tv Hannity FOX News July 11, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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that is it for "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. make it a great weekend. greta goes "on the record" right now. ♪ ♪ thanks for watching one. i'm megyn kelly and this is the kelly file. good night. welcome to "hannity." he's a conservative who says he will not compromise on traditional american values and wants to restore economic prosperity to the middle class. i'm talking about rick santorum who announces he's running for president. tonight he'll join us for the full hour. let's take a look at the highlights of senator santorum's announcement. >> working families don't need another president tied to big government or big money. today is the day we are going to begin to fight back.
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i am proud to stand here among you and for you. the american workers who have sacrificed so much to announce that i am running for president of the united states. i will take money and power out of washington and put it back where our constitution says it belongs. in the people who earned it. in the last race we changed the debate. this race with your help and god's grace, we can change this nation. joining us now for the entire hour, 2016 republican presidential candidate, former
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senator rick santorum. it's my ninniaja working out. >> you're feeling strong. >> people forget what states did you win in 2012? >> iowa minnesota, missouri colorado louisiana, kansas alabama, mississippi, i'm going to get in trouble now. oklahoma tennessee, north dakota. >> that's a significant number of states. >> yeah. >> most people i think, don't know that. am i wrong or right? >> i would say that's probably true. but, you know that's -- we look at that as great experience. we've got great ground games in all the states. we have good people that have been committed to us over this period of time. we have experience. we've been through the vetting process. i was number one late in the election process in march. i was l polls against mitt romney. and had we had a little better luck in michigan and ohio.
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we lost michigan by a few thousand votes, a lot ohio by .8. it can be a different picture. >> it's a different year. you have 16 people now that we know that's going to be in the race. maybe somebody else will join in tomorrow. does that make it harder for you? >> yeah, yes or no. at this point it does because a good friend of mine who is a state rep in iowa who is working on our campaign he talks to a lot of iowans sort of like going to the showroom on the floor. you're a nice good model and you've done well and you've been in the showroom for a few years. the current real model but still you're an older model and people want to drive the new model. i believe we're right on the issues. we've got a track record. we're from the right area of the country that we have to start
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winning if we're going to win presidentling presidential elections we'll have to win, pennsylvania ohio virginia. if people start to work -- i'm not expecting big things this summer or fall. once people start to get serious and look at the issues that's important to them hflt. there's no one stronger on national security than i am. there's no one better on the great moral cultural issues of the day. republican primary voters we'll do very well. >> did it hurt you that you won iowa but the night you won iowa they didn't know you won iowa. >> we won iowa 18 days later. >> that hurt. >> we went out and raised over $20 million in the last race. before the iowa caucus we raised less than $2 million. once we were able to show that we could win and people paid attention to our message. our message is that really very much the same message which is less government, lower taxes,
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all the messages you expect from a republican but it's a little different. it's also we need to make sure that the american people has the ability to rise. we've been terrible at reaching out to voters that you and i grew up with and know very well. service workers, blue collar workers who want good paying jobs. we have not talked about that. we have not delivered a message that talks about prosperity for everybody. >> i agree with you. i'm also angry, if you will i think that's the right word at the republican party. because when it comes to the fight, they will have symbolic votes to repeal and replace obamacare. when it comes to using the power of the purse and they're constitutional authority, they punt. they don't do it. same thing with executive amnesty. they funded it when they said they would fight against it at all costs leading up to the 2014 election. i'm disappointed with republicans. are you?
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>> this leadership in congress has been pathetic. we have allowed the president to abuse his authority with this executive amnesty. if i was in the liberty of the senate i would have told -- in fact i communicated to many members in leadership what i would have done. i would have shutdown the senate house of representatives and say we're not doing anything. we're going to do hearings on the abuse of the constitution. we're going to focus on this. >> they're afraid they're going to get blamed for a government shutdown. >> our democracy is justice scalia said is so well in the dissent in the gay marriage case. he said when we have nine unelected judges supplanting the will of the american public we're no longer a democracy. >> it's in jeopardy. >> it's very much in jeopardy. when you have a president that does the same thing that says i
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don't have to abide by the law and rewrite the law. we have another problem of the branch of government exceeding their authority. congress needs to grow up and stand up and they not. >> is it fair if i say you're an underdog? >> of course. every race i've ever run i've been an underdog. >> here you are coming in you don't have the money of donald trump. you don't have the money of a jeb bush. >> nope. >> you're getting into the race knowing you're an underdog. and why do you feel that you want this job so bad that you're willing to go through this again. >> it's not matter of wanting this job so bad it's what you think you can do for the country. while i respect everybody else in this race you won't see me out there bashing folks on anything personal. i'll disagree with them on issues for sure. but i think there is something we bring to the table. number one, we bring experience
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to the table of getting things done in washington, d.c. nobody in this race. nobody has an experience of getting conservative things done in washington and being able to pull together really unlikely coalitions to pass welfare reform for example or tax bills or health savings accounts. all these i was very involved in. national security things like a sanctions bill on iran and syria. all of which i was able to get bipartisan support for. actually even was opposed by president bush initially on both of those measures. i have a long track record of getting things done in washington, number one. number two, doing so in a conservative way. if you look at the things we were able to accomplish most of them are seen as seminal victories of the conservative congress from 1995 to 2006. and i led the charge on a lot of those things. i think that experience, national security espnxperience nobody in this field has the
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kind of experience i've had over the long term. dealt with the issues of radical islam and understand what's need today confront it. >> you mentioned the state of pennsylvania where you were a senator. you were a one term senator. you lost -- two term senator you lost a tough reelection in a very bad year. >> horrible year. >> horrible year. >> i remind people when i ran foreign policy reelection i ran in 2000. i was the only conservative senator to win in a state that george bush lost. the idea he ran in a tough year but lost. everybody lost in 2006 who had a tough race. >> the point is that if you're a republican presidential candidate, i want to look at the electoral map, california oregon washington illinois, new york, new jersey pennsylvania is not exactly purple. it's been a blue state now. >> let me just say this. i won two elections in pennsylvania. tom corb etjust lost.
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we had 13 of 18 congressmen. big majority in the state house. >> a republican has to run the table, ohio florida, north carolina, virginia new hampshire, iowa. >> we bring into pennsylvania and michigan if you look at the issues that i've been talking about. i announces from a factory floor in western pennsylvania. we're going to go right after those workers. if you -- >> union work. >> absolutely. you go after workers where they feel nobody cares about them. i know donald trump is getting a lot of attention on the immigration issue. if you look at the organizations that are the pro work immigration works like numbers usa and fair do you know who has the only a rating among the candidates? >> you. >> rick santorum. there is only one other
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candidate that is scott walker who has a c minus. people may have nice rhetoric we're the ones that have the right policies that's going to connect with voters. >> we'll take a break. things are getting started with rick santorum. he will be here for the full hour. up next we'll and the senator what he'll do to make our borders. we'll ask him some of your questions that you've been sendsing via social media. we will invoke every executive order and regulation that cost american jobs. from day one. we will work to bring back america and put americans back to work.
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we've brought into this country legally and illegally 35 million, mostly unskilled workers. and the result over that same period of time workers' wages and family incomes have flatlined. hillary clinton and big business they have called for a massive influx in unskilled labor. their priorities are profits and power. my priority is you, the american worker. and back with us for the entire hire, 2016 gop presidential candidate former pennsylvania senator rick santorum. the next president will inherit
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$2 trillion in death. 128$128 trillion unfunded liabilities. 46 million americans on food stamps for 40 months or longer. that is a challenge for everybody. how do you fix that? >> the fact you have all these people on social welfare programs who are not working, not paying taxes and many cases receiving benefits has a huge impact on the national debt and our annual deficit. growth is very very important. i'm going to cut taxes in half. we're going to have a flat rate across the board. >> cut taxes in half for everybody? >> i'm working on the number we're work ing with the tax federation right now. we'll be cutting taxes dramatically. it will be a flat rate. a flat rate on individuals, a flat rate -- same rate on
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corporations. we think it will raise revenue. on the flat earth society over there it -- >> the economy grows because you're taxing less. >> it will be taxised less. that's only part of the equation. i can talk about as you saw there about suspending every job killing regulation the president has put in place. he's got lots of them we can do. on day one, everything he does with a pen we can get rid of with a pen. on day one i will not hesitate to get rid of the job killing regulations. >> regulations are important, for example, one of the biggest industries effected and the energy industries. >> we will approve the keystone xl pipeline. there is all sorts of things we can do to get the economy rocking and rolling. >> look at pennsylvania and the
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fracking. >> the president came out the other day and said there is no -- all of these claims movies all these environmental groups that have said obama's epa says that it's safe and clean environmentally to do. >> we have projected deficits of a trillion dollars starting in the next two years. for as far as the eye can see. how do you get a balanced budget and is that a goal -- >> absolutely. number one, as i mentioned. our tax plan and our economic plan will result in a net revenue -- increase in revenue to the federal government because of growth because we'll always have more revenues because of growth and also less people. >> less dependency. >> exactly. the other thing is immigration. i talk about immigration as a very important part of our economic plan. you talk about all of these people 93 million that are not fully employed in america today.
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we have actually many in the republican party, and all of the ones in the democratic party saying we need more coming into this country. i feel differently. i'm the son of a legal immigrant immigrant. >> you do. i was going to get into this later. you think we should have more immigration? >> less immigration. i'm the only one in this field that has called for a reduction, a specific reduction on the number of naught just illegals i don't think we should have any illegals coming into the can't but we should have a reduction in legal immigration. since 2000 there have been six and a half net new jobs created in america. if you look at how many -- what percentage of those net new jobs are held by workers who are not born in america, we're talking about age 18-65, the answer is all of them. so there are 17 million more americans working in the work force who were born here and there are fewernative americans working in this country than in
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2000. >> you have 93 million americans out of the labor force. now between legal immigration and illegal immigration. >> 35 million over the last 20 years. >> in a lot of cases, especially illegal low skilled labor those are americans that are competing for jobs they're being displaced and lowering salary. >> median income has declined since 2008 2009. if you look at wages, wages for working men and women, folks in the lower middle income. they've been flat. they've been flat for 20 years. that's because we're bringing in millions every year. we bring in over a million legal and -- >> however many illegally. >> almost all of whom with unskilled laborers and driving down the cost of employment. >> you can increase revenues grow the economy, maybe go from 2% grow to 4% 5%.
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that would be huge. there's also the spending equation. that's base line budgeting where every government agency increases spending every year. if you reduce the rate of increase you're evil and cutting money for seniors. when are we going to get that part of the budget under control? what would you do on -- >> the first thing is i've always advocated for is a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. we came within one vote in 1995. the senate was within one vote of passing it and one republican switched it. >> who. >> mark hatfield. i called for his resignation as the chairman of the committee. that's how passionately i felt about it. it was a betrayal to the american public. i believe we need to do reform.
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we got to get rid of obamacare. that's the first big entitlement we get rid of. >> what about across the board spending what about a penny plan? >> i think that's a good target. you can't say we'll cut every by 1%. i believe we need a stronger defense budget and we need to increase the defense budget. there are many departments like the education department, state department that have exploded. we can get rid of a lot of programs. you throw on top of that the key, the entitlement reform. when i was in the united states senate i fought for social security reform. >> do you want to what means test it? raise the age of retirement? >> well social security was put in place in 1961 life
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expectancy -- 1936 life expectancy was 61. today the life expectancy is 80. that's not sustainable. what i've talked about is indexing the retirement age to how long people live so we keep it generationally neutral. that will help in a big way. means testing -- >> do you know what bothers me about that? i was made a promise, i paid into this promise that i'd get that money back. wouldn't that be licensed stealing by the government? >> you were promised at a time when life expectancy was a lot short than it is now. >> we didn't have those caveats since i was 12. >> we've been talking about -- i hate to say this -- someone as old as you. >> santorum is out of this campaign. >> do you know who did that? the retirement age was raised.
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do you know who raised it from 165 to 67? reagan. he's the smartest politician because he did it after he was dead kwand gone. it happened 12 15 years after he did it. people born -- if you were born in 1962 you know you hit 67 and that's -- it stops. people who were born after 1962 we're going to have it continue -- >> that's perfect i was born in '61. all right. coming up 2016 gop presidential candidate rick santorum will weigh in on foreign policy. his agenda what he'd do if he's elected president. you've been sending us questions on facebook and twitter, senator santorum will answer those questions as we continue throughout the hour. the sanctions that you hear about that are crushing iran that brought them to the table, i ♪ we all feel the calling to build
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to confront the two great threats in the middle east that confront us today. first, isis. we have to have a plan. and what the president has is a public relations stunt. if these folks want to bring back a 7th century version of islam, then my recommendation is let's load our bombers up and bomb them back to the 7th century. >> back with us for the hour is gop presidential candidate former senator rick santorum. this is a generational battle we have. by the way, guns can't defeat an ideology. better ideas. no if you become president, you've got isis al qaeda, hezbollah, hamas, radical islam in general. you've got putin in crimea. syria, you've gone iran iraq china building up their military. >> and building islands in the
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south china sea. >> with tear torerritorial ambitions like the russians like putin. this is a very dangerous moment i think for the world. where do you start? >> i couldn't agree more. i always say the commander in chief is not an entry level position. you want someone who has had real experience. i go back and for the last 12 years i've ben talking about the gathering store of the 21st century. i talked about it on your radio program many many times. i said -- talked about all these different elements and added cuba and venezuela. when we are reticent when we do not exert our heft in the world, evil will prosper. and will push. that's exactly what's happening. the president has withdrawn. he has been uncertain. he has been indecisive. as a result people are taking
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advantage of that. >> isn't he naive to think this ideology where they're cutting off heads and drowning people and, you know a level of viciousness, an evil in our time and he thinks we can't defeat them this is generational. this will go on for generations. we can't defeat them with guns? that's -- >> he doesn't believe we can defeat him because he chooses not to recognize the nature of the enemy we're confronting. radical islamists. >> he won't even say it. >> he won't say the word islam. that's incorrect. i mean they are getting their ideology from the holy books of islam. and they are taking as i said in the cut there, they're taking a 7th century religion and moving to the 21st century. >> how do you stop it? >> when it comes to isis, let's deal specifically with that. isis is a caliphate. the only way to defeat a
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caliphate and to get people not to be attracted to come to iraq j syria and energyize tht united states is to take the territory away from them. there's no other way. if you look at the history of islam, islam continued to expand continued to attract people as and once the west began to push it back and collapse it it collapsed. it collapsed completely. >> can you do that without sending american troops on the ground? >> no. i've been very clear we need to have more troops on the ground. >> they need to be the ones fighting? >> you know, i would leave that -- i'm not in a position sitting outside the government to have a good understanding of that. what i would say is, if that is necessary in order to take back this land and iraq first and then syria, the answer is that we would put the sufficient troops there to make sure it happens. >> you're talking about going back into iraq. and you're talking about send -- >> you're talking to someone who
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when president obama said he wanted to take troops out of iraq objects to that. because i knew this would be a boom rang mission. troops would have to come back because of what would happen in anbar. >> we've got to take back mosul tikrit fallujah ramadi. we've got to send americans back in to fight? >> those cities have to be taken back. we have the peshmerga. the kurds are willing to fight that battle if we would give them the weapons. >> maybe in a training and intelligence capacity but maybe not in a armed capacity? >> right now we're doing training and experience -- >> not to the extent we need to. >> we need to do a more robust job of doing that. we have to have a much bigger footprint. all of those things need to be bigger and more robust. the point is will we at some point need combat troops. i don't know the answer to that.
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but what i'm saying is if that's necessary, then i think we have to do it. >> isn't it time for the saudis the egyptians, the jordanians isn't it time that -- they similarly are being threatened by that group and others. >> as you know the egyptians have arms that are due to them that we are not providing them. general eleseassisi we have a beef with the current government of egypt. we are not providing the military -- >> obama did give the head of the muslim brotherhood he gave them tanks and f-16's and billions of dollars. this is a guy that refers ooto the israelis as descendants of apes and pigs. >> i think we first have to arm the egyptians, arm the kurds, we provide jordan with aid, but jordan has, hundreds of
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thousands of refugees from syria for now. they are willing to fight as a result of what happened to the jordanian pilot. they're willing to engage. we're not providing the kind of support. my feeling is if we provide that support to the indigenous forces there, i think it reduces the likelihood of the -- >> what do you do with vladmir putin? >> i think it's an issue just like the iranians which is you have to show that you're serious about keeping your commitments. we have shown anything but seriousness about keeping our commitments to our allies in the region whether it's eastern europe or the middle east. people are going to take advantage of that. >> you have the chinese with their territorial ambitions and hacking into our government computers. >> maybe as recently as this week. we don't know. >> i'd love to know if they'd be willing to sell a copy of hillary clinton's server. >> i'm sure they have it. >> if they have it i'm willing to buy it.
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what do you do about their territorial ambitions? look at the shambles of their economy right now and the instability. >> they're building islands in key areas that are shipping lanes for all of the asia pacific rim. we have done nothing. this is -- isn't even an issue that people are talking about. the chinese are in a position now to make our navy. >> obsolete? >> obsolete is probably a better word. you can't fight in an area where the navy is going to be accessed from weapons plat forms that are ground based. we're putting the navy in an untenable position to protect the sea lanes. we are doing nothing. we're not raising an objection. we're not drawing a red line. >> our 600 ship navy is now 280. >> that 280 is becoming less and less important because of what's going on in the south pacific. when we come back we'll ask senator santorum his thoughts about the rest of the 2016
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republican presidential field. later he'll answer some of your questions, those you have been sending on facebook and twitter as we continue. how do you know who to trust? look at the record. look at what they've been saying not just for this elicatione election for this speech look at what the record has been you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla apremilast.
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i've been out of public life for several years. i'm frustrated when i hear people get up and there will be op this stage a lot of great people. and some will have a few specific plans. then they go to washington, d.c. and do something completely different. how do you know who to trust? look at the record. look at what they've been saying not just for this election but for this campaign or this speech sometimes, look at what they're record has been
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last the last, 10, 15 20 years. >> we continue with 2016 republican presidential candidate rick santorum. would you build a fence? >> where it needs to be built. it's about 2/3 of the area. >> what do we do with the 11 million after the fence is built? >> secure the border first. we have to track -- as you know majority of the people who are coming into this country illegally are not coming across the border they're visa overstaysoverstay overstays. you're having people stay who come here on student visas, coming here on whatever. >> i agree. >> it's a bigger problem now, at least according to the numbers that are band aed about. a lot of unskilled workers coming in squband dealing with that.
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the third thing is everify. require everify. if you have a policy at the border such as catch and release, if you change the policy send back everybody at the border then -- >> that's a big first. >> you will solve the biggest part of this problem. >> what did you think of donald trump's comments that have made so much news? >> i think it's an important issue. i'm not as flamboyant at donald trump. and, you know he's going to say things surprise surprise that will be controversial and offend people. i will say we are a little bit too politically correct in this country when it comes to the language we use. i don't think people should be offended. he was obviously not calling everybody who came across the border a rapist. we tend to overexaggerate our
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indignity here. so i don't agree, you know with the verbiage he said. he highlights a very important issue. and here's the point. we've got the best plant out there. i wrote a plan up on how we'll reduce the number of illegal immigrants in this country and reduce the number of legal immigrants by 25%. which will put us at an historic high in immigration. >> you're against gay marriage? >> i'm for -- >> this is the lightning round. do you make exceptions for the life of the mother? >> it's a choice between two lives i don't think the government should get involved in that. >> do you think colorado pot, bad idea? >> bad idea. >> should american citizens that are law abiding have the right to carry a weapon? >> absolutely. i have my conceal carry in my
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wallet. >> do you think climate change is man mate? >> i think the claimant isimate is changing. i think man has some minor part to play. here's what i know if we did everything the president wanted and 80% reduction in emissions it would result in a .1 reduction. >> one word answer rand paul. >> lib tarrian. >> marco. >> bright and young. >> ted. okay. ted cruz. >> i'd going to same thing. young, bright guy. >> jeb bush. >> i think he's a good man. i mean i like jeb bush. >> scott walker? >> another i think a good accomplished governor. >> carly fiorina? >> i've known her for a while. i supported her when she ran for senate. a good solid person. >> rourpick perry. >> i like him as a friend. >> john kasich?
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>> i endorsed him when he ran for president in 2000. another really good man. >> donald trump? >> i've gotten to know donald the last couple of years. we didn't have a particularly good start to our relationship. but we've gotten to know each other and respect each other. we'll come back. when we do you've been sending questions all day on twitter and facebook. senator santorum is answering your questions next as we continue. there are millions of americans who have holes in their boats. we need to be the party that says we're not going to let you sit there and scoop out your boat as the tide rises. we'll be there to help you so you can sail to the great heights of the american dream.
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welcome back to "hannity" time to ask senator santorum a few of the questions you've been sending on facebook and twitter. we start with pamela. who are you interested? the american people or special interest groups or lobbyists when you get to washington? >> i think my track record is clear on that. if you vote for me you know what you're going to get. >> okay on facebook.
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do you believe you can turn this obama disaster around? i wonder between being optimistic and pessimistic. >> i look at it as a tremendous opportunity for the leadership we've had devicive leadership i look at a record of success on bringing people together on moral issues and international issues i know we can do that and get conservative results. a million and a half more democrats than republicans if you look at things i've talked about in this campaign and i've talked about in my prior campaign, they're conservative results for the american people. >> kathy writes on facebook what do you bring to the gop that nobody else does? >> i was able to stand up to the
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national media and being outspent and i beat the clinton machine in 1994. i beat the senator that carried hillary care. i had bill and hillary in my state. and the state was over a million more democrats than republicans and i beat them. >> twitter, how can you begin to ease racial tensions that have gotten worse over the past several years? >> if you look at what happened in charleston i was down there on a sunday after the shooting you saw racial reconciliation like you've never seen driven by faith and people to sit down and use the power of forgiveness. it frustrates me that everybody wants to talk about the flag and not talk about how much healing
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has gone on. >> it's powerful i'm getting chills about how powerful that reconciliation and forgiveness was. that is the answer. >> we have shirley asking senator santorum how he would win over younger voters? >> the answer is telling the truth. i had 2,000 kids come and talk about the american people. i had people coming up to me saying the same thing. i never heard that before. i'm telling the truth. >> people kept asking what are you doing here? i said i'm here to save your university. they didn't like that. >> when we come back more as we
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your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. ♪ one pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz.
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hi friends. good morning. today is saturday the 15th of july, 2015. donald trump doubling down and defending his message on immigration. meeting with families of those killed by illegal immigrants and now being blamed by kate steinle's murder. >> i find it interesting that this happened as soon as trump started to talk about this. he randomly found a gun from a federal agent. >> you are kidding me. more from trump and the latest attacks straight ahead. >> overnight, a foul ball at fenway park strikes a woman in the stands hitting her in the head sending her to the hospital. update on new
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