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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  July 24, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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we expect the debate will be vigorous. we are on it. i am bill o'reilly. remember the spin stops here because we're definitely looking out for you. tonight new developments with one of america's best known tv families as the duggars deal with the cancellation of their show new anger from the left and a possible lawsuit that could change everything. welcome to "the kelly file" special the duggar's next chapter. two months ago controversy met the most popular reality show of all time. christian family living in arkansas with conservative values. while the show attracted a huge crowd of followers it attracted anger from liberal groups who
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did not like the values. then the bombshell. someone leaked sealed court documents on josh duggar from when he was a teenager showing josh was accused of inappropriately touching several young girls including his sisters, two of whom we spoke to. the family pointed out that josh had admitted what he had done spoken to police and that an investigation had been completed. he had received counseling and no criminal charges were filed. the damage had been done. the family was under attack and the show was very much in question. so the duggars decided to give their first national tv interview to "the kelly file." they talk about what happened the fallout and the toll on the family especially the two visters who were outed as sexual assault victims. that was a month ago. in the last couple of weeks we got reports the lawsuit against
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the family was starting to move forward. tlc announced the duggar sisters would take part on a special. josh and his wife had a new baby and the network that carried "19 kids and counting" announced the show was axed and would not be coming back. we asked them about that possibility when we were in arkansas. what happens to the duggars from here? >> we are a very busy family. normally we are busy and film cameras are following us around. i don't know if the rest of our family should be punished for the act of one of our children that something happened 12 years ago or not. you know we are fine whether they film this or not. we are going to go on and live life and serve god and make a difference in the world. >> enjoy our children and grandchildren and continue on with life. either way we are at peace.
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>> do you care about the tlc show? do you want to see it continue? >> we always had the mindset that this show is just a window of opportunity that god allowed our family to be on television and share with other people our lives. >> what about that opportunity may now disappear not just for josh and your parents but for you, as well? >> life goes on. we are not a tv family. we are a family that happened to be on tv. we have been through a lot together. i think our viewers have seen that even just the journeys our family has taken. it has not always been easy on television. we still allowed the filming to take place and allowed people to see our struggle see things we have gone through from my little sister being born premature and funerals and stuff. i think this is another struggle that we are going through right now, another hard time but i think it's bringing our family even closer together. >> definitely.
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>> and we will make it through this too. >> joining me now host of "media buzz." so i know many people believe this cancellation was intevitable. what do you think? >> it was absolutely inevitable. a suspension was never going to cut it. the duggar brand had become radioactive despite the best efforts to rehabilitate themselves and that causes advertisers to head for the hills and once that happens your show is toast. >> was there ever a shot for the show to survive given the fact that most of the show, those featured in it are innocent victims. it not only got cancelled for the parents and josh but jill and jess got a show cancelled. they were beloved and four of them were sexual assault victims. >> absolutely. they were innocent victims. the parents and you were asked
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this by putting them on tv maybe not so innocent victims. josh duggar remains at the center of this. he didn't explain or apologize for behavior. the fact that he announced on twitter that he and his wife had their fourth child and were torched by negative comments. >> now tlc, they are in an interesting position saying they are cancelled but we are going to do a documentary on abuse with the duggars. what is that about? >> very smart move by tlc because it looked like a public service. it enables the family to do penance. it does a big number on the ratings because of so much interest on the family. it could provide the basis for a spinoff show for the victimized sisters who were so poised during this whole ordeal. >> it is interesting to me because we aired the interview
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in two parts. the first part was the parents and the second part was the daughters. i understand the anger that some people have as a parent. i don't understand the anger people have at the daughters. i know they have similar views on traditional marriage as their parents do but in this context to be angry with them over sexual molestation allegation makes no sense. still there was back lash. after we aired that interview you should have seen the comments we got, the hafl comments about the daughters. and so is there any sort of appetite among those who made these decisions to continue the daughters' television career? >> i am puzzled by the back lash because these two young women didn't ask for this. they are the victims exploited by the tabloids that got the police report. as you noted at the time. here is the thing about a reality show like this same thing for others.
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these are shows that appeal to conservative heartland but the risk you take when you display your whole family is this. they are not just actors. they are real people. when they develop problems and get into trouble first you have the liberals coming after them hard but also it becomes more difficult because it contaminates the television product because these are real people and selling themselves. >> is there a double standard? that's what their supporters say because the duggars had gone to law enforcement and i realize the controversy. they had dealt with it and then it wows outed to the public. however, there are a lot of reality tv shows out there who have serious problems. take a look at the real house wives. look at the franchise between alcoholism and abuse, actual spousal abuse and so on.
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and those shows don't get cancelled. >> they thrive on controversy. i think there is a different kind of standard for shows featuring evangelical christians because the hollywood establishment is liberal. it's a business. once this brand got tainted although oo it wasn't the fault of most of those in this large family it was a difficult proposition. >> so they are out. except for that probably big ratings victory they will have when they air their documentary and the possibility of specials thereafter and maybe a spinoff. good to see you. we spoke with the duggars and they told us the incident with josh involved both of their sisters and two other sisters and then one person outside the family. when the 19 kids controversy started getting new attention over the last couple of months we saw reports surface that an outside person that fifth person is now allegedly
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preparing a civil suit. we will talk to our lawyers about how that might go. let's hear the duggars tell us what happened with josh in their own words. >> how did you first learn there was a problem with josh? >> 12 years ago we went through one of the most darkest times that our family has gone through and our son josh came to us on his own and he was crying and he had just turned 14. and he said that he had actually improperly touched some of our daughters. and it was -- >> we were shocked. we were devastated. i don't think any parent is prepared for a trauma like that. and i think we had one ray of hope in that josh had a tender conscience and he was the one that came and shared on his own even though the others really didn't know anything of his wrong doing.
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>> this is a young boy who has come to you with shocking information. what did he say? how did you respond to him? what was that like that exchange? >> so much grief in our hearts. i think as parents we felt we're failures. here we tried to raise our kids to do what's right and know what's right and yet one of our children made some really bad choices. i think as a parent we were just devastated. >> did he explain why? >> he said he was just curious about girls and he had gone in and just basically touched them over their clothes while they were sleeping. they didn't know he had done it. we went and first thing was to protect the girls. >> the girls all sleep together. >> they had two bedrooms at the time. >> how many girls are we talking about? >> we had five girls at the time. so he went in and said he had done this. and so we first off, of course
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really talked to him and then we went and talked to all of the girls. >> it was so important for us as parents to talk to our girls and make sure that nothing else had happened. one by one as we talked with them none of them were aware of josh's wrong doings. >> so they learned about it from you? >> yes. >> at that point he had said that he had done this to how many of the girls? >> that was the two. >> but neither had recollection of it. >> what was their reaction when they learned it from you? >> they didn't -- they really didn't know. we asked them at first if anything happened. and then it was after some other things happened that we shared with them and we actually took a lot of steps. first we tried to deal with this in house as parents. we were in shock and trying to figure out what was the next step. really looking back we did the
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best we could under the circumstances. >> what am i going to do? he said he touched two of the daughters and you don't know what to do. >> we didn't know because nobody knew about it. so we thought what do we do with this information? the girls we talked to them and they didn't know that anything happened. they were asleep. so we talked to him. we put all kinds of punishments on him. we watched him like all the time. i took him to work with me. he just -- we just poured our life into him. >> when you went to bed at night during that timeframe were you scared? were you worried? he is 14 and having this problem, what is going to happen when we go to sleep? >> nothing ever happened like that again in the girls' bedrooms after that. we had safe guards that protected him from that. there was another incident where -- two different incidents
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where girls were laying on the couch and he had touched like over the couch and actually touched their breasts while they were asleep over their clothes. so it was a very difficult situation. as we talked to other parents since then a lot of families have said they have had similar things happen to their families. so this is for us of course this is public shame that our son did this 12 13 years ago. >> when you heard that the behavior had resumed, describe what that was like for you. >> we thought at first that josh you know was on the road to mend. he was still a kid and still a juvenile. he wasn't an adult. there was a couple more times that he came and told us what he had done. we were devastated. all of these, again, this was
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not rape or anything like that. this was like touching somebody over their clothes. there were a couple of incidents where he touched under their clothes. it was like a few seconds and then he came to us and was crying and told us what happened. and it was after that third time he came to us where we really felt like we have done everything we can as parents to handle this in-house. we need to get help. we went to outside folks and asked some very close friends if they could come over. so my best friends came over. we talked about it and so at that point we pulled josh out of the home. we knew of a man who mentored young men. he really helped young men who made unwise choices in their lives to get straightened out. he was running a little training
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center in little rock arkansas. under the roof of that training center little rock police department on the other side and prison minister on the other. josh come down and do construction work. he would council him and work with him and hopefully get him straightened out. >> some people said why did they wait? why didn't they go to the authorities or go for the counseling at the very first time he came to you? >> you know i talked to somebody that worked at one of those juvenile youth sex center facilities and he described how they take care of the situations down there and the success rate is not very good. so we felt like going from a perspective of really reaching heart first would be important. that's the reason we sent him down to little rock to work with this man. >> did legal pop in your mind? >> as parents you are not
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mandatory reporters. the law allows for parents to do what they think is best for their child. so we got him out of the home and we sent him down to this place and that was really the best decision we made through this whole process because he was at that place. this is the first time josh had been out of the home. >> he is 15 at this point. >> he just turned 15. it's at that point that god really worked in his life. he broke and he went and asked god to forgive him. he went back and asked those that he offended to forgive him. we felt the last jurisdiction was the law. >> we are going to get to that in one second. the subsequent incidents after the first one involved daughters who were awake at least a couple of them. >> there was a couple. they didn't really understand what happened. >> it was more of his heart, his intent. he knew that it was wrong but
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they weren't even aware. it was like -- it wasn't to them they probably didn't understand it was improper touch. >> i know the ultimate one before you really got help involved a very young daughter. i will avoid the age because i don't want to identify anyone specifically but single digit. what was that like for you to hear? you must have thought for sometime this is a pubescent boy but testing. but when it moved to a young daughter -- >> at that point that is when we pulled him out of the house and said he can't be here. so we pulled him out. he went through that working with that man. >> and then when he was done with the counseling -- it's not like a licensed therapist. . it is a christian-based treatment? >> it really had a huge impact on his life. that was the turning point in
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his life. up next just when he thought he was able to put the scandal behind him josh duggar may have to face off in court with one of his accusers. the lawyers on the possible lawsuit are next. >> how do you make the decision as a parent to bring your child to law enforcement and turn him over?
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what was that like? how do you make the decision as a parent to bring your child to law enforcement and turn him over? >> we felt like it was an important step for josh to confess to the police what he had done because he had broken the law. we felt like if we didn't do this that this would be something hanging over his head the rest of his life. >> was it terrifying? >> it was very terrifying. >> were you worried he wasn't going to emerge out of the law enforcement facility? >> we didn't know if they were going to arrest him, if this was going to open up an investigation for the family. >> we were waiting to hear. are they going to serve a warrant and take him away. >> so there was an investigation but there was no arrest. yet we are seeing new reports
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that a possible civil suit may be shaping up. what does that mean for josh his family and their future? fox news legal analyst and former federal prosecutor. great to see you both. i want to start by saying we have not independently confirmed this but there is a report from in touch magazine that the fifth victim in this case who was an outside person or baby sitter to the children is allegedly preparing a civil suit i guess against josh for the molestation. is it too late? >> i don't think so. because there is a statute in arkansas that says if a victim discovers this rape assault, whatever it was the statute of limitations runs from the time she discovered it. if the girl comes forward -- it is a repressed memory thing. some people shove down horrible things and don't remember until something brings it to the fore.
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here would be the scandal. when that scandal broke in may it may have brought all those memories rushing back to her and that is when the statute of limitations run. >> there is a report according to one report she is distraught that they went on fox news to quote, down play what josh did. what the duggars told me was she was one of the victims who was allegedly asleep. >> so there is lots of questions here. did you get counseling? did you go to the doctors? whatever you did is it more interaction talking about the issue, talking about the incident? why didn't you come -- >> if they can prove that they told her -- >> i don't think so because you can shove that down.
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>> being told about? >> she did not talk to people. she did not get medical help or counseling. to me that is a sign of shoving it down and repressing it. the interview brought it to the fore. >> she was told. she was spoken to. we know the authorities were contacted in 2003 and there was some investigation done. she was repeatedly -- >> let me get to another lawsuit potential -- here is a question. let's say she does sue or can sue, the criminal statute has run but this is possible civil suit. what would the damages be? according to everyone involved the worst molestation was like a quick feel. i'm not trying to down play but trying to characterize. do you put a dollar value on it? >> a jury puts a dollar value on
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that. it could be in the millions. i don't know what she is going to claim or say or how it affected her life. all of those factual questions should go in front of a jury. >> such a tragedy, such a tragic event for her we could have heard about it. >> so the father has dough but i don't know if josh duggar has money. >> they have to look at some things statutes. >> extremely tough to sue the parents. >> they knew or should have known. >> in a molestation like this this has taken place -- >> here is my last question. they are very ticked off at the fact that their daughters were
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outed, that their private records were outed in this process. revealed to this magazine. they think it was improper. could they sue the magazine? >> yes. maybe. if the foya request was unsealed at time. >> the family judge said it was inappropriate. >> they could go back to lawyers because there was a confidentiality agreement. >> so go to the lawyers. >> confidentiality agreement with who? >> the police record should have been suppressed. >> here is the thing. if they can prove that there was a violation of arkansas law that these records were protected, juvenile records for the benefit of the juvenile who was accused and the benefit of the juvenile
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victim. even if they were subject to disclosure that they were redacted so improperly and blacked out so improperly it was clear who was who. all you had to do was read it to know exactly who was molested. i say to you as fellow women and lawyers, isn't that wrong? why do i know exactly who in that family was molested? >> these are 14 and 15 year olds. it should have stopped there. that is why they redacted and held confidential. the court says these are not records we want out. >> when you talk about suing there is immunity. the court will claim immunity because a judgment against them is a judgment against the people of arkansas. great to see you both. as we mentioned the parents suggested they are looking into legal action of their own after jill and jessa went to the authorities thinking they could trust them with their story but then learned they could not. wait until you hear jill and
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jessa on that point next. >> this was all stuff that was sealed and under law there is no way this could be brought out. i think she tried to kill us. are you kidding me? no, it's only 15 calories. with reddi wip fruit never sounded more delicious with 15 calories per serving and real cream the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy. prep trauma unit 5. what've we got? bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!)
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this is a fox news alert. police have identified the gunman as 59-year-old john houser. they say he used a gun he'd bought legally in a pawn shop. he killed himself after the shooting. gop president hopeful donald trump banned from -- newspaper reps were told because of an editorial calling on the billionaire businessman to end his campaign. i'm patricia stark, now, back to the "the kelly file". had no fear because everything was taken care of. that was actually a sealed juvenile record. and they had told us that all
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this stuff was done and this was all stuff that was sealed. and this is stuff that under law there is no way this could ever be brought out. >> as the duggars face the possibility of a civil lawsuit the family has suggested they too, are looking into taking legal action arguing the juvenile records and daughters' statements never should have been made public. a judge agreed with them. a city attorney says their release was lawful. the sisters explain why they felt let down by authorities and how the public release of their private ordeal made them feel victimized. >> we told the complete story and my parents said this is not something people blab around and something you can trust them. tell them the story like you talk to mom and dad. it's a safe place to talk. unfortunately not. >> any hesitation when you decided to put your family on tv
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that this would come out? >> no. i think whenever we started the tv show the reality show was five years or something after all of this. we had dealt with it. as a family we had moved on. >> you weren't laboring under a fear that we are targets now? we are on tv. we are outspoken? >> i think all the people in our lives, close friends and the officials that helped us walked us through some of our hardest days knew about this. it wasn't a complete secret. people knew. they walked us through this journey. we felt like it was a done deal. >> knew what was going on. >> we didn't feel there was a need to share private information with people who weren't a part of the problem or the solution. we dealt with that. when the investigation with our family was closed and after all of those months they said your parents have done an amazing job and they said we found your home is a safe place for children. >> what about some of the
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families critics would argue when you put your neck out there because not only did you go on tv but you advocated strong christian values and now critics are saying you have waived your right to do that not you the victims but the families shouldn't have been doing that since they knew what had happened? is that fair? >> i think that some people i have heard them saying you're a hypocrit. if you go back and look at everything that people have seen on television we have never claimed to be a perfect family. my parents have always actually stated we are not a perfect family. we are just a family with lots of kids that have 20 times more people in our family. >> how about josh? he has been out there with the family research counsel talking about family values and suggesting certain life styles
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are not appropriate in particular gay and lesbian. >> it is right to say here is my beliefs and values even if you made stupid mistakes. it doesn't mean you can't be changed. i think the real issue is people are making it sound like it happened yesterday and that it is ongoing. it happened 12 years ago when he was a child himself. so i think seeing the changes in his life we witnessed it. we know. we live with him. jessa made a good point she said you know i think the hard part is here is that our viewers feel like they're in our home every tuesday night. they feel like they know our family. when we are out and about and people are saying hey and we are going hi we are really friendly and everything. we don't have the personal -- so
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like people expecting to know every detail of our lives when this happened long ago before the tv show came about. we are not going to say here is everything that has ever gone on. >> and when you found out this is going to be on the cover of "in touch weekly" what was your reaction? >> we were pretty furious. we were not happy. >> i was in tears. i couldn't believe what was going on. whenever i heard the police report was released i said they don't have a right to do this.
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we are victims. they can't do this to us. >> and yet they did. >> they did. >> the system that was set up to protect kids both those who make stupid mistakes or have problems like this in their life and the ones that are affected by those choices. it's greatly failed. for us it's like go to the store and there is your picture on a magazine or whatever. >> and like whatever things they might say legally we can do this or that it's obviously not protecting us here. >> and the freedom of information act is not -- you can't foia a juvenile case. there is probably hokeypokey going on there. i don't know what that deal was. i know that the tabloids released it even are used to
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exploiting women. they have the parent company their major porn provider. i don't know if their mindset they are used to making objects out of women and maybe we just didn't seem any different. >> when we see the tears, what was it? what was it about the disclosure that was so painful? >> i see it as a revictimization that is even 1,000 times worse. >> why? >> because this is something that was already dealt with. we have already forgiven josh. we have already moved on. >> is it humiliating? what is the emotion that you are feeling? >> it's not the truth, first of all. everything was distorted. and so we feel like our story was not being told. and we felt like it shouldn't have been told. the victims are the only ones who can speak for themselves. now it has been worked and told
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however they want to portray it then we felt like that is why jess and i wanted to come out and say like that's not what happened. we have dealt with it. we have taken care of it. up next new developments with the plans to put jill and jessa on the tv on the same network that just cancelled the family's reality show. >> i feel for the other families out there. statistics say two-thirds of families deal with something like that and that is only the families who are reporting it. i feel for the other victims out there. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit
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child sex abuse that is designed to raise awareness and offer help to other families. in the last part of my interview the sisters speak about why they are concerned for other victims of sexual abuse. >> i can say that what was done was very wrong. i mean the terrible thing about being a victim is that you're helpless in the moment over the actions of others. i feel like in this situation we're, again, helpless as to the people handing over this report and the tabloids taking that and printing that and sensationalizing it. really using it for their own profit. >> so many in this country stand up on behalf of child victims. you have seen very little of that with respect to your case and your privacy rights and the violation of those promises that your record and your testimony would be sealed. do you think it has something to
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do with who you are, who the duggar are what your family stands for? >> i definitely feel like people that already don't like our family would be the ones to really spread this around and maliciously do so slander sly do so. definitely they didn't have the victims in mind. >> i feel for the girls like no you don't because if you did you would respect our wish for things to remain private. that's been a violation of trust. >> i feel for the other families out there, statistics say two-thirds of families deal with something like that and that is only the families who are reporting. i feel for the other victims out there in other families who maybe the parents may take a pause before they do something to report or to take care of what's going on and maybe these other victims will continue to
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live just not even having the situations dealt with. >> some have referred back to the incident initially and said the only reason charges weren't brought is that the statute of limitations had run by the time police looked into this. would you ever have supported a prosecution against josh? >> i think by the time that all of that was done the report was made and everything it was very obvious to everyone us our family friends and officials that josh was a completely changed person. he had not gone down that path for years. he was humble before god, before us before the officials that were involved. we all went through professional counseling. josh did, too. he had to pay for his own. >> what were you working out there? >> you talk about what happened.
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you talk about the actions taken. we really wanted to make sure that everything in our heart was dealt with. >> did you solve things in there? >> it was really good. i'm really grateful that my parents go through that to get that counseling. it was really helpful for us to kind of close that chapter and move past it. tlc is partnering with child protective organizations on the documentary. the rape abuse and incest national network for more information about the organizations go to file. jush duggar and wife anna welcomed their fourth child. see how that touched off a whole what to do when you're stranded in a city and you need a last minute hotel? a priceline tonight only deal!
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well the duggar family just got a whole lot bigger. a little bigger. as josh and his wife anna welcome their fourth child, a daughter meredith grace. but the public reaction to the news has been mixed at best. trace gallagher in our west coast newsroom with that story.
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trace. >> megyn, in the months since admitting that he "acted inexcusably from molesting five underaged girls when he was a teenager including his sisters, 27-year-old josh duggar has put his political career on hold stepped down from his position at the family research council, and moved back to arkansas from maryland. duggar has also largely stayed out of the public eye until this week when he went on instagram to post a picture of his new baby daughter saying "announcing the arrival of meredith grace duggar, seven pounds 14 ounces 20 1/2 inches. anna and meredith are resting and doing well." the post garnered more than 67,000 likes and some positive comments like this -- "congratulations. enjoy your new baby and never let the witch hunt get you down." but the negative comments appeared to significantly outweigh the positive. with twitter posts like "i will be praying that you keep your hands off them." and a writer for the website gawker saying "serial child
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molester and former reality show star josh duggar has just welcomed a new baby girl meredith grace duggar into his lovely litigation-plagued household. the scandal resulted in tlc canceling 19 kids and counting but josh duggar continues getting wide support from his family. he was on hand along with his sisters at the celebration of his parents' 31st wedding anniversary, and he posted this mother's day message on the family facebook page. watch. >> we're so grateful for you, mom and grandma now to i know our four kids and little israel and we're just so grateful for just your investment in our life. >> since the show was canceled the duggars are encouraging people now to visit their website. megyn. >> we'll be right back.
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well this case may shine a light on how we can better protect young victims. in their homes and in the media. if you are someone in need of help please find the courage to come forward. call 1-800-4-a-child. and welcome to this special edition of "hannity," the trump card. donald trump has burst on to the 2016 gop presidential scene with an unapologetic no-nonsense approach. potential voters, they seem to be buying mr. trump's message as he's now leading in most of the early polls. however, many of the other republican presidential candidates and the mainstream media are not too happy with the style or the substance. here's a look at donald trump's meteoric rise in this presidential race. >> i am officially running for president of the united states. and we are going to make our