tv Outnumbered FOX News July 15, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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jenna: hit scene from a hit movie "big." fao schwarz. they are closing its doors today in new york city. have to be determined where they go next. but the grand piano closed for the day. jon: end of an era. jenna: "outnumbered" starting now. >> this is "outnumbered." i'm sandra smith, here today harris faulkner, andrea tantaros, host of "kennedy" on fox business kennedy. today's #oneluckyguy o'reilly's factor's jessie waters. he is "outnumbered." >> thanks for having me as always. >> back from travels. >> everybody from the west coast is happy about that. >> well-done. >> we ask you questions today -- this is tantaros and faulkner and kennedy. >> uh-oh. >> sandra you're in our world.
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>> maybe not for long after the iranian deal. we'll see. we'll see. >> on that note let's get started. showdown over the nuclear deal with iran. president obama holding a news conference at the white house an hour from now as part of a pr blitz to win over skeptical americans and members of his own party who are wary about this deal. meantime the white house is sending vice president joe biden to the hill to shore up support. the president will need the votes of at least 34 senators to make his threat of a veto stick. if republicans try to gut the deal, this as critics say the accord raises threat of iran armed with nuclear weapons. earlier on "america's newsroom," republican presidential candidate senator marco rubio what is at stake and why he believes republicans can win over democrats to their side. >> this is an issue has long-standing consequences f iran becomes a nuclear weapons power as i anticipate they will over the next 10 years everyone who supported it or voted for
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it allow it to go forward will answer to history including many of my democratic colleagues and certainly the president. my hope we convince the democrats he don't want to be a part of something like that and we get their votes to stop this. jenna: american allies such as israel and saudi arabia who larry see eye-to-eye united in condemning the deal. on "the kelly file," israel's ambassador to the u.s. with the ominous warning to america and the world. >> this deal gives them a legal nuclear program and gives them tailwind of sanctions relief they will use to continue their march of conquest and terrorism throughout the middle east. during this deal iran will continue to do research and development on advanced centrifuges and develop intercontinental ballistic missiles. we israel is on the same continent as iran so those icbms are for you. >> jesse, open up the couch to
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you, joe biden, the president taking a press conference an hour from now trying to sell the deal. joe biden is trying to sell members of his own party including senator bob menendez who says we're basically legitimatizing iran's nuclear program. he is is voicing concerns what iran gets in return including likely lifting arms embargo and leverage over timing of nuclear inspections. they will have a tough time selling this deal to their own party. >> it will be a real tough sell to democrats to the gave us bergdahl, isis, benghazi and saying trust us. he is proven liar. he said if you like your health care plan you can keep it. the deal is a hoax. the iranians are laughing at us. saw the front page of the post. what does it say? we give them 24-day alert to before we go into to inspect nuke facilities? the nuke facilities still in existence?
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does not make any sense. also what i don't understand is, you have the president running around saying this and that. iranians are continue to continue to nuke up. i think the president continues to do this so he has a wing in his presidential library. doesn't matter if there is a mushroom cloud over chicago. >> your same skepticism is heard by the american people. hair you're a big poll watcher. look at this poll. latest poll out of monmouth university, shows majority of americans do not trust an iran deal to stick. mind you this was taken leading up the actual announcement of this deal. but it found that 55% said they did not at all trust iran to terms of a nuclear agreement. just 5% trust iran a lot and 35% said they trust iran a little. >> you know a lot of power rests in the hands of the american people. i would kind of encourage those no matter how they feel about this, want their voices to be heard kick it old school, pick
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up the phone. digital online petition is far more deadly in terms of making your point than emails. those as you know can be deleted and taken off servers. >> that is a trend. >> american people want to exercise their right, they can get really loud. remember it isn't just 60 days from this point, this conversation could go on. the president preempted all the conversation if you put something together i will veto it. which might make you question what is in the deal? there was a side deal, subpoena rat and wall in importance i would said with the international atomic energy agency. they will be the watchdogs of all this they made a deal with iran how they will go in to do those inspections. you mentioned the 24 day lead time. governor christie calls it cheat time. >> right. >> so the american people really need to get in on this, make sure you understand it. you can print it. pdf is online. a little more than 100 page. i read it. i didn't see any mention of the hostages in there. there is a lot missing.
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if people want to sink their teeth into that kick its up old school and pick up the phone and talk to their political leaders. >> hillary clinton is tiptoeing around this deal. she is cautiously endorsing the deal. the decision of the president and this deal, could this come back to haunt her? >> it could but you saw her statement yesterday. she wasn't very enthusiastic because i think she knows it is not the greatest of deals. she has to distance herself. president obama somehow thinks this is going to be beneficial to his legacy. i think it will be disasterous of the fact that he doesn't understand that the iranians historically don't believe in dealing with infidels. to them it is an invisible piece of paper. i think this will hurt his legacy. the best thing for his legacy for him to walk away from it. that would have finally given the president an appearance of strength in a tenure he is really lacking. harris made the greatest point.
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it comes down to the constituents and 501(c)(3)s, here in new york. excellent ads funded by a lot of pro-israel guys to rally people to push specifically democratic members of congress to vote against it and get veto-proof majority. >> guys like senator chris coons of delaware who is on the bubble along with senators chuck schumer and others. those are some you might want to hit. >> kennedy, if you look at reaction from the president's party, steny hoyer of maryland the number two democrat in the house, joining many other democrats we're already talking about, you named one as well, harris, without verification he said, this is useless agreement. the concern that the deal allows iran 14 days to grant inspection requests. that is the sticking point. >> there are a lot of points democrats especially those with big jewish constituencies have to answer for. it is not a feel good group think pieces of, i guess it is
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a deal. hire i was talking to lieutenant colonel ralph peters last night. he said it doesn't matter what congress does at this point. the german version of the secretary of commerce is already in tehran working deals. so when that $100 billion becomes unfettered there are plenty of place, not just russia and china who are hoping to profit from an unsanctioned iran but you also have western europe. the thought iran will flood the market with cheap gas. who benefits from that? western europe. they don't want to deal with russia. we've already seen all of the turmoil with russia and sanctions and gazprom and all that. they want as many options as they can have. the bottom line it hurts fracking here in this country and other energy sources that -- >> jesse watters? >> yes? >> i have cover of "new york post." joke's on us. iranians laugh out loud at the nuke deal. what do you think the president
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will say less than an hour from now when he steps to the podium? >> he will spin it. he said this will be vigilant inspection regime and we'll be all over it. if you give them 24-day notice, like dea telling a drug kingpin weil raid your compound at the end of the month. it doesn't add up. the president has not been that serious about u.s. security. >> won't even give you that much. >> the old drop-in. >> i drop into your office sometimes likes that jesse. >> unnounsed. catch me right in the act. >> one of the things we talked about, president could after they get the veto override and get to the end of the october, can he not go to the united nations and make a deal for himself in the sense? wouldn't relief the u.s. sanctions but once you relief the u.n. sanctions and multilateral across the world would ours even matter that much? >> no, it is not going to matter. >> when you hear the word u.n.
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yawn and keep talking. the u.n. is such a feckless -- such a feckless, very good point organization at this point but i think, sandra, you brought up a really good point yesterday and kennedy brought it up about the oil. they are actually going to have a strengthened economy to fund terror organizations like hamas. i mean they're shouting death to america while they're doing this negotiation. it is going to make them stronger. >> not only does it get you a good cleanup crew if you want to hide everything within 24 days that is lot of scratch to funnel to terrorist organizations. win-win for everyone. >> their rhetoric changing a little bit since this deal was announced, a little more friendly. >> do you really think they need energy over in iran and middle east? >> you have lindsey graham to say good point on that. i hadn't thought of that. as we wait for that news conference there are growing questions about the american prisoners being held in iran and why the nuke deal did not include their release.
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new fallout after the death of kate steinle after the homeland security secretary admits that the federal government has very little control over sanctuary cities like the one where she was killed. why that is and what should be done about that. right after the show catch more from the couch on the web. join us for "outnumbered overtime" by logging on to we didn't have it yes, i did. harris is having withdrawals. please join us. what comments you have on the show, what you want to hear more b. ♪
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♪ >> you're watching "outnumbered." homeland security secretary jeh johnson made a stunning admission to lawmakers on capitol hill. he was testifying about our nation's immigration policies and said he is personally asked so-called sanctuary cities to rethink their policies but here it is. he said the administration can not control the saying wary cities. now remember those cities shield illegals by limiting assistance local police give federal immigration authorities in roundings up the illegals and kicking them out. it is a hot debate, especially after kate steinle's death. she was shot and killed in
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san francisco recently by a man allegedly dethed five times. the city let him go ignoring request by immigration authorities to detain him. check out the exchange. >> secure communities was not working. 12,000 of detainers of minot acted upon. >> make them manadatory mr. secretary. why don't you make the detainers mandatory? >> i think that would be a huge set back in our ability to work with state and local law enforcement and i suspect they agree as well. i do not believe mandates through federal legislation the conduct of sheriffs and police chiefs is the way to go. i think it will be hugely controversial. i think it will have problems with the constitution. >> so andrea, a really pretty please from secretary jeh johnson wasn't enough to get the gosh darn sanctuary cities to turn around their policies? >> imagine that. imagine that. >> why not? >> congress does have the power, trey nowed did i was absolutely right -- trey gowdy.
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air seen ruled via the united states. federal law preempts state law. if they want to hit the sanctuary cities harris, cut them off at their pocketbooks. there are many ways to cut off funding that i.c.e. gives to sanctuary cities to take care of these illegalses essentially. we saw opposite happen in "gang of eight." senators feinstein and others sought to block the effort to drain funds. they could do that they not only could cut off the fundings, harris, could whack them with massive penalties and states likes california with in abdullah al-muhajir jet crisis. cut off the money train you might see action. >> you're alloweding to the feinstein set up sanctuary cities status in 1985. was intended for el salavador and guatemala. through the brain room. i printed out 300 or so per
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i.c.e. resources cities in america that got the status. yesterday we had senator graham on the couch right where you're sitting, jesse, how do -- >> is it warm? >> how did we get to this point? this is a bipartisan issue. he dow jones industrial averaged my question. goodness love him. how did we get here? >> gram -- esty. of course he wants immigration reform. touch on what andrea said. you can force states to cooperate. this is how you do it. they sued southern states over voter i.d. law. >> he was suggested that. >> withheld federal fund for states that don't want to expand medicaid and education. fema threatened to with hold fema funds with red states from governors that don't believe in global warming. the whole thing is charade. they could do it today if they want to. the president wants sanctuary cities. >> why? >> he wants a sank wear which country. he wants everybody crossing border to sing kumbayah to vote
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for him. it is putting people's lives in danger. >> he is not running again. >> he is not. it is his legacy of amnesty and executive amnesty. >> and that is progressivism. >> senator graham suggested lawsuit aspect. these cities didn't pop up is a minutes ago. >> of course they didn't. shows how incredibly incompetent government bureaucracies are. the thing shocking to me when we talk about immigration people call for more government. you have seen, they have doubled the number of border agents in the last 20 years. they tripled the budget for border protection. and it still, you know, that doesn't work. and my question is not will legal immigrants because by and large, if you actually look at numbers, if you look at the breakdowns of illegal immigrant men who are in prison versus their counterparts it is really not that many but people come here over and over again who commit crimes and take lives but people in sanctuary cities, they
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know that. there is some culpability on the part of the constituents in places like san francisco. if you know how your city function if you know they're not communicating with the federal government then that is partly your responsibility. >> well clearly the cities are getting the word out, sandra, even this guy, sanchez lopez said if they find me guilty in the court i will not be mad about that. i'm not paraphasing him. >> that was disturbing to hear him say that how can you force change in sanctuary cities if he is not acknowledging there is a problem? i didn't listen to every word he said but i never heard him criticize the sanctuary cities. >> no he didn't. i asked if he reached out to kate steinle's family he hadn't and not clear if any other members of the administration had. that is question you might have thought he was prepared to get because we've been talking about it as a nation for several days. we'll move on. for the first time donald trump is leading a new nationwide republican
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presidential poll. a lot is said and written how his success could be bad news for the gop but there is at least one political writer today insisting the billionaire's rise could be a very good thing for one of his biggest rivals. new word on which republican candidate hillary clinton's campaign fears most. heard in a grocery line. her concerns about media psychosis. hmmm. ♪ so what i'm saying is, people like options. when you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. it don't matter, day or night. use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. the point is you have options. oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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poll for the very first time. trump is beating out former florida governor jeb bush 17% to 14%. scott wearing ted cruz and marco rubio are all in the single digits. this poll was taken before walker announced his run. one political writer says trump's rise is great news for one of his oh own ends, jeb bush. stormy waters, would you agree on the main stage? >> trump's attacks on jeb are so lethal and so constant and direct it could damage the jeb
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brands. that line of attack that he's wimpy and an insider it could hurt jeb. but right now it looks like jeb's numbers are holding if not rising as general go up. you are not hearing a lot about walker and rubio. all you are hearing about is donald trump. contrasts nicely, jeb is the guy that has the money. he's more serious he's tonight for the long haul. maybe this is good news for jeb. >> i think jeb bush is struggling to find his identity. who is jeb? >> jeb bush is very boring. he's horrible on common core. i know a lot of people in the party are not happy where he's gone on immigration. he's the anti-trump on immigration and it depends on will trump's legacy when he gets out of the race be continuing this discussion on immigration
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because i think it's bad news for the republicans but that will be bad news. >> is it bad news? the republicans have been crying and calling out for some energy in their party. on who doesn't speak in flat students. typically i season campaigns all the time, you see candidates reacting to a news cycle. i have never seen a news cycle react to a candidate. donald trump made the announcement. talked about immigration. now, you see the news cycle follow. he couldn't have planned it better. >> i'm a big believer more choice leads to a intert outcome. a rising tide -- a rising tide raises all boats scenario. i thought this was the most interesting. showing that trump as we all know he has the brand everybody recognized. the best known of the republican
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contenders only 2% of those surveys had never heard of him. compared with 27% who never heard of walker and 16% who never heard of rubio. he's popular and people know who he is. >> the question is how do people know him. if they know him from his form apprentice shows that will be say different perspective and likability that he will have from an audience perhaps than what he would have from a voting audience. but i do think it's interesting that when you point out jeb bush has this foil, why does he need one. shouldn't we know who jeb bush is by now? he's the billion dollar guy right? >> he's no different than wearing and rubio. you are right about platt students. they all say the same thing and they are all vague and say i'm the guy to do it just because. >> jeb has a specific approach to bettering the economy.
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>> he's been flustered by trump. >> he speaks like an economist and puts people to sleep. he's not that exciting. and this record, there is a bit of cognitive dissidence. i don't think trump will be able to distance himself from those comments in his initial announcement. however, he is hitting on something people in this country are saying the guy has a point. >> trump tapped into the collective backbone of this country. he's the on one willing to say the emperor has no clothes. people like that, president trump is not going to bow to the saudi king or waste half a billion dollars orsolar panels and he won't let illegal criminal aliens come to our country and murder our women. trump has so much money he doesn't care about making his
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donors angry when he talks about china. >> it's the opening scene in 2001 where it's a vocal group of people who are going to beat each other over the shades with the if he purchase. >> is that -- if the femur. >> they haven't actually kug actual -- they haven't actually dug down deep yet. historically we didn't have a conversation in substance this early in the game. trump is a lightning rod because he gets attention and people are ready to dial down. >> sometimes attention wears thin. he's like the gregarious guy at the party who is super fun when he shows up, by has too much to drink and he wants to fight everybody. >> it many better than talking about birth control. they are putting democrats in a
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tough position on sanctuary cities. trump is effectively doing that. he has a news cycle backing up what he's saying. >> are you surprised he's not getting those attacks on his wealth like mitt romney did? how can he possibly be in touch with the american people? he's a billionaire? >> he's not apologetic about it. >> he's more like jay-z than mitt romney. >> he has don't one thing as journalists that we all want to do. he's become so independent because of his wealth he's not beholding to anybody. we are supposed to find out exactly what his financials are. >> he will be happy to share them. >> on twitter with el chapo. will he be ahead or behind el chapo on the "forbes" list.
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el chapo is 14. >> i love that he's fighting el chapo. how does this hurt donald trump. he's fighting a drug lord. >> members of hillary clinton's staff may want to be careful what they say when they are out shopping. what a conservative blogger says she overheard at a d.c. grocery store. she says john a december d john podesta told the person on theoer end that he was worry about the psychosis of the media which is something we created. hillary says while podesta admits at times thinking the
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press is psychotic they are calling the rest of the report inaccurate. >> this an accurate report. a reporter would not make this up. she is hopelessly paranoid so it's believable. >> i heard a news director tell me you can tell the truth when it doesn't make the truth feller look good. creating the internet, they think they created us and our perspective object things. this does not in any way shape or form absolve her from doing interviews with the media. you still have to talk to the media, bottom line. >> how can she say this? she runs away from the media. she doesn't answer questions. if you ask her a tough question she plays the the victim card. >> that's a great point. the press is psychotic because hillary tied them up. the press has always loved bill.
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they never really have fallen in love with hillary. hillary lied to the press. first she said she didn't have classified info on her server lie. the list goes on and on. then she goes around in a scooby do van and lead them on a wild goose chase. no wonder there is a problem with the press. >> she is not an sea department politician. she is a strange lawyer whose name we wouldn't know whose name we wouldn't know if it weren't for her famous husband. >> that is -- >> it's working in the sense like rips it's making the -- like relationships it's making the media want her even more. >> he admitted they created this by not granting interviews and
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not answering questions of reporters. you only make them want more. and it's become a disaster for them. >> they don't want more policy. that's what you want the press to want from your candidate. that's the last thing the press wants from hillary. what are your idea for the economy. she waived it off and said you will have to watch my speech next monday. >> queen hillary speech. >> you try one simple question and you get check my schedule the speech. >> if you won't sit down with the media you have an aid advisor rambling around in the produce section and breaking news. okay, we are waiting for the president to begin his news
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conference. president obama is expected to appeal to congressional democrats to back iranian nuke deal as the families of three americans americans being held in iran asked why their loved ones were not part of this deal. you don't... introducing boost® 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you... 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. so it's big in nutrition and small in calories. i'm not about to swim in the slow lane. get a coupon for a free sample at
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>> with respect to u.s. citizens u.s. persons held in iran, this is something that we continue to push hard on i are respective of the nuclear deal. it's a top priority for us to make sure our people are treated fairly. so we are deeply concerned about it. we spend a lot of time pushing on it. and we'll continue to do so.
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and there is no lessening of the sense of urgency. >> that's president obama talking about americans held in iran and getting them released. he's expected to hold a news conference in a few minute to shore up support in congress for the nuclear deal with iran. there are questions about why the agreement did not include the release of those three prisoners. hekmati, abedini and robert levinson who disappeared. iranian officials deny any knowledge of his whereabouts but his family believes he's being held there as well. families want to know why the obama administration did not use the nuke deal to get them home.
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we have seen the negotiations the administration has done on behalf of u.s. citizens. but you have a hurricanes r hekmati who wore the uniform. >> it's disgraceful, it's almost as disgraceful as the taliban five deal for bowe bergdahl. this would have been easy to include in the deal. but it send a bigger message from this administration. we have seen them give press conferences how they are letting families negotiate fair their children or members' release. if you are a hostage and you go to these countries you are on your own. that's a terrible message to be sending. he doesn't seem like he cares at all. >> we were all at the white house correspondents dinner earlier this year and a lot of journalists were wearing free
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jason. why isn't every single reporter who is wearing one of those buttons jumping up and down screaming on the editorial pages and on camera talking about the release of their fellow journalists? >> how about at the news conference today there will be just a couple questions. i don't think you have to set yourself amaze to get out the right question when you have the president's attention. that cia contractor, robert levinson who has been missing since 2007. the f.b.i. did raise their finder's fee to $5 million this past march. you might not have seen a mention of them, and this is just from some of the research i have done, they are not good at negotiating this kind of stuff right now. >> or anything. >> they are just not good at it.
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they are not five taliban members that we have that we can trade with iran. when you look at some of the stuff that's been done, it's not working for the federal government. so they are putting it back on those families. >> what about the families, they are saying if only you were dealing directly with the country holding our family members, oh, waiting with you are. and supposedly you have got the upper hand on the negotiations. >> it's hard to talk to these families it must be excruciating. it doesn't make any sense. you have got a traitor out went to great lengths and you are going to let these four patriots suffer in iran. john kerry deserves some blame here. i know he fell off the bike in vienna but not on did he hurt his leg but he bumped his head and forgot about these people. >> there werened cases they were not going to be included in the
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deal. i don't think there was a lot of shock. but the timing is peculiar and that will be the difficult part. possibly this administration lost their best leverage to get those prisoners released. >> you have to wonder if the administration is worried about making iran look bad and hurting their feeling. >> let's hope the question gets asked. >> we'll continue to watch the white house. we'll take you there live when the president step to the podium to answer reporters' questions on the iran nuclear deal. would you quit your job if your boss didn't let you text at work? a lot of millennials said they would. what does this say about the younger working class. we'll debate. stay right here.
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their bosses stopped them from using mobile devices to take care of personal business. though they admit it's not quite kosher. i didn't know millennials even had jobs to quit. i thought they were all living home with their parents. millennials are the worst generation. >> runlt a millennial. aren't you 28? >> we are right on the cusp. we miss it by a year. >> i'm at the tail end of it. but i would not work at job where i couldn't -- i would work at this job. if you pan the camera over. i have got three devices right now. there is a cultural shift. i think all this millennial bark needs to go by the wayside. i think it's too much. >> here is the good thing about being fived to technology.
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there was a survey about how many too people accept after hours emails. millennials yeah, shoot me an email, i don't care. that makes millennials more employable because they are more accessible. >> before i came to fox i was work at a public affairs firm. the millennials in the office made some outray just demands. they needed their cubicals near the window so they could get natural head phones. they wanted to listen to their head phones. they wanted to make sure they got their hour-long lunch every day. >> that's why we need a draft. just for that reason alone. >> shall we bomb china while we are at it? >> 30 years ego they didn't have all this technology so when you got in a fight with your spouse sat work you had to yell over
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the phone and the entire company knew about it. now you can send texts all day long and take care of your personal business quietly. it's an escape. you don't want everybody doing business on the phone yelling at people. >> you fight with your wife over text. >> usual live she is saying nasty things about me and i'm apologizing. >> it's not just any lenalls. every generation work right now, we have given up so much of our personal time to make ourselves accessible. bum if you have a more traditional job you are still expected to have your phone on and be reachable. as long as that's going to happen then reciprocity. i need to be reachable when i'm at work. >> we want to you watch o.t. when you are at your desk. >> you can pull over on the side of the road and engage and ask
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intelligent questions. i love engaging in generational warfare. i love bringing the baby boomers down a peg. i feel like millennials get duffelled on all the time. >> the poor any lenalls they are on their parents' healthcare plans until they are 26. >> even g.e. is giving unlimited vacation to 40% of its workforce. >> "huffington post" has nap rooms. they want to make things comfortable and easy. to recharge your battery. i don't have a nap room. >> you are reporting live and you just take a nap? how does that work? >> at google and apple they aren't doing that out of the goodness of their heart. they are doing that attract the brightest and besalent. that's what they have to do to
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retain it. >> i could never send you the inappropriate texts i send you during the show. >> we continue to watch the white house. the president in just a few minutes will answer questions from reports and is expected to press his case on the iran nuclear deal. he needs back from 34 senators. there are democrats with reservations about the agreement. we'll bring you that as soon as it starts. begin an aspirin regimen.
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and click the over time tab. we are back on tv noon eastern and join me five clock eastern on the fox business network. "happening now" starts right now. >> and we start with big news. we look live at the east room of the white house where the president is expected to take the podium for the fourth news conference of the year. he will make a pitch to the american people that the deal we struck with iran and five other world powers is a good one. welcome to "happening now" i am jenna lee. >> and i am jon scott. some believe this will not keep iran from getting the bomb and the deal threatens their interest. it could be a big change between teheran and the west following
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35 years of strained relations. here to break down all of the details. brett hume kick its off with us. jenna said he will try to convince the american people about the details of the deal. is it the people or the congress that are really the targets of this new's conference brit? >> i think is both. he doesn't have that high of a hill to climb in congress. he only has 1-third to climb in congress if they reject. it would burden every democrat going into next year including the nominee for president who is likely to be hillary clinton. he will be trying to sell it to everybody. >> there are signs it is unpopular even among t
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