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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 9, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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ment and a tragedy that keeps happening again and again and again. forget donald trump's mess eng er -- messenger delivery. we should cut to the core of the illegal immigrants and violence problem tomorrow on "your world." i'm eric bolling along with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams dana perino and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." bill o'reilley says throw them into prison for five years if they come back. donald trump says build a wall and make mexico pay for it to keep them out. senator tom cotton says if you choose to be a sanctuary city and hide illegals from the feds you should be stripped of your federal law enforcement grants. all interesting ideas, i'd say all of the above. but if you disagree with me maybe too insensitive to illegals? let's see if you still think so after listening to these families who lost children to illegals committing crimes.
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>> it's the strange thing is spencer's mother and i, we don't think about the killer that much. we feel like he was more or less a foot soldier. it's our government that did this. it's cherry picking laws. >> i'm looking at this thinking and listening to all these other stories thinking the leniency that our government is showing these illegals is costing innocent american lives. if people don't start speaking the truth and acknowledging that we have a problem at the border for the sake of getting votes, i am getting more and more disgusted with politicians in this country. >> people's feelings are hurt? well my heart is ripped apart and these other families here. our lives will never be the same. he was my only child. >> now greg it really hits home when you hear those families. >> the point that -- the important point here is what if a government refuses to enforce laws that conflict with their own political ideology? what if -- the left should consider what would happen if conservative lawmakers did the same thing?
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could there be a sanctuary city for the confederate flag? where you're allowed to put it wherever you want? should you have sanctuary cities that protect you from sanctuary proponents? that would be nice that. would be refreshing. this is a consequence of a leftist ideology that puts tolerance before security. it's not just here with immigration. you see it with the war on terror you see it with law enforcement. these three areas are being sacrificed at the altar of tolerance. but it's hard to be nice to other people when you're dead. it's more important to be secure. and then you can be nice. >> where are you on sanctuary cities? should we have them? >> no. i don't think so. and i think that the permissiveness of allowing them over the last 6 1/2 years to grow into this monster that it is now is actually -- it's catching up with the democrats in a way that it's catching them a little bit too little too late. because now as you'll see later you'll have the package from
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jesse watters in here. there is case law about like the lopez case i'm sure kimberly is familiar with this about background checks and guns and it has to do with what local law enforcement has to do in regards to what the federal law says. actually case law anytime. which is why i think tom cotton's proposal is probably the most feasible. because the one thing that the federal government can do is with draw the money. the federal grants. that seems like the most plausible thing to be able to do immediately that would at least send a signal to sanctuary cities. >> juan what about that? so the feds send sanctuary cities money for law enforcement. but they're unenforcing the law. law unenforcement. >> the reason that the obama administration and others have not gone after local governments is they think it's good policy eric. they think it helps in terms of law enforcement, protecting communities, making people safer when you have people in the immigrant community, legals and illegals willing to cooperate with the local police willing
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to testify and tell stories. i think what we're seeing here is oh, illegal immigration is to blame for everything now including the death of the -- tragic death of this woman in san francisco. but to me i got to tell you in all honesty, looks like scapegoating vulnerable people. are all black people to blame for all shootings in chicago? >> nobody is blaming an entire group of people. we're talking about a policy. what caused this in your mind if you're saying it wasn't a policy fit wasn't sanctuary cities then what caused this? >> it was a derelict who picked up a gun, said he was on sleeping pills but has a history of being arrested. >> a derelict is somebody who hangs out on park benches. that is not who he is. he had a significant criminal record. he is a murderer. he's somebody who repeatedly broke the law and he's a resaidivist. he shouldn't have been allowed back in. this isn't about race. this is about obeying the laws of the united states of america. it has nothing to do with black, white, mexican, chinese, no one cares. >> and nothing to do with legal
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or illegal or american born. >> it does. because the point is if somebody kills me or shot my child, i wouldn't care who they were. >> here's why it matters. because we are allowing sanctuary cities to let people go who would normally be incarcerated or deported. the whole point of this is that this gentleman -- this murderer decided to go to san francisco because he knew he wasn't going to get deported. he's got seven felony convictions, five deportations. yesterday we talked about it juan. i'm going to do it for you. here are the numbers. i promised you these numbers. illegals represent 3% of the population. do we agree on that? >> about 11 million. 38% of all federal convictions are by illegal immigrants. not immigrants, illegal immigrants. they're convicted at 38% of all federal convictions. 3% of the population 18% of drug trafficking convictions in america. illegals 3% of the population. 25% of all kidnappings in america are done by illegal
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immigrants. i have more. you want murders? 7%. drug possession 56% of all drug possessions convictions are illegal immigrants. >> this is just not right. i don't know where you're getting these numbers. >> from the united states sentencing bureau. ussb. >> the gao has said that clearly most of the illegal immigrants who are arrested in this country are arrested for what eric? crossing the border illegally. 70%. >> that doesn't include this. these are drug trafficking, kidnapping drug possession. i'll give you those numbers, too. >> why are you allowed to break the law? >> you shouldn't enter illegally. >> you want to go park in all the handicap spots. why are they allowed to break the law? >> nobody says you're allowed to break the law. we're not playing favorites. in fact we're trying to protect ourselves so that when a crime is committed by an illegal immigrant, other people in that community will testify, will give evidence and we can stop and find the bad guys. that's what this is about. >> that's one of the arguments
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that is conveniently and frequently used to justify a complete disregard for the laws that are on the books. >> you mean crossing the border illegally. >> i'm saying about oh, we just want people to testify and come forward. i was there. i wasn't in the situation where people were like i'm worried about being deported et cetera. people come forward to do the right thing. they don't get deported when they testify in cases sorry to tell you. >> i'm going to tell you people are afraid of being deported. the reason we're having this discussion? donald trump. and you know what donald trump said? he didn't talk about people crossing the border illegally. or park illegally. >> kate steinle is dead. >> we're having this discussion because people are trying to demonize every illegal immigrant into a rapist. a murderer a criminal and drug dealer. >> nobody is trying to do that. >> nobody had to demonize this guy. >> no. he's a bad guy. >> yes. that's what we're talking about. we're not talking about what happened before. we're talking about the fact that this man, this fiend,
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murdered a young woman. that has nothing to do with trump. >> i would agree. this is a bad guy and we need to fix it. so has hillary clinton, barbara boxer, senator -- >> isn't hillary for sanctuary cities? >> she was. now she's having second thoughts. >> how political of her. >> my point about the politics catching up to the democrats. if i could make one point about this issue on bringing this. i know you have to go to the next thing. i actually think that it is more compassionate and the argument could be made that if you are now changing your opinion about sanctuary cities it is more compassionate to immigrant communities, legal immigrants to deport and get the criminals out of their communities. that would be actually the more compassionate thing to do in addition to the lawful thing to do. >> and the safer thing to do. >> that's what i mean. if you want those communities to thrive to be able to go to better schools and to have better jobs and safer streets, deporting the criminals is actually better. and that's the argument i'd use if you're changing your position. >> hang in there one second.
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kate steinle willen laid be laid to rest in the next hour. lots of finger pointing going on between the city of san francisco, the county sheriff's office and i.c.e. here's mayor ed lee slamming the county sheriff. >> nothing in that law prevents or prohibits communication, notification with our federal and state law enforcement officials. do i need to educate somebody about how to pick up a phone? >> bill o'reilley said jesse watters confronts the san francisco board of per advisers on their sanctuary city status. jesse was armed with a picture of kate steinle. >> i'd like to show you a picture here. it's kate steinle. she was murdered by an illegal alien who had been deported five times and over six felony convictions. but for some reason the city of san francisco let this guy out. you guys aren't even looking. look at the picture.
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are you afraid? you guys don't have anything to say? >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> so i'm not sure they could have done anything about it at that moment. but it certainly is opening the debate. city councils. >> they could have answered by opening their mouths and answering the question. they didn't want to say anything because they don't want to be on the record to be played on fox news tonight. simple as that. so they crazy glued their lips and somebody said next speaker. i know. i have spent hundreds of hours in that board of supervisors room. they sit there. they are supposed to take questions from the people to answer them about what is going on in the city. that is the whole purpose of an open forum and an open democracy. to have the discussion. but they chose not to. i mean yeah, they don't have any good answers, do they? >> i don't know how you could possibly come up with -- what is the answer, juan? be the city council for san francisco right now. why are you a sanctuary city,
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juan? >> a large population of immigrants and illegal immigrants. about a quarter of all the illegal immigrants in the country are in california. i didn't realize that. >> what does this population bring to san francisco? >> the illegal population? you know what you and i think donald trump want to somehow imagine there are all these mexicans who are run around and committing crimes. let me tell you. >> answer my question. >> there are a lot of people who are asians a lot of people who are irish. >> they're not the illegal ones. >> they're not illegal. >> 80% of them come from south america and mexico. >> that is so knee jerk. i don't even know where to start. >> juan like you break out in hives when confronted with the facts! >> when people start maligning all mexicans? do you think it's mexicans are the only illegal immigrants in the country? >> i love mexican americans. amazing people. great culture. great families. i don't like criminals. i like people who follow the law. >> that's all i'm saying. they come in all colors from all places around the world. it's not one group of people. that's not fair.
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>> he wasn't joug that juan. he was asking you how you would respond. >> i would respond. >> but you didn't. >> he's talking about mexicans. >> this is an interesting thing. let's look at -- >> i was talking about illegals juan. not mexicans. i was talking about the illegals. what does the city want with illegals? i can't figure it out. i'm sorry. >> what's interesting is when there's a hot topic like this that affects republicans, every single candidate is asked about it. like gay marriage. the media will ask every single candidate anytime they gpublican alone they're going to ask you about gay marriage or ask you about the confederate flag. will that do this with sanctuaries and this horrible crime with the four candidates or any democrat in general? will the media go there? because they know they don't have an answer. juan has proven they don't have an answer. the way furloughs put dukakis on the back foot and allowed george
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reagan to win. that's how the sanctuary business will be the same for the current democratic crop. >> i would say on the legislative side of things because the last two presidents have failed to get comprehensive immigration reform done that now that president obama has taken the amnesty issue off the table because he has said i'm going to do amnesty for these people by executive order, hillary clinton said she would double that. i think that the house republicans in their position now possibly even working with the senate they should pass a border security bill that they think they can live with and that would actually make a difference. and i would send that over -- at least pass anytime house, try to get it through the senate and get it up to the president and let him decide if he's going to veto. >> let me respond to greg. >> please do. >> republicans are the ones who have the problem here. i think there's lots of hypocrisy on the democrats' side. but the head of the rnc is calling donald trump to say you're hurting this party. trump said oh, no that didn't
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happen. believe me that's a worry among republicans who are trying to reach out to hispanics and get their votes. >> i don't dispute that. >> let's leave it on that one. coming up things are heating up between 2016 contenders hillary clinton and jeb bush. the presidential hopefuls are duking it out on twitter over who better understands the plight of the american worker. details coming up. super poligrip seals out more food particles. so your food won't get stuck and you can enjoy every single bite. eat loud, live loud, super poligrip.
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♪ the 2016 race is heating up with the war of words between presidential hopefuls hillary clinton and jeb bush. it all started yesterday with bush's remarks about the american workforce in new hampshire. >> my aspiration for the country, and i believe we can achieve it is 4% growth as far as the eye can see. which means we have to be a lot more productive workforce participation has to rise from its all-time modern lows. means that people need to work longer hours. and through their productivity gain more income for their families. that's the only way we're going to get out of this rut that we're in. >> in response? hillary tweeted, anyone who believes americans aren't working hard enough hasn't met enough american workers" bush later clarified his comments saying they were taken out of
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context. tweeting clinton back. anyone who discounts 6.5 million people stuck in part-time work and seeking full-time jobs hasn't listened to working americans @hillary clinton. i mean now this is the new like ultimate fighting championship on twitter. they just like tweet each other to death until one passes out and needs a gatorade or some replenishment. what do you think of these numbers? >> so the 4% comment is where i think jeb was really focusing in on. that's a big one. 4% growth going forward, i think he said to the foreseeable future. that's realistic. that's great. that's optimistic. but you know like on tv sometimes you write a script and you do three things. this this and this. >> like in the fastest seven. >> but a lot of times we think in threes so we talk in threes. he said labor participation rate longer hours, and productivity. the problem is if you just did the first one, get the labor participation rate that would probably solve his 4% problem. we're already working harder than we've ever worked. putting in more hours and we're more productive than we've ever
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been in the history of america. so he added two things that hillary jumped on. she saw it was a mistake, it was an error. an unforced error and she took it and exploited it. if he just stayed with the first one he had it right there. >> and what difference does it make to hillary clinton, dana. >> i think the labor participation rate we talk about a lot. we've had the slowest recovery from a recession, and the economic growth -- 4% is actually pretty modest actually. but we would love to have that in america now. the labor participation rate being i think what you're talking about, eric at all-time lows. so the country needs people to be working more. >> more people. . more people working. now, some people if you are stuck in a part-time job situation because your employer basically doesn't want to have more full-time workers consequences of that from additional regulations. >> and obama care. >> it could be the first election by twitter. it's going to be kind of unsatisfactorying, i have a
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feeling. 140 characters. but it shows the importance of social media. it used to be that television could drive social media. it's the other way around. social media is driving the coverage of the campaigns. that's where you have to be and be there fast. i think jeb bush's team showed a little bit of agility today as you see their instagram piece about this issue. it's clever and smart and quick. but the anxiety americans feel about the economy, they've got to be better and be prepared to have to deal with her on a much faster basis. >> yeah. there was pretty quick response. like you said the agility was there. what do you think about that? it seems like these are the two. are going head-to-head clash of the titans already. >> well maybe. but to comment on this new politics of twitter which i despise, one, you say something that is generally embedded in a larger conversation. two, it's taken out of context. three, clarify rinse and repeat. the great thing about hillariers nothing ever gets taken out of context because she never says anything. if she happens to speak, the
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press fake partial deafness. but you know what's interesting? if twitter didn't exist, this debate would never occur in person. because the person would say no, that's not what i meant. i didn't mean that. i was talking about instead of working part-time they'd be working full time. she knew what he meant. but you pretend not to know when you're on twitter. because on twitter there's no such thing as context. you could take anything you want and turn it into whatever. it sucks. >> all right. but you're on it. okay. >> not for long. >> that's what he keeps saying. like groundhog day. i'm getting off twitter. i'm going to quit you. juan. >> i just think this is politics. twitter or elsewhere. where people i think intentionally play gotcha games. >> right. >> so i don't think there was really a gotcha here. i thought it was pretty clear to me he didn't mean anything but labor participation rates. but of course he did slightly mistake. but the interesting part of the politics to me is so where did the attack come from? you guys are talking about
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hillary clinton. of course. but ted cruz? ted cruz's guys come out and say, oh, this is just like mitt romney. you don't understand what a gaffe you've made. you're out of touch with the working people in america. this is ted cruz! and then hold on. and then here comes guess who? bernie sanders. and bernie sanders says oh, you don't understand what it means to have decent wages and it's the economy that's the problem, not the labor participation. i'm thinking wow. cruz and sanders are teaming up. >> that's the ticket. >> he's the leader the frontrunner. obviously everyone wants to take the frontrunner down a notch or two. so cruz points out something that he found wrong in what jeb said. >> you got a little bit of that gotcha because oh, no she didn't. in february of 2014, hear what hillary had to say. >> do i have to read it? i can't see that far. "clinton pointed to issues with small business of 50 or more
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providing coverage to their employees, and businesses moving people from full-time work to part-time work to try to avoid contributing to their health care "as issues that should be addressed. that's a little nugget from cnn. bolling, you can't see it either. >> why does that apply to this? >> this is what she said in 2014. >> talking about the labor participation rate. what i was saying. part-time issues. >> i mean i understand. they're like explaining to me why we read that comment. the bottom line he was right with labor participation rate. he was wrong with hours worked and he was wrong with productivity. those things are very strong. >> i don't think he meant that though. >> it's the nature though of modern politics. each republican has to be on their toes. because they have a big fat target on their back. >> especially if you're leading. >> and hillary doesn't need it. >> jeb was much more willing to engage and to answer questions and to be prepared and
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well-versed on the issues. this will come to be a very significant advantage on his behalf. hillary is not going to be ready. >> remember she didn't write that tweet, okay? she's got better staffers than she is a candidate. >> that's true. >> that is it right there. so what is she going to do? i get by with a little help from my friends and bring them all up on the stage in the debate or put them in the podium? >> got to have a crush of people for your social media for you. all right. next on "the five" brand-new confederate flags developments in south carolina where governor nikki hailey just made a historic move on the issue. when we return.
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big news in south carolina. moments ago governor nikki haley signed a bill allowing for the removal of the confederate flag from the state house grounds. the governor explained what will happen next. >> tomorrow morning at 10:00
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a.m. we will see the confederate flag come down. we are a state that believes in tradition. we're a state that believes in history. we're a state that believes in respect. so we will bring it down with dignity, and we will make sure that it is put in its rightful place. >> the governor's signature comes after both the republican-controlled house and senate in south carolina passed the bill with overwhelming support. greg are you surprised? >> it's got to kill the democrats to see the republicans take down their flag. hat tip john gabriel. i hear they're replacing the flag with posters of donald trump. so i don't know if it's a win-lose. but you know what one point i think i'm okay with this. it's not my game. but america is in scary shape. so is the world. you got chinaimploding, europe's a mess. is it not a coincidence this is happening when america tends to its social justice garden we've somehow stopped looking outward and too busy looking inward to correct the shame of our past?
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is that a good question, juan? you're pondering. >> i'm pondering because i listen to you. but i must say to me it's stunning. i saw somebody quoted as saying -- this was a black person -- they never thought they'd see it in their lifetime. i never thought we'd get past the whole argument about heritage and tradition and people would own up to it. what do you think? >> the transformative moment led by a republican who's an indian american whose family came here and worked really hard and they raised an amazing family and she was able to lead this effort. >> but she's an immigrant. >> a legal one. a little one. >> she's not mexican. >> she was actually born here. she's an american. >> so republican house, senate and republican governor signing. can we move on? i did learn something today. i did learn that the flag didn't fly above the state house until the 100th anniversary after the
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fact. and it stayed as a protest to some desegregation efforts. so you know what? okay. so take the flag down. >> move on. i'm happy to hear you say that. move on because you feel like it's a defeat in the culture wars or something? >> the issue is over. it's been decided at the state level. >> i think it's an amazing moment in american history. you disagree? >> i didn't say i disagree. i think that she showed tremendous courage and fortitude and led the way on this. i think it's an important moment. and i like that nikki haley did it. what are you going to say now about the republicans? huh? >> well i think it's a real positive thing about republicans. so let me tell you something interesting about the democrats. bernie sanders is on the radio. and bernie sanders says the nation should apologize for slavery. >> nobody in this generation is involved in slavery. but as a nation slavery is one of the abominations that our
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country has experienced. there's no excuse. what can we say about it? as a nation -- i don't think as a president -- but as a nation we have got to apologize for slavery. >> kimberly do we need to apologize? >> no i don't think we need to apologize. we've spent every single day apologizing for something, right? i mean not to say this isn't a significant moment. but this is his moment. we're talking about bernie sanders every day. i want to apologize for that. but other than that, he's of course going to say this. this is who he is. so i think it's consistent with his politics with his ideology and the idea of like american shame. >> juan? >> i'm sorry. >> i think bernie should apologize for himself. he's the last remaining american socialist. talking about clinging to a dangerous, harmful, deadly path. but i do agree with him on one point. all of humanity should apologize for slavery. earliest records from 1760 b.c. show it was an established institution. there were black slaves white slaves there were christian
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slaves muslim slaves there were slaves in the british isles, slaves in canada, slaves in europe. in moritania. should they be apologizing to bernie sanders? it's an ugly scar for the earth. >> it is. dana i wanted to talk politics for a second. why is bernie sanders doing this? is it all about his need for reaching out to the black and minority vote in the democratic party? >> i actually think bernie sanders is just being bernie sanders. >> right. thank you. >> he just raised a reporting requirement for the campaign. he raised $15 million. that's a lot of money! there is actually support for him. he believes in a form -- this is an issue about a formal apology from the united states that would be written and signed off and sworn to. i would ask you, juan do you agree with that? >> do you want it? >> do you think that a formal apology from the united states government would help the issue? >> not to me. so the question is what is it about? somebody the other day said obama should apologize. i thought the first black
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president? >> democrats should apologize. >> why? >> because republicans are the ones who got slavery abolished and also got voting rights for african americans. so democrats. they voted against it. >> we didn't quite have republicans and democrats when the constitution was signed, you know. >> amendments. >> all right. this was a founding fathers thing. i wasn't even fully human, 3/5 human. >> 3/5. >> so it's a problem for us as americans. >> 3/5? >> i hope i'm 3/5 cute enough for you. >> oh, my. directly ahead, pop star ariana grande is singing a different tune after being caught on tape in a doughnut shop saying she hates america. wow! but is the singer's apology enough? get ready for this because greg's up next.
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there's so much to learn from ariana grande the singer who besmirched a doughnut shop on the fourth saying she hates america while licking other people's doughnuts. roll it, clem. >> i [ mute ] hate america. it hate america. >> oh, man. the lessons in no real order. one, grande is only 22 which in pop star years is six. you divide the age by 2 and then subtract five. 6-year-olds lick things and they hate things because they're dumb. to ruin your life date a backup singer like the guy who egged her on that day. called the federline law. if you want to apologize without apologizing, say you're sorry to people close to you. it's like apologizing to you car after running over an old lady. here ariana claims she was upset
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over fat people and lectures us on america's childhood obesity rate which her assistant likely googled. she wrote this after buying doughnuts. that's like lecturing us on safe sex after sleeping with charlie sheen. as for licking doughnuts meant for the public isn't that a crime? that doughnut should sue her for assault. who knows what she gave it. and her hate for america? that's the phony edginess of the fake cool a moron substitute for intellect. i say boycott her music. but is it music? speaking of she canceled on the mlb all stars, saying she'll make it up to her fans there soon. fans how cute that she thought there'd be more than one. adopting victim status she says she's having oral surgery instead. true it's going to take a team of surgeons to remove her foot from her mouth. actually she's having a wisdom tooth taken out. clearly she's not using it. >> do you buy, k.g. the wisdom tooth argument? >> i think she's having her
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tongue removed. going to be helpful. we'll see if she can still sing. obviously this is an unfortunate moment. i don't know if she was hating on doughnuts, hating on america. said it was taken out of context. it wasn't. we know exactly what she was saying what she was doing. it's disappointing. because i think america has been pretty good to her. >> yeah. >> so what is her beef with america? >> on july 4th eric. she should go to jail just for that. >> well she's being investigated. >> yeah right. >> malicious licking. >> that's pretty gross. >> if somebody bought it and ate it. >> that's not the grossest thing that goes on in a doughnut shop. happened to be caught on tape. she can't do the mlb thing. she would obviously get booed. very good choice not to do it. to blame a tooth? she could say look i made a mistake. let's back out of it. she can sing though greg. ariana grande can sing. >> i've never heard a single song by her. >> very good. >> she can blow. that's what they say. >> that's disgusting. >> no sing really well. >> dana could her saliva be
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viewed as a weapon? there are more germs in the human mouth than there are on the toilet seat. i made that up. >> if she's allowed to go out and lick doughnuts and i can't take my dog outside a patio in new york city and let him sit down with me while i have a meal. >> who did that to jasper? >> all of new york. they're trying to change the law which would be good. >> juan i want to read a tweet here from susan sarandon in defense of ariana. she writes "today lick a doughnut in solidarity with ariana grande a sweet, talented true american." juan will you be licking a doughnut? i brought one for you. >> did you? >> it's glazed. >> it's glazed? my advisor tells me you're a trickster. you know what? i bet greg licked it before! >> did you? >> you're holier than thou. >> he licked it. >> why are you such a baby? >> oh, you're licking the --
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wait a second. >> maybe i shouldn't have purchased that. >> the part that amazed me was, how can she say now she is going to lead a campaign against obesity? >> yes that's her cover. if you pick a cause you can get away with anything. >> obesity in a doughnut shop. >> she says we need to do more to educate ourselves and our children about the dangers of overeating. we need to demand more from our food industry. >> but the point is she's learned this. this is learned behavior. when you're in trouble, find a cause and use it as cover. >> she should have said i made a mistake. by boyfriend dared me to do it. she needs a better choice of boyfriends. >> behind every pop singer is a loser boyfriend. who forces her to do things. >> next time could you get me the ones with the sprinkles on top? >> by the way, what is this about doughnut shops? i happen to be a big fan of doughnuts, not prelicked ones like the one gregory offered me. >> he didn't lick. >> it why do you put down doughnut shops? things behind the scenes at
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doughnut shops. >> i love doughnuts. doughnuts are amazing. >> bolling just drinks his calories. he doesn't eat any food. we got to go now. up next could skipping breaks and working long hours be hurting your business productivity? we'll reveal how to maximize your time in the workplace this. tease brought to you by a robot.
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i heard i could call angie's list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. sure can. so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? yup! or make a backyard pizza oven? oh yeah. i can almost taste it now. tastes like victory. and pepperoni...
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do you ever have a hard time getting caught up on your business to do list? it could be your habits keeping you from achieving your workplace goals. according to entrepreneur magazine bad habits you should stop to improve productivity include checking your e-mail constantly. scheduling weekly status meetings. working long hours. eating lunch at your desk. and multitasking. these are all things that we all do here every day. do you think any of those things are holding you back? >> they left out a tip for more productivity. iae. i abbreviate everything. because i save time. tisatml. try it sometime and you'll thank me later. >> that's a very good tip. >> i waste add loft time explaining it. >> thank you. >> wait a second. checking e-mails constantly. isn't that part of our job? we're supposed to check our e-mail and read all the --
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>> well the advice is that -- this person is saying -- that don't work in breaking news so it might be a little different. if you're on your phone all the time always checking e-mail you get into the e-mail rabbit hole. so what you want to do is have a specific time between like 1:00 and 2:00 that you do e-mails and maybe between -- >> we can't do that. >> this is not necessarily applicable to us. >> i'm just trying to learn and grow. >> i do not. and people around here especially young people who are the producters and things they think i'm a jerk. >> because you don't respond? >> call me. if you want to talk to me give me a holler. >> you're supposed to read the updates, juan so you know what's happening. >> if i have something to do i will engage. but am i supposed to look at the e-mail all day long kimberly? >> correct. >> well not according to this magazine. eric do you have any recommendations for habits people should drop? >> maybe the social media stuff. maybe the twitter and facebook and snap chat now.
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it's so addictive that i find trying to write something, a blog or something on the show and i'm lielike checking whatever. twitter or snap chat. engaging and then going back. you lose your train of thought. it's distracting. >> that's because you have a.d. d. >> take it one hour a day. >> maybe it's been created. it's generational and we're product. >> we're rewiring our brains. it's not good. >> all this i think is pretty much wrong, okay? this is the worst list in america pretty much. having coffee for breakfast. >> that's the only thing for breakfast. that's what they're saying. have more than just coffee. >> that's my breakfast. >> me too. >> spending too much time eating a lot of breakfast instead of sucking it down and running at the same time. you're probably not winning. >> do you eat breakfast? >> i eat whatever i can run and find like a leftover. i just devour the rest of like what ronan didn't eat. down it with coffee. run. that's what i do. i don't recommend my habit actually. >> have you had a physical
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lately? >> yeah i did. >> i had a procedure yesterday. >> i had a complete blood count. everything checked out. peeked under the hood. >> i have a little camera. >> can i ask one serious question? it says you should not eat lunch at your desk because that decreases productivity. >> i've never not. that's all i do is eat at my desk. there are things on my keyboard that are so disgusting. >> it totally bugs me when people are like oh, i'm out for lun lun muchhundred lunch. >> the routine is no breakfast, coffee, bag of pretzels bag of peanuts at the day then wait until dinner. >> you're like the animals at the zoo. you like eating peanuts? >> that was a fascinating e block. i like this real estate. keep me parked right here. all right. one more thing up next.
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i have lung cancer. and i've heard it all... the well-meaning advice of friends... the guarded words of doctors... the brave resolve of loved ones... what i haven't heard... what a lot of us haven't heard nearly enough... new news. over 430,000 americans are living with lung cancer today. in fact, every two and a half minutes another person is diagnosed. although there are known risk factors anyone can get lung cancer. and every case is different. but now patients could be hearing some unexpected news. this news goes beyond what you may know today. research is leading to scientific advancements... that could offer some patients the potential of longer life... and the chance to share more moments
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and memories. news in lung cancer? now, i'm listening. if you have lung cancer, you haven't heard it all. yet. talk to your doctor today for more information on lung cancer. and call now... or visit for a free patient education kit. we live in a pick and choose world. choose choose choose. but at bedtime?
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...why settle for this? enter sleep number don't miss the final days of the lowest prices of the season. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. don't miss the final days of the lowest prices of the season. save $300 to $700 on selected mattress sets. ends sunday! know better sleep with sleep number. [alarms blaring] ohhhhh... whoa whoa whoa! who's responsible for this?!? if something goes wrong, you find a scapegoat. ...rick. it's what you do. ahhhhhhhh! what'd you say? uh-oh! kelly! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. rick. don't walk away from me. ahhhhhhhh! when you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. connections you almost miss.
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and ones you never thought you'd make. we help connect where you are. to places you never thought you'd go. this, is why we travel. and why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter. time for one more thing. k.g. kicks it off. >> oh, yes i'm very ready for you. are you ready for all these baby girls? they're absolutely delicious. so cute. america's first all-girl quintuplets are finally back together again now that the last baby has returned home from the hospital. feast your eyes on olivia hazel, riley and parker -- weighing between 2 pounds and 2 pounds six ounces each born in april. they're color coded with the lit
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bandannas and things like that. then if you can believe this, they go through 40 bottles and 60 diapers a day. play it. >> like me. >> yeah. >> having four at home you're extremely busy. it's still a lot of kids. and so we couldn't find the amount of time we wanted to keep going back up there to the hospital every day. so we're just thrilled to finally have them all home. >> that makes five. it's like the new starting lineup for america's girl soccer team right? maybe? or basketball maybe? >> sure. >> that was very cute. >> thank you. >> by the way. i'm irritated with the government. because now the government is not even able to trust the government anymore. do you remember we've been tell you can this story about the chinese that supposedly hacked into the american government computers to the office of personnel management. they basically hold all the information for anyone who worked in the government who might have applied for a background check. initially, obama administration the white house, confirmed 4.2 million people were affected.
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they had to revise that today. guess what it's larger than that. it was 21.5 million people are affected by this. this is a huge consequences. i don't see how we don't see this as an act of cyber war. and i think that the white house should actually have to be forced to answer for this -- for these problems. >> 21 million? >> it's like basically easier to announce who wasn't affected. >> all righty. remember when hillary clinton said she was of the people for the people and by the people? so she got the scooby van. take a look at the scooby van. she's one of the people. everyone's chasing her around. well look at what america rising pac uncovered. hillary clinton getting aboard her $10 million lear jet in iowa. i believe that was a few days ago. the only reason why we know it's hers we can see the blue pant suit underneath the wing right there. 10 million of the people for the people. greg? >> here's some greg news.
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i did this interview with real clear politics. they do this thing where they take you around in a car? >> commute. >> the commute. it's interesting because this guy had never driven in new york city. you should watch this. go to real clear politics and just watch how terrified i am throughout this entire thing. i have no idea what i'm saying. i'm sweating and i'm actually crying at a point. >> you look pale in there. >> i'm terrified this guy can't drive. >> he's a good driver. >> not in new york city. >> the seat belt looks very tight on you. >> oh, thank you. awful person. >> tight and sweaty. >> you're up juan. >> oh, oh, that was too good. poor gregory. anyway on wednesday a federal judge upheld cancellation of the federal patent and trademark of the washington nfl football team's nickname. i won't say it. but anyway this is the biggest legal and public relations
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battle loss for the team yet. and it doesn't go into effect until the team has exhausted its appeals. but let me tell you. >> says right there. it says the redskins right there. >> i'm not going to use that slur. >> we got to go. we have four seconds lefts left. that's it for "the five" "special report" next. i'm bret baier in washington. remember all the terror warnings before the fourth of july? tonight federal authorities are filling in some details. fbi director james comey says the bureau stopped several potential terrorist attacks in the weeks before the fourth of july weekend. and comey says some of the suspects apprehended had been communicating on encrypted platforms. let's get more on this from chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge tonight. good evening, kathryn. >> reporter: the confirmation from fbi director james comey that federal authorities disrupted a number of plots designed for the july fourth holiday shows there was a


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