tv The Kelly File FOX News June 30, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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bill o'reilly. please always remember that the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. out for you. breakin breaking tonight, a major e-mail dump by hillary clinton. the clinton camp is now releasing a new batch of e-mails from the then secretary of state expecting to total some 3,000 pages according to the state department. welcome to "the kelly file," everybody, i'm megyn kelly. we're getting word about team clinton having yet another private e-mail account, mrs. clinton, that is. and we're expected to learn more about the role of clinton's controversial assistant, sidney blumenthal.
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and chris stirewalt is standing by. and just days after the marriage was defined by the supreme court, the state has declared a monument of the ten commandments is a religious symbol and must be removed from the grounds of the state capital. attorney general scott pruett had argued that the monument was identical to a texas monument that was found constitutional by the u.s. supreme court not long ago. no matter the oklahoma supreme court says it has got to go. brit hume is our fox news senior political analyst. thank you for joining us i looked back because i was also working for you when the federal case on the ten commandments was decided. and it was an unusual collection of justices that upheld the monument on the grounds of the
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texas state capitol. and the collection included justice briar, one of the most liberal justices on the court. and what he said he said the monument can stay it's been there for a long time. yes, it's religious but also it is an historical symbol. and what this liberal justice said at the time brit a contrary decision would lead to the removal of many long-standing commandments in public and could thereby create the very based decisiveness that the constitution seeks to avoid. so nonetheless, here we go with the religiously-based divisiveness that he was concerned about. and that apparently the oklahoma supreme court was not. in a week where religious liberal liberty is already coming under fire. >> well there you go megyn, obviously, the oklahoma attorney
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general is going to challenge this. it will eventually end up before the supreme court. and we'll see if justice briar and the rest of that majority feels the same way. the cases appear to be pretty comparable. so perhaps this will end up surviving. >> what you hear from people on line already, they're going crazy on the fox news website. people are clicking on it in record numbers. and they're interested. they want to know why the ten commandments can't stand. because just days ago we got a monumental supreme court decision on gay marriage. and many people felt even people who supported gay marriage said okay it's constitutional in every state. gay marriage is legal. yet what happens to people of faith who have a genuinely held objection to gay marriage what happens to them? and in the state of oklahoma they say here is what is going to happen to you. no more commandments on the
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public ground ss. we can have the rainbow on the white house but we cannot have the ten commandments on the state capitol grounds. and people are wondering whether this kind of what they view as intolerance is what the founders envisioned or what the country wants. >> well megyn, i don't think religious intolerance is what the country, as a whole wants. and i don't really associate what the oklahoma supreme court has done here with what the supreme court has done with gay marriage. as you suggested the supreme court may well reverse the oklahoma court decision. however, having said that it is a wonder what they will decide as many fear. they suggested that the tax-exempt status would come under challenge. as we hear there is some issue, we hear calls for the removal, the doing away with those religious exemptions. and one who is a person of
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traditional faith in this country to whom the idea of gay marriage seems alien to the concept of marriage as it has been known for the better part of millenia they feel armed. the law of the land is something they don't recognize. and they hear as -- as it happened to our friend, father jo jonathan when he was spat upon winning a gay pride parade in new york they're afraid that the attitude will be as the justice warned in his dissent, the treatment that they are bigots. >> justice kennedy says basically, don't worry, you are still free to believe as you want to believe. but if you're going to act on it that may be a problem. >> well, what he said was,
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you're free to teach the traditional faith that you know and free to advocate it. what he did not say is you're free to practice it. free to exercise it although the constitution's first amendment would certainly on its face appear to guarantee that. but he did not mention that. he mentioned the first amendment without any reference to the exercise of it. i think that was probably intentional. he didn't want to go that far probably because he felt the opinion would be in the way of that. >> now, in the meantime, we heard from the president. and speaking of this being one of his best weeks ever in talking about how he knows what he is doing and he is fearless. and he will push for as much progress or progressive ideas as he possibly can in the remainder of his term. is this a huge victory for him? many in the mainstream say it is a victory for him in his time in office. >> he has had a pretty good
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week the things he supported have been vindicated. he had a good week on the trade measure that he wanted to give him this negotiating authority. which meant the trees could be produced it would have to be up and down no amendments by congress. of course he could not get that without the support of his own party. it would require massive supports from the republicans to do that. it is a victory nonetheless, but certainly not a strength within his party. the points that he favored, the obamacare, i would rate it a near-death experience for obamacare. because the sloppy drafting of it nearly -- the decision was fairly narrow 6-3, to uphold it came down to the wire. he didn't even think it should get to the higher court but it did. it could have gone the other way. obamacare survives. it still unpopular and has all sort of problems to do with rising costs and people losing their insurance and the rest of it. but nevertheless he has every
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right to be happy about it. similarly on the gay marriage ruling that was one he certainly supported and urged. but the obama administration was not a party to the case. he filed an amicas brief, which means friend of the court. at least it was a cause he supported. you look at the political landscape, it's not clear to me he would have a deal to put his agenda into effect in the next 18 months or so. >> i mean the gay rights decision last week was a long time coming as a result of the work of gay rights activists, who had strategized it in a built way, it didn't go up to the high court before they were ready to have a ruling go their way. it was not the administration pushing that along. it was their movement. brit i got to go. >> just one or administration remember barack obama was on the other side of this issue
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seven or eight years ago. >> and three years ago, actually up until like a month before the last election. brit it's good to see you. >> thank you, megyn. and breaking news out of baltimore, where police commanders are just moments ago acknowledged they told officers not to engage as rioters burned and looted. really? what happened to the claims they did not do that? mark fuhrman is here with the admissions that the city is already under fire. and claiming the moral high ground when they decided not to run cartoons of the prophet mohamed. but when an artist put together an offensive image of the pope guess how that decision went? we have an unbelievable story, you have to stick around for mark on this, trust me three minutes away. and then when we took up the topic of donald trumps watch what happened.
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>> undocumented immigrants, every poll -- >> some place ann got a shiver down her spine, i'm getting an e-mail asking her to debate you. sure enough the e-mail came. now ann coulter is here geraldo is back and we're in for an unbelievable debate, don't go away. ♪ it was the best day ♪ -[ laughing ] -yeah! ♪ it was the best day ♪ ♪ it was the best day ♪ yeah! ♪ it was the best day ♪ ♪ 'cause of you ♪ we make a great pair. -[echoing] great pair. -huh? progressive and the great outdoors! we make a great pair. right. totally. uh, that's what i was thinking. hmm.
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amicus . developing tonight, growing anger with "the new york times" after the paper that went out of its way to protect the feelings of muslims has now published a very ugly image of the pope. the paper decided to run a feature on the retired benedict that was fashioned out of condoms. we decided to publish it just after they decided not to show the cartoon pictures of mohammed that led to a deadly attack on a french company, charlie hebdo. this is what they say. they say we don't want to
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gratutiously offend anyone's beliefs, that said it is probably impossible to avoid offending anyone. >> it is remarkable. this is pure and utter hypocrisy of "the new york times." after "charlie hebdo," the times editor was actually self-righteous about it. he said we have a standard but there is a line. most of these were gratuitious. does a picture of the pope made out of condoms deliberately offend religious sensibilities? of course it does. >> they now deny that and say that was not -- that the artist and the museum both say it's not intended to offend people but to raise a social question about the fight against aids.
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and they go on, mark, here it is. they go on to say this. this is the associate managing editor for phil corbett. who says while some people may genuinely dislike this work there does not seem to be any comparable level of outrage to what we saw in the muslim community with the prophet what? of course there is not. the muslim community to whom he is referring killed people. i mean he is saying that the catholic community needs to rise up and threaten to kill people in order to get the pope honored by not showing him covered in condoms? >> apparently if the catholics don't show up with uzis they're just fair game. the fact is they're basically afraid of terrorism which is why they did not do it. when it came to the "charlie hebdo" cartoons they had news value, related to the terrorist
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attack. he acknowledged they had news value but said it was not enough to override our standards, so this was enough, these pictures? >> he justifies not running the "charlie hebdo," he said let's not forget the muslim family in brooklyn who reads us and they're offended by any depiction of what is the prophet. he said i don't care about isis but it's arrogant to ignore the family. >> what about the catholic family who are loyal readers of "the new york times," and are offended by the picture of the pope with condoms? is it arrogant to ignore them? this is not the first time they have done this. last month they republished a picture of the painting of the virgin mary covered with elephant dung surrounded by pornography. they just reprinted it last month, it was a big article. this is something ongoing, they have done it not just to catholics or christians but to
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jews. they have re-printed anti-semitic cartoons in a story about a holocaust festival. they publish the cartoons that are anti-semitic anti-catholic that are bigoted, but wouldn't publish this -- >> he said was it hard to deny our readers? absolutely but we still have standards and they involve not running offensive material. offensive to whom? that is the question. >> "the new york times" has no standards, if you're a catholic or jew you're fair game for "the new york times." >> because there is no comparable level of outrage by the catholics and the jews versus what we see in the muslim community when you run mohammed. you have to apparently start to threaten people in order to get your own religious icons respected. mark good to see you. >> thank you. >> taking your thoughts on that
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@ megynkelly. and we have breaking news from the state department just released moments ago of thousands of hillary clinton e-mails. stirewalt has more on what we found. plus police commanders in baltimore are acknowledging literally before we came on air tonight that they did in fact tell authorities in baltimore not to engage as rioters burned and looted. what happened to the digits we have been hearing for the past few weeks? and religious freedom, under fire from the courts senator ted cruz is right back after this break with his plan to fight back. you do all this research on the perfect car. gas mileage , horse power... torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident.
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3,000, including e-mails from the chief of staff and senior white house adviser david axelrod. our senior adviser chris stirewalt is here. and first of all, why are we getting notice this late -- >> i have read them all, there is a lot in here. we are just going through it now. i am more than willing to give the state department the benefit of the doubt that being an agency they're bad at doing stuff, and being sensitive nature and dumping all of this out probably takes them time. so i will give them the benefit of the doubt that it takes time. so there is a ton in here we're reading about hillary clinton, benghazi chris, it has all the wow words in there. but we don't want to get too ahead of ourselves yet. what we've seen so far a very early exchange very early in her tenure as secretary of state, david axelrod, search -- senior
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white house adviser, and more importantly, rahm emanuel, asking pretty please can i have hillary clinton secret not supposed to do it private e-mail address so that i can send her e-mail? that is like a government within a government. that is pretty astonishing. >> some day somebody might submit a request, and you never know. chris, thank you, back to you for more. also developing tonight, new fallout from the supreme court decision to rewrite the rules on marriage in america. well they found a constitutional right to gay marriage and upheld obamacare, as well. senator ted cruz said that last supreme court's rulings, doing all that in every state marks quote, one of the darkest days in our nation's history and promptly calls for the nine supreme court justices to face elections every eight years. senator ted cruz said that if reelected every eight years,
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they may just try to serve the public opinion. his book "time for truth" hits stores this week. i know you're unhappy with the decision senator, but alexander hamilton the complete independence of the courts is peculiarly essential in a limited constitution. now you want to rewrite the constitution in response to a couple of decisions you don't like? >> well megyn. it's great to be with you, thank you for having me. last week's decisions were the latest in a long line and sadly were the nadier of the supreme court. it was the majority of the justices on thursday re-writing obamacare, disregarding the law, forcing that failed law on millions of americans, hurting the americans, and then on friday the decision was utterly contradictory to the constitution. and as justice scalia said
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powerfully in the dissent, that was unfounded. it was five setting themselves up. this was scalia's words, the rulers -- >> i get that but you feel that it was politically motivated by the justices who are in the majority. you want to make the court more political? >> it is pure politics -- and you know the framers when they wrote the constitution they believed the check on judicial overreach. the framers wrote about judicial over overreach quite a bit. they believed it would be challenged. jefferson said impeachment had not become even a scarecrow. 200 years the supreme court was not even afraid of it. today, we have the united states senate. we can't even muster 50 votes to loretta lynch --
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>> what do you think that an electorate created a court that you liked better. >> it means you would have the same appointments the same confirmation but every eight years the people would have an up or down vote -- >> what if they bounced out alito and thomas and we had a president obama in the white house? >> well i can tell you that 20 states put in place judicial retention elections. and they have worked. the people have used them sparingly, but the alternative, who in their right mind would design a system where every major public policy decision of the day is decided not by the people not by the constitution not by elected representatives, but by nine elite lawyers in washington, d.c. as justice scalia learned, all nine of them they either graduated from harvard or yale,
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eight or nine of them from the east coast or west coast. and as you know i graduated from harvard, my dad referred to it as my time as missionary work -- >> you worked for a justice respected when you clerked on the supreme court. i want to ask you about this one of the stories i thought was so great about your book was about justice thomas. when you clerked for the supreme court, you're a young guy, you go up there. clerking for the chief justice. but justice thomas agreed to see a little boy. a little african-american boy who was paying a visit to the court. and tell the viewers what happened. >> well sure my co-clerk is a professor at notre dame now. he had lived the previous year in little rock arkansas and he and his wife had tutored this little african-american boy named carlos he had never left
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arkansas. they decided to fly him to d.c. they asked if two of the justices would meet with him. ruth bader ginsburg and then justice thomas sat down with him, spent two hours talking with this kid. and i have to tell you what particularly impressed carlos justice thomas was a big dallas fan. for dallas cowboys that was cool. at the end of two hours, justice thomas walked to his desk and had on his desk a super bowl ticket encased that was signed by emmett smith. he picked it up and gave it to carlos. and said tell you what carlos i'm going to give you this. i want you to promise me though you will get a's in school next year and carlos with his eyes big and bright said absolutely sir, i will. and you know justice thomas had moments like that over and over and over again. he is a man with an incredible heart.
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>> that is amazing. >> heart for people. and in my new book "a time for truth" over and over again i tell stories about the supreme court, what is going on behind closed doors. >> it is great stuff. including the time you watched hard core pornography with sandra day o'connor. that is reason enough to buy the book. senator, thank you very much. and good luck. >> thank you and let me say, we are seeing incredible excitement. >> wow -- >> and in just a couple of months. over 100,000 people have come to >> that is good. >> over 100,000 people have come to tonight at midnight is the end
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of our fundraising quarter. we're at a packed fundraiser here in houston. and i would encourage your supporters come to >> good luck thank you very much. wow, whiplash from everything that just happened there. when we come back we'll have the breaking news out of baltimore where police commanders told officers they were not to engage as rioters burned and looted. really? what happened to what we heard over the past two months about no interference. plus the professor at the publicly funded university of memphis turned heads when she came out and equated whiteness with terrorism. tonight, see what the school is saying about the status of the thoughtful professor. so this beauty can be yours with a down payment and 10% financing. oh larry, lawrence. thanks to the tools and help at, i know i have a 798 fico score. [score alert text sound] [score alert text sound] oh. that's the sound of my interest rate going down. according to this score alert, my fico score just went up to 816. 816.
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brass. the baltimore sun reporting they have now admitted that the officers who you see being pelted with bottles and chunks of concrete were given a quote "do not engage" order. during the riots, this was reported and denied. then he later pressed the mayor, stephanie blake, on this very issue and here is what happened. >> what do you have to say to the business ses who were looted because of your order to stand down? you don't have anything to say? >> no. >> nothing to say to the business owners what about the police who you were injured? >> excuse me. >> why can't we ask questions -- we can't ask questions of a public official? we can't ask questions? >> you will have an opportunity. >> i can ask questions and will you answer them? you will answer all questions then -- >> at a press conference we'll answer all questions.
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>> mark fuhrman is a fox news contributor and host. now, this is just breaking as we go to air. so apologize while i look through my notes. but it appears now -- okay so looking back at the record the mayor specifically said the record will show she never ordered officers to stand down. never ordered them to stand down during the riots. then remember this is the same mayor who said we gave the protesters space to destroy. and then she denied that she had done that. and now the top brass comes out and said yes, we told them don't engage. hold the line. mark? >> stand down, don't engage be targets, do something, it's all the same thing. stand down means your stationary you do not move do not engage means do not engage the rioters, let them burn
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loot throw rocks at the police and other citizens do nothing. and it's very clear that that is what was done. it just took them two months to figure that out so that means for two months they have been lying to us? to all the media. to all the citizens to all the police officers that have come on and told the truth. and they have called them liars. >> uh-huh. >> and now this comes out. is it so hard richard, is it so hard for them to have just said this is exactly what we told them and why? why do we have to be misled over and over and over? >> i don't know if it was intentionally misleading but i get where you're coming from. it is important we hear about everything that transpired the transmissions from the police department and the officers. and before we can assess the situation we have to get all the evidence. i think mark agrees there. i mean you have to have all the facts there before you can make a determination of what really took place. >> all right, the mayor told our
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own bill hemmer it's not holding back. it's responding appropriately. that is what we did, we didn't hold back we responded appropriately. and now the latest report mark is that the police were told to hold the line and not to engage. it's semantics. they told the cops not to do anything. >> well they did that richard is describing a process like we have to scratch our head and wonder what happened. we have the police commanders. there is the line commanders telling everybody today that that is what they said. we have the commissioner who has been lying for two months and the mayor who has been lying for two months and now they all come out and said yeah we told them to stand down. we told them not to engage. so it's really not an investigation we need. we need a new police commissioner. you need a new mayor. you need some new leadership and people that are actually going to be able to lead people.
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in these types of situations instead of just worry about their own career -- >> commissioner bass richard, has repeatedly denied issuing a stand-down order. repeatedly denied issuing that. in the face of his own cops coming on shows like ours and saying they were told that. so he basically called his officers liars. and now, the baltimore police commander has come out and acknowledged they ordered officers not to engage the rioters multiple times that day. what is the difference between "don't engage" and "stand down". >> the report indicates they asked them to stay on the line and stand down meaning, don't hit the protester. they did leave space to arrest individuals too violence. and ambulances to come through, they told them hold the line which is exactly what the police officers difficultyd.
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if you looked at what happened in ferguson and baltimore -- >> and they -- >> i'm glad you said that mark so it's okay to tear gas americans, great. >> absolutely. yes, it is. when there is a civil disturbance. >> wow, you heard it here first -- wow, they were not violence in ferguson peaceful protesters weapons, all they were saying was hands up don't shoot. >> richard okay, i have to go. that is revisionist history, that is not all the ferguson protesters were doing. >> there were no weapons when they were tear gassed, megyn. >> everybody was perfectly peaceful. it was a beautiful event. >> i was down there, i know, i was there. i have to go there is another fiery panel coming up after you guys good to see you. and a teacher equated whiteness with terrorism. we'll show you how her bosses are handling that.
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and then when we took up the topic of donald trump and his remarks on immigration, here is part of what happened. >> undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than the citizen population of the united states. and the united states is unique in this experience. every poll shows that. >> and i predicted that ann coulter would be e-mailing us and guess what? she did. and now geraldo is back and she is here and they are here together next for a fascinating debate.
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undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than the citizen population in the united states. and the united states is unique in this situation, every poll -- >> and ann got a shiver down her spine, i'm getting an e-mail from her asking to debate you. >> that was ann taking task with the comment that they are illegally flooding over the border. ann coulter who happens to be the author of "adios america" doesn't agree with geraldo. so she is here to respond and geraldo is back as well. he is the host of geraldo rivera reports. so ann, let me just tee it up for those who have forgotten somehow with mr. trump's remarks that started it all. >> when mexico sends their people they're not sending their best they're not sending
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you, they're not sending you. they're sending people that have lots of problems. and they're bringing those problems with us. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. they're rapists, and some i assume are good people. >> okay go ahead. >> if you want me to start -- all right. >> ann, okay first of all, i'm not hesitating there is a three-second delay here. i want to thank both of you for doing this. big part of my book is that we won't even have the debate on this. i think the first most important point is these are not people who have a right to be here. i don't care if they are two rapists or people coming here to collect welfare. immigration is a public institution and is used to benefit people already living here. there should not be any criminals coming in. it is bad enough to have people who are accepting government
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assistance. to be bringing in people who are felons can't we cross that off the list? secondly i asked the producer if we could run this during the program. i got here a little bit late. and that was just look at los angeles's county most wanted list. whether it is the top ten or top 100, the idea that immigrants are committing crime at a lower rate than the native population is preposterous. my complaint as described in the book and why this book became a book rather than a few chapters was that the government wouldn't simply count and tell us. so whatever facts there are, it is always people looking at ancillary facts. why doesn't the government just count? >> well, i think the basic premise, the title of her book "adios america," is an insulting insinuation that
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latinos are going to drag down and degrade the america we know and love. this is an insult. i won't use terms like racist because i don't believe ann is a racist she had a point she wanted to make. and she in her very sharp and witty writing has made it. now, when i say that immigrants commit less crime than native born it's from surveys that i have done for two books i have written on it the great progression, and his panic, how hispanics will lead america to great prosperity. this is why americans fear hispanics in the u.s. she fears hispanics in the u.s. >> this is like going to the library. crime is at record lows in los angeles, and new york the city you would assume would be the most impacted by the huge latino influx. >> okay --
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>> even with the slight -- >> i'll let ann respond to that but first i want her to define polemicist. >> that is exactly what i am. i do want to say i don't think you are a racist either geraldo, although i think you're going kind of close to the edge by insisting that hispanics piggy back onto the black experience in america. the reason americans are so concerned with racism and should be concerned with racism. the reason we have civil rights laws racial set asides affirmative action is to make up for slavery by jim crow not people who just set into this country yesterday and start to claim affirmative action. this happens, and as i said -- here it is i mean this is not exactly a rigorous study saying there are lots of immigrants in new york and l.a. and the crime
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went down. well yeah that is because of rudy giuliani the prison boom. a fact that only about a third of california prisoners are white. so are you saying two thirds of them are black? california has one of the smallest black populations in the country, only like 6%. >> according to the congressional budget office these immigrants the undocumented immigrants contribute more in revenue to the united states pot than they take out in benefits. that is according to the congressional budget office. according to the social security administration there is $100 billion paid by undocumented immigrants into social security with numbers for benefits they will never retrieve. that is their gift to us. they have remade entire neighborhoods, passaic, patterson, unlike ann, i've been to all of these neighborhoods. to the border.
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i have seen the immigrant vitality. we're all immigrants here. ann's family you know you may go back decades, but i think wasn't there immigrants on your all immigrants. each of us. >> all right. >> look the language that this american hell hole, this is the language used against the irish in the 19th century, against the italians in the early 20th century. >> i've got to go. just in case you're wondering, polemicist. okay. here it is. a strong written or spoken attack against someone else's opinions beliefs, practices whatever. she is that. she admitted it. we can end with that point of agreement in a very nice debate. i have to say. they were civil. >> everything geraldo said was false. >> everything ann has written is false. but i like her. >> okay goodbye. love them both. does being white make you -- so we're raising the level of
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debate next. you will meet the college professor who is advancing that theory, right after this break. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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university of memphis professor is catching heat tonight after going on her social media account and suggesting whiteness is equated with terrorism. catherine tims is a national review reporter and a fox news contributor and joins us on the story of professor robinson. >> that wasn't all she said either. she said the ultimate expression of love for conservative whites is death and rape threats. she said that dylann roof did
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that because they do that. people can see her account even though it's private. she said she got a new job. a lot of people are upset about it. >> the question is was she fired. we don't know the university is saying she's no longer employed by the university. we don't know where she was fired. where is she going, prior to this they'd been standing by her not withstanding the fact a couple of months ago she side would another professor who declared white college age males are a problem population. white students threaten us and their racism and sexism evaluations of us factor into our job security. >> every time this happens. people say this is horrible. people say free speech. that's true you do have free speech. the line is it's not just a popular opinion, a controversial opinion verses one that demonstrates you might not be able to do your job. if you're a professor your job
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involves being able to grade reasonably fairly make your students feel comfortable in the classroom. i would not feel good in her classroom because if she saw me she saw the face of terrorism. >> more on her when we get it. we'll be right back. ♪ take me in, into your darkest hour ♪ ♪ and i'll never desert you ♪ ♪ i'll stand by you ♪
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10:00 pm
>> got about a thousand to go. in round one. david axelrod clean up on aisle 5. he said he didn't know the server he e-mailed s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s server. >> more on that tomorrow. let me know what you think. welcome to "hannity" we are broadcasting from new hampshire where the newest 2016 republican candidate new jersey governor chris christie finished up a town hall meeting. earlier today he announced he was running for president at his old high school in new jersey. here's how it all went down. >> only in america where someone like me could have the opportunity to seek the highest office the world has to offer. not only can all of us achieve whatever dream we
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