tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News July 11, 2015 12:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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there for it but i watched it. that's all for us here in washington. "america's news headquarters" continues from new york. i'm lelandyland we'll see you next hour. >> ahead this hour -- >> if the tough decisions don't get made we'll call an end to this process. >> against the backdrop of intense negotiations for a nuclear deal with iran iranians taking to the streets burning the american flag and chanting death to israel. meanwhile, here at home many lawmakers how ed royce raising red flags and saying any deal now is a threat to our national security. he will join us live with more on the high-stakes diplomatic gamble. plus, as her husband suffers inside an iranian prison she's praying any new deal with iran
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will also mean the release of our american hostages. she joins us with her emotional plea to bring her husband home. and meet the former army interrogator who is now on a mission to raise funds to help thousands brutalized by isis terrorists and warns about the growing humanitarian crisis. all that is ahead on "america's news hq." well it's crunch time in the nuclear talks with iran with one top diplomat saying the moment of decision has come with a new deadline for the deal to restrict iran's nuclear ambitions now pushed back to monday. a lot of uncertainty whether world powers can strike a deal. all this against the backdrop chanting and burning u.s. flags. here at home many are pushing the u.s. to walk away from the
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negotiations concerned that irain remains defiant at its nuclear sites is one of the many obstacles and dominated these talks. lawmakers in congress remain skeptical. just this week the house foreign affairs committee holding hearings on the impact it could have on the world stage with ed royce saying any deal that comes out of these talks is a bad deal for everyone involved except iran. he joins us now live from his home state. thank you for being here today. >> good to be with you. >> do you think the time has come for secretary of state john kerry to walk away from these talks in veania? >> here's what happened already. we lost ground on having inspectors to go anywhere with any time and it will end up with the north korean agreement where they got the bomb and we also have lost ground on this issue of a signing bonus up front. the iran wants that cash and they'll use that cash to support terrorism in the middle east.
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we've also lost ground on the length of the deal that's no longer 20 30 years. it's now ten years and, lastly and most importantly, perhaps, we've lost the ability to get the answers to the 12 questions that we've asked from the iae the international inspectors about the bomb work that they have proof. 1,000 pages that iran has already done and they won't answer that. so in this kind of environment, we have lost so much ground that now iran is demanding a new set of demands. they want to be able to bring in the technology and expertise from moscow so that they can learn how to build icbms, ballistic missiles that can reach the united states. this has become ludicrous. >> when you say ludicrous, does that mean it's time to walk away? >> yeah i think it's so ludicrous that unless we can get the original demands that 84% of
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the members of the house of representatives co-signed my letter to the administration saying that those requirements that i just discussed needed to be in the agreement. instead now having a discussion where our secretary of defense, ash carter is explaining to us that if they get this new demand for the ability to be able to have the technology for these ballistic missiles that could hit the united states. they could bring biological chemical or even nuclear weapons and hit the u.s. it is long since time to get tough on them and shut them down with the types of sanctions that would bring their economy to a standstill. and that is not what this administration has done. he has not forced the hard choices on the ayatollah. >> it all seems so unimaginable. as we pointed out a moment ago, even with these talks going on iran is saying its nuclear ambitions are simply for peaceful purposes but we've all seen the images coming out of
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that country where millions are taking to the streets condemnic america, burning flags and saying death to israel. the president was at the site of one of the tests doing nuthing to stop them. how can anyone trust iran of doing peaceful cooperation? >> he was in the protest. he was marching with the protesters who were carrying those banners and the protesters were chanting death to america, death to israel. he was interviewed and they said, well, how about the nuclear agreement? he said well the nuclear agreement, the future looks very bright. it is certainly very bright and certainly very bright for hezbollah because iran said they're transferring 100,000 guidance systems for guided missiles to heszbollah. they also said the future looks very bright for hamas. they'll help hamas rebuild their
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35 tunnels under israel and transfer to hamas new rockets. in this kind of an environment, you know we have got to understand that their interest is in not only having undetectable nuclear break out capability but also having the cash in hand that this agreement could give them so they could fund their terrorist activities all through the middle east and that is a very threatening situation. >> let me ask you this. on reports that iranians had been seeking atomic and missile technology in germany as recently as last month. according to german intelligence reports. it appears iran is already violating sanctions as these talks drag on. >> this is the other part that bothers me. they have cheated in every agreement they have been in. it is as though they looked at the hapless way in 1994 that previously we negotiated with north korea and the same chief negotiator in this agreement
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that did that agreement that we debated about in '94 with north korea. in that agreement in '94, we did not have the right to have inspectors go anywhere any time on their military bases. and look how it ended up with north korea now having these nuclear weapons. i think this is exactly the deal iran is pushing toward and i think that the gullibility in the u.s. negotiators in this in not pushing for a stronger position and for not accepting the legislation that i had passed through the house 400-20 to put additional sanctions on iran to force them to the table. the fact that the administration got harry reid in the last session to hold that bill and not allow it to come up in the senate and not allow it to pass. that removed the negotiating power that we needed in this agreement. so this is part of the problem that we're in today. and we've got to get tough in these negotiations.
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>> elliot engel being the democrat from new york showing that there is bipartisan concern about this deal. what if anything can congress really do to stop this deal? how much leverage do you really have particularly if you pass a resolution knowing that it could be up against a presidential veto? >> that is why i circulated the letter stating the four conditions that needed to be in the agreement. and when we got the signature of 84% of the members of congress the majority of the democrats and almost all of the republicans, with that we had some additional leverage because we were saying these points better be in the agreement. now, our secretary of state has not pushed hard enough. what we're saying at this point in time in the negotiation, since the iranians won't keep to the deal even the interim deal we thought this was the base of the interim deal.
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let's go back and redouble our efforts and now say if you don't do this we will tell countries around the world you've got a choice to make. you want to do business with the united states or do you want to do business with the ayatollah. in other words, the types of sanctions that would implode that government if they don't make the hard choice to compromise on their nuclear program. that is the kind of leverage the united states needs to bring to bear this idea that we're going to offer an olive branch and that this isn't going to be taken as a weakness by the ayatollah. that's a misconception of what the ayatollah intends in this negotiation. >> really good to have you here today. i know we are in the 11th hour of these negotiations. and it is a very serious situation, indeed. let's see what type of leverage you really have in this situation and keep us posted on the developments. >> thank you, uma. >> great to see you. thank you, sir, all the best. against the backdrop of the negotiations remains a contentious issue of the fate of our four american hostages who
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have been living through the nightmare of being held captive in iranian prisons. the families of these hostages are pushing hard for secretary of state john kerry to demand their release as the conditions for any possible deal. the four hostages is a pastor who has spent more than two and a half years in one of the worst prisons. journalist jason who has been held there for nearly a year on false charges of spaunl along with former marine amir hekmati. and then retired fbi agent robert levinson who disappeared more than eight years ago. if true he would be one of the longest held american hostages in history. sadly, the wife of pastor abedini marked their 11-year wedding anniversary known he has been refused medical help and enduring regular beatings. she is joining us now along with the executive director of the american center for law and
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justice. the organization that has been working tirelessly to secure the pastor's freedom. welcome to the both of you. thank you so much for joining us. i know this is very very difficult for you and has been such a horrific ordeal not only for your husband, but for you and your children. are you hopeful now that the u.s. will use its opportunity if it secures this deal to press for the release of your husband and the other hostages? >> i'm hoping that our government is pressing for the release of the americans regardless of what happens with the deal that while we're sitting across the table from iran and they're trying to build some kind of a trust with our government that the first thing they should have done years ago since we started even talking with them should have been to release the americans they're holding hostage. >> what is the latest information that you've received about your husband's situation. >> you know he's not doing very well. he's been moved in two different
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prisons over the last three years that he has been in prison. he has been in and out of solitary and he has internal injuries. his physical health is deterrier deterating and they're playing psychological games with him and every day he's in that prison we're worried. we need to get him out as soon as possible and it's been three years almost. >> absolutely. so heartbreaking. jordan have you received any communication at all from the state department about any efforts at this point to try and find a way out to try to get the release timed with any type of deal? >> for the most uma, the communication we received is pretty much tracks with what has been said publicly which is that it is totally separate from the deal. this is what has us concerned. monday a new deadline approaches. let's say this one is met and a deal is proposed by president obama to congress with iran and
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these americans aren't yet home. that this administration the obama administration was willing to go so far as to have a deal ready with iran and not get these americans home. i hope i am wrong. but they have been very clear that they don't want to make this a precondition of even getting a final deal to congress. that's when we're going to if that happens, we're really going to have to call on those members of congress bipartisan to do something about it. as you were just talking to chairman royce, they do have that power under the legislation, but it will take bipartisan support. >> now, i know that you have also testified before members of congress. you really feel that you have the support in terms of going forward with that move to try to bring this pressure on and to be able to move ahead with this plan? >> you know i think it will be very difficult. very difficult, uma, very difficult to you know put the kind of numbers together in congress that's necessary to override a potential veto by the
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president the way this legislation for congressional review is set up. but we do have bipartisan support for these americans. i think that most people are going to be shocked if the administration proposes a final deal without getting these americans. as fox news is rightly calling them hostages home before a deal submitted to congress. >> i know that you have been dealing with this for such a long time with so much uncertainty and i was reading some of the things that you wrote recently particularly about the fact that spending your husband spending 1,000 days three years in prison and the pain it has brought to your family and the missed birthdays, holidays. moments with the family that are so precious that will never be repeated. give me a sense about his spirits at this point. i know you say that psychologically it's taking its toll but do you believe that like you he is relying on his faith to pull him through?
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>> no he's a very strong person. he's been beaten and torture and he's still strong. but the hardest part for him, the times where he weeps when his family visits him and his parents visit him in prison is when he sees pictures of the kids growing up without him. they were pretty much toddlers 4 and 5 and now my daughter will be 9 in a few months and it is just really heartbreaking for him to see that. but his faith has been strong. he's been encouraging our family and the rest of the world through his letters and really but it's hard for him. he's seeing his kids grow up without him. he's in this horrible prison simply because he believes in jesus christ. >> well it is unimaginable. and our prayers are with you and your family along with the families of the other hostages who remain behind bars in iran. my thanks to you and to jordan. thank you so much for joining us today on what is obviously, a very difficult time for the both of you.
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>> thank you. >> thank you, uma. and now i would like to hear what your thoughts are about what is at play right now. should the united states demand that iran release american hostages? as one of the conditions for nuclear deal? tweet me and we will try to read some of your answers at the end of this show. egypt says it is at war and calling for help. after a foreign consulate attacked inside their country. now, one terror group is taking responsibility. plus the latest on the fight against isis. we'll have new reaction from lieutenant colonel oliver north that the u.s. has only managed to train 60 syrian recruits despite its promise to train thousands. if you're running a business legalzoom has your back. over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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that's why at xfinity we're hard at work building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone rings] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. welcome back everybody. well take a look a live look right now. that's donald trump speaking at an event in las vegas. we're monitoring this and bring you all the 2016 news a little bit later on in our show. overseas isis claiming spaunlt responsibility for a deadly explosion early this morning. at least one person killed when a car bomb detonated outside
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that building and eight other people were injured. the blast destroying several floors of that building, rupturing water pipes and flooding the area. the consulate is located in one of the busiest intersections in downtown cairo and embassy officials say the consulate was closed at the time and no staff members were injured. meantime president obama's $500 million plan to train syrian rebels apparently getting off to a very slow start. >> we're also in the early stages of our training in syria. three months into our program, training is under way and we are working to screen and vet almost 7,000 volunteers to ensure that they're committed to fighting isol pass a counterintelligence screening and meet standards prescribed by u.s. law regarding the law of our conflict and necessitated by operations. as of ojuly 3rd we are currently training about 60 fighters. >> 60 fighters.
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now, keep this in mind the pentagon estimates that isis has between 20 and 30,000 fighters. earlier i had a chance to catch up with lieutenant colonel about this. he is a retired member of the u.s. marine corps and the author of "counterfeit lies." >> those are supposedly syrians who have fled the terror that's going on inside their country and who are "volunteered" and now vetted and being trained to go back in and fight isis. it's absolutely looney. i said the time they started this so-called strategy that obama has for defeating isis is really an unmitigated disaster uma. it's produced a refugee and humanitarian crisis unparalleled since the korean war. there's 20 million refugees who fled isis into iraq and syria, jordan turkey and the kurdish controlled area of northern iraq. the only ones that are able to do anything for them in the near
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neighborhood are the curdskurds and they're getting no help whatsoever. >> no help at all. >> entire christian communities are being butchered. 2 million refugees have overwhelmed the kurds and the only one that can protect them from where they are fleeing from. you can see the pictures that i'm getting literally every day showing the extraordinary desperation of these people fleeing the terror that isis has created. they're getting no help from the u.n. or the united states whatsoever. >> thousands of people are getting murdered and it seems the world is looking the other way. ash carter is saying in his defense that it is just tough to find syrians who are willing to fight isis over assad. >> well look. assad started all this. remember it was the instability created by the civil war inside syria that brought isis to the floor and of course the red line drawn. barack obama himself said this guy's got to go. that was 3 1/2 years ago.
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he's still there and the country is an absolute disaster and a totally dysfunctional state. the only ones fighting back effectively are the kurds up in northern iraq. they're out of arms and ammo. they can't provide enough weapons for the christian brigade that they trained. it's a genocide that will rival what the clinton administration did in rowanda back in 1994 and that is going to be the legacy of this administration. >> that government in baghdad is still holding up the equipment and the arms needed for the kurds to fight against isis. >> so what we really ought to be doing right now and listen to the doctor when he comes next week. directly arm the kurds in northern iraq and destroy a carrier strike group to the mediterranean and put search and rescue assets in israel and jordan to add more intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance. more strike aircraft over iraq
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and the air strikes we're doing right now are flaccid in terms of what needs to be done. third, immediately put u.s. advisors and air controllers on the ground with iraqi forces to include the forces and then facilitate his national salvation force plan for arming the kurds and his forces with egyptian saudi jordanian and ua support. they can do it. they claimed, in his words, your enemy is our enemy and we're not asking you to fight for us. we'll do the fighting, you just need to help us. >> against this backdrop we have news also this week that there are now plans to cut 40,000 troops in the army on the domestic front and overseas. what is the reaction to this and why is this happening at this time when we're dealing with terrorists across the globe and even here on the home front? >> well, you know this is an even hand dealt badly by both
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the congress and the administration because it all goes back to this idea of a sequester that they can't find a way to deal with the entitlement programs and they don't want unlimited spending like we've been having. so they decided they're going to cut discretionary funding for those places in the federal government which can do it across the board. so 15% cuts in military spending means united states army loses 40 o,000 and ss ss 40,000 and the smallest air force and the united states marine corps needs more equipment and we have all the troops they need and the united states navy isn't going to build enough ships to get them to combat. meanwhile, you have as carter said in the hearings you just don't have isis you have the russians running rampant and unstable regime in north korea and iranians getting nukes and, essentially, you have china running all over the place in south china sea threatening manila and tokyo and the koreas and, quite unhast lyhonestly the
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vietnamese. >> this is bad for morale across the board. >> of course it is. particularly when you're throwing out some noncommissioner officers and junior officers to allow, look we have mored amirable ed amored admirals and we ought to get parody, at least. so build a few more. >> colonel north, always great to have you on board. thank you so much. i know you're painting a very sobering portrait and one that continues to raise lots of questions at a time when stakes remain quite high. thank you for doing it today. >> always a pleasure to be with you. well, another gop hopeful getting set to join the crowded field of candidates in the presidential sweepstakes. wisconsin governor scott walker expected to announce that he's running come monday. but did his team beat him to the punch? more on that phantom tweet that has the political world buzzing. and greece now in turmoil facing financial ruin unless
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another bailout is on the way. can officials reach a deal with their european creditors. leaders warning the greek people probably won't like what's coming. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months.
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welcome back everybody. message from greece's euro zone partners as that country looks to emerge from economic with a third bailout. the finance minister meeting in brussels earlier today and greece owes more than 300 billion euros or $350 billion. that's a 177% of its gdp. last week the majority of greece voting defiantly against accepting austerity measures in exchange for more credit. but it seems that might end up being just a symbolic move as the government heads back to the table with its creditors in a
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last- ditch effort to avoid financial ruin. joining us live from athens amy kellogg. >> uma, to put it in perspective it was just last weekend when the greeks had a very dramatic referendum gave a resounding no to further austerity in exchange for more bailout money. and it was just last night that the greek parliament run around and said yes to more austerity. it was all a bit messy and in consistency but some of the european creditors treated it very gladly saying yes, greece is back on track and taking advantage of this last chance to stay in the euro. but as the whole team of euro finance ministers is parsing through this latest proposal in brussels it's looking like it's not all that easy. a lot of issues. especially with the history of missing repayment deadlines and other problems that the european finance group has had with the greek government.
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their there is emerging a lot of worry that this new proposal could just be word. >> could the greek government be trusted to do what they are promising to actually implement in the coming weeks, months and years. and i think those are the key issues that will be addressed today. >> as to how the greek people feel themselves about the latest proposal which involves more austerity, cuts to pensions increase of taxes, there were protests last night. but the people we spoke to on the streets of athens today, and that includes some small business owners that they support the government's proposal because in the end, they fully understand that they need to take yet again another bitter pill. >> i think that they're going to be dramatic changes from now on. for the greek people.
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but a movement that couldn't be avoided and we couldn't do otherwise. we fought it we tried and we couldn't do anything else. >> tomorrow is being billed as the last chance on all of these euro zone leaders, uma. so basically, it's the issue of trust at this point or so it would seem all of these different bailouts and failed negotiations have led to a breakdown of trust on both sides and to a large part and a large extent the euro finance minister wants to know if the greeks say they're going to do all these things that they're actually going to do them. back to you, uma. well now back in this country and turning to the stakes wisconsin governor scott walker plans to announce the launch of his presidential campaign come monday but it appears somebody actually got ahead of him. last night this tweet, take a
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look briefly appeared on his twitter account. a photo with a caption stating he's running for president. team walker though, denies that it posted it and said twitter is investigating. meanwhile, donald trump campaigning in las vegas, take a look. live shot from the scene. lots of 2016 news to cover at this moment as peter is joining us now live from washington, d.c. with much more. peter? >> uma, the wisconsin governor scott walker has been teasing voters and reporters for months saying we must wait for an official announcement for him to reveal if he's going to run for president or sit 2016 out. but then last night on twitter this message seemingly jumping the gun. it said scott is in, are you? join our team. oops. very late last night a twitter spokesman reached out to us and said we're looking into today's issue and we determined the walker team was not at fault. now, the candidate who
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surged to the top of the polls both in person and on twitter, donald trump, is doing his best now to put that he made the center of the campaign. he's doing this by gathering families that have been torn apart by violence at the hands of illegal immigrants to share specifics of their very tragic personal stories. >> whenever somebody hears it was an illegal involved with the death of their children it becomes politically incorrect for a politician to help them. that's how messed up our nation is. >> on the democratic side bernie sanders continues to surge and that's why politico is reporting things can get awkward this tuesday in d.c. because hillary clinton is coming to capitol hill to talk to democratic lawmakers, including
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senator sanders, her top rival on the left right now. uma? >> should be very interesting, indeed. all right, peter, thank you very much. well turning now to another european flash point as anger boils over in what serbian officials are calling an assass assassination attempt. this happening at ceremonies commemorating the 20th anniversary of europe's worst massacre and crowds began hurling shoes and water bottles and rocks at the serbian prime minister who broke his glasses. he ended up being chased out of that ceremony. wild scene, indeed. brian following all of this and has the latest now from our new york newsroom. brian? >> hi uma. tens of thousands of people came to serbia in bosnia and to commemorate 20 years since muslim men and boys were killed there at the hands of christian serbs. civilians took refuge during the three-year bosnian war between christian serbs and muslim
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bosnians. now, srebrenica and ran the onclave in the area slaughtering 8,000 muslims in the worst massacre sincemas massacre massacre. it included a funeral for the 136 newly discovered victims who died by the massacre and serbian prime minister angry mourners pelted him with stones and other objects causing him to reportedly break his dmrasz sglasses. his and his guards were forced to run out of the event. calling this an assassination attempt and mourners say he downplays the killings by not calling it a genocide despite the fact that two international courts declare it so. now, today, former president bill clinton who was in office
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at the time of the massacre was one of the speakers at the ceremony saying he regretted the attack. >> i believe it's been coming a little later. if he had only gone to the other service, it would have happened. i think people were basically glad he was there at the other service. and none of the things that we said there were heard by the crowds here. >> after the massacre the clinton administration led nato air strikes against the serbs ending the bosnian war. a total of 100,000 people lost lives in that conflict. bodies of those who died in the massacre are still being esku excavated and 1,000 bodies have still not been found. >> thank you very much. >> no problem. well, coming up isis on a violent campaign of terror across a vast section of the middle east. making headlines every day.
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threatening conversion or death. sending christians running for their lives. we're going to talk to a former army interrogator u.s. army interrogator who is raising funds to help the victims. and we've got the latest on kate steinley and the man accused of murdering her as state and law enforce oment officials official play the blame game in this tragic case. defiance is in our bones. new citracal pearls. delicious berries and cream. soft, chewable, calcium plus vitamin d. only from citracal. ♪ the goodness that goes into making a power kale chicken caesar salad is rivaled only, by the goodness felt while eating one. panera. food as it should be. if you're taking multiple medications does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of
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did you know your brain has two systems? one helps keep you awake- the other helps you sleep. science suggests when you have insomnia, the wake system in your brain may be too strong and your neurotransmitters remain too active as you try to sleep, which could be leading to your insomnia. ohh...maybe that's what's preventing me from getting the sleep i need! talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia. we are back and you know the dire situation in refugee camps across the middle east as millions of men, women and children are displaced by the ongoing terror campaign and brutality of isis. now, one former u.s. army interrogator is doing something to try and help so many in need. paul holten setting up "operation give" which is working to send medicine, clothes, blankets along with
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much-needed supplies with refugees living in the camps across the region. he's joining us now from hawaii. welcome, sir, great to have you here via skype. >> thank you very much. i appreciate this opportunity. >> talk to me for a moment about the efforts that you have set out to help these people. what prompted you to move forward and make a difference in such a big way? >> well actually during my deployment in the military back in 2003 and at that time all my involvement with the iraqi people i set up an organization as you mentioned, "operation give" for the last 10, 11 years now we've been shipping humanitarian supplies to iraq and afghanistan in support of our troops actually. and providing them resources so they in turn can give things to the people that are fighting and serving. so secondly on my last deployment 2010 '11.
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i was up and lived in mosul and worked side-by-side with the christians and other people in that area that are now under siege and have been you know persecuted and have fled their homes and, so my heart goes out to them. and i couldn't just stand by and do nothing. so i wanted to keep the efforts going that we've been doing with "operation give" and reach out to these people in the refugee camps to provide them supplies that they need. >> well you know the stories are so heartbreaking and what you're talking about, particularly with the yizidi christians the fact is that their communities have literally been wiped out. that they have lost everything. they have been you know sent to these camps with literally the shirts on their back. >> yes. and i still have i'm in contact with many friends and acquaintances that i worked with and to hear some of their
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stories and now that they've all left the areas they live in they've taken their families. those that have survived actually because a lot of them have been murdered and a lot of the women and children have been taken and sold and kidnapped and i'm in direct day-to-day contact with a lot of my friends that are now living in the northern area of iraq in the kurdish areas. the city of urbil and just hearing the stories and all that they're having to go through right now, the fact that they've lost as you mentioned, have lost everything. we have to help these people. >> what do you want people to understand about the situation right now? if you could sum it up for us in a way to really understand the brutality and the terror that is taking place in that part of the world? >> well i guess it's sad that we've kind of been preconditioned by all the news over the years of all the atrocities that are going on and
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almost daily we're hearing about refugees. but to maybe paint this in the light that everybody might understand. these are, you know wonderful people. a lot of them are christians. and they're willing to die for their beliefs. perhaps you've seen some of the footage of a line of nazarenes not willing to give up their belief in jesus christ and then having their heads blown off. i mean if we could imagine having to go through this and now these people some as you said over perhaps 2 million displaced and some 700,000 now living in these refugee camps and they're not really like camps because a lot of them are living in abandoned churches and buildings and they have nothing. i mean they have no supplies. >> it's very heartbreaking. we are out of time unfortunately. but it is so wonderful that you're doing this and we applaud
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the efforts that you're making and we wish you all the best in this campaign. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you so much. fast moving developments in the growing political battle over the case of the illegal immigrant accused of shooting a woman in san francisco.ofcused of shooting a woman in san francisco. sing with the prisoner? he'll tell us everything he knows very shoacused of shooting a woman in san francisco. cused of shooting a woman in san francisco. cused of shooting a woman in san francisco. used of shooting a woman in san francisco. as you were... where were we? 13 serving 14! service! if your boss stops by, you act like you're working. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. staying in rhythm... it's how i try to live... how i stay active. so i need nutrition... that won't weigh me down. for the nutrition you want without the calories you don't... introducing boost 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you...
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welcome back. the sheriff of san francisco defending his department's decision to release an illegal immigrant who is a repeat offender with a long criminal history and who is now behind bars for the murder of kate steinle last week. the case sparked a debate over so-called sanctuary cities and their policies. >> the common sense move is what we've been stating from onset. that ice should have deported him. >> joining us now will carr is following the story now. will? >> hi when it comes to accountability for why francisco sanchez was out free on the streets, the finger pointing has been fast and furious. the sheriff of san francisco said his department does not comply with federal detainers like the one that immigrations and customs enforcement had placed on sanchez to make sure he stayed behind bars. instead he said ice should have gotten a warrant to keep sanchez
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in custody. when asked if he would have done anything differently, here's what the sheriff had to say in regards to federal authorities. >> i would go down to their office on sampson street and say do you job. because we've been telling them that for 18 months leading up to this very event. do your job. >> the sheriff says he went so far to say that even kate steinle's death he would not honor federal detainers saying they're unconstitutional. ice maintained all they had to do was pick up the phone and tell them that they planned today release sanchez. take a listen to the former director of ice last night. >> they're looking for a notification except in the rarest of the cases. if they had the heads up ice could have gone there picked them up in front. they wouldn't have had to hold them for a second. >> fox news has learned the gun that shot and killed kate steinle was a federal agent's
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gun that had been stolen. sanchez said he found that gun. she was buried thursday. her family has stayed out of the fray. they want to concentrate on their daughter and not the political aftermath that happened after her death. >> such a sad story. earlier we asked you, should the u.s. demand that iran release american hostages on one of the conditions for a nuke deal? allen says u.s. hostages in iran must be freed below a deal or obama should be banned from staying my fellow americans before the state of the union address. there should -- that's a wrap for us. make it great day, everybody. you are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein... and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in.
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hello everyone i'm kelly wright. welcome to a brand-new hour inside "america's news hq." >> i'm molly line. topping the news this hour, scott walker asked to walk back a tweet. what his campaign and twitter are saying about the mishap. this has the defiant donald trump is speaking out ahead of his immigration rally later today. >> i love people to come into the country legally. they have to come in legally. they have to come in legally. there's nothing wrong. what's wrong with it? you know i've been branded all
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sorts of things what i said is mexico is sending. mexico is sending. >> and we'll have the latest on his comments plus the growing reaction. and down to the wire with another critical deadline on iran's nuclear program pushed back. we get the latest on what's holding up talks this time as the u.s. claims they are prepared to walk away from the negotiation table. why a group of mourners attending a memorial for one of europe's worst massacres pelted the country's prime minister with rocks and other objects at today's ceremony. from america's election headquarters the field of republicans running for president about to grow by one more come munonday. scott walker is set to announce monday. walker would make 15 republicans now in the race.
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and every single one battling for an edge. peter doocy as a closer look from washington. >> governor scott walker will be one of the last republicans to make his presidential ambitions official. he was the first one to have his big announcement nearly blown by his own social media account. what the message displaying a fancy new logo and text reading scott is in are you? twitter says the walker camp did not jump the gun, explaining to us late last night. we're looking into today's issue and we've determined the walker team was not at fault. in las vegas this afternoon, donald trump who has already made an official announcement and leads the republican pack in some polls now was joined once again by the father of a young man who was killed by a person who entered the united states illegally. to help him try to make the point that immigrants who come into this country and commit violent crimes have a horrible
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impact on certain people. >> it became politically incorrect to even talk about it. they took it totally easy on the person. and the parents just got nowhere. that was three years ago. they just get nowhere. >> an hour from now in phoenix, arizona, mr. trump will make a speech before a crowd. he just announced he thinks will include 10,000 people. if that many people do turn out, his campaign could continue rattling republican rivals. on the democratic side we are awaiting what could be an awkward lunch meeting tuesday when hillary clinton comes to capitol hill to speak to congressional democrats. one of those will be senator bernie sanders. her chief rival right now and the one is doing the most to challenge her front runner status molly? >> thank you, peter, we
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appreciate it. a group affiliated with isis apparently claims responsibility for today's bombing at the italian consulate in cairo, egypt. one person was killed when a car bomb went off destroying a section of a historic building. a group calling itself islamic state in egypt posted the claim to social media. it hasn't been verified. the posting said the bomb used nearly a thousand pounds of explosives. afghanistan's intelligence service says the highest ranking leader among local militants loyal to isis was killed in an air strike in afghanistan. the u.s. is confirming the strike but will not say if it was said who was kill. that's for the national decterate of security. he was one of more than 30 militants killed. bombings and shooting around iraq's capital killing at least 11 people. police say roadside bombs went
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off at the same time. anothering bomb went off at a out door market. greek negotiators are hung hunkering down. this after the prime minister won a third bailout. amy kellogg is reporting live from athens right now. >> hi kelly. the u.s. treasury secretary said in the past we've had a lot of trouble getting from close to close in these negotiations with the greeks and that is kind of where things stand tonight. it was a week ago when the greeks voted in that very unusual snap referendum no for further bailout money. last night the greek government said yes to the austerity package if it would free up further bailout money.
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that was met by creditors with a lot of enthusiasm. now some of the europeans are saying hold on how can we trust the greek government at this point. how do we know they're going to deliver on the new promises to make further budget cuts raise taxes and reform the government. despite the glimmer of hope for a deal that emerged overnight. the mood at the out door market here in athens today was not bright as all. greeks have not been able to withdraw more than 60 euros a day. they're not spending much money and vendors have to sell their produce or it will rot. they're getting rid of it for a pittance. native born greeks and immigrants who came to greece before the bailout say they're very worried about the future. >> i am from russia. we have soviet union. and one day it collapsed and we
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come h we don't have soviet europe. europe is a big country. it can break one day. >> so kelly, the bottom line is regardless of their state of mind of how things should be with austerity here most greeks don't want to leave the euro. so many of these vendors today were really quite hostile. that is because, i think, they are so tired, understandably of having the world's media taking their pictures asking them about their hardships. they are really exhausted, and frankly beaten down from what we could glean. we went to buy some fruit in the end from one vendor who simply smiled and said you know what this is my gift to you. kelly? >> that is amazing. it's so tough for the people over there. thank you for reporting that. are. now some breaking news out of rhode island.
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a woman was injured after an explosion. preliminary investigations indicate the explosion came from underneath the sand. that beach has been evacuated and there's a bomb squad there investigating that incident. it's a solemn day in york.europe. many say it was the worst since world war ii when serbian troops killed 8,000 men and boys in a town that was supposed to be a safe haven. brian llenas is live from our new york newsroom with more details. >> the genocide in srebrenica in 1995 was so horrific it led the clinton administration and nato to launch air strikes against the serbs, ending a three and a half year long bosnian war.
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it started out as planned, including a funeulate for the 136 newly discovered victims who died in the massacre. it then turned ugly. among the dozen leaders was the serbian prime minister. he was pelted with stones and other objects. causing him to reportedly break his glasses. they say he down plays the killings by not calling it a genocide. his administration reportedly calling this an assassination attempt. president bill clinton thanked the serbian prime minister for having the courage to attend and spoke at the ceremony. >> i never want to see a killing field like this. within thousands of miles of here. but the world is still being dominated by wars and killings
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based on ethnicity and race and religion. >> civilians took refuge in srebrenica during the war between christian serbs and muslim bosnians. it was declared a safe haven, but serb troops over ran the muslim enclave slaughtering 8,000 muslims. 1,000 victims have still not been found. thanks for the report. people who live in one beach town ravaged by superstorm sandy say they'll take their chances in the next storm to hang on to their ocean view. our political panel is here ahead of scott walker's announcement next week with an indepth look before the first debates roll into action. the deadline slides again. we'll take a look at some of the
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issues that could force the u.s. away from the table with iran. >> if intough decisions don't get made. we are absolutely prepared to call an end to this process. when i started at the shelter, i noticed benny right away. i just had to adopt him. he's older so he needs th tough decisions don't get made. we are absolutely prepared to call an end to this process. e tough decisions don't get made. we are absolutely prepared to call an end to this process. we both felt it i took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. then my friend said "try aleve". just two pills, all day. and now, i'm back for my best bud! aleve. all day strong and try aleve pm now with an easy open cap.
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superstorm sandy has decided not to rebuild the sand dunes. officials decided to do away with construction on new ones. despite coastal experts saying the dunes prevent damage from being even worse. officials believe the rebuilt dunes will not give the town much more protection and the widened beach will add some security if another storm were to hit. twitter now investigating after an announcement that accidently popped up on wisconsin governor's scott walker's account friday night. the tweet said scott walker is running for president. but it's not until monday afternoon that the republican will officially declare. let's talk about it with tammy bruce, radio talk show host and fox news contributor and jessica, democratic pollster and strategist. thanks for being here. >> our pleasure. >> what do you think here that
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the tweet isn't a particularly surprising thing. we know that scott walker has been gearing up for a run. we know what time he's going to announce. is it a big deal or not a big deal? >> i'm happy he's announcing. it's silly when you see everyone obviously running for president. obviously there are rules there. like you said we knew. twitter has admitted it wasn't the fault of the walker team or they're social media and it happened something internally. does this mean -- they're not saying it was a hacker. we know the twitter teams tend to be liberal. does this mean that conservative candidates and conservatives in general need to be concerned about tweets being used on their account, chair accounts being overtaken. it will be interesting to me if twitter will fire anyone. >> what do you think about that twitter did say we determined the walker team was not at fault. >> i never even thought of that.
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it sounds like a -- >> when you're a conservative -- i live in liberal land and i'm never penalized on social media. that wouldn't be what i would think. it's an interesting idea. but as you were saying we've known he's been running for months even years. he spends more time in iowa than in wisconsin. >> just on the politics of scott walker he's best known for the labor union thing that occurred years ago, 2011. since then he's been butting heads with the local republicans there in his state particularly on budget issues. is that a problem when you have someone that's a governor that's running for president when they say i'm running my state well unlike senators who shift their attention to other places. >> he's had a big budget success. he'll announce tomorrow matter of fact his history is good. he's always had to deal with not just labor unions problems on
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the left but managing his side of the aisle as well. this is why the argument is that governors are better candidates. we see how they govern and handle conflicts. his record is good. the left doesn't like it for a reason because he's beaten them over and over again. his demeanor has been great. we've seen him under terrific pressure during the fights in wisconsin. he's never lost his cool. he never became bombastic or a jerk. we're looking for strong leadership that people can relate to and be proud of. >> that's interesting. those pictures from the labor union battle were so vivid. it's hard to put an picture of an inside battle that's political in your own state. is that what people will remember? >> i think they will. that's all scott walker talks about. i took on the unionianss. that's why he said he can take on isis. scott walker promised to create 250,000 jobs in 2010.
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he has lost close to 24,000. that's not a great statistic for him. wisconsin is not doing as well as he would have you think. it's a homogenous states. he said he supported donald trump's comments. that's not going to win you any favors with the latino community. trump is on top now, but he won't stay there. >> scott walker is in fourth position which i think makes a lot of sense. >> when we think of what you've accomplished hillary clinton has to worry about those kinds of questions and whether it comes to whether jobs have been created. that will be an interesting question. the democratic nominee cannot point to any -- >> walker has lost jobs. >> that's of course your rendition of it. that is not necessarily how it's going to be discussed. when the truth comes out about the nature of what he's accomplished. these are the kinds of debates
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we're going to have about accomplishment. jeb bush most of florida voters have never seen him on a battle. it's so long ago he was governor. this is what i'm looking forward to. >> governor scott walker number 15. things are gearing up and continuing. thank you so much, tammy and jessica for being here to discuss this. the president's 21st century task force on policing reports it's essential for police to build better relations and trust in the communities they serve. in the past year many of you will that police have found themselves the subject of relations of strained relations between community relations and how difficult it's been in such cities as new york ferguson and baltimore. today we focus on an evidence based behavioral science that may help police and the community they serve to take the next step forward to working together and improve public
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safety for all. >> help people feel important. >> in newport, virginia the fundamentalles of an applied science he calls actively caring for people. he launched the concept as a method for helping exon's safety program. it was designed to create a way for people to care for each other. after the virginia tech massacre he moved it to the communities. >> police officers are the caring entities of our communities but they're not often seen that way. they're seen as enforcers. they're seen as negative consequences. when in fact we all know that we need them. and, of course a they need us. so we have to have an actively
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caring connection. >> the program soon went viral with people all over the world passing out green wrist bands when they see people actively caring for others. the concept intrigued a former police officer who created the national center for the prevention of community violence. he adopted the program and introduced it to several police departments as actively caring for people policing. >> our image in our society has totally been about law enforcement being sort of a hammer in the community. we want to change that perspective. we think that law enforcement can start out by being very much a part of the solution to prevent crime and violence. to really interact with citizens on the front end of the behavioral continuum instead of waiting until a major incident happens and they have to be reactionary and go in and use enforcement as their only tool. >> people feel better about the law enforcement agencies when they feel like they're engaged in the process. and i think actively caring for people policing is the next step
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in community policing. it's gone from being a unit a division to now it's going to be every officer in every agency hopefully. >> they'll see us as caring about them as an individual and not stereotyping. one of the issues that we face at least what we see in the media lately -- it's not to say it's just the media, a segment of the community feels like the police are singling them out. and that if a disparity in the type of enforcement that's done based on how you look. and so when you actively care and you show that you're involved and you reward people for doing something good or recognize them just for doing something good, i think it makes a difference. >> this police chief believes actively caring for people policing can work, but adds it will require citizens to also do their part in finding common ground with police and developing hope for a better
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relationship. >> i would love for us to work together collaboratively and be more open to discovering what's good about all of us. >> and by actively caring for each other, police and citizens can embrace living beyond a dream. >> that's a good thing. police officers do so much and sacrifice so much. they're been embroiled in a lot. you cover police so much. on behalf of actively caring for people here's a band for you. pass it around for all the good things people do. >> it's nice to see -- >> it empowered people. when you see someone doing good go ahead and pass that on to them. >> i shall. that could happen quickly, maybe by the end of the show. the first latin american pontiff considering his trip
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across south america. what pope francis is doing today. plus, there is this. >> serena williams winning at wimbledon again and giving herself a chance to do something that hasn't been done since 1988. do you want to know how hard it can be to breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva respimat does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva respimat. discuss all medicines you take even eye drops. if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells you get hives, vision changes or eye pain or problems passing urine stop taking spiriva respimat and call your doctor right away.
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global power brokers haggling across the table in search of a final agreement on iran's nuclear program. they're pushing the deadline to monday. so this could be a critical weekend. secretary of state john kerry leading to talks for the u.s. and tweeting in part still have difficult issues to resolve. among those issues an embargo on conventional weapons. we're joined by the u.s. ambassador to saudi arabia under president george w. bush. ambassador jordan, thanks for joining us. ambassador these talks have gone on and on the deadline has been moved several times now. is there a point when the united states says enough is enough? >> i think we're getting close to that point, molly. if you ever bought a persian rug, you know that sometimes you have to walk out of the store before you can make a deal. and i think we're getting colose to walking out of the store. this has dragged on now.
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there can't be that many issues with ambiguity attached to them. >> the goal has been around curbing iran nuclear's program. there are other weapons that are involved here. including the conventional arms. can you expand a little on that. why is that such a big part of the negotiations as well? >> it's a really big part. the secretary of defense ashe carter made it clear that limiting their ability to make ballistic missiles is an important part of this. that could threaten the united states with chemical biological and, of course nuclear weapons if the iranians develop them. so that's a very key issue for us. it is something that was discussed in the interim agreement. the fact sheet certainly that the u.s. put out made it clear that the un would still have to deal with limiting these icbm
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technology developments in a way that would provide some security and safety for the united states. so it's a very big deal. iran's acting like it's occurred at the last minute. that's not the case. >> it's interesting when you mention iran acting a certain way. is there game play going here? they're wanting to get the support they want is this a stall tactic? are they trying to break down trust? >> yeah. there is some gamesmanship going on here. there is an attempt to wear down the negotiators. they have been very divisive in dealing with russia and china. in a way that it's really looking more like the p 3 + 1. russia and china have made it clear that they are softening on the ballistic missile technology issue, which is so important to us. they are very anxious to be able to sell arms to iran. this would open up a bonanza for
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them. >> secretary kerry says the talks are not open ended and they would not be staying indefinitely. iranian diplomats seem like they would keep talking. the longer this goes on do we lose our position of strength as far as the negotiations are concerned? >> when we had the earlier deadline for congress to look at it for only 30 days we linked a little anxious. it didn't bother me we were letting that deadline slip. we don't need to look too anxious. if they're kicking the can down the road and playing games, it probably is appropriate to at least take a time out. we don't have to stay there forever. secretary kerry can come back from veena. maybe not lose the opportunity. if they're close enough they ought to stick it out and be willing to try to come to a deal. >> is there any indication that they are getting closer? the deadline keeps getting moved. they moved it again.
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is that a good or bad sign? >> the indications are that the foreign ministers of great britain and france are coming to vienna today. that's a good sign. it has to suggest they are about to make sh important decisions. that decision could be to walk away. but i think they're getting close to an important decision. that's why they're coming back to vienna. >> would some of this the bargaining power be in these other weapons, not just to look at the nuclear issue, but to focus more on the ballistic missiles? >> well the ballistic missile issue is very important. i think that's something that certainly can't simply be a throw away issue. that's something i think the united states is going to have to insist on. and secretary carter was very strong in his comments last week in that category. >> i mean it's hard to tell what exactly is going on behind closed doors and with so many different nations involved and and so many different interests involved. it seems like there would be a slight advantage to the united
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states and partners over china and russia. is that possible? is that an indication that we're getting? >> well you never know what games china and russia are also playing. and so this is like three demenchal chess. the iranians feel like they're negotiating bilaterally with five different countries. and there is some truth t. so i think we're going to have to see how the team plays. if it looks like it's falling apart because of china and russia then it is time to walk away. >> ambassador robert jordan thanks for joining us here today. interesting to see so many different sides to this. it's possible not everyone is trying to get to the same point here. so who knows. thank you so much ambassador. >> thanks molly. so for some more talks over iran's nuclear program, tune in to "fox news sunday" tomorrow. chris wallace sits down with an exclusive interview with mitch mcconnell. that's here on fox news channel. check your local listings for time. a win at wimbledon
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solidifies another serena slam for tennis fenomserena williams. there you have t. williams nabbing the title in london over spain. after struggling early, williams rebounded winning straight sets. she now holds all four grand slam titles tate. a a victory adthe u.s. open would give her all four majors. the last player to do that was stefy steffi graf in 1988. >> it's incredible. it's been a great week for women in sports. >> she's really good. she's beautiful. >> anyway i did say that didn't i? all right. coming up we have new developments that are taking place in the boston marathon bombing case. here with dzhokhar tsarnaev who has already been sentenced to
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yeah we've gotta go. i gotta say it man this is a nice set-up. too soon. just kidding. nissan sentra. j.d. power's "highest ranked compact car in initial quality." now get 0% financing or a great lease on the nissan sentra. ♪ let's go now to a live look at a huge rally in paraaguy you're seeing pope francis arriving at a gathering of tens of thousands of people in the capital. many argentineans crossed the border to watch him and see the very first native pope. by the way, just an advance note he's coming to america. he will be here in september and will visit three cities. philadelphia new york and washington, d.c. and a lot of people are anticipating that event. it will be a great thing to see.
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the boston marathon bomber is already on death row. he may be facing more charges connected to the case. a state prosecutor in massachusetts wants a new trial for dzhokhar tsarnaev for the mit officer that was killed. jurors convicted him in april for the 2013 bombings. it's not clear when he would be tried on state charges. >> closing arguments in the james holmes trial began -- will begin on tuesday. the defense wrapping with two silent surveillance videos showing holmes in police custody. in one video he's seen naked in a jail cell, then running his head into a wall. a second video showing a restless and restrained holmes in a hospital bed. the defense trying to prove he
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was legally insane at a time of the movie theater shooting. have they done enough to save their client's life? let's bring in our fox news legal analyst and a defense attorney. thank you for joining us right now. this is a important case. many of us remember what that day was like. and do you think that the defense has done an adequate job in proving that he was insane? >> well you say adequate job. have they done their job? yes. they have raised a legitimate dissent where there's a people with a history of mental issues. the question is is it enough. in most criminal defense cases, where you're raising insanity they're successful less than 2% of a time. most times you're trying to create the insanity defense on the spot. this guy had a history so they had some things to work with. will it be enough? probably not. >> history or not in terms of mental illness.
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this guy committed a heinous act. it affected so many people in that community. many people are saying call it what it is. evil has nothing to do with mental illness. >> you killed executed 12 people and shot another 70. by the way, when they did the video recordings by the psychiatrist those 22 hours that the jurors got to see, he talked about i saw the terror in their eyes. does that sound like someone that's insane? as they were running away i'm reloading and going to go shoot them. are you playing target practice? this is not a video game. this is the serious the fact he had that type of consciousness during the attack means he wasn't insane at the time of all those murders. >> how does this case move on? you don't want to predict what's going to take place. what can we in the public learn from these kinds of cases, particularly this one? >> in this one, he is not your
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typical defendant. he's very educated very smart. as she appropriately pointed out you have an individual that created a manifesto. it will cut both ways during the closing arguments. he had a note book that was 27 pages. the title was inside of the mind of madness where the defense and prosecution will be able to use the note book. >> let's go back to his mother in the waking hours after everyone woke up to the tragedy. let's go back to the mother kind sensed something was amiss and he had given tell tale signs something was amiss. the point is there were signs out there that this guy might have been pulling the trigger at some point in his future. >> there were definitely signs. the judge appointed psychiatrists, the judge asked
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two psychiatrists. what they said he had a mental illness but he was legally same at the time of the murders. unfortunately, there are people with mental illness. not all these individuals who are mentally ill are going to commit any sort of crime. this is an individual that had the history. but at the time he executed the individuals he was perfectly fine and sane. he should be held accountable. >> you had an individual who wore tactical gear. booby trapped his apartment. all those things indicate a person who was methodical and cold blooded. it was all in the note book. all the jurors it got red to them. they got copies of them. i think that will be the one thing that convicts him. >> how do you prepare for a case like this when you see the
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atrocity that was committed? >> for us as defense attorneys, you really just have to say everyone has their due process. there are cases, we can't handle those cases. this is something, i know the constitution exists i know everyone should have a fair trial. this type of case, i can't defend the person of that magnitude. it happens. you decline the cases. a lot of attorneys will tell you it's about the constitution and the right to a fair trial. >> thank you both for weighing in on that. we'll follow the developments and see watt takes place next week. a terrifying scene as two teens are stranded on a raging river and how they were rescued. a historic hotel comes crashing down this morning. super poligrip seals out more food particles. so your food won't get stuck and you can enjoy every single bite. eat loud, live loud, super poligrip.
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signal eartha it captured the world's first close-up of the planet pluto. this small but tenacious rocket roared up from cape canaveral 9 1/2 years ago, in january of 2006 on a mission that aroused momentary interest among the earthbound. the new horizon ships had a long way to go amid the stars, 3 billion miles to be exact at 30,000 miles per hour. up until eight months after the launch everything seems normal. then in 2006 the fine-tuners got together to scientific conference and downgraded pluto from planet to minor planet. then the cruelless blow of all, to a dwarf planet number 134340. the space world's best minds sweared off angrily at this insult bad science some called
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it. meanwhile, the new horizon's trackers kept faith with the pluto encounter. on monitoring new or ryehorizon systems. of the classical nine planet pluto always exuded a sense of magic and dread, not unlike its namesake a roman god of the underworld. the heaviest of the elements pluto stands for darkness and evil and grand opera and great literature. as new horizons gets closer that blurry dot of pluto slowly reveals its contours and color. scientists speak of shapes a whale a doughnut and a heart rising from the rocks and ice. this is all very exciting in the scandalist emotion of pluto will be avenged. orbiting the sun on the outer
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edges of the solar system pluto lies in the kiper belt a neighborhood of frozen bodies waiting for their turn in the limelight. once the flyby is completed, new horizons true to its name will continue its plunge into this new territory. pictures of the encounter will arrive on earth wednesday. on a poignant note this spacecraft is carrying the ashes of clyde tombo who in 1930 discovered pluto at the lowell observatory in flagstaff, arizona. "the new york times" announced the discovery of pluto on page 81 and in elegant flourish. quote, in the little cluster of orbs which scampers across the abyss under the name of the solar system there are be it known nine instead of a mere eight worlds. pluto is back.
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two texas teens rowing their boat into a tree stump becoming stranded in the mighty brazos river. they called 911 realizing their canoe had nowhere to go. a fire crew approached the teens but their boat's engine stalled, forcing them to paddle back to shore to fix it. then crews finally reaching the teens bringing them safely back to dry land. nearly 100 years of history crashing down in the blink of an eye. city officials decided to knock down this historic building and wait until you hear how much dynamite it took. >> it helps us because it allows us to take it down in one time and not have to have this be a very prolonged area and affect the neighbors and everyone else.
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that's the good thing. yeah. >> bringing more money into detroit which can always use more money. >> absolutely. i mean hockey team. that's the way to go. >> that will do it for us. i'm kelly wright. >> i'm molly. thanks for watching. "the five" is next. >> hello. i'm kimberly guilfoyle along with gerardo rivera. this is "the five." >> 32-year-old indicate steinle was laid to rest yesterday after being fatally shot at the hands of an illegal immigrant deported from the country five times. while the debate of sanctuary cities are at the forefront right now the administration yet again today dodged the issue and placed the game, of course, on republicans. >> there are a lot of people eager to assign blame. i think or eager to try and find
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