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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  July 1, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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their political prisoners. and finally stop their despotic grip on their people. >> reporter: the u.s. embassy in havana was closed january 3 1961. it could be back open for business by the end of this month. president obama expected to make this announcement shortly. cuba will reopen its embassy in washington d.c. these announcements come after months of heavy negotiations, four rounds in cuba and the united states. the argument being made that cuba has not made enough concessions towards democracy in these negotiations. what will hatch by opening relations with the u.s. will simply enable a dictator to hang
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on to power. concessions, too about the number. fugitives from u.s. justice still on you ban soil. including the accused murderer of a new jersey state trooper. and concerns about whether the diplomats can move freely in cuba and talk to whoever they want. we could see a fight about money to restore u.s. intersections to turn it into a full-fledged embassy. and we could see the visit much a sitting u.s. president to cuba. something the president says he hopes to do before the end of his term. jenna: this is a major change in policy from the george w. bush administration. joining us now karl rove who served as senior advisor and deputy chief of staff to george
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w. bush. we may have to interrupt our conversation if the president does come to the podium. i'm struck by the timing on this. it's the first time in 50 years we are reestablish i shaling ties with cuba. what do you make of the timing? >> i think the timing has less to do with the 4th of july and more to do with the president wanting to keep the sense that he has foreign momentum. we've should not be reestablishing forward movement with this totalitarian government. we are giving a blessing to a regime that has dozens of political prisoners it represses individuals and groups who credit size the government -- who criticize the government and many of them are in jail before. there were 900 temporary detentions of people for no other reason than they
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criticized the government. people cannot travel within the country of cuba if they criticize the government. families are separated from each other and not allowed to have contact in response to somebody criticizing the government. and there is severe restriction on any political expression or freedom of speech and president obama is rewarding a regime that conducts itself in such a way. jenna: president george w. bush had tough restrictions and had to back off some of it under pressure his own party. what's the right path here? >> i was there. we didn't back off on anything. we modified a policy on humanitarian grounds to allow cuban americans to provide a
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slightly larger amount of money to support their families and relatives inside the country. president bush is not a guy who backs down. jenna: that was in 2004. there was pressure fellow republicans to change the policy slightly. but my question is opposition from the conservatives. where is the middle ground? >> then congressman jeff flake of arizona was a fervent advocate of increased trade. increased trade does work when there is an openness and a public space. when we trade with cuba the money goes to the government who uses the hard currency to pay its workers in worthless pesos. when an american goes to cuba and lies on the beach the worker is work for tips in hard
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currency. in canadian loons or dollars. the pesos areless. what happens is the government receives payment from an american or european in hard currency and uses that money to prop up the security apparatus that dominates the country and pays its people in worthless pesos. we allowed a little additional trade but only in ways that helped open up free enterprise. doing business with the army doesn't create a market economy in cuba. jenna: your point is well taken. i would like to ask you about this. regardless of what the president says today there still needs to be confirmation of an ambassador in the senate. senator marco rubio coming out saying he will oppose the con fir maiption of that ambassador. is thatted the right move?
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>> if you believe in the rule of law and believe there has been no damage in think it horrific apparatus 90 miles off of our coast you are obligated to do everything you can to stop it. if that's means voting against an ambassador to cuba. confirming an ambassador top cuba is as confirmation of a blessing on the cuban government that they think it's worthy. jenna: the president will come out and make a statement. and we'll be back to you shortly. eric: what does this mean for cuban americans? manny alvarez is a member of our fox news medical team and a cuban american. you were sent here to the u.s.
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to live with a foster family when you were a kid. your father was put in prison by the castro regime. you didn't reunite with your family for five years. >> this is such a big ticket item because of the history i have lived through the cuban exile. but i am for opening the embassy, i am for establishing diplomatic relationships because i think something has to change. i think if you ask many cuban americans and my generation, they are very heartbroken because we still have the castros there and everything that carl said is true. this is a regime that still controls the people, puts people in jail, there is no human rights. i get all that. but if you talk to the generation in the 20s that is in cuba today. they don't want to have anything
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to do with communism they just want to move forward. eric: but you don't have a choice because the castros have an iron grip in the country. >> they are going to die soon. what i don't want to happen, and i think this is part of the responsibility that the obama administration has to do. i don't want a chinese-style government in cuba. if in 20 years from now we have diplomatic relationships with cuba and the economy is booming but you have a totalitarian system like china then people are going to revolt. but if there is a short-term transition where we'll find ways to bring more democracy and pro-business approach to the cuban economy you will see changes happening. >> reporter: do you think that's going to happen?
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>> i have spoken to many people of my generation in florida. i know they are thinking this is a potential thing that could happen. eric: the president of the united states is about to speak with this historic event. >> 50 years ago the united states closed its embassy in havana. today i can announce the united states agreed to formally reestablish diplomatic relations with the republic of cuba and reopen embassies in our respective countries. this is an historic step in our efforts to normalize relations with the cuban government. when the united states shuttered our embassy i don't think anyone thought it would be half
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a century before it was reopened. but there have been very real profound differences between our governments and sometimes we allow ourselves he to be trapped by a certain way of doing things. for the united states that meant clinging to a policy that was not working. instead of supporting democracy and opportunity for the cuban people our efforts to isolate cuba had the opposite effect cement can the status question and isolating the united states from our neighbors in this hemisphere. the progress we mark today is a demonstration that we don't have to be imprisoned by the past. when something isn't working week and will change. i announced last december that the united states and cuba were take steps to reestablish our relationship. since then our state department has worked hard with our cuban counterparts to achieve that
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goal. later this summer secretary kerry will travel to cuba formally to proudly raise the american flag over our embassy once more. this is not merely symbolic. with this change we'll be able to substantially increase our contacts with the cuban people. we'll have personnel at our embassy and our diplomats can engage across the island with the government, ordinary society and cubans reaching for a better life. on counter-terrorism disaster response and development we'll find new ways to cooperate with cuba. i have been clear we'll continue to have some very serious differences. that will include america's enduring support for universal values like freedom of speech and assembly and ability to access information. we'll not hesitate to speak out when we see actions that contradict those values.
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however, i strongly believe the best way for america to support our values is through engagement. that's why we have taken steps to allow for greater travel, people to people and commercial ties between the united states and cuba. since december we have seen enormous enthusiasm for this approach. leaders across the americas have expressed support for our change in policy. you heard that expressed by the president of brazil yesterday. public opinion surveys in both our countries show broad support for this engagement. one cuban said i prepared for this all my life. another said this is like a shot of oxygen. one cuban teacher put it simply, we are neighbors now we can be friend. here in the united states we have seen that same enthusiasm. american businesses want to invest in cuba.
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american colleges and universities that want to partner with cuba. above all americans want to get to know their neighbors to the south. through that engagement we be can help the cuban people improve their own lives. another put it bluntly you can't hold the future of cuba hostage to what happened in the past. that's what this is about. a choice between the future and the past. americans and cubans alike are ready to move forward. i believe it's time for congress to do the same. i called on congress to take steps to lift the embargo. we have seen members from both parties begin that work. after all why should washington stand in the waive our own people. if there are those who want to turn back the clock and double down on a policy of isolation it's past type for us to realize this approach doesn't work. it hasn't worked for 50 years.
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it shuts america out of cuba many future. so i ask congress to listen to the cuban people. listen to the word of a proud cuban american. carlos gutierrez who came out against the policy of the past saying i wonder if the cubans who have to stand in line for the most basic necessities for hours in the hot havana sun feel this approach is helpful to them. of course nobody expected cuba to be transformed overnight. but i believe american engagement through our embassy our businesses and our people is the best way to advance our interests and support for democracy and human rights. time and again america demonstrated the part of our leadership in the world is our capacity to change. it's what inspires the world to reach for something better. a year ago it might have seemed impossible that the united states would be raising our
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flag the stars and stripes or the embassy in havana. this is what change looks like. in january 1961, the year i was born when president eisenhower announced the termination of our relations with cuba. he said it's my hope and conviction that in the not too distant future we'll be able to find relations of every sort. i want to thank some of my team to worked diligently to make this happen. we are proud of them. good work. jenna: the president announcing we are reestablishing diplomatic ties with cuba. talking about engagement rather
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than isolation. saying isolation doesn't work. i want to share a few thing with you as we take in the rose garden and now leave it to what was going on in cuba at the same time the president was speaking. we had headlines from cuba state television. this is coming from the cuban government and some of the demand they have for us. they want the united states to return to guantanamo bay. they want us to end radio and tv broadcasts into the government that they are calling subversive and calling along with the president for congress to lift the economic embargo. some interesting headlines there. carl your reaction to those headlines and what the president had to say. >> the president offered up a phoney straw man. he says the distant past and the future was a glowing friendly relationship with cuba. he failed to deal with the
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present. the present is a repressive regime which has dozens if not hundreds of political prisoners that last year swipt and detained nearly 9,000 people for the crime of criticizing their government. what the president didn't talk about was the fact that those americans who now he wants to go to cuba are going to be paying for their hotel rooms in u.s. dollars and those u.s. dollars will be used by a vast security apparatus that includes hundreds of thousands of security personnel and military forces whose purpose is to subjegate the cuban people. we'll have americans through trade or through vacationing helping prowp that regime. the loss of support of russia, couldn't afford to do it. they supported by venezuela which can no longer support the regime. now the united states is going to step in to support that security apparatus. if trade and vacation and
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tourism were going to change cuba the kns and the europeans have been doing that for decade. they have got to get the money somewhere to give them a better life than the ordinary cuban has. the president now said the united states will help chip in to help support this onerous security apparatus that backs up a totalitarian regime. jenna: i was struck by counter-terrorism comment. ideally what do we want from cuba? what can cuba contribute? >> what cuba can contribute is an opportunity for its people to have a democratically elected regime that respects the rights of its people by upholding the rule of law. the castro brothers are eventually going to die. but this policy is designed to prop up the younger men and
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women who stand i top the security apparatus and lived their lives in a luxury the rest of the cubans do not enjoy and want to continue being on the top of the pyramid repressing the rest of the country. the president wants them to have shard currency reserves that will allow them to stay on top. mind bollings comment how they are going to par is fate with us in counter terrorism. they have been terrorists. his community about development. they have used cuban doctors and put them in vital countries to prop up leftist regimes like those in nicaragua. to think we can find a common cause with the castro brothers and their successors is insane. jenna: it's great to have you on
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the program thank you very much. eric: dr. manny alvarez is back with us. what about what karl just said. this will prop up the communist totalitarian regime and the money will go into the cuban it in fund and help the castros. >> that's a logical step if you believe that the current system will continue for a long time. my prediction is simple. what this will allow to happen, at least for me. i'm an american system. i'm going to go back to cuba and i'm going to stand there and ask for the truth. now, if the cuban government wants to put me in jail, well, i have an embassy there. it is the responsibility then of the american government to say wait a minute. you can't do that to one of our citizens. now we'll have some testing.
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we'll be able to test the ba waters. that's all i want for a long time is to test what the terse. cuba has been isolated, the castros are terrible people, they have been doing a lot of bad things. but we have no say. now if we have diplomatic rips. people like me. my generation. the younger generations don't care. they wanted condos and go to the beach. but my generation that represent the people who went to jail and the people who died in the sea trying to get to this country will have an opportunity to say can i speak openly here? no you can't. you are going go to jail. shut up or i'll give you a visa to come in. that will make it harder for other administrations to continue relations with cuba. eric: we'll see if we get that opportunity. thank you.
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jenna: we appreciate dr. manny's personal perspective on this. cuba has insisted for 30 years ...
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ah jeez it's so close. he just loves her so much. do it. come on. do it. come on! yes! awww, yes! that is what i'm talking about. baby. call and upgrade to get x1 today. ♪ >> common interests like counter-terrorism, disaster response. we'll find ways to cooperate with cuba. jenna: that's the president speaking about the possibilities of what reestablishing diplomatic ties will bring to our country. we have our former ambassador to the organization of american states. the regional body dedicated to the americas.
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ambassador glad to have you back on the program thank you. a statement from the president. we wanted to focus on that counterterrorism cooperation part. you have written on this topic. what's your reaction to what the president had to say? >> i think the president wasn't particularly honest with the american people and maybe he's deceiving himself as well. cuba has been historically a supporter of terrorism and terrorist groups. its intimate relationships with the colombian guerrilla organization that traffics in cocaine. it's waging a war against the dwem -- against the democratically elected government. the microimagine the of the state in venezuela * posts an acute threat to u.s. security
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as well as the well-being of people through the the americas. those are cuba's soft puppets in the western hemisphere. the president obviously is either urn informed or not concern about the role that that regime continues to play of that threatens our national security in a serious way. jenna: the president says this ways change looks like. has any of that changed over the last several years. >> it certainly hasn't. its activism in venezuela and the colombian narco organization the farc is as dangerous as ever. the president completely deceives the american people if every suggests the normalization of relations with that regime will improve the plight of the
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cuban people. he can certainly perhaps admit that he hasn't paid attention to cuba for the last several decades, but in the last several years he should be informed of the evidence of cuba's unrelenting hostility and continuing brutality. i don't think we should lower our standards to raise our flag in havana. we apparently have agreed to muzzle freedom of broadcast in cuba and end our no democracy support for the cuban people. that's what the cuban regime is insisting on its airways this morning. if this is true, this an extraordinarily sad day for american diplomacy. jenna: you also shared from a valued perspective because you have had a front-row seat what's happening south of our border. it sounds like what you are
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telling our viewers that this is not only the wrong decision but a dangerous decision for our country. what is the immediate threat do you think cuba and its workings pose to the american people? >> cuba is for decades managed this anti-american network that it has within the last 15-20 years, gained a lot of support because of the petro resources venezuela has brought to bear on all this. kiewf bombs intelligence apparatus -- cuba's intelligence service micromanages this. the president didn't say 3/4 of the u.s. senate and u.s. house approved standard for normalizing standards with cuba, freeing political prisoners alowsk the cuba broadcasting to continue and having free
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elections. those standard were set by democratically elected representatives and the american people and they were scrapped today so the president could pursue this ego trip more than statesmanship. jenna: we talked about the relationship between venezuela and iran. and middle east terror that some say is coming to our southern border. has there been any proof of kiewf what's relations with the number one state sponsor in the world which is iran? >> that is something the cubans have managed to keep a closely held secret. but cue bombs interest that relationship essentially manage can the affairs of venezuela the intelligence apparatus the security apparatus in venezuela leads me to believe they are absolutely involved in that initial courtship between iran a
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and the coma venezuela regime in venezuela. now the relationship of hezbollah. which carries a threat right to the u.s. border. so cuba's hands have blood all over them. and the idea that we can do business with that regime to the exclusion of american values and to ignoring the abuse of the cuban people is a very sad testament to the standards to which this u.s. administration has sunken. eric: tens of thousands of people are picking up the pieces in the northeast. powerful storms damaged homes, sparking a possible tornado. the hail was the size of nickels. 3 inches of rain fell in some spots. we are told the threat is not
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jet over. >> the colorado movie massacre trial, jurors are set to hear from a key witness.
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jenna: the head of the u.n.'s nuclear watchdog agency heading to the u.n. also new developments in the case an arizona couple missing
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for more than a week. investigators believe foul play may have been involved. fasten your seat belts. we'll be feeling more pain at the pump ahead of the july 4 weekend. eric: a dangerous storm system has been ripping through pennsylvania. thunderstorms flooded some places with three inches of rain. we are told the threat of severe weather is not yet over. maria, about 4:00 in the morning i got a weather alert on my blackberry it woke me up, saying severe flooding possibility. >> reporter: we don't have that threat in place right now. but you mention that 4:00 a.m. wake-up. the strong wind gusts and 4
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inches of rain were reported with those storms that moved through the northeast. you can see that we still have storm moving through portions of new england. they lifted the new york city area and are farther north. the severe weather threat is much more limited come fired what we saw yesterday with them across portions of the northeast. there is still a marginal risk across parts of new england. it look like a greater risk is in place as we head father west and south. also into missouri and eastern parts of kansas. portions of northern arkansas and western tennessee and kentucky. the area including kansas city. the widespread area for severe with the is expected across the southeast, into the central
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plains. large hail, damaging wind. it's been stormy across the eastern half of the country. it's because of a dip in the jet stream. a number of disturbances have been producing storms across the eastern u.s. much quieter weather. isolated storms. but very very hot. take a look at these numbers. 96 degrees for the high temperature across washington state and triple digit heat forecast across part of northern california. jenna: the prime minister of greece sounding defiant as his nation teeters on the edge of financial disaster. the prime minister addressing greece's missed 1.8 billion dollar debt repayment.
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>> reporter: if the greeks or the european union were hoping for on sill yaition they did not hear it. some very tough talk. he didn't mention too much about a bailout proposal he has been float can the past few hours. he did brand the european union as undemocratic. and he's calling for a no in a referendum plan sunday on the eu and their bailout terms. the first polls are out. it seems the no vote is in the lead. there is a big undecided vote as well. this is important. that referendum is turning into a vote on the future of greece in the european union. the german chancellor says she won't deal with anything new regarding greece and the eu until that referendum happens. the eurozone's finance minister
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is meeting will by teleconference. finally life here gets even harder for the folks. some bangs opened for retirees without credit card so they could get at least -- jenna: i think we lost gregg in athens. some of the greek population they don't have credit card. they are relying on their pensions and that's why some of them the retirees are being allowed to withdraw a little more money heading into the weekend. it's a desperate situation. how it's resolved is a big story. eric: wall street up 115 points. so we can see how it affects us. >> an arizona couple left for
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work a week ago and they haven't been seen since. a key clue leads police to believe foul may play have been involved. reported * iran's supreme leader those up potential obstacles to an agreement. will the table in vienna stop iran from building a nuclear bomb?
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>> a new round of controversy as the state department releases thousands more of hillary clinton's emails. some lawmakers are crying foul. >> a social media firestorm after a woman writes an essay saying she sacrificed having a larger family to afford a dream home.
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>> the ben affleck-jennifer garner split. we'll ask about love and marriage hollywood style. join us top of the hour. eric: a lot of those marriages don't steam ... general rrp an arizona couple last seen getting into their car found aban do and half mile away from their home the dave they vanished. police are asking anyone with information to call the pinal sheriff's office. eric: the head of the atomic nuclear agency is getting ready to go to iran for talks. one major sticking points seems
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to be the push to give the u.n. inspectors greater power to examine almost anything in iran including the neur nuclear sites. but iran apparently says no. so can a deal without assurances be trusted? do you think the iranians are serious or are they just playing us? >> i think there is a big question. we won't know for a little while. we have a number of constituencies. you haved the revolutionary guards and government officials and we'll see confusing statements probably contradictory statements for a while. eric: the ayatollah khomeini said no inspections of nuclear sites. how can you trust a deal like
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that? >> if you ever bought a persian recall that may be what's going on. heavy negotiating right up to the last minute. we are not going to know for a while. i think we have to be very sceptical. you have to have airtight inspections and enforcement and snap back sanctions once the iranians cheat as we suspect they would. this is a tall oird and i'm sceptical. >> reporter: do you think it's even possible to have that. i think it's remote that we could have verifiable inspections. >> do you think the president will actually walk out of the deal fit don't achieve what he says his goals are? else maybe leave it to congress if it's not acceptable.
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investors business daily has a sharp editorial. the missing of another meaningless deadline illustrates the seriousness of our side in these talks. do you think that's true and what do you see happening as it relates to sadie arabia if this thing falls apart. >> this was a worse deal than was imagined. whatever deal the iranians get the sadies wants the same thing. i think weir we'll probably see that at the beginning. i don't think they would say we want a military program. they will develop military processes for civilian use just as the emiratis have done.
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if it's worse than imagine should weave sign it? >> i would be sceptical. something will have time press us with the seriousness of the regime, snapbacks sanctions is going to have to be serious. eric: france and germany and other countries that do business with iran, will they snack -- would they snap back? >> . >> i think we are likely to see them keep pushing. they will kick the can down the road and it will be much more difficult because of the window of 60 days instead of 30. i think we may see a dade -- i think we may see an illusory deadline
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♪ whoa what are you doing? putting on a movie. i'm trying to watch the game here. look i need this right now ok? come on i don't want to watch that. too bad this is happening. fine, what if i just put up the x1 sports app right here. ah jeez it's so close.
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he just loves her so much. do it. come on. do it. come on! yes! awww, yes! that is what i'm talking about. baby. call and upgrade to get x1 today. ♪ eric: we are awaiting -- the hunt is on for a mission woman in california. police say jennifer drawn was last seen monday. she told family members she was going out for a run on the beach. a prominent doctor in florida has just been found dead in her
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home. police ruled that death a homicide. monday she did not show up for work. there is no exact cause of her death. general rrp day 41 of the movie massacre trial. the defense is stepping up efforts to show the jury that james holmes was legally insane when he killed 12 people and wounded 70 others. >> both sides continue to argue over what the jury will and will not be allowed to hear. these are psychiatrists who examined holmes and they have evidence they want to present. the judge this morning questioning psychiatrist dr. b. thomas gray. the jury has note been brought in yet. the defense recalled the prosecution witness to the stand. he was assigned to get the defendant from the jail to the courthouse for his first court
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appearance. and you will remember this, july 23 three days after the shooting. holmes with his orange hair before he was treated with anti-psychotic meds. the defense said their clients was showing signs of insanity. listen as's questioned about holmes' behavior. >> do you recall observing what mr. holmes had a hard time standing on his own during that period of time. >> yes. >> do you recall whether you observe offed mr. holmes' eyes appeared to wander off as you were talking to him? >> i did. >> would it be natural for a person facing potentially 12 counts of murder and brought into their first court appearance to have a lot on their mind? >> yes. >> reporter: two court appointed psychiatrists who examined holmes testified on the
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night of the shooting holmes was legally sane but mentally ill. >> reporter: thank you. eric: ahead of the july 4 holiday drivers will be shelling out more for gasoline because their gas tax in the state are going up. federal funding has pretty much dried up. people who drive more fuel efficient cars you don't bias much gas you know what that means? it means the states don't take in as much taxes. we take a look at the six states where the gas tax is going up by 7 cents a gallon. folks in california have good news their taxes are going down by 6 cents. jenna: the f.b.i. investigating
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an attack on internet cables. what it means for cyber-security.
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jenna: we'll see you back here in an hour. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is outnumbered. i'm sandra smith. today's hashtag one lucky guy we welcome back to the couch radio talk show host chris plantee. he's outnumbered. can we add more to the rest nay? >> sure but it's only a one-hour show. >> welcome to you. new developments in the t


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