tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News June 30, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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night 7 p.m. eastern. >> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> maybe nbc doesn't have the courage to stand up and say we need strong borders. >> was nbc wise to fire donald trump for remarks he made on the campaign trail? that question is the talk of the nation? mr. trump will be here tonight. >> it's not the lunatic fringe there are a lot of people in this country who are racist. >> is that true? are there a lot of americans who are racist? tonight, we will continue our discussion with powers and crowley. >> buff bodies and birthday suits and soft ones smothered in paint. >> also ahead gutfeld and mcguirk on why people are riding bicycles naked and what is prompting all those shark attacks on the east
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coast? caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. why conservatives are losing ground in america. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. all the polls say the same thing. americans who identify themselves as conservative outnumber liberals by about 2 to 1. yet, social power has shifted to the left wing precincts. the reason? organization. the far left is dominating the internet. the entertainment industry, including the journalistic media outside of talk radio and fox news there are few non-liberal voices heard nationwide. the intensity of the far left is almost frightening. many of these people will do almost anything to destroy their opposition.
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so conservative americans find themselves somewhat demoralized as they see the supreme court siding with the left and the national news media promoting liberal causes on a daily basis. for some of the blame for all of that falls on conservatives themselves on right wing radio you often hear about rhinos, republicans in name only. moderates like jeb bush are crushed by more conservative commentators. there is a deep division between the far and moderate right. you don't see the left. moderate liberal people not usually scorned by the media matters crew, for example. they concentrate solely on defaming traditional americans. that's very important when you have a division among conservatives and a consolidation among the left. the power shifts to the liberal precincts. did you know that in the last presidential election 82% of self-identified
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conservative voters cast a ballot for mitt romney. that means 17% voted for president obama. in 2008 election, 20% of self-identified conservatives voted for mr. obama. believe me, you are not going to get that kind of flexibility on the left. they stay true to their school as the beach boys once sang. and then there are the giant media companies which are overwhelmingly staffed by liberal thinkers. yesterday's announcement that nbc terminated all business with donald trump was instructive. talking points believes that decision was based on dollars, not politics. nbc needs young hispanic viewers and donald trump is now very controversial with them. however, as brit hume pointed out last night nbc employs al sharpton probably the most polarizing media figure among white americans. so, there is that. the hard truth is that unless traditional americans begin to unite they will continue to lose power in this country. in the last election, of the democrats and liberals lost
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because president obama's policies have not been successful and there was conservative unity about that. but now with the presidential sweepstakes of 2016 underway, division has crept back in. hillary clinton's moving sharply to the left. she is actually engaging far left smear merchants to help her campaign. meantime, there are about 20 republicans who want to run against mrs. clinton. and there is absolutely no unity at all other than democratic policies are bad. the left knows that. and they know they can attack people like donald trump with impunity. few media outlet also defend him or cruz or huckabee and on and on. that's the picture. summing up, if the right wants to regain momentum in this country they had better stop bickering among themselves. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. nbc sacks donald trump because he says this about
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mexico. >> they're sending people that have lots of problems and they are bringing those problems with us. they are bringing drugs. they're bringing crime. they're rapists and some, i assume are good people. >> joining us now from his headquarters here in new york city is donald trump. would you take any of that back or rephrase any of it if you could? >> no, because it's totally accurate. and you should have let it play a little bit longer because it really covers it actually even a little bit better but it's totally accurate. the border is a disaster, bill. people are pouring in and i mean illegal people, illegal immigrants and they are pouring in 300 and some odd thousand are in your state jails right now according to homeland security. i have the report right here. homeland security over 300,000 are between the state and federal jails and penitentiaries. in terms of rape, this is an
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amazing statistic 80% of central american women and girls are raped crossing into the u.s. now, 80%. it's hard to believe even. this was written by fusion. you know who fusion is? it's owned by univision. it was also put out by huffington post. so huffington post and fusion 80% of central american women and girls are raped coming into the united states crossing the border. so, you know, if people say oh, would you change it? absolutely i can't change it. i love mexican people. i have a tremendous relationship. i also respect mexico, but mexico is doing tremendous number against the united states. what they're doing to us in trade -- first of all they are killing us at the border. second of all bill, what they are doing to us in trade is unbelievable. they are taking our jobs. they are taking our manufacturing, and they're taking our money. now, i'm not angry at mexico because, frankly their
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representatives and leaders are smarter than ours. i'm angry at our country dry for having such bad negotiators and bad leaders. >> why do you think nbc pulled the plug on your beauty pageants? had you already resigned from the celebrity apprentice. why do you think they don't want to business with you any more? >> they were very angry at me because i wanted to run for president and i told them i would be running. as you know last season was a big season. the apprentice has been an amazing success. we had very good ratings last season they were not happy when i said i was running. all right you will run and when you are ready come see us but i hope it's soon. they renewed. i went up to number two in the polls. they see they are not going to be getting me. they have people complaining about my rhetoric. i have had the same rhetoric for years. i have been fighting border security and trade. more than anybody else i fight trade not only with
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mexico with china with everybody. >> why now? they don't you have a talent okay. but they could still do business with you. and if you don't prevail in the presidential race you could come back, not now because they have sacked you. so i'm not understanding why they did it did they say to you why they did it? hey, donald who. >> it will come out in litigation. speaking of lit its go, i just sued univision for $500 million it was just filed. the papers were just filed. that will be interesting to see how that because univision i have a signed contract for five years on the pageants. they have no right to terminate and they terminated and they didn't even send me a letter. they terminated with a pr statement. so they called me, also, and
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donald, we shouldn't be doing this. i know that we will pay you whatever money you need or whatever money you want. they have a five year contract without termination and they terminated with a pr statement. so we just sued them for $500 million and i will tell you something what's really sad. both on behalf of nbc and also univision. we have 50 of the most lovely women you have ever seen right now in louisiana and they have been abandoned by nbc and abandoned by univision. and i'm going to work it out so that that show goes on. but they have been totally abandoned. their parents are there. their families are there. these are fabulous young women and nbc didn't even think about that when when they did it and i told them. i said how can you do this to these wonderful women? i mean, they are young women? and they have been crushed. and i will tell you it's a very sad thing. they could have put this on. so we are going to the
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pageant anyway. >> last question. do you believe there is anti-conservative bias at nbc? you worked for them a long time. >> absolutely. you have sleepy eyes chuck todd who does meet the press which is failing in the ratings. you have all sorts of bias. msnbc, nobody watches it but it's a total disaster in terms of bias. you absolutely have a tremendous bias. so much so i told my daughter my daughter ivanka came up to me dad what do you think? i would love for you to be a conservative republican but in terms of your life it's a lot easier to be a democrat who happens to be liberal because i will tell you can go through life a lot easier. we have to fight like hell but we're going to make the country great again. if i get elected we will make this country right again. we are right on the border. >> a lively debate over racism in america. we will continue that tonight. then later gutfeld and mcguirk on shark attacks on
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that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? discuss racism. >> this idea that there is something crazy about talking about the fact that slavery was part of this country's history. that there are people out there that believe. this that we believe this? this is what happened? >> so what? i mean, we have tried and tried and tried as a society to overcome that. and i acknowledge that it's still in play. >> we have a legacy from that. >> yeah. but we are trying to overcome the legacy. >> with us now here in new york city monica crowley and
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from washington kirsten powers author of the big new book "the silencing, how the left is killing free speech. we are not killing it here. that's for sure. and the break kristen had a good line. we were have a problem with her audio. she says don't worry about it, when you start yelling at me i will be able to hear you. >> that's how i talk, i talk like that. >> sounded just like lily tomlin last week ms. powers said a lot of americans are racist. do you agree with is that? >> i disagree with that statement. of course there are individual racist in the country sadly that's true. it will always be true. it will be true because it's human nature. >> why don't you believe a lot of americans are racist? >> because if you define racism as a measure shall act of violence and discrimination if you define racism as a measurable act
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of the discrimination or violence. those things have been outlined outlawed for decades. government action, codified law or social acceptance. , if however you define racism as somebody's internal personal thoughts about race or feelings about a particular race, that is something you cannot control because, unless you are willing to go back to the garden of eden, presnake. >> you are not going to codify it? >> this is the problem with the left and what we have been talking about here in the broadest context of this. the left has been trying to regulate that you cannot fix it by legislation. the left what they really want to do is use it as a weapon. kirsten wrote a whole book about this. use it as a weapon to intimidate and silence people. and if you go down that road bill, then you are in or wellian territory of the thought police. >> and you say powers? >> well, i would just distinguish since i just did write a whole book about people misusing labels for certain people. for example calling people racist for opposing
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obamacare, i don't think that's an accurate use of that word. but, i wouldn't use what we are talking about right here i wouldn't fit into the paradigm of my book. but, what i would say is that first of all i would define racism as the second definition which is people having animus towards other races. and in that sense i think that does exist. but i also think institutional racism exist. i think that's a big disagreement that i have with both of. >> you can you back that up institutional racism? >> i don't know if i can back it up to the extent that the two of you will agree with it. i think if you look at the criminal justice system and look at the types of sentencing that proportionately black people have gotten. ucla did a study on black youths get longer punishments when they are thrown out of school. there are things that happen that are institutional legacies. >> you know in that system a lot of it depends on how many times you are in court or you are in the principal's office. it isn't no tolerance first
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time you get whacked. it's time after time. >> no. that's not what happened. >> let's advance -- unless hard data that says american criminal justice system. >> california passed a referendum last year basically trying to change the sentencing. it can happen to you very low level offense and characterized as a felony. >> justice system put that in place because they don't like black people they want to get them off the streets? that's why you -- >> -- i could never prove the motivation i could prove the effect of it. it disproportionately effects black families. >> when you ladies here louis farrakhan say black people are devil white people are devils, white people are this and white people are that that's racism. would you agree it's racism. >> yes. >> would you agree it's racism. >> yes. >> farrakhan draws thousands of people, almost 100% black to hear him speak. thousands. go. would they all be racist
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kirsten? >> i think anybody who would say like white person is white people are the devil. is racist. >> how about people who go see him? >> he is not -- no one is going to see him. >> thousands though. the. >> the point is we don't have a legacy of antiwhite racism white racism and black racism are not equal. we don't have a legacy of black people oppressing white people in this country. >> i disagree, it's not a matter of oppression it's a matter of mind set. >> it is a matter of oppression. >> mind set. i have got to to go. it's just the way it. >> people have power to oppress people. it it really does. ladies, thank you directly ahead for the first time isis beheading women. situation is getting worse. then escaped killer in upstate new york shot by police
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walk away from the negotiations if, in fact, it's a bad deal. if we can't provide assurances that the pathways for iran obtaining a nuclear weapon are closed and' if we can't verify that if the inspections regime verification regime is inadequate, then we're not going to get a deal. >> also in the middle east, isis has reportedly beheaded two women according to the syrian somebody tore of human observatory of human rights women were accused of sourcery. colonel peters and author of the new civil.
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what do you think is going to happen a week from today colonel? >> well, i'm not going to waffle on you but there are two possibilities. the good possibility is iran makes such outrageous demands that even kerry and obama cannot agree and the deal falls apart or 00 can is cooked down the road again. the probable outcome is we will have some sort of a deal in which secretary kerry sells the farm, agrees to a nebulous inspection regime, details to be worked out later accelerated though not immediate sanction relief, declare peace in our time and the iranians get an influx of european cash, sanctions relief money to sponsor global terror. thanks to mr. obama. >> remember now any nebulous verbiage on the deal goes to congress. they have 30 days to up or down it. and so i don't think it's going to be easy to hide anything on this deal. it's all going to have to be
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on the table colonel, we are all going to have to know what the deal is. >> and if congress is the spoiler on the deal, that the europeans and everybody else wants iran wins again because they guide divided the west. >> that's true. the iranians are really really good, bill. >> of course. smart as hell. >> these guys are brilliant negotiators and we are wienies. >> and they're liars and cheaters even if we have a deal they will probably not uphold it. >> you have announcement of the deal in a week's time khomeini the supreme leader of iran is going to walk away from it. why? because he believes this administration is desperate for a deal. if he walks away from it it, creates a crisis, then resumes negotiations, then everything that we have conceded up until this point becomes the baseline, the starting point. >> he is going to play games. the iranians say yes we agree all of a sudden isen three days later ayatollah no, no no.
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that's not what we wanted and it all dessends into chaos. >> same thing happened in 2000 2009. >> they are going to play games and continue the charade but they don't get any money if they do that everybody knows how we feel about the iranians. let's get to isis. so now colonel peters, they are cutting off the heads of women for sourcery and it just seems that they're as arrogant as the iranians they don't fear president obama. that is quite apparent. what say you? >> well, once again islamic state has made a brilliant pr move that we don't understand we see them behead two women for sorcery and we are horrified. the young dysfunctional males we want to recruit say wow, that is so cool. ultimate revenge fantasies. not only get sex slaves and rape women and cut their heads off.
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to us it's incomprehensible young crazy males, it's a deal. >> the whole world to me is the third reich ought over again. >> daniel patrick moynahan the last truly great democratic senator. >> the truth is, if they had done this a year ago the world would have been rising as one in horror. now they do it we're shrugging our soldiers. we don't care. we have become accustomed to this. >> what else is new right. >> we have become accustomed. one day out from the university of the creation of the declaration of an islamic caliphate. we have were supposed to have degraded and destroyed isis. the fact of the matter is they're more powerful now than they were a year ago and we are becoming more accustomed to this kind of violence. >> accepting what they're doing. to your knowledge tunisia massacre. >> plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. gutfeld mcguirk have been
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charged with explaining why sharks are attacking on the east coast this late spring. also, is it legal on whether police are allowed to shoot fleeing suspects like the escaped killer in upstate new york? i hope you stay tuned to those reports. if you qualify for a sittingham's card today i can offer you no interest for 24 months. thanks to the tools and help at, i know i have an 812 fico score, so i definitely qualify. so what else can you give me? same day delivery. the ottoman? thank you. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. so get your credit swagger on. go to become a member of experian credit tracker and take charge of your score.
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pay -- greece is bankrupt. can't pay its debts or the money it was loaned. also puerto rico almost bankrupt. and why? and could this happen to the u.s.a.? with our debt approaching $20 trillion here to explain fox business anchor john stossel see him fridays at 8:00 p.m. let's take greece. why are they bankrupt? where are they spending the money. >> same for both puerto rico and greece. they spend it on the same stuff we do but they don't have an economy that will carry it. we are doing the same -- >> puerto rico they don't have defense spending. they don't have to fight al qaeda. >> true. they have a lot of government workers. they have all these programs. they own corporations that lose money. they own -- puerto rico owns 50 corporations. in greece they used to have rules that government workers got paid more if they used a computer. they crippled their economy with work rules. you can't fire anybody
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unless you give them enormous bonus. >> you get very generous pensions. >> big pensions, retire early and they have got to pay those pensions off o. that itself and they have a very healthy healthcare. a lot of entitlements, right? they can't afford -- no irs arm to make people pay taxes, i understand. people are more likely to cheat and the oligarchs often escape. >> they lost a for toughen the olympics. in greece and puerto rico one in four people work for the government. in america in general one in seven people. >> the government is paying 25% of the workforce in puerto rico. >> right. >> now, puerto rico, that's part of the commonwealth of the united states, not a state. >> right. >> they get a massive amount of money from washington,
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don't they? >> they do. there is always more you can use. they spend it they have had some corruption and they have been able to borrow it america gave them a special deal. can you buy puerto rico can bonds and not pay taxes. >> still they don't have any money because of the entitlement culture? is that what you believe? >> it's no different from our 18 trillion-dollar debt except for some reason people think we will pay ours back. >> the only reason we are not in trouble is because of american workforce which is still very viable and money is coming into washington. but, believe me, this could happen here in about 10 years, don't you agree this could happen to the united states. >> we are the problem. when we retire. i think it's more than 10 years but absolutely we are on track for that. >> all right. i want to play you a sound bite. just get your opinion on it as you may know. the white house was bathed in rainbow colors to celebrate the gay marriage ruling by the supreme court. here is president obama on that. >> i did not have a chance to comment on how good the white house looked in
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rainbow colors. that made it a really good week to see people gathered in the evening outside on a beautiful summer night and to feel whole and to feel accepted and to feel that they had a right to love, that was pretty cool. >> pretty cool. i said yesterday that it insulted that white house -- i don't mind president's opinion, by the way. if he wants to believe that that's fine. that picture there insulted people who believe in traditional marriage and didn't want it redefined by a secular court. that was insulting. you say? >> i say we got bigger problems. >> no, no, no. just on, this stossel. >> so what if he does this. >> so what? what he unfurls a banner tomorrow from the white house balcony that says liberalism is good? that okay?
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>> that's his opinion. >> no, but it's the people's house. you are paying for it it i'm paying for it. it was built for us. is he is he just a temporary renter and isn't paying any rent. >> he made it pink for a breast cancer event. green for saint patrick's day. >> that's not political. this is a political issue. he is the president for everybody. >> is he a political guy. >> he is the president for everybody. >> well, rainbow colors, this group that's been persecuted all our life times and now we are accepting them, fine. >> put it some place else, not at the white house. john stossel, everybody. when we come right back, is it legal on whether police could shoot suspects who are running away from that then, the question of the evening why are naked bike riders descending on los angeles? those reports after these messages. ♪ ♪ food should be good. strawberries should sing. lettuce should be dirty. dressing, clean.
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the american dream is terrifying. american history is the history of the scary thing being the exact thing we have to do. cross that ocean. walk on that moon. fly. none of this makes rational sense. it only makes american sense. here, the hard things show us who we are. leaving your job to start your own thing. having a kid when you still feel like a kid. signing a 30-year mortgage on a home. scary sure but no match for our colossal self-belief. we're supposed to do scary.
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without scary, we don't get to be brave. buy in. quickenloans/home buy. refi. power. thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the legal segment tonight three hot topics, escaped killer david sweat. as you may know he was shot sunday by new york state trooper while trying to fled into the woods. sweat is escapee partner richard matt broke out of dannemora prison on june 6th. matt shot dead earlier. question tonight can police shoot people running away from them? here now judge jeanine pirro
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in for lis wiehl and kimberly guilfoyle former prosecutor in california. is there a uniform police code or law? >> yeah. >> that says you can shoot when or where or what? >> yes, there is. it's standard uniform across the country, so basically you have to say there is somebody like a fleeing felon is the person dangerous? do you have probable cause to believe that there is a dangerous bodily injury or death and is it necessary to do so possible who they are and the circumstance. >> sweat was unarmed. but matt had a shotgun and wouldn't put it down. so everybody understands. but sweat he didn't have -- he just was running into the woods. >> they didn't knowsly know that. >> they didn't know. >> because they had access to hunting cabins that there was a large cache of weapons. once it goes out that judge, once it goes out that the suspects are armed and dangerous armed and dangerous? >> armed and dangerous if, indeed, they need to do that to get them into custody to
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prevent them from continuing the escape. the police officer in south carolina who shot the guy in the traffic stop, when he was fleeing the videotape has been charged with murder. >> do you know why? >> because the person that he was shooting was stopped for a traffic issue and he could have taken him into custody without having shot him in the back. >> whether you have escaped convicts one who shouldn't be out of that prison under nits any circumstances he ought to have a chip in his brain, then you have got to. >> it's the definition of this -- look, i'm glad. >> this guy was life without possibility of parole. maximum security. >> i have got no problem with it i would have shot him too. i probably would have shot him as soon as i saw him. i wouldn't have even given him a chance to run away. >> going down hill fast under mayor de blasio.
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police. not doing their job aggressively anymore because of him they don't believe they are going to be backed up now the city council wants to impose draconian rules on the police when they stop to question them, correct? >> correct. >> what is happening now is police morale is down. you are going to see fewer arrests and higher crime and more homicide. >> already seeing that. >> now city council comes out. a bunch of bozos. they come out with a list of what they think they should do to change the penal law in new york as if they have got any control of the state penal code. >> so the city council can enact these things. but they can tell the police department guilfoyle, that you have to give your name, rank and precinct when you even question someone. >> identification card. say i come up to you and i'm not necessarily going to be able to arrest you. i have to give you my card identifying my is of. >> give a card. so if somebody is selling crack and cop wants to go and question him. what is that? is that bufferin, aspirin or
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is that crack? before they do that here is my card. >> miss manners, my name, my rank. >> to be fair even de blasio doesn't support this nonsense correct? >> correct. is he against it. >> you know what's crazy about those cards number of civilian complaint review board on it and if you don't like me here is a number you can call. >> call harvey. >> like a phone card for the aclu. >> i want everybody apprised of what true far left leadership brings. now in arizona and kansas, they want, guilfoyle to -- people who vote to provide proof of citizenship but the supreme court says no, we're not going to hear that why? >> they denied appeal by arizona and kansas to require proof of citizenship, which seems incredibly reasonable for me for voter registration federally. >> why wouldn't they hear the case. >> for the states to decide they weren't going to go forward with the case. we are not going to have it.
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going to do it individually. >> arizona. >> the reason they didn't decide the case is because they have said already that if you have this federal form it allows you to vote in a federal elections. >> do you have to provide proof of citizenship? >> no. >> no? >> no, no, no. it's under penalty of perjury. you, the state. bill, the state cannot. >> let me define. this when you get the federal form to register to vote, you just have to swear that you are a citizen. you don't have to show anything. >> right. that's the beef. >> they -- that is the beef. that is a legitimate beef. they are saying that the state cannot tell the feds what to do. >> okay. but the form again, you don't have to prove anything because i'm a citizen. >> right. >> all right ladies, thank you very much. one footnote ms. kimberly's book making the case in bookstores everywhere. gutfeld mcguirk on deck. why are sharks terrorizing the east coast of the u.s.a. naked bike riders return to los angeles. the boys are next. if you're suffering from constipation
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>> so what the heck is going on? we asked to look into the situation and here they are. i sometimes get out at cape fear and i go way out island and go way out swimming. and that is where these sharks are right now. why are they there? >> they won't touch you bill because you're the shark. >> there would be hell to pay. >> and when it gets warmer peoplee get in the water and get hit by sharks. beachh attendance is up since 2010 upar 20%, so you have more people who b go to the beach who get into the water. for example, this is like noting that there are more people injured during the running of the bulls. it's an interaction between beast and man. >> every year it's usually florida that has these, now it has moved up to the carolinas did you find anything out about this? >> yes, they say it could be a
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phenomenon where the winds and storms push the water from the surface, and the nutrient-rich water from the bottom and -- >> this has something to do with feeding grounds? >> either that or they have these long piers coming off the coast of north carolina. >> and chum attracts them too, you have more of a chance to get hit by lightning than to get hit by sharks but it is unusual -- >> cows cause more blunt force death --ws >> cows running into you when you're not looking -- >> you know i don't know if we have that in new york city have r you seen anybody run over by a cow? >> but he is right, dog, 28 horses and pigs, 52 bees and hornets, 58 by the way, bill you were a lifeguard, if you saw somebody getting hit by a shark -- >> no it would be my lunch break. >> you would blow your whistle.
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>> actually the -- well i'm not even going to get into it. in l.a. our favorite town i guess this is the second or third year in a row -- >> why are there no good looking naked bike riders -- why are they going there, mcguirk? >> the only crack i want to see on the city streets is on the sidewalk or somebody smoking it -- >> but is there a reason they go to l.a.? >> they conclude this event, by the way, with the annual burning of a thousand bike seats. >> i think we know why. >> is there a reason why they go to l.a. gutfeld? >> yes, this is all the reason to make the blur blurring the genitals i want to answer your question you're saying why are there fewer attractive people as
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nudists? because attractive naked people are a commodity -- >> so there is no charitable arm to this? >> no. >> they want to express themselves. >> that is right. the french have the tour de france we have the tour de franks and beans, apparently. i heard this under hash tag vomit winds -- good lord -- >> okay i think we have it. thank you very much. guys we appreciate it. factor tip of the day, do you like jon stewart? you despise him? the tip, moments away. ay gave me pain here. in my knees. but now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my knee pain. find a machine at why am i so awake? did you know your brain has a wake system... and a sleep system? science suggests when you have insomnia, the neurotransmitters in your wake
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about the evil of the third reich. because many of the public schools refuse to teach the students about world war ii and how america literally helped save the planet. so the kids need the know the truth about their country. jack ryan, new york four days since gay marriage was made legal by the supreme court. my traditional marriage will not be hurt, but many gays and their partners will benefit. not the point, the constitutional role to legalize gay marriage that is the point. jeff savage thank you for the excellent talking points on the supreme court, the gay marriage throws out the 10th amendment and tells us peasants we have no voice, saying that the powers stated expressly in the constitution are to be handled by the individual states.
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north dakota there is far too much power resting in the hands of far too few individuals. we are losingdemocracy. and st. petersburg, florida, the hard line one-party rule was established in congress. but dismantled in 2014. your analysis is too harsh. and new york o'reilly aren't you tired of being on the wrong side of history? carroll, cypress, texas, signing up for bill o'reilly premium membership so i could thank you for criticizing the white house rainbow lighting. i was so insulted. it is the people's house. and another, i felt the president was mocking my belief system. and o'reilly about your you have been book "killing reagan." he was not killed. the title bothers me. the subtitle of the book is the
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violence of the assault to change the presidency. the attempt to kill ronald reagan did change him dramatically and that is the core of the book. ken, scottsdale arizona, o'reilly i was very happy to receive two tickets to see you. and also st. louis and charlotte, 95% sold out, the few remaining are good seats. and florida at the hard rock, ceasar's palace. jon stewart will say good-bye he has been on the air for 16 years, now he is leaving. if you could go to comedy central you could see every one of stewart's shows. my question why would anyone do that? i'm worried about stewart. no longer will he have a tv show
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available to mock fox news. will the man go door-to-door? this could really affect him. so here is the factor tip of the day, if you are concerned for jon stewart's welfare as i am and you see him on the street gently talk to him about fox news. let him vent to you about us. it's the humane thing to do. and that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website which is different from billo' also we would like you to spout off about the factor o' name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be fractious when talking about the factor. and we're looking forward to reading all of your letters. again, thank you for joining us tonight. ms. megyn kelly up next. i'm bill o'reilly. please always remember that the
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spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. out for you. breakin breaking tonight, a major e-mail dump by hillary clinton. the clinton camp is now releasing a new batch of e-mails from the then secretary of state expecting to total some 3,000 pages according to the state department. welcome to "the kelly file," everybody, i'm megyn kelly. we're getting word about team clinton having yet another private e-mail account, mrs. clinton, that is. and we're expected to learn more about the role of clinton's controversial assistant, sidney blumenthal.
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