tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News July 2, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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sex. he would say change partners. >> he was a master of making people follow him. >> be sure to tune in for "greta investigates:the manson murders." that's tomorrow at 7:00. thank you for being with us. "the o"reilly factor" is on. >> hillary clinton secretary of state. >> is there a press scandal off the release of hillary clinton's closely guarded e-mails. we'll look at that. >> i can't think of many nations in the world where we have a better relationship now than when it was over. >> shoblging, president obama getting hammered by jimmy carter on foreign policy. we'll have a special report on that. >> we have to jump at 10. >> ready? one, two, three. >> also ahead, ""jurassic world" could be the most profitable film of all times.
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why? >> stand down. >> caution, you are about the to enter the no spin zone. in fact, it begins right now. hi i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. hillary clinton and the press. that's the subject of this evening's talking points memo. recently released e-mail shows secretary of state hillary clinton and her crew tried to manipulate the american media. is anyone surprised? every politician tries to do that and many succeed. i call them soft venues places powerful people go to be interviewed knowing they will be treated kindly. larry king famous for that. the most embarrassing revelation in the clinton e-mail was cnn commentator used his own network to secretly disseminate
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secretary clinton's talking points on a variety of issues. he asked the clinton people to send him stuff so he could throw it out to cnn's audience under the guise of commentary. that's bad. >> also mentioned in an e-mail clinton mouthpiece someone who can be persuaded. i talked to greta. she said she thofs it was an attempt by a staffer to get attention. greta is in alaska over the weekend fishing with wounded vets. nice thing to do. another disturbing e-mail says former "new york times" reporting leslie gelb offered to work closely with the clinton team on a piece for "parade" magazine assuring them a story about secretary of state clinton would be positive and giving clinton people veto over the content of the story. mr. gelb denies the veto power
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deal but does say he allowed the clinton team to fact check the article, which is absurd. i've written extensively for "parade" magazine and it has its own fact checkers. lamenting american media becoming increasingly ideological. there are many politicians who won't come on because we never agree to ground rules. i will talk to politicians themselves off camera but not their staff. if they have questions, politicians, about an upcoming interview they can call me but no deals are made. after years nobody tries anymore. sadly, that's not the case with other media. back room arrangements are common in some places. now, it's perfectly acceptable for a newsmaker to tell an interviewer there are certain areas they won't discuss, that's called freedom from speech. if hillary clinton or somebody else doesn't want to answer a line of questioning, they have a right it make that known. famous people are attacked all the time by smear merchants to
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put out vile defamatory things. secretary clinton leads the league in that department. for her to have to defend every smear that comes her way would be grossly unfair. president bush the younger was in the same position. in an interview with me on camera he wouldn't talk about his detractors at all saying it was a waste of time. politicians want favorable coverage and we'll try to secure but journalists who make secret deals are corrupt, and there are plenty of them. top story, joining us from north carolina mr. goldberg what say you? >> well, bill, there's a revolving door between politicians and journalists. that's where it starts. politicians become commentators on television. people on television become -- go back into politics. it goes round and round and round. very often the audience is
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cheated because they are not really getting -- they are not really getting analysis they are getting partisan talking points. >> propaganda. >> yes. >> so that's bad enough. to get back to what you said earlier, what paul begala did was worse, he closed the line. you can't give an analysis of how hillary clinton is doing by calling her people at the state department and asking how she's doing. >> right. that's ridiculous. >> it is. this is what gets me. you're right. there's a lot of going back and forth, the late tony snow he was a substitute for me on the factor the radio as well then takes job as george w. bush's spokesperson. and another spokesperson a star on fox news. but if you're going to be in the media, you have an obligation to be up front, to tell everybody
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what the deuce is going on. not to secretly call a campaign and say give me something good so i can tell me audience. krrn should be outraged about this. >> don't hold your breath. >> why not? i think that's fair. all the good reporters they have in all hell holes around the world, krrn. they have people all over the place in danger you don't think they are embarrassed by this? >> i think they are. absolutely i think they are. >> management should be sticking up for them the honest people. >> good luck. listen here is the dirty little secret thank you haven't brought up. even though this is unfair to the audience much of the audience is perfectly fine with partisan talking points masker
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masquerading as politics. >> look at charles randall. they elect him every two years and put him back charles rangel hillary clinton, she did this that. that's on them. we have a responsibility by the founding fathers to be honest. >> i'll tell you what i'll give you a personal little vignette. i was approached a while ago by someone who was thinking of running for president of the united states. i won't say if it's a he or she or what. it was an off the record conversation so i'm not going to tell you who it was. and the person said i'd like your advice. i said i'm a news commentator. i don't give advice to politicians. that was the end of the conversation. i'm not looking for any credit for that but i do think that if you're a commentator -- see, my allegiance bill my allegiance is not to the conservative cause or to anything else.
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my allegiance is to the viewer. i give my honest opinion to the viewer and that's why most of the negative e-mails i get through my website -- do you think it comes from liberals or conservatives, bill? >> conservatives. >> exactly. >> liberals have written you off as hopeless a long time ago. >> that's true. that's true. >> i get approached all the time and i do have off the record conversations with not only politicians but movie stars and famous people. they see me and they go can i ask you a question or can we talk off the record about something? and i will give them advice but i will only give it from what i would do. so i say, look here is your dilemma. if i were you, i would do this. okay? but i'll give that same commentary on the air. i'll never give them anything that isn't up front and honest. >> you're not going to say come on my show tonight and i will
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treat you with kid gloves and here are some questions i'll ask you. you tell me some questions you want me to ask. that isn't happening. not on this program. i'm guessing it's not unheard of in the media. >> they do it all the time. people do it all the time. but when i go on as an interview subject, i will tell the interviewer, face-to-face eye to eye, look i'm not going to answer stuff from the far left website sewer. i'm not going to enable them or empower them at all. i'm just going to start singing a song by the young rascals. that's what i'm going to do. ♪ how can i be sure ♪ i have to be up front. when politicians say, look i can't answer this that and the other thing, i'll make a determination whether i'm on a show or not. we told somebody the other day, we're not going to have you on
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because this is in the news and i'm going to ask you about it. you don't want to answer it don't come on. >> at the risk -- i want to make sure nobody thinks we or i'm being too sanctimonious about this. when i used to write books, in the beginning i went on with conservative show hosts and liberal show hosts. after a while i realized why do i want to go on with the liberals? first of all, i'm not going to sell any books. more important than that really more important than that i'm just going to get hammered from some left wing point of view. they don't care what my real point is. >> they just want to make points off you. >> they want to make points at my expense. so we all pick and choose our venues. >> there's nothing wrong with that. >> nothing wrong with that. that's all i'm saying. >> bernie goldberg. next on rundown, compare clinton machine to obama machine. persecution, that's right,
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persecution of donald trump. what's behind it? right back benny's the oldest dog in the shelter. he needed help all day so i adopted him. when my back pain flared up, we both felt it. i tried tylenol but it was 6 pills a day. with aleve it's just two pills, all day. now i'm back! aleve. all day strong.
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what's in your wallet? . tonight, comparing how president obama and hillary clinton treat the press. a man who has covered them both. take president obama first. how does he see the media after 7 1/2 years in office. >> distraction, too negative being too sort of microwave give it to me right now cable news internet too quick and not seeing the longview like he can. that's why he feels vindicated by same-sex marriage the affordable care act before the supreme court last week. that's what that's all about is he thinks the media has bought into the criticism on all those issues and that he sat back with calm and cool and in the long run is going to win. on some of those issues it had
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to work out for him. if you flip it to foreign policy it's been a complete disaster. >> he has gotten i think, the most favorable media treatment of any president in the history of this republic. maybe fdr after world war ii maybe he was more favorable, but president obama has really been treated well and is in that office largely because of the media in 2008. i think hillary clinton would agree with that. frustrating because it's softball city. >> now it strikes me that the president has disdain for the media. he's now not liking us in general. am i wrong? >> you're right. that's what i'm trying to get at. he thinks the media too negative even though he has gotten largely favorable coverage. what he has been able to do is zero in when somebody on the far right has attacked him either on race or some other issue, picks
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that up. his people make it seem like it's all about that. on the actual issues day in day out, he's gotten very favorable coverage. he does interviews with people who are pretty soft on him. so when you ask me to compare both shops, team obama is very much if it's going to be softball they are very happy to sit the president down. >> there are exceptions to be fair. he sat with me three times. jorge ramos, he's no cupcake, he'll ask tough questions. let's get to hillary clinton now. she loathes the media. i'm sorry. i've interviewed her once but talked to her several times off the record. she doesn't have any use for us at all. i think we've seen that in the campaign already. she's keeping us at more than arm's length. what we're seeing is sort of team obama's treatment of the media on steroids. what they see is look what she did with bloomen's thal has been
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known for. not from me first lady critics, that's obama team. they band her from-- him from it. here is the thing in terms of disdain for the media. two big things she said recently. she looked us in the eye. i was there in iowa when she took a few questions. she said she had gotten unsolicited e-mails from sid blumenthal. e-mails show she's been encouraging this with him, still awake, i want to talk to you, more information. the second thing she told us in a news conference in march at the u.n., she never sent any classified information, even though her private server. look the state department held back in the last couple of days 25 e-mails that they have now classified after the fact. now, team clinton is pushing
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back hard and saying they were not classified when she said it so she was right. look if they are now saying years later it's classified information, that raises questions, more questions about why she was sending this stuff around on a private server. >> we're never going to get to the bottom of that. ed henry, everybody, there he is. ahead, is donald trump the victim of an organized campaign to harm him. later, why are so many people paying big money to see dinosaurs in the movies? we're coming right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ (vo) making the most out of every mile. that's why i got a subaru impreza. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru.
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there may be more to this story than you know. the far left outfit move on pressured macy's delivering a petition to the company demanding they receiver the relationship with trump, which they did. joining us now from tampa, florida, michael parish author of the book "shark tank:jump-start your business." from dallas managing partner of chapwood investments. how do you see this? >> i know mr. trump would like to have a redo on this. >> no i gave him a chance early this week. something you'd like to rephrase resay, no staying with it. >> having said, that he was on the stage. we all know that he was sitting there, spur of the moment and he made a statement that was actually correct but he overstated it a little bit. what macy's did is she took their time they analyzed things. they came back and basically provided a double standard. if you're going to do this to mr. trump, you better start
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looking at p. diddy, he was charged with three assault charges with a deadly weapon and making terrorist threats but his stuff still selling at macy's. >> not enough political play. plus diddy is innocent until proven guilty, so i don't think you zephyr anything. >> they have a responsibility to their organization and shareholders. if consumers are saying you have to take ac they have to take acand that's what they did. >> wait a minute. consumers. come on? do you really think people in macy's give a hoot about this? they want to get the best bargain they can. this is a move on organized. what they try to do is harm people they disagree. everybody knows what this is. they deliver a petition to macy's mr. dudel, it's not the
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folks in the aisles, it's these people. and they caved. >> the fact is it's not just macy's we're seeing this across the board. we live in an age, social media, everything online fact is if people can get organized they can effect change. i think donald trump knows this. >> that's frightening. that doesn't show everybody up who is in the commercial arena if you can get a petition that says -- look they have tried to get my fired for years from this platform done everything they can possibly do and it hasn't worked because fox news has a backbone. i was disappointed with macy's. i don't think this was a smart deal for them. >> on the one hand we live in a world of social media. they don't like it they won't buy the product. this is coming from leadership board of directors. i looked at some of the board of director members and leadership i'll tell you there's an angle
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here this is completely political and they are after mr. trump because they don't like him. >> if you can prove that i'd like to see the data on that. nbc, when they cut ties with them i understood that. nbc, they need young hispanic viewers. whether what donald trump said is correct or not, he's been demonized for saying. he's been demonized. that's going to get out into nbc and hurt their bottom line. a little bit different than macy's. as i said i'm going to restate. i don't think anybody gives a -- what donald trump thinks about mexico or anything else. >> i'm not sure. i think enough people did they took action. not just these two companies. now new york city is looking at it -- >> de blasio. do you think bloomberg would have done that? he never would have done it. it's all political. >> i understand what you're saying. the fact is as a business as an
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organization they have a responsibility to listen to their shareholders. >> what? to that's insane. >> listen i hear what you're saying but i'm not so sure i would look at this as a cave. they acted based on consumer -- >> i'd like to see the dato on that. i'd like to see the data. go ahead. >> you're talking about some sort of movement. show me anything where people were enraged and started gathering at macy's with picket signs. >> there were some pickets out there. but again, they were organized by these people. let me ask you a question here. do you understand there's an organized effort primarily on the left to shut down all free speech that they disagree with? do you understand that's in play on the internet? >> i understand that on both sides -- >> no not both sides. >> get their point heard.
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it is -- >> not both sides. you don't see conservative webs making petitions. i've never seen it. it isn't both sides. it's left -- >> far left. >> crucify those with whom we disagree. mr. dudel, if you don't see that point, i have to say you're uninformed about what's happening. >> i think you have to look at each instance case by case. in this situation with this company, there was push from an organization. there was pressure there. we're also seeing celebrities getting on board. influential public figures. look across twitter, all these social channels numerous companies -- >> i'm going to fire because some celebrity doesn't like him. mr. butowsky the last word. >> what mr. trump said isn't incorrect. i live in dallas and i'm going to tell you, we've got troubles on this border. >> absolutely. some of the things he said were
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fox news anchor bill hammer seems to be kind of a conventional guy at least on the air. but his back story, kind of amazing. >> so there you are little billy hammer right? ohio. cincinnati. cincinnati, ohio. >> that's right. >> five kids. >> five kids. father was a hardworking guy not making much money. >> i remember my father told me he was making $60,000 a year. >> that wasn't bad. >> dad, you're making $60,000 a year? you're rich. he said it's never enough billy. >> you were raised in a home that was traditional, you would say. >> i would say it was a traditional conservative catholic family. >> and you started to work as i did, very early. >> between the ages of 16 and 20 i had 16 jobs. the first interesting job i landed was sports producer in cincinnati, ohio and the anchor man was jerry springer.
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>> he was. he was our newscaster. newsman. i got the job at 20 21 making nine grand a year. >> then you become an on air guy in cincinnati. >> the bulls won until tonight. >> then you quit. why did you quit? >> i had my midlife crisis at age 26. i had saved $15,000. and my grand am bigs in the world was to backpack around the world before i turned 30. tie my dream job in my hometown and left it on the table. that was a big risk that i took. it was china and it was vietnam. it was indonesia, new zealand, india, nepal. >> that's a real education. all right. then you show up at mother teresa, a's clinic what did you do there? >> spent about two weeks there and observed what was going on at the mother house and the various clinics around calcutta a very complicated town. >> did you ever get to speak to mother teresa, a?
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>> i did. i don't really remember the content of the conversation. >> she wasn't scolding you, was she? >> i don't think so. not that time. what i did observe rather acutely is that the number of people who came from all over the world to get this close to that woman -- >> a saint. >> at the time a living saint. she was aware of it. she knew the power she had to make money for her missionary her charity, her sisters. >> i wish i had met her. i never had the opportunity. you came off your world trip. how long did the world trip take? >> ten months. >> takes you to cnn. just because they like -- >> i do an audition in atlanta. they test your skills. part of the reason why they decided to hire me was because i could turn my resume over and write down all the countries i had traveled to. >> sure. that's invaluable. >> if you want to see just how much change is taking place, all you have to do is walk down this
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street in saigon. >> then you went cnn? >> they wanted me to go work at the white house as senior white house correspondent, and i had just moved to new york. this the town i wanted to live. >> you didn't want to do that. >> you didn't want to do that. so you resigned. >> i resigned from there and i've been following the history of rogers els. >> under the circumstances a meeting? >> not yet. >> a meeting with him. >> listen it is not easy to crack the lineup for new york yankees. >> absolutely. this man i've seen on tv doing it but it was for another channel. so he hires you and puts you with her because no one would work with her. >> i'm bill hemmer. >> i'm -- >> when you come from another network, fox, it's a substantial
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change ir in your life. the way it's set up we don't have employees other networks have. we do so much more with so much fewer people. >> that's because of how smart we are. >> you're parents have been married 52 years. >> 54. >> 54 years. you better give them a nice present, hemmer. 54 years. >> i love them to death. they are my favorite people in the world. i'm so appreciative of the example. >> they must be proud of you, hemmer. don't say anything else. they must be so proud of you. >> coming right jimmy carter skonchs president obama on foreign policy. later i have advice for president obama as fourth of july approaches moments away.
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u.s. foreign policy. a disaster big problems in the middle east, russia and children. speaking in colorado last week former president jimmy carter said this. >> i can't think of many nations in the world where we have a better relationship now than we did when we took over. look at russia england, china,
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egypt, i'm not saying it's his fault, but we have not improved our relationship with individual countries. >> joining us simon rosenberg, ndn, center left think tank london, england, former president, former foreign policy adviser to president obama's campaign. all right. begin with you. how do youar ses carter's comments? are they flat-out wrong? >> well president carter has a point to an extent. i think he's right there may not be many countries where we have a much better relationship as a result of president obama. however, president carter also said we lost prestige and influence over the last seven years since president obama took office. i cannot agree with that. i think our prestige and influence were at an all-time low as president bush left office because of some of his brash decisions because he ran into two wars without putting planning into it, also because
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of the financial crisis we had at that time. american standing much stronger. yes, president obama could be more bold in his foreign policy. >> when you say america's standing is higher now, you're basing that on a poll? is that what you're basing it on? >> basing that on lots of things. basing that on how countries interact with the u.s. on the ability of the u.s. to bring in countries to cooperate with u.s. on u.s. foreign policy -- >> i'm a little. >> u.s. countries -- >> i want to get to mr. rosenberg but let me define this. president said he had 60 nation coalition for isis. no one showed up. they are stronger now than when they said they were jv. they are creating massive problems on the world. i don't know where you're coming from on that. >> there are a lot of
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weaknesses -- >> that's huge. >> however, there is a coalition, there are countries supporting u.s. and supporting iraqi forces and kurds. france is involved italy, germany is involved england is involved. all you -- >> so that is -- it's nothing. mr. rosenberg, jimmy carter's comments. how do you see that? >> i have tremendous respect for anybody that served in the oval office but flat-out wrong on this one. first of all, there is polling. gallup polls. >> it shows most people around the world respect america more now. do you know why, why they said that? >> i want to -- >> mr. rosenberg. >> why the people received -- answer the question that way. do you know? >> i think that it's because the contrast between the kind of diplomacy -- >> see america as weaker now and not the big bully it used to be.
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>> bill -- >> that may be the case but you have no data backing that up. >> i read the gallop poll. i read it. >> i think what we're seeing and if i could just make my case here that the president has been dramatically engaged in asia europe latin america. our standing in latin america has never been higher than today, diplomatic initiatives. brazilian president praising barack obama in an unparalleled way in the white house just this week. i think the premise we're not doing better is false and wrong. i think on the issue you've raised on the middle east it's a jump ball. we know how this plays out. what happens with the iran deal battle with isis in the next 18 months will determine to a great degree -- >> i have to admit, i'm not a south american expert it seems the brazilian president was very happy with barack obama. i'll cede that. on the bigger pick you have to both of you admit putin doesn't
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fear president obama and it's causing a lot of trouble. china doesn't fear him and it's causing trouble in the pacific ocean. and the middle east you say the next 18 months how many people die in the next 18 months because of the isis when it should have been taken care of a long time ago, and you know that. >> i agree with you. the president could have done things better with respect to isis. certainly the president should have acted much more quickly in syria. had we acted in syria, supported moderate opposition perhaps isis wouldn't have grown as strong as they did. we need a stronger policy on syria, arm forces on the ground like kurds in iraq and syria fighting isis. we haven't done a great job on that. however, the president is putting his attention on it now. let's see what happens over the next 18 months. >> i'm directing this question mr. rosenberg to give him the last word. just today mr. rosenberg, it was made known the white house is not going to directly arm the kurds. the only fighting force against isis because iraq doesn't like
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it. they want to go through baghdad. this is just insane to me. last word mr. rosenberg. >> listen i think it would be great the two parties come together to find the path in the middle east. if the republicans want to put up what they are saying let them pass resolution arm kurds, be more aggressive go into syria. they have done nothing. they have been sitting back letting the president lead on this. they could join the white house in a better strategy. >> i don't disagree i think republicans should lay out their foreign policy vision. gentlemen, thank you for a good debate. dinosaurs on deck. also charges in the airlines are price fixing. and some advice on the president on the fourth of july. upcoming. i think she tried to kill us. are you kidding me? no, it's only 15 calories. with reddi wip fruit never sounded more delicious with 15 calories per serving and real cream the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy.
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you wouldn't take medicine without checking the side effects. hey honey. huh. the good news is my hypertension is gone. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. [alarms blaring] ohhhhh... whoa whoa whoa! who's responsible for this?!? if something goes wrong, you find a scapegoat. ...rick. it's what you do. ahhhhhhhh! what'd you say? uh-oh! kelly! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. rick. don't walk away from me. ahhhhhhhh!
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dinosaurs and price fixing. the justice department investigating possible collusion on the nation's four big airlines. the the scam involves limiting of seats available to keep prices up. here to explain further, sandra smith. what is the allegations exactly to the four big airlines? >> the doj is opening this investigation saying that these airlines which isn't all u.s. airlines but it includes united american airlines that the executives somehow got together and limited the space or the capacity as it's known in the airline industry, the amount of seats that they can sell in order to drive the prices up for the consumer. >> normal to chicago, all right, competitive group. all right. so the allegation is -- and southwest is involved united as
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you pointed out, delta, we will only put on two flight to chicago. you can put two instead of eight so that we can charge more money for the seats. that's the allegation right? >> they could potentially charge $600 for what's considered a commuter flight rather than 200. >> if nobody is going there and you got to get there, you got to pay. this is a serious deal. the department of justice is asking for all of the e-mails among the four airlines. talk amongst yourselves you better hand it over. >> there's no smoking gun her. i've got a stack of e-mails from the airlines saying we're working with the doj. but then you have chuck smumer coming out saying they must be doing something because oil prices have been coming down. >> that's not a dopey point. airline prices are going up a lot and oil prices came down.
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>> bhilill, there's less competition in the airline today. you do not have as many airlines to choose to buy tickets from as you did ten years ago. >> i have no beef if there is collusion. but if there is collusion, the government has to come don on those people. >> "jurassic world" the dinosaurs are running off folks. the last dinosaur thing i saw was rachel whelp. why is this thing making so much money? >> this thing is a monster. i should say a dinosaur. these are genetically engineered dinosaurs. people are in awe of this movie. we're getting reports that people are going to see the movie, two, three, four times. >> the dopey kids are. >> it's not rated r which some say it should be. >> this is the 4th "jar rasic park." >> the original one came out in 1993. okay? so all of those people who were huge fans there and went as little boys and discovered
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everything they could about dinosaurs, there's a nasostalgia aspect of this. >> this is what's new, i think. a lot of people going to see it in 3-d and ddx, $20 a ticket. it's not enough to watch the dinosaur eat somebody you have to be in the dinosaur's mouth and you have to pay $20 and that jacks up the gross. it's going to be a billion dollars. >> and it's got stephen spielberg's name attached to it. >> there's something about the movie and i think it's the 3-d thing, you're there and the dinosaur is chasing you. >> it's got something for everybody, the sex appeal. >> what sex appeal? >> there's a beautiful woman running around in high heels, she never takes them off. watch. >> you know why? because all of the dinosaurs can't. i'd run high heels too if i was
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i have some advice for president obama in a moment. but first, the tie sale benefit to benefit make a wish foundation sold out in minutes raising a nice $11,000 for the worthy charity. the audience most generous in the world. we'll do the tie deals soon. again we thank you all. on the subject of kids this holiday weekend is a good time to pick up hitler's last days. it remains a huge best seller in the book category. number one, get the kids off the machines and have them read something educational and
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entertaining. it will keep them quiet as well. "hitler's last days". now to mail scott in athens alabama. the rights of all americans in the gay marriage debate. arguing that you can choose to be a nazi but you can't choose to be gay. really? kelly from california bill you blew it. there is no peer review study that indicates homosexuals are born as such. ridiculous argument kelly? has nothing to do with public policy. the federal government must respect, inserely held religious beliefs no matter what group is involved. and trying to tell gay americans how they became gay is really insulting in my opinion. we shouldn't be doing that. sherry of bentleyville ohio should a black caterer should be forced to work with the kkk. absolutely. americans should have the freedom to make business decisions based upon conscious.
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jerry from wesley chapel florida. after seeing the miller segment i'm wondering why i watch "the factor." glad i taped gilligan's island. you tape "gilligan's island" jerry? lisa in a, love miller's humor but i hope you're right and he is wrong about the future of america. that's one of the things about the don't be a pin head tour. shows in charlotte, south carolina caesars palace in las vegas. treat yourself to the don't be a pin head tour. suzette from california just signed up for bill o' free membership. i live in the shadow of the reagan ranch which is featured in the book. great story about ronald and nancy reagan up there. i'm glad you're on board as a premium member. by the way we have two great
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quizzes for everybody on the website, not just premium members, one on the founding fathers, the other on the battle of gettysburg. the tip of the day, adds you may know i was no thrilled that president obama allowed the whout to reflect the rainbow colors after the gay marriage ruling. i feel the people's house should be accessible to all americans and political statements should not be made on that property. and here is the factor tip of the day directed to president obama himself. how about on the fourth of july sir, we bathe the white house in red, white and blue. no politics just honoring the independence of our country. we await your decision. factor tip of the day. that is it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor website. like you to spout about the factor anywhere in the world. o'reilly at name and town if you which to
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opine. again, thanks for watching us tonight. ms. meghan is next. please remember the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight we're getting new details on islamic state sympathizers inside america. ahead of warnings about a possible terror attack over the fourth of july weekend. good evening, welcome to the kelly file. i'm megyn kelly. tonight we're learning more about the reasons for the recent security warnings as independence day approaches. the chairman of the hao homeland security released new figures on isis supporters in the united states. more than 20 americans are joined or attempted to join the jihadis overseas. 55 isis supporters have been arrested on american soil just this year alone. and since 2014 the terror group
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