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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 14, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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40-year-old rapper was filing for bankruptcy days after he was ordered to pay $5 million in a sex tape scandal. go on line to join our conversation. "fox & friends" starts right now. good morning. it's tuesday, july 14th and i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, six major powers reach a deal with iran. did the u.s. cave with its demands? we're live with details. meanwhile, the parents of a woman killed in cold blood by an illegal speak out on tv. what did she say before she went down? >> help me, dad. >> kate steinle's parents say the white house has let them down. el chapo now threatening to
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kill donald trump. what? >> what? >> mornings are better with steve doocy. [ laughter ] and while you were sleeping, a lot of news. >> look who is here today, studio e as in ed henry and kimberly, thank for joining us. >> it's a big day. this is a day the white house has been waiting for because they wanted this deal and ladies and gentlemen, white smoke out of the cassel in -- castle in vienna. >> the president is going to be speaking an hour from now. we've got fox news alert and iran and six world powers reaching its formal agreement on its nuclear power. let's get to doug mche will way elway. >> here are the basic facts of
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this deal as we know them to be. first off, iran must disable 2/3 of its centrifuge machines. sanctions will go back into effect 65 days if there is noncompliance on the part of iraq. that is easier said than done. we'll hear more from critics on that. the u.s. weapons embargo will remain in effect for five years and u.n. missile sanctions will not be lifted for eight years. the last point is key. it could be troublesome when congress has the 60-day review of the program. that being specifically whether international inspectors will be allowed access to iran's military sites. the two sides apparently struck a compromise on that provision under which u.n. inspectors would be allowed to press for visits to iranian military sites. that doesn't mean that they are going to be necessarily granted access to it and that iran could delay access indefinitely,
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potentially. a second problem is in exchange for this agreement, iran gets $18 billion in international sanctions relief. critics say that iran with all of its state-sponsorship of terrorism across the region, that is simply going to be money in the bank for them to continue their terrorism in libya, iran, iraq, egypt, on and on and on. the republican senator from nebraska is the first to issue a statement. he said, sadly the administration just lit a fuse for a nuclear arm race in the middle east. we all know iran's neighbors will not sit idly as the world's largest state sponsor of terror becomes a nuclear threshold state. it usa lor -- it allows for a more controlled proceed live rags in a more dangerous world.
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also, we're going to be hearing from the president of the united states at 7:00 a.m. this morning. it's a pool situation, so i don't think he's going to be taking questions on this. we'll be hearing from him at 7:00. >> if he does take questions, ask away. trust and verify. the big question is do you trust, iran? i don't. >> why would you? >> they wanted to blow up israel for a long time. the trust but verify, we would like to verify, are they bluing up nuclear weapons. >> we know there will be some heads up there, so iran potentially could say, okay, we're going -- you are coming to this site next tuesday. let's make sure -- >> we have to phone ahead. >> let's make sure that we move stuff around. >> that's what's going to happen. the problem is american people want to know what safeguards are in place to ensure, we have to trust somebody who has been completely untrusty and very transparent about destroying
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israel. >> congress has a say here. there's some questions, already indications the white house may try to circumvent congress. that's going to be a big issue. the president is going to say look at least we finally got iran to the table agreeing to give up their nuclear ambitions here. a lot of people are skeptical. they really lit up twitter last night, tweeting, for many years, prime minister netanyahu has warned that the greatest danger facing our world is the coupling of militant islam with nuclear weapons, this deal could become the marriage certificate for that nightmare and our children and glarned will never forgive us. >> you want to be like the parents who drop in on the kids in college. what's that in the refrigerator?
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>> you call your kids a week in advance -- >> i think they are going to clean up the house. >> bret bear is pointing out something as well. just last week, general martin dempsey testified on the hill about this idea of dropping the u.n. arms embargo. ash carter also agreeing with general dempsey. reporting after five years, we'll drop the u.n. arms embargo on iran. what's that talking about is general dempsey said under no circumstances should we relieve pressure on iran. what he's referring to is not just the nuclear part of this but does this allow iran in five years to get more weapons to hezbollah and other terrorists. >> it's all about trust. the president in 52 minutes you'll see it here on fox. in the meantime, another developing story tonight. the son of a boston police captain accused of being a
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terrorist. his father is a captain in the boston police department. >> and he was caught because his own father turned him in. >> wow. what a story. heather childers joins us now. >> many reasons a lot of people finding the story shocking. his father is a 27-year veteran of the boston police force. he responded to the 2013 boston marathon bombings and last fall alerted authorities that his son who was 23 years old has a history of mental illness and was talking about joining isis. we now know he was arrested july 4th after buying four guns. police say he was planning an attack on a college campus. he wanted to target the cafeteria and the dorms and stream students executions live on line. they found bomb making materials like a pressure cooker and
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molotov cocktails. he also had two machetes and a knife. they are shocked and disappointed by their sons plans but they are thankful no one was hurt. >> it's a terrible tragedy for the family. bob is a tremendous police officer. he's had a distinguished career over the last 25 years. just a very impressive guy and to have his this his own family is terrible. >> the fbi says that chicola was arrested and after that, he grabbed a pen and he stabbed a nurse in the head. he's expected back in court this afternoon. apparently, he stabbed her so forcibly, that pen broke off. >> poor thing. i hope she's okay. someone who has devoted his life to law enforcement and public safety to have that in his own home. >> he did the right thing. time now for news and heather is with us as well. good morning. >> good morning.
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kimberly, great to have you back here with us. ed as well. we begin with an incredible story of survival this morning. 16-year-old autumn veathc was in a small plane crash last week. she stayed at that crash site in washington for a day and then she set off hiking through thick forests, package -- passing through them before a motorist was able to pick her up a day later. she's expected to be okay. her dad grateful she survived. >> right now, i really want to get her into some counselling and let her work through the events. i believe in god, and i've seen stuff like this happen several times. there's no way i cannot believe in god. >> well, autumn's step grandparents are feared dead. that crash site has still not been located in washington state just yet. an up date to bring you. a bizarre case.
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a real life gone girl case we reported on previously. this california woman claimed that she and her boyfriend were kidnapped for ran some only to be called a hoax by police. federal prosecutors have filed charges against this man, 38-year-old matthew muller, a former marine and recently disbarred lawyer. he was picked up after a recent string of home invasions in the state. she found -- they found tape-covered goggles as the couple had described. nasa's new horizon space craft will reach pluto after nine years. it's the closest look that we've ever gotten at pluto. data will be radioed back to earth over the next 16 months. look at that, though, what a view. incredible. we keep watching that story
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throughout the morning. those are your headlines. over the last ten days, we've been telling you this terrible story of kate steinle, she was murdered on pier 14 in san francisco after an illegal alien who had been deported five times, high on sleeping pills supposedly he found in a dumpster killed her. it started the national debate here. he is screen left. she is screen right. national debate about stricter border security, sanctuary cities, aside from that, is a family and bill o'reilly sat down with her mother and father and here is her father jim talking about the last thing she said to him. >> we walked around and did different things, and laughed and -- and went in the ferry building and came out and decided to walk down to the pier and stopped at the pier, enjoyed the beauty of san francisco and
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the day that it's been and it was, and we turned around and came back, once we came, and we heard a shot, and kate went down, and the rest, we all know what happened then. >> what did she say before she went down? >> help me, dad. >> and you had no idea what was happening at that point? >> none whatsoever. >> wow. see how emotional dad is. obviously, you can understand that, but bill o'reilly looked emotional as well. how can you not be? >> he's trying to get people to sign a petition on bill o' so he can present to leaders of congress, kate's law, what it would do if you
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have been deported as a felon and you come back in, you automatically get five years. >> we can work with that. the idea is something needs to be done to stop, this repeat, recidivism of criminals coming in and out. >> bill o'reilly joining us next hour. we got a busy tuesday morning. wednesday morning -- tuesday morning. if it's kimberly, it's tuesday. coming up, the world's most dangerous drug kingpin, el chapo just escaped a mexican prison. he has a threatened donald trump. >> parallel parking, ed and kimberly will be behind the wheel of that car. let's see.
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the frantic search for a mexican drug lord is under way. photos just released allegedly show the kingpin in a plane and drinking beer. joining us now, the author of, "the dark art," former dea agent
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edward pollock. lots to discuss on this story. so many people are wondering where is el chapo. and tell me why you believe you don't believe they are authentic. >> good morning. i think it's a complete hoax. i've also spoken with several of my associates in the cyber world and they have said that by mere perception and mere viewing of them, it's very clear that there's been some doctoring to shows. chapo guzman is one of the greatest mass murderers ever to walk the planet. during the years of the kaled kalederone administration we lost 100,000 people alone. his objective is not to
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humiliate the mexican government, but basically to get out of town, regroup, reestablish, and tend to business as he unequivocally is one of the best in doing so. >> most certainly, but there was a lot of outrage over the fact that he wasn't already in a maximum security prison. the question at this hour is where is el chapo? could he possibly already be somewhere in the united states trying to avoid capture? >> yes, but it has been my experience, in fact, during my career with what i believe to be the band of investigators ever to walk the planet, the drug enforcement administration, i was pursuing a man and he was a mean -- mentor to el chapo
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guzman. stepping into the united states would not give him what he has in trafficking. forbes himself called him the most powerful man on the planet. >> they believe that people were complicit and worked as accessories to secure his release this time as well. >> i agree with you and i do not believe that it was in any way associated with the current administration and cabinet-level figures in the republic of mexico. what i believe is the apparatus from the tertiary senior employees were the one that assisted in this. up next, murders on the rise in major cities across the country. why? is it because the media making
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our police officers to be the bad guy? and speaking of cops, one woman was lucky this officer was around. >> did you get it? >> the rescue, next. aha! cinnamon. milk. cinna-milk. cinnamon toast crunch. crunch! crave those crazy squares. cinna-milk!
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>> some quick headlines. a stung report, 1/3 of veterans on the va waiting list is already dead. the v.a. says it cannot subtract april applicants. they are getting criticism from congress. official are considering furloughs and hiring freezes. murders on the rise in the united states in major cities across the country, the rate of
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homicides from the previous year has spiked dramatically almost as much as 60%. what is the cause of the violence uptick? retired police sergeant pete siconis joins us will live now. good morning. >> good morning. >> there are certain members of the media who have launched this all-out war against cops, the cops are the bad guys, and makes it harder for them to do their job. >> yeah, well, if you are in trouble, who do you want to call, a news reporter or a cop? >> yeah, no kidding. you want to call the cop, of course. but pete, you know, if you watch certain channels, the cops are the bad guys. >> absolutely. i mean, we just had a 13-month-old baby run over in a stroller by a car that was being chased by police after they committed a murder a block away, and right away people are
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blaming the police. are we supposed to just have our policeman park their cars and walk to their jobs? they go from job to job to job to job, there's no resting in some of these areas. >> yeah. one of the problems, though, in some of these areas, you look at the major cities and crime, homicides here in new york are up about 10%, baltimore up close to 50%, which is unbelievable, there in chicago, close to 25% of the homicide rate is up. but one of the problems for the cops these days is -- and you kind of touched on this -- the people in the community won't cooperate with you. >> no. and the leaders in the community, they won't help us either they won't go and go to these people and say we need you to help us solve this murder. we need you to give us information on who is doing the murders and they are not doing it. >> sure. what about after kate steinle was murdered out in san francisco suddenly people on the
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left are saying another example, we need stronger gun laws. you are sitting in chicago, illinois, right now, where they have got some of the strongest gun laws on the books, but they are just not enforced. >> well, we take more guns off the street in chicago and the new york and los angeles combined every year. but the problem here isn't people that have to carry and concealed or have licenses to own handguns. the gang bangers are not getting licenses. one little street gang on one little corner can have two guns that they hide and when a guy needs a gun, he knows where to get it. those guys are in more trouble if they get pinched with that gun for losing that gun than anything else they absolutely do. >> in chicago, they are cutting back drastically the number of police officers. nationwide, there's a hate campaign against men and women who wear the uniform. it's a sad day.
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>> they wrote 1,500 policeman out of a budget. how do you expect to make up for that? you have policemen making $200,000 due to overtime. that's absurd. >> the numbers are the numbers and they are not good. pete, thank you very much for joining us from chicago. good luck. >> you are welcome, sir. all right. what do you think about that? email us at fox and they are here illegally. illegals getting paid internships. we're going to tell you where. last time we tried, it ended up in a car crash. have we gotten any better at parallel parking? we'll take the challenge. it's kimberly versus ed in that hertz rent a car. happy birthday to michael fox.
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he's 48 years old today. >> i believe i was being tested. unmistakable thrill... and the incredible rush of the mercedes-benz you've always wanted. but you better get here fast... yay, daddy's here! here you go, honey. thank you. ...because a good thing like this won't last forever. see your authorized dealer for an incredible offer on the exhilarating c300 sport sedan. but hurry, offers end soon. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us.
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legalzoom. legal help is here. ♪ ♪ >> all right, ladies and gentlemen, if you remember it was the -- we're having a flashback, kimberly, go ahead. >> could this be the worst parallel parking job ever? you can see it as this driver tries to pull his fiat in between two cars. he slams into a wa reportedly e came back later to clean up the broken glass and debris. >> steve, we all know what happened the last time, you guys were out here, we were looking at the pretty parallel parking there and you guys had a parallel parking challenge. kimberly and i were not here,
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and the results were not that good. >> this is the last time, right, we had -- when you guys did this challenge. >> you got it. you are doing good, steve. pull back in. >> hey, brian, i'm doing it. i'm doing it brian! >> cut, cut. slowly turn the wheel. brian, go left. i beat you! >> so that didn't work very well. grechen backed up into that parking -- >> very entertaining, though. >> what we've got here is we've got a rental car -- >> where is that big dog? >> ed is in a rental car from hertz. ed, what we want you to do is we've got an area about the right size, it's about -- >> here or back there? >> i think he's backing in there. >> however you want to park the car. >> ladies and gentlemen, ed henry, let's see how the white
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house does negotiating. >> i hope "fox & friends" has big umbrella insurance policy. >> ed, this is the spot. he's pulling in the wrong spot what's he doing? >> he's actually doing not that bad of a job. >> he's doing a great job. oh, my goodness. look at that. boom. kimberly cannot top that one. >> oh, my goodness. he is good. wow. you know. >> all right. >> here's the thing, ed, you were supposed to park in this one. >> this is the one. here is the barrier, i couldn't hit. i didn't hit that. >> you want me to reset it. >> what we want you to do, kimberly. >> i can do this. why get a man when a woman can do it better? >> i'm going to move this up just a couple of feet.
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you can't even get it out. >> seat belt. >> i don't think she's going to be able to do this. >> come on, please, ed. >> i'm not sure she can do it. she's going to hit the barrier. >> uh-oh. kimberly, are you still wearing those crazy high heels? >> yep, i've got it baby! >> where is she going? which do you want? this spot. >> these two? >> yeah, these two. >> uh-oh. >> she's good. she's pretty good. she's going a lot slower than i am. a lot slower. i already beat her. >> hold on. >> you got about three feet. you can keep coming back. take another ten minutes, you can probably get it done. >> okay. you have another foot before you kiss that thing. yeah, you don't want to do that. >> wow. >> look at that. very nice. >> oh, wonder, you had gps.
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>> how was that? >> that was excellent. >> ladies and gentlemen, there were no -- there was no structural damage, unlike last time with we did it. >> see that. look at this! the cushion right here too. yeah. yeah. >> because they both did the job, we're going to have to call in an impartial judge, joel. who won? who won? >> yea! >> poor ed henry. nice job, everyone. i've got news to bring to you now. incredible save caught on camera, a police officer in austin, texas, saving a driver who was choking on food. take a look at this. >> you get it? >> no. >> did you get it? >> that is officer dustin clinkscale, he gave a woman the
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heimlich maneuver on the side of a highway. she passed out. she cled 911. she wasn't able to speak on the phone. the officer saw her on the phone, pulled her over for that and ended up saving her. 46 criminals will soon to be released into society courtesy of president obama. listen to this. believe at its heart, america is a nation of second chances and i believe these folks deserve their second chance. >> well, the president announcing that he's granting clemency to 46 nonviolent drug offenders in prison. that's more than the last four presidents combined. this is all part of his plan to reform prison sentencing laws that he says disproportionately imprison minorities. they will be released by november 1st this year. illegal students in the state of california are living the american dream without
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abiding the law. similar programs for illegal immigrants are offered in other public california universities, including uc-san diego and uc berkeley. and a nice story to bring you right now, this is the best way to kick off this year's home run derby. watch this. ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ >> doesn't that voice just give you chills. that's marlena van hose, she brought the crowd to tears with that stunning rendition to the national anthem. you may have caught her on "fox & friends" last week. she was spectacular and those are your headlines. ed, are you still outside there?
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>> yeah, we are. having beating kimberly. >> you were the beast, ed. >> it was an all-star park job. >> speaking of the all-star game, it's being called the most dramatic home run derby in baseball history. >> there it is! the hometown hero! >> cincinnati slugger todd frazier winning all three rounds at the buzzer to take the derby win. >> "fox & friends," weekendco hefty anna kooiman is live from the great american ballpark with all the highlights in cincinnati. >> good morning. >> good morning from cincinnati. as if the reds fans weren't flying high enough, having the mlb all-star game in their hometown tonight, they are flying even higher now their hometown hero todd frazier is a home run derby champion. knocking 15 out of the park.
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there's a lot of excitement. the most home runs ever hit during a home run derby 159. part of that is new format. head-to-hed competition. and his brother was firing out pitches from the mound. we caught up with several all stars with how they are prepping for ton's big game. >> i'm making my parents proud and that's one of my main objectives when i wake up every single day to see how happy and proud they are to wear the american league jersey with number 22 on the back. it's awesome. >> first time all-star, what's it like being with some of the grates? >> it's awesome. i grew up watching some of these guys on tv. it's definitely surreal and i look forward to getting a chance to meet a lot of them. pick their brain and learn from them. >> first all-star game. happy to be here.
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excited trying to just soak everything in and enjoy myself. >> enjoy the game and just have fun. i mean, you want to win, you want to win and have fun. >> mvp last year. what do you expect this year? >> just go out there and play my game. have some fun. i'm trying to enjoy every minute of it. it goes by so fast, the next couple of days and i guess i just enjoy it. >> the most dramatic home run derby in history last night, maybe the l -- mlb all-star game tonight will be the most dramatic in history as well. 7:00 you can watch that tonight. coming up in an hour, i'm going to be working with some hall of famers to see if i have what it takes to be an mlb all-star. i'm with george foster who is part of the big red machine hall of famer, it's going to be great. >> it's fantastic. we look toward to seeing that anna. coming up, ever go out on a hot deck and burn your feet.
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>> all the time. >> even your dogs do that. >> exactly. up next, we've got pooch pools and the best new toys to keep your pets safe and cool. >> that's a cool dog. >> they are adorable. ♪ ♪ ooh pizza rolls! ahh! they're ready! make summer awesummer with totino's pizza rolls. and get a free movie ticket when you spend $10.
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j test.
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well, the dog days of summer have arrived and those walks through the park, beach, and down the street can take a toll on the little baby pup. >> that's right. here with some cool products to help the dogs beat the heat, it's a celebrity dog trainer and three of her former -- fury friends. >> good morning. when you walk out on a hot sand, that's hot. that's our feet. the dogs have the same problem. >> absolutely. >> how do you know? >> i've asked them. they talk to me.
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this is leila and she's showing off for us exactly this problem because she's walking around, her feet on the pavement and on the beach, sometime that can hurt, we've goot these little paw savers. these are super cool. they are so much easier than booties. >> it's like a one-time only thing. if we're going to go out on a hot deck or something like that. >> put them on, pull them off. they are disposable. is super easy to use. >> this is the theory behind i need a cold wash rag on my head. >> it's exactly the theory. this is an i-cool scarf. it inflats like this with a nontoxic polymer. it lasts for hours and stays really cool and this is for hydration, okay. this is called a tourist water
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bowl. all i do is i turn this on and it fills itself -- it filters the water. it comes from the outside here. so as she drinks, it will keep refilling. totally filtered, you are gone all day, she stays nice and hydrated. >> is that on a timer? >> it's not on a timer. the next thing is another high drag thing we have right here. this is called the hydration, you got two water bottles. that has got two compartments. i put water for my dog here and ice water in here. >> what happens if you forget? >> then you get dreams. no big deal. doggie germs. >> next, i've got my dog lance down here, the golden. he's outing of the dog tornado.
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>> dog-nado. this is a toy by the queen of toys. normally this is something from mental stimulation. i add some water to his kibble. it turns mushy. when i leave, he's got like kibble sickles. >> this reminds me of the kong ball that we fill with peanut butter. >> the last thing we have is puppy scoops. this is made by puppy cakes. it comes like this. there's some powder in here. i toss it in here with hot water. throw it in the freezer for about five hours and poof, let's see, my black dog, she's enjoying some maple bacon or carob flavored ice cream, it's
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human grade ingredients. all natural. >> they like it. >> this is the great idea. how much is that? >> the puppy scoops, they are $7. >> $6.99. fantastic segment. keep your puppies cool and happy. more information about the stuff you've seen, go to >> back to ed licking his wounds from parking. >> we have a big hour coming up, we have bill o'reilly, bret baier, and laura ingram and senator lindsey graham joining us and president obama talking live next hour. we'll see you then. >> doing hillary clinton's math, we're going to break down her new economic plan to see if it
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adds up for our country. laura ingraham will help me crunch the numbers on "the real story" today at 2:00.
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let him tell that to the fast food workers marching in the streets for better pay. they don't need a lecture. they need a raise. >> hillary clinton laying out her plan to fix the economy yesterday by raising the minimum wage and guess what conservatives in the uk are doing just that. good day to you. i wonder daniel, would you first of all explain did -- my understanding is there is a grand bargain conservatives say we'll raise the minimum wage, but you've got to cut other big
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spending items to help pay for it. >> exactly that. the there has been very substantial reform of welfare. we've been caping t ping the bi reducing individual benefits. you've got to show work pays. the results really speak for themselves. over the the last five years we've created 2 million net new jobs, mainly private sector full time. we switched incentives so it takes more sense to take as the old system. that is as you say the grand bargain. >> most republican presidential candidates in the united states are against the hike in minimum wage. what would be your advice to them? >> well, you know, the actual -- i totally understand that.
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there is a real idealogical objection to government imposing wages at all. in a situation where you have a welfare state and have a minimum wage, you're simply talking about how to tweak the system. as to maximum incentives for people to find work. you know although in a perfect world you say there's no intervention. you have to think about the actual world. we've created more jobs in the uk happen the whole of the european union put together. it's saving money, save aing li, kids growing up in working hopes. >> we'll see if presidential candidates take a lesson from that. thanks for joining us today. >> good day. when while, president obama talking about the nuclear deal
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this is a fox news alert. the united states making a nuclear deal with iran. what do we give up? president obama set to address the nation seconds from now. their daughter is dead because an illegal deported five times found sanctuary in san francisco. today her heartbroken parents speak to bill o'reilly exclus e exclusive. >> what did she say before she went down? >> help me dad. >> an emotional interview, bill o'reilly joining us this hour. escaped mexican drug lord el chapo makes a brave threat. he wants to kill donald trump because donald trump tweeted
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about him. makes perfect sense, right? >> right. live on this tuesday, you're watching "fox & friends" on the fox news channel. ♪ this is a fox news alert. we'll hear from the president of the united states. it's a will lucky day for us. we have ed henry, white house correspondent on the couch with us. >> this is a big deal, obviously nuclear deal with iran, united states, several world powers. i think the details will be dug into the next few hours. >> we'll look at that in a moment. the key is what the president has to say as he comes down the cross halls here in about a minute and a half. he's going to have to sell congress on. >> he's going to have to. one of the details people want to know about, if within five years they'll drop the arms
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embargo on iran. that's going to have consequences. >> world oil prices have plum t plummeted because of increase in capacity. we'll take a timeout for fox news affiliates to join us across the country. this is fox news coverage as president obama prepares to announce the historic agreement with iran. we're here in new york. bret baier is live in washington d.c. good morning. we don't know everything about what the president is going to say in 90 seconds ed henry. as we sit here in new york city, we have key points regarding the deal. >> the key point is inspections of iranian nuclear sites. the early preview suggests iran will get a heads up on where inspections will take place. that's one of the concerns you're hearing critics on
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capitol hill talking about. about iran getting a heads up on inspections, giving them the ability to move nuclear materials around. >> which defeats the purpose. if you're giving alert and te telegra telegraphing you're coming, they have the chance to move it. >> and netanyahu saying this is a mistake. he's been against lifting of sanctions. there's a lot to digest here. after the president sells this as a major legacy item for him and for the united states, people are going to dig into details and say is this really a positive legacy? >> be careful what you wish for. >> he'll have to sell allies particularly israel. it's clear, thing iranians have said for years, they would like to wipe israel off the map. >> israel is concerned about the
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nuclear arms race that this leads others to getting their own nuclears. there's the president walking out. >> let's lchblt. >> today after two years of negotiations, the united states, together with international partners, achieved something decades of animosity has not. a comprehensive long term deal with iran to prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon. this demonstrating american diplomacy can bring real and meaningful change. change that makes our country and world more safer and secure. the deal is in line with a tradition of american leadership. it's now more than 50 years since president kennedy stood before the american people and said let us never negotiate out of fear but let us never fear to negotiate. he was speaking then about the need for discussions between the united states and soviet union which led to efforts to restrict the spread of nuclear weapons.
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in those days the risk was catastrophic nuclear war between super powers. in our time, the risk is nuclear weapons spread to more and more countries, particularly middle east, most volatile region in our world. today, because america negotiated from a position of strength and principle, we have stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in this region. because of this deal, the international community will be able to verify that the islamic republic of iran will not develop a nuclear weapon. this deal meets every single one of the bottom lines we established when we achieved a frame work earlier this spring. every pathway to a nuclear weapon is cut off. and the inspection and transparency regime necessary to verify that objective will be put in place. because of this deal, iran will not produce the a highly
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enriched uranium and plutonium that are the necessary items for a nuclear bomb. it will remove two third of installed central fuses and store them under constant international supervision. iran will not use advanced center fuses to enrich uranium next decade. iran will get rid of 98% of stock pile of uranium. iran has a stock pile to produce up to 10 nuclear weapons. because of this deal, that stock pile will be reduced to a fraction of what would be required for a single weapon. this stock pile limitation will last 15 years. because of this deal, iran will modify the core of reactor in iraq so that it will not produce weapons grade plutonium. it has agreed to ship the fuel
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for the reactor out of the country for the lifetime of the react tore. for at least the next 15 years, iran will not build new new heavy water reactors. because of this deal, we will for the first time be be in a position to verify all of these commitments. that means this deal is not built on trust. it is built on verification. inspectors will have 24/7 access to iran's key nuclear facilities. iran will have access to iran's entire nuclear supply chain, uranium mines, mills, conversion facilities and sentra fuse manufacturing and storage facilities this. insures iran will not covert to others. some measures will be in place 25 years. because of this deal, inspectors will be able to access is suspicious locations.
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the organization responsible for inspections, iaea will have access where necessary, when necessary. that arrangement is permanent. and the iaea reached agreement with iran to get access it needs to complete investigation into the possible military dimensions of iran's past nuclear research. finally, iran is permit sh -- permanently prohibited to apply pressure. as iran takes steps to implement this deal, its will receive relief from sanctions put in place because of iran's nuclear program. plerk america's sanctions and imposed by the security council. this will be phased in. iran must complete key nuclear steps before it receives new sanctions relief. over the course of the next can
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decade, iran must bide by the deal before additional sanctions are lifted including five years related to arms and eight years restrictions related to ballistic missiles. all of this will be memorial xized and endorsed in new security council resolution. if iran violates the deal, all these sanctions will snap back into place. there's a very clear incentive for iran to follow through and very real consequences for a violation. that's the deal. it has the full backing of international community. congress will now have an opportunity to review the details. my administration stands ready to provide extensive briefings on how this will move forward. as the american people and congress review the deal, it will be important to consider the alternative. consider what happens in a world without this deal.
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without this deal, there is no scenario the world joins us in sanctions iran until it completely dismantled the nuclear program. nothing we know about the iranian government suggests it would under that pressure. and the world would not support an effort to permanently sanction iran into commission. we put sanctions in place to get a diplomatic resolution. that is what we have done. without this deal, there would be no agreed upon limitations for iranian nuclear program. iran could produce, operate and test more and more fuses. iran could fuel a reactor capable of producing plutonium for a bomb. we would not be able to detect the covert nuclear weapons program. in other words, no deal means no lasting constraints on iran's nuclear program. such a scenario would make it more likely other regions in the region would feel compelled to
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have their own nuclear programs. an arms race in the most volatile region in the united states. it would present the united states with fewer options from preventing iran for obtaining the nuclear weapon. i've been commander in chief six years now. it's the gravest decision any president has to make. many times in multiple countries, i have decided to use force. i will never hesitate to do so when it's in our national security interest. i strongly believe that our national security interests now depends upon preventing iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. which means without a diplomatic resolution, either i or a few you are u.s. president would face a decision about whether or not to allow iran to obtain a
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nuclear weapon or whether to use our military to stop it. simp will youly, no deal means a greater chance of more war in the middle east. more over, we give nothing up by testing whether or not this problem can be solved peacefully. if, in worst case scenario, iran violates the deal, same options available to me today will be available to any u.s. president in the future. i have no doubt that 10 or 15 years from now, the person who hold this is office will be in a far stronger position with iran further way from a weapon and with the inspections and transparency that allow us to monitor the iranian program. for this this reason, i believe it would be irresponsible to walk away from this deal. but, on such a tough issue, it is important that the american people and representatives in congress get a full opportunity
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to review the deal. after all the details matter. we've had some of the finest nuclear scientists in the world working through those details. we're dealing with a country, iran, that has been a sworn adversary of the united states for over 35 years. i welcome a robust debate in congress on this issue and welcome scrutiny of the details of this agreement. but i will remind congress that you don't make deals like this with your friends. we negotiated arms control agreement with the soviet union. those ultimately head us safer. i'm confident this will meet the security interests of the united states and our allies. i will veto any legislation that prevents successfully implementation of this deal. we do not have to accept an
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inevitable spiral into conflict and certainly shouldn't seek it. precisely because the stakes are so high, this is not the time for politics or postering. tough talk from washington does not solve problems. hard nosed diplomacy, leadership that has united the world's major powers offers a more effective way to verify that iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapon. now, doesn't mean this will resolve all differences with iran. we share the concerns expressed by many friends in the middle east including israel and gulf states about the iran support of terrorism and use of proxy to destabilize the region. that's precisely why we are taking this step. iran armed with nuclear weapon will be far more dangerous to our friends and the world. meanwhile, we'll maintain our own sanctions related to iran's
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support for terrorism, ballistic missile program and human rights violations. we'll continue unprecedented efforts to strengthen israel's security, efforts that go beyond what any american administration has done before. we will continue the work we began at camp david to pell vat partnership with gulf states to strengthen their capabilities to counter threats from iran or terrorist groups like i isil. however, i believe we must continue to test whether or not this region, which is known so much suffering, so much bloodshed, can move in a different direction. time and again, i have made clear to the iranian people that we will always be open to engagement on the basis of mutual interests and respect. our differences are real. the difficult history between our nations cannot be ignored. it is possible to change. the path of violence and rigid
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ideology, a foreign policy based on threats to attack your neighbors or eradicate israel, that's a dead end, a different path. one of tolerance and peaceful resolution of conflict. leads to more integration into the global economy, more engagement with the international community and ability of iranian people to prosper and thrive. this deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction. we should seize it. we have come a long way to reach the this point. decades of iranian nuclear program, many years of sanctions, and many months of intense negotiation. today i want to thank the members of congress from both parties that help us put in place sanctions proven so effective as well as the other countries that joined us in that effort. i want to thank our negotiating partners, the united kingdom, france, germany, russia, china
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as well as the european union for our unity in this effort which showed the world can do remarkable things when we share a vision of peacefully addressing conflicts. we show what had we can do when we do not split after part. finally, i want to thank the american negotiating team. we had a team of experts working several weeks straight including our secretary of energy. i want to thank john kerry our secretary of state who began his service to this country more than four decades ago when he put on our uniform and went off to war. he's now making this country safer through commitment to strong principles, american zploem say. history shows that america must lead not just with might but our principles. it shows we are stronger not when alone but when we bring the world together.
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today's announcement marks one more chapter in this pursuit of a safer and more helpful, more hopeful world. the thank you. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. >> there you have the president of the united states along with vice president joe biden announcing iran and world powers have agreed to a nuclear deal. united states and world powers want to make sure iran doesn't have the tools to build weapons. iran of course wants those very strong sanctions lifted. >> right. >> the key is verification to make sure they're not brewing up something in the back room something bad. >> what the president did not say. very important. we have a senior u.s. official that says how it works. if iaea wants to visit a nuclear site in iran, it submits request to iran. iran has 14 days to respond.
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>> can you imagine? >> what can they do -- >> they can move everything somewhere else. >> that's a very key point. >> any way, light coverage continues mow on the fox news channel. for those of you, tune to local fox station. we return you to your regular programming. 18 minutes after the top of the hour. bret baier has been watching from our nation's capital. ed brought up the fact the iranians, once iaeae calls, they've got 14 days to open the door. >> that's a problem the any time any place speculation was somehow watered down. this is it. also noting the president said 24 access is to key nuclear facilities. look at phrasing there. that is not any facility. that is not the military bases.
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this is a country, iran, that hid sentra tuesdfuses in the mi of a mountain. this is not out and about. there's skepticism on capitol hill. it's a simple majority he has to get to pass this first hurdle. he just said, as you heard there, there will be a veto threat. he has to get one-third of each house senate democrats and house democrats to push this thing through. >> senior u.s. officials are telling us now if this deal goes through, there will be a one year breakout time for iran that will last ten years. significant because there's concerns that breakout period for them to get nuclear weapons now is only two or three months. if that's true that it's a breakout period of one year, how big is that, number one? number two, how do we know that is true? >> the last part of your question is key part in that how do we know that is true?
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how do we trust that the inspections are actually going to prevent this and reduce the breakout time? i think the israelis obviously are app plek tick about this deal. i suggest to you the gulf nations are making moves that would problem change their answer to this. i think the biggest problem here for capitol hill is the arms embargo. the chairman of joint chief of this president said last week in testimony under no circumstances should we relieve pressure on iran's ability for ballistic missile capability and arms trafficking. that's what this does in eight years. >> now it goes to congress. president making confident remarks. coming up, kate steinle's mom and dad speaking out to bill o riley about the moment their daughter was measured by the illegal immigrant. >> she went down.
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>> what did she say before she went down? >> help me dad. >> we are joined next with that emotional interview next. when sends craig wilson a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf. great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! the ready for you alert, only at as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners... were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today.
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welcome back. if you were watching the channel last might, 8:00 p.m. eastern time, you saw bill o'reilly had the exclusive interview with parents of kate steinle, the woman murdered by the illegal in san francisco ten days ago. bill o'reilly joining us now by phone. why did the parents want to come on and tell their story? >> caller: two reasons. any grieving parent wants the world to know about the child they lost and how much the child meant to not only them but other people. then, they don't want it to happen again.
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they knew that i was promoting kate's law. they watched "the factor." they wanted to lend their support. of course their support means their way out in front of it. that's what can put it over the top to pinheaded politicians when you have a very broken hearted family saying you've got to help us. you've got to do something. >> bill, we heard the president talking about this iran nuclear deal. one thing we have not heard him talk about in recent days is this case. he and his staff has not spoken out. didn't send anyone to the funeral. what are your thoughts? >> caller: i know megan and others have gotten into that. >> hey bill, let me interrupt for a moment. we just saw the president of the united states reacting to the deal with iran. we understand john kerry is at
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podium. this is a fox news alert. here's the secretary. >> just one nuclear weapon. that time will increase to at least one year for a period of at least ten years. contrary to the assertions of some, this agreement has no sunset. it doesn't terminate. it will be implemented in phases beginning within 90 days of the u.n. security council endorsing the deal and some of the provisions in place for ten years, others for 15 years. others if for 25 years. certain provisions including many of the transparency measures and prohibitions on nuclear work will stay in place permanently. but most importantly, this agreement addresses iran's potential pathways to material
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for a bomb, exactly as we said it would. with appropriate limitations and transparency in order to assure the world of the peaceful nature of iran's nuclear program. let me explain exactly how it will accomplish that goal. to start, the participants have agreed iran will not produce or acquire either highly enriched uranium or weapons grade plutonium for at least the next 15 years and iran declares a longer period of intent. iran's total stock pile of enriched uranium which today is equivalent to almost 12,000 kilograms of uf-6 will be capped at just 300 kilograms for the next 15 years. an essential component of expanding our breakout time.
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two-thirds of iran's centrifuges will be removed from facilities along with the support. once removed, centrifuges and infrastructure by the way will be locked away and around the clock monitoring by the agency. uranium enrichment will be scaled down significantly. for the next 15 years, no uranium enriched. to put t that in context, this level is appropriate for civilian nuclear power and research but well below anything that can be used possibly for a weapon. for the next ten years, iran agreed to only use first generation centrifuges in order to enrich uranium. iran further agreed to disconnect nearly all advanced
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centrifuges. those installed will be closely monitored. none will be used to produce enriched uranium. iran has also agreed to stop enriching uranium at the facility for next 15 years. it will not even use or store material on the site during that time. instead fordo will be transformed into a nuclear physics and research center. it will be used for cancer treatment and subject to daily inspection. it will have other nations working in unison with the iranians within that technology center. so when this deal is implemented, the two uranium paths iran has towards fisle
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material will be closed off. we agree iran's heavy water reactor at our rock will be rebuilt based on final design the united states and international partners will approve so that it will only be used for peaceful purposes. iran will not build a new heavy water reactor or reprocess fuel from existing reactors at least 15 years. this agreement is not only about what happens to iran's declared facilities. the deal we have reached also gives us the greatest assurance that we have had that iran will not pursue a weapon covertly. not only will inspectors access iran's declared facilities daily, but they will also have access to the entire supply chain that supports iran's
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nuclear program from start to finish. from uranium mines to centrifuge operations and manufacturing. this means to have a covert path, iran would need far more than one covert facility. it would need an entire covert supply chain in order to feed into that site and to insure that does not happen without our knowledge, under this deal, inspectors would be able to gain access to any location the iaea and majority of p5+1 nations deem suspicious. it is no secret the iaea has long standing questions about the dimensions of iran's nuclear program. that's one of the primary reasons we're even here today.
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we and our partners throughout the negotiations that iran would need to satisfy the iaea on this as part of the final deal. with that in mind, iran and iaea have entered agreement on the process to address all the iaea outstanding questions within three months. and doing so is a fundamental requirement for sanctions relief that iran seeks. director announced earlier this morning that agreement has been signed. now, our quarrel has never been with the iranian people. we realize how deeply the nuclear related sanctions have affected the lives of iranians.
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thanks to the agreement reached today, that will begin to change. in return for the dramatic changes a ran accepted for its nuclear program, the international community will be lifting the nuclear related sanctions on iran's economy. the relief from sanctions will only start when teheran has met key initial nuclear commitments. for example, when it has removed the core from the reactor and agreed to defuse and dismantle, agreed to ship out uranium. when that is met, the sanctions will be implemented in phases. >> we're listening to secretary of state talk about the iranian deal. we're going to hear it talked
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about throughout the morning. bill o'reilly will probably talk about it tonight. bill is still with us. last night on your program, you had the parents of kate steinle, murdered by the illegal in san francisco. for folks not watching, it was so gripping. we're going to play a sound bite for folks where you are talking to her father jim. he's describing how he and his daughter had friends in from out of town, took them down to the pier. then we know what happens. listen. >> we walked around and did different things, laughed and -- and went in the ferry building and came out and decided to walk down to the end of the pier. stopped at pier and and enjoyed the beauty of san francisco and the day it's been and was. we turned around and came back.
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once we came, and we heard a shot, and kate went down. the rest, we all know what happened then. >> what did she say before she went down? >> help me dad. >> and you had no idea what was happen agent that point? >> none whatsoever. >> bill, i've been watching you on tv for 20 years. i could tell that that was a tough interview for you to do. >> it was harder for them to do, i mean -- i feel as a father myself so terrible for them. and everybody puts themselves in that position if you're walking with your daughter and all of a sudden, you know, she's shot in the neck. then she says help me dad. come on, everybody -- that's what we need in this country.
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we need people to stop with the idealogical garbage and say people are getting hurt here. we need to stop this as best we can. so when i propose a law that says if a convicted felon is deported and that felon comes back to the united states and apprehended here, they go to prison for five years. second offense, ten. third offense, 20. who would oppose that? i'll tell you what, tonight on "the factor" we're going to show you who opposes it. if you're not going to fight evil, in my opinion, and you know me pretty well doocy, then you are evil. see, i don't believe in sitting it out. you're either fighting evil and trying to stop it, or you're a part of it. that's what this kate's law is all about. >> and bill, you're going to take this fight to the capital. you've said you're going to help the parents to go there to
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testify in front of congress about that. >> right. i said earlier i don't want to make this a political play in the sense of blaming president obama or anything like that. it's not what i'm in business to do. i certainly blame the san francisco mayor and supervisors and sheriff. there's no question because they are the worst. they have no right to hold those positions. they should be recalled and booted out of there. on the national level, they have a chance now to rectify this to some extent by signing kate's law. more than 400,000 people have gone to bill o' and signed the petition. 400,000. >> unbelievable. >> we're going to try to get 1 million before the week is out. i'm going to make sure the parents go to washington and speak to boehner, mcconnel, leaders in the house and house preside respectively. if they want to, i'm going to try to get them a meeting with
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president obama. we'll do that in september when they come back from august break. we'll get this done in the fall, i think, kate's law. >> such is a powerful interview last night. everybody will be talking about it today. we'll be watching tonight. we want to see who thinks kate's law is a bad idea. >> who's against combatting evil? that's tonight on "the factor." thank you bill. 22 minutes before the top of the hour. another fox news alert for you. man hunt underway for a gunman that shot a st. louis police officer inside his police vehicle. it was apparently an ambush. these are pictures from the scene. we saw a reporter dodge in front of the camera there. take a look at the car's windshield riddled with bullet holes. >> police are searching for four people that took off in a gray ford taurus. one suspect may have been injured in the process. >> police sergeant was
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immediately rushed to the hospital. we have just learned his ballistic vest did its job. his injuries are not life threatening. we're going to bring you more information as we get it. >> oh my goodness. all right. we'll keep you posted on the situation there. now we're going to switch to boston. for that story, heather has got it. >> a whole lot of news developing. good morning to you. hope you're off to a good day. son of a boston police captain is accused of being a terrorist. 23-year-old alexander will appear in court later today. this is a picture here. the fbi says he was inspired by isis and planning to attack a college cafeteria. he was arrested july 4th after he bought guns from an fbi informant, bomb making materials found in his apartment. his father first alerted authorities to his son's extremist views. listen to this. >> it's a terrible tragedy for the family. he's a tremendous police officer, distinguished career over 25 years.
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very impressive guy top. have this hit his own family is terrible. >> yeah. well the family says they are thankful the young man was caught before he hurt anyone. incredible story to tell you about. 16-year-old autumn beach was in a plane crash last week with step grandparents, the browns. this young lady walked away from the crash after she stayed at the crash site an entire day. hiked through the forest looking for help before a driver picked her up the following day. beach is expected to be okay. her dad is simply grateful she survived. >> right now i really want to get her into counselling and let her work through the events. i believe in god. i've seen stuff like this happen several times. there's no way i cannot believe in god. >> autumn's step grandparents are feared dead.
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the crash site has not been found as of this morning. bizarre twist in the so called real life case compared to movie "gone girl." a california woman claimed she and her boyfriend were kidnapped for ransom. now the story she told is taken seriously. federal prosecutors have filed charges against 38-year-old muller here, marine and recently disbarred as a lawyer in the abduction of she and her boyfriend. he was picked up after a recent string of home invasions. in the back of his car, authorities found taped goggles like those described. i believe at its heart, america is a nation of second chances. i believe these folks deserve their second chance. >> the president granting
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clemency to 46 so called non violent drug offenders who are currently in prison. that's more than the last four presidents combined have released. this is all part of the president's plan to reform prison sentencing laws. he says laws disproportionately inprison minorities. he'll talk about this today. this is a controversial move that has a lot talking. those are headlines. a lot happening today. >> a lot of the show on tap. laura ingram and lindsey graham, some of the many candidates out there. miss u.s.a. is here next. >> look at ed. ♪ ♪ when you travel,
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♪ there's a newly crowned miss u.s.a. >> all right. fantastic. if you think this year's winner miss oklahoma looks familiar, that's because before she became a beauty queen, she was on the movie screen. olivia of oklahoma joins us now. what a pleasure to have you on the program. >> thank you. >> do you need to be here for this interview? >> ed would like to start. miss u.s.a., what is your platform now that you have the crown? >> i've been working with the alzheimer's association for the past year. it's something very meaningful to my whole family. my whole family is involved in helping fund raise and find a cure, get kids out of prostitution and america last four years with a group called
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children of the night. absolutely. >> we're happy to have you represent the united states of america. very articulate, accomplished woman. tell us about your past. you've been in movies before. >> i've been a full time actress and model for four years since i graduated from boston university. i'm excited i have the opportunity for people to take care of me. i've been hustling pretty hard. the entertainment career is intense business. i've been working very hard. this almost feels like a break. i have a whole team taking care of me. this is lovely. >> one of the side benefits to being miss u.s.a., you get an apartment in new york city. your roommate is miss universe. >> no big deal. >> let us ask you about this. >> where's the apartment? >> don't tell ed the address.
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>> i have a story that's unrelated. when you were in louisiana preparing -- >> yes -- >> it hit the fan where the miss u.s.a. pageant was taken off nbc and became a political hot potato. they felt donald trump should not be expressing his opinion. you've got women caught in the middle of this political football game. >> yes, absolutely. we were caught in the middle. and it was just a situation that donald trump is running for president, and certainly we have a right to free speech. everyone should share opinions and talk about hot topic issues. immigration is certainly a hot topic issue. we were just working on having a great pageant. we have all worked very hard. all 51 of us worked hard to be will there. the entire organization worked hard to create this beautiful event. we were trying to stay in the moment and enjoy what we came there to do, compete for this
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title and honor. for the opportunity to go live a year and make a difference in people's lives. work really hard. we all want had ted that. >> to get to the goal and give back to the country. >> yes. >> i'm sure it was reelz highest rated program in history. >> i hope so. we have all so excited. reelz channel is independently owned channel. it was really like working with a family. that's what miss universe is about. i have been welcomed into this whole family. it was really -- it actually i think ended up working for the best. each pageant contestant was really -- had the opportunity to be highlighted and -- >> yeah. >> had so much -- a lot of love went into the pageant. >> fantastic. we wish you the best and success in your career. get pointers from miss universe and bring that home to u.s. as well. >> thank you.
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coming up, did you get a good night's sleep last night? no. you didn't. i can tell. your wallet may be to blame. up next, three financial tips to cure your sleep woes. first, this day in 1980, the number one song with "it's still rock-n-roll to me." ♪ ♪ i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day.
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ever wonder what's keeping americans wake at night? money honey. a new study found 62% of americans lose sleep over financial concerns. here to help you soothe problems and get sleep, financial expert and speaker at ramsey solutions,
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chris hogan. good morning chris. how do we get lullaby sleep at night? >> acknowledge where we're sitting. key areas cause stress. number one is lack of retirement savings. then health and retirement expenses. then making the monthly mortgage payment and other expenses. and then lack of emergency funds. >> people are up at night stressing about this. i don't know if they should stay up rapping all night, but apparently you're supposed to work with your staff about helpful hints. is that right? >> it sure is. sit down and have a monthly budget meeting. don't get in the blame game. don't keep blaming your spouse and getting frustrated. that leads to bitterness. bitterness doesn't allow you to
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get past this. >> hiding the bill doesn't work. they find a way to get to you, right? >> it sure does. when you hide from the problem, all it does is make you more stressed. it's the fear of the unknown. what i encourage people to do is open the bill and sit down and look at it. even if you can't make a full claimant, give it your complete attention. contact the creditor, talk it through. be open and honest. it's going to help you sleep better. >> i tell my little boy, face your fears. we should do that as adults. one of the key steps is make a key list of current debts and expenses. >> it sure s. when you sit down and acknowledge where you are, how much income you have in, what does it take for us to run our house? it helps you gain clarity on where to tell your money to go.
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key areas to pay shelter, clothing, food, transportation. you want to make sure you boss your money around and tell it where to go. >> chris hogan, thank you so much. i hope i'm going to get z's tonight. appreciate you this morning. and breaking overnight, a deal reached with iran. should we be worried? laura ingram says yes. she's here at top of the hour. and they fight for our freedom and come home fighting for a job. we're here with the veterans job affair live on our plaza. ♪ ♪ feeling intense lower back pain?
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good morning. it's tuesday, july 14th. i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. a suspect on the run right now. breaking details moments way. a terror attack live you've never heard. the suspect is a son of a well regarded police captain in city of boston. the man that turned him in, his own father. we've got that story. we showed you video yesterday, the worst parallel parking job ever. the producers of this show wanted to see if i could do a better job and beat kimberly. i can. >> no. >> how can i do? >> no. >> we're parking together. the cup that will parks together stays together. >> no kissing.
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>> good morning. ♪ ♪ if you're a veteran looking for a job, one military job fair has it all. we have a preview this morning on our plaza of companies hiring right now. something very important to do, hire our veterans coming home. >> sure. >> the official job fair is virtual, online. take part in it tomorrow. today we give you a preview. in the meantime, laura ingram join us. >> great to be here. >> busy news day. >> oh my gosh, a little bit. >> i was enjoying the pooches with water earlier. i have a dog. keeping the water in the bowl, that was -- a ranch man. >> we're going to talk about that in a minute. right now we're going to do headlines. heather, you ready? >> i certainly am.
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>> great to see you. >> like a reality show. >> a lot of breaking developments. >> she's cooking, walking -- >> parking the car. >> fixing the iran deal. >> she's joining us with the headlines. good morning to you. news breaking out of boston right now. actually this is coming out of st. louis. a man hunt underway from a gunman that shot a police sergeant inside his police car. the car's windshield, there riddled with 10 bullet holes. police now saying the the officer was in fact targeted in this shooting. that happened in the city's central west end just a few hours ago. police are searching for four people who took off in a gray ford taurus. one suspect may have been hurt. the 16 year police veteran was rushed tonight hospital. his bullet proof vest did its job.
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injuries are not life threat threatening. we'll bring you more as we get it. a boston terror plot foiled. a police captain's son was behind it. it was his father that turned him in. the 23-year-old is accused of planning terror attacks inspired by isis. alexander will face a judge later today. his father telling authorities about his son's extreme plans. he wanted to kill students at a cafeteria and stream executions online. >> it shows this threat coming from syria, iraq and whole isis issue. something needs to be done about it. >> the police officer's son was arrested after he bought handguns and rifles from an undercover informant july 4th. fbi found bomb making materials including a pressure cooker in
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his apartment. and defense secretary ash carter saying everyone who is willing to serve should be able to do so. carter says military leaders will spend six months looking at medical and training requirements to make the necessary transition without impacting troop preparedness. we have reached pluto. that is right. nasa says the new horizon spacecraft flew by the tiny planet nine years after traveling in space. this is the most distant planet ever explored. instead of being icy and gray, it's red like mars. more data will be sent over 16 months. those are headlines. >> thanks heather. time for planet ingram. >> yeah. i want to live on that planet. i just got off the phone with my kids. hi kids. hi. >> let's talk about this. president of the united states was live from the white house talking about this great iranian
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deal. he said iranians have changed, let's trust them. >> devil is in the details. we heard from the chief negotiator that did the press conference in europe. we don't have enough time to go into the details here, but it's specific and detailed. we'll see. i've got to say, the president's remarks were only as obama could do. he did a good job on remarks. a lot of americans are not in the mood to go to war with iran. he made it clear there were few other alternatives. i think peggy newman said it was too big to fail. gone on too long, too much on the line for this to go down. it was like the trade deal weeks ago. they were going to force it through. in the coming hours and days, we'll see what's in this. >> we have details. u.s. officials say privately if iaea want to go to iran and find out what they have, they put in
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a request maybe a slip of paper. >> via carrier pigeon. >> i'm sure there's going to be an app. >> they've got 14 days to respond. >> right. there's an amount of time to change, hide, conceal things. there's also concern -- he said there's 98% of the enrich grade uranium now gone. 2% is a small amount towards one bomb. we know the iranians and how they are. there's a nap back provision if they violate the agreement in i think 15 days, the sanctions come back. >> good. >> we'll see how that works. >> as far as these things go, i don't think we'll get anything better from president obama. >> one thing i did not hear the president say -- we listened to john kerry as well -- what about pastor abdini over there. >> that would have been nice for that to be part of the deal. everyone at the table says it
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has to be done. it didn't surprise me. it's horrifying that didn't happen. missed opportunity. >> of course they would have given him back. maybe it will happen quietly. maybe he didn't want obama to crow about it on national television. this may happen a couple weeks later. we don't know. >> there's a lot we don't moe. we'll find out what happens. okay. in the meantime other, i'm sure you saw bill o'reilly last night. >> yes. >> he had the interview with parents of kate steinle, woman murdered by the illegal. what a story they've got. they had friends in from out of town, took them down to the pier. her brother was on with megan last night. they're heartbroken the system failed her. >> the system fail add my sister in so many ways. kate was the most amazing, beautiful person inside and out.
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she was loving. she looked at world through the eyes a child. she had all possibilities and dreams that any young woman her age could have. she was realizing that dream. >> has anybody from the administration contacted you? >> no. nobody has contacted either my parents nor i. >> not the white house, not the president, not the vice president. >> we have not heard a word. >> is that surprising? >> i had two victims, families victims on last week on radio. one woman had the most poignant story about her son killed by an illegal alien driving drunk. had been multiple times convicted in the past. similar story but wasn't actual murder. it was vehicular homicide. i almost started crying. she said no one has invited us to the state of the union to sit
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with the first lady. they had the dreamers up there. she said we have dreams too. my children have dreams. her only son, her only child, had dreams true. it was an interesting fact pattern. what bill and megan did in the interviews was illuminating. this happens all over the country. this is not just san francisco. this happens all the time across the country in various ways. vehicular homicides, rapes. doesn't mean every immigrant is doing that. there's serious problems. we have to understand what's happened to the country. >> what about el chapo versus -- >> this is the reality show that continues. trump is near the top of the polls. i wrote a piece on my website, a lifestyle site with a side of
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polit politics. parenting, faith, health, pop culture. the piece i wrote was "branding the elephant." elites are like what are we going to do with trump, on with chapo, doing a reality show. maybe you have the blame. maybe because people aren't satisfied with direction of establishment both parties are taking the country. we should think what the people want to happen and what parties are doing whether trade deal, iran -- >> it's highlighting important issues. concern about public safety, immigration -- >> trump is touch on this one issue and trade as well. this slue hits the heart of most americans. they want things to be fair. he's hitting those issues in a way some others aren't. some are, but others aren't. he's getting traction. >> he's called a populist. >> people lust after the
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populist appeal. >> lindsey graham is one of the candidates who says he think donald trump is taking the party the wrong direction. >> lindsey graham has a different view of republican politics. he thinks we can beat hillary on iran and perhaps isis. i think it's going to take more issues than that. i like graham a lot, but populism was reaganism. reagan was a populist. he wasn't for going to every country every turn. reagan was for a strong country and vibrant, strong economy. means we have to be smart in the way we use our military. >> the reason we're talking about the steinle case and immigration issues is because of trump. >> people have tried to get this issue out for years. a lot of people didn't want to talk about it. oh, you're exaggerating. sometimes it takes one person, one victim, sadly, to bring this to light. >> all right. we know you've got to do your
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radio show. the website? >> she was feared dead for days after the plane she was in crashed. this teenager, turns out she's alive. her survival story coming up next. we showed you the video yesterday that went viral. worst parallel parking job ever. it was kimberly -- no, it was someone else. the question is whether i can do it better or worse than kimberly. >> look at that. >> oh my gosh. >> accident. ♪
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welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like my second in command... and my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. and in my castle we only eat chex cereal.
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chex cereal. it's full of delicious crunchability. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. and that's something even my brother ... sister can understand. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! back to a fox news alert. over night, six major world powers reaching a nuclear deal with iran. did the u.s. completely cave in? what does this mean for foreign policy moving forward? what does it mean for israel? a lot at stake. let's ask republican senator from south carolina, lindsey graham. good morning. we're going to through this and detail it. first, president obama threw down the gauntlet and said if
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you try to stop its. i'm going to veto it. >> what the president has done is taken the world's most destabling power, country that's killed hundreds of americans in iraq and guaranteed they're going to become a nuclear nation. instead of dismantling this program, this deal locks in their nuclear program -- >> on that deal real quick. i noticed the president said iran is further way from getting nuclear weapons. he didn't say we're stopping them. >> here's the problem. every sunni nation is going to see this as inevitable outcome. the the worst possible deal would be two things, create a nuclear r arms race in the mideast where sunnis feel threatened. they will. this guaranteed they'll have an industrialize sized nuclear program. they can break out and have a weapon. all arab nations will feel
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threatened be by this deal. this could be a death sentence for israel. you've given the antagonist, people that hate israel the most, the ability to develop a nuclear weapon. you put israel in a box. >> i want to get your retox a couple quick points on iran. iaea, inspection agency, if they want to visit the nuclear site. they call iran, put in a request. iran has 14 days to respond. big loophole? >> this is a joke. here's what you need to remember. instead of dismantling the program, we're insuring they're becoming a nuclear nation. israel now is in a position people of israel can make it happen. we're giving them $18 billion. they'll put it in the war machine. at the end of the day, this is like taking a can of gasoline and throwing it on a fire. this is a deal for a deal sake. >> let's get to campaign.
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donald trump not happy this morning. said he's a wrecking ball for the republican party in terms of spanish voters and others. you said it's hard to be president if you can't run a mattress company. >> he's talking in a horrible way. most the 11 million illegal immigrants, i don't believe, are rapists and murderers. we need to secure our boarder and create order out of chaos. he made a statement about a group of people. here's the problem, dreamers. kids brought here at a young age grown up here. this is the only home they've known. you're basically telling their brothers and sisters, their older brother, mother and father are rapists and drug dealers. it's offensive, not true. >> polls are not the most
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important barometer, but donald trump is rising in the polls. you're still stuck down here. >> the only thing that matters is how i do in iowa and new hampshire. the idea you can't get on debate stage because of polling numbers is absurd. if my dad and brother had been president, i'd be doing better. if i was a fox commentator, i would be doing better. here's what i'm asking the republican party to do. allow my voice. i think i've earned the right to speak on foreign policy. whether i do well or not is up to me. let fiorina and kasich up, pick a good nominee and challenge each other. this idea of national polling is a bad idea. >> good morning to you. thanks for joining us. criminals getting a helping hand from the president. why four dozen were set loose on the streets. hey dad, i'm one of them. have no fear. salons teaching dads to do air
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using liquid. ♪ ♪
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time now for your "news by the numbers." 48 months straight. that's how long more than 45 million americans have been relying on food stamps. that cost you, the taxpayer, nearly $6 billion a month. next, unlimited. general electric is offering infinite vacation days to executives and employees. those workers can take off as much as they want as long as they get permission from managers. 1975 feet, that's how long the world's largest water slide
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measures in new jersey, not far from here. not yet open to the public. >> steve? >> thank you very much. dads are learning art of up dos. a colorado couple is teaching a class called beer and braids. fathers learn to do their father's hair. the bad that does the best up do gets to take home a six pack of beer. delicious. joining us now are the owner of the salon in denver and teachers of the class. stephen and callandra. where did this come from? >> he had a coworker that was late for a meeting. he said you better have a good excuse for being late. he can tell you what he said.
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>> what's your name? your daughter's name? we don't want to distract him. go back to work. you're helping rocco do what? >> i'm not the hair stylist, my wife is. i am helping with the idea. i came home and told calli we should start teaching a class for dads to do hair. they don't always know how to do it. that's where the idea started. we have dad coming to salon to learn how to do hair for their little girl. >> somebody needs a father here. where's your dad? >> he's working on hair. >> i have a wife and two daughters. >> do they wind up same hair do? >> yes. sometimes i do both together. >> what's your name? >> chris. >> what's your name? >> morgan. >> nice to see you. how do you describe your hair
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dop ydo you give your daughter? >> quick and not very clean. >> how often do you help your daughter with her hair? >> she's getting better and older. i'm doing my little one in the morning. i get the hair in a pony tail for soccer. >> is he combing too hard? >> i do my own sometimes. >> except when dad is on tv. >> and dad has to do it. >> and gets face time. typical fathers involved in your salon right? >> that's right. >> what's your name? >> i'm josh and this is my i -- my daughter. >> you're doing pretty well. >> josh, as we look at you, some may say what does he know about hair braiding? >> i've had practice, as you can tell. >> what's your name? who does a better job with your
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hair, your mom or dad? >> daddy. >> good answer. all right. here's our final father. what's your name? >> andrew. this is addison. >> you too are doing a nice job. >> not bad. there's always the hat you can buy with the pony tail built into it. >> do you like it when your dad does your hair? >> perfect child to end on. the idea is she's got a hair do that's done before she heads out. >> exactly. >> stephen, that's what you were after. >> exactly. a dad creates a wonderful memory with their little daughter. >> dads and daughters, thank you very much. i'm going to say everybody winds up with a six pack. everybody is a winner. ed and kimberly, back to you. >> fantastic. coming up, a routine traffic
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stop turns into a life saving moment for a police officer. take a listen. the highway heimlich caught on police camera. we showed you the video yesterday. the worst parallel parking job ever. the producers of this show wanted to see if we could do a better job. how did we do? stick around, and you'll see the truth. ♪ aha! cinnamon. milk. cinna-milk.
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♪ ♪ kids don't try this at home. it's your shot of the morning and what could be one of the worse parallel parkers caught on video. >> that's right. the driver can't slam into the space. then they slam into the car in front of them and then hit a wall. >> our producers decided, you know what, could we do a better job? can i do a better job? can kimberly? take a look. >> okay. >> that's fine. park there. what's he doing? >> no one knows. he's actually doing not that bad of a job. >> oh my goodness. look at that. >> kimberly cannot top that one. >> nice and tight to the curb.
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perfect fit. >> let's point out you notice the half of the frame you were looking at was empty. the director is aiming at the spot you were supposed to park in ed. you parked in the same pot. >> there were barricades. i thought it would be harder. >> he default any way because he didn't park in the right -- wrong time zone baby. i tried to tell you i stimulate the economy by having a lot of drivers. >> we've got ed's. do we have kimberly's parking? >> that was my last shot. nice and tight. >> she also did it backwards and in heels. >> women do it better. don't forget that. she has real news. >> hope you're off to a good
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start. the mexican drug lord el chapo guzman reportedly shown in pictures released online allegedly by his son days following his escape from prison. the king pen seen enjoying a drink in public and talking with a pilot on an airplane. authorities say these pictures are old. they're pouring cold water on this. they point to this recent photo showing el chap with almost no hair. these photos are searching as the man hunt continues. mexico leading a $4 million reward leading to information for his capture. now an incredible story of survival in the united states thap thanks to reality tv. autumn survived days in the wilderness and she and her step grandparents were in a small
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plane crash. she stayed for a day then took off looking for help. she kept looking for water knowing survival depends on it. eventually, people found her. she was led to civilization. a driver picked her up. her dad is grateful she survived. >> i really want to get her into counselling and let her work will you the events. i believe in god. i've seen stuff like this happen several times. there's no way i can not believe in god. >> no kidding. her step grand parents are feared deed. the crash site has not been found. a police officer in austin, texas saving a driver who was choking on food. take a look at this. that is officer dustin.
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he gave a woman the heimlich on the side of the highway. she then passed out. we're told she will be okay. she tried calling 911. the officer pulled her over. he saw her on the phone and then found her choking. thank goodness he was there to help her out. >> hopefully he didn't give her a ticket. >> thank god. she was calling 911 because she was choking. >> kind of like your parking job. >> god bless him for stopping. great coincidence. we turn now to baseball. it's being called the most dramatic home run derby in major league history. >> there it is. the hometown hero. >> indeed. cincinnati slugger todd frazier winning all three rounds of the buzz tore take the home run derby.
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>> co host anna kooiman is live at the all-star gaming going through all star fun. good morning to you anna. >> good morning to you ed, kimberly, steve from great american ball park. good morning to you at home. epic storm yesterday. they pulled back the tarp and played ball. 159 home runs knocked over the fence, most in history. joined no by one of the greatest catchers in history johnny. good morning. >> that was so exciting. love the format, love the idea going bracket to bracket. seemed like everyone that finished the second guy would always win the contest the. that shows a lot of heart and determination. for todd frazier to win that, that was amazing. this crowd was going nuts. >> absolutely. one thing that helped was his brother was pitching out to him from the mound. the fact that the long range home runs got him extra time on the clock. >> got in the extra second here.
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30 seconds made the difference many in all of those contests. >> one of the story lines is mlb story line, is pete rose. two and a half decades ago -- >> that's important at the home run derby in cincinnati. we're not talking about that. let's talk about something great in cincinnati is. the fact we have put on our finest clothes, doing sunday dress. we are looking good. this town has so many other things. let's go ahead with the all-star game. let the commissioner handle what he's going to. this is not important. let's wrap this up. >> you're going to sit in the commissioner's box and hope to meet young talent this year. we understand why you want to. back to you in new york. >> i love johnny. i use to go to all games. i spent a lot of time watching
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that man play. fine player. >> up next, an officer apparently ambushed. shooters at large. live on the scene, we have details coming up. they fight for our freedom only to come home to fight for a job. we're helping our heroes with the veterans job fair live on our plaza. stay with us. ♪ ♪ (glasses clinking) ♪ (ground shaking) well there goes the country club. the 2015 dodge durango. now with available beats audio.
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this is the heart of the central west end in stlu. louis. this is the car the officer was in. the police chief confirming that. you can see the windshield is, as you mentioned, riddled with bullets. the police chief says the officer was targeted and ambushed in the car around 5:00 this morning. he was shot in the upper torso. the good news is he was wearing his bullet proof vest. the officer did not suffer life threatening injuries. he is expected to be okay. we know they're on the hunt for this suspect and group of suspects that fired at the officer. the officer trailed the car that went after him after he was shot. he was unsuccessful and circled back around. >> thank you for that report. very scary. man hunt underway. thank god the officer is okay. absolutely.
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we have steve on the plaza. >> once they return from the battlefield, our heroes face a new fight here at home, finding a job. it's hard. veteran recruiting has helped military vets and spouses find careers with career fairs. it is live tomorrow. we'll give you a preview on our plaza. verizon is looking for how many? >> over 7,000 veterans. >> what would you like them to be able to do? >> we hire 75% of military specialties in the military community. engineering, it, hr, sales. >> why would somebody watching now with military background want to work for verizon? >> we look for dedication, commitment to excellence. getting the job done is one of the requirements. >> we should point out the vir
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virtual job fair is tomorrow. go online and register at veteran now we have chris here. >> good morning. >> good morning. how many you looking for? >> we're going to hire 5,000 over five years. we have 2,000 openings now across the united states. >> i've seen the commercials. what do you do? >> technology, cyber security, engineering, management operations, the whole gamut. >> why do i want to work for your company? >> it's a fantastic opportunity. >> very good. go online to register. next up, jim. how are you? >> doing well. >> why would folks want to work for jp morgan chase? >> we've hired 9,000 veterans over four years. >> excellent. what do veterans bring to the job you may not see in other applicants? >> a unique skill set we value. bringing adversity from the
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table is recruiting is important. they bring a skill set and scope that's important. >> how many you looking for? >> we have over 4,000 open now. >> now over to kathleen. thanks for joining us. you're our insurance company. >> we're a health care insurance company. >> how many you looking for tomorrow? >> roughly 1900 people of which we focus a good portion on hiring veterans. >> what sort of skills should they have is this. we look for people that can work in operations, information technology, customer service is. health care. we hire along all lines of businesses at all levels and locations. >> good luck to you. finally, let's go to vivianne. hiring military veterans and military spouses. let's talk. first of all, what does first
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data do? >> we know we need and want the premiere talent from the military community. we have 600 positions opening. we are hiring. >> fantastic. good enough. thanks for stopping by. vetera veterans recruiting virtual career fair open tomorrow. go to veteran to register. meanwhile, he's gone from the idol stage to broadway. ♪ ♪ >> this morning, john peter lewis here live to perform a number from his brand new rock opera. next, let's check in with
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martha. i know your lead story has to do with, let's make a deal. >> it certainly does. a historic morning. is it a turning point toward a more secure or more dangerous world? we're going to break down this deal specifically. we'll look at massachusetts how soon could icould? we have several weighing in with reaction to this huge deal. see you at the top of the hour. ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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other clinical antiperspirants didn't work. then i tried certain dri. it's different. it stops sweat before it starts. add some color to your life with certain dri.
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he was an american idol finalist and competed "the voice." john peter lewis is branching out.
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>> and live now with a special performance. welcome to "fox & friends." >> i love the fact you say you would like the audience to show up in best funeral wear. >> we want them to feel dressed for the occasion. >> we'd like to hear one of the numbers. what are you going to do for us? >> it's called "fairest of friends." >> fantastic. >> take it away. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ nope ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ doing hillary clinton's math. we're going to break down her economic plan to see if it i adds up for our country. laura ingram helps us with the numbers on "the real story" today at 2:00.
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thank you very much. their big show opens this friday. deep love. >> at the theater. >> big show tomorrow. ted cruz and nick lachey. >> thanks for being here. log onto "fox & friends".com. an enemy since 1979. now, iran, the u.s. and five world powers have a deal. will it prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons? this deal will be subject to close scrutiny on capitol hill. eric: diplomats say the deal will cut off iran's path to a nuclear deal though critics are questioning that. president obama claims it has the ability to verify iran is keeping its


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