tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News July 24, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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a great night. an o'reilly factor special: kate's law is on. >> kate wanted to have a full life. and even though it was cut short, she lived as much as 20 lives combined. >> the nation still stunned weeks after kate steinle was murdered by a criminal alien. tonight, we will talk with kate's parents in factor world exclusive. >> you guys are public officials. you guys are accountable to the people here, and you guys are are supposed to protect safety. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> jesse watters confronting the san francisco board of supervisors who apparently are unrepentant after illegal alien they released murdered a young woman.
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also what are residents of the city of the bay think of that? >> it's just very sad. >> deplorable. >> puts a blemish on the city. >> my son's name was joshua wilkerson on december 16th 2010 he was beaten, strangled, tortured until he died. he was tied up, thrown in a field and set on fire. >> will congress pass kate's law? families who lost loved ones to criminal aliens spoke out. >> kate fell, looked a at me and said help me, dad. those are the last words i will ever hear from my daughter. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor o'reilly factor special begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. we have a factor national exclusive, an interview with the parents of kate steinle
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shot to death by illegal alien felon. by all accounts, kate was a fine young woman. she grew up in pleasantton california outside of san francisco, earning a communications degree from cal poly. kate loved it to travel, exploring different cultures all around thehea world. she was also very charitable working with the challenged athletes foundation. summing up, kate wason a generous and caring person. her parents have set up a fund that will help causes close to kate's heart. we will give you that information in just a few moments. joining us nowmoment from pleasantton, jim steinle kate's father and liz sullivan her mother. ms. sullivan, we will begin with youms you. what do you want the world to know about kate? >> well, she was not only beautiful but a very soulful person. a lot of depth a lot of spirituality. always from a young age. and i think that's what's
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helping to give us the strength that we are v. conjured up here in this terrible terrible situation. i feel her strength still with me. >> you have a very close family and kate was -- even though she is a professional woman, lived outside the home she was close to both of you correct? >>re correct. >> yes yes. >> she would come over quite occasionally and visit with with us. >> and the relationship that you had with kate, was one of mutual respect? i mean, you hear a lot about -- you know, families these days that don't get along. butt it looks to me that your family was extremely close and supportive of each other. e >> very much so. very much so. in the last three weeks because of our situation of moving kate had spent a lot of time here with us, had
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spent nights sleeping here. and most recently she and i had just taken a nap together. when i youap came out of my yoga class on wednesday she was waiting for me outside the room. just very, very close. very, totally you in contact all the time. >> yeah. and she was helping you out on the move. i justt want toti get that example across for younger people in america that your home had a lot of love in it and that makes this situation even more painful. now, mr. steinle, you can tell us what happened that night painful. pick it up when you met kate that night. what happened? >> a friend of mine of liz and i was here visiting. she hadn't been into the city. we thought we would go into the city just to visit. it was extremely hot out here, so we headed to the city and we gave kate a
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call. she met with us. and we walked around and did different things and laughed and went in the ferry building and came out and decided to walk down, you know, the pier and stopped at the pier and enjoy the day of san francisco that it's been and it was we turned around and came back from whence we came and we heard a shot and he -- she went down and the arrest we we -- and the rest we all know from then. >> what did she say before she went down? >> help me, dad. >> and had you no idea what was happening at that point? >> none whatsoever. we heard a pop shortly after
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that kate went down. we had some kind souls come over you know, gave her mouth-to-mouth and did all i could. some other kind souls come over and helped us until the paramedics got there. >> did you see the man who shot your daughter? >> no. no everyone in that particular area was just concentrating on kate and what happened. it was pretty obvious something serious happened and that was our response was to her. we weren't looking around or anything like that. >> now ms. sullivan, the outpouring to you and your family and mr. steinle has been unbelievable. tell us about that. >> just the food, the cards the offers it has been
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absolutely unbelievable how many lives she touched. the cards the flowers the service the memorial. i was overwhelmed with the number of people. it was overwhelming. you can't prepare for anything like this it was astonishing and it is astonishing. we are hoping to carry this forward. we are hoping for some good to come out of all of this. >> this is where we come in. in our next segment we will tell everybody what we are trying to do. mr. steinle, was all of this outpouring for your daughter, was it of any comfort to you? >> oh my, yes. it more than comfort. we are a family that is strong in faith and that in itself kept us strong.
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>> kate was faithful and she believed and she had had a great spirit. and the thing as liz said that amazed us the amount of people dubai. she worked in dubai for a while. people called there. friends that we had lived there. and they flew in just to be at the memorial service from india. we just -- we knew kate had touched a lot of people. you had to meet her to get that but no. it was a strength, the calls that people hear all the time, you can't do this alone regardless of how strong your faith and how tough you might be, but we're just astonished. not that surprised, i guess because kate being kate, but, you know, without all the love around the world actually toward kate, this had been a little tougher road to hoe. >> all right.
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now, we are going to hold liz and jim over for the next segment. i want to give you some very important information right now. fund that will promote kate's legacy and generosity is go fund 2 aneaw that's go fund 2 aneaw and that will be a charitable fund and a legacy fund for kate steinle. more with kate's paren
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parnts liz sullivan and kate steinle. i'm talking to you over-the-weekend mr. steinle and you indicate you do support kate's law. why? >> well, i support kate's >> b we're an a political family. we keep up with politics because we're citizens of the united states. and, you know, we feel the federal, state and cities, their laws are here to protect us but we feel that this particular set of circumstances and the people involved the different agencies let us down. we are just a little tired of the finger pointing and want to see some action and if kate's law saves one person then it is all for good. >> that's very well said,
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mr. steinle. ms. sullivan, that's exactly what i was trying to do. if it saves one american family that does not have to go through ms. sullivan what you are going through right now, then kate's law is worth it. it should be done. it's only fair. and our laws are supposed to protect us not only foreign felons from domestic felons. i think it will happen. that is one of the reasons we wanted you to come on tonight. do you have any thoughts about it merchandise sullivan? i just want it to be a good, solid law that won't have holes in it and i'm sure there will be a lot of posturing back and forth have no idea how many people have been killed by illegal
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ill a yens. we had quite a few people reach out to us and we had no idea it was an issue. >> the number is in the thousands. >> sure, mr. steinle, go ahead. >> if i may add. the family wants to be involved in the language of the law so we have a sense and we will report every step of the way. i think you are absolutely right th come over quite occasionally and visit with us. >> and the>> we are doing it for her. we are doing it for you and doing it for all americans. >> absolutely. >> i have researched your daughter. you know, i'm thinking if my daughter were shot dead, i mean, i don't know how you guys can even sit for this interview. i don't think i could do it. i think you have so much courage. i think that courage and i think your perspective has to be
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september when they come come back rested from their vacation. in the meantime we want everybody to go to your website is. i know millions of people will. i know they will americans are a good people and we are concerned on a very, very intimate basis with crime victims and families that are suffering the way you are. so i'm going to each give you a last statement ms. sullivan. you go first. >> well, you know, it's just a horrific situation and we find that it has touched so many other people and you just wanted it to pay forward. you want to pay it forward and you want to make it so much better for everybody in the united states that this as you say would never happen again. >> mr. steinle? >> that's our hope. >> well, it just, again our faith has kept us strong and the people have kept us strong kate's bright light.
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the battle of evil and goodness, what happened to kate was evil personified but her bright light that has shone all over the world, has helped us and the show us and the people of the world the united states and everywhere with this law that goodness trumps evil any time and she was a kind person and we're hoping to keep her legacy alive. >> well, thank you both. i can't tell you how much it means to the country. i would like to say for me and the vast majority of factor viewers that our prayers are with you and your family. thanks again. we will be in touch bill bill. ahead reaction to these interviews with juan williams. >> they are moving forward with that life energy. >> and later watters hits
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bull bill lead story, the parents of kate steinle speak out.tory joining us from austin, texas, mary katharine ham and from washington juan williams both fox news analysts. all right. juan, do you want to comment on the interview? interview. i agree. i must say, you know, they are strong supports now of kate's law and the idea that they want to pay it forward. i'm just reminded i think i herds once a child when they
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see their parents they see god. and i see in them, even nowed that the child is gone, which is so heart breaking that you know, these people have the power of god in them. and they are moving forward with that life energy. so, you know, around here in d.c. everybody is talking about vice president biden losing a child who was in his 40s. here are jim and liz losing a child in their 20's. and it's just equally devastating. so the interview to me was very powerful and, you know, i, again as you said, my prayers, i'm sure all our prayers go to them. >> what say you, mary katharine? >> i'm just struck by how incredibly strong they seem and how hard it is to watch any parent who loses a child grieve for that in the spotlight and do it so gracefully is quite amazing. my prayers for them and for kate. it's nice to hear her story
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even after she has left us. >> now juan, the parents as you pointed out are supporters of kate's law. we are going to get them involved in the writing of the legislation. are you going to support it, juan? >> yeah. you know, i am taken with the idea that we need to get criminals off the street. i don't have any doubt about that bill. i think that what you have got here is a situation where you need to -- we, as an american people, need to change the law first to make sure that it's not a matter of a -- you know, a detainee memo but an actual legal warrant for anybody who is in custody in the united states who is an illegal warrant and felon a warrant is issued and that person has no chance. there can be no misunderstanding so everybody understands the way the law should come down and the way why are going to lobby for it to come down is that once a person comes back after being deported
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and they are picked up again, you run it through the federal system. everybody has got to be run through the federal system. and if it comes back, that you are a convicted felon in the united states, then you are charged immediately and there is no wiggle room. you have to be charged. and, if convicted, you have to get five first offense ten second, 20 third. that takes the discretion. because right now there are laws on the books. they are not being being enforced. all right. this isn't happening, which is why this thug could get and killed somebody. all right. so that's the intent of the law. go. >> right. i think it's perfectly rational. sounds like a good idea to raise the stakes on every one of those entries into the united states what is going on now the stakes are not high enough for the folks that come in. sanctuary cities where this guy announced he was hanging out there because it was a sanctuary city. those cities even though they have reasons for doing
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what they are doing have a responsibility to their citizens. here's the thing. i think also the steinle's are being so smart about wanting to be involved in the intricacies of the law because a law just proposing it does not solve problems. ushering it through that process does. >> that's right. >> can make an impact. and i think that's really smart because i don't have faith in every sing dwell law to say do what it says it's going to do. >> kate steinle's name is on it juan. i'm going to give you the last word. her parents certainly in this republic have first priority/çfíxwl:└i!g v«hb>q(ç7i.mgñwr0ñ 4bh9lpri>e"&v sp2t0 congress people and senators what they would like to see. >> i think that adds real personal power. that's how you get politicians bill make it human. you are not just talking policy and these parents have lost a
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child. argue about the value of sanctuary cities. i know president obama and his justice department are really hard right now in trying to deport criminals. that is drawing criticism from both sides let's get through the static. let's do something about this law. >> it feels like a no-brainer. >> i would like to see who is going to oppose it now. we need this law. it should have been done a long time ago. this is the first step. the next president of the united states is going to have to deal with that directly ahead, the senate, will it pass a tough new law against illegal alien felons? will it? >> we have to take advantage of the opportunity. not only because it's a one incident but because as i said, 121 people murdered. >> even if there were just two, when you deport somebody and they come back, they should be punished. >> yeah.
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as you may know, the factor is trying to get a new law passed that would mandate a five year prison sentence for any illegal alien who commits a felony in the u.s.a. is deported comes back. simple law that would save american lives. with us now senator chuck grassley from iowa. first of all, have you now written a law that we dubbed kate's law. and it's aggravated felony.
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any illegal alien with aggravated felon deported and comes back gets the minimum here. what's aggravated felony? who would oppose this law? who would oppose that? >> you have to remember there is advocacy group just today who said we should not change public policy just based upon isolated incident of the steinle murder. >> you are going to have a legion of people. >> five people testified but, remember, since in the last five years, 121 people have been murdered by criminal aliens. >> but why would any advocacy group and you figure that they want to
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help the poor, say you shouldn't put a person who is deported and comes back, who is a felon aggravated felon in prison? that's insane. i'm just trying to get the logic of this. you have been around a long time. is there any logic to not doing what you want to do? >> not as far as i'm concerned. but there are some people so fearful of certain segments of our population that you might call illegal aliens that anything to defend them, they are very reluctant to make changes. when there is a senseless murder like, this we have to take advantage of the opportunity. not only because it's a one incident but because, as i said, 121 people murdered. >> that's right. >> and even if there were just two, when you deport somebody and they come back, they should be punished. >> yeah. >> what is this? we are paying for all of this. now, i think this is going to past the senate. it's very well written. did you a great job writing this law. >> yeah.
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>> it's very specific. it doesn't pick on law abiding illegal aliens who are just trying to make a living and this and that. it's the hardest core. >> yeah. >> i congratulate you senator, you acted quickly on this. you got the committee hearing. you got the steinles and others up to testify and this is the way our government should work. last word. >> we also have the witnesses that had murder in their family testifying first so we could have the immigration people from the administration that are going to testify afterwards. they usually like to go first as government people. >> they need to hear. this yes, you are absolutely right. >> coming up, jesse watters confronts the san francisco supervisors. >> this sanctuary city policy, that you guys still support is costing lives. >> rig
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in the watters world segment tonight, san francisco sanctuary policy and the murder of kate steinle. shortly after kate was gunned down allegedly by illegal immigrant fell lodge, jesse confronted that board of city's supervisors about the danger they allow. >> good good afternoon supervisors, my name is jesse watters with the o'reilly factor at the fox news channel. i would like to address your dangerous sanctuary city
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policies. i would like to show you a picture here. it's kate steinle. she was murdered by an illegal alien who had been deported five times and over six flown convictions. but, for some reason, the city of san francisco let this guy out. even though the feds said hold him. i'm here to find out why you guys did that. because this sanctuary city policy, that you guys still support is costing lives. how many more lives is it going to take for you guys to readdress this policy? i'm flabbergasted. i didn't hear a lot of regret today. you guys have been ignoring the issue. you guys have been all running and hiding.
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you know what kate said, her last words? look at the picture guys. you guys aren't even looking. look at the picture. are you afraid? i know it's tough. her last words were "help me." help me. why aren't you guys helping her. [bell] >> you guys are public officials. you guys are accountable to the people here. and you guys are supposed to protect the public safety. [bell] >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> here is watters' reaction from san francisco. >> i a stroll along the pier in san francisco turns tragic. >> kate steinle died after being shot. >> francisco sanchez is a convicted felon who had been deported five times before. dozens of flowers had been left where kate steinle's body fell that day. once person left a note that reads we are so sorry that our leaders are vile and corrupt.
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we cherish your life and memory. ♪ ♪ >> san francisco is a sanctuary city that won't cooperate with the federal government and let the feds pick up this illegal alien. and now look what happened. >> yeah. it's just very sad. >> it's a tragedy. it's an sleuth tragedy. i don't think it should change our sanctuary city policy. i mean, because it's a policy that has been put in place with the community values that we share here which is welcoming all immigrants regardless of legal status. >> when i found out that san francisco was sort of allowing that to happen by being a sanctuary that kind of pissed me off. i hope they make a change. >> i don't have any feelings against illegal immigration but when it comes to protect criminals, i do have a problem. >> deplorable, i mean, come on obvious this guy should have been deported. >> it's unfortunate that things like this occur because it puts a blemish on the city. >> if you would have gone
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back, you would have still let this guy walk around the streets and kill someone? >> from what i believe it was a nonviolent drug offense that he had got turned over to the sheriff. clearly the guy shouldn't have been here. if he wasn't here it, wouldn't have happened. >> do you hold the mayor and board of supervisors responsible for her death? >> >> yeah they have a lot of responsibility. >> i would say no hold them responsible for what they do next. >> supervisor lee and board of supervisors let this criminal ill alien out on the streets. they say we are not going to cooperate with the federal government when they want to hold an illegal alien. let's go find some answers. >> the o'reilly factor, want to do a quick interview with mayor lee if he is available. >> he has a press conference down the hall. >> mayor? mayor lee? mayor, are you you in here? it's jesse with the o'reilly
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factor. i have a few questions. please tell him watters world is looking for him all right? thank you. >> i came all the way from new york, just to get a few answers, you know, about the sanctuary city policy. >> he did send out a statement about this issue. it's a very serious issue. >> is taking it seriously just sending out a little piece of paper when someone is murdered because of a policy you support that doesn't sound that serious to me. >> i don't think that's characterized correct. >> i how is that mischaracterized? >> it's very serious. >> how is that mischaracterized. >> it's deeply sad for this family. the mayor is going to continue to work on their. it never should have happened and he wants to make sure it doesn't happen again. >> how is he making sure it doesn't happen again specifically? >> is he working on a number of issues. >> like what? >> he is working. >> because this is -- several times this has happened in your city. how many dead people does it take? >> i really thank you for coming by. >> thank you very much.
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this is a important issue. >> thank you very much. please tell him i stopped by. >> so, they have no answers. they have no policy. the thing that bothered me the most is when you were showing them the picture they didn't have any emotion at all. nobody answered. none of the 11 would even address your concerns or comments; is that correct? >> >> right. no one even looked me in the eye when i was addressing the supervisor. that was so sad. when you are staring at this person how could your heart not go out for this situation? i honestly think the supervisors feel like this is just a cost of doing business in a sanctuary city and a few people die if they are going to pander to the latino vote, so be it. they actually spent more time during this hearing talking about banning alcohol from starbucks that be they did actually addressing the sanctuary city policies that's put a real black mark on the city. >> what about the state of san francisco. i understand there is a lot of people in the streets and it's gone down hill pretty fast. >> right.
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well i mean when you are to the left of feinstein and hillary clinton you kind of have a problem. i think it's going to take the rest are of the state to come in and make san francisco behave because they are so isolated. >> i don't know, l.a. is the same way. i don't think that's going to happen. >> it's true. but i'm not seeing the groundswell. >> no. >> and the anger on the streets that i think you need to get these guys to change their mind. >> anker is a bad thing when you live in mellow land. it's going to take the federal government and i don't even know if they are going to do it. the federal government would have to impose some discipline because they are not going to do it themselves. >> coming up, reaction from the committee hearings on criminal alien violence on capitol hill this week. we will speak with kate steinle's father and brother. >> there is no question about it. it's black and white. there is no reason these people should be on the street. >> that's right. nothing fits, huh? not surprising... ...with that bloated belly. you got gas. i can see it and i know you feel it. get gas-x. it relieves bloating in minutes. plus that uncomfortable pressure.
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as you may no the factor is working vigorously to make kate's law a reality. on capitol hill the senate judiciary committee held hearings. >> on november 16 2010 he was beaten strangled, tortured until he died. he was tied up thrown in the field and set on fire. his killer was brought here illegally by his illegal parents when he was 10 years old so he fit the dream kid description. >> due to laws and incompetence on many levels the u.s. has suffered a self-inflicted wound in the murder of our daughter by the hand of a person that should have never been on the streets of this country.
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>> we spoke to kate steinle's father jim and her brother, brad about that hearing. mr. steinle, what did you think of the hearing overall? >> i think it was productive. i liked what i heard on some sides and some not. that is just the beginning of this particular legislation. we had meetings early before we met with the committee and with senators on both sides of the aisle. i have a sneaking suspicion that there is something going to happen. there has to be some definitions between what's a felon and what you need to do to get to be a felon. >> did you hear anyone say anything to you among the senators that upset you mr. steinle? >> not in this particular session, no. i didn't hear anything that
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upset me. >> you heard him -- >> the suggestion we make a mandatory minimum five year sentence for people who have been deported and come back across the border let's say with no other -- no criminal history and no other history from the government's point of view that seems to be an invitation for a lot of prosecutions. >> he did it to obscure the real issue hoping that kate's law will not be passed. that bothers me. i will throw it over to you. there is an element in this country, he is not sympathetic to the murder of your sister. they say they are but they won't take steps to prevent another kate from being murdered. how do you see those people? >> the clip i just saw from the senator that spoke i think it is very plain and clear to see that
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a kate's law that deals with felons that have committed crimes anything from rape to murder committed any type of an assault, if they're felons we should definitely make sure that they are either detained or sent out of the country so nothing like this happens again. there is no question about it. it's black and white. there's no reason these people should be on the street. >> and then the man who killed your sister was a drug dealer. he sold hard drugs. and that is under the banner of aggravated felon, as well and should be. these drug gangs are causing havoc all over the country. >> if we can get this kate's law passed if we save one son, one daughter one mother one
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father one sister one brother then kate's death is not all in vein. >> i agree and that is what we are all working towards. gentlemen, we appreciate it. you guys are patriots. you are heroes. we will get this done and if there is anything your family needs please let me know. reaction to all of the ille for fastidious librarian emily skinner, each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way emily went right on living. but you see,
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be the one with the crazy laugh. and keep being their favorite playmate. tena's unique super-absorbent microbeads lock in moisture and odor, tena - available at cvs danger from criminal alien felons in america. do you support kate's law? >> i don't. i'm afraid to say. i think that this is obviously a horrible tragedy and i feel terrible for the family. i don't think this is the solution to the problem. i think it is going to cause more harm to people who have not committed horrible crimes like this that maybe committed a felony but a felony is not the same thing as a murder.
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it could have a big impact on people on the families of even legal immigrants who are here who aren't citizens. >> it is a sharply defined law, felons who were deported come back get five. >> i wrote a column about somebody who has been deported and been here since the fifth grade. he was a felon because he was overcharged by ice which is something ice -- >> that is a bureaucratic mistake. >> ice has been -- >> you don't trust the criminal justice system? >> i don't. they overcharge people and get deported for a minor crime. >> you are coming down on the side of anarchy. that's what you want. >> if someone opposes something you support is anarchy. >> you have no solution. you don't want a solution. >> a solution to what? >> to this violent criminal
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alien problem. >> this is a tragedy. >> it was a violent crime that could have been prevented. >> roughly 30 people are murdered every day in the country. it's a tragedy. you don't retaliate against people who have not killed people. you are talking about -- you are making all felons -- anybody with a felony. >> anybody with a felony gets five years if they come back. >> when people are overcharged -- >> let's have -- somebody selling a minor amount of marijuana. >> they are all the victims of the bad, bad system. >> i support kate's law because the federal government has one primary job and that is to protect american citizens. illegal immigrants who commit violent crimes are foreign enemies that become domestic enemies. kate's law is a necessary band aid. you have kate's law to come in and try to stem the hemorrhaging until we can get the border
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secure. >> you know that not all felonies are violent. the president is pardoning people who sold lots of drugs. he believes it is nonviolent. there are many liberal people in this country that don't really want drug dealers or big-time drug dealers prosecuted. the felon rap is enough that if you are deported after a felony and you come back you have no right to be here but people like kirston don't seem to mind that. do you hold the san francisco supervisors responsible for kate's death? >> absolutely because they support the sanctuary city. >> do you hold san francisco supervisors responsible for what happened to kate steinle? >> i think that based on what his record was, no. i don't think there was evidence that he was a violent criminal, per se. >> seven felony convictions --
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it sounds very bad. you turn anybody who has two ounces of marijuana into a hard -- >> seven convictions, felonies. seven. >> that doesn't make you necessarily a murderer. they released 10,000 other people out who you consider these enemies as monica was saying who did not kill somebody. you are taking the one person and trying to -- >> you are fine with this guy being in the country. you are fine with him being in the country, this alleged murderer you are okay with him being in the country? >> he wasn't a murderer when they had him. this is a very tragic situation but it's not representative of the average person being detained. >> thanks for watching our factor special this evening, kate's law. we will keep you updated on how long it takes to pass it. we expect the debate will be vigorous.
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we are on it. i am bill o'reilly. remember the spin stops here because we're definitely looking out for you. tonight new developments with one of america's best known tv families as the duggars deal with the cancellation of their show new anger from the left and a possible lawsuit that could change everything. welcome to "the kelly file" special the duggar's next chapter. two months ago controversy met the most popular reality show of all time. christian family living in arkansas with conservative values. while the show attracted a huge crowd of followers it attracted
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