tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News July 10, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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ite seat is in the front. joe and allison say the seat next to the bathroom stinks, and dan likes the bulkhead seats because there's no one in front of him and it's better if they're on the aisle. i'm with you on that one. thank you for being part of "the real story." here's harris in for shep. >> this man says he shot a young woman dead on a pier right in front of her father. and we have heard questions about why authorities let him walk out of jail before the killing, even though he had a string of felonies and had been deported from the u.s. over and over again. this afternoon the sheriff of san francisco tried to give some answers. and donald trump doubles down on his comments about mexican immigrants. >> they are taking people that should be in mexican prisons mexican jails and they're pushing them over to the united states. >> making his argument are the remarks like these hurting the entire republican party in and does trump even care? as the confederate flag
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comes down in south carolina, renewed focus on the shooting that instigated the debate over it all. and word that the suspect accused of killing the church go we are was able to get a gun only because of paperwork problems during his background check. >> i'm harris faulkner. we'll begin in san francisco. the sheriff is blaming immigration officials for failing to keep a career criminal off the streets. the point would be if i.c.e. had him in custody in the first place, he would not have been free to shoot and killen innocent woman. the sheriff says he is trying to set the record straight about the controversial case. the confessed killer is an illegal immigrant, whom the feds have flagged for disease port -- deportation, but according to the sheriff federal immigration officials didn't get a warrant to have san francisco keep him behind bars. without such an order the sheriff claims the city had no choice but 0 set him free in
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april and that left him on the streets where prosecutors say he shot and killed the victim, kate steinle. according to the sheriff, his critics are trying to capitalize on her death. >> i find it incredibly sad and incomprehendible that this tragedy is being used as a platform for political gain. >> we're still waiting to hear back from federal immigration officials for they're take hon he sheriff's claim that feds dropped the ball. claudia cowen is live in san francisco. the sheriff is take something heat today. >> reporter: he really did. a defiant sheriff stood his ground when he was asked why he didn't pick then phone to notify fer immigration authorities before releasing francis sew sanchez from his jail. he said it's not the sheriff's job and not his decision to bring sanchez to deal with a
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felony bench warrant on a 20-year-old pot charge that call was made by the federal bureau of prisons. he doesn't know why because san francisco doesn't prosecutor minor pot charges but sense the warrant was issued, sanchez seen here in court on tuesday had been sent back to mexico four times and should have been deported again. adding that if the feds wantedded him back once the drug charges were dropped they would have known in san francisco they need an arrest warrant. >> i believe that we have made very clear to i.c.e. and to the feds both through local law and through communication of this department direct to the leadership of i.c.e., what we require. could we be more loud about that? perhaps, but if we're being asked to undercut, subvert or cheat the law that we're supposed to adhere to, then that really becomes a real conflict.
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>> reporter: he adds that hundredses of cities across the country routinely ignore the i.c.e. detainers on constitutional grounds and he invited federal officials to come here, sit down with him in san francisco and hammer out better communication guidelines and also offered to meet withcast -- with kate stein he's family. >> we learn so much about this beautiful woman. she was remembered yesterday in her home town. >> it was a so manier and uplifting celebration of kate steinle's life with friends and family remembering the bay area native as a compassionate free spirit who loved people and traveling and dancing. guests were encouraged to hug their families, make amends with any broken ties and to love deeply every day because kate did and that is her legacy. >> claudey, thank you. let's bring in kimberly, former assistant district attorney in san francisco now co-host, as
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you know, of "the five" here on the fox news channel and author of the book, money making the case: how do be your own best advocate." she is going to help us understand the case. thank you for being here. first of all what do you think about the sheriff's comments and where he is coming from and we haven't heard from in feds yet but he is claiming the feds dropped the ball. >> of course. he is looking to try to shift blame and shift focus. earlier we heard the mayor say what the sheriff depth did was inexcusable. the facts remain the sheriff's department requested that this individual come back to san francisco for a very old 20-year-old narcotics case that wasn't something that san francisco really prosecutes, possession that amount. i know because i worked at the san francisco district attorney's office. so they put the wheels in motion and they disregarded the law. they can try to shift the blame to the feds but if you're looking at this from a macro perspective, the feds are also
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culpable in the greater picture because they should be enforcing the laws that are on the books. but we essentially had a message, an idea of amnesty from the administration and from the feds as it relates to illegal immigrants, and convictions and open cases. >> as i understand what you're saying that former felony or former law break they were trying to bring this guy back on was $20worth of marijuana. they knew they would never prosecute him. >> it's a misdemeanor actually in san francisco and not one of the -- more of like what the consider a quality of life crime, does not have any kind of significance or prioritization in terms of the district attorney's office or the sheriff. so they dropped be ball by bring him back for something -- >> why? >> it shows the inefficiency of the system and when you couple that with the disregard of the laws on the books it is mall fees san on the part of the sheriff's office to act in this
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way. that's the problem here and that's why the young beautiful woman is dead. >> as we look at the big picture, what do you want to see happen is? the sheriff in trouble? what happens next. >> the sheriff other should be the trouble. he should lose his job step down or resign, like bill o'reilly said, if had any shame to say i dropped the ball, i've been avoiding following the laws. they should follow the laws. these are the rules rules and the laws is a written if they enforce them lives would be saved, and they didn't, and why are we continuing to provide a safe haven for criminals because we're more interested in pc politics and ideology than observing the laws and saving lives. >> you brought up politic and you were also the former first lady of san francisco. and if you could talk to me how politics come into play here. >> well, san francisco is a very political driven town from an ideological perspective. a very vocal and active grassroots groups there that are really difficult sometimes to deal with to be perfectly
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honest. but you have to have the fortitude to enforce the laws and the rules on the books and having been in that climate and worked in it and day in and day out, not only from being first lady but work neglect d.a.'s office -- working in the d.a.'s office it's political and how see what happens when you mix politic and you're trying to do something to protect the public. public safety should be first. following the laws on the books and political agenda has no place for that. >> were you aware back then of this reputation of san francisco being a sanctuary city? sanchez, the man who admits he killed this woman says, well, even if the courts find my guilty that wouldn't make me mad. he doesn't want to go. obviously. he has come back five times. >> he knew he could come back to san francisco because it provides a sanctuary for people like him that are repeat offenders. he is a recidivist. this is exactly who we should be protecting the public from, and they failed miserably.
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the laws go back to 1982349 san francisco with respect to sanctuary status there were some modifications, different changes in 2006. i was already long gone from there. it's unfortunate because i hate to see this happen in such an incredible city that usually has so much to offer. we really failed miserably in this regard. >> quickly, kate steinle is why be are here. her loss of life has gotten us to this opinion. the white house publicly sass nod said whether the president or anybody reached out to her family but questions raised bying my again kelly why the white house might not have reached out to this family when they have in other high profile indicates. >> that's a good point. they have chosen to not be engaged and involved. we should hear from the president of the united states. he represents all of us. he should represent this young beautiful woman as well and say something. we heard him speak out about ferguson and all kinds of cases across the country, trayvon martin. where is his voice? where is his compassion and
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leadership on this is? the problem is he is part to blame because his administration and the feds he controls did not act and look what happened. >> san francisco not the only sanctuary city. perhaps this will trigger the white house to take another look. >> we hope. so we can save lives if we do the job that people are paid to do, like the sheriff in san francisco should have done. >> making the case. the book. i've read it. it's excellent. thank you for being here. >> thank you and congratulations on outnumbered. fastest growing -- >> thank you. >> donald trump does not back down. we know that is true. now he is demonstrating that it with his latest comments about mexican immigrants despite calls from republicans to dial it back, and the impact it's having on his presidential candidacy.
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donald trump is refusing to back down from his comments about mexican immigrants despite pressure from the republican party. watch. >> instead of putting them in their jails they're sending them to us. they're sending us drug dealers and people that have lots of other problems. >> the comments follow the chairman of the republican national committee asking trump to tone it down. fox news contributor ed rollins is here and he was racing racing racing's national campaign director in 1984 and was white house director and deputy chief of staff. let's talk about donald trump
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for just a second. just in terms of messaging, he stays on message. he sticks to it, sticks by his guns. that benefits donald trump. >> he is very powerful communicator an entertainer a tremendous following out there and he is touching on a hot button issue. inappropriate in the words he used but a lot of people are very concerned about the immigration issue, and i think he tapped into that. more important what he is doing is very strong antiwashington, antiincumbent mode. how long that lasts is something that will prove out. >> why would the rnc chairman call donald trump? what you're describing might be something that is good for the party, for any party. >> i'm not arguing it's good for the party. i think the chairman did the right thing. >> you do. >> telling him to be careful with his words. >> whoa? >> words have an impact and the republican party -- one man is not the republican party the candidate is not but the party as a whole is working very hard
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to have hispanic outreach and this is a remark that is obviously caused a great deal of concern with the hispanic community. >> you talk about illegal immigration being a topic and i've been saying for days now that this definitely infuses it into at least the top three or four things we would hear in 2016 as we look at this case that just happened in san francisco with young kate steinle. what will the message from the party be and is donald trump helping them find its way. >> i was ross perot's campaign manager 20 years ago. 39% at one time, ahead of bush and clinton. he made an issue out of deficit. it became -- he crashed and burned but at the end of the day ex-deficit became a very important topic think immigration and the republican party has a responsibility to deal with immigration and comeñr up withsolutions -- with solutions and that's a big debate. you 'can't have 11 million people in the country illegal and not have a solution. and and millions of others want
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to come to this country and we need a path for them. >> you look at polling and look at things that -- might make him popular. he has independent cash. jeb bush came out withhis statement -- >> $110 million. >> a lot of money in a short period of time. >> no one ever done that. >> quick thoughts on all the candidates. >> we have a very strong field. the vast majority of them are not known by the public at large, even though they're significant passion governors and senators. it will evolve over time, and we go through a period where people move to the forefront, people forget that governor perry led the pack four years ago michelle bachmann, herman cain, they all crash and burn when it comes to scrutiny, and donald trump will be an interesting factor and social media has helped drive that but i don't think he will be the candidate at the end of the day. >> iowa, new hampshire as you look at the group. >> governor walker has a great
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base there and he is a neighboring governor. he probably does well there. i think the difference this time is normally everybody starts in iowa. i think lot of people made a determines this time that iowa is not the place to start. >> where do you start? >> bush and others are going to start in new hampshire. you'll see kashich and bush and a lot of these people go back to new hampshire and try to make that the first place they can in. you have to win somewhere and it's a long, hard battle and may go to california. could be a year, unlike all of the political types want to go to a convention, which we hasn't had a convention battle since 1976. >> what determines a candidate's ability to stay in, money? >> modify has a lot to do with it. normally you raise enough money to get started, you catch momentum and add money. this particular case there's so many states and so many candidates that in order to stay in you have to have resources and the operatives, and there's a limited number of operatives. >> i wonder where that leaves the average voter wondering can my guy my girl, my woman the person i pick make i it?
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>> they probably can't unless they really catch on, but you got do win some. >> we're winningive you ed rollins, for stopping by. >> happy friday. >> after an emotional debate over history versus hatred, the confederate battle flag is no longer flying on the state house grounds in south carolina. we'll head out there for a live report. plus the feds now say the suspect in the charleston church shooting that triggered the debate should never have been automobile to buy -- been able to buy a gun but the did anyway. paperwork snafu? the feds? what happened, next.
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♪ whoa what are you doing? putting on a movie. i'm trying to watch the game here. look i need this right now ok? come on i don't want to watch that. too bad this is happening. fine, what if i just put up the x1 sports app right here. ah jeez it's so close. he just loves her so much. do it. come on. do it. come on! yes! awww, yes! that is what i'm talking about. baby. call and upgrade to get x1 today. ♪ more than a half century after south carolina raised the confederate battle flag over the state house and three weeks after the deadly shooting inside
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an historic black church, state troopers removed the flag from capitol grounds. [cheering] >> thousands of people showed up to watch it. the flag went up over the state house in 1961 to mark 100 years since the start of the civil war and to protest the civil rights movement. in 2000, a compromise was reached and it was moved nearby to a war memorial. supporters say it's part of hoyt. it's heritage. opponents call it's symbol of hatred. and now it's gone from there. jonathan sire is live at the state capitol. what was the reaction? we could here some cheers. >> reporter: you could. most of those cheers coming from people who had been lobbing for the flag's removal for years something that mansardsans thought would -- many south carolinaons thought would never happen. and those who wanted to keep the
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flag writ was, they watched silently also the state highway patrol honor guard furled the flag and handled it to the curator or a state museum where the flag will be put on permanent display. >> i look at is at a gateway for growth. for the community. >> i think what it is actually creating is a window of opportunity to attack other things that are confederate-related. >> just a few hours after the flag was removed work crews came in and removed the flag pole, and in a related matter the naacp is praising south carolina's action on removing the confederate flag. the college athletic organization now ending its boycott against the state allowing south carolina to host future championships. harris? >> and there are some new revelations that we're learning about, about the map accused in the church shooting that led to this. >> reporter: yes. in fact today james comey the fbi director, says that dylann
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roof the defendant in that case was able to purchase a firearm because of breakdowns in the fbi background check system. roof had been arrested on a felony drug charge back in late winter, which should have prevented him from purchasing the weapon as a gun store. but official says the information was entered incorrectly into the national criminal background check system so when purchasing his gun in april, dylann roof was never flagged. the director says fbi officials feel sick this happened. harris? >> sick doesn't seem to really do enough. jonathan, thank you very much. let's get more on this background check mixup. brit baer is filling in this week for chris wallace. the weekend on "fox news sunday." good to see you. >> hi, harris. >> as i remember the president first talking after this happened it didn't -- then of course he gave the eulogy at the
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pastor's funeral who passed away. it didn't seem like the president's comments early on gave much room for the feds to have actually dropped the ball. >> not at all harris. let's start with the caveat that this was an emotional day in columbia and for those families, this was really an emotional moment, seeing the flag come down. but go back to this moment, the day after where the president comes to the briefing room and says this, he says, we know that innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. at some point he says, we have to come to grips with the fact that our country needs to reckon with this and it's in our power to do something about it. he says i recognize the politics in this town does foreclosure a lot of these avenues but we have to come to grips with it. you look at that and those statements in context of what the fbi director is saying
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today, that a federal background check didn't work, that's the reason dylann roof got the gun and he shouldn't have. >> what is so interesting, gun advocates said all along that if the laws on the books were actually enforced, they would have worked in any event. they were right it looks like, brett. >> ask that's what the fbi director is saying today. he is sick about it. and he is instituting a 30-dale review of all background checks across the country to make sure it doesn't happen again. but the point being is that this issue is so heated, and the president is right. there is not an avenue for a lot of these things up on capitol hill on both sides of the aisle, frankly. but as you look at the politics of this in this instance, those statements didn't turn out to be accurate. >> i'm looking at the ticktock that i know you have worked on, april 11th roof tried to purchase a gun weapon, at west
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columbia, south carolina, and then just kind of on and on. give us the details of that, maybe so that people understand how this could happen. >> reporter: well, basically the system -- they had these instant background checks in 30 states, and comey said because of the series of errors and jonathan touched on one of those -- on the rap sheet for dylann roof -- that the examiner did not know if roof admitted drug possession. basically a couple of different errors happened along the way and eventually the gun store is given the go-ahead to sell the gun, and it's never caught, and he should have been stopped along the way in that instance background check. could he have gotten another gun? who knows. it's all hypothetical. this particular incident, this particular gun he should not have had. >> all right. quickly. two things come to mind. 30-day review period for all background checks is ordered by comey. just on first blush unless
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they're just very few of them, that doesn't seem like enough time but this is not a good week for the feds. we started this our with the feds messed up in san francisco through i.c.e. and their local law enforcement there with regard to kate steinle was killed with man who had been defeaterred five times on felony after felony connected in this country, and now finger pointing at the feds in this case, too. >> not to mention the opm incident. >> yes. >> 25 million roughly people's personal data out there in the ether, and what is go government going to do about that? how much money is it going to cost to protect those people's information, going forward. we're not sure that there's a protection as of now for that office personnel management. >> the people who had been refer refers for those who were hired
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who might not have had to do with the government, their information exposed. that's you get the 26 million composed. brett, thank you very much. now i'm going to bran brag on you. brett will be filling in for chris wallace on "fox news sunday." dope miss. i he'll have the latest on the iran nuclear talks with mitch mcconnell, the newest democrat to get into the presidential race former virginia senator jim webb and louisiana governor bobby gyp cal, all of are- -- bobby jindal. this sunday. it will be good. iran is blaming the united states. after negotiators missed another deadline in the nuclear talks but the white house says there are signs of progress. hmm. what does that mean? what does progress lock like? we're coming back.
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michigan, 45 years in prison for a cancer doctor whod a mated he scammed hundreds of patients to so he could collect millions of dollars from medicare and insurance company. the doctor diagnosed some patients with cancers they didn't have and gave others painful treatments they did not need. the doctor broke down in court in detroit saying he let power and greet control him. california brother and sister hiking on a cliff in san francisco when the ground started crumbling under the feet. the teenagers called 9-1-1 and hung on for dear life until rescuers pulled them to safety. new hampshire a guy broke into a barn and tried to escape on a getaway horse. can't make that up. it took him several jumps before he could get on. good lord. but officers say he venally left without the horse. it happened earlier this week.
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a surge on wall street. it's been a bumpy ride this week. cooperate do the floor training and then -- the dow climbed more than 200 points, though. this comes after the fed indicated it's still on track to raise interest rates later this year. traders are celebrating the progress in bailout negotiations for greece. the nasdaq and s&p 500 are trading higher as wall street wraps up the week less than 30 minutes from now. iran is accusing u.s. negotiators of shifting their demands as they fight to reach a nuclear deal. they just missed a key deadline. still the iranian foreign minister said he is not giving up. >> this is not dead. we're making progress. we need to make more progress. >> got to get some microphones secretary of state john kerry warned america is ready to leave the talks if there's not more
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progress but the iranian foreign minister says people want to stay and work out a deal. this all comes after negotiators tried and failed to reach an agreement by last night. now the u.s. must give 60 days to congress to review any potential deal. if negotiators meat yesterday's deadline the review period would have been 30 days. lea gabrielle has more. the latest from the officials. what does progress look like? >> right. well today white house officials are saying that they have never been closer to getting through a deal but there's still significant sticking points. secretary of state john kerry the u.s. negotiating team now plans to stay in vienna for the talks at least until tuesday and despite having blown through three previous self-imposed deadlines, u.s. officials now say they will stay as long as talks are useful. >> if it becomes clear that iran is not interested in engaging in a constructive way to resolve the rye maintaining sticking points, then the negotiators should come home and that is
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essentially what is driving the timetable here. >> vladimir putin also spoke about this from russia. he is calling for sanctions against iran to be lifted as soon as possible. a major point of contention still is that u.s. negotiators want u.n. inspectors to have full hack to iran's nuclear sites and suspicious sites. iran's hardliners still saying they will not have access to iran's military sites under any circumstances. >> the bigger talking point they tweet about this, the ayatollah -- death to america. they have pretty strong antiamerican sentiments, and i understand that's kind of on display in a different way today. >> it absolutely is. if you remember back in april when a preliminary deal was reached, iranians were supportive of that but today that animosity was clear. [chanting] >> you hear them, tens of thousands of iranians channing
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"down with america" and" death to israel" during annual pro palestinian rallies across iran today, and peeking at a prayer ceremony, a top iranian leader threatened it would be a strategic mistake for the u.s. not so much for iran if we walk away now. >> translator: if a deal is not reached, it will not be the end of the world. we have been under sanctions for 36 years. and for the past 36 years with god's grace we have been standing straight. >> well, today a state department spokesman said it is not unusual to hear this kind of antiamerican rhetoric during iranian demonstrations, but he said that the u.s. will not be swayed by this and will not be deterred by it. >> leah, thank you very much. let's bring in jd gordon, a former defense department spokesperson and retired u.s. navy commander. j.d., thank you for joining us today. >> thanks. >> why are we still at the
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table? one of our key demands is no longer on the table according to iran. >> iran wants to have its cake and eat it, too. it wants to have nuclear weapons weapons weapons and wants the sanctions removed. the thing is the sanctions have to stay in place until iran grants inspections. by iran refusing to grant inspections to their military facilities and nuclear facilities,ing this accord is meaningless airports weak now but if iran doesn't agree to have inspectors in, it's useless. so iran under that position will get a nuclear weapon. only a matter of time. so we have to be tough on make sure we have complete inspections and also a full accounting of iran's past nuclear work. >> you're touching on a key point in terms of why we even sat down in the first place from what i read it was so that we could get a better idea of where they are in their process and maybe not in real-time but as close to real-time as possible about them moving forward. if we can't watch that process what is the point? >> there is no point.
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exactly. the only reason why we know of their enrichment facilities now is because dissidents told us about them. iran has been cheating for years in the nuclear program and will continue to do so. it's really important to understand iran says they want this nuclear power for peaceful energy purposes. how we know that is a lie is because there are 30 countries around the world with nuclear power plants for energy. right? but 20 of those countries buy the enrichedtime on the market. the other ken runs who enrip their own uranium have nuclear weapons. that's how well know iran is lying. they cust just want to enrhythm uranium so they can build nuclear weapons. it's obvious. >> so, i'm curious. i had read recently that france has some problems with the deal. might somebody else of the six powers walk away before we do? >> possibly. i think that we have the most to lose obviously. but france has been the toughest
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negotiator. those were the ones talking about facility they have to produce plutonium. plans has been the tough -- france has been the toughest negotiating partner russia and china have not been helpful. they're trying to lived the arms embargo right now even to the iran has been creating mischef throughout the region. they control the cap yous of syria, iraq, and yep -- yemen. >> they're complicating, at least making it interest on the ground in iraq because they are now with that government, that shia-led government in iraq trying to fight off isis. >> they are trying to fight off isis. i think part of the reason they're doing that is because they want relief on the nuclear pressure. they want sanctions removed, and if sanctions are removed they're going to get billions of dollars to export more terrorism. so this accord is weak. the congress should step in and save us from this administration on this accord. it's a bad deal.
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it's weak now and if the iranians don't agree to these full inspections it will be completely use useless. >> two headlines. first secretary kerry says he might walk away and then there's been some progress made. have to know what progress looks like. we won't know until we find out what is actually on the table. j.d. gordon, thank you very much. >> thanks, harris, great to see you. >> vladimir putin's russia is the biggest national security threat to the united states so says president obama's choice to lead the joint chiefs of staff. but did that nominee just contradict current white house policy? alive report from the pentagon coming up. first, big screen legend omar sharif has died. he was best known for his roles in the epic films, "lawrence of arabia" and "doctor zhivago." >> can see how you might hate me. >> i hate everything you say but not enough to kill you for it. >> omar sharif was born in
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egypt, where he work at his father's lumber company after going into acting he became one of that country's biggest film stars but got his first big break in hollywood when he appeared in "lawrence of arabia." the performance earned him an oscar nomination. the followed it up with a lead role in -- zhivago and also -- doctorsive sag show and appeared barbara tries hand and julie andrews, and he was a world class bridge player. he identity of heart attack in cairo today. he was 83. benny's the oldest dog in the shelter. he needed help all day so i adopted him. when my back pain flared up, we both felt it. i tried tylenol but it was 6 pills a day. with aleve it's just two pills, all day. now i'm back! aleve. all day strong.
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there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world, our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. and we take it very seriously. because we love them. and we know you love them too.
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to stay from a two-mile danger zone. signtys say this is one of 100 active volcanos in indonesia. the greatest security threat to the united states is russia according to president obama's nominee to become the next chairman of the joints chief of staff. telling lawmakers 0 canol hill that moscow's nuclear arsenal and invasion of ukraine make russia a threat to take seriously and russia's behavior is nothing short of alarming. jennifer griffin is live. did he just contradict current white house policy? >> reporter: no. but some were surprised to hear he ranked isis fourth in terms of the current national security threats facing the u.s. here's how he ranked the threats. number one russia. number two china. number three, north korea number four, isis. >> senator, if i had to rack and stack them today i had russia as number one. >> the obama catted -- campaign
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mocked then presidential candidate mitt romney when he suggested as much. >> in the 1980s are now calling for their foreign policy back. the cold war has been over for 20 years. >> the general has spent a lot of time thinking bet these issues and has his own view but i think you he'd be the first to save that doesn't necessarily reflect the view -- the consensus analysis of the president's national security team. >> those remarks yet by the white house spokesman, trying to distance the president's team from the frank assessment of russia and the existential threat it could pose with its nuclear arsenal and what was describe as its alarming behavior. >> the last time we heard russia atop the list of threats is from governor mitt romney. remember that? clearly some agreeing with him any other surprises? >> reporter: the general went further than the current strategy and advocating arming
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the ukrainians against russia, echoing defense secretary ash carter at his confirmation hearing. >> chairman, from a military perspective, it's rome that we provide -- reasonable we provide that support to ukrainians and without that support they can't protect themselves against russian aggression. >> that would be music senator john john mccain's ears for -- >> people got a glimpse of aviation history as the first electric plane flew across the english channel. here you go. the efan is 20 feet long, seats to people and the company aims to put the jet on the market in just a couple of years. airbus officials say their long-term goal is to build a hybrid electric plane seating 100 passengers, hopefully within 15 years. now i mentioned planes. airbus actually does not hold
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the record for being first. 12 hours before the airbus flying french pilot flew across the english change in his own -- english channel in his own electric plane. >> a party in, in city, celebrating team u.s.a. winning the world cup. women's world cup for the first time in 16 years. that's next on the deck. it's so shiny. i know, mommy, but it's time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. if you want beautiful results, you know where to go - angie's list. now everyone can get highly rated service even without a membership. you can shop special offers or just tell us what you need and we'll help you find a local company to take care of it. angie's list is there for all your projects, big and small. pretty. come see what the new angie's list can do for you. unbelievable! toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia!
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12:53 pm
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where tens of thousands of people line up to watch history. team u.s.a. beat japan 5-2 on sunday to capture its third world cup. that's a record. members of the team got the keys to the city from the mayor. rick is at city hall. you must be screamed out. u.s.a.! >> a little bit. thousands of fans were here, they're gone now. this play was packed with people cheering on the u.s. women who proved themselves the best players on the planet with their dominating performance at the 2015 world cup. they got the keys to the city. they don't need them because every door is open here in new york after they proved themselves very, very deserving of this title. they also get a red white and blue confetti shower and this is the first women's team to get a ticker tape parade up the canyon on heroes. more than 200 other parades have honored champions including the yankees and the new york giants
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and he worries and neil armstrong but this is the first time a women's to tomorrow got the honor. they dominated every other team before taking revenge on japan with that punishing 5-2 win. including the fastest hat trick in world cup history by carli lloyd, who scored two goals in the first five minute and her third from mid-field 16 minutes into the first half. >> the world cup was a dream come true but having this parade here in new york city is one of the best moments of any buyer life and we -- my entire life. we all feel the same. so thank you for all your support. we really appreciate it and will continue to make you proud. >> reporter: lots of smiles and pictures and pose with the trophy. >> a lot of people over in jersey proud too because four of the women are from new jersey. quickly talk about who pays for this. what's up with that? >> well, i know i'm paying for it because i live in new york city.
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$2 million cost. 1.5 from taxpayers. they checked half a million dollars from private donations. they said they were looking for another 50,000. the "new york post" reported that people were calling up and trying to donate but they can't accept the money because they didn't have the means to do it. according to city hall, the spokesman said they're accepting donations so you can give if you want. >> sounds good. we'll be right back. stay with us.
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>> let's take a look at the due. an interesting week. first the floor trading outage and then greece on the brink and now they're working on progress with greece. we're up just short of a percent on the dow for the week. wow. rebounds fast. >> the world's largest free-flying american flag making a special appearance. it's 90 feet.
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i drive across this bridge every day to go home. hanging from the george washington bridge connecting new jersey city to new york. and there were four jersey goals, including captain carli lloyd. have a beautiful weekend. >> simply trying to walk away or run away from the very ordinance he signed into effect. i.c.e. should have deported him. they didn't need to bring him back. >> translation, don't blame me. ring a bell? the san francisco sheriff pointing fingers just not at himself, as the battle over sanctuary cities rages on and on and on over a murder allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant deported not once but five times. many say that didn't have to happen. today the father, whose on son was killed be an illegal immigrant in one of those sanctuary cities, says he heard it all before and cannot believe he is hearing it yet again. that dad here now.
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