tv Hannity FOX News July 6, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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thanks for watching.:watching. have a great night. this is the kelly file. tonight. >> boom boom. three times. >> an illegal immigrant whose been deported five times admits to killing a woman in san francisco. ann coulter is here with reaction. >> he's going to have to defend those remarkers i never will. >> republican presidential candidates respond to donald trump's comments about mexican immigrants. chuck chicago is rocked by a wave of gun violence during the fourth of july weekend. and hillary clinton ropes off reporters, "hannity" start right here, right now. welcome to "hannity." an illegal immigrant that should
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have been deported earlier this year admitted in a interview to killing a woman last week on a pier in san francisco. i'm eric bolling. francisco sanchez has been deported five times ands accused of killing 32-year-old kate steinle. officials are saying this could have been prevented had they been notified of his release from prison. in march, sanchez was in san francisco police custody on felony drug charges. local authorities decided not to prosecute him and set him free instead of alerting ice. the reason this is thought to have happened is because san francisco is considered a sanctuary city. joining me with reaction and former assistant secretary of homeland security for u.s. immigration and customs enforcement. sanctuary city a lot of our audience would like to know what does that entail?
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>> a sanctuary city is a location that says they're not going to cooperate with immigration enforcement. they're not going to share any information about a person they have in custody or immigration authorities can act on it. >> tell me, does that mean if someone is picked up by the sanctuary city the federal immigration laws don't apply anymore? >> well it doesn't mean they don't apply. what it means is immigration authorities are not going to know about it. immigration agents will have to go out on their own and try to locate the person so they can bring them in to face a deportation hearing. >> now sanctuary cities is there more crime there because of this? >> there's the potential for more people to be victimized especially in a case like this you're talking about letting the violent felon walk back out on the street. >> that's exactly what happened here. it's such a vicious cycle. the illegal gets picked up
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commits a crime, gets picked up for whatever reason he gets released. i.c.e. is not notified and he can go as he pleases and they can pick him up another time and another time. >> unfortunately it costs the taxpayers more money. i.c.e. agents have to go out and look for the people out on the street. and so you have a team that's going to be sent out working out on the street. potentially there's an officer safety as well as community safety factor. you have to actually arrest the person in their own environment oo. >> you have i.c.e. officers that will go into washington new york, washington, d.c. sands diego, the agents will go in and get no assistance from local authorities police officers or people who work for the city? >> there are varying degrees in sanctuary cities.
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in some cities police chiefs say we'll share information on people who pose an imminent threat to the community. in other cities it's flat out we will not share any information or honor any request from immigration or hold the person. >> mr. sanchez fell under that. he was deported five times. had i.c.e. been notified city of san francisco was going to let them go through, what would have happened? >> if they were notified they could have been waiting to pick him up. at that point the judge would make a decision whether he could stay or go. based on his past track record he would have been deported again. >> deported again. talk to us about that. why are these criminals not being held in prison? >> there's two types of things we're dealing with immigration
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law. there's civil and criminal law. for people who have been deported previously they can be charged under federal criminal law with a reentry after deportation. it's a felony up to five years in prison. for those who have not been deported in the past they'll go into the civil law. and basically just placed in front of an immigration judge where they're heldy can be sent back to their country. >> this guy had seven prior felony convictions though. >> and that's really what's very frustrating with this case. we're not talking about someone who is -- has no status here in the united states that is trying to make a better life for themselves. we're not talking about a day laborer or a domestic servant. we're talking about a career criminal who is a recitivist that is likely to cause harm tht community. these are the types of local
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authorities should be helping to work get these off the streets. >> we pulled up in 2013 over 400,000 convicted aliens were convicted and releases. 373 sexual assaults 186 kidnapping. i'm sure there are people sitting there going what are we doing, these people are committing violent crimes and we're letting them go. >> if you talk to the average i.c.e. agent on the street as i have they are frustrated. they're being asked to exercise discretion. and not take certain people into custody until they rise to a certain level of crime. unfortunately, in some cases, what happens is someone has to be victimized first. someone has to be raped, robbed murdered before they'll become a priority. so you have a number of incredibly frustrated agents. >> i got to tell you, a number of incredibly frustrated americans watching right now. scared americans. thank you, appreciate your time.
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joining me now with reaction are immigration attorney francisco hernandez and a fox news contributor. you heard mr. tores tell us the agents are frustrated. we're releasing violent offenders. >> no. no. >> what do you mean -- >> if i may make this point very clear. i.c.e. knew he was there. second he should have been federalally prosecuted. five felonies ago. ice allowed him to be transferred from la to san francisco. we're talking about federal law. they don't have to do anything the cities or the states -- >> no. no. -- >> let me finish. >> no. >> let me tell you -- >> decided to ignore federal law law -- >> i know.
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wait a minute. he had an immigration hold in san francisco. if they didn't hauntonor the hold they made a mistake. that has nothing to do with sanctuary city. they could have picked him up and taken him to federal prosecution. anytime anybody is processed in and out of the jail they run the fingerprints which go through the fbi and department of homeland security first. both guys are pointing a finger at each other. the ones that are left not knowing what to do are the foot soldiers the agents that are out there busting their butts. we're having them -- >> violent criminals -- >> you know what they're dealing with they're down on the border baby-sitting. ice is being told not to go after these hardened criminals. they work together. the point is that there is a
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young woman who was shot dead by an illegal immigrant who was deported five times. had seven felony records. this is not an isolated incident. this is a situation that happens over and over again. you do a search of illegal alien kills and you'll find a ton of stories. there was a report from ice that showed between 2010 and 2014 121 aliens were released on the streets. this is not something that is isolated. it's a huge problem and the government has failed on the federal and local level to enforce the law to keep people safe. >> and the foot soldiers ice agents want to go after these more serious criminals. because everybody wants 11 million people deported at wants -- >> that's not true. >> it has nothing to do -- we know for a fact -- >> no, i'm not.
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>> 31 american cities have told their police departments and who works for the city they cannot communicate with ice. >> they don't need the cooperation from the city. >> hold on. let's take a listen to this criminal who admitted shooting the young lady. listen. >> nobody is going -- >> wheni pulled out my gun and shoot her or something like that. >> this guy should have been in jail. >> he was in jail and he was reported multiple times he says and admits that he went to a sanctuary city because he knew he would not be deported. this is the problem here. obama -- let me finish my sentencesir if you would and not interrupt me rudely. if the obama administration cared they would talk to the sanctuary cities and say look we need you to allow our agents
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therein to get guys like this off your streets. the bottom line is the barack obama iceancy agency that he is controlling, he has said to the agents go into the cities. they have released tens of thousands of violent criminal aliens who have convictions of murder and rape. they're doing nothing to keep the american people safe from violent aliens. >> why did ice allow him to be transferred to san francisco? they could have deported him, prosecuted -- >> they deported him five times. >> you interrupting me. if you let me finish my sentence let him get prosecuted federalally where it starts at five years to live. guys -- the guy slipped through the federal system and not
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through the cities. sanctuary cities the term doesn't exist. >> he's wlunone that slipped through the system? i reported 20,000 people pin 2014 alone were let go. don't pull -- when is the next murder we're going to be talking about it? here's why this matters. roll the tape. >> that's the only solace i've got. that's it. it's that we were so close. >> she was just a young woman starting to be in her prime. had so much to live for. and to die so senselessly is terrible. >> the parents francisco, catherine steinle's parents. >> it's awful. we want to blame san francisco and president obama? blame the murderer. he should have been in federal prison. five years ago. >> people like this man who i will not name are allowed to
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stay here on purpose. this is not like he slipped through the cracks. he didn't. the 50,000 criminal aliens that the administration has released on to the streets, they don't slip through the cracks they were allowed to walk. >> allowed somebody gave him permission. >> this is a problem that has to be fixed because american lives are at stake. >> i have to leave it right there. i have to get out of here. commercial break coming up a hard break. thank you very much. ann coulter has been warning about the illegal immigration crisis. she's going to react to all this disturbing news next. plus. >> the fact is i've said very clearly donald trump does not represent the republican party. i was offended by his remarks. >> governor rick perry takes on donald trump's comments about mexican immigrants. that and more as "hannity" continues.
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visit and get started today. live from america's news headlines. the south carolina senate has voted to remove the confederate flag from a pole on state house grounds. the 37-3 vote allows the state to remove the banner as soon as the measure passes the house and is signed by the governor. the bill must pass a 2/3 vote. this follows the massacre of nine black people at a church in charleston. the suspect had posed with photos with the the flag. a bomb shell involving bill cosby. court documents reveals that cosby admitted in 2005 giving sedatives to women so he could
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have sex with them. he has been accused by more than a dozen women of sexual misconduct. now back to "hannity." welcome back to "hannity." for more reaction on the illegal immigrant who had been deported five times in the past and killed a woman in san francisco last week we turn to someone who's been warning us about the illegal immigration crisis joining me is ann coulter. ann, boy, your timing on the book look what happens, this is big stuff, isn't it? >> yeah. it could have been any weekend. i notice we've been warned all week watch out for isis, wapftch out for isis. instead americans were killed by
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illegal illegal immigrants. the government is allowing people into our country. there was an illegal immigrant who hammered his wife to death iptexas in texas the weekend. that was an illegal alien wife. it's not just american citizens but these republicans and democrats who claim to speak for the poor, the down trodden, the working crosslass. they're speaking for big business. what's striking about the san francisco story is that it happened in a place liberals might go. usually it's out in the suburbs. you hear republicans saying well and democrats, well of course no one wants felons in this country. what are they doing to stop it? chris christie was on fox news this weekend saying you know telling us once again that
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fences just don't work. the human spirit will overcome them. it's like saying buckets don't work. of course fences work. americans aren't stupid. why doesn't chris christie say that to israel or china. why don't we try a fence. >> you point out that people who live behind gated communities are the ones telling us fences don't work. in your book you say it might be worth paying more for your yard work. what do you mean? >> right. well i think that was right as i described an illegal alien who raped a young girl at her parents' home when he -- he was the landscaper. he had come to do the work and broke in and raped this young girl. he was living not particularly in the shadows. and i mean the main point of that story was how the media are always hiding these are immigrants. sometimes illegal, sometimes not illegal. who are committing a lot of
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these heinous crimes. it's always north carolina man indicted on child rape. we don't know after this weekend exactly how many americans were killed by immigrants in drunk driving accidents, in heinous murders like this one in san francisco. it will take a few weeks. maybe a year to wait for the court transcripts for the media to tell us the truth. the government won't tell us the truth. the media won't tell us the truth. the people in the america know what the trurthth. is most of these republicans are busy sucking up to the rich and don't care about the workers. i'm sick of this nonsense about donald trump being the racist. he's the one who was speaking for working class americans, have you seen the black teenaged unemployment rate? why shouldn't they be getting those jobs? it's donald trump who is speaking up for them. boy, don't think republican voters aren't keeping a list of who is naughty and nice on denouncing or praising donald trump.
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>> let's take a listen to a couple who denounced him. >> the fact is i've said very clearly that donald trump does not represent the republican party. i was offended by his remarks. to paint with that broad a brush that donald trump did, he's going to have to defend those remarks. i never will. i will stand up and say those are offensive. >> i don't think he represents the republican party. his views are way out of the main stream of what republicans think to make these extraordinarily ugly kind of comments. is not reflective of the republican party. he's doing this to inflame and insight incite and draw attention. >> jeb bush called donald trump's comments ugly comments. it seems to be resonating. the one moving up the polls is donald trump. >> yeah. he sure is. now i have a soft spot in my
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heart for ted cruz. we knew he was spot. he's been bad on legal immigration. he wanted to triple what rubio wanted. he seems to have burned that bridge. i think he'll be pulling ahead. jeb bush he said illegal immigration is an act of love. is he saying every act of illegal immigration was an act of love. the man who murdered this woman in san francisco an act of love? rick perry was a pioneer of the statement fences don't work. we want to keep people out. fences work just fine. >> governor perry, a year ago sat down i remember this distinctly he said we have a lot of illegals coming across our border in texas. he said i'm not worried about the children i'm worried about
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the murderers and rapist coming across. almost the same thing that donald trump said a couple weeks ago or ten days ago, but now he seems to have changed his tune. where is the gop on this? where is the gop's stance on immigration, is it trifurcated? >> mostly it's really awful. that's why it's going to be very easy for someone like a ted cruz or maybe scott walker. as i describe in my book romney does have a 20 year history of being very good on immigration. i was sorry to see that he too,emned trump's remarks. this is a big opening. it's the same opening ronald reagan had when the republican party was for the equal rights amendment and gun control. much of the republican party was for abortion. they are standing with the elites and the wall street crowd. you get one republican to come along and speak straight about what the people want to hear and the media is always
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surprised. oh he's doing so well. there's a reason trump is doing well. and i mean at this point, we just want a republican who can do math and figure out unless immigrants are voting 51% for republicans you're losing republicans and post 1970 immigrants legal immigrants are voting 8-2 for the democrats. this is a suicidal strategy. some of the smarter republicans will wake up and clean up in the primaries. >> mr. trump, he didn't back down. he doubled down a couple times over the weekend. yesterday, he tweeted about governor jeb bush saying quote, jeb bush will never secure our border or negotiate great trade deals for american workers. jeb doesn't see and can't solve problems and then one more he tweeted about governor perry, rick perry failed at the border now he is critical of me. he needs a new pair of glasses to see the crimes committed by illegal immigrants. ann, i point out a year ago he did see those crimes. >> yeah. yeah. of course. it's interesting a lot of these
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republicans talk tough when they need our vote. like marco rubio did running against amnesty. then got to washington and spent three years pushing amnesty. the republican party, their base are working class white males. and they're wives. that's when republican clean up. that's when the land slide presidential elections republicans have won in the last century. nexen and nixon and reagan. donald trump is enormously popular with the working class. he's quite popular with black people who want those jobs. >> he's not popular? he's not popular in washington, d.c. right now. and we're going to have to leave it there. thank you for joining tonight. coming up it was an extremely violent holiday weekend in chicago. there were seven murders, 48 people were shot. the sheriff is here with his reaction. hillary clinton is in hot water for the way she treated the press this weekend during a
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fourth of july parade in new hampshire. she held reporters back with ropes. did her team go too far this time? stay with us. ♪ your body was made for better things than the pain, stiffness and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz is a small pill, not an injection or infusion for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb
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clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. welcome back to "hannity." the city of chicago was rocked over the holiday weekend by an out break of violence. seven people were murdered and a total of 48 people were shot just between 6:00 p.m. friday and 12:00 a.m. sunday night. it's been reported by the chicago trib unithat among those killed was a 7-year-old boy who was shot while watching fireworks. joining me with reaction is milwaukee county sheriff david clark and from the manhattan institute heather nkmcdonald. my hometown being renamed chirac. >> is sounds like something we hear out of ramadi or fallujah.
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we wouldn't expect this coming out of a city like chicago. it's the failed social experiments. things like alternatives to incarceration, community corrections, deferred prosecutions second chance where they create a revolving dor door where the police go out get the bad guys off the street and the criminal justice system has a revolving door. deferred prosecutions back into the struggling communities to claim more victims. and often -- this is why i think these experiments are true they're killing good law abiding black people. >> i remember last year we thought the incidents in chicago were elevated. take a look at the full screen in 2015 1,045 shooting incidents from january till june 28th june 28th last year 866.
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we're up 23% versus a violent year last year. >> well you know what's been happening is this movement called black lives matter whose thesis is basically that the police is the biggest threat facing young black males today. there's been demonization of law enforcement from the highest reaches of government i include the president in that. and police are second guessing themselves in interacting in high crime neighborhoods because they're worried about getting caught on a cell phone, using force against somebody who is resisting arrest. the cell phone video is not going to capture the entire interaction. and police are backing off. as sheriff clark says it's the law abiding residents of these communities that most need the police to protect them from the epidemic of kids being raised by -- without fathers that is the real root cause of the
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violence we see in the black community. the black lives matter movement is a fraud. nobody is going to be out there protesting the death of the 7-year-old. nobody protested when a 6-year-old marcus johnson was killed in st. louis in march. everybody was converging on ferguson, missouri. black lives matter when the police shoot somebody in good faith, not when it's a thug. >> would you agree? a lot of the black community is saying we need to spend more money in chicago. it doesn't matter how much main you spend in chicago if the parents aren't providing guidance for these kids. you'll have an elevated crime rate no matter where you are, chicago or else where? >> there's a lot of self-inflicted pathologies going on in these american ghettos. as heather indicated things like father absent homes. there is things like failure to embrace education, ineffective parenting, you mix that together with this failed social
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engineering experiment of criminal justice and prison reform where they're trying to eliminate the use of prisons as an effective tool. you have this volatile mix. it's not just weekends anymore. we saw what happened in baltimore over memorial day. here in milwaukee, 11 separate shootings, seven people dead including a 14-year-old boy. and as heather indicated, where is the outrage and up roar? it's only when the police have to use deadly force. and most of the time, overwhelming amount of the time it's a justifiable use of force. that's what the left goes after. >> i'm going to play some tape here. do you know what else is another factor? resisting arrest. for some reason now it's becoming the thing to do to resist arrest. take a look at what happened in new york. i believe it was over the weekend. take a look. >> you can check my i d. you got my i d. >> exactly. >> come on man.
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[ bleep ] man. why you going toord do that to me. >> no. >> you're not doing that to me. no. [ bleep ] out of here. no. no. no. [ bleep ] no. don't touch me. >> okay that was released over the weekend. the gentleman in the red shirt had an illegal knife. the cop said i want that i d and knife. he resisted arrest and there was a fist fight. thank god there was no shots fired. let me tell you, sheriff, clark, quickly and then heather. weigh in on the new wave of resisting arrest? >> no respect for authority and that iminates out of the homes. i've said before if we want to end the encounters when a law enforcement gives a lawful command, do it. >> heather? >> well sheriff clark said it
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emanates in the homes and from our politicians that are saying the lie that the police are racist. that is hurting police officers in the street who are encountering more resistance from people who have been fed the lie that the police are out to get them. that's not the case. >> we'll leave it there. thank you very much. coming up hillary clinton's team kept the press roped off literally. voters widely rejected the nation's bailout plan. what does this mean for the country's debt crisis? could this happen here in america? stay with us. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line.
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here to talk about it jehmu green. why? >> why. because of what our esteemed colleague, brit hume said this morning. he called it a campaign opede. this is what happens when you've got a presidential candidate where the media is obsessed. they think that her responsibility in this campaign is to them and not the voters. they are obsessed paparazzi style after her. this was brit hume saying this is the environment that the press used to create and the candidates couldn't connect with people they were -- >> wow. >> i think this is ms. clinton not wanting to and any questions. if they yell out a question and she can hear it and decide not to answer it it's easier to keep them away. >> they want answers. this is a candidate who has failed to answer question after question regarding all these
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controversies from the personal e-mail accounts to her clinton foundation. so give me a break. when i've been a press campaign operative. we know this is a bad campaign management call. the mere fact that hillary clinton is treating the press like they're a bunch of 5-year-olds. she's not at the white house in the east room. she's at a fourth of july parade. i mean i think that really it was a poor reflection on the campaign. >> she treats the press like they're 5 year-olds because they act like they're 5-year-olds remember when they were chasing her country all around the country. and there was 30 press people falling over themselves to get a glimpse of her. hillary clinton will sit down for the first time as a candidate with cnn. it turns out the reporter she's going to sit down with just attended a wedding of one of her aides. >> and? oh my gosh there are people in
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washington, d.c. that sometimes they know someone who is getting married and they're connected to a campaign. who cares? >> people should care. >> no, they don't -- >> here's the problem, if you're going to sit down with a reporter who went to one of your aide's weddings you're not going to get the tough questions. >> here's the deal regardless of whether she gets a tough question or not. here is what we know about hillary clinton. every time she does a interview she make as huge mistake. it's the we are dead broke mistake. this is where the campaign has kept her away from the press primarily because they fear these awkward moments, the statements that she makes that always make news and quite frankly, that's why the campaign is paraioid. that's why she's only -- >> paranoid? >> she's doing it her way. >> they try to -- >> she's putting voters first and the media second. and i -- >> come on jehmu.
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>> they are obsessed. >> i know you -- >> let this woman talk to the voters in these early states. 16 months she will answer questions. >> you get to project your message. this is why you have a gop candidates like jeb bush has done over 39 interviews carly fiorina has answered 322 questions in just one week. we have our gop candidates who are out there willing to answer the tough questions. hillary clinton -- >> because they have no record. >> that's not true. she prefers to be behind the curtain. because why? because the more she goes out there, the more people realize can we trust her, the answer to that is no. 57% of americans do not trust hillary clinton. >> jehmu, let me ask you something, if you were running in this campaign wouldn't you at least have her answer a few question question? ed henry had to yell a question
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and she fullbled. she can't do that? it's all smoke and mirrors. >> i guarantee you, hillary clinton is not afraid of ed henry. hillary clinton -- >> why won't she answer a question? >> in these early months she is prioritizing voters in new hampshire, iowa south carolina. she will get to all of the questions. she is already on the record answering way more questions -- >> she has said she is going to make herself a lot more available to the press going forward. why doesn't she sit down -- >> why didn't she do it on your time table? because she's the candidate and guess what? she can do it however she wants to. >> jehmu is right, she doesn't have to do this. for some reason she's still winning. >> it's running like a dictator. it's control. >> she has answered questions for 30 years. >> that press conference at the united nations was a disaster.
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>> take a chill pill. >> that was a disastrous interview after another. >> we'll leave it there on that note. tensions remain high in greece after the country voted against the bailout plan this weekend. how will the greek debt crisis impact us here at home? that's next. feel secure in your dentures... feel free to be yourself all day. just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. "depreciation" they claim. "how can my car depreciate before it's first oil change?" you ask. maybe the better question is why do you have that insurance company? with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car.
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welcome back to "hannity." the greek crisis continues over the weekend, greek joining us now is equity research analyst. when i heard this is going on and i said get bove on the line. where do you stand on greece? >> i think the problem is that they owe $280 billion, which means europe can't let go of greece if they let go of greece they don't get money back right? on the other side if greece doesn't get money from somewhere, in the banking system there is going to be a lot of
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misery and they can't let go of europe. two sides have got to come together. the way they'll come together as was the case when the latin american countries were in a similar situation is that there will be a major hair cut on the debt. an extension of when payments are made. interest rate will be lower and we'll get two sides together and move ahead. >> so coming up at 11:00 tonight. it's morning in greece now. morning in many parts of europe. they have a decision they have to make. now if i'm germany, france other prosperous countries i have to say i've got greece here. it's my nephew, who is drunk and out of work. and he refuses to get a job and stop drinking and wants more money. at some point they've got to say enough is enough son.
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find money somewhere else >> why should a german worker go to work? work hard coming up with money to pay for a greek pensioner. right? it doesn't make sense it's not fair. but the problem is that when someone owes you $280 billion they've got a hold on you. and you don't get it back if you walk away. they just don't happen. so you've got to cut a deal in order to get some of that money back. and i think that is what is recognized in the latin american situation. and that is what will be recognized here. >> greece ran out of germany's money. let's talk about what this means to everyone watching now. so as agreeing greece has been crisis after debt crisis and stock market goes up 300 points, today very little movement in the stock market. they're going to say figure it
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out, we'll start trading when you figure it out? >> no. they figured it out it's not going to mean too much for the united states. united states banks don't have anything directly invested in greece. you know, goldman sacks is an advisor to greece >> why do we care what happens to greece? why do we care? what does it matter if we don't have exposure to it? why does my cousin say how is my portfolio? i say i don't know and shouldn't matter. >> i think your answer is correct. there are fewer people in greece than in new york metropolitan area the economy of greece is not that big and strong enough to sway anything one way or another. and the fact the stock market can't swing to and fro is because of uncertainty.
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and they take risk off the table. to use the cliche. i mean we shouldn't care because it does not affect the united states. the only way it affects us is that if the dollar gets so strong that the federal reserve will keep interest rates low for longer periods than people expect. but it has no direct impact on the united states. appreciate your time. coming up more "hannity" right after the break. stay with us. this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. ♪ ♪ when you're living with diabetes steady is exciting.
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the o'reilly factor is on tonight: >> in terms of the border it's a disgrace. either we have a border or we don't have a country. >> the brutal murder of a san francisco woman is giving credibility to donald trump's charge, that america is not protecting its citizens. tonight, charles krauthammer, mary katharine ham and juan williams will all weigh in. >> i salute donald trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration. the washington cartel doesn't want to address that. >> the republican party divided over trump's statements on how to handle illegal immigration. karl rove has some thoughts on that. >> who did we declare independence from? >> france? >> also ahead watters world, the fourth of july
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