tv The Kelly File FOX News July 23, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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n, thanks for watching us good night. ms. megyn warming up for the bullpen. i'm bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops here. because we are definitely looking out for you. . >> breaking tonight donald trump at the mexican border and making a big impression. welcome to the kelly file on location, everyone. i'm megyn kelly. just over one month ago the billionaire real estate mogul making waves. acknowledging his run for the president of the united states. saying that rapists and murderers are coming over the border illegally into the u.s. critics accuse him of bias against hispanics. but trump did not waiver.
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he stuck by that position and especially when the nation saw an illegal immigrant felon deported five times from this country gunned down the vibrant kate steinly in san francisco trump has risen to the top of some early republican polls. today the billionaire travelled to wholaredo, texas to see the destination firsthand. and seeing the u.s. citizens living there. trump was greeted on the tarmac by supporters and protesters and it didn't take long for him it start making headlines. >> is it a great danger for you to be here? >> they say it is but i love the country and there is nothing more important than what i'm doing. i'm the one that brought up the problem of immigration. you folks know it better than anybody. and you look at the crowds outside. big crowds are all screaming in favor of trump. everybody wants the problem fixed. >> from there the trump
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campaign led a motorcade of fans and reporters to the border for a press conference with the mayor of la laredo, watch. >> thank you for being here. mexico is booming, absolutely booming. and jesus and city manager have done an amazing job right here. a lot of what is happening is because mexico is doing so well. just doing beyond what anyone ever thought. i don't know if that is good for the united states but it is good for mexico. anybody have any questions? >>. [ inaudible ] >> yeah, i think i will win the hispanic vote. i have thousands of mexicans and hispanics and i think when it comes right down, i don't know if saw the poll but they just did a big poll in the state of and i'm way ahead. more importantly as far as i'm concerned, i'm way, way ahead with the hispanics. well into the 30s. and i think second is like 11.
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so i have a great relationship. over the years thousands and thousands of hispanics have worked for know and now work for me and the relationship is very good. questions? [ inaudible ] >> how many people killed? [ inaudible ] >> five people were killed by marines. [ inaudible ] >> killers come from all over the world. >> i agree with that. they come from all over the world. i agree with that. >> the crime along the border is down. what are you talking about -- >> great danger with the illegals. we are just discussing that. but we have a dangerous boreder with the illegals coming in. >> is there anything calming fears about -- [ inaudible ] >> yes, i have. and i've heard it. i've heard it from a lot of different people. in fact as you know border patrol was the one that invited
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me. i think most of you have that invitation. border patrol invited me then cancelled because frankly they don't want to get involveed. the reason they invited me is because of the tremendous problem and tremendous crime and all of the things you are talking about. they invited me then at the last moment, virtually in the air, and they said, we can't get involved. and i heard they got those orders from washington. >> what evidence specifically have you seen? >> we will be showing you the evidence. [ inaudible ] >> we just landed. there were a lot of people at the airport. they were all waving american flags. they were in favor of trump and what we're doing. everyone we saw, just such a great warm, i was actually surprised with be but such great warmth from the people at the airport. we're very honored. yes, go ahead.
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[ inaudible ] >> no they were chanting for me. [ inaudible ] >> i didn't see that. >> the last stop of of of the day was reportedly unplanned. at the last minute trump met with local law enforcement and border patrol. that's when a question about illegal immigrants came up and once again trump refused to back down. >> right. you feel like what you said, and people talking about a rapist and murder -- >> no, no,y talking about illegal immigration. and that's a typical case -- wait. that's a typical case of the press with misinterpretation. [ cheers and applause ] they take a half a sentence and take a quarter afterof a sentence and put it all together. a typical thing. and joe at telemundo should be asha really be fun, i'm right now suing univision for
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$500 million. we're going to win a lot of money because of what they are doing. so i want to, again, thank you -- [ inaudible ] >> no, you're finished. [ cheers and applause ]hol >> so donald trump is again the top story. talking about what he calls the tremendous danger at our southern border. we have reaction from two people incredibly passionate about this issue. conservative author ann coulter and jose vargas are next. dent miss this.
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you know by the way, by the way, such a great relationship with the hispanics and very interestingly, in nevada, for those that haven't heard, they just did a poll and i'm leading, not only am i leading by a lot in the poll but almost more important to me, because i employ hundreds and actually i employ thousands of hispanics and over the years, tens of thousands, but i'm leading in the poll by a landslide. >> presidential candidate donald trump took his southern border tour today he was met by fans who cheered his focus on illegal immigration and by critics who
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slammed him for what they call his hateful remarks about latinos. while the next two guests didn't go to the border today this is an issue this they care about tp jose vargas is himself an illegal immigrant and is host of the mtv special "white people." ann coulter is a writer and most recently "adios america, the plan it turn our country into a third world llhole." just a fact check because donald trump did do well on this one poll to which he refers however, according to the latest washington post news poll conducted in mid july among hispanic adults, 84% said they definitely would not vote for him. they said that they definitely would not. however he does lead general gop polls by several respected organizations. and the question i have for you is, does his message seem to be
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catching on? >> well, i think what's catching on here is the fact that the general public doesn't really know the facts when it comes to immigration. i find it really stunning listening. i'm a journalist at heart. reporting is my religion and journalism is my church. have hasn't anybody actually said that 40% of people who are here illegally, 40%, including someone like me actually got here and everstayed their visa. meaning they didn't cross the u.s./mexico border and yesterday -- >> why should that shut down the points? why should that shut down the point bit other side? and there is another 60% crossing. some of them as he points out, commit crimes. >> some, yes. you and i add conversation last week. not all of them. they are not all representative. >> even he didn't assert that. >> that is like saying donald trump represent all of republican's views. i don't know what the governor of texas disagrees with what donald trump sp saying. but here is the big are point
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though. he is talking about how he was invited by border patrol people. according to u.s. customs and border protection the number of mexican immigrant apprehended by border patrol have been trending backwards for years. lowest levels since the 1970s. why doesn't donald trump say that? >> but the point is, for donald trump and those who support him the more we see cases like kate steinle who law abiding american citizens in this country and when and behold get murdered by illegal immigrants who have been deported repeatedly and the more his message resonates. illegal immigration not at at top of most people's list, it is for people like ann, but the gop has been ignoring this for years. now slid it isuddenly it is a tp issue for folks. >> we need a solution. i'mççoç undocumented. i'm on your show. we need a solution it solve this
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problem. but donald trump spewing the border is not that -- >> what is the hate? get specific jose. >> okay. >> what did he say that was hait hateful? >> you just mentioned the poll. 80% of latinos -- donald trump said, they love me. who is he talking about? there are 33 million latinos -- >> i just want to zero down on it jose. that is a broad brush that people use. >> here is what is happening. when he talks about rapists and murderers, who is he referring to? >> you don't deny that some illegal immigrants who have come across the southern border are rapists and murders do you? >> that's like any group of people. we can pick on any group of people and take five, six, seven, ten examples of it. >> failure to conceptionize it.
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>> 22 million are u.s. born american citizens, right? when they hear that kind of language from donald trump, what do you think they think? >> i guess it depends on who you ask. nevada hispanic republicans don't seem he to have a problem at all. >> they don't speak for everybody. >> jose great to see you. >> great to see you. thanks for having me. >> ann coulter is also here. she has a different view. ann, let me just start -- let's just start with trump. there's a lot to get to including the president today yesterday, expanded expanded the rights of illegal immigrants already in this country in the face of heart wrenching testimony we saw on capitol hill saying please, please crack down. instead, he basically went another direction. i want to get to that with you. trump, your take on today. >> fantastic. he is right that of hispanics who are eligible to vote and would ever in a million years
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consider voting republican he will probably get more of those votes than any other republican running right now. because it is like as i've said a plilon times, the main proponent of amnesty and our current legal immigration system, which is dumping millions of extremely poor people and low-wage workers on the country, are their fancy bosses in new york. and san francisco. and l.a. who want the cheap maids cheap nannies, cheap workers. workers themselves could use a little less competition. and i hear republicans -- >> what do you think of jose's point? >> there is an easy way to have minimum wage rise on its own. stop dumping low-wage workers on the country. he is mad that donald trump didn't put the numbers to it and say, okay, he said you can say there are rapists and murderers in any group of the country. do it by race, by class, by gender and it would be true. >> yeah. but for one thing, was he in
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studio with you? this must be awful living in the shadows. he has his own show on mtv. driver's licenses across the country. become a lawyer in california. how about getting donald trump to arrest jose? we can start right there. the point is yes any group will have rapists. but we don't -- these aren't people who have any right to be here. the motto should be, there are way too many and there shouldn't be any. it even rhymes. >> in the meantime, as i referenced a moment ago, we saw a family after family kate steinle family, and others go before congress and say please do something. we have had loved ones who have been murdered by illegal immigrant in sanctuary cities and other cities. and within 24 hours, ann, the white house came out and said not only are they going it vietnam why kate's law if it gets through, but they expanded the- the, by executive action, the rights of illegal immigrants
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already in the country. >> executive action, the rights of illegal immigrants already in the country. >> right.executive action, the rights of illegal immigrants already in the country. >> right. can there be any more doubt now that people will block the vote for the democrats? obama wouldn't have been elected but for teddy's actions. they call it george mcgovern's revenge and kennedy's family's greatest gift to the democratic party. it is not as if democrats are winning victories because they changed americans' minds. no, they brought in new voters p. that's why they are winning. who gets to live and vote in america is the most important issue and the illegal immigrants or legal immigrant going around and demanding that you have to be nice to us and we night vote for donald trump no, you're a guest in this country. you aren't black. immigrants need to understand we care about race and civil rights because the democrats fought a war to preserve slavery and democrats imposed jim
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crowe's law for a hundred ss if you ha ve no right to be in this country, america hasn't done anything to you. you're the ones who should be grateful to us and hoping that, you know you will be allowed to come in legally. one of the visa programs that obama extended was the diversity visa program. diversity. just randomly take people on a lottery system. because that's how scarlett johansson picks who she is going it date. she has a lottery. we're america. we should be picking the best people -- >> i see a lot of men raising their hands. they want more information. on that happy note i got to go. good to see you, ann. good-bye. >> tonight a case getting national attention as we get the autopsy results now from the controversial jailhouse death of an african-american woman. see what they tell us about the way sandra bland died and how it could impact a potential murder case and the narrative we are being told by some about this
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matter. and then, secretary john kerry took a beating today from senators can asking about secret side deals with iran that were not disclosed to lawmakers on capitol hill. and why the administration apparently caved on key safe guards in its nuke agreement with the ayatollahs. mark keyson is next with what it means for the president's deal and for the united states. >> with all due respect, you guys have been bamboozled and the american people are going to pay for that. you're giving away pie? what would you like, apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? definitely cream. [reddi wip spray sound] never made with hydrogenated oil, oh, yeah... always made with real cream. the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy.
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this is a fox news alert. this is patricia stark. a gunman opened fire in lafayette louisiana three people are dead including the gunman. law enforcement identified the suspect as a 58-year-old lone white male. however they have not yet released his name. there is a news conference now. let's listen in. >> i did have a chance to go to a local hospital and visit with families. i thanked doctors and nurses.
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they're taking such great care of those injured tonight. i want to share with you a example of heroism. i visited with several family members and friends a couple people in that movie theater tonight. one was released tonight. her friend jumped over her, and saved her life. if she hadn't done that, that bullet, she believes, would have hit her in the head. both teachers were shot. she was shot in the leg. she had the presence of mind to pull the fire alarm to help save lives. i think we're going to hear people trying to help each other and trying to save other lives. these are two teachers just out to watch a movie during last days of summer break. they never imagined their outing would be interrupted by this senseless act of violence, this
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awful, awful, tragedy. i saw family members hoping for the best, waiting on information for loved ones. right now they want to know. they're waiting for doctors to be able to tell them that. they're praying, fearful and anxious. the best thing we've heard from people, now is the best time to send them your thoughts and prayers and love. we've been joined by local state, and federal forces i want to close by thanking our law enforcement officials. they ran towards danger not away from it. first officers could hear the gunshots and they still ran towards the theater. i'm grateful for their heroism in this. i think we'll hear more details coming up. again, keep those family members in their thoughts and prayers.
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a lot of folks just waiting to hear good news about their loved ones. >> we'd like to thank governor jindal tonight. and our prayers are certainly with all of those who have been injured and lost loved ones tonight. we need to point out again local lobings that this is a major crime scene. it is a large crime scene along a state 7-highway. tomorrow morning on friday, that roadway is going to be very, very busy. please don't take that way to work if you can take a different route. please allow and respect what is going on here today. this is just the beginning of a very long process and we need our community to come together. please, respect the families, respect their privacy. pray for them. pray for the first responders that saved lives this evening.
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we thank you for the outpouring of love and support and outpouring from the whole united states tonight. stay away from the crime scene. >> what can you say about the crime scene? >> there is a backpack in there. dogs went in there that they hit on. that concerns us we want to make sure we clear it. once we do that, we're going to let crime scene investigators in there. there are shots fired in there. they have to locate the shells. all of that information that we have to build a case on. though we have an alleged shooter that is deceased it's out of fairness to all involved, let's put closure to this. that is how we began, interviewing all in there.
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100 individuals in the theater, talking to the witnesses in there. dealing with the eye witnesses. so we'll take a look at his history and his family, these are compiling and bringing closure to this facility, this neighborhood, and certainly for the city. the first responders were running in. i mean, ambulances, all of the individuals were running in there because they simply wanted to do something to save a human life. this was an ordinary evening that turned extraordinary quickly. >> we'll be going to the house they probably already have. we have not received anymore information about that. >> any information on the shooter's criminal background? >> we don't have a criminal
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history. nothing recent. one of the things we have to do is make sure the person we're looking at is positively identified as the person. that is going to take time. i know there is a lot of speculation now on social media and we ask please, don't put out information that could put officers in harm's way. there is a lot of investigations ongoing. we certainly don't want to compromise the safety of those officers who may be going to different addresses and different locations to learn more about the suspect. >> have any of the victims been released from the hospital? are their conditions upgraded? >> one victim has been released from the hospital. the injuries range from non-life
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threatening to critical. we know one victim was in surgery and is not doing well. we're getting constant updates from medical facilityies and we do have police officers there to make sure those folks are protected and will continue to get updates throughout the night. >> can you give us an -- >> it's going to take time. once we clear the car, go inside of the building and clear that we're going to let our technicians start working the crime screen. probably several hours to get that done. it's going to take time. they won't be allowed to go back in until it's absolutely safe. so they're working and making sure that it's safe.
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>> do you have information on the ages of the victims? >> the ages range from late teens to probably into the 60s. we're talking to a family right now. let's get back to give that family a chance to get information out there. it's a horrible situation to have that happen. it's important to go in there to id bodies in there. we have done that, and are talking to family members. we have started to make death
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notifications to family members who went to the hospital to check on their loved ones. >> you said 100 people were in the theater. is that actual movie theater? or where the movie was going on? >> we don't know the head count of that particular theater itself. referring to the scene, we had about 100 people there. we know this kind of stuff just keeps you wondering. why would a guy come into a theater in this city? and just you know randomly start shooting? you know? it's hard to figure out. he's deceased so we may not ever know. >> have you recovered witnesses? >> we haven't recovered any
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witnesses. >> we have to end this press conference and the next will be when the building is secured. we'll let you know when that is going to take place. >> thank you. >> again there has been a shooting in a movie theater in lafayette, louisiana at the grand theater. three people are dead including a shooter. seven injured, ages from late teens into 60s. joining us now is kadn reporter john arnolds. john, you were on the scene today. what can you tell us? >> it was a scene when you see that many police officers and emergency personnel, you know something major is going on. when called earlier, the first time we heard lafayette there is a shooting. it's kind of a small town. a lot of us were hoping it was hearsay. lafayette came to a stand still in that little area.
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it was amazing to see how quickly law enforcement personnel showed up to the situation. a lot of people are grateful for how law enforcement handled this. >> what can you tell us about when the law enforcement entered the scene? how many police were there? i understand 100 people in the theater. what kind of scene was happening number wise? >> they were saying about four police officers originally went in there. they knew the gunman was still in the theater. as of now, we're trying to figure out exactly what happened either the officers may have shot the man, or the man may have shot himself. we're not clear how that happened. when four police officers did enter that building, it did seem to be a main factor to stop what's happening. >> have you heard anything talking about was there warning or threats? anything said ahead of time that could have let anyone know this is about to happen? >> as of now, it doesn't seem like that is the case. everyone in the theater pretty
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much seemed they're caught off guard. people were running out of the theater. a lot of them didn't know what is going on. people were running for their lives. as of now, people are wondering if this was something premeditated or maybe you just right then and there made up his mind to do an act like that. >> we've heard reports of witnesses hearing pop, pop, pop that it sounded like fire works or firecrackers. >> exactly. in these theaters they're made to hold sound in to where you don't hear much in the next theater over. so a gunshot going off in a theater like that doesn't sound too larming at first. they said emergency lights kicked on movies turned off, everyone knew it was serious and tried to get out as soon as possible. >> i understand there were 16 different theaters in this one facility. correct? >> you're exactly right. it's pretty much the movie theater for this town. and especially during summer
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time. you have high school kids just going to the movies. same thing with people in college. so when this does happen, it's one of the peak times of the season. >> yes. looks like as of right now, what we can tell is that this only took place in one of the 16 movie theaters. >> correct. as of right now, all indications point to only one theater where this happened. >> do you know what is happening on the scene right now? i'm assuming everything is cordoned off, they're not letting anybody in the area. law enforcement is just all over the scene. >> that is shortly after the second press conference. i believe i saw a bomb dog. in cases i've seen that was a way to alert the police. but 40 or 50 were told we had to run to the street. it seems like maybe they found something. and we were at the coffee shop next door and nobody was allowed
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near the theater. we're not too sure still, what is going on. >> john, thank you for keeping us informed here, we appreciate it. >> no problem thank you. >> so to recap what happened a gunman opening fire inside of a movie theater in lafayette, louisiana. police say at least three people, including the gunman, are dead. law enforcement describing the gunman as a 58-year-old lone white male. however, they have not yet released his name. there were about 100 people inside of the theater at that time of the shooting. now, back to "the kelly file" already in progress. times. i counted 49 times that that officer gave a lawful command and it was disregarded. in fact from the time he pulledá> that car over, he was very personable. he was calm. he was polite. he called her ma'am several times. and he could sense that she was irritated and he asked her, she was loaded from the time she pulled over. i expect in those situations an
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officer to make a reasonable attempt to dejessicaesdedeescalate say theation the situation. but not put him or herself into danger. then you go too arrest mode. it is no longer verbal commands. can you use intermediate weapons. he chose a taser. i don't have a problem with him using a taser. his words i will light you up that's not what we train -- >> you can hear him say, i'll light you up. she is upset when she is told she is under arrest for a traffic infraction that isn't that big a deal. >> i understand. but she still has to comply with his lawful commands. you a comply and grief later. he was talking very calmfully when he said get out of the vehicle. an officer is allowed to raise the level. in other words, become more vocal in terms of giving out
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those commands. look, you know, what we train officers to say when they use a tazer is do x or i'm going to taze you. i'm not going to get hung up on that. i was more appalled by the language she was using about an authority figurer. if she was my daughter i would be embarrassed by how she acted on the scene. he had to respond to keep her sefl safe and himself safe. it is unfortunate that the autopsy report the manner of death is suicide. it is unfortunate that according to m.e.'s report or coroner's report, depending on what state you're in. i don't know why she took her life. the medical people can deal with that. but bottom line for me and all of these cases that you and i, megyn, have talked about nationally, you have an obligation to comply with a law enforcement officer's lawful command. he was going to give her a warning for heaven's sake. >> a good policy.
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even if you know the cop is in the wrong, comply and complain later. sheriff, good to see you. >> thank one megyn. >> despite the autopsy and rest of the evidence many remain unsatisfied. at this hour the bland family is waiting the result after second independent autopsy and many believe that the jail officials did something to ms. bland while she was in that cell. and that this was an woman hanging herself. so could we still see murder charges as some are now demanding? criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor and civil rights attorney. good toe sue both. do you believe that's over, now given the you aautopsy report, saying it is suicide plain and simple? >> megyn, the d.a. said they are won ducting it as if it is a murder investigation. as mark would know and you would note yourself one autopsy does not a case make. second autopsy and independent one is being commissioned at this point in time and we have to wait and see before we say
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what the final conclusion is. >> that's long answer it no. the answer is no, megyn. the short answer is no. there won't be any criminal charges here because the evidence doesn't support anything other than a suicide. a tragic suicide. my heart goes out to the family. but the evidence doesn't suggest that anyone went into her cell. it was consistent with a hanging. no defensive wounds on her at all and someone in the adjacent cell someone that would normally point a finger at a guard, you would expect someone to say, oh yeah someone went in there. there was no commotion or struggle. this tragic suicide. >> go ahead. go ahead. >> what we know about the evidence is that it is incomplete and they are saying that all of a sudden we have a jail cell that i know mark has never seen with a trash bag in it big enough for someone to hang themselves.
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that is suspect. >> where did it come from? >> that's negligence by jailers, right? how does that translate into a murder charge? >> whether it is negligence or not is yet to be determined. we have suspicious circumstances where someone at the least risk of committing suicide because -- >> that's wrong. >> no, african-american women across are the least likely of anyone to commit suicide -- >> andell -- >> she said before she tried to commit suicide. >> and she suffered from post traumatic stress disorder. hold on, this is proven now. post tra mautic stress disorder. depression. she had 30 cuts on her arm. again i feel for her. mental illness is extraordinary. >> 9% of the population suffers from the depression. >> and those most likely to kill themselves -- >> she had tried to kill herself before. >> the numbers don't --
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>> mild depression, like i'm having a rough time -- >> no doctor ever diagnosed her with depression. no doctor ever diagnosed her with depression. >> so what's your theory? >> your theory is that -- >> very can take her own life. pills confirmed it. >> here's the thing -- >> mark, let me talk to you about this. mark, how are they -- first of all, there is a video camera on the jail cell. it doesn't show anyone going in or coming out at the time of issue. second of all, there would be some defensive wounds. if someone murdered her in that cell she just submitted to it. >> i like the first argument better than the second. listen, yes would you typically find defensive wounds. that's why i brought it pup.up. but the fact that no one went into her jail cell andell suggests there is no murder, andell. >> the prosecution should -- >> let me ask you this. let me he shift gears.
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let me shift gears. because the other argument is that at a minimum you've got negligence by the jailers who it appears violated procedure. they hadn't been trained propertily according to authorities. and shouldn't have put the big plastic bag in the -- inside the jail cell. so what does that amount to? usually we see immunity for officials in situat this. would it be here or could there be a civil lawsuit by her family? >> well, if we're talking about negligence, i believe that they will be protected unless there is intentional acts by people that have yet to be identified. what i'm saying, meagan sb is that can we prove murder that the point in time? absolutely not. but the investigation is not over. if we find that partial informs we he have is not all of the story, then we have to be ready to go in the other direction. i will not say what mark is saying, that there is absolutely no grounds for murder charge. >> it is like the fact that she
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add contentious exchange with a state trooper prior to getting to the jail doesn't make the jailers part of some conspiracy towards murder. that's really the theory here. they are so ticked off by what they saw curb side that now they think that folks jailing the prisoner want to talk her life. that's a far reach. good to see you both. >> thanks. >> thanks. >> breaking right now reports after shooting at a movie theater in lafayette, louisiana. local papers in the news wires are reporting that up to six people have been shot. and we are also hearing that two people are dead including the shooter. but we should caution it
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parish officials there may be two dead including the shooter. that has not yet been confirmed and three of them are critical. again, this happened maybe 45 minutes to an hour ago. this is when we got word of this happening. we do not have any crews on the ground and crews are making their way there now, trying to find out more about this. lafayette is 40 miles from baton rouge. she says she was with her fiancee, about 20 minutes into the movie they heard a loud pop, pop. they thought it was a firecracker. she says she saw a older man standing up. the first responders are on their way to the movie theater. we're waiting to get cameras and
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pictures to lafayette and are working on more information and bobby jindal we're being told is on his way to the scene. i know you read the tweets. and tweeting out while he is en route. megyn? >> trace, thank you. keep working the sources and we'll get right back to you. you have to think that the law enforcement authorities looking into are reminded of what happened in aurora. because after that man, now convicted of murder went into that theater and shot it up in the middle of the movie "the dark knight" he had booby-trapped his apartment knowing that the authorities would then go there to try to track him down, and to try to track down the trail of how he got to that place, and meant to unleash carnage at that spot and another as well. and the police prepared for that kind of a trap protected themselves. but these situations so often don't end. they don't begin, and they don't
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end in the one side of violence. again, tonight we're having conflicting reports of possibly two dead, including the shooter. another report says one dead, just the shooter. more on the breaking news right after this. unbelievable! toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it!
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breaking now, the associated press just reported that two people are dead now following this movie theater shooting in lafayette. that, again, two people dead, including the shooter. and now we are getting reports from several different sources that the shooter has killed himself. although fox news has not yet independently confirmed that. we are trying to get a local official, a local police representative on the phone now so you can hear directly from this person what appears to have happened in this movie heater in lafayette tonight as six were reportedly wounded and the
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gunman plus one other we believe are dead. do we have him? >> yes, megyn. i'm here. >> hi, sir. i'm sorry. i didn't even get your name from my producers. what is it? >> hey, megyn, this is sergeant kyle suarez. >> tell us what happened? >> approximately 7:30 a male entered the theater within the city limits of lafayette. at some point the male began firing randomly and one of the theaters inside. we can confirm that there are at least two to three fatalities on scene, one of which we believe is the shooter. and there have been several injured that have been transported to area hospitals. but we do believe that the shooter is at least one of the fatalities at this time. >> and when you say several injured, can you confirm six? does that number sound about right? >> between six and 10:00 at this time, megyn, we can confirm.
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>> any -- when you say the gunman entered, the male entered, did he enter while the movie was in progress? >> that's unconfirmed at this time, megyn. >> any idea what kind of weapon he was using? >> no. we're not able to confirm that at this time. as you can imagine, it's very early in the investigation. >> of course, of course. can you confirm that he shot himself? that he killed himself? >> again, we're not ready to confirm that at this time, megyn. >> what is the age range of the victims? >> we have not even begin to identify the victims. obviously we would want to notify the next of kin and family members before we would start even releasing that information. >> had there been any sort of a threat called in? >> we're looking into that right now. we're looking to see if there was anything on any type of social media. again, very early in the investigation. and all those aspects will be
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looked into. >> any reason to believe there might be a connection to isis or radical islam or terror as we understand it in this country? >> yeah. it's too early, kelly. i'm sorry megyn. it's too early to draw any type of conclusion. >> understood. thank you, sir. so much for giving us the time tonight. we appreciate it. >> thank you, megyn. >> joining me now again sheriff david clark of milwaukee county sheriff's office who came back when he heard the breaking news. sheriff, thank you for being here. what would you imagine that the sheriffs, the law enforcement right now is doing around that movie theater, and the shooter is dead. so with respect to him and his personal effects and home? >> well, the first thing is you know, megyn, the first facts are those most likely to change as this thing goes on. panic, pandemonium horror in a situation like this. the first responders have to tend to the injured. and start sharing information, gathering information. we heard the gunman may be dead.
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he may not be dead. my biggest concern in these situations now is that it's not some secondary situation where he planted explosives there is a secondary shooter somewhere in the area, maybe even still in the theater. so in the early parts of this and i've been in these chaotic situations, you want to calm everything down, get help to the injured. and start piecing this thing together. it's going to be a long night for those officers in lafayette, louisiana. >> what kind of evidence are they looking to retrieve that could be helpful to them? >> well, the evidence stage collection comes later on. as i indicated first of all -- >> but i mean, what about the shell casings inside the theater? >> the shell casings, you want to protect the scene. the shell casings the weapon that the gunman who is dead. you want to protect that weapon. you want to start helping identify people. you want to make sure the people that fled. like i said, panic and pandemonium sets in. you want to make sure that you can keep as many people as you
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can at least in the area because they're all witnesses. i don't know how crowded the theater was. but this is going to be a painstaking investigation. and my prayers are with the people in lafayette, the people in that theater, the first responders, and just going to pray at this point. >> absolutely right. you know it was days ago that the aurora movie theater shooter was found guilty of murder over and over again. and the nation relived that crime in a way many did not want to as we heard a very effective prosecutor walk us through what that person did to the children and others inside that movie theater. how -- how -- how big a risk is there, sheriff, that something like to could lead to a copycat event? >> well you know, we're living in that age right now unfortunately. and, you know until they learn the motive and what was behind this thing, you know, we're speculating at this point. but, yeah, we're seeing it more and more, unfortunately.
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and these are the days we live in. >> yeah. we'll find out more in the hours and days ahead. sheriff, thank you for your help tonight. again carnage has been unleashed in louisiana. stay tuned. tonight, the border patrols they're petrified of saying what is happening because they have a real problem here. >> donald trump heads down to the border. some like him -- >> i like donald trump. he is a friend of mine. he is taking on the washington cartel. >> and some cannot stand him. >> donald trump's candidacy is a cancer on conservatism. >> reaction to how donald trump is shaking up the republican party. >> what would work for you? don't low ball it. >> okay. >> tell me what you really -- >> and the department of justice says it's going to review these shocking undercover planned parenthood videos. did the nation's largest provider of abortion break the
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