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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 24, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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postman caught with 23,000 pieces of mail. the ugly, a bank robber arrested a former l.a. p.d. detective. his family tipped officers off to his crimes. >> no kidding? "fox & friends" starts now. good morning, today is friday july 24th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert now. horror at the movies. families running for their lives when a shooter opens fire inside a crowded theater. >> we saw a lady with blood all over her leg. i just grabbed my child. we just all ran. >> this morning, three people are dead. many more hurt. we are live on the ground with breaking news. meanwhile, in other news donald trump makes a texas-sized splash at the u.s. border in laredo taking on a reporter the only way he knows how.
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>> you've called the people across the borders -- >> no no we're talking about illegal immigration. everybody understands it. no no you are finished. plus why trump says washington tried to stop his trip to the border. we traded five taliban terrorists to get bowe bergdahl on u.s. soil. cops just found him during a massive pot raid. >> oh, boy. >> want to improve your morning? "fox & friends." we start this hour with a fox news alert. we're going to talk about donald trump in just a moment but first a fox news alert, a movie theater massacre. two people are dead and nine others are injured after a shooting in lafayette, louisiana.
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the gunman dead. this all happened at the grand theater la fa yet, the question why. >> we're joined with the latest details on this. good morning to you, kyle. >> good morning, everybody. it sounds quiet. it looks dark but just earlier this morning, earlier this evening, i'm sorry, it was anything but that according to witnesses. police say three people are dead tonight after a massacre shooting right behind me at the grand theater in lafayette, louisiana, in addition to the three people that are dead there are nine that are injured. some critically. they are at the hospital. some are not critically injured. some are not life-threatening and they might just pull through it. it all started with a regular thursday night. it was 7:00. it was theater 14 behind me. there's 16 theaters back here. there's 100 people inside the theater watching the movie
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"train wreck." a white 50-year-old male started shooting with a semiautomatic handgun in his hand starts spraying the audience and that was it -- it was pandemonium according to witnesses and we have a lot of the sound. we want to show you some of the reaction to these people. take a lynx. >> this is just really crazy. you see this on the news all the i am too. you never expected it to happen -- it's a reality check. everybody thinks that their hometowns are exempt from this thing, we're above all this craziness, but we're really above everybody else. >> reporter: now, state, local, and federal police are here. we have the fbi,asm t -- atf. police are trying to figure out what one question why did he allegedly do it? >> all right. thank you very much. right now, let's bring in
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jacob and jordan broussard. they are 19-year-old twin brothers who go to the university of lafayette. they were in the theater. tell us what you heard when the shooting started, jacob. >> we were sitting in the movie theater, the movie started at 7:15 five minutes into the movie, we heard some loud sounds. we didn't go into the movie thinking you are going to hear a gunshots. we hear some loud pops and the sirens come on and the lights come on telling us to get to the nearest exit. once we get outside, the cops are already there, sirens everywhere. we walk around to the front of the building there was a laying on the ground and she had already been shot and it was crazy. people everywhere. it was just -- it was unreal. >> jordan where were you exactly in that movie theater as it relates to where the shooting
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took place and where was that woman shot? if you could see her clearly enough or did you see any other people wounded at the time? >> i was about middle of the theater, and when we -- the sirens came on and we evacuated, walked around front, and the woman was lying probably about 50 yards away from the theater, on her side and we were about 25 yards from her. and we could see. she was attended to by a man who had helped her out of the building and had gotten her to safety. so she was -- she was on the ground she called -- they called for a cop and the cop attended to her needs. >> jacob, how long did it take for authorities to arrive? were they there quickly? >> by the time we exited the
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theater, there were multiple cop cars outside. by the time we got to the front door there was i would say, probably 25 or so cops barging through the front door with large assault rifles. we didn't know what's going on at that time. we were like man, what's going on and everybody starts to talk and it was crazy, but they were there by the time we walked out of the theater, there was cops everywhere. >> i bet there were. there is going to be a press conference live from lafayette, louisiana in the next hour or so. we'll take that live. thank you for joining us to tell us what it was like. by the way, there were two teacher heroes. one jumped in front to protect one of their friends and another reached up and rang the fire alarm and that got the -- >> they say if that one friend didn't jump in front of her friend she probably would have been shot in the head.
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we're bringing you live updates right now on the shooting as we get them that occurred in this movie theater in louisiana. we're going to say good morning to heather. you were up here early talking about this event. i want to bring you some breaking news. it is an important story. fox news alert. enemy eliminated. the pentagon now confirming that a high-ranking al qaeda leader is dead after a u.s. air strike in afghanistan, he was in charge of the groups bombing operation and he was directly linked to plots against the united states. two other terrorists were also killed. this comes after a day after another key leader who had knowledge of the september 11th attacks was killed in an american drone strike in syria. new twists coming in over night in the hillary clinton email scandal. the department of justice has been asked to open a criminal investigation to find out if the
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former secretary of state mishandled sensitive and classified information when they used that private email accounts. we're learning hundreds of those messages may have contained privileged details. this morning her spokesperson responded saying she followed all appropriate practices. brand-new information coming in on the death of sandra bland. she was a woman found dead in a texas jail three days after this traffic stop. the medical examiner ruling her death of a suicide. saying she has no signs of a defensive wounds on her body. she hanged herself inside her cell with a plastic garbage bag. she also had a significant am of marijuana in her system. and a crazy crash to tell you about when a camaro goes airborne and lands on top of another car.
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the driver in tennessee says he had a dizzy spell and lost control. no one was inside that black car, thankfully. amazingly, the driver of the camaro was not hurt. well you know what it was trump-nado in laredo. donald trump flew his 767 down to laredo texas, he was wearing his brand-new awesome hat which is make america great. he had apparently arranged to meet with law enforcement and border patrol at the last hour somebody in washington said nope you got to pull the plug. instead he toured a department of immigration facility.
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>> he ended up getting into an exchange with an msnbc reporter. he handled it. >> many feel that what you said when you said that the people across the border are rapists and murderers. >> no no we're talking about illegal immigration and everybody understands it. you know what that's a -- wait that's a typical case of the press with misinterpretation. they take a half a sentence and they take a quarter of a sentence they put it altogether it's typical things and you are with telemundo and they should be ashamed. what's really going to be fun, i'm right now suing uni-vision for $500 million. we're going to win a lot of money. so i want to just again -- no no no you are finished. >> we've heard you are fired and no you are finished and he was. >> this is why people like
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trump. how many people at home are thinking they could say? he went on to say i will win the hispanic vote. he's doing better among hispanic voters than mitt romney did in 2012. >> he did say yesterday he is for legal immigration. he supports building a wall in spots, and apparently the mayor of laredo is going to be with us very shortly. i think the mayor suggested, donald we don't need the wall right here we've got a river and patrols on both sides. we don't need that. and when asked he had i think press availability and he was asked, mr. trump what would you do with the 11 million people here in this country from mexico. he said we'll talk about that once the border gets fixed. >> he was asked also if he had seen the dangers that he was speaking about. he said he had and he would
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disclose those. let us know what you think about his hat. coming up on this friday morning, we traded five taliban terrorists to get bow bergdahl back. what's he's been up to? cops just found him during a great big pot raid. the details are next. and a major break in the case of the snowbird bandit. you won't believe who police arrested. he's the most unlikely suspect you've ever heard of. ♪ ♪
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eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. susan rice our u.n. ambassador said of bowe bergdahl when it was announced that he would be coming home that he served with honor and distinction and maybe we're learning that he may have been serving with honor and distinction and he may have been a pot head. >> we know he ended up in a pot raid in northern california. a former cia informant says it makes him sense him. he was high during captivity.
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>> an american soldier along with two or three afghan soldier were using a word that means high on hashish. >> we're going to find the results of the court-martial any day now. he's been posted at for the sam houston. there was a video when he was in captivity. how did he wind up over the weekend at a pot fire in redwood valley in california? don't know. but he was officially on leave. the army said sure go ahead. >> was not arrested. returned to his duty station. >> we had to pick him up. we had to go pick him up and bring him back. >> and he likes for people to go search for him. >> to be clear, he's an active duty service member of the u.s. military. he was serving with honor and
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distinction. his supervisor said he's not going to be charged with this. >> the people in trouble are actually growing the pot plants. here's my question. you pick somebody up. oh yeah we got to pick up a guy and take him back to fort sam. do they give him a drug test when he returns? shouldn't they give him a drug test when he returns? he's active duty. remember he's protecting us right now. he is armed. >> not very effectively, apparently. >> before his release in trade for those top 5 taliban leaders who set on killing all of us you, all americans, he was actually in the process of searching for him, we lost our own, so this is a man in a bad trade that comes back and now wanders off again and found in a pot fire. you got to be kidding me. >> if you've talked with anybody who serve with bergdahl or the
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men responsible for the search below zero -- search missions to find him, they were bitter about this. this is not something they have forgotten about it. >> we're going to talk with a man who served with him. maybe all along he was on pot or on drugs as was suggested in that sound byte we played a little while ago. don't know about that history. first time we heard about it. >> when we get details, we'll bring them to you. >> coming up next have you seen this video? >> it's not going to stop it's not going to stop! [ train horn sounds ] >> the man is right. it's not going to stop. the speeding train plows into a
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limo seen. are all those potholes taking a toll on your car? yes. ultimately it will take a toll on your wallet. we have a way to save a whole lot of money. ♪ ♪
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we've got some breaking headlines for you at this hour. first up new overnight, a judge drastically cut the bail for a truck driver. the reason? the crash investigation could take a long time. romeo is expected to post bond soon. two massive sharks terrifying swimmers at a long
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island beach. two six-foot sharks were spotted by a police helicopter swimming just 15-feet from shore. thankfully nobody was hurt. elisabeth. so about $1,000 a year is what we all spend, americans spend on repairing their cars and you know why? it's all due to crummy roads nationally steve. >> that's right. we're here in new york city which is one of the crumbiest road towns in america. robert sinclair is with aaa. he joins us live. are you surprised that the average person in america spends $1,000 on their car each year because of the lousy road conditions? >> not surprised at all. 28% of the roads in this country is in poor condition. >> what are we paying for? >> well, we're not paying enough obviously. we need more funding to be able to take care of the roads and the situation is getting worse. there's going to be more heavy trucks on the road. . >> what do we do to maintain our
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cars throughout this time when the roads are as bad they are. we should always check tire pressure. >> one of most important thing is to check tire pressure that tire is going to be compressed and ruin the tire. if it's compressed enough on the far edge of that pothole when you hit it it could damage the wheel. if the tire is properly inflated you'll be better off. >> one of the smart cars tells you what the tire inflation is. i've got these tires on my car that are called run flats. i mean you could have a nail in it take the nail out, air could go out and you can still drive it. it's kind of a -- >> steering and suspension. >> steering suspension and breaks these are the items you are going to use to avoid potholes and bad roads.
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these are things that are affected when you hit these things. what you should do is take it to a technician and put it up on a lift and check all those different things to make sure they are in good shape. you'll tear them up if you hit the roads, but you need them when you are on the roads. and brakes you need them. >> if you see something in the road my wife constantly is going didn't you see that thing you just hit. sometime you are not paying attention or you are looking down the road. you should pay close attention to what's actually in front of the car. >> i want an app that tells me when a pothole is coming. >> you should pay attention to other drivers and see if they are swerving or moving around. don't tailgate. >> make sure your windshield wipers are intact. >> we're getting a lot of bad weather this summer and with rain and what have you it's very
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important to see. visibility is important. wipers are outside all the time. think about what shape you would be in you were exposed 24 hours a day and it's a thin little piece of rubber change them every six months. >> six months? >> like going to the dentist. >> by the way, our thanks to hertz, the rental car company for bringing this nice vehicle is in perfect condition. >> now. keep driving it and see what happens. >> let's see what happens when they take it back to la guardia. safer on the road. chucker, your right is ready? >> it's in perfect shape. a major break in the case of the snowbird bandit cht you won't believe who police just arrested. he's the most unlikely suspect you could imagine. we'll tell you coming up. and rush hour coming to a halt. trains being rerouted. the reason one little kitten.
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and happy birthday to jennifer lopez, who turns 46 today, if you can believe it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ today, on 7/24 we'd like to shine the spotlight on the ones who work 24/7.
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allowing them to enjoy life. separately. and together. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. we're back with our top story this morning. breaking news a man opens fire inside a movie theater in louisiana, killing two people and injuring nine others before turning the gun on minimum receive. >> and this morning, we're already hearing incredible stories of her rowism amid this tragedy. >> casey seegall is live with more. >> what we know is chilling. that gunman purchased a ticket sat down in the theater and started watching the movie
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"trainwreck". he stood up in the dark and opening fire. the man did not say a single word the entire time eventually turning the gun and killing himself. when it was all of a sudden and done he had injured nine people and killed two people. we know one of the people hurt said to be critical at this hour. the victims range in age from late teens to early 60s. authorities say the suspect is a 58-year-old white male. they have identified him but investigators not releasing his name. now they are trying to figure out why he did it. louisiana governor bobby jindal said two school teachers inside the theater were hurt and this morning one of the teachers being credited with saving not only her colleagues life but the other 100-plus people inside the theater when the shots raining out. >> her friend jumped over her
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and actually saved her life. if they hadn't done that she believes that bullet would have shot her in the head. she had the presence of mind to pull the fire alarm to save lives. >> amy exhume -- schumer is the star of that movie and says her heart is broken and her prayers are with the people of louisiana. bobby jindal will be with us next hour to talk about what happened last night at the movie theater in lafayette. >> possibly he will have details on the shooter on this. >> and what were his prior offenses if any, if they are relevant to the shooting here. in the meantime we'll talk to heather now. >> great to be with you: let's
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start on a lighter note. listen to this story, maybe you don't want to do it. an elusive bank rub -- robber www. -- dubbed the snow bird bandit. he's a former l.a.p.d. detective. police have been looking for him. his family was the one was the one who tipped off police. have scientists discovered earth's long lost twin. nasa's telescope discovered a planet 1400 light years away. scientists say it's 60% larger than earth, and a bit older with a rocky terrain. and a terrifying piece of
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video to show you this morning. a freight train barreling down the tracks in the direction of a limousine. look. >> it's not going to stop. it's not going to stop. [ train horn sounding ] >> oh, goodness. well that limo apparently got stuck in the tracks in indiana. it was taking a bunch of teenagers to a sweet 16 party. it skidded across the tracks but that outcome nothing short of a miracle. everyone inside that limousine managed to walk away without a scratch. imagine that. the hunt for a run away cat cripples the massive new york city subway system. come here kitty. mta workers spent 40 minutes trying to track down that cat. his name is george. he got off of his leash and
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jumped on to the track during a trip to the vet. 83 trains had to be rerouted. tsktd a whole lot of commuters here in new york city just to get that little feline. >> i'm sure the new yorkers were really okay with that. come on let's go. >> america loves animals. >> and nypd getting down on the tracks for kitty george who is okay thanks to their efforts. time for your fox friends. >> we have sunshine pleasant levels of humidity. we don't have all of those going on groos parts of the -- across parts of the plains. we have a severe storms on the moving. each day we're looking at large hail damaging winds and
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isolated tornadoes possible, that will be something big to watch. otherwise, across the central plains the heat is really in place. we're looking at heat index values into the triple digits. places like tulsa could feel like 110 degrees this afternoon. watch out for that extreme heat in place across parts of the plains. farther east we mentioned the beautiful weather in new york city the rest of the northeast looks quiet as well. we're looking at temperatures ranging from the 80s to the 60s in parts of new england. in out west wild fires, we're looking at dry conditions for today and blustery winds across parts of montana so red flag warning are in place there. maria, thank you very much. it's going to be a hot day. meanwhile, donald trump takes his campaign to the texas border after receiving an invitation from the border patrol but just before he got there, the border
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patrol union that controlled the agents down there backed out of the event and trump thinks he knows why. >> we have a tremendous danger on the border with illegals coming in. as you know the border patrol was the one that invited me. i think most of you had that invitation. we sent it. the border patrol invited me. the reason they invited me was because of the tremendous problem and the tremendous crime and all of the things that you are talking about, so they invited me and then at the last moment i mean we were virtually in the air, accident they -- and they said we can't get involved and i heard they got those orders from washington. >> pete saenz is the mayor of la radar doe texas. you, unlike the border patrol you welcomed donald trump to your city and why did you do that and what did you think? >> we're welcoming, caring city. mr. trump obviously is a huge
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political figure and him and others are welcome to our city and it was interesting, we had a good day with him, you know we thought as a municipality as a city that we can impress on him, you know certain things that actually occur that we live and see here by the border. laredo texas, is by the border we consistent of 260,000 folks. some of them are frankly undocumented you know folks. so we know what's going on and obviously immigration is a big thing for us as well, the immigration issue. personally i feel that we need comprehensive immigration reform and mr. trump apparently feels the same way but in a different take. we don't -- at least i don't feel or agree with him that we should deport 11 or 12 million, you know folks. we have people that have been here you know second and third generations families well
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rooted yeah in our community, and that we need to think about that too. >> i know that when he was asked yesterday what will you do with the 11 million here he said we'll talk about that once the border is secured. but you know you are somebody who would like to make sure that the border is secured. he has said in the past that he supports building a wall on parts of the border. he also is supposed to talk to the border patrol agents but at the last minute they pulled the plug on his tour of wherever they were going to meet with him. where did he go? tell us about the spot the facility for the department of homeland security the immigration facility that he did tour. >> we felt it was an opportunity to showcase highlight our city. we took him to the world trade bridge. that bridge is a number two port or bridge in the nation as far as trade. laredo texas, does close to $200 billion worth of trade with
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mexico and it all flows and transfers here in laredo texas. mr. trump, we gave him a private presentation as to numbers, trade numbers, and how our facilities work in terms of trade, and frankly, i think he was impressed. he was attentive, and i think he got the message that the border area is crucial, especially laredo texas, is crucial to our nation. >> mr. mayor, very quickly, you live on the international border. trump says you are not getting enough help from washington to secure the border. do you agree? >> well no we have over 1,400 federal people border patrol people here very much part of the community and economy too and we work very closely with them. he asked me also whether if
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laredo texas, is a sanctuary city. we are not a sanctuary city. we adhere to the rule of law. we follow we work in the event through the course of the investigation of any offense, the immigration status comes up you know we call border patrol and they take it from there. we follow the law, yes, sir. >> well, he also made it very clear that laredo is a boom town. you've got a lot of business going through down interstate 35 there in the united states into mexico. mr. mayor, you got to be very proud that the whole world was looking in your town yesterday. thank you for joining us live. >> thank you for the invitation. appreciate it. >> coming up on this friday hillary clinton saying this about the sandra bland case. >> i think it is essential that we all stand up and say loudly and clearly, yes, black lives
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matter. >> now an autopsy shows she had pot in her system when she killed herself so what does this case have to do with race? and here's a question do daily cross word puzzles keeps your memory sharp? everyone says it. is it true? we separate fact from fiction just ahead. ooh pizza rolls! ahh! they're ready! make summer awesummer with totino's pizza rolls. and get a free movie ticket when you spend $10. ♪ to steady betty. to steady betty. fire it up! ♪ am i the only one with a meeting?
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autopsy results now reveal a woman found dead in a texas jail after a controversial traffic stop died at her own hands as a result of suicide. her family claims the officer was abusive. they are call for a justice department investigation into what democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton commented on what happened. >> it's heart breaking to read about another death, sandra
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bland in texas, another young african-american life cut short and that's why i think it is essential that we all stand up and say loudly and clearly, yes, black lives matter. >> well, of course it was heart breaking sandra bland's death. was it the result of racism? joining us next is kevin jackson. if you watch the video of sandra blan's arrest most people would acknowledge, the officer was very grafs with her -- aggressive with her. what do you make of politicians jumping into this making this about race? is it justified, do you think? >> of course not. it's funny you watch the hillary clinton clip and you know for a fact she's been coached on this especially on the heels of the
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o'malley incident especially where he backed away from the all lives matter. it's pretty patronizing and insulting to black people that hillary clinton would do it. it's so contrived. she wants to appear that she really cares about black lives and the fact is when she was the first lady of arkansas she didn't care and when she was first lady of america she department care. some of the most heinous offenses that are happening right now in the black community happened under her husband, so when you look at -- she takes sandra bland who tragically died if you look at the number of people who have died hillary clinton has not made a similar statement about it. it's highly politicized. it's her way to get black people to get more energized about her campaign. >> it's a way of whipping up people's fears. hillary clinton is saying yes, black america you have every
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basis to be afraid. >> if you are looking at what the left is trying to do with the narrative of the police, it's pregnant frightening -- pretty frightening obviously. she's creating this idea that black folks have to be concerned about the cops and sandra bland there's no reason it should have escalated to that point. i blame the officer for getting a little you know in many ways but at the end of the day, sandra bland very well could have had a fear created by all this fer vor created about what could happen if you are stopped by a cop. if you are stopped by a cop, as a black american it happens millions of times a year you do what they tell you. i don't want to take anything away from her, i think he was a zel lot in the way he approached
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it. coming up an amazing rescue caught on camera. watch and listen to this. to this. people came together to lift a car off a woman pinned to the ground. it's a remarkable story. we've got details straight ahead. stay tuned for that. you've been told many times playing cross word puzzles will keep your mind sharp if for your age. is that true? we'll put that to the test coming up next.
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there's new research out
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teaching us more about alzheimer's disease and how memory loss may develop two times faster in women. what can you do to keep things sharp? here with memory tips and busting myths, dr. segal. good morning. >> i'm going to quiz you again. you ready? >> do we have a choice? >> cross word puzzles, do they help you remember things keep you sharp? >> no. >> tucker right. fiction. >> why did my grandma do 80 years then? >> they helped her with cross word puzzles. a little part of the brain. next one. closing your eyes helps memory fact or fiction? >> come on. >> fact. >> fiction. >> that's actually fact. elisabeth is right. there's a issuestudy that shows if
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you're tried for a crime, you close your eyes. you're more likely to remember the fact. >> you're more likely to remember your alibi. >> you're zoning out distractions. >> that's a good point. >> close your eyes when trying to remember. number three. exercising does that keep your mind fit? everybody is right about that. it improves blood flow to the brain, nutrients to the brain. it is really good for improving brain function. that's what i recommend for everyone. get out in the morning and exercise. number four we use 10% of our brains. >> heard that a million times. >> that's in animal house. that's true. >> steve is right. that's fiction. studies show we use 30%. elisabeth uses about 50%. seriously. >> is that a joke? >> that's a joke. >> i probably mean it but
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that's a joke. any way, the truth is we use more than 10%. we use all parts of our brain at all times. >> to recap -- >> one more. saving info to a computer. does that help your memory saving info to a computer? >> nothing about computers helps your memory. elisabeth and tucker are right. when you save to a compute e it frees up your memory for more stuff. you don't remember the stuff you wrote codown. if you lose your iphone or computer and you're stumbling around. i frees you up. >> it's like having phone numbers in your phone. >> exactly. >> put down the cross word puzzle books. it's not helping your memory. >> don't lose your iphone. otherwise, you're going to
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forget everything. >> doctor's orders. >> thank you. coming up on "fox & friends" on this friday. which of these three guys got an f for a grade this week? the shocking answer when we roll on live from fact or fictionville. understands the life behind it. those who have served our nation. have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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good morning to you. today is friday july 24th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. families run for their lives when a shooter opens fire inside a crowded theater. >> we heard loud pops and the sirens go off, lights go on telling the us to get to nearest and exit. >> the gunman murdered two before killing himself. we have breaking details in moments. . donald trump makes a splash at the texas-u.s. border. he takes on the press. listen to this. >> we're talking illegal
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immigration. everyone understands. i just again want to thank you. no no you're finished. >> ever wanted to say that to a reporter? trump did. we've got the full story coming up. >> that was really something. meanwhile, she blew her $90,000 college fund on vacations and fancy clothes and now wants her mom and dad to bail her out with their retirement funds. dad won't do it so she's calling him a jerk. she's going to have to work if she wants that money. what's she going to do? stick around because fridays are better with friends. we're getting right to that fox news alert. terror inside a movie theater. two people are dead and nine injured after a shooting in louisiana. the gunman also dead. >> the investigation just getting underway at the grand
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theater in lafayette, louisiana. the big question this morning, why? >> casey is live with the details on this breaking story. good morning casey. >> good morning to you. we are waiting for a press conference in lafayette, louisiana where officials will update us. that's expected to start any minute. police say the gunman purchased a ticket walk into that theater, sat down and started watching the movie "train wreck" at 7:10 last night. the first calls about the shooting came in at 7:30. police say the man stood up 20 minutes into the movie and started opening fire. when all said and done he shot and killed two people and injured nine at the grand 16 movie theater in lafayette. we know one of the people hurt said to be critical at this hour. the victims range in age from late teens to early 60s. the suspect is a 58-year-old
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white male. they identified him however investigators are not releasing his name. now they're trying to figure out motive. they say they may never know because the man took his own life. 100 inside the screening, hundreds more in the building watching other flicks. listen to one guy describe what he saw amid the mayhem. >> you don't think you're going to hear gunshots. we hear loud pops and sirens go off, lights go on telling us to get to nearest exit. there was a woman lying on the ground that had been shot. it was crazy. >> those two boys are brothers if you couldn't tell. they look awfully similar. they were out on a thursday night like most people were trying to take in a movie. we should tell you state and local and federal authorities are on the ground investigating.
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there's an elaborate crime scene they have to from process. >> thank you. >> we have the vice president from the ambulance. what was the scene like when you arrived at theater in lafayette? >> yeah good morning. when they arrived the scene was chaotic. there was about 100 inside the theater. when they made entry to where the victims were they were scat scattered all over. some were still hiding for safety. they were shot underneath the chairs and chairs and seats, scared to come out until medics were able to get to them and bring them to the triage area. >> there were nine patients transported to three area hospitals. what were the injuries you were
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made aware of and what was the process like? >> sure. s of nine patients transported, there were injuries to their limbs, legs torso, chest area arms hands. a few were minor to moderate. some were very serious and critical. although owei haven't been able to confirm it we had a report last night one of the patients passed away. >> we hope that's not true. how long have you been in this business? how does yesterday's tragedy compare to others you've seen? >> i've been with the company 36 years. we've gone through hurricane katrina that rita that hit a couple weeks after that plus gustav and ike. i've seen a lot in 36 years but nothing like this. although we see it frequently it's hard to imagine it in
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lafayette. it's truly the gateway to cajun culture in south louisiana. lafayette is a loving, close knit, family oriented community. it's hard to imagine something like that happening here. i have no doubt the people here are going to rally behind family members and take good care of them. >> indeed. you got the call and responded. clay henry has been with the ambulance company decades joins us from lafayette. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> and as casey said a moment ago, a press conference is scheduled to begin in the next hour or so. little gray now on the details. as soon as it happens, because apparently they have identified the shooter but not released his name for some reason. assuming we might have some answers. >> we'll talk to the governor of louisiana coming up next hour. >> in the meantime we turn to heather with a fox news alert.
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i certainly do. good morning to all. we start with a fox news alert. a u.s. air strike in afghanistan leaving a high ranking al qaeda member dead. he was in charge of the terror group bombing operations and directly linked to plots against the united states. two other terrorists were killed in that strike. this comes days after another key leader who had knowledge of the 9/11 attacks was killed by american drone strike in syria. back here at home overnight, a twist in the hillary clinton e-mail scandal. the justice department is asked to open a criminal investigation to see if the former secretary of state mishandled confidential and classified information on personal e-mail accounts. we'll hear more about this throughout the day. brand new information copming
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in on the death of sandra bland, the woman found can dead in the texas jail three days after the traffic stop. an autopsy found she had quote, a significant amount of pot in her system. the coroner ruling a suicide saying there's no signs of defensive wounds. she hanged herself inside her jail cell with a plastic garbage bag. her death sparked debate at whether or not she died at the hands of police. a new picture going viral. this is amazing. it shows staff sergeant on the right holding his infant son. they're recreating the photo you see on the left of dallas and his father when he was very young. dallas wanted to recreate the photo to pay tribute to his family's military legacy. his dad was speechless. beautiful. love that story. we've got tough news to bring you and love to see a
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that. >> chills looking at that foephoto. thanks for that. donald trump landed in the laredo airport. his hat was cool looking if i don't say so myself. he was supposed to meet with law enforcement officials with border patrol but at last minute they got word from washington don't do it or you're going to be in trouble. they had to cancel. nonetheless, the mayor and city manager rolled out the red carpet for donald trump. >> he rolled with the punches up to a point when he was confronted with a msnbc reporter. trump shut him down. >> you said the people across the border are rapists and murderer. >> we're talking illegal immigration. you know what -- wait -- that's
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a typical case of press with misinterpretation. they take a half sentence and quarter of a sentence and put it all together. you're with tellmundo. they should be ashamed. what's really fun is i'm suing univision. i want to thank you. no no you're finished. >> the crowd is going crazy. he's the one guy not afraid to exercise his first amendment right. he's totally bold. whether you agree or not, it's thrilling to watch. >> he had a gotcha question. >> by comparison to hillary clinton who ropes off reporters, doesn't answer question to
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anybody. now donald trump, like you said whether you like him or not, he answers a ton of questions. upon his arrival, he answered every question in the crowd close to him on the ground there. i thought many people are responding. you heard the crowd there. donald trump doesn't hold back. >> if you were one of the other guys and watching trump, you're seeing his numbers go up and your numbers drop or stay. wouldn't you think, man up a little bit. people like it. >> keep it real. >> apparently there were a number of demonstrators but equal number of supporters. that was eclipsed by the number of press in laredo texas to watch donald trump. we were telling you the story about how nancy pelosi was referring to sanctuary city act going through congress. if you're a sanctuary city and don't enforce the laws federal government should stop giving you money.
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that so called donald trump act, really should be called kate steinle act since she's the woman who died and that's the reason we're talking about it these days that act passed the u.s. congress yesterday. president obama had threatened if it does get to his desk he will veto it. >> because enforcing the law is wrong. >> you heard josh earnest say we don't take these matters seriously. awful. amazing rescue caught on camera. watch and listen to this. people coming together to lift a car off a woman pinned to the ground. the story coming your way. >> unbelievable. who needs superman when you've got people to help. we traded five taliban terrorists to get bergdahl back. what's he been up to?
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how high you mean? he was caught during a massive pot raid. what does the commander in charge the day he went missing think about that? he's next on "fox & friends" live from new york city. ♪ are you still getting heartburn flare-ups? time for a new routine. try nexium® 24hr. the latest choice for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection.
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remember this story? we traded five of the worst taliban prisoners in gitmo for that man's release before he was charged with desertion. now the latest place bergdahl popped up in the middle of a california pot farm. >> so how should the families of united states soldiers who were killed trying to find him feel that bergdahl was on leave visiting old friends when authorities raided that pot farm? we have the commander of special forces the day bergdahl went missing and author of "warrior diplomat." thank you for your service and for being on "fox & friends." how do you feel about him being in the marijuana farm after being on relief? >> it's infuriating and not surprising. it's worth reminding we have 12,000 u.s. soldiers serving in harm's way in afghanistan. sergeant bergdahl is still on
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active duty. instead of doing what he should be doing, he's on leave in a pot farm. he's a soldier that got mad at chain of command and desserted. he put fellow soldiers in harm's way, put his family through hell. now this. >> we've had stories on this channel how a number of people looking for him after he desserted were killed. >> sure. i testified next to the family of first lieutenant andrews who died on patrol in the area they never would have been in unless they were searching for sergeant bergdahl. my own special forces operators were baited into ambushes by the taliban because they knew we were pulling out all stops to look for this guy. they knew that we would do whatever it took.
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helicopters, met vac units, predator drone, all resources were diverted to find him. those were things that could have been used to help other soldiers and units as we were fighting the enemy. he is responsible for death of multiple soldiers that i personally witnessed and were in operations with. i'm glad the army is going to hold him accountable. this is just another selfish act by a soldier who doesn't have regard for the army and his country. >> given all that it's bewildering for us at home. here's a guy facing life in prison about to go on trial. he's out gets swept up in a drug raid. the pentagon says no harm no foul. he's not held accountable. why? >> i don't know the exact details of the case. i think they're still evolving. i do think it's just egregious that rather than be with his family or rather than doing a number of other things he's out
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on a pot farm when he's on the verge of facing life in prison. it's worth reminding that the five taliban commanders from guantanamo bay are on the verge of being released from their house arrest in. >> do they give him a drug test? >> great question. not sure. i would if i were his commander. >> no kidding. we all would. michael walt special forces, sir, thank you. >> thanks. >> tucker what's coming up? >> they've made news all week, but which of these guys got an "f" for what he said? we have that next. and a college student blew her $90,000 college fund on vacations and fancy clothes. now she wants mom and dad to
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bail her out with their retirement fund. should they do it? we're going to talk about it. ♪ you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't
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at 4 minutes at the top of the hour time for "news by the numbers." 87%, majority of undocumented immigrants stay in the country under the president's new immigration policy. 25 22,500 is how many pieces of mail a delivery man hoarded in his home. $90,000 is how much a student
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spent on her college fund in just three years. now she struggles to pay for her senior year. imagine that. would you stand for that? >> not one second. it's been a busy week in politics from donald trump giving out lindsey graham's cell phone number to graham's video of him destroying that phone by force. it's been an amazing week for republican presidential rivals. we have the answers now with the dials. lee, great to see you this morning. bringing science to this question we're going to start off with this viral video of senator lindsey graham of south carolina having his cell number given out be by donald trump. watch this. >> i watch this idiot lindsey graham on television today. he calls me a jackass. he wanted to know whether or not i could give him a good
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reference on "fox & friends." he wanted to know. he gave me his number. i found the card. i wrote the number down. i don't know if it's the right must be. let's try it. 202 -- >> i may be a little out of touch with america, but this is the greatest video ever. did america feel that away? >> they didn't. they gave him an "f." >> for fabulous? >> people have a hard time saying i love it when people are negative. people think he's tough. even though they give him an "f" people are having conversations they've never had before. >> that's so interesting. they may officially disapprove but they're amused. >> exactly. >> interesting. graham responded by destroying his cell phone. this video is everywhere. if you haven't seen it here it is.
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now, am i misreading this dial? it seems like the more aggressive he gets with his phone phone, the more people like it. >> people thought it was humorous. some upset he still used a flip phone. people were like you're out of touch using a flip phone dude. >> interesting. so marco rubio, the senator from florida, weighed in on the donald trump question this week and suggested trump is not wor worthy of the highest office. >> the president of the united states is not top government official it's leader of our
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people and nation. it's important we have -- to conduct presidency it has to be done in a dignified way. >> do you believe trump -- >> i don't believe his behavior is dignified or worthy of the office he seeks. we have a president now that has no class. it's important for us to have presidency that restores dignity in the white house. >> wait a second. trump is the classiest to operate in the casino. here rubio says he had month class. what did voters think? >> rubio is at his best when he's positive. rubio is supposed to be a fresh face somebody different. people didn't respond when he did this. the dial took a dive. >> interesting. is it true criticism of trump
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also falls flat? i'm not sure it falls flat but people don't like when you're slamming each other. they want to know more actbout what you're doing. sometimes those things stick. >> good to see you. >> thanks. this next video is unbelievable. watch this. that's the country you live in ladies and gentlemen. it's still the best in the world. people coming together to lift a car off a woman pinned underneath it. the remarkable rescue ahead. we'll tell you what happened. these students made their teacher cry. what did they do? stay tuned. it's awesome.
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we are back with our top story for you. you are looking at a live view from lafayette, louisiana where police are moments away from holding a press conference on last night's deadly movie theater shooting. >> two were killed nine others hurt before the shooter turned the gun on himself. >> remarkable and ugly scene in lafayette. casey is live with the latest on what happened last night. good morning casey. >> good morning to you. there was an interesting development. we hope to learn more at the press conference. apparently a motel 6 close to that theater currently searched eded by police one room in particular. we don't know what the connection is with the motel to the shooting.
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police are there taking things out of the room, questions folks at the time motel. let's see a what they have to say at the press conference. police say the man walk into the theater, started watching the movie, 20 minutes in stood up and opened fire with a handgun. eyewitnesses say the man didn't say a word the whole time eventually turning the gun and shooting himself. he shot and killed two and injured nine. the victims range in age from late teens to early 60s. authorities say i the suspect is a 58-year-old white male. they have identified him, but investigators are not releasing his name. they say he has multiple addresses and multiple states. louisiana governor bobby jindal say two schoolteachers inside were hurt. one is credited with saving her colleague's life and other 100
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plus people inside the theater when shots rang out. take a listen. okay sorry about that. we were going to play a sound bite with governor jindal talking about the teachers there. a miraculous story. they were going to that movie, the "train wreck" film. apparently when the shots rang out, we had one of the teachers jumped in front of her colleague and took a bullet for her. then managed to pull the fire alarm to evacuate the entire building. a lot of people are crediting that teacher, two women at the theater last night. a lot of people are crediting the fact they pulled the fire alarm. it may have in fact saved more lives. again, this is all fluent. we're waiting on that press conference to begin. >> thank you for.
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that imagine the heroism of the teachers. one jumps over the other to protect her. the other, while shot thanks to her friend manages to reach for the alarm and pull it saving the lives of others. >> pretty awesome. >> they were in a movie theater e heard the pop, pop, thought it was part of the movie. they saw flashes and thought this is no part of the movie. in the meantime, we've got headlines with heather. we like choice when it comes to insurance and health care providers. that is changing. we have a fox news alert. mayjor business and health news now. an a mega merger could shape the health care industry. it leaves three major player miss the health insurance game. the company will cover 53 million americans. experts say one driving factor
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behind the merger obama care. what an incredible act of heroism as strangers join emergency responders to lift a car to save a trapped motorcyclist. look at that team work there. the woman was pinned after a crash in dallas texas. rescuers first tried using a jack to get the car off the victim. that didn't work so they decided to rely on their own strength instead of waiting for more equipment to arrive. the crowd pulled the woman to safety safety. she will be okay. we have seen this story too many many times summer. a mother is arrested for leaving her daughter inside a very hot
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car while shopping in wal-mart. 20-year-old is charged. the temperatures reached 108 degrees in the car. unbelievable. you're not supposed to make your teacher cry but in this case it is okay. take a look. ♪ >> oh goodness. a staten island elementary score chorus singing "i'll love you through it" for their teacher fighting cancer. bringing tears to our eyes. elisabeth, i see. i that connection between students and teachers --
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>> so sweet. >> incredible. thanks for that heather. awesome. next stop another good one. lemonade. a bus driver in boston saw four kids selling lemonade on the side of the road and thought why not treat the passengers to it. he pulled the bus around and bought a cup for every person on his bus. what inspired him to do that good deed? joining us now is the very bus driver john lowhan and kids behind the stand. hi guys. well done with your lemonade stand. >> hi. >> you've done this 19 years, been driving with ntba almost 20 years now. what made you stop for this lemonade stand? >> i don't know. something about lemonade stands. my biggest thinking was it would give the children a thrill a story to tell the rest of their lives, hopefully to their
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grandchildren. >> what a great story. we hear a lot of not so great things sometimes happening now. i think the reason everyone loves the fact you did this because it's a bright light in our day. >> aaron, when you is that true bus pull over and everyone come out to buy your lemonade, what did you think? >> weshlgsll i thought the bus driver, well, john was pulling over to let people out. when he came with his wallet we were all excited. we just came out for our second round. this was our first customer of the second round. we were all happy. >> cameron, what did you think when the bus pulled over and people wanted to buy your lemonade? what did you think, pretty cool? >> yeah. >> what's the special ingredient to your lemonade that made everybody want to have it? >> we just put lemons in it. >> well why not? that's how the recipe goes.
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was that the best sale you've ever had shannon? >> yeah it was pretty good. >> bridget, did that brighten your day? >> it really did. >> you brightened ours. john thank you for your time. thank you for making "fox & friends" your first stop for the day. if we could stop by we would drive over. made ussmile. love that. >> great. coming up on this friday he rushed to the scene last night after the gunman opened fire in the movie theater with 100 inside. he killed two people the gunman did. up next louisiana governor bobby jindal joins us live from lafayette. ♪ ♪ it may seem strange, but people really can love their laxative. especially when it's miralax. it hydrates, eases and softens to unblock your system naturally so you have peace of mind from start
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details on the movie theater shooting in lafayette, louisiana last night. three people are dead including the shooter who officials say committed suicide right at the scene. joining us now with the latest is louisiana governor bobby jindal. thank you for being here. as we understand you have suspended your campaign and will remain in the area until more information is released. is that right? >> look absolutely. we're going to do whatever we can to support our community here. this is a time for us to come together. last night was an awful night for lafayette. i was at a hospital meeting with family members who were rushing to different hospitals to find out if loved ones had been shot tragically if they had been killed. hoping for the best possible news. this is end of summer break. people are going to see a comedy in last few days of s ofs of vacation. amazing stories of heroism. law enforcement were running into the theater towards the
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danger as they could hear gunshots. appears the gunman tried to escape with the crowd. he had his car parked nearby so he could kb getget out. he went back inside and shot himself. who know what is else he may have planned. couple of teachers i'll share with you quick. i visited with family and friends as they were treated at hospital. one teach jumped in front of another and may have saved her life by doing that. both got injured. the second teacher that got shot many the leg managed to pull the fire alarm. who knows how many lives she may have saved. awful, awful night for our community and country. amazing acts of heroism and and selflessness. we'll hear more stories from inside the theater. now is the time for prayer. now is time to love these families and come together and be united. it's going to be tears, not going to be easy. this is a time we will get through this and come together.
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>> you can did indicate to us you have been speaking to local police. they'll have a press conference. it's going to be half an hour from now. you would not reveal to us any details, but apparently they're going to become clear in half an hour. they're piecing together who this guy is right? >> they are. look they obviously know a lot more than what we've told poke sfolks. they know identity of the gunman and things about his background. they're still piecing together the investigation. state police is giving support to local police. fbi is here. they've talked to gunman's family he be smembers. they're piecing together that information. they'll be able to share more details 7:15 local time 8:15 your time. the important thing now is to help these families recover. those injured.
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at least one is in critical condition. some are at local hospitals. >> tell us about that. eight still receiving medical treatment. how are they doing? >> well look the injuries range in seriousness. some are braise wounds. there's one patient in critical condition. one died last night at a hospital after being taken there. i know family members are anxious. it was a chaotic scene last night. as you imagine, people fleeing to the theater, ambulances taking folks to the hospital as quickly as possible. today as folks in lafayette wake up -- this is a theater near the local university, normal part of the community. this is a place people routinely go to see movies. it was a range of ages in victims young adults to older victims as well. this could have happened anywhere. this is a thing you hear over and over why here?
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you never imagine it would happen in louisiana or lafayette. look people are both upset and angry at the same time. angry such awful things happen but sadenned for the losses in a tight knit community. i was at the emergency room. one who is known in the local community. this shocked folks this could happen to somebody they knew. >> governor of the great state of louisiana joining us from lafayette. thank you. >> thank you. >> he had revealed something we did not know before. after the shooting shot the people inside the theater, as everybody was evacuating he tried to slip out with them. the police were there. he turned around killed himself. >> seems like he had a different plan. >> the governor revealed to us his car was close by so he could potentially escape. >> more details from the local police in lafayette coming up 25
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minutes from now. meanwhile, still ahead. cheaters exposed thanks to a massive hack of the controversial website ashley madison. it's a cheater website. what if your spouse was one of them? what can you do to protect yourself? peter is coming up next. >> hi peter. on this date in 2000, the song "it's gonna be me" by n'sync n'sync. ♪ they're ready! make summer awesummer with totino's pizza rolls. and get a free movie ticket when you spend $10. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24.
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mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone rings] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around.
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. a bunch of cheaters have been exposed. hackers targeting the affair affair-aiding website. what does this mean for couples who's one of the two might have been a cheat senator peteer johnson junior visits us with a family. >> it means a lot of trouble at the no tell motel. a lot of people are sweating across the united states and canada. 36 or 37 million people who's identity apparently has been hacked. we're talking with the family steve and janice married almost 35 years. how would you react? >> neither one of you have used ashley madison, right?
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>> not at all. >> that's what you're telling us. >> we believe them. yes. >> how do folks react to this? >> it's a very interesting situation. i think in the end, people would be shaking in their boots. >> is the guy sweating? >> guy is sweating very concerned about this point. >> as a great wife what would you be saying? >> alarmed. very upset this is happening. i think it's exposed for a reason. i'm glad it's exposed so it can stop. so this doesn't keep happening. >> do these folks kind of deserve this? >> yes. i think it's ironic but definitely. >> they're cheaters. if i was involved with a website, and my name was released i would be on this program with a skillet dent in my head from my wife. on the website, it said 100% guaranteed safe. don't those people have a big
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lawsuit? >> that's what these folks thought. if you look at terms of service and small print, they don't guarantee anyone's privacy. on top of that they can sell the information. all these guys and gals up there, heavy 73 and little aliases, they can sell it on this particular site. there will probably be a class action against them for not properly encrypting this site for these hacks. a lot of people are kind of upset. >> no kidding. thank you. >> great family. welcome to new york. >> thank you. very nice. >> what would you do? coming up on this friday we traded taliban five bad guys on the right for bowe bergdahl on the lift from gitmo. what's bowe been up to? he was stopped for a massive pot raid in california.
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oh man. bowe, say it ain't so. ♪ from
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. good morning to you. today is friday july 24th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. this is a fox news alert. families run for their life when a shooter opens fire inside a crowded movie theater. >> we hear loud pops. sirens go off, lights come on telling us to get to nearest exit. >> the murderer killed two before killing himself. we have breaking details for you in moments. meanwhile, we traded five taliban terrorists ss at gitmo to get bowe bergdahl back. what's he been up to? he was just found at a pot farm.
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this commander furious. >> he put us in harm including me. he put his family through hell. he put the country in a terrible position. this is what he's doing on leave. >> he's not done. you know him as the duck commander. willy robertson has an idea who should be commander-in-chief of the u.s. he tells the us who's he supporting coming up. and here's some advice. mornings are better with friends. we start this hour of "fox & friends" as you can see fox news alert, live view from lafayette, louisiana where we are about to have a police press conference to start shortly within the next 10 or 15 minutes on last night's deadly movie theater shoot manage lafayette at that
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theater. >> that's right steve. two people were killed nine others hurt before the shooter turned the gun on himself. >> casey is live this morning with more we know about the tragedy last night. good morning casey. >> yeah good morning to you guys. that press conference keeps getting pushed back pushed back. we hope it starts soon and we get new information. what we know frankly is chilling. police say the gunman purchased a ticket went into the theater, sat down and started watching the movie "train wreck." about 20 minutes in, he stood up in the dark and started firing. in fact the people in front of him said to be hit first. when it was all said and done he shot and killed two and injured nine at the grand 16 theater in lafayette before taking his own life. three people total dead including the shooter. we know at least one of the injured said to be in critical condition. the victims range in age from
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late teens to early 60s. authorities say the suspect is a 58-year-old white male. they have identified him but investigators are not releasing his name. 100 were inside the screening alone. hundreds more in the building watching other flicks. listen to an eyewitness scribedescribe what he saw and heard amid the mayhem. >> you don't think you're going to hear a gunshot. we heard loud upons, and the sirens come off, lights go on telling us to get to nearest exit. we walked around the building and there was a woman laying on the ground. she had been shot. it was crazy. >> those boys are brothers. you heard him talking about the sirens going off. a schoolteacher inside the theater was shot and managed to pull the fire alarm alerting the entire movie complex that there was an emergency going on. of course the governor of louisiana and many others are
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crediting that teacher for saving an awful lot of lives last night. thank you for. that. >> is there anything we know about the motel 6 being investigated now and also if the victims in front of the shooter were known to the shooter? >> we don't think the victims were known to the shooter. the police said last night they thought he acted alone and don't know why he targeted this specific theater. we can tell you there's a motel 6 not far from the theater. there's police activity this morning. we don't know if the gunman perhaps had stay there had or rented a room there. police are searching one of the rooms and talking to other guests that the particular motel. we hope to learn more in this press schedule youd soon. >> thank you. just random. >> we'll find out. we also have breaking news for you.
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heather is going to bring that your way now. >> good morning to you. breaking business news that will affect millions and millions across the country. the insurance company anthem agreeing to buy cig that for whopping $54 billion. this is a mega merger that could reshape the health care industry. it leaves three mayor play-- major player this is the health care market. executives say the merger limited profits by obama care. a high ranking al qaeda member is dead. he was in charge of the terror groups bombing operations and was directly linked to plots against the united states. two other terrorists were killed in this strike. this comes days after another
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leader was killed by american drone strike? syria. we are learning details about the death of sandra bland. she's the woman found dead in a texas jail three days after this traffic stop. her autopsy showed a significant amount of pot in her system. the medical examiner ruling her death a suicide saying there were no signs of defensive wounds. there's a debate about whether or not she died at the hands of police. take a look at this. looks like it's not a real picture, but it is. that is a killer whale trapped on the rocks in canada. someone spotted this young orca as the tide headed out. researchers were able to get to the whale, keeping her wet and cool for hours waiting for tide to come back in. the whale was able to inch back into the water. isn't that amazing? those are headlines.
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fantastic that whale was okay. we love animals here. >> we sure do. >> america loves animals. meanwhile, let's talk politics. donald trump took his 757 down to texas yesterday. it was the trumpnado in laredo as one website said yesterday. what's interesting is he famously has taken up the cause of illegal immigration in this country. when a reporter from msnbc tried to in mr. trump's words, twist his word mr. trump let him have it. watch this. >> do you feel what you said when you said the people across the border were rapists and murderers -- >> no no. we're talking illegal immigration. everybody understands it. that's a typical case of the press with misinterpretation.
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they take a half sentence quarter sentence and put it all together. you're with tellemundo. what's really going to be fun. i'm right now suing univision for $500 million. we're going to win a lot of money. so i want to just again -- i want to thank you. no no you're finished. >> you know what in some cases he treats the press like -- i was reading somebody said he treats the press like left wing political operatives that they are. >> you know what if you listen to the crowd, they love this. i think i understand -- it's about strength. voters want a strong candidate. agree or disagree with specifics about the platform he's not afraid. that's a sign of strength fearlessness. >> sharp contrast to what some say could be the downfall of hillary clinton when she hides things. there's a veil over it.
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you know exactly what donald trump is about. >> if she's not afraid, why is she hiding behind the rope line ask secret service detail? answer a question every once in a while. >> donald trump was answering questions left and right. look at the two candidates. they have different approaches. >> yes, they do. talk about being approached. this is almost unbelievable. the man we traded for five taliban terrorists top terrorists and lost soldiers by the way looking for him. bowe bergdahl. he wound up yesterday on leave in a pot farm in california. we spoke to the commander who was leading troops there at the time bergdahl went missing. he was beside himself. listen to this. >> here is a soldier that got mad at his chain of command and desserted, put fellow soldiers in harm's way including me and special arms operators, put his family through hell. now put his family in a terrible
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position. this is what he's doing on leave. this is a selfish act by a soldier who doesn't have regard for army and country. >> response is so strange. this is an active duty soldier waiting trial where his life hangs in the balance. the pentagon says no harm no foul he was swept up in a drug bust but doesn't face charges. >> police in california say bergdahl watched as several were taken into custody. when they realized who the person was -- local officials said he was very polite which is great t. then apparently the army had to go get him and flew him back to fort sam houston in texas where we wondered whether or not they give him a drug test. colonel walsh said good question didn't know. we're following up on that.
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>> absolutely. >> he put 12,000 soldiers in harm's way in afghanistan. now those taliban could be contributing to lack of safety in the environment for soldiers there. 12,000. >> who knew that as he waits the official court marshaling where he could go to prison forever -- he's free -- where you want to go? go visit my friends in california at a pot farm. coming up next a major break through in the medical world. the fda is expected to reveal a drug today. scientists say it could change your life for the better. elisabeth, cover your ears. the big christian star that would be headed to that table. >> can i guess? ♪
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♪ ♪ today, on 7/24 we'd like to shine the spotlight on the ones who work 24/7. well, many times this summer already, children left in hot cars this. woman is under arrest for leaving her child in a car while she went shopping 20 minutes.
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the 20-year-old is charged with child neglect and endangerment after police had to break the window tosave the child. she went in wal-mart in arizona where it is hot, left the kid inside. someone saw the kid, called the cops. she's in trouble. >> she's not in huge trouble. thank god to some degree if the child died she would be charged with homicide charges. she's charged with general run of the mill child abuse. i personally think that's not good enough. we need a precedent out there that says listen -- this is obviously. you don't leave your dog in the car let alone your child. >> this car was 117 degrees when the police were able to get the windows smashed open and get the child out. the mom strolled up casually to approach the car. in 10 to 20 minutes it can jump
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10 to 20 degrees. if this had gone 10 minutes more this child could have suffered incredible injuries or died. >> you go to brain damage and then death. >> i think what law enforcement thinks to think of a little bit is thinking outside the box. it's not a typical assault. you think of assault as punching somebody. this is causing serious physical injury to somebody or could be attempt at causing several physical injury. even if it's reckless act. it doesn't have to be intentional. doesn't mean the mom wanted to hurt the child. a 15-year-old baby sitter would know i don't leave a child. >> not in arizona in july. this is hard for the state to take a parent's child away. do these that? >> you'll have to have an investigation of the mother all
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the way around. was this one time mental lapse? they'll go in her house. is there food in the ree refrigerator refrigerator proper bedding, proper clothing in the house? >> thank you very much. >> thank you. in the meantime let's go to lafayette, louisiana. police there holding inging inging a police conference on the shooting last night. >> at the time the incident occurred. they were able to get together make entry into the theater, met quite a few people coming out as they made their way into the crowd. they heard a shot. upon entering the theater, the suspect was found deceased from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. numerous victims who were wounded were located. we also located a deceased
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female and immediately began first aid. our local ambulance service had a pretty quick response time as well. 12 ambulances were here within six minutes to care for the victims and transport to local hospitals. our shooter is john russs sell houser. he's a white male 59 years of age. previously resided in the state of alabama. he's kind of a drifter, been in lafayette since early july as far as we can tell. he was staying at a local motel on university avenue. we served a search warrant on that motel room at 4:30 this morning. he was driving a 1995 blue lincoln continental. we found wigs and glasses and
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disguises basically in his room. his vehicle had a switched license tag on it. it was parked right outside the exit door of the theater. it is apparent he was intent on shooting and then escaping. what happened is the quick law enforcement response forced him back into the theater at which time he shot himself. no devices were found in his vehicle. no devices were found in the theater. as far as we know one 40.40 caliber handgun was involved. that has been recovered. at least 13 rounds were fired during the time he was in the theater discharging the weapon.
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our victims with maycy, white female 21 years of age that died on scene. jillian johnson, white female 33 years of age died at the hospital. of the nine victims hospitalized two have been released. one victim remains in critical condition. the quick response by law enforcement is believed to have prevented further deaths. we are appealing to public to contact law enforcement if they feel they may know the shooter or had contact with him. at this point, we have very little information about him. we want the public to call this number 337-291-8650. that is a direct line into our investigation section. a person 24 hour -- it's a 24 hour number. a person will be monitoring that
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phone and answering calls. we ask if you have information about mr. houser to please contact law enforcement. our crime scene technicians work throughout the night to process the scene. as you can imagine, it's pretty horrific. it's a large area to process for physical evidence. a lot of people upon exiting the theater left a lot of possessions behind. we recovered keys purses shoes and whatnot. we're still working inside the theater. crime scene is still doing work in there. the theater has been made safe. there's no devices. we haven't detected any devices. we have not found that mr. houser was working with anyone or associated with anyone. we haven't had any other threats at any other theaters. for now, this theater is closed
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until we can do all of the work we need to do here to try to piece together what happened. we will continue to update you throughout the day with any information that we come up with any additional information we come up with. i want to turn over to colonel mike ed monson with the louisiana state are police to give a recap of his offices involvement in this investigation. >> russell. i want to praise the efforts of chief craft and his men and is first responders emergency medical technicians here ambulances. >> we've been listening to a live press conference in lafayette, louisiana. chief of police down in that neck of the woods just detailed the shooter last night who walk
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into that area of the movie "train wreck" murdered two people then shot himself. john russell houser they describe as a drifter. they say if you have more information about him, contact local authorities. he intended to shoot people and get away. he was confronted by police and took his own life. >> he parked his vehicle right outside the exit of the theater indicates intent to escape. they have searched the local moe tell motel 6. they found disguises wigs and glass. the weapon has been recovered. he fired 13 rounds killing two individuals and killed himself after being turned the back by police. >> not from louisiana. >> alabama. >> that's exactly right. he had been in lafayette for a short time.
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>> joining us live is somebody from louisiana, you know willie robertson, ceo of duck commander. the guy who runs the state police is a friend of yours. >> oh yeah. that's right up the street from us. been to lafayette many times. great people there. my heart goes out to the city and state as we mourn those shot. >> we spoke to governor jindal. he's pausing his campaign now until he can get the area calm. he talked about just the heroism he saw in this event, the two teachers one who shielded the other are from being shot. they thought would have been shot in the head. the teacher who was shot in the leg pulled the alarm saving others in the theater. what do you think of bobby jindal? >> great guy, christian man, just a smart guy. always there through everything the state has been through. he is there and wants to be with the people hug their necks,
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hold their hands. didn't surprise me at all he was in lafayette. >> do you endorse him for presidency? >> i do. we talk a lot. i like what he stands for, where he's at. i'll be with him. >> you think of all republican candidates in the field, bobby is the best? >> bobby is best i know because he's the only one i know personally and hang out with in my state. some of the other guys -- i'm still listening like everybody else. >> you've got donald trump in texas yesterday. you've got people on the record talking about him. >> it's like the wild, wild west. i'm enjoying the sound bites and how they get after each other.
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trump is laying it out there. that's definitely appealing to a lot of people. when i hear stuff, i'm like -- sometimes i disagree. i disagree with the mccain thing, how that came across. i hate that. some of the other stuff he's saying really makes sense. he's hitting people like wait a minute. >> it's clear he didn't go to politician school. >> it's good. that's what i like. >> what resinates? when you listen to him talk -- >> when he dropped the cell phone number that was the best thing i had seen. that's happened to me. that's what he's doing, calling out hypocrite say. >> when you see donald trump and his appeal does it make you feel comfortable someone that
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did very well in business could do well in making america great again? >> well yes. i look up to him what he's done in business for sure. he has a tv show so i understand that aspect as well. a lot of things i understand. running the country as a business -- i like that. you know that's what i've heard. i'm not a new yorker. giuliani came in with new york and ran this as a business. that's appealing to a lot of people. you'll probably see other people hopefully think like that. >> america could use a ceo. elisabeth and i are excited about the new book "american hunter." we're wondering whether or not we're in it. we went out in your woods in west monroe for target practice. >> when i think of "american hunter" that's not the image that i have in my head.
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bill did extensive research. i'm excited to go back to even before this country was started with native americans and all the way through the presidents founding fathers, and how this tradition is has held up. now we have television shows about hunting. >> what's your favorite way to prepare vennson? >> i still like it fry. stack it with onions and mushroom mushrooms. >> is that the way corey likes to make it or eat it? >> she doesn't like to make anything in the kitchen. that's one of her favorite meals. and sadie. they can't wait. almost deer season. got another month or so. >> we hope corey -- congratulations on the big family wedding by the way. >> thank you. yeah that episode coming soon.
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this season we're getting ready towards the big wedding. >> exciting time. great to have you here. tough day for the state. we love your family the robertsons. and trump may have found his next right hand man at the border. >> i'm going to steal him to run something for me. he's fantastic. >> trump telling the city manager you are hired. that man joining us live to recount his experience. have you seen this video? it's crazy. >> it's not going to stop. >> the bandanna didn't work. that limo not going anywhere today. the outcome nothing short of a miracle. ♪
5:31 am
when you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. connections you almost miss. and ones you never thought you'd make. we help connect where you are. to places you never thought you'd go. this, is why we travel. and why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter.
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back with a fox news alert and our top story. moments ago, lafayette police holding a press conference on last night's deadly theater shooting. >> we know the identity of the man that opened fire during the showing of the movie "train wreck" killing two people before killing himself. >> casey is live in dallas with the breaking details. what do you know? >> we just learned the name of the gunman. police identified him as 59-year-old john russell houser. in fact we're getting a picture
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into fox news channel. we're going to try to get that up for you possible. they say he was apparently staying at a nearby motel 6 within close proximity to the theater. police have spoke ton his family. in talking to them they're no closer to uncovering a motive. eyewitnesses say the man did not say a word the entire time when he stood up 20 minutes into the movie and started firing into the crowd eventually turning the gun killing himself. when all said and done he had shot and killed two people. a 21-year-old and 33-year-old. we know that at least one of the people hurt is said to be in critical condition at this hour. i'm now being told we have his picture. 59-year-old john russell houser again the man who lafayette police justified as the gunman in this case. a very bizarre story said to
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have multiple addresses and multiple states. what he was doing staying in that hotel room. there's a lot to flush out in this developing situation. >> thank you very much. described as a drifter from alabama with wigs and glasses. sounded like costumes. >> fired 13 rounds in the theater. if you have information, please call local authorities on his identity. if you have other info they'll stand by to take it. heather has info for you at home. let's start on the west coast where a bank robber dubbed snowbird bandit is here. he's no amateur. he's a former la pd detective. police have been searching for him since march for a string of
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five robberies in california. his family tipped off police. he's facing federal charges. a freight train barrels down the tracks in the direction of a limousine all caught on tape. take a look at this. oh. ouch. that limousine got stuck on the tracks in indiana as it was taking teens to a sweet 16 party. teens escaped. everyone in the limo walked away without a scratch. candice cameron bure is now locking down arrangements to be a host on "the view." she's also filming the "full
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house" netflix reboot "fuller house." we're excited for her. >> she's great. i will be praying for her. she'll need it right? >> she is great. >> i love her. >> can't imagine. >> congratulations. you're hired. that was the message from donald trump. he may have found a front man on the mexican border. watch this. >> meeting the mayor and city manager, these are tremendous people doing a tremendous job. say a word. this man, i'm going to steal him, to run something for me. he's fantastic. >> he is the city manager and someone donald trump credits with success of that city. he joins us live. >> jesus, can you hear us? >> i can hear you barely. >> okay. good morning to you. thanks for being here.
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is donald trump someone you would want to work for? >> good morning. >> we're having audio trouble there. >> i won't take that as a yes or no for this moment. >> he seems calm not rattled by trump's visit. >> very calm. trump was at the border there just giving voice to so many after the family of kate steinle was testifying on federal hill. donald trump slammed by lawmakers saying trump's law isn't something we take seriously in terms of sanctuary city policies. said i'm going straight down there. apparently he was invited by border officials. at the last minute, he indicated white house or feds pulled back the invite and didn't want him there. he went trump style on his own plane landing in texas and answered a bunch of questions from the press.
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>> we apologize for the problem with jesus' audio. trump was able to tour the dhs immigration facility. they closed it down 50 minutes while trump was there. what mr. trump did say, he's for legal immigration. he supports building a wall in part which is strategic fencing is also ironically one of the things rick perry has endorsed. >> jesus was with us before we lost sound. trump said he wanted to steal him to be on his team. yet to be understood whether he's up for that. >> amazing this exchange with the msnbc reporter that warmed the hearts of many. showed frustration with the press. >> you're finished. >> thank you for self-control.
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you're both finished. it's the heart-stopping video we showed you this week. the moment a woman frees a car from a-- frees a child from a sweltering car. that woman is a mom herself. we'll hear from her. and on our stage, here's "skillz." ♪ ♪ she got skillz ♪ ♪ to work it all night long ♪ ♪ she's got skillz ♪ ♪ i think i'm going to make her mine ♪ ♪ potion in the motion to cure
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my ills ♪ ♪ she's got skillz ♪ ♪ oh yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ break it down y'all ♪ ♪ [music] ♪ defiance is in our bones. new citracal pearls. delicious berries and cream. soft, chewable, calcium plus vitamin d. only from citracal.
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i like those. we've got quick animal headlines on this friday. a bison attacked a woman that tried to take a selfie in yellow stone national park. he's the fifth park visitor injured this year. a gar gator caught jaywalking. he's been transported to an animal sanctuary. authorities think it was probably somebody's pet. a run away cat saved after
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bringing the new york subway system to a halt. dozens of trains were halted while police located the escapee. police showed up. the cat is safe. those are your animal headlines for this friday. >> talk about wastefulness perhaps. a 22-year-old brat some are calling her, blows $90,000, a college fund her grandparents set up for her. on vacation clothes little bit on tuition. she asks parents to pay for her senior year. she's blaming her parents for her not spending her grandparents' money well. >> she's got a great point. her point is i'm blaming my parents. my dad is a be bit of a jerk she says.
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they did not teach me how to handle money. >> she makes a point. >> what? >> as i watched this i felt such deep sympathy for the parents listening to this child attack them asking them to give their savings. as a parent i would think where did i go wrong? i would feel crushed like i had failed as a parent. wouldn't you? >> absolutely. anyone hearing this story must think you get an "f" balancing this budget. you had $90,000 and blew it in first three years. at this point in life maybe open up an app and figure it out. >> get a job. that's what some suggested. she said i don't know if i want to do that. it sounds like maybe she may be forced to. her parents aren't going to lend
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her the money. dave ramsey intervention is needed for this woman. >> that's right. get on that. >> i don't want to meet her. there's more on this show including all 4 one big performance. if you missed it don't. that man takes over. >> busy day already. there are developments. we'll get to them momentarily. hillary clinton on the verge of a criminal investigation. what we're learning about that we'll analyze. senator marco rubio has a different take on this nuclear deal with iran. he reacts today to john kerry. we'll have that and more at the top of the hour. when you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. connections you almost miss.
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and ones you never thought you'd make. we help connect where you are. to places you never thought you'd go. this, is why we travel. and why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter.
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well they are one of the greatest r&b bands of the 90s. with hits like "i could love you like that" and "i swear." they are here with us now on our plaza. give it up for all-4-one. how many people put their pin pinky in the cassette tape to get the rewind of that song? >> what's the best part of it for you all? >> music. music has been our first priority and best part of our job. >> and of course your most famous song you're going to do in a moment "i swear." have you tried to calculate how many people have gotten married to that or at least made out to it? >> i'm sure the made out part is more than the married part.
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>> both are valuable. thank you for bringing people together. >> it may happen here on our "fox & friends" plaza. if loved ones are out there, get proposals or kisses ready. >> if you're thinking of popping the question you've got 15 seconds. >> ladies and gentlemen, you know them love them. here they are. all-4-one with "i swear." ♪ i see the questions in your eyes ♪ ♪ and i know owe what's weighing
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on your mind ♪ ♪ you can be sure i know my part ♪ ♪ cause i'll stand beside you through the years ♪ ♪ you'll only cry those happy tears ♪ ♪ and though i'll make mistakes i'll never break your heart ♪ ♪ and i swear by the moon and the stars in the skies ♪ ♪ i'll be there ♪ ♪ and i swear like a shadow that's by your side ♪ i'll be there ♪ ♪ for better or worse till death
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do us part ♪ ♪ i'll love you with every beat of my heart ♪ "and i swear ♪ ♪ ♪ and i'll give you everything i can ♪ ♪ i'll build your dreams with these two hands ♪ ♪ we'll hang some memories on the walls ♪ ♪ and when and when just the two of us are there ♪ ♪ you won't have to ask if i still care ♪ ♪ cause as time turns the page
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my love won't age at all ♪ ♪ i swear ♪ ♪ by the moon and the stars in the skies ♪ ♪ i'll be there ♪ ♪ i swear like the shadow that's by your side ♪ ♪ i'll be there ♪ ♪ for better or worse till death do us part ♪ ♪ i'll love you with every beat of my heart ♪ ♪ and i swear ♪ right now i need everybody who can see me take one hand and wave it from side to side. everybody. live on the street let me see you put one hand in the air like
5:57 am
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6:00 am
have a great weekend everybody. all-4-one on the after show. bill: murder at a movie theater. a gunman firing 13 rounds. killing two injuring nine others. martha: the police said the shooter was this 59-year-old man, john russell howser. officers say he intended on killing and he had an escape plan as well. >> our


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