. rush limbaugh on tuesday had the observation given the pact the culture is moving so fast don't be surprised if one day -- a week ago we were talking about the confederate flag and now it's banned all over the place. next stop american glory. >> i'll make prediction the next flag to come under assault -- and it will not be long -- is the american flag.
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>> wasn't too long. we find this audio recording. we don't usually monitor his stuff, but it's amazing this extremist would call for this extreme measure. >> i don't know what the [ bleep ] the fight is about over the confederate flag. we need to put the american flag down because we have caught as much hell under that as the confederate flag. who are we fighting today? it's the people that carry the american flag. >> that's disgusting. >> think about it. what have we reported on this program? a month ago we told you about the air force vet on campus and saw someone stomping on the american flag took it away. that person the vet, got arrested. how many times have we told you about kids that wear flag t-shirts to school are told you know what you're going to have to change. >> the irony is american flag
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represents freedom which allows him to say ridiculous things. those that fight for our freedom and defend that flag defend his freedom so a ridiculous things. >> from extreme behavior pushback and blowback says it stops with this confederate flag and no further. just real quick, the confederate flag. it's not just our next guest that says we should push back but u.s. historian, former secretary of the navy. he says it's not just black and white. non slave owners fought in the south. >> some view it as a symbol of hate. for others it's history. fox news contributor by the name of eric eriksson was on an hour ago and had this observation.
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>> once you convince people the flag is racist you go after monuments, county names, lakes in minnesota and then the american flag. there was slavery under it. you move toward theis that doesn't exist. it's not a single topic. it's a far more deeply entrenched issue. they want to move on to american culture. >> you can see the american flag in the background. >> absolutely. it's not just flags thousand ss now. it's statues, memorials, some banning mascots. a town in arkansas the school board said not only are you not going to sing dixie next year, but our rebel mascot we'll come up with a new name. >> a lot riled up about this. >> and you'll have trouble i fa phasing out indians.
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>> joe rich went off. his party claims to be that of tolerance. he doesn't seem tolerance when it comes to a different opinion on gun control right here in this heating. >> that's the truth. you never have the chance to find out if they work or not. >> people here live in the second war appreciate what they're doing. you know i lived in the second war. >> well shut up. i'm sorry, but you're not recognized. he's not recognized. i'm tired of having people from the audience interrupt me. shut up. >> the smart guy next to him said hey joe, just shut up. >> i think there's a camera on. >> what joe was suggesting is that all firearms should be locked up at all times.
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started the debate at 5:00 in the afternoon. this happened six hours later. so you know what elisabeth, your point earlier was absolutely accurate. the tolerant left maybe not so tolerant when it comes to second amendment. >> there was foreshadowing. last year he told everyone, i can say what i want. he sure did. you can't though. you have to shut up. >> the difference is as a country we agree tomorrow to start getting along. >> tomorrow? why not today. tomorrow is a day away. >> let's heal today and get along tomorrow. >> let's give heather a nice hello. give it a try. >> hello in a peaceful way. i just want to toss to you. that's all i want to do. >> thank you brian. good morning to you all. hope you are having a great day.
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there's a desperate search going on this hour for an air force pilot missing in a military jet crash in arizona. the air force saying f-16 crashed near douglas, arizona a two hours east are from the base in tucson. that crash sparking a fire forcing homes to identify in that area. the unidentified pilot was flying solo on a nighttime training mission. it belonged to 182nd wing of the national guard. we'll follow updates throughout the morning. a second prison worker has been arrested for helping the escaped killers. this guy was arraigned overnight accused of giving richard matt and david sweat tools to escape and then accused of destroying the evidence. palmer is believed to be the man that passed prison pers hamburger meat stuffed with tools smuggled inside by joyce
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mitchell. authorities issuing a warning wherever the convicts are, they're probably carrying guns. the guys may have stolen stuff from the cabins. it's been 20 days since the killers escaped the maximum security prison. dzhokhar tsarnaev is breaking silence two years. he said quote, i'm sorry for the lives that i've taken, for the suffering i've caused you and for the damage i've done. some victims are not buying that apology. >> i regret having ever wanted to hear him speak because what he said showed no remorse, no regret and no empathy for what he's done to our lives. >> after a tsarnaev was done speaking the judge quoted shakespeare shakespeare before he sentenced the him to death.
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the pontiff addressed that sometimes marriage is morally necessary. now catholics don't recognize divorce, only church a nullment. those are your headlines. a lot of things different. >> certain willy. it is in our political system as well. very well done. i have no problem with anything you've done. >> kindness continues. >> see. we continue to heal. >> let's start tomorrow not today. >> i'm way ahead of the game. ahead of my time. let's talk about a fox news poll. those of you said when trump becomes president, he's going to get a lot of attention. >> look at this poll among gop nominee preferences. jeb bush and trump at number one and number two, ben carson number three. they have 15%, 11% respectively.
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trump is experiencing a bump on heels of his announcement particularly because he talked about jobs. >> people like his message. >> we asked what about hillary clinton on the other side front run senator do you feel she's honest and trustworthy? the next poll majority of americans say no the former first lady is not honest and trustworthy. then when you look at how she stacks up against republicans -- >> lincoln not doing well. >> then put up if the election were held today, who would win? jeb bush and hillary clinton are tied. for the most part republicans are in the margin of error coming up to even money department. >> hillary trumped donald trump in a that poll.
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we'll see jeb bush in a dead heat. democrat this is the last poll thought jeb bush and hillary clinton would be a good matchup. they would be accepting of it. >> i think the trust poll would come back to haunt her down the road. if you can't trust someone, can you trust them to run the country? haunt? >> the millennial say she let them down three or four times. >> she also said she's going to vote for her. what's that about? >> go figure. you're up to date on your political news. meanwhile, when we come back a small town plagued by mysterious deaths and disappearances. is this work of a serial killer? we'll have this when we come back. now the artist behind this may get thrown in jail. ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes. i started with pills.
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and now i take a long-acting insulin at night. i take mine in the morning. i was trying to eat right, stay active. but i wasn't reaching my a1c goal anymore. man: my doctor says diabetes changes over time. it gets harder to control blood sugar spikes after i eat and get to goal. my doctor added novolog® at mealtime for additional control. now i know. novolog® is a fast-acting, injectable insulin and it works together with my long-acting insulin. proven effective. the mealtime insulin doctors prescribe most. available in flexpen®. vo: novolog® is used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. take novolog® as directed. eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes after injection. check your blood sugar levels. do not take novolog® if your blood sugar is too low or you're allergic to any of its ingredients. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medicines you take. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. symptoms may include dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be life-threatening.
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there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease
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it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. . we are back with a fox news a alert. you have a small town in ohio fearing a serial killer may be on the loose after a bizarre string of strange deaths and disappearances. >> now the town is turning to fbi for help. anna is here with breaking
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developments. >> this community living in fear. residents in the town south of columbus reeling a a series of murders and disappearances. since last may, six women have vanished. four have been found dead near different bodies of water. two women remain missing. all are mothers in their 20s and 30s. the body of 26-year-old tiffany sare was discovered this past weekend after missing two months. found in a creek bed wrapped with a blanket and duck-taped. investigators are not releasing details. >> and kimclayton was found shot to death. residents are demanding answers. >> this whole community is suffering. i know the families are every night worried about loved ones. i understand that. the whole community suffers.
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we've got missing people. we never want that to happen on our watch. >> police are not saying if they're investigating these deaths and disappearances as the work of a serial killer but say nothing is ruled out leaving people in a constant state of fear. >> somebody did this somebody is responsible. somebody knows who's responsible. until this is solved and those other girls are found this won't be over. >> all these women of similar backgrounds. fbi and local police forming a task force in hopes to find the two women still missing. elisabeth, brian, steve. >> thank you very much. the question is is it a serial killer in chillicothe, ohio? >> thanks. coming up president obama said the greatest threat to the world is climate change. wait until you hear how much you, the taxpayers, spend on his earth day speech. >> i think he'd like to change
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the subject on that. the left calling the confederate flag a hazard. ben jones from "dukes of hazzard" here to respond next ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪virgin islands nice♪ ♪so nice♪ ♪so nice, so nice♪ book five nights today and get one free. plus $350 towards shopping dining or other fun activities. now that's virgin islands nice. ♪so nice, so nice♪
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what do you think of when you think of the united states postal service? exactly. that's what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. what's next? we'll show you.
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time now for your "news by the numbers." why else would we have dropped them on the floor? nearly $900,000 is how much the obama's speech costed you, the taxpayer. next $50 if you're a beer
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drinker. you could be that much richer. the the company offering refunds after the class action lawsuit accused them of are tricking people to think they were drinking beer from germany when it was brewed in america. how dare they sm. and the new release called "before this world." >> hi brian. one of the most iconic pop culture images on the general lee in "dukes of hazzard." you remember that? now that is about to disappear. warner company about to pull that flag from its products. one actor not backing down, cooter himself. he wrote this. he joins me now to discuss. good morning to you sir. >> thank you. good to be with you elisabeth.
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i said i'll fight them until hell freezes over and then fight them on the ice. >> why? >> i came out of the civil rights movement. that's how i got into politics. i was arrested and shot at by the ku klux klan sucker punched and all sort oszs of that. we created, rebuilt the south from jim crow and segregation and all that to the most progressive biracial fastest growing economy in the country. we have done that together reconciled. to me this whole movement this hysteria of cultural cleansing, breaks down that. we're in danger of giving up those games we have so won ss ss -- those gains we have won. it was difficult to get that.
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it's the sun belt fastest growing economy in the country. this threatens good things that have had. there's a hysteria of cultural cleansing. look you can't remove a symbol on our show. our show grew 30 million viewers a week for years, shown all over the world. right now people -- young kids of all colors are watching that show and car and see that flag in a positive context. we're very proud of that. >> yes, and you are, but there are some in fairness that aren't. let me ask you this. when you say it's a symbol of history and culture and can't be cleansed what's your reaction to some a, that think you're racist for saying that and b, think it's a symbol of hate when on government issued license plates or hung outside a state capitol. are you worried people will
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think you're racist and a side from the enterprise and business that the government shouldn't hang this flag? >> there's an argument to be made. it represents all taxpayers. where are does it stop? we're hearing calls to remove statues of robert e. lee and renaming this street, taking down that monument that statue this and that. this does not reconcile people. it breaks them apart. it is true that symbol has been used for hateful purposes. we know that. the vast majority of its use is not about that. you know if this young man, this be murderer who committed one of the most evil acts in history and took those lives. he's trying to break down reconciliation understanding and communication. if he hadn't -- if they found a picture of him with an american flag none of this feeding frenzy of cultural cleansing
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would be going on. he was one sick individual. he does not represent the 70 million of us -- 70 million americans are descended for those that fought for confederacy. >> bottom line. are you going to continue to sell confederate flag items in your stores? >> yes. >> are you worried this is going to get worse? that you're going to face backlash a that people will say anyone who decides to do that is a racist? >> i've been called things like that before but i'm not. i know that and i think most that know me know that. you know my mentor in politics in georgia was andrew young. i played basketball with dr. king's son martin iii a lot. we raised money doing that. john lewis, worked many fights with him. people who call me a racist don't know my heart. i don't think they know the heart of the 70 million americans who are simply trying to respect and receive the same tolerance and understanding and
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diversity, you know who respect our ancestors, understand what they did in the context of their time others. slavery existed in this country since 1619. if we start down the slippery slope, we'll have to rename the capital of the united states named for the biggest slaver in virginia of its time. take away the declaration of independence written by a men can -- and the bill of rights and constitution. >> you have a strong message -- >> excuse me? >> the debate is going to on. thank you for being honest. >> it's only beginning. >> it could get worse. you're hearing from former democratic congressman ben jones of the "dukes of hazzard" thank you. >> thank you. thanks for having me on. another shark attack of a
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child. some wonder if the same shark has struck a third time. you saw this poster. now the artist behind it may get thrown in jail. ♪ ♪ ♪ to you, they're more than just a pet. so protect them... ...with k9 advantix® ii. it's broad-spectrum protection k ills fleas ticks and mosquitoes too. k9 advantix® ii. for the love of dog™. if you're an adult with type 2 diabetes and your a1c is not at goal with certain diabetes pills or daily insulin your doctor may be talking about adding medication to help lower your a1c. ask your doctor if adding once-a-week tanzeum is right for you. once-a-week tanzeum is an injectable prescription medicine
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i love your comedy. >> really? >> oh yeah. i've always wanted to do what you do. >> do what i do? you're one of my favorite ballplayer os all time. >> what a coincidence. ladies and gentlemen, keith hernan candez is here. how does it make you feel to a generation of young americans? you're the guy on "seinfeld." they know nothing about the fact
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you were a world famous new york met. >> i was fortunate to be involved in that. it opened a whole generation of people that didn't know who i was. >> are you still getting paid from that? >> of course. >> a little or a lot? >> i saw that on the show and said good i get a check. >> you do the broadcasting as fun. he's a huge mets guy. that's the point he's star struck by you and and you by him. >> i got a phone call. i was two years retired sitting around doing nothing. i said why not go to la a week and do a sitcom? >> how fun. now you've teamed up with one of my favorites, good humor. i think this is great. we're looking at the the truck
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behind us and the bike. it's digital. kids can track this truck. tell us more about it. >> well they have the music on this truck. >> they changed the music. >> computers. they have a twitter site @ site @goodhumor. >> oh my goodness. wow. >> how many did you have when you left? >> i'm on a diet. get whatever you like. >> can you charge it? >> you can do it. >> i'm a fan of the king cone. >> show us how you do it. >> i have to say this is a nice life. >> it is nice. >> i think i found my love truck. >> they're going on summer tour n new york for three weeks. >> look at that. >> it's sweet. >> you don't just endorse
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anybody. does this bring you back to your childhood? >> of course. i grew up in the san francisco bay area. it was always the ice cream truck. back in those days moms would give you 15 cents to buy an ice creep. that's a long time ago. >> there's nothing like the excitement of hearing the bell. will i still hear the bell? >> yes. >> i'm trying to find the bell in here. i'm going to find the bell. >> mind giving over there? >> keith hernandez, you know the guy from "seinfeld." let's go inside. heather has the news. there's the new music there. >> that looks delicious. i have news to bring you right now. 36 minutes after the hour headlines. this territory belongs to god more than 150 of charleston faithful gathering for bible
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study. the theme power of love. this comes one week after roof opened fire killing nine in that same church. in the capital of south carolina is columbia hundreds paying respects slain pastor and senator pinckney. the line out of the state house and down the street. two more viewings will be held today before pinckney is laid to rest tomorrow. another child is bitten by a shark at the beach, third in days. a boy swimming in knee-deep water was bitten on the foot and ankle. it happened a few blocks from a fishing pier. people aren't allowed to 300 feet from those areas. this is miles from where two teenagers were bitten the same day. both of those teens lost an arm. remember this hope poster? this is wanted by police in
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detroit. he was commissioned to paint a picture for the city. he tagged other buildings causing thousands of dollars in damages. that's when they take cans of spray paint and paint up buildings. he could face five years in jail if convicted. if not, they say they'll arrest him next time he steps foot in detroit. a guy gives a customer cpr saving his life. he was two days on the job on his last delivery of the day. he found two frantic people inside a house. neither knew had to do cpr. he did it hopped into action helping the man struggling to breathe until the emts were able to arrive. now his coworkers call him a super hero. >> pretending i was something of vigilante or something.
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i left the pizza boy and returned a pizza man. >> he's a pizza man. that man was taken to the hospital and expected to be okay. those are your headlines. let's head outside for a look at weather across the country with maria. hi there maria. how are things looking? >> hi. not too bad. things in the southeast are heating up. we'll look at showers and thunderstorm activity. one area is across the southeast. there's marginal risk some of those storms could produce severe weather. through the mid atlantic midwest and parts of the hiezgh plains concerns are damaging winds and threat of large hail. we head to tomorrow that risk of severe storms continues across portions of the mid south. here's a look at high temperatures. look at some of these numbers. at 97 memphis, 95 atlanta.
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parts of the west temperatures above average for this time of year. going to reach 89 in montana. that's relatively warm for that area. when you factor in humidity across parts of the mid south, take a look what it will feel like. 103 memphis, 104 further west in oklahoma and tulsa. a scorcher out there. stay hydrated. back inside. >> thank you very much. do we have a great job or what? we've already had ice cream. >> we already found the ice cream truck. >> and for free. did you find something inside? >> it has the old school look. down below was the music button. a government seized their property ransacked their house and accused them of being
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criminals without an ounce of proof. the feds have since dropped their case. will the family get their money and reputation back? the couple joins us next. barbecues around the corner. the secret to allow you to grill steaks at the price of a burger. >> i love that. but first the question of the day. born in 1945 the singer's hit song is allegedly about warren beatty. when we come back, we'll have the answer. ♪ ♪ when you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. connections you almost miss. and ones you never thought you'd make.
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we help connect where you are. to places you never thought you'd go. this, is why we travel. and why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter.
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hi. quick headlines now. two do these things look familiar? a new york artist suing starbucks for ripping off their designs for mini frap which knows. say it isn't so. that's a lot of chino. remember this scene from "back to the future"? they say they've developed a working hover board creating mag innocent nets. it's just a prototype for now. >> you could not afford it. a family fighting to recover $115,000 wrongfully seized by the feds. the family claims federal agents
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took their money during a practice. it has been dropped, but their reputation is completely toast. the cup that will faced this is joining us. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> what kind of business were you? >> we had a coin antique gold business. we pryimaryily dealt with wholesale dealers. things were refined. >> so you've been in that particular business for a number of years. >> 31 years. >> 31 years. out of the blue the federal government comes in and seized $115,000 pretty much all your money, all your assets. why did they say they were taking them? >> they didn't offer an explanation as to why they seized. we found out it was part of a
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civil asset forfeiture where on just a suspicion they take your money and ask questions later. as we have found out, it's vir can which you willy impossible to get the money back. we've been fighting now ten months. when the government dropped their case on the first of may which was nearly two months ago, we did not have funds back. >> yeah. so they come in take your money. they found out later, maybe what they noticed was under this thing called structuring. they saw you had deposits anywhere between $3,000 and under $15,000. the feds look at things like that because of drug cartels and things launder money under $10,000. obviously all they'd have to do is check your business five minutes and know you're in a cash business. >> that is correct.
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we had customers who were smaller people. they didn't have the tolerance to put out a lot of money for things they bought. they needed to be paid in cash. yes, absolutely, if they checked our account, simply asked us a question they would have gotten the answer. >> we have a picture of the way feds trashed your house. it's disgraceful. a month or two ago the feds said you know what we didn't find anything. you're innocent. we're going to give you half your money back. was that the first offer? >> yes. >> what did you say to that? >> we rejected it. >> what's the next offer. you're innocent, but we're going to keep how much money? >> they were going to give us everything back but $10,000. again we rejected it because our position is you wrongfully accused us.
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you don't have the right to keep our money. you have cost us so far much more than the money you took. >> absolutely. so now they have agreed to give you all money back although you do not have it back. the hard part of this story -- this could happen to practically anybody. now you're out of business borrowing against your life savings to pay for your child's college. it's impossible to get your reputation back isn't it? >> that's correct. >> what are you going to do? >> there's three areas we're looking at now. we're going to see the viability of holding certain individuals within the federal government accountable for their actions and hope any apply consequences for that. specifically there are three individuals. one is a captain mackey in moore county who came toed it damaged our
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merchandise and personal property. the other is special tate who swore under affidavit august 22nd we were involved in this structuring. he omitted information that would have exonerated us. we have information now from steve west, district attorney here in raleigh. >> sounds like you have a fantastic case. keep us posted on what happens next. we know federal government promised to give you money. let us know when they do. >> thank you so much. >> great. tom and mar la down in raleigh. that could happen to anybody. all right. next up fourth of july barbecues around the corner. up next the secret that will
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allow you to make steaks for the price of a burger. first on this day in '79, "ring my bell" by anita ward, number one song. ♪ ♪ are you still getting heartburn flare-ups? time for a new routine. try nexium® 24hr. the latest choice for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection.
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the answer to trivia question is winner nick from pennsylvania. he gets george washington secret six i'll is send out. the all american favorite burger steaks hot dogs are soaring this year. what are you doing, not grill? how about get great barbecue and save yourself money with great substitutions?
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great to see you. >> thank you. welcome. >> you are miss alternative. >> i am. i have a graets outdoor outdoor house. women, it's time for girl meets grill. the secret is don't overcook any steak. either way thank you. s this is great alternative to new york strip. the next important thing is a lot of marinade. the longer the marinade time t better. i didn't know they made this. this is pork butt instead of pork loin. >> you look it slow and low. put it on indirect heat. it turns into your favorite pork
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sliders on king's hawaiian sweet rolls. you're getting hawaiian leied today. >> about time. >> if you trust your butcher, great quality meats like custom blend black angus hot dogs. >> short rib meat. >> that's right. you're getting steak quality type but not at the price. trust your butcher. >> your friends and family will never know the difference. >> they will never know. >> if you follow these tips you can save money. >> it's toasting your rolls, adding great condiments. i use the brand that's custom free hormone free.
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>> i love american companies. thanks for coming down here. round of applause to this celebrity chef. >> back with more "fox & friends" in a moment. i'd like to tell you specifically what's coming up next, but i don't want to give it away. introducing the first ever gummy multivitamin from centrum. a complete, and tasty new way to support... your energy... immunity... and metabolism like never before. centrum multigummies. see gummies in a whole new light.
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don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. good morning. today is thursday june 25th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. the left coming out in force blaming fox news for shootings in south carolina is. this morning, bill o'reilly says bring it on. >> fox news is attacked when we report the truth? you want a war, you got a war. i'm not going to sit here any longer and take this garbage. >> he's not done. more of his no spin tank for you ahead. and the u.s. treasury sack tear jack lew's plan to put a famous american woman on our
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money is offensive to women. >> we can't win anymore. crazy story. >> we'll explain it. we've got an hour. >> okay. you guys done? thank you. his girlfriend gave him a choice me or the dog. guess which ended up on craig's list? mornings are still better with friends. i'm scared. >> rough night. ♪ ♪ yep. those kids sure can dance. it's break dancing. they're going to be with us today. we'll break dance. i mean we're going to break something. >> we may break something in the process. >> if we do, that we will break something.
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>> that's not hard. maybe we can do a back spin. >> i'll give you $100 if you can do remotely close to that. >> i'm not in the segment. >> yeah you are. speaking of kimberly guilfoyle, you know her from "the five." she and her son are cooking today. they're setting up in the studio. smells delicious. >> first, you've got to hear this. he says bring it on. it's bill o'reilly. he says you want a war, oh you've got a war. he's tired of hillary clinton and the left trying to smear fox news putting the a blame on us for the charleston massacre. he says it's not a racist nation we live? >> far left have the gall nerve to say it's a supremacist
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nation. fox news is attacked when we report the truth? you want a war, you've got a war. i'm not going to silt here any longer and take this garbage. people that lie, run the country down racists themselves are going to be called out here. in the real world, america remains the country that provides most opportunity to most people. that's why millions of folks are trying to get in here. many of them are people of color. american congress passed law after law after law to insure that all americans have equal opportunity to pursue happiness. as i said last night, every country has racist elements within it. you're always going to have that. you're always go to have terrible incidents like ferguson baltimore and charleston. every stat and every poll say that same thing. there is not an epidemic of racism in the united states of america. that is the truth. the liars who distort the record are now on notice. you will be held to account.
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>> did you think about coming from the white house this week? josh earnest brought up the "n" word. now what happened with the 2 1-year-old. that's horrific and people that lost their lives should be the foe kuchltscus focus. we're not happen -- not talking about hah. you can easily emphasize what the reality is or pick up and say i've got evidence. i've got evidence. there's a lot of people that think this country is coming apart at the scenes. it's not the case. >> we need a uniter not the divider. nikki haley has been bringing people together the governor of south carolina. but others aim at fox news. >> this started with murder of nine innocent souls who sat with
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the killer around a table in the basement of a church. it is atrocious, awful. he's a racist we now know it was a hate crime. it has morphed into a debate about the confederate flag. for some it's a sign of hatred to others it's history, personal history. they're from the south. democratic congressman ben jones is a democrat. he was cooter on "dukes of hazzard." he has a series of stores in the south. they sell things with confederate flag on it. he was on this program. he has doubled down, not going to stop because it was part of his personal history. >> i came out of the civil rights movement. that's how i got into politics. i was arrested and sat in and shot at by ku klux klan sucker
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punch, whole nine yards. we changed the south and brought black and white together. there's hysteria going on of cultural cleansing. our show drew 30 million viewer ace s a week for years. it's shown all over the world. kids of all colors are watching that show and see the car with the flag in a positive context. you think having the first african-american president, racial relations would have gotten better. now it's polarized. how did we wind up here? >> the president said this. legacy of slavery and discrimination is evident in almost every institution in our lives. people are saying what's happening? what has happened we went from black and white water fountains and bathrooms to a situation i
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thought this country was on the same page. nobody is perfect, country is not perfect. thought we were heading in the right direction. i worry about what the rest of the world is thinking. >> the rest of the country is making moves quickly. in south carolina the flag may be taken down end of the month. in alabama, a flag removed yesterday morning. in mississippi talking about removing the emblem. maryland following suit. you have six major companies dropping products baring the confederate symbol. we heard from one gentleman. >> pardon me elisabeth. yesterday we were talking about how rush limbaugh said next it will be the american flag.
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the we were not talking confederate flag a week ago. now for a lot of people it is out of -- they're going to take it down, change street names and everything else. >> rush is right. a month later, hillary clinton found out where ferguson is. she's going to these areas and now speaking about race as if that's on her agenda from day one, which it's not. >> interesting opp ed on this topic a read for all at home. we'll say hello to heather with a big day here. >> good morning to you all. fox news alert. in arizona there's a desperate search underway for an air force pilot who is missing after a military jet crashed. f-16 went down near douglas, arizona. it went down near the base in tucson. that sparked fire from a gas line. the unidentified pilot was
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flying solo on an unidentified training mission. that belonged to the air national guard. second prison worker accused of helping two murderers escape is free on bail this morning. the corrections officer gene palmer was rained overnight and accused of giving richard matt and david sweat tools and going on to destroy evidence in the case. he helped smuggle the tools into the case in hamburger meat along with joyce mitchell. wherever the escaped killers are, they're probably carrying guns. there are concerns they may have stolen shotguns from the cabins where they were hiding. it's been 20 days since the prison per
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prisoners escaped prison. 10 months after the order to preserve them put in place. five of six places the e-mails were said to be stored was not never watched or investigated. this comes on the watchdog report that says the agency erased backups that contained e-mails from louis learner. i'll see you back here in 25 minutes. >> still no answer. good news for women. heather, you're a woman. elisabeth elisabeth. good news. there's going to be a woman on the $10 bill. >> many women say they don't like it. it's sexist also. they're up in arms saying the $10 bill isn't used enough and we should be on a bill that's used more. >> this was in an item written by ruth graham at politico.
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she says give us the $10 bill money that doesn't matter much. she writes the $10 bill is least circulated out there. why can't we be $20. why not be on the $1 instead? instead they give us $10. come on. >> this is equivalent of wife saying to husband you never empty the dishwasher. i wish you would. the husband gets in there and gives it a try. and the wife moans and groans about stacking in the wrong dex direction. >> i'm not saying this life but you do it and then it's you didn't do it because you wanted to. >> i think $10 is of great value. >> after jack lew suggested a woman be put on the $10 bill people joked the $10 bill would
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be worth $7.80 due to the pay gap. >> touche. >> you know how many things are $25 in this world. >> it's useful. do you know how many things are $9.99? i do. >> maybe we should follow khol's. it could change everything. >> i'd be happy with a $10. >> meanwhile u let us know what you think about that. straight ahead, 2016 candidates launching bits with highly produced roll-out videos. which were great, and and which missed the mark? we have those next. that's right. a 6-year-old sees his grandfather struggling to stay
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above water. he springs into action. you'll hear from the grateful little boy and his grandfather coming up. ♪ ♪
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when you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. connections you almost miss. and ones you never thought you'd make. we help connect where you are. to places you never thought you'd go.
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this, is why we travel. and why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter. no artificial flavors, colors sweeteners preservatives, and no artificial smiles. because clean dressings, taste better. panera. food as it should be. a brand new poll out by fox
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news. take a look who's in the lead. jeb bush followed by -- this is the shocker -- donald trump. out for a week at 11% followed by ben carson paul walker huckabee and cruz. jindal kicked off his campaign yesterday hidden camera style. >> we're going to talk to you first. you can't go tell your friends. can't go tell everyone at a baseball game tomorrow. mommy and daddy have been thinking and talking a lot about this. we have decided we are going to be run aring many the presidential election. >> jindal is one of a number of candidates giving their bid. joining us now, a national strategist from florida here in new york city. good morning to you. >> good morning to you steve.
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>> when do roll out ads start? >> for most people around six to eight weeks ago. these are introductions candidates are having to america. these are important. the first thing you do cardinal rule of politics you start out trying to maximum virtues and minimize weaknesses. >> we saw a little bit of bobby jindal that announced in the 5:00 hour. you say his rollout is one of the worst. >> it is. he did more in first 28 years of life than most do in 28 lifetimes. you didn't get that from these rollout videos. he's got a number he's got to reach to reach a debate stage in cleveland for the first republican debate a august a 6th. i think this was not the way to roll out the campaign basically a way to get attention. >> you say a good way is the way marco rubio did. watch this. >> we americans are proud of our
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history, but our country has always been about the future. before now the opportunity to author the greatest chapter yet in the amazing story of america. we can't do that by going back to l leaders and ideas of the past. we must change the decisions we're making by changing the people who are making them. >> what do you like about a that? >> the video started with hillary clinton actually. any time you start off that way as a republican you get attention. he got that on the web. he's trying to project freshness. he's different. also he's going to bring in a different way. the problem he's got -- that line was terrific. the line we must change the decisions we're making by changing the people making then. brilliant line. the challenge he's got is being that guy. jury is out. for 60 seconds of media, it
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played for him. >> trump, we've known for years, how does he wind up number two? >> people are looking for someone to express how they're feeling. we're sick and tired of being sick and tired. donald hit that cord. he puts on quite a show. he's got a voice in this campaign. >> good stuff. real pleasure. thanks for joining us. coming up on this thursday, shocker from the vatican. the pope gave his blessing for divorce. we'll have details on that straight ahead. that's a headline. his girlfriend gave him a choice. me or the dog. guess which ended up on craigslist. ♪ ♪ ll day so i adopted him. when my back pain flared up, we both felt it. i tried tylenol but it was 6 pills a day. with aleve it's just two pills, all day. now i'm back! aleve. all day strong.
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♪ we all feel the calling to build something great. ♪
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23 minutes past the top of the hour. the pop shocking the catholic world. he says separation might be morally necessary inevitable in cases. he says when it comes to children in a bad marriage it should be broken up. and a woman gave her boyfriend an option the dog or him. >> too funny. strangers sprang into action after a vicious shark attack. it's happening again.
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some are wondering if this same shark has struck for a third time. and pop quiz. do you know where kimberly guilfoyle worked before she was cohost of "the five"? here's a hint. it involved a lot of salami. that's next. we're my heart... beats 100,000 times a day sending oxygen to my muscles... again! so i can lift even the most demanding weights. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now with our most vitamin d three ever.
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look at that. it's your shot of the morning. this is no scaredy cat. >> good learning moment for humans go back at the bear. >> the animal literally jumps back. that's hilarious. thankfully there was glass separating the two.
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>> they love to get close to houses. there's one that goes through our garbage can once every two weeks. >> you have a bear that goes through your garbage can? >> yes. hello. >> is it okay to go outside at all? it's getting overwhelming. >> it's something. 29 minutes after the top of the hour. heather joins us with a fox news alert. could there be a serial killer on the loose in a small ohio town? folks living on the edge after disappearances and deaths. they're turning to fbi for help. since last may, six women in chillicothe have vanished. four turned up dead two missing. all this 20s or 30s, all mothers. the most recent body of ny fair found last weekend in a creek bed wrapped in a blanket duct taped.
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fbi is investigating. now let's head back to a fox news alert. bill hammer joins us with breaking news close to home. >> good morning. we have news that directly affects the fox news channel. our founder and chairman at the moment. we can now announce mr. ailes has riched a ed reached a multiyear decision. he'll jointly report to perdock and his sons. we're excited to announce this. congratulations to all. the family stays here. back to you guys. >> very nice. thank you very much. makes perfect sense. roger has been here since the get go. >> that is great news. >> congratulations. >> congrats as well. meanwhile, we've got other
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news. for that, let's go back to heather. >> all right, sir. we've we've got a shot of your morning. want to bring you headlines, this coming out of north carolina. another child has been bitten by a shark. a boy swimming in knee deep water was bitten on the foot and ankle. it happened blocks from a fishing peer. this attack happened 60 miles from oak island beach where a 16-year-old boy and 12-year-old girl were attacked by sharks on the same day. both of them lost an arm. he is a hero. a 6-year-old alabama boy saves his grand pa's life after getting in a jet ski accident. they were celebrating father's day on the tennessee river.
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graham noticed papa carl was in the water not moving. >> he was just laying there with his mouth and nose under water. >> really and truly don't think i would be here. >> papa carl hit his head in the fall and suffered a concussion. he's at home recovering and enjoying the family pool. those are headlines. steve, over to you. >> thank you very much. you know her from "the five." do you know one of the things she loves to do is eat. she has brought her son ronan. her book is a best seller. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. great to be here. >> you and i have are something in common. my first job, i was slicing up cured meats in industry kansas. >> there you go. kindred spirits in the name of salami. we have dishes here i absolutely
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love. ronan and i love salami. >> the topic is salami. >> we're going to call this coney island salami sandwich. everyone loves it. fresh homemade. >> kimberly you're not going to make it? >> this is how i dress in the kitchen. i have a man prepare salami. >> who better to prepare salami. >> does mom cook a lot at home? >> yeah. >> lettuce, more spicy ones too. we like that. >> that's fancy lettuce. >> this is what mom likes to do. then steve, i like to feed my man by hand. >> fresh tomatoes. >> there's a million different kinds of salami. >> this is the home-cured house
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made. >> you can get spicy too. >> tomatoes on top. lettuce, red onions. beautiful, fresh. you can tell how fresh it is because it's beautiful white. never buy dark onions. >> dark onions? that sounds like a mistake. >> the whiter the better. little red wine vinegar. extra virgin olive oil. >> you never seen it before? on bread. >> i've never seen it before. >> can i ask you a question. ronan, how often does your mom coo cook at home? >> she cooks breakfast. >> what kind of breakfast? cereal? >> i know how to make hard boiled eggs. put sauce on there for him. >> oh my gosh --
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>> where did he pick that? >> very good. grated cheese. this is the glue that puts the food together. >> i love it. >> we have the zucchini sandwich. fantastic. see the dressing. italian potato salad. have you seen that before? >> no. we'll have the releasecipes on great job. table will be clear in five minutes. >> love her story and book. 25 minutes now before the top of the hour. let's talk politics. as the gop field for the white house continues to grow, we have
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brand newel po lepolls showing jeb bush topping. trump followed by dr. carson. let's ask the former new hampshire governor and former chief of staff for h.w. bush. this is called "the quietman" 41 had the chance to read and liked. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me on brian. how you doing? >> i'm doing great. always love having you on. you tell it like it is and yell at me if needed. we'll get to your book in a second. about this poll as we see it at home jeb bush is number one. do you believe his message is getting through or just because he declared? >> brian, i think the polls now are passing mood on any given day. don't pay attention until after the first fox debate in august. >> governor bobby jindal went after jeb saying a lot of people
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are not showing true conservative stripes trying to appeal to moderates in the middle and that's a mistake. he's a true conservative. can you be true conservative and attract moderates in the middle? >> you can be true conservative and have discipline know how to manage, govern and be a key executive in a state. i think that's what governors and former governors have to convey. it's as much demeanor and capacity to do the job as it is pure velocity. >> is there something about trump intriguing to americans? >> people chase shiny objects all the time. >> okay. got you. people are asked in the poll do you think trump is a candidate? 77% overall say side show. 64% of gop voters say the same
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thing. 18% said serious candidate. 29% said serious candidate for gop. one thing is true, your book is serious. a serious look at the man very few people know as well as you. why was it important for you to write this book at this time? >> i wanted the public to really understand this was a great presidency and especially to understand he was a great domestic policy president as well as a foreign policy president. he passed more domestic legislation than any president except johnson and roosevelt. it was good conservative legislation. >> back then people compromised. a lot of people think when george bush compromised on taxes, it might have been good for america but wasn't for him personally. do you think he regrets that? >> no i think he understood what the country needed was a five year bujtd.dget.
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a budget for men and women he sent to harm's way to deal with the invasion of kuwait. george bush never looked back on his decisions i don't think. i think he understands today he did something that produced surpluses and something that produced growth. >> on his speed dial with leaders of the world, vice president and congress. when he sees what's going on in the middle east mow and how america is perceived, what's his reaction? >> i think every american looks at what's happening in the middle east today and shutters. we are losing our allies. we are losing respect. we are not feared by our enemies anymore. we're letting terrorists run rough shot both in syria and iraq and that whole part of the world. our solution to this is to be negotiating with iran? it doesn't make sense to any american. >> would this be happening if 41 was in the oval office?
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>> it never would have gotten stage if george walker bush was there. he would held respect. he certainly demonstrated a willingness to project power. he would have been feared by our enmiremyies enemies. >> he liked the book didn't he? >> he did. he and barbara were nice in comments. he looked great when i saw him three weeks ago. he had recovered better from the problem he had a little over a year ago. time in the last year and a half has done him well. it was great to see. >> "the quiet man" really about 41 which we should know more about. thanks governor. it's about city tolerance until it's about gun rights. >> you know i lived in the second war. >> shut up. >> hey, that's pretty good give and take. just shut up. we'll find out more about that.
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let's check in with these guys. they're busting all kinds of crazy moves in the plaza. they're going to teach us how to break dance at a high level. ♪
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when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts only duracell quantum because it lasts longer in 99% of devices.
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time for quick headlines on this thursday. all caught on camera. the shocking moment a motorcyclists comes face to face with a fire truck. oh my goodness. amazingly the rider is alive, survived but suffered a number of broken bones including a broken femur. so lucky. meanwhile, looks like something right out of the twilight zone. an eight foot whirlpool as the
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engineers works to drain the overflowing lake. the hole is apparently big enough to swallow a boat. third baseman donaldson making the catch of the season keeping a perfect game perfect. next batter got a hit to end the perfect game. too bad. >> that close. >> we've been seeing great catches lately. a gamer there. how about this? this isn't a progressive in terms of kindness or understanding or sympathy. is appearing intolerant, councilman joe rich. the debate was making gun storage mandatory. >> locked up at all times politicians wanted their voices to be heard. he did not wanted to hear it. here's what he had to say to them. that's the truth.
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you're here to debate laws. >> there are people here that live in the second war that appreciate what they're doing. you know i lived in the second war, right? >> well shut up. i'm sorry, but you're not recognized. he's not recognized. i'm tired of people from the audience interrupting me. i've listened to these people since 5:00 p.m. >> the accusation the guy who said he was from second ward was not according to joe there. he did live there. ultimately at end, mr. joe rich said i didn't mean to lose my temper temper. >> he apologized. >> i don't think so. >> he said he's going to say what he wants to. he certainly did. >> if you're retiring just go crazy. >> he's lucky he's retiring.
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going forward, would anybody return to the office? someone when you go out and speak your mind in public forum you say shut up, stop. >> the forbidden phrase. it is forbidden in our house. coming up can you boost moves like these kids? it's coming up next. first, i'll check with bill and what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> nice to see you again. that was a headline wasn't it? >> it was. >> whoa. we're waiting on supremes. we get more headlines perhaps next hour. obama care same sex marriage in america. we're on stand by for that. perhaps more help inside for those escaped murderers in new york state. fox polling shows interesting change in the crowded republican leader board. and irs relates to the investigation of the tea party movement of america. that's breaking news. we'll talk to jason about that. significant hearing starts 12
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minutes from now. martha and i will see you on a big day of news. see you here on america's newsroom. ♪ ♪ ♪ so get a full tank of freedom, ♪ ♪ drive the american road ♪ ♪ and with a full tank of freedom, ♪ ♪ find your own highway ♪ ♪ we'll take you wherever you go. ♪ ♪ we'll take you wherever you go. ♪ there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today.
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♪ ♪ this weekend, busting a move in the mid atlantic break dancing competition. today they want to put us to the test. hoo here to teach us the moves. owner of the breaking league and wonderful break dancers. how exciting is this? you say kids as young as five are break dancing for
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competition? >> it is the thing. it's the craze. i'm a breaking mom. >> your son is out there? >> yes. it's about health getting moving bringing back art to the community. >> it's not break dancing. >> we don't need a piece of card board out. we would need a mat. >> did you see the elements of working? all the footwork and other things can be done on any type of floor. >> prove it. show us something. show us a move. >> we have the little kids show you guys. show them footwork. >> somebody step out and show us. >> go. >> they know what a they're
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talking about. ♪ >> all right. here now to try that elisabeth hasselbeck. i know you're in high heels. >> i don't know if i have the power. what could i do in my dress today that you could teach me? >> you know -- you need the microphone. >> okay. here's that? give me a thumbs up. from here cross over set. >> we do our best work on the back. >> i need company. all right brian. >> just like this. one leg. one leg up. >> is it safe to say this is hard to do in a dress?
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that's why elisabeth is stepping out. >> absolutely. i will say the kids are loving it. it's their own art form. she creates her own dance, we're cool with that as well. the breaking league is launching their competition and their season this year. >> terrific. i tell you what that was excellent. thank you very much. come on over here. we'll have kids show us part of their routine. do they know which one to do? could that guy next door hammer a little louder? hit the music
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guys. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. the twenty-fifteen subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. feet...tiptoeing.
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before you go here's one for the road. this toddler has no patience waiting in line to jump off the diving board. instead of letting the little girl take her time he pushes her right into the pool. luckily an adult was there when she fell in. we hope she's okay now. >> this is what happens when you illegally park in a handicapped spot in brazil. watch this. every inch of this guy 's car is covered in post it notes. someone has this many post it notes in a short time we certainly do not know.
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can't get enough of fox news? we are teaming up with xm satellite radio provider in that building there, to give royal viewers around the clock up to date news all day long. it's called fox news headlines 24/7 delivering stories and updates any time. the service launch this is tallfall. they will be on channel 115. >> by the way, these are the breakers. you have a competition coming up. why do this? you have so many options. why is this important? what's this about? >> it's important to show what you do. they'll grow up and say wow i want to do this. they can practice and practice and be where we are now. >> how much do you practice? >> we practice until we get it right. we'll be ready for the show.
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>> good luck in the competition. >> big competition taking place at met life stadium june 27-28 saturday and sunday. you know who our favorite team is. go guys go. >> we'll see you tomorrow. bill: thanks, everybody. did employees at the irs destroy emails that were directed to be protected? a new report shows there was destruction of evidence, backup tapes that could have recovered lost emails. we are watching this hearing we'll bring you news as we get it from that room. prison break day 20. and information on an inside job. a man who authorities say helped killers escape is out on bail.


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