tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News July 22, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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twitter. up next the o'reilly factor. good night from washington d.c. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> planned parenthood under pressure for allegations it's selling body parts of unborn babies. the left trying to fight back. we have a report tonight. >> roll back in our intelligence capability that senator paul has advocated for. is he making our country more weaker. >> a rivalry developing between chris christie and rand paul over how to protect americans. we'll take a hard look at that. >> small island off the coast of nova scotia that
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pretends to be iceland. it's called vanilla iceland. >> also, miller back from vacation and is wondering how martin o'malley you can say isis was caused by global warming. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. human life and the left in america. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. many of my ancestors were democrats, coming here from ireland with little education. they worked as laborers and eventually in public sector jobs. my paternal grandfather was a new york city police officer. my maternal grandfather a train conductor. so my people often voted for democrats. in fact, in the election of 1960, my mother voted for kennedy. my father voted for nixon.
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back then liberal americans did not did not reject traditional values, generally speaking. the liberal philosophy was an economic one getting fair treatment for workers. today, that has changed drastically. here are two stark examples. the left embraces abortion. and supports planned parenthood which actively promotes the destruction of unborn children until they are birthed. to me, that's an extreme position. partial birth abortion. enter the center for medical progress a pro-life group it conducted a number of under cover stings designed to get planned parenthood executives talking about the selling of body parts taken from aborted fetuses or babies as your belief system dictates. those under cover videos have badly damaged planned parenthood. on one tape senior director of medical services, debra nucatola talks about selling body parts.
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planned parenthood says it is donating the organs of babies to help medical research. the cavalier attitude is appalling. using the word crunchy. talking about acquiring a luxury car in a joking way? these unborn babies have human d.n.a. and you are making jokes about their destruction. off the chart. it is long past time for the left in america to admit the abortion business is grizzly
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and immoral to many americans, perhaps most. planned parenthood should be defunded period. i don't want my tax dollars going to them. now, let's examine another life/death situation. the murder of kate steinle allegedly by a criminal illegal alien who 'h. had been deported five times. we have proposed a law that would make it more difficult for alien felons to roam the streets of america. it was presented to the committee yesterday. believe me, there will be liberal democratic lawmakers and perhaps some republicans who oppose mandatory prison sentences for aggravated illegal alien felons who are deported and come back. shocking but people like senator dick durbin are likely to oppose the law. talking points believes human life is no longer a priority for many on the left. they often live in a world of theory and avoid the key issues. the calculated harvesting of infant body parts is an atrocity. and so is allowing criminal
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alien felons to walk free in america. and that's the memo. now, for the top story tonight, reaction, with us juan williams fox news analyst and andrea tantaros. you are up first go. >> i think you are hitting on something that's happened to the democratic party. this isn't the party anymore of even bill clinton or kennedy. the liberals have taken control and moved it in such a way that is so far out of the mainstream, i mean, now they are the party of bill crunchy abortions and crime and the silence from so many in the party tells you everything you need to know. it's deafening it speaks volumes. because they are not coming out and they are not denouncing this kind of action. >> they're defending it. the "new york times" defended it today. >> defending it. which sin defensible. there is a little gray area here in the oregon thing because the center that did this sting left out left out, for example nucatola
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the doctor said we just want it to be reasonable the impact it has on the clinic. this is not a new revenue stream affiliates are looking for. a way to offer the patient service they want do good for the medical community. they left that out. they should not have left that out. however, juan, the cavalier attitude shown by the two doctors is in stone it happened. all right? they are callus toward these babies fetuses potential human beings, whatever you want to put on it. i think they are babies, human d.n.a. denotes that to me. the callousness of it is shocking is it not? >> yeah. doctors and my family, whenever you hear doctors talk about medical procedures you think that's me, that's a human being what are you talking about? i think what is going on here is guerrilla theater put on by people, conservative people who support. >> be that as it may the truth is on the tape. these people said that. >> yeah. okay but i think what we are touching on here is a culture war issue bill, about abortion in america. >> no, no. it's not abortion. it's late term abortion.
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>> no, it's not. >> harvesting. if you have an aborted fetus at a month you don't have body parts. must be real late. >> you can have fetal tissue. that tissue. >> they are talking livers. they are talking using the clamps so they don't damage, come on, juan. >> you cannot have an abortion after the first trimester. >> okay. these people, planned parenthood support abortion up to birth. you said you have doctors in the family? do you know how many many doctors will perform abortions? >> very few and fewer now. >> less than 5%. >> because there is so much pressure. >> they know what it is. >> there is so much political pressure in terms of opposition. >> first do no harm. >> do no harm to women who have health issues. >> that's not a medical issue. >> yes, it is. >> no, it's not. >> when you say defund planned parenthood you are talking about taking away medical access to millions of women. >> i want to jump on the women's health point. that's actually a crock. you don't have to be pro-life to be horrified by
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these videos. a number much my pro-choice friends are horrified by these videos the same way they were horrified by kerr can mitt gus nell. it provides services now. those service was are provided by obama care. >> 90% of their servicess are abortion-related. >> here is my deal. i don't want to pay for it it's a business. let private funding go to planned patient hood. taxpayer dollars should not have to go to crazy towns like san francisco and to places like plarenthood. >> juan, would you you support a federal investigation of planned parenthood harvesting the organs. >> no. >> so you don't want the know the truth. >> i want to know the truth. >> you don't want to know the truth. >> you don't know the truth. >> i have done research. >> you have done research, sherlock holmes. >> the national institutes of health. >> you won't support a federal investigation because it's against the law? it's against -- >> -- it's not against the law. >> to sell organs it is. >> they are not selling organs.
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>> yes they are. you wouldn't support an organization that tells me you don't want to know. >> i want to know the truth. >> then let's get the fbi in. >> there that's part of a political campaign against abortion rights in this country. >> oh, we don't want to know the truth. >> tell the national institutes of health. they your tax dollars to stop doing any kind of research to helps to prevent disease based on this fetal tissue. >> free monkeys. >> are you against stem cell research too? >> am i against it? it depends on what it is and how it is done. >> let me tell you about something elses that. most democrats are not antilife even when it comes to abortion. >> they oppose kate's law they are. >> i'm a supporter of kate's law. >> how can you support planned parenthood when you know the hesitate industry of margaret sanger? >> i think it's very important. >> i have got to get out of here. we have things to do. >> next on the rundown the fbi holding a press conference on the man who murdered five servicemen in
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chattanooga. john roberts has new information. dennis miller is back from his lavish vacation in the scandinavian up ahead. unbelievable! toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling
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try nexium® 24hr. the latest choice for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection. factor follow up segment tonight, press conference today on mohammed abdulazeez who murdered five american servicemen last week in chattanooga, tennessee. it is now beyond a reasonable doubt in my mind that this killer had ties to radical islam. joining us now from chattanooga senior national correspondent john roberts. what's the headline from the fbi press conference today john? >> i think, first of all bill, we could probably say that you are safe in that assumption that he had some sort of ties to radical islam. was he actually tied to radical groups and terror groups in the fbi says they found no evidence of that. but we do know that he was reading some materials online. he was listening to sermons
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of anwar al-awlaki the american born islamic cleric who was calling for attacks on americans and american military before he was taken out by a drone in 2011. he wrote about this idea of martyrdom maybe as a way to cleanse the sins of his life in which he had been doing drugs and alcohol and couldn't hold a job and basically was living a life that was rapidly spiraling down. now, as to the headline here at the fbi press conference, they believe, so far that this guy was a lone wolf, that he was a homegrown violent extremist, that he didn't have anybody helping him on the day though they are leaving open the possibility that somewhere along the line bill he talked to some people, at least, who may have helped him down this road to radicalizing in whatever way he did before his murderous rampage. >> now part of that is in jordan where the jordanian authorities are interrogating a relative of this guy because he did spend so much time in jordan. did the fbi comment on that today? >> the fbi did not comment much on that. they said that they do want to talk to the uncle.
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but we found out a few things about the uncle. his name is assad ibrahim assad alli. 40 years old. a u.s. citizen born in kuwait. he has nba from george mason university. he was a business owner in northern virginia. and then in 2010, at the behest of his parents who said we need taken care of, you can please move to jordan. he moved to jordan. his attorney, absolutely insists that he has no ties to any radical groups, certainly ties to terrorism. the only reason why abdulazeez came to visit with him for a number of months it may have been four or five, not the seven reported earlier in 2014 is hey let's go work with your uncle for a while. maybe that will straighten out this lifestyle you have been living. try to get him away from his non-muslim friends who they believe, bill, were a bad influence in the united states. >> but the jordanian authorities they question a little bit different than we do. then there is all the guns at a 24-year-old as able to acquire.
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now, the word is he got some of these guns on arms list got come. we talked about this yesterday. we have been investigating. this arms list is basically clearing house for people who want to buy guns. it doesn't sell.'t sell guns directly. it sets you up with other people who have guns for sale. the dodge is that you don't have to register. you don't have to do anything. there is no background checks; nothing. it's like a back alli i deal. the fbi comment on the guns today? >> the fbi was not commenting much on the guns except to say when abdulazeez got out of the car he had in his hand an assault rifle which was a molat, which is russian-made ak 74. looks almost like ak 47 that you see in the hands of jihadis all around the world. he had a handgun as well and a shotgun left in the car. now, as to this arms list and what it is all about. obviously a lot of people know what arms list is.
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you don't have to explain it to them. it was created when craigslist stopped taking ads for weapons. a couple guys graduates of the air force academy decided we could probably have a lucrative list here craigslist connects people who want to sell furniture and cars to whatever we can connect people who want to sell guns. it's very controversial because of this idea there is no background checks. fbi investigation or new york city police investigation found a couple of murders and other crimes that were connected to guns that were sold on arms lists and now bill,. >> it makes it easier for somebody. >> now the deaths of five service members now connected through arms list. >> now this place is going to come under scrutiny. i think even the nra would say, listen, you can't have back alley gun dealings at this level and that's what this is. i don't think any second amendment people are going to object to figuring out how to regulate this kind of stuff. anyway the fbi didn't have much to say about it that
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will be coming forward. >> no, they didn't. >> john, thanks a lot. directly ahead stossel on whether america is still a place where immigrants can find a good life. then a nasty feud developing between chris christie and rand paul. wow. factor is coming right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hp instant ink can save you up to 50% on ink
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economic factors among other things. 37% of immigrant headed households both legal and illegal 37% use at least one major welfare program outside of social security and medicare. means tested entitlements make up 17% of the national budget and that is rising fast. many illegal aliens, poorly educated not able to compete at high level in the workplace. with us now fox business anchor john stossel you see his program fbn at 8:00 p.m. as a libertarian how do you see this immigration. it's a problem now. should we limit it more, you know toughen up the border all of that or open border and let everybody in. >> we can't let everybody in but we should open it up. absolutely. we have 13% of our population are immigrants. switzerland it's 27%. australia too. other countries many more on balance good for economy. >> you know switzerland shut immigration down almost 100%
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because of the vast amount of people that came in there really quick the country couldn't. >> because of some refugee problems. >> but here, here, we have a basic problem of regulation. regulating who is here. we have millions of people the government doesn't know who is here. the guy in san francisco. six or seven times. the border is not secure. anybody can get across. and the people who feel that's wrong and dangerous to the country i think are gaining traction. >> well, i think they are. and they are being scared by our bad laws. because, when we make it illegal for people to come in legally. and if you are a computer programmer in india to get a green card would take you 35 years. if you are from mexico, you could never get one. then, people cheat. >> but if you are going to open it up to the world how are you going to do that? you have to do a quota system. >> you have to do some quota system. >> people at the bottom would never get the visas because they can't really contribute to our society. >> let's bring in people who
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do contribute to our society. >> that's classism, racism and every other racism of the world. >> let more people in. how many more though, how many more do you want to let in? >> more people who want to work. from america more. >> there aren't enough jobs for the people who are already here. >> yes there are. median income going down. >> median income isn't going down. salaries are going down. >> no, if you include everything, it's going up slowly, not as much as the top has gained. >> it's going down if you do when president obama took office to now it's down significantly. so you want to flood the marketplace with more workers when they -- when average salaries are declining? >> yes. because they come in, they take those jobs. some people are hurt. no question. but more people helping because they bring in ideas and skills. >> at the higher level that's correct. all right. so if you were going to have like take a test to come to america and never get that
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through because it's racism and it's classism and everything else. you know what the problem is. >> you are citing statistics from the center for immigration studies. >> we back those stats up with the census bureau. >> they spin them. >> no, no, no. the census bureau doesn't spin. >> they say -- you said 37% of immigrant headed households could be 10 people. one gets a welfare benefit. >> it doesn't make any difference. it's 17% of the total budget for means tested entitlements, absolutely off the charts. >> social security and medicare. >> that's not the issue here it? >> is. without immigrants, those programs are going broke even more quickly. immigrants are young. >> depending on how much they are going it make. look, on average, all right. i believe we have to change the immigration law to make it fair. but you are saying you only take the best and brightest from overseas and that is never going to get through this congress,. >> i'm also saying your border war stuff is ridiculous. half the people come in by airplane.
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they get a visa. they overstate. >> they have to be dealt with as well. big fines for that john stossel, everybody. there he is is plenty more aheads as the factor moves along this evening. democratic potential contender martin o'malley saying isis was called by global warming. of course it was. dennis miller will weigh in. martha maccallum on disagreement between republican presidential contenders rand paul and chris christie. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to.
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unresolved problem segment tonight. illegal gangs. causing a mass amount of trouble. if kate's law passed authorities will be able to arrest you will legally gang members. take them off othe street that day. that will be huge. last week i spoke with al-valdez, former gang investigator in orange county california, and sarah carter an investigative reporter for the american media institute. ms. carter led off defining the problem. >> this isn't just endemic to los angeles and houston and border cities. this is across the entire united states. in marilyn and right here in the washington d.c. metro area. just this past month they indicted three gang members two of which are here illegally and have been crossing the border back and forth for a number of years. for a gruesome murder of another gang member who had
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a hit on him from el salvador. they are -- there is racketeering drugs the communities have been overwhelmed with illegal immigration gangs. illegal immigration gangs. >> these people, many of them, have been convicted of felonies correct? >> correct. correct. >> deported and then they come back, the same situation we had in san francisco with the alleged killer of kate steinle. but i just want to make sure that these gang members aren't people who haven't been convicted. many of them have been deported and they come back. is that correct? >> that is correct. just as the example i gave you. i spent all of last year going back and forth to the rio grande valley when we saw this surge of youth coming across the border and families. i had the opportunity to interview a lot of these young people that were crossing. some of them were gang member affiliated. some of them said they traveled with a lot of gang members. look these gangs learn how to operate around our system. in fact one of the most interesting things that i
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discovered is that gangs in the region are telling their members look, don't tattoo yourself. don't put identifiers on yourself. don't put monikers, don't talk about us. get into the country tremendous, do our deeds and then get back here any time you can. so this is how they they are operating. >> mr. valdez if kate's law is passed, then the authorities could arrest anyone they believe is a convicted felon in the country. that's an undocumented alien. wouldn't that be a tremendous tool for law enforcement to have? >> i think it would be a tremendous tool. i think it would give local police and the federal law enforcement agencies a tool to take people off the streets. i'm a firm believer. i call this the relationship population. recycled immigrant population and criminals inside that recycled population hurt americans and people who live in this country. putting somebody in jail for five years saves the life of one person living here it's worth it. >> if they are deported and
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come back, that's it. you don't have to charge them with gang-related, narcotics, anything else, that gets them out of here. in your experience investigating these gangs how many in orange county had deportations on their sheet and convicted felons on their sheet. >> nobody has ever tracked that number. it's very difficult to say. gangs run in cycles, i as an undercover investigator have purchased drugs personally and weapons from gang members who turn out later to be undocumented here in the united states. >> and the deportation situation, is it easy for people deported in southern california get back across the border? reporting their gang related activities. >> the gang members have told me on the street it's sort of a joke. we have taken kids. here we orange county driving to the southern border to repatriot them back into mexico. and sometimes they are back in america within 24 hours. >> now ms. carter, if kate's law is passed. as i said to mr. valdez, it gives law enforcement another avenue to put these people in prison, to take
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them out of society without the complicated investigations of conspiracy racketeering and narcotics which take months and sometimes years. so i want people to know it's not just about the individual like the guy who killed kate steinle. it's about this whole organized gang activity that emanates from abroad. and i think that's very important. >> i think it is too bill. i think it's actually a deterrence. because once they start to realize that they are going to pay that price that five years in a federal penitentiary in the united states i think that that will eliminate a lot of this back and forth cross border traffic. >> that's right. if they come back, mr. valdez, they know if they get picked up, all right, and they have a felony on their sheet, and a deportation on their sheet they are gone for five years. sarah, professor, thank you very much. >> and, of course, we will track kate's law. it is now in the senate and we will let you know every step of the way. when we come right back, miller on his lavish
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to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain... shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell 'em cedric sent you. thanks for staying with
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us, i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tonight. we missed the sage of southern california for two weeks as he was on a journey to iceland and scanned knave i can't. he scandinavia he returned to the u.s. just in time to hear. this one of the things that preceded the nature of the nation state of syria, the rise of isis, was the effect of climate change and the mega drought that affected that range wiped out farmers, drove people to cities created a humanitarian crisis that created the symptoms or rather the conditions of extreme poverty that has led now to the rise of isil and extreme violence. >> always been extreme poverty in the middle east. always even when the dinosaurs were around. joining us now from santa barbara, dennis miller. you and o'malley are buddies. >> you can o'malley didn't believe that crap when he talked about it what a waste of an an apostrophe martin o'malley is. after he gets womped in this
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presidential race he can start a cable show. on the way i read this guy had to apologize for instead of saying, what is it black lives matter he said all lives matter. and they got on him about that. >> yeah, the net roots. imagine that. he has to apologize. for this guy to say he is spineless is an insult to scoliatic jelly fish. he have to say everything crazy over the facts machine he stepped on it there i think global warming is an effective tool in the war on terror because it's 120 degrees over in nuts town to begin with. if it goes up 20 degrees, they are all conscious ford brie brick ets.
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>> i avoided martin o'malley no. i started in iceland. i was intrigued to find out 63% of the people in iceland believe in gnomes. i thought that was amazing. when somebody disappears over there they say he went with the gnomes. so i went out for a walk one day just to test the theory out into the lava fields and i ran across a little nome. and his local name was jass aquas which i think translates out if i'm not mistaken in english to jesse watters. i ran across this nome called jesse watters. i think we have a picture of it. there he is looks like burt reynolds in the cosmo issue. i said to him listen, i would like to go live with the gnomes. people are idiots right now. he said you can only come live with the gnomes if you answer me one question i said go ahead shoot. i'm open. he said why would your countryside with iran over israel? i said i can't answer that
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he said you can't come live with us. that is my story. >> gnomes superstition live under ground. you go to norway and sweden, right? >> a lot of furor in norway. local businessman called politician over there called donald trump who said that he said that the vikings were wusses. it hit the fan. >> the local guy. does he have the hair coming forward? >> no. he had a little glacier. his name was donald trump. >> and then the vikings are wimps, right? >> yeah, the vikings are wusses. he wouldn't apologize though. the people over there so lovely and nice. in the middle of this train going down in this mountain. you know how beautiful it is. such different rhythms here, i could just drop off the grid and live here.
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bam, all of a sudden i got an american guy from chicago who wouldn't shut up for two and a half hours. he was a labor organizer. he looked like an older ernest hemingway. my name is almost hemingway the twist is everybody around him wanted to blow their head up. he wouldn't shut up. as i watched this cat man the american beat you down we are so pleath with everything we say. people over there just zip it for a while. even me i got over there and i shut up for a while. as i watch people, billy have you done any people-watching lately? it is terrifying what's out there right now. everybody is walking around stunned, mouth-breathing crazy. people are all individuals but they are all nuts. to me, people are like snowflakes in that i wish a lot of them quite frankly would melt and go away. >> all right. now, we must say that norway and the western part of that state absolutely beautiful. scandinavia, very mellow
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people. they can't come out of the house only in the summer so they are happy to be out because it's global warming hasn't hit up there. >> six months night. >> stays -- >> -- walka. >> a lot of beverages. -- a lot of beverages consumed in the land of the midnight sun as well. >> i'm sure. schnapps. ambien meets mead cup. all right billy, good to see again. >> we would like to remind you the six don't be a pinhead show in the fall now 8 5% sold out. see everybody in st. louis chicago, charlotte orlando hard rock. vegas. bill o' show is a blast. martha mac can -- maccallum on deck. martha moments away.
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back of the book segment tonight, did you see that? while donald trump continues to stir up the republican presidential field, he is not alone in interparty criticism. here's chris christie after five american service people were killed in chattanooga. >> have to do more to protect them. this is a dangerous world. this is why i have been arguing against the roll backs in our intelligence capability that senator paul has advocated for. this is -- this is not the right way to go. our country is making our country is weaker and more vulnerable. >> here now to explain further martha maccallum you see her at 9:00 in the morning. did rand paul reply to that. >> can you bet he did. his spokes people were not happy that he was invoked in a discussion about the chattanooga shooting. and as people said it's disgusting for him meaning christie, to seek a tragedy
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like this to launch a shameful and patently false attack. >> why would it be patently false because senator paul is opposed to many of the patriot programs and the surveillance by the nsa. why would it be pass -- patently false. >> that's a good question. chris christie is talking about rolling back metadata being collected because it's going to the private phone companies and who knows whether they are retaining it or not. there is no reason to think this is a patently false attack and they need to explain why. >> we are ready to receive both christie and paul. it's an interesting debate but christie didn't come back after right? >> it also goes to the fact that you have got trump stealing all the oxygen in the room, of course, these guys some people want to see them go at each other a little bit more. we talked to a caller on the radio today, what happened to christie he used to be like donald trump we don't hear that anymore. >> he got in a little late. i don't know if christie is going to make the debate. he these make the top ten. paul will. but it will be interesting
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to see the debate situation. >> i mean, depending on kasich if kasich moves up into the top ten that puts christie in tricky territory. >> tall order. i don't know why kasich waited so long to get. in okay. now we have another situation, and this is happening all over the country. this is why we are showing it to you. parents overly involved with their children's sporting events or theater events or extracurriculars and they lose it. roll the tape. >> two south jersey men are about to find themselves locked in a knock out drag-down fistfight. this was the scene that unfolded wednesday night just outside of the ceremony for a youth softball tournament in maryland. captured by eyewitness and posted to social media one man badly beaten and both in cuffs. the county sheriff's office has identified the men as michael balbell and michael john duffy of new jersey. >> what's the back story? >> i mean, mr. barbellas was
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not at this world series of softball. she had been kicked out according to some reports because of his activity and his influence on the team. he texted this guy mr. duffy, and said is i'm coming down there to beat you up. >> did duffy have anything to do with barbella's daughter not playing in the softball tournament. >> obviously they have a beef going way back. this is not even the worst of this. his face is so -- well now you can see it, is so bloody and beaten. this was a vicious attack, bill. as you say, this is part of a larger culture where parents are over involved in their children's sports. and in many ways it goes back to out-of-control, scholarship scene at colleges. people are fighting for those scholarships. >> softball tournament? >> title 9 any sport these kids are getting recruited and it becomes very heated. it's really a bad trend. >> both men charged. who is charged? >> both men were charged. disorderly conduct and
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assault charges for both. they have both been released. michael duffy on his own recognizance. he said he feels terrible that he was involved in this at all. barbella said he wasn't there and didn't participate in the fight. he saw the video and that was kind of hard. $5,000 bail no court date has been set. >> atlantic loos like they are coming down on barbella than the other guy. >> it looks that way. yeah. >> martha maccallum, thank you. many in san francisco from learned absolutely nothing from the murder of kate steinle. the tip moments away. why am i so awake? did you know your brain has a wake system... and a sleep system? science suggests when you have insomnia, the neurotransmitters in your wake system may be too strong, which may be preventing you from getting the sleep you need. talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia. get huge savings on great gear at bass pro shops. like redhead augusta polos starting under $15. save $10 on this bass pro aluminum fish fryer.
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still going strong. if you become a bill o'reilly premium member you get any of those books free of charge. mail. how is it that some americans go into a rage at the confederate flag but defend the business that sells the organs of aborted babies? interesting question. athens greece. i support case law. i don't see how anyone would oppose it. i saw you accuse of not caring. that's vicious. durbin cares. i think you're pushing kate's law because you want to make president obama look bad. paul taylor. simply playing to his base hispanic voters. durbin doesn't want enforcement of immigration law. he doesn't. thomas washington. if kate's law had been in effect
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would the killer have been in prison? for a long time. murder has seven felony convictions been deported five times. with mandatory five years that doubles each time an alien comes back he would have been gone almost for good. dr. kwinton smith, austin texas. your segment about midgets as high school nickname was marvelous. when will the insanity stop? i am irish and am offended that the notre dame logo is a fighting leprechaun. i am outraged too. i hope that doesn't bring down the property values. julie, california. i am sitting here with my father watching the factor. he says he can't stand you, but watches every night. i call that the howard cosell factor. sometimes you like to watch people you don't like.
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we'll take it. finally the tip of the day. why can't i get through to san francisco? why? writing in the chronicle states opposition to kate's law by using kate's parents, quote, they were lost in grief but the couple didn't say we need to tighten the borders or crack down on immigrants who are here illegally. a jarring term that is long past like colored people into the realm of pejerative. the outlying of certain words that although accurate go up against the totalitarian thought police. and i bet if you poll san franciscans the majority agree with the insanity.
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beautiful town crazy place. and hat is it for us tonight. please check out the factor website. also we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day do not be pyrotic when writing to the factor. we will have analyze how the network evening news broadcast and the morning shows which have hours to fill are handling the under cover tape on planned parenthood. the facts as always but will tell you about the information flow in this country. it's a big story. it's pretty shocking. maybe there are donations. all we want is a federal investigation to find out. thanks for watching us.
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ms. megyn is next. i'm bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops here because we are definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight in the middle of a heated national debate on illegal immigration and a day after families travel to capitol hill with heart wrenching tails of loved ones murdered by illegal immigrants the white house remains defiant suggesting today that any law cracking down on sanctuary cities that harbor illegal aliens would be dead on arrival when it hits the president's desk. congress prepared the bill that would crack down on sanctuary cities meaning district that ignore federal immigration laws in order to provide a safe haven to those here illegally. when asked about the measure pushed by grieving families
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