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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 9, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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next hour. jon: holy cow. jenna: i tried to get noah to do one of those lifts but -- jon: maybe his fiance wasn't either. see you back here in an hour. jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now >> this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, andrea tantaros, co-host of "fox & friends" first ainsley earhardt, good to have you her back. from our sister network fox business's elizabeth macdonald. we lovingly call her emac. our #oneluckyguy welcome back, winning quarterback, broadcaster, businessman, your resume' is long, all around superstar joe theismann. he is outnumbered for the hour. >> thank you. good to be back. congratulations by the way. >> he was like making perfection, right? >> he really was, thank you. >> you're such a nice guy. so nice you loaned me your bling-bling fenn again.
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>> i feel obligated you love to wear it. >> you know i do. >> can she keep it? >> no. she can't have it. >> just for one hour. >> for one hour it's yours. >> have quite a bicep lifting that up. >> no doubt. >> good to have you here. we'll get on with the news. >> lots of it too. >> there is a lot to get to. let's go. the young woman killed by undocumented felon last week will be laid to rest today. kate steinle was shot dead while out with a walk with her dad. they had just taken a selfie on the pier when he heard a shot and she fell to the ground. we're talking about what could be called kate's law. lawmakers working on it to close loopholes that allow her alleged killer to stay in america. you may know francisco sanchez, you see here was deported five times after committing seven felonies. the war of words between
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san francisco's mayor and the sheriff over the city's immigration policy. the mayor says what happened to steinle did not have to happen. >> a simple phone call from the sheriff to notify them of a release of someone they gave us custody of would have been preventative of this. >> but sheriff is arguing vehemently in an interview sanchez's most recent arrest before the shooting did not warrant a call to the feds. he said this quote, for the mayor to come out swinging is the fact that the mayor is backing away from the very law he supported and looking for a scapegoat, end quote. come out to you joe, get your thoughts. >> first of all it's a prem does tragedy and our hearts go out to the family of the young lady. when you have state laws, federal laws and city laws tict each other makes no sense. if you have someone a felon immigrant or felon, say you're a resident of this country, a citizen, if you commit a felony you wind up going to jail. we deport people that commit
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felonies to another country. why not do this? why not take, if you commit a felony in this country and want to be treated like an american citizen, be a part of this country, you commit a felony you go to prison here. we'll keep you here. we'll put you in jail so we can't put you back into society or send you someplace where you can go and come back into this country to able to commit a crime of similar nature or different nature. i think they have to decide from a law standpoint, i hope it will be kate's law. i hope there will be a law created where you don't have the infighting between the mayor and sheriff and one person saying well i should have done this or could this have been prevented. for the mayor to say this could have been prevented, that is a reach you never know quite what will happen on the streets anywhere but the laws are just so convoluted and confusing to everybody's. nobody has to tell anybody. >> would have been prevent the if the guy was deported originally and never let back into the country?
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>> how do you never let someone back in. it doesn't happen once. it didn't happen twice. it didn't happen three times. >> five times. >> if it continues to happen like that there is an obvious problem with the system. and it's, this hopefully will be the beginning of a correction of a system that is flawed by its own nature. >> what a sad story. >> it's terrible. >> before we move on with the semantics of the argument i do want to focus a little bit on kate because we've learned so much about this young woman. what a beautiful soul she was. >> i know. died in her father's arms basically saying, daddy, help me. when you look at her picture it resonates with all of us. jessie waters went to california and stood in front of the council and said look at her picture. they were all still dad he willing, whatever. they didn't want to look at him and address it. jessie waters said, look at her picture. this girl is dead now because in the words of the mayor, he never, the sheriff never picked up the phone. all he had to do was pick up the
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cell phone make one phone call to i.c.e., we are releasing this guy. they would have picked him up and deported him. when you look at the girl's picture something needs to change. her family is not first one suffer from this. there have been four or five families speaking out right now. their christmas their lives will never be the same because of something i do believe could have been prevented. >> let's talk about how we keep this from happening again, this kate's law. andrea i know you looked at it. >> a law bill o'reilly proposed and taken up by a republican lawmaker in arizona. it would incarcerate anyone deported immediately five years if they come back into this country. the question will house leadership and senate leadership bring it to the floor? and i've had a couple of republican members of congress call me after my appearance on o'reilly last night to talk about why the gop isn't passing stand alone border security bills. you won the elections. you work hard for it. now what are you going to do with it? use the opportunity to pass not
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just kate's law but a stand-alone border security law. and dare the president to veto it. dare him to stand up and veto that bill. put political pressure before they go away on august recess. and a lot of these members of congress tell me harris house leadership will not do it. >> why not? we talked about this on the couch yesterday. why weren't it happen? >> they are scared and -- >> what are they afraid of? >> political fight. >> the white house? >> hard to win back the house and senate if we'll not use to it secure the country? i would say this too joe, i think there is a lot of existing immigration laws on the book but you have an administration and a democratic party that does not want to enforce the rule of law. they go after arizona governor jan brewer for trying to enact laws to protect her citizens. they're releasing 30,000 criminals on to the streets. they don't want stop, question and frisk. they want voters to vote without licenses this is progressive policy ideology issue. they don't want to enforce current laws on book. favor illegals over citizens
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here to protect their own political butt. >> couple that with the sanctuary cities even if they were, had the impetus to enforce some of those laws the sanctuary cities are places likes, sanchez he was trying to get to. >> new york. >> he knew -- >> this city a sanctuary city. >> elizabeth, i want to pet you in. -- get you in. call you emac. you've been looking at board erred situation. you say there is swamping going on leading to what we have right now? >> d.c. makes very nice and sounding statements about yes, everybody is for legal immigration. well the issue now, i've got it right here. u.s. attorney daniel, it is a whopper -- >> lot of research much. >> fiscal 2014 report. watch this data point. 42% of all federal criminal cases came from five districts sitting on the border. these guys are inundated. west texas southern texas southern california arizona and new mexico. when you do the math on cases
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42% is a lot of all federal criminal cases come in those districts or brought in those districts. outstrips from washington state to maine. that is a lot of states in between, right, that those cases, amount of federal criminal cases brought in just those five districts is more than border coast to coast from washington state to maine. >> wow. >> this is, these are the data points that are i think are so important for this debate. i mean what are we doing to our local law enforcement and our court system in these areas? >> you know i do have this question though because i know that you look at those more than 1000 miles of border that would have to be put up and there is the argument, how do you secure every piece of it? some of it is going always remain porous. i guess you put the national guard down there. so forth. >> sure. >> i would ask what is the tipping point would be and if this is it where should it start? >> i think it has started. i think it started here. i think it starts with the
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situation in san francisco donald trump says build a wall. we'll build a wall. we'll make mexico pay for the wall. you have to be realistic about how you want to protect the citizens of this country. i don't know the exact answer but i do know that it is porous by its nature. we have, our border patrol is spread out so thin, people walk through. they don't even know they're there. >> true. >> there has to be reinforcement in that area. we're faced with situation talk about national guardsmen going down there we're about to cut the military by 40,000 people. which is another subject. we went from 500,000 down to 400,000. we don't have a reserve force if it something happens. yet with all the things that are happening in the world today, we continue to go backwards when it comes to protecting our own country. so i think politicians, this is the, this is the difference between, i don't want to get to donald trump already, this is difference between donald trump and everybody else. he is not a politician. he doesn't care. he is not trying to protect his political rear end. he is saying what he believes. he is saying what he feels. and a lot of people don't like
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it. it rubs them the wrong way. all of sudden he came out with statements and they were poorly, poorly done, things that he said regarding mexico. the things he said i don't agree with in that regard but the fact of the matter is immigration was at the forefront. what he is trying to do now lay down the foundation. look i told you i told you this was going to be a problem but the solution -- everybody wants to tell us what the problem is. you bring up a great point about congress. why don't you get together to give us a solution? we're the american people. we're the citizens of this country. we deserve our leadership in this country to give direction. >> republicans were elected to do this. this is why their constituents -- gave them the majority back, they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. >> because they want to get the hispanic vote? >> the white house saying the border is secure. joe, you make all these points about security. you have an administration that is saying it already is secure. we don't need to do anything. >> all right.
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wow, we could go on and on about this and you're right the door is open to immigration. i say it is part of the conversation for 2016. we'll cover it as it happens. moving on. jeb bush clarified comments he made about americans working full time hours. part-time workers that want full-time jobs but are not getting them. the issue he is trying to tackle is the stagnant economy when it comes to jobs. how can it be fixed? all eyes on south carolina where history is about to be made. lawmakers approved a bill overwhelmingly to remove the confederate flag from state capital grounds. today it is expected to be signed into law. if you want more "outnumbered." right after the tv version we go into overtime. you know about overtime, joe theismann. >> no ties. we have overtime. >> on the web click on the "overtime" tab. i'm already on the live chat. go there now. sign in.
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♪ >> and this is something we're watching today. we are now one signature away from south carolina changing a piece of its history.
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governor nikki haley is set to teen a bill at 4:00 p.m. eastern today to remove the confederate flag from the statehouse grounds. the south carolina house passed legislation around 1:00 in the morning today after 13 hours of emotional debate. the state senate passed the bill on monday. the governor's office says the flag will come down in a ceremony tomorrow morning. this follows, as you may know that debate in the state that was prompted last month by a tragedy. nine people gunned down by a white soup prem it in a bible study at a historic black church in charleston. >> welcome back to "outnumbered." new remarks about the american workforce getting a lot of attention. it all started with something that jeb bush said in new hampshire. >> my aspiration for the country, and i believe we can achieve it, is 4% growth as far as the eye can see. which means we have to be a lot more productive workforce participation has to rise from its all-time modern lows.
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means that people need to work longer hours and, through their productivity gain more income for their families. >> well, hillary clinton quickly tweeting, anyone who believes americans aren't working hard enough hasn't met enough american workers. along with a chart from a left-leaning think tank showing wages stagnating while productivity rises. bush later clarified his comments saying they were taken out of context and that he was just trying to ad sew kate for people working part time but want full-time jobs. he tweeted back anyone who discounts 6.5 million people stuck in part-time work and seeking full-time jobs hasn't listened to hard-working americans. by the way, hillary clinton. as for what is behind the number of involuntary part-time employees a piece in "forbes" magazine points to several factors including technology, cheap foreign labor big banks, the economic collapse, and, obamacare. it says quote many companies desire to avoid providing health care and other benefits and so
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deliberately put many workers into part-time positions and using additional workers to get the jobs done. the move to a greater part-time workforce was not intent of any administration. it was calculated pushing of more employees into difficult economic straits by employers to avoid health care responsibility. okay, blah, blah blah blah blah. almost sounds like what jeb bush was trying to say which, sometimes joe when republicans speak they tend to sound like economists. that is what he was doing, 4% growth, blah blah. took his words, hillary clinton, morphed them somehow americans don't work hard enough. that is not what he is saying at all. >> that is not what he was saying. being a small business owner we have 70 employees in the restaurant in alexandria. 50 was the point for the health care provision. we wanted to provide health care for all our people. we are one business. there are some businesses we haven't defined what the
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problems are going to be with the health care bill. we don't know what the taxes are to us. we don't know what the expense is going to be to provide workers. people want to work. if you want to put people back to work you have to stop giving handouts. the government gives out an incredible amount of handouts. tell you a real quick story. friend of mine in a business had someone who worked for him. makes $18,000 a year. wanted to give him a raise. declined the raise because subsidies they got totaled $32,000. if you're getting more money given to you why would you want to work? what the administration has done over period of time, giving out we've taken away initiative for people that want to work. the impetus to want to do something with my life. i want to get better what i do. >> there are people who want to get back to work. emac you talk about it every day on fbn. >> yaw. >> a lot of people out of work, part-time work because of obamacare, democratic party's
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bill. jeb bush says if you get work make more money you can buy a car, go on vacation and you'll be happy. >> 93 million people are out of work. that is a lot of people. even the teamsters union and two other unions said to harry reid and nancy pelosi obamacare is wrecking the 40-hour work week which is the lynchpin of the middle class because of the employer mandate it is really slamming workers. the other thing, this is such a distortion from hillary clinton. what jeb bush is talking about is how do you get people back to work? how do you return to that 4% annual economic growth rate which was common from 1950 to the year 2000? half the time we had 4% growth. only one in 2003 and 2004 over the last decade we've seen that. how do you get back there? the way you get back there is dial back on government. the size of government has exploded since the year 2000. >> prime example in my opinion how the media can spin this the headline can read jeb bush said
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that people aren't working enough. you hear the sound bite and you see that is not at all what he said. he is saying that there are too many people with part-time jobs that can't put food on the table for families and they want to work harder and work longer hours or more hours to feed their family, to put their kids through school. so when you hear the sound bite it totally, she, i think hillary clinton has misconstrued it. you're right, taking this out of context. >> harrison, where is the follow-up questions about hillary clinton's record for creating jobs and putting people to work? promised new yorkers 200,000 jobs, up state jobs that were lost. never gave them to them. >> i think were the follow-ups are? so much you can put in a tweet with hillary clinton. she will not decide to sit down with you until she decides to use that next interview. the wheels on my roller blades are wearing out. i can only chase the woman so long. i'm kidding. emac, i want to ask you something. i sort of heard this from jeb bush, is this not from him a
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call to companies to relook how they're doing business since the great recession? how comfortable they have gotten with part-time workers? yes obamacare plays a part in that. >> it does. >> but if you can get underneath the cap paying a few people to work a few hours and shared stuff rather than hiring full-time worker which you have to give competitive benefits load to that is a comfortable place for companies to be. >> absolutely. >> also means the government has to be friendly to those companies. i will stop no you're absolutely right. this recovery is not cinematic -- they flipped switch on 5 trillion spending. a lot of money in the economy. at the same time regulatory workforce is gigantic not just federal level but state and local too. >> what happens if they raise the minimum wage? what does that do to an employer? that is another question. you have to cut jobs. >> we'll have to watch. >> one of the nfl's most storied franchises still in hot water
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over its nickname. the impact of the judge's ruling against the washington redskins. plus the reported arm-twisting from the white house to get the team to dump the name. who better to have for the discussion a perfect guest our one lucky guy, redskin and super bowl winning qb, joe theismann. >> yeah. ♪
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about this you played for the washington redskins. >> i did. >> what is your opinion? should we change the name. >> that is rest solely in daniel snyder's hands. when courts play out and see result of that. i was always will be washington redskin. i'm proud to worn the uniform. i'm proud to represent the native-american nations of country. the washington redskin fans, the team itself. i have spoken, this is my personal experience. i tried to do my own survey and talk to different native americans in different parts of the country and everyone that i talk to, are you okay with the name? yes. are you okay with the name? yes. you have activists out there don't want to use the name. i respect somebody else's opinion. there are 60 high schools in this country still use the name redskin to describe their organizations, athletic organizations. it depends almost on what tribe is supporting you. like the seminole indians with florida state. i mean you have someone riding out war paint, a spear, on a
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horse and -- what is that? that is acceptable? because the seminole tribe said it's okay. so you have i think the divisions inside of the tribes themselves. the redskin name to me as always represented something special and something sacred and something honorable. other opinion can have other opinions of it. i believe it will ultimately wind up where it will be. as far as the trademark goes this is the situation. if you remove the trademark from the washington redskins, which basically means you're going to put it out there for every individual whoever wants to market something, so what have you really accomplished? by federal judge making his decision, you have taken away the name redskins from the redskins but the point is, everybody else can use it then. so you really haven't taken it out of society. >> i wonder, would they go as far, hall of fame and awards you won, would they go to wipe it away from history? what would they replace it with? you were a washington redskin.
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would you become a new thing? >> it brings up interesting debate. bruce jenner versus caitlyn jenner. bruce jenner, they want to maybe change the medals from bruce jenner to caitlyn jenner because that is who he is now or she is now. so i think you will always be, there will be a time in history whatever you were you are. whatever you will be going forward that is what you will become. >> that is interesting. >> ask you about the government interference this. we spent first half the how they're impeding you as business owner. isis is on the march. illegals killing americans. it is a question of priorities. is this government's business? >> no. >> this administration's priority to block a stadium. >> no. not 58 senators. democratic senators wrote a letter saying we loo like the name changed. i think there are much greater issues that our political pundits should deal with. i think our the administration congress, senate, anybody else that is involved in politics of what the law should be in this country, they should focus on
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really important things, things that you mentioned. defending this country. >> "washington post" ran a column, defense department should take word tomahawk off tomahawk missiles. >> so many different things. >> pc police is out in force. >> hundreds of organizations however petitioned for a name change. >> yes. >> it isn't just activists. there are other organization. >> there are other organizations that have done it. there are actually different opinions within the native-american nation as to what should stay and not stay. >> kansas city chiefs. didn't agree on that. >> chicago black hawks with their logo. >> players say they're representing the redskins and you're proud to be a redskin. >> i was given a chief's headdress when we won the super bowl. that is one of the most honored things in my playing career. being a washington redskin is important and recognize what i was is important. >> i'm not giving this ring book. >> that says washington
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redskins. >> it says redskins on it. >> talk about the nfl the first female ref is taking the season in two more months and a former league executive wants her booed just like you would boo the male officials. ex-raider ceo, amy traffic she hopes sara you thomas is treeded like any other official when she make as bad call. that is real gender equality. so i'm excited to see her out on the field. curious what team she will be official for in a few months. what are your thoughts on this? do you think it's okay to boo her and should the audience boo her if she make as bad call like you would a male official? >> i think you treat officials the same doesn't matter the gender whether male or female. you have it in basketball. we have female referees in basketball. it is there already. it is perfectly fine. if she does they are her job the way she needs to do her job she deserves there. >> is this issue, manufacturing
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pc stuff that isn't there. >> amy traffic brings up a point about booing her. i hope they applaud her and recognize the fact, she has done a great job, making a great call. >> harris will it be harder on her because she is female? >> i agree with joe as long as she does her job got the hat and uniform on, go out there and do it. >> i think hard part is over for her now. she's in. >> been a ref since '96. she has been booed before. >> we have all been booed before. >> i'm booed every day. >> we constantly get booed. >> producers boo me. >> first female ceo in the nfl. former raiders executive. works for cbs sports. she says if she does get booed she say it is fine because she might deserve that to make a bad call. she should do her job. be the best official she can be. >> of course. i think she would agree with that. any woman who has risen to the top, whether ceo or whether you're a ref you know comes with
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part of the turf. you're a tough woman. emac -- >> are we talking about gender neutral bullying? >> when you said how is it manufactured? i said what we do best as society. they love to find outrage. as far as feminism goes. we talked about this yesterday, harris, if women want equality they better be equality because they're getting equality. men get booed women get booed. >> wouldn't it be let her go out there and do it and when it happens applaud it. >> this is prei am sieve, preemptive by amy. >> that is interesting. >> treat her across the board. if she got booed question is she booked because she is woman or booked because she did a bad job. amy says let's level the playing field. liz, the stunned look on her face. i think it is preemptive. >> talking about body cameras. talk about a lot of incidents happening in schools. body cameras on police is one
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thing but now school administrators? one school district says it needs to record interactions with students for accountability purposes. what dot students think? what does it say about society and education we might need them at all? ♪ unbelievable! toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. new larger size now available.
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principal in the district who was accused past school year of kicking student but some say they do have concerns over privacy and that the body cams may intimidate students. andrea, what do you think? good or bad idea. >> i think it's a huge waste of money. >> a waste of money. why? >> i do. i think anytime you will put a camera and you're growing to surveil a teacher and students for purposes as they said in their statement, better communication, you will get the opposite of that. you will get no communication. think teachers will be watching their backs every second. you will have a lot of issues you will probably shake your head really, we're really discussing this? i think a lot of things will be taken out of context. >> what do you think, harris. >> with two children one going into first, one going into third i question who is keeping the tape? who will have access to viewing this? will it be he had itable. i'm not sure if that is word but can you edit it? i'm worried about what messages
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come once the film is gathered. i don't trust with that much out there with my child on tape. >> trust is the key word here. i don't think the administration trusts what is written based on this case that was reversed because they evidently the whoever was accused didn't do it because it turned out differently. it wants to clarify situations. we want to make it simpler. i think there is value there but under what circumstances do we want to use it? like putting cameras in the back of police cars. you want to find out exactly what is taking place. when you have a student, and you're a parent, i want to know what happened between my son or my daughter and the admin vator. >> but teachers do sometimes get falsely accused, right? >> there is way to protech that. i think that is what it is for. >> the school district is doing it because the school in iowa the kid said the principal kicked me. they went back and reviewed videotapes in the hallway. that is not at all what happened. i go back to when we were growing up, the authority they won.
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if the principal called your mom or dad at home, you were in trouble now adays you have to say, what does the camera say? my little boy says -- >> talking about society, the movie with billy baldwin where cameras were everywhere? it doesn't sound like if you know if you have a camera being watched for everything, the teacher will watch everything and filter everything they say and i think you're just going to get real -- >> what about society? which it shut down a lot of things that could end up being problems? maybe or figure out where the cameras are and not go to the areas. >> it came in handy in this case when the teacher did not or the principal did not kick the kid. >> i will say this, with regard to the nfl we've seen cameras come into play with domestic violence, those situations obviously very different but we're in this conscious trigger by video phase right now. stuff doesn't even happen unless you take a picture and instagram it. stuff doesn't happen unless you
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take video with your phone which is really sad. i don't know we're engendering spirit of truthfulness in our children. >> you mentioned criminals and cops having them. that is one thing. cops dealing with potential criminals. these are kids. >> good point. >> we're coming from a place we don't trust you. that is not place for teachers. >> that is good discussion. one of country's biggest pop stars under fire for this. check it out. >> [bleep] >> i hate americans. >> ariana grande caught on a camera at doughnut shop. we have her apology and reasoning and fallout that has everyone talking. don't go away. ♪ it wouldn't make sense if you turned
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a lot coming from this press availability. we'll get into it more. dramatic video of aborted takeoff for southwest flight. tell you more how it turned out. stocks rebounding a little bit today of a bad day yesterday . after new york stock exchange was shut down several hours yesterday as we all know. more at the top of the hour. >> thank you. >> well one very big celebrity with one very big mouth. pop star arhianna grande trying to walk back a comment about america. first here is what she said at a doughnut shop triggering intense reaction. >> well, after that went viral, some damage control.
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ari yana said her remarks were about america's obesity problem an obsession with food. adding quote, i'm extremely proud to be an american and i always made it clear i love my country, what i said in a private moment in my friend was taken out of context and i'm sorry for not using more discretion with my choice of words. okay, joe, what do you think? >> first of all what she doing at doughnut shop if she didn't want to have a doughnut? if it's a problem what is she doing there for the first place? how can you take a quote out of context. very difficult to say that was taken out of context to be perfectly honest with you. it is, she apologized, which is what she should do but again you have to be so aware of what you say in public because, somebody will have a camera. somebody will have recording device. something you will be held accountable for. you say i really didn't mean it. now you come back to say i really didn't mean that. >> right. >> she has a problem with, it is
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disgusting. what are you doing there? why army you sitting in place with some salads. what is disgusting you lick it. >> she did lick it. >> licked the doughnut. >> come on. >> ariana grande is focus is taking on obesity problem in america or young girl acting bratty and said something really bratty and she is sorry? >> she licked a doughnut. >> she is licking a doughnut on counter someone will eat. that is disgusting and malicious. you learn that five years old not to dog something like that. i'm not sure why she did that i'm think it is disgusting and irresponsible, young girls look up to her, using f-word on camera. i think this girl needs to realize she is role model to young individuals and needs to behave better. we're all very sensitive about i hate america. if big doughnuts came out, felt got to love america we're eating huge doughnuts, could have said should have said, but says i hate america hate americans.
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we are sensitive. isis killing americans. va hospital not treating veterans correctly. people fighting for our country. >> you're negotiating with the iran who basically their leaders have said, kill americans. >> i have an idea. what about this emac. go to kabul and try to play a concert to see how the taliban welcomes a woman singing. >> or licking a doughnut over there. >> or licking a doughnut. >> she didn't say i hate america's doughnuts or hate america's obesity. >> hate america, leave, everybody that hates america leave already. never thought i would see this as headline. associated press up on the web pain investigating ariana grande's doughnut licking incident. apparently there is some question about whether or not she should have paid for the doughnut. >> 100%. >> whether they were actually paid for. and so apparently the maliciously licking of the doughnut is looked into by the local police according to the ap. >> you love this one, right?
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>> why do we care from ariana grande thinks? >> because millions of little girls care what ariana grand day thinks. >> what justin bieber and other celebrities do awful, distasteful things these celebrity kids are not being disciplined. >> she is adult. she is 22 years old. >> she is mentally, don't get me in trouble andrea. filler. fill filter. looking doughnuts to, royal whoops whoops, ladies shrieking each time they hit the ball but is the grunting getting the same side eye if the guys do it? if not why? we'll debate it next. >> that's funny.
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her grunting. here it is. after her match with serena williams. they were asked by the noise. she asked if anyone heard the loud grunting of the male star and if it is really the problem tennis. >> i used to play and never grunted. >> and if i had her game i would too. >> what is the problem? let her play her game. if you don't like the grunting put earmuffs on. and put noise cancellers in your ear. and watch the match. however you get it and raphael. >> he's loud but not as loud as
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maria. >> what is the decible is that of a hundred equivalent of a chainsaw. i think you put approximate the earmuffs. >> and what a great marketing opportunity for wherever she plays. we'll sell you the earmuffs and if you don't like the grunting. >> she's giving her all and that's what you pay for. >> i love her. i saw her play. and she dances. >> she's amazing. >> she does. it is really fun. >> i am curious to know. i haven't seen anybody. it makes them hit harder. >> and equivalent to a jet
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liner. turn down the sound and turn on closed captioning which i love by the way. >> that is for the women in tennis, don't you think? >> she was asked about her break up and now a woman grunting too loud. >> carolyn was critizing wimbledon to put more woman in the courts that get play and television coverage. and so they are interjecting how are things with the ex. >> the the city of new york will honor our soccer team with a ticker tape parade. i think that is so great and they will be honored. i was cheering. my wife thought i was nuts. my wife would hear a scream. they scored. they scored again. i thought it was fantastic. >> you were screaming like you
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were scoring? >> honest to goodness. a maleentious -- male event. >> we'll be back with the tv version of us noon eastern tomorrow. "happening now" starts now. >> and millions of a bags recalled once again all part of the recall that affected 11 cars and automakers. and we are covering all of the news "happening now". >> and two presidential hopefuls. stirring up the field and getting a lot of early attention. >> i always thought it was a competitive race. >> and fellow senator sanders and trump set the establishment of their parties on their ear. >> and she is extremely brave. i don't know what i would do in that situation? >> a


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