tv The Five FOX News July 24, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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pay more for it. you might be happy with that. there are others who are not happy with that. that is really the drawing line for this next race. how much of this do you want to keep seeing? and how much less do you want to keep seeing of it? the debate is on. the money game is on. we are all over it. hello, everyone. i'm dana perino along with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams eric bolling and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." >> did hillary clinton send confidential information through her private e-mail account while she was secretary of state? well she denies it. >> i did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. there is no classified material. >> but an internal government review found that clinton did send classified material in at least four e-mails from her personal server. there could be many more. the discovery was determined through an inspection of only 40
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e-mails out of more than 30,000 by the office of the inspector general of the intelligence community. clinton addressed this issue earlier. >> i want to say a word about what's in the news today. and it's because there have been a lot of inaccuracies maybe the heat is getting to everybody. i have said repeatedly that i will answer questions before the house committee. we are all accountable to the american people to get the facts right. and i will do my part. >> here's some of the commentary on the revelations today. >> i think they blew it when they didn't turn over the server immediately. i think they lost any high ground they could have had. >> it's pretty damning. i have to imagine politically for a presidential candidate. >> this was a dumb thing for her to have done. and it feeds into a kind of narrative that she can't quite
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be trusted. >> i don't know if there's anything they can do now to get out in front of it. i think now they got to hope nothing is found. >> we've got ed henry here now with us. he's going to help us break it down. delighted to have you. >> i think four people here are delighted and greg gutfeld is being, well greg gutfeld. >> does that include you? >> no i like -- well okay, five like being here including me. i'm like the sixth beatle. >> no, you're the sixth monkey. >> monkey. i take offense at that. >> all right. you got to help us out because the story ace little confusing but you've been tracking it so explain. >> i think the bottom line is the clinton campaign is jumping on the fact that the "new york times" sort of perhaps overplayed this a little bit. >> take us back. last night the "new york times" reveals -- >> they're saying there was a criminal referral by two different independent generals -- independent umpires in the federal government who looked at this that there maybe hundreds of classified e-mails in hillary clinton's private server. those are the facts. then the times said that they referred that matter those inspector generals to the justice department. it was a criminal referral.
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they've now dialled that back to say it was just a quote unquote referral. in the intelligence community in fairness to the clinton campaign is saying it was not a criminal referral it was a security referral. but a, that security referral is bad for the clinton campaign. because what they're saying is there is classified information, according to the intelligence community, not according to republicans on the hill or any critics, on the private server that hk hillary clinton has had for some time and a thumbnail that we believe is in her attorney's possession. she repeatedly said she didn't have classified information. you have that. secondly even though it's technically not a criminal referral today perhaps, ask david petraeus what happens when the justice department or someone else looks at whether or not you mishandled classified information. my point being, i'm not indicting anybody today. i'm saying federal government starts looking at this kind of thing. it could, i underline could, lead to a criminal investigation. but we're not there today. and i think the clinton campaign is jumping on the times going a
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little too far in not addressing the substance of presidential candidate said i didn't have classified information on that server. the intelligence community is saying yes you did. >> so the inspector generals are as you say umpires. >> independent umpires. >> eric do you have a question? so there were referrals, the i.g. office andrea williams says that -- >> the intelligence community. >> for the intelligence community. originally criminal referrals and they died them back very quickly, right? >> we don't know why. was it pressure? >> how would they know yet whether they're criminal or not yet? wouldn't it take a longer period of time so they turned it over to the doj and the fbi. that's a very quick come back saying it's noncriminal if it still might be. >> we simply don't know. i think the very bottom line there is we shouldn't let jump ahead of ourselves. nobody should. the folks investigating it or people in the media. we should follow the facts. however, you don't want to follow the facts? >> i want to jump ahead.
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why follow the facts? >> the point is the clinton camp hasn't been that helpful with the facts. and the server is not going to be turned over unless there's a subpoena there's something -- they're not going. >> she should have followed bill's example and turn over the server immediately. >> why would you do that? >> can we talk about the times change? >> stay away from that. >> i think i know where he's going. >> the original sentence in the times article was there was a criminal inquiry into hillary's use of e-mail. then after the connection with hillary it became a criminal inquiry sought in clinton's e-mail account. basically they rearranged eggs in a carton. it is the same thing. >> right. >> they're still saying it's breaking the law. >> i think you're making a very important point in all seriousness, which is rare for you. but i think that seriously -- >> there you go. >> -- that was mean. >> what the clinton campaign was trying to say last night was the times made it seem like hillary clinton was a criminal target. >> can i show you michael schmidt the reporter for the "new york times"?
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we have a sound bite from him today. >> we made a minor change to this story shortly after it went online that said that the investigation was in connection with her e-mail use, that that's where the investigation sort of generated and started from. it didn't really deviate our story much from where we were before. eliciting response to complaints we'd received from the clinton camp. hink greg's important point was, okay. so if you change the lead of the story and say, they're not looking at hillary clinton's use of the e-mail they're looking at the e-mail account. that's still hillary clinton's e-mail account. your point is you can rearrange the names and change the part of the sentence. at the end of the day this is about her e-mail her credibility, about what she said at that march news conference. >> going to be quite a -- >> just very quickly. so there is confidential classified information -- >> in at least four e-mails and maybe hundreds others. those are the facts. >> that would be problematic for her. that would show her as having lied to the public saying there
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was nothing classified. >> it would be the opposite of what she said at the march news conference at the u.n. >> gentlemen, i know the love fest is here. you're in heat to get hillary clinton. i tell you that. >> men cannot be in heat. >> what animal planet? >> what happened here? >> they're hot here. sorry, kimberly. >> the intelligence community said there's at least four e-mails. >> no. they said that. the key is this whole thing. the difference between the tiechls originally saying there was potentially -- hundreds of potentially classified e-mails on her server right? but at the time that she was there, none of it was classified. >> no. >> that's her principal defense. >> now intelligence community is saying something different. they're saying that at the time they were classified. the clinton campaign -- classified later >> yes. not in march. >> in that case the intelligence community which knows better than i or you was saying it was
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classified. >> guys this is in the memo. let's not get crazy here. >> kimberly thank you. >> these e-mails were not retroactively classified by the state department. rather these e-mails contained classified information when they were generated. according to the classification officials that information remains classified today. >> right. but they were not marked as classified. >> juan that's exactly what that just says. >> no, it does not. >> do i need to send you like hooked on tonphonics. >> what this is showing us is did hillary clinton know it was stamped classified or not? you're right that there was ambiguity there. however, if she had not been using a private server -- >> i agree about that. that's fine. >> so why didn't she use the state department account? >> that's the whole thing about this. this is where hillary clinton is her own worst enemy. and acting as if she's this entitled i'll make my own rules. but key point here is this could up end the entire campaign
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if you take down the big cahuna. >> can we point something else out? >> i don't think it's going to do it. >> ed am i right in saying there were four that were found to have contained classified information. >> out of a small number. statistically. >> out of 40. >> if there were 30,000 on the server i don't know let's even cut that number in half. 5%. you're talking, i don't know hundreds of e-mails. >> that's why these inspectors general said they believe there's hundreds. because it was four out of 40. a sample. and secretary clinton turned over 30,000. >> you know what's amazing? how much does hillary hate like modern conveniences? she doesn't drive. she can't handle e-mail. she blamed a video for terror. she'd give anything to live in the era of "the waltons" but still have a driver. you know what is driving her crazy? this e-mail this whole scandal will not go away. it has more legs than a
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centipede. they keep digging in. even during the trump rise they thought that during that people would forget about this. but it's now coming back. i think it's something that is not going to go away. and that it will as juan agrees it will be her downfall. >> i think it potentially is. you know what i think? why doesn't she get ahead of the foundation? i don't understand. why they still taking contributions to the foundation? and the second thing is with the server why didn't she just turn it over and just say, i'm done with it? >> the republicans would go through the entire server and find all kinds of things. >> let's talk a little bit about the inspectors general. as ed was pointing out, these are not partisan people. they are career civil servants with a lot of experience who are saying like we've been asked to look at this. this is our report. >> so it lends more credibility. somebody like a partisan. >> that's what's dangerous for them. not darrel isis saying this doing this again. >> not some subcommittee saying we want to knock off the big fish.
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if you do the math statistically speaking four out of 40 and apply that math so there is some nexus and some meat here. and why should she be treated any differently than say general petraeus or anyone else? my god. she's running for president of the united states! >> or any career civil servants or a political appointee who is giving a clearance. >> that's why i say i think she has some entitled behavior. now let me just say, let me advance this. i think the story now becomes, so how does the obama justice department deal with this request for a criminal investigation of a likely democratic -- >> i would put career civil servants in charge of looking at it. >> first of all, i disagree with my honored colleagues here. >> about what? >> i think that she -- there was nothing marked classified. >> juan you have to read the -- >> juan we have it here. >> that's not what they're saying. i read it differently. >> you only highlighted the part that you like!
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>> oh, yeah. [ overlapping speakers ] >> i have a question ed. because you were a reporter in the white house briefing room when i had a chance to work at the white house, too. do you think for one second that if i had a complaint about the lead of the "new york times" story and i called and complained that the "new york times" would have fallen over themselves to change it? >> not sure they would have. >> they put have put you on speaker phone and laughed. we'll call you later. >> by the way, who do you think leaked this story to the "new york times"? >> i think the inspectors general were coming out with it. >> no no. i think it went through the committee on the hill run by republicans and to the "new york times." >> i hope so. because that -- >> get the politics out of here you're going to see people start calling for an independent counsel. to your point about how could the obama justice department investigate this involving hillary clinton. >> i don't think they need an independent counsel. there are plenty of career civil servants at the justice department who could do this. >> why is she allowed, david kendall her attorney allowed to
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hold the thumb drive that may have the classified information on it? >> that's a good question. also when hillary clinton remember she's turned over 30,000 to the state department there. were over 30,000 by her account that she deleted. were the attorneys and staffers for her who tenth went through that deletion process, did they have security clearances? when they went through and said this is personal. this is official? did though staffers have security clearances? we don't know. they might have seen classified information. >> before we go do you have an insult for henry? >> pretty insult free. >> looks good. tie's nice. he left his phone on. >> was that stupid? >> one thing we didn't touch on beyond this e-mail thing her poll numbers are down. likability is down. she's looking weaker and weaker. she's like triscuits. you think they might be good and you try them and they're dry and flavorless. she's the triscuits of the democratic party. >> you got to squeeze some cheese whiz on top. quite delicious.
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>> you people. we're going to put cheese whiz on hellry? on hillary? our political correctness corner is next. later, facebook friday greg's favorite easy walk segment. got an envelope filled with your questions that we're really looking forward to answering. stay tuned. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people? ♪ well this summer, stay with choice hotels twice and get a $50 gift card you can use for just about anything. go you always have a choice. book now at
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after hillary clinton got thrashed last month by the left for saying all lives matter she changed course yesterday and made a concerted effort to appeal to the black lives movement. >> for a lot of well-meaning open-minded white people the sight of a young black man in a hoody still evokes a twinge of fear. and we can start by standing up and saying loudly and clearly, yes, black lives matter. >> her democratic challenger martin o'malley felt pressured to walk back his remarks as well. >> black lives matter. white lives matter. all lives matter. >> that was a mistake on my part. and i meant no disrespect. >> jeb bush is astounded by the apology. >> we're uptight and so politically correct now you
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apologize for saying lives matter? life is precious. it's a gift from god. i start -- i mean i frankly think that it's one of the most important values that we have. i know in the political context, it's a slogan i guess. and should he have apologized no. >> being bold coming out and saying this was not appropriate, right? do you think it was the right move? we'll begin with you, juan. >> do i think it was the right move for jeb? >> yes. to say that martin o'malley was wrong >> yes. look the politics of this is so intriguing. but look the simple fact of the matter is that the far left black movement that has the black lives hashtag meme are missing it big time. they're sacrificing the highly moral ground which is to say we're trying to tell you that all lives matter and we want black lives included in that. instead they're locked into their own rhetoric. the rhetoric is this kimberly. that if you say black lives matter it's about the trayvon martins and what happened to eric garner here in new york and
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that kind of thing. if you say white lives matter then you are somehow dismissing the power of their moment and their movement and you are diluting their cause. and i think they are being foolish. so jeb now, that was really -- i just thaw masterful politically. he says it's about lives matter. sounds like he's talking about abortion there. >> can i ask you something, juan? it's not just twitter. it's the movement on the far left. it's actually real and growing. and i think that hillary and o'malley are responding to it's actual pressure. >> no doubt. >> i don't think it's going to stop. >> no doubt. it's growing -- this what is you saw at the net groups conference this weekend. hillary wasn't there, but o'malley was there and bernie sanders was there. and what you saw was, they interrupted -- they wouldn't even let him speak because they are now driving. so you guys have to deal with the far right. but we watch the democrats. they're dealing with a far left that's just as wacky in my opinion and again damaging the brand. they say oh, the black vote is
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not to be taken for granted. oh yeah? are you running over to go join donald trump's campaign? get lost. >> this is the snake eating its tail. if you live by separatist identity politics you're going to die by separatist identity politics. that's what you're seeing. you also saw that o'malley is definitely not presidential material until it's of a harry potter fan club. he folded faster than a card table in the wind. pathetic. just a pathetic performance by a sad human being, juan. >> okay. bolling what do you say? >> this is friday, right? now we're talking about this. martin o'malley mentioned this last sunday right? five days later, because of the big trump announcement the big trump hoopla that the media that's been following donald trump around everywhere this was something we started to talk about on monday. >> but you love talking about trump. >> i do. but i think we needed to talk about this more. i would love to have done this more. but i'm glad we're doing it now.
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i'm glad jeb bush stood up and said he's wrong. he shouldn't have apologized. juan is that going to hurt jeb bush with the black vote because he said martin o'malley and hillary clinton shouldn't apologize? >> that's my point to you. he's not going to get the far left black vote. forget about it. jeb bush is not. but i think jeb helped himself with people i think in the larger american community. he said all lives matter. of course we don't want anybody's life at stake. and he seemed to tie it into life in general and the abortion issue. >> oh. so what you're saying is he handled is well. we'll move on now. >> i think that. now to another p.c. issue, our administration refuses to identify terrorists who wage jihad as islamic. here's our homeland security secretary. >> isil i think, would like to be referred to as islamic extremism. because it therefore concedes that what they are saying and i think it's critical that in order to build our relationship and build our level of cooperation with the islamic community here we have to say
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to them look we understand that what this depraved terrorist organization is doing is no part of your religion. >> okay. greg was a big fan of that so we'll pass. dane dana if you can interpret? >> it's something that president obama campaigned on. when he came into office they wanted to decouple what they thought was too aggressive a stance in the global war on terror and thought was focused too much on islam itself. i actually think that david cameron, the prime minister of the united kingdom, when he actually spoke this week about isis and about islamic terror. it was strong and bold. i think if our allies are willing to call it what it is we should be able to do the same. >> because the world is listening and looking and evaluating. we see the juxtaposition of leadership language strong rhetoric against terror like you see with cameron. then you see our administration and jay johnson who didn't even know who steinle was, shocking at the time of the press conference.
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what do you think? >> i think dana's right. so the president has dictated a memo saying we don't want to call it islamic terror or call it radical islam. he doesn't want to link the two together. anywhere jay johnson works for the president the unfortunately he's supposed to work for us too. he's the one who's supposed to keep us safe. secretary of homeland security. if you can't even call it what it is i think we're really in trouble. the president may not want to call it that. that's fine. but when the guy who's charged with keeping us safe can't even recognize it how is he going to fight it? >> there's something about this guy that does not make me feel say. he makes me feel like getting in bed with a little flashlight under the covers. really? >> hey. >> you said this before. abis anything but islam syndrome which has infected the white house. but when it comes to over kinds of behavior or other kinds of crime, it's anything but personal responsibility syndrome. if it's an islamic attack that's an aberration. but if it's a violent cop then it indicts a whole system.
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>> look look look wait a second. >> are there pills for all that? >> i don't like this kind of p.c. language. remember these are the guys who talked about man made disasters for acts of terrorism perpetuated by islamic terrorists. but what johnson said was, we're trying to build bridges to the islamic community in the united states. we don't want to indict them or make them feel that we're saying that all of islam is a problem. to me that's politically real. >> mean while, radical islamists are trying to blow up those bridges like brooklyn bridge. >> there's a guy in the shooting in louisiana. are we talking about him in terms of mental illness christianity? no >> yes we did. talk about mental illness. many times. >> we haven't even talked about him on this show have we? >> no. but we've talked about shooters and mental illness. and we will be talking about it. >> i'm saying if he had been a muslim boy -- >> talked about charleston. all the shooters. we get around to it juan. >> let's concur and agree that jj needs to step it up a notch. >> agreed. >> oh, my gosh.
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signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. welcome back. time for -- all righty. the fastest seven minutes on television. three compelling stories. seven concise minutes. one connivevictive host. leonard dicaprio remember this? >> i've always been amazed by this world we live in and how destructive we are to it. a parallel passion of mine is
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trying to bring attention to incredibly important issues. more than anything i would really love to get a lot of the wealthiest people on toert focus on these issues. >> nothing screams environmental consciousness like private jets flocking to san tropez. lean nard dicaprio raised $40 million with throttles, bottles and models. juan tells me you wanted to be i invited to that. >> the only person at this table would be you. >> i did get invited. my friend went. obviously i'm here because this is more exciting. >> because you're sitting next to me? you know what i was interested in? leonardo dicaprio allowed a bid on his own watch, rolex daytona, a high class rolex. he got 2 million bucks for his watch off his wrist. amazing. >> elton john auctioned off a private concert as well. 3 million bucks for that. >> we're going to have it at my
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place. i don't care what anybody says about leo, he is a hero. he only dates super thin models because they produce less methane. the cocaine at his party reduces appetites. they rely less on consuming foods that harm the environment. really the orgies is no different than car pooling. >> what? >> okay. >> everybody sharing a bed. >> gotcha. >> dana you want to follow that? >> sure. >> as she looks down. sure. >> these are progressive dinner parties without much progress. i don't know exactly where the $2 million for the rolex goes. presumably it's to raise awareness about climate change. as if we were not enough aware. >> very good. can we move on? >> do it. next up rest easy america. the nicki minaj-taylor swift spat seems to have been resolved. team minaj and the swifties are all good now. >> i spoke to taylor swift yesterday on the phone. she was, you know super super
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sweet. she apologized. she said look i didn't understand the big picture of what you were saying. but now i get it. so we're all good. we were cracking up laughing on the phone. it's over you guys. and i love you guys for supporting me. >> yeah. >> thank you so much. >> all right, craig, the planet can now continue to rotate. >> i can't stress this new. this is like a combination of the moon landing, the creation of the euro combined with electing the first black president ever. this makes the iran-u.s. nuke deal look like peanuts. do you guys know where you were when you first heard this news? where were you, dana? >> here. >> i was in a hot tub with the dog. >> i believe you were here at this table. >> no, i wasn't. >> so their fans don't want them to fight. >> what? >> their fans don't want them to fight. now everybody has made up. >> it takes the life and energy -- >> right?
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bobbing for dogs? >> don't go there. stay here for a second. >> when you say hot tub, that's it. >> misunderstood a tweet that nicki minaj put up but they're all good now. okay. there's miscommunication. >> i don't see how there was a miscommunication. pretty clear in 140 characters what she originally meant. >> she was jealous. >> you misunderstood me. >> you know what happened? they hired dana perino and it became body image. is nicki minaj upset because thick black women are not allowed to get in the bmas but skinny white women -- >> that's how you would describe her? >> she's not thick. >> i'm saying she's thicker than taylor swift, right? >> say i'm sorry. >> i'm sorry. >> hulk hogan dropped from all things wwe. aging wrestler is under scrutiny for a radio interview he gave in 2012 in which he used the "n" word several times. >> everybody, little wane burdenman, everybody, they're all calling me names. and then i started saying it. i always said it. now all of a sudden i get heat
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when i say it. they say you can't say it. why can they say it to me then? >> k.g. i think there's other tapes that he's been caught using the "n" word as well. >> look this is very inappropriate. there's no excuse for it. it's a problem. i don't know. i mean listen i don't know the man. that's all i'm going to say. >> one of the few. >> oh. >> because she hangs out with celebrities. >> oh, oh, right. okay. >> i have an idea. >> you know what's going to happen to you. >> i know. i'm looking forward to it. a megastar -- what about a megastar apology loser where he and cosby get together do, an apology tour. jared from subway doing the caters. maybe paula dean could help. mel gibson. >> jared from subway is possibly criminal. >> play atticus finch. >> hasn't ventura apologized for anything lately?
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just for the body? >> dana, do you want to weigh in on the hulk? >> juan makes good points and persuasive points. i follow his lead on the "n" word. but remember it was only about three weeks ago when president obama used the word for dramatic effect on a radio interview. >> but hulk actually there's a lot more. >> we're not that close. >> no no. but look first of all. thank you, dana. i just think stop it the use of this word. this is an example. because the radio host was giving him permission to use the word. and he's talking about what's going on with another wrestler whose name i forget a black wrestler. >> he was talking about his daughter. >> these are two different things. >> this is a radio interview from 2012. apparently allegedly a sex tape with hulk hogan in it -- >> yeah. >> -- at the end of this tape he may have dropped the "n" word a few times. >> talking about his daughter dating a black guy. >> he doesn't even know. he thinks a black billionaire is going to fund her record career and he has been putting money
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into it. then he says he wonders if she's having sex with the black man. >> okay. well this is a great topic for "the five". >> we've got to go. >> it's time to go. >> what is happening here? ♪, i know i have an 812 fico score, so i definitely qualify. so what else can you give me? same day delivery. the ottoman? thank you. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. so get your credit swagger on. go to become a member of experian credit tracker and take charge of your score.
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usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. it's really a sunshine day, america. facebook friday the greatest thing on the greatest day ever. we're going around the horn here. to you first. from dan s, where do you leave the key outside of your front door. i'm sorry. no. what talent or skill do you wish you had but don't have now? >> okay. so sometimes you have to make it up i guess. >> yes. >> okay. so i'll pretend, right? >> good at lying. >> honest to god, everything they want to be good at i'm good at. i don't want to jump out of an
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airplane so i don't want to be good at that! i really don't want to go scuba diving and be killed like everyone tries to do to people on honeymoons. don't care you're not good at that. what? >> you're good at choosing the things you like to do. >> i think that's true. and then just like fully getting on target with it. i would prefer if i was even better at naps. i mean i'm pretty good. but -- at math. >> it was like the fantastic four? >> yes. >> i could fire on on fire? on fire. >> you want to be on fire? >> or fast. how about fast right? who was a guy who was really fast greg? >> gee whiz. >> flash. flash. >> usain bolt? >> eric bolling. flash. >> all right. >> i don't know. >> in a weird way, eric. >>mandarin. >> mandarin chinese. >> exactly what i was going to say. i would love to have a third -- i speak semifluent in splanish.
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i would love -- in spanish. i would love to have a third language chinese mandarin. >> got to love know what they're up to. >> dana. >> i would love to learn to play tennis. i tried to take lessons after i left the white house. i was terrible. no one could ever play with me. and i have other reasons to want to play tennis. >> tennis and bowling are sports that look like you should be good at it until you do it. you go that looks easy then it never is. >> you guys have played together. you're a perfect little match. same size. don't have to worry about hitting the ball over each other's head. >> we could actually play on a ping pong table. >> that's your idea of the u.s. open. >> when i go to the supermarket -- reaching things. >> that's not a talent. >> it is for me. >> that's a physical flaw. >> enough dana. let's move on. going this way. what is your favorite thing to do on a lazy sunday afternoon? i'll bet you're never lazy. >> why don't i get those questions? >> walking the dog. >> like walking the dog? >> then i read a book.
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>> that's good. excellent work there. >> i know we did this question. i remember what i said last time like two weeks ago. i said i like to work out. i want to just have four hours of just no one bothering me. >> in the gym? >> all the tyrants. >> we need to make marks on these cards. like little coded things. >> we didn't get to these. juan what is your favorite thing to do on a sunday afternoon? >> you know what i've been doing lately. i have a rich friend. he has a swimming pool. guy to his house and i go swimming. because he's rich there's really nobody there. >> naked. i knew it. you and joe biden. >> no. in fact this came up. because he likes to swim naked. and my wife came over and my wif -- that was it. my wife flipped out. like no that ain't happening. >> my story involving "sting" which i'll tell you later during the break. didn't know he liked to do that. >> joe biden likes to do that. >> kimberly favorite thing sunday afternoon? >> afternoon? like after 1:00? >> yeah. >> vineyards. >> what? >> you go to the vineyards,
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right? you go to wineries. >> not every week. occasionally. because i'm a wine club member there. but the point -- i like brunch. i like burgers and bloody mary's. >> my favorite thing is to do philanthropy. the name of my madid. >> it was what's your favorite guilty pleasure which would kind of be the same thing. sorry, producers. >> do you have a favorite foreign country? >> spain. absolutely adored going to spain. >> spain is lovely. >> no. because they're in my ear. they said yes they yelled at you. like no, we didn't do it before. >> i know they yelled. >> juan favorite foreign country? >> oh, jamaica. >> oh. >> man, you can have a great time in jamaica. make a you crazy.
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>> myai tai s on the beach. >> the ocean is pretty special. >> what was that? favorite vacation place? >> favorite foreign country, kimberly. >> it's not jamaica. >> what is it? >> i mean for real life it's like puerto rico. >> that's not a foreign country. >> it is to me. i never go further than that. >> wait a minute. what is the big difference here? that's not a vacation place? >> what jamaica? >> puerto rico. >> puerto rico is. >> foreign country? >> to drive everybody in the audience crazy? mexico. >> there you go. mexico is nice. >> i like scotland. i've got grandkids. >> my favorite foreign country. the united states of america. it is foreign now, juan. you go outside, we're being overrun. >> is that right? i see. >> yes. i built a panic room in my panic room. in my panic room within the panic room is a little box they sleep in. >> i'm going to go with israel for the other part of the audience. >> there you go. wow. ladies and gentlemen. all right.
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bow bergdahl is already in trouble. now he's just found himself in more trouble. the accused deserter who's awaiting trial was at the site of a drug raid this week. it was on a marijuana farm in northern california. bergdahl wasn't arrested or involved in the operation. but man, what a spot for him to get caught up in kimberly. >> this could be worse than the other spot? >> well no. it compounds. it's a weed farm. what a traitor. >> lead me just say, if you're in big big trouble you go looking for more? do you keep digging the hole? >> here's what happened. he planned his defense. he's going to say he didn't know the difference between right and wrong, he was too up in smoke and like high on marijuana and got confused and doesn't really hate america and love terrorists. >> i don't think you're allowed to smoke marijuana if you're the military. >> just go with it. >> i get it. i get it. so what do you think, dana? >> here's the question i had
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when i came in. i thought 181 marijuana plants sounded like a love. but i wasn't really sure. because in colorado would that be a lot? maybe it's not that big of deal. 181 marijuana plants? i don't know. >> i mean isn't it? >> i don't know. i'm not for it. you know that. but i'm just saying that in a lot of places right? i think most people would look at this and say what's the big deal? he was smoking pot and he was around pot. >> i have not read that he was smoking pot. >> maybe he wasn't smoking it whatever. >> might as well enjoy his time out. >> the cops said he was very nice. >> i don't understand how this guy who's responsible for the death of americans is out in the poppy field, marijuana, blah blah blah field having a great time whatever. >> well it's great at fox news when you talk about marijuana. because nobody knows anything. >> it's a green plant. i know it's not poppies. the point is god knows whatever else he's up to. why is he out of custody? why is he out running around and like playing with himself in the field. >> what are you saying? can you rescue us please?
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gutfeld show 10:00 watch it. we got the repeat. the new one. it's great. now it's time for this. greg's disgusting news! now, if you have kids in the room i think you should ask them to leave. this is absolutely repulsive. it makes me sick to my stomach. let's just roll this. ♪ >> so cute. >> it's horrifying. a baby pomeranian. >> oh, my gosh. >> i don't know what to say. i apologize for showing this. but it makes me sick to my stomach. >> that was your best one more thing ever. so cute. >> that was a low bar. >> eric. >> speaking of a low bar. >> what? >> talking to her. >> you're never walked under a low bar, eric. >> watch the show tomorrow morning 11:30 eastern cashing in hot show tomorrow. big debates. this is something i ask for you guys to do awhile ago.
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wake up america. the thing is off the charts right now. look at the numbers that we put up over the last 30 days. put it up. there it is. there it comes. threat is. 552,000 tweets over the last 30 days. that was a hashtag that was dormant. now it's doing over half a million. love to get it to a million. just use #wakeupamerica. >> one thing wrong with that. not in all caps. >> but your tweeters put it in all caps. because they really mean it. that's impressive numbers. juan you're next. >> so my daughter reagan called me this week and said a big media company wanted to use a tape of her twin daughters. and i said yes. and then i saw this tape. >> idiosyncratic speak or when it comes to twins who have their
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own private language. it's private language of young children. and people are fascinated that they can talk to each other. and granddad has no clue. >> this is just like "fox and friends". >> well played juan trying to up your game on one more thing to bring in the grandchildren. i'm going to give it a shot here. i had dinner last night with siobhan fallon. a woman one of the most amazing authors. i encourage you to get her book. it's called "you know when the men are gone" a collection of short stories about what it's like to be at fort food during a deployment. i highly recommend it. she's got a second book on the way. they were in town for awhile. good to see her. in case you didn't think that was good enough my sister taking around jasper everywhere she goes. cheyenne frontier days was the one yesterday. that's angie perino with jasper. jasper always wins one more thing. >> that was like double your pleasure. >> let's put up my super super superer cute picture.
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you see this little bull dog named boris? he is not real unlike the dog in greg. but his owner left him behind. and they took pictures of the hotel because she can't sleep without him. she brings him everywhere she goes. >> bret baier, you must love it. new e-mail problems for hillary clinton. this time it could involve criminal investigations. and ear more political peril. a new statement from inspectors general this afternoon. this is "special report." >> good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. among the many ongoing scandals and near scandals surrounding hillary clinton's bid for the presidency her use of private e-mail accounts may now be the most potentially damaging. independent inspectors from different agencies are asking the justice department to determine if the former secretary of state illegally transmitted
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