tv Hannity FOX News July 26, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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vigorous. but we are on it. i am bill o'reilly please always remember the spin stops here. we are definitely looking out for you. watching. >> welcome to the special edition of "hannity." the trump card. he has burst on to the gop presidential seen with an unapologetic no nonsense approach. voters buy his message as he is leading in most of the early polls. many of the other republican candidates and mainstream media are not happy with his style and substance. here's a look at his meteoric rise in the presidential race. >> i am officially running for president of the united states. and we are going to make our country great again. >> right now donald trump is
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doing very well in the polls. the reason is they want somebody with that mindset to straighten out the country. >> people want to be stopped being pushed around like patsies. >> they lose their enthusiasm. they lose their will. they lose a lot of things. ain't going to happen with me. >> i know how to make things better. i know how to make them work. >> he says what he means. he's unedited uncensored. >> i am telling the truth mexico is not spending their best and finest. >> he says what comes to his mind he doesn't sound scripted and rehearsed. 20 percent of america likeses that. >> we will make america great again. >> we will make it better than before we will do it fast and effectively. you are going to love the job i do. that i can tell you. that i can tell you.
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>> joining us from the weekly standard, executive vice president is with us. good to see you. >> let's start at the beginning. he was at the border earlier this week. the issue of illegal immigration is front and center now in this race. i would argue in large part because of mr. trump. let's go to the original comments that created the first bit of controversy. >> when mexico sends his people they are not sending the best. they are not sending you. they are sending people with lots of troubles. they are bringing drugs and crime and they are rapists. some are good people i assume. i speak to border guards they tell us what we are getting. >> i i was on the border and i was briefed on border security.
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642,000 texans have been victims of crime including nearly 3,000 murders thousands of sexual assault by illegal immigrants. just texans. isn't trump right in that sense? he's right. >> i think if he said what you said by building facts he would have been right. he is right in the sense issue of cripple committed by-- -- crime committed by illegal immigrants. i think he went too far and generalized they are rapists and some of them might be good people. i don't think that's the case. i think it's not accurate. he's much better off if he sticks to the facts like you did. >> maybe would you argue it was inarticulate perhaps? i know a lot of people are coming here because they want jobs and a better life for them and their families. we have a lot of drug dealers and rapists in he would have
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said this that way healthcare system would that have made it better? >> sure it would have made it better. >> it is the same thing and steven knows it as does everybody else. if he said the mexican government instead of mexico is sending -- when you refer to mexico you are not refer to go the mexican people. i want to say that to everybody listening he is not referring to the mexican people. he is referring to mexico shawn and steve. what he is doing is unloading their unwanted into the united states. as you have been talking about for god knows how long the number of people being hurt and killed the number being killed and robbed and raped these numbers are astronomical. anybody that wants to go ahead and grab on one word. he didn't have a prepared
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speech. he speaks from his heart. it is one word. that one word caused a controversy between the spineless sponsors that run away simply because i can't offend anybody. this is our con stitconstituents. instead of saying that's not what donald trump says and that's not going to allow you to distort mr. trump's words. a oo let me ask you about the campaign in general. he has the best poll numbers getting the best proud. you think this is detrimental to the process to the party? what's your biggest criticism? >> he's welcome to make whatever argument he wants. to a large extent what he has done is not having taken this process very seriously. he gives speeches says something sometimes irresponsible. sometimes he's trying to make a joke it doesn't work. sometimes he's nasty. if he wants to make an argument by all means he is part of the
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process. i would be interested in knowing when he abandoned all of the liberal positions he had taken all of these years and became a conservative. a sceptic might suggest he's a conservative of convenience because that's where he sees his opening now. he was a proponent of single payer healthcare which puts him to the left of barack obama. raising taxes to levels praised nancy pelosi and hillary clinton. called himself a democrat in 2004. >> i have to be honest -- >> in terms of immigration he said it was maniacal. >> you are part of the liberal media problem. donald trump changed his opinion from 35 years ago. you are exactly the same person 35 years ago that you are today. you are not allowed to change your positions. barack obama never -- >> michael, nobody said that. i would appreciate it if -- when
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and how did he change his positions. it's not that he changed his position on one issue. anybody is welcome to that. he changed his opinion on virtually every issue. >> he's not allowed to change his position. >> listen to what i am saying. >> he turned around and identified himself in 2004 as a democrat or he had democratic values. ham shame on you. >> let me ask you about a question that came up this week. one was on dane law lash's program and the second was in an interview with the hill where donald trump was asked whether or not he might go third party. here's what he said. >> we remember the 1992 election ross perot cost that election. would you go on record today as saying that if you can't get the republican nomination you will not run as a third party candidate? >> no. no. i won't go on record as saying that. >> he said that earlier. but the comments he made to the
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hill if he was not treated well by the national republican committee. >> why should he be asked this question. >> every candidate was asked the question. >> he is the frontrunner right now. he's not a pol lit co. he doesn't pro port to be. he is as i have said an over billionaire -- >> he can't afford a question. if you ran third party you might as well start saying hillary clinton. assuming she wins the nomination. >> why should they even ask him that question. why not focus on the issue at hand which is instead of killing each other which is what they are doing to him. look at lindsay graham jackass? then you have rick perry calling and saying he's a cancer. who is grand standing here. >> let me go to the issues. if you go back it was john mccain that started the fight with donald trump and lindsey
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graham. >> this is how he responded. >> i watched lindsey graham on television today. he calls me a jackass. didn't he call me four years ago. three, four years ago. lindsey graham. i didn't know who he was. he was begging me to help him with "fox & friends". i said okay. i will mention your name. he said could you mention my name. i said yes. he gave me his number. i found the card. i wrote the number down. i don't know if it's the right number. let's try it. 202 -- >> i am trained in martial arts. i never will start a fight. if somebody starts a fight with me i am going to finish the fight. these guys started with him. he handled lindsey graham. i thought that was funny. >> better than the way he handled john mccain. i didn't think it was smart for john mccain to call the people at the trump rally crazy. they are frustrated with the federal government and some of
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the establishment in washington, d.c. i am not going to litigate who does what if you go to donald trump's twitter feed it's a long stream of insults to people. i will say i find it interesting that michael didn't answer your question about a third party run. i think it's relevant. if he says he's not going to rule out a third party bid certainly well within his right to do that. republican voters will be interested to know that diffgiven the prospect of a third party candidate. >> donald trump doesn't owe you an answer to anything. if he ends up deciding he's going to run as a third party that's his decision to do. it is his constitutional right. it is not your right to which to turn around and ask him now because he's the frontrunner. >> i am a reporter i can ask any question i want. >> doesn't mean we have to answer it. it is okay that they call these people crazy. but when donald trump turns out dr -- remember who he is. he is a new york real estate
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developer. he heen in thehas been in the fox holes the toughest real estate in the world and he won. >> putting that aside. i support that he is treated fairly like every other candidate in this republican race. he says he is a conservative republican. >> he is a republican and he deserves to be treated fairly. >> if he didn't win and decided to run third party, i am just like he would be single handedly>> you know donald trump well enough and you would call him and explain to him your feelings. >> donald trump is no one to play games with. oo a we are not there. >> all of these guys who have no ratings whatsoever they are coming after him for grand standing purposes. >> michael thank you. steven hayes always good to see
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you. they go head to head over donald trump's rhetoric and influence on the 2016 presidential race. later you hear from the man himself. highlights from my recent interview with donald trump and melissa francis. how much is he really worth? 10 billion is a lot of money. feeling intense knee pain? did you know it may be coming from being on your feet all day? dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts are uniquely designed to provide immediate all day relief from knee pain. i've got two reasons to take care of my heart. that's why i take meta. meta is clinically proven to help lower cholesterol. try meta today. and for a tasty heart healthy snack, try a meta health bar.
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>> live from america's new headquarters i am kelly wright. the daughter of legendary pop singer whitney houston bobbi kristina brown has died at the age of 22. reports are that she is also the daughter of bobby brown. reports interest that she guide today -- reports are she died with her family surrounding her. the her family issuing a statement stating she is finally
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at peace in the arms of god. we want to again thank everyone for their tremendous amount of love and support during these last few months. meantime president obama arriving in ethiopia. the president is there to talk on the second leg of his historic trip to africa. it's the first time a sitting president has visited the country. the president arriving this morning from kenya. we have more at this hour later on. >> oo welcome back to the special edition of hannity the trump card. he has served up controversy about illegal immigrants. when we talked to senator john mccain his time as prisoner of war i sat down with geraldo rivera and charles gasparino from the fox business network to look at these and other issues. joining us charles gaspar reno the only guy on tv that has one
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name. geraldo. we have this situation with trump. i like what trump is saying. i agree with him on immigration. i agree with him about our vets. i love what he did to lindsey graham. can he stain it? oo -- can he sustain it? >> do you agree with mccain? >> the only one i thought was wrong. mccain started the fight. if you start a fight you are going to get hit back. secondly the only thing i didn't like is the statement where he says i like guys who didn't get captured. >> that's a big thing not to like. >> i agree. >> 500 living prisoners of war>> when they forget him -- >> it is factually incorrect. >> about what? >> he is a war hero. >> he was arguing in his head
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whether or not he was a war hero. he is a hero. >> he said that. >> and i don't think there is a rape epidemic at the border? >> there's an epidemic. there is a crime. >> you listen to the parents before congress this week a sexual assault on a 14-year-old girl. >> i am with you on the border. he says things that aren't true sometimes. he said rapes are rampant. >> you cannot generalize about 11 million people with drug dealers and rapists when that's not the case. you can't hang on every anecdote and pretend this is the general rule. >> you can't campaign against a
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whole race of people. >> i have been at the border a dozen times. >> you can't have open borders at a welfare state. oo >> wher when rick perry took the border on. since 2008, 645,000 crimes were committed against texasen bys ans by illegal immigrants. >> what is donald doing to rick perry right now making fun of his classes. >> i think perry did a great job on the boarder. i disagree with trump. that's not the point here. >> isn't it the point there's a way to make a point. nhl there is a way to make an issue. >> why does he have to do it your way?
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>> certain civility. certain manners. you can't be inaccurate. you can't paint with a broad brush. >> donald trump says he's stupid. i love him as a businessman. he percent fears with this guy. good family. we have to judge him as journalists as you would judge anybody. you have to give him this. >> i am a fan of talk show hosts. >> i tell my loyal friend you could accomplish the same result. you can keep all of those anti illegal immigration voters you can keep them all but you can say things in a way with accuracy. >> i think he has been accurate on immigration. i agree with him. i think he has been accurate on
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the horrible treatment of veterans. the one unforced error was the mccain issue. he went after lindsey graham and gave out his number. >> he is inaccurate when he attacks the texas government and perry. that's stupid. he brought up the immigration issue. >> you would prefer a republican to win than a democrat i would assume. you would prefer a republican to win instead. >> what i am looking for a conservative candidate. >> any one of the 16 is more conservative than hillary clinton. >> yes. >> you want one to prevail over hillary clinton. don't you think it is damaging
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and tarnishing the brand? remember mitt romney and the firing squad. when he finally emerged from it his arm was hanging off his eyeball waudz coming out. >> why do you trust conservatives? >> a lot of people change their views. >> you asked a very pertinent question. i am looking for the most conservative person with an inspireing message. the poll he needs to pay attention to it because his net negatives are higher than any other candidate. >> and mounting. >> why should conservatives trust donald as a conservative? >> i like the guy. giving money to hillary and bill. you go down -- >> he doesn't make any special -- >> why do you say i like him and trash him. >> hold him accountable.
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>> i am holding him accountable. >> republicans are from washington. they have gone a good job. republicans in washington are weak and timid they don't get the job done. they didn't defund obamacare. they promised they would they didn't do it. they ended up funding it. donald trump is packed into this vein of distrust and truss frustration. >> i feel -- >> here's the problem. it's a real problem with conservatives and republicans in congress don't do these things you open the door tore demagogue ry. oo i am not talking him a demagogue. he is not a demagogue but he is demagoguing certain issues. >> one of them is immigration. you had to light the fuse. george w. bush got 44 percent of the hispanic vote mitt romney
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got 27. what would donald trump get? >> you will hear directly from the man making waves in the 2016 presidential race highlights from my recent interview with donald trump. later p tonight. >> i don't need anybody's money. i am using my own money. i am not using the lobbyists and donors. i don't care. i am really rich. >> donald trump says he's really rich. how much is donald trump really worse worth and how will it impact his presidency. he's leading in the polls but can he win the republican nomination when all is said and done? all of that and more when this special edition of "hannity" continues.
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♪ to steady betty. to steady betty. fire it up! ♪ am i the only one with a meeting? i've got two. yeah we've gotta go. i gotta say it man this is a nice set-up. too soon. just kidding. nissan sentra. j.d. power's "highest ranked compact car in initial quality." now get 0% financing or a great lease on the nissan sentra. ♪ >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." donald trump has been on the program talking about a variety of issues. here's the highlightswhen i started asking him about the iranian nuclear deal. >> the whole thing is a disgrace that a deal like this could be
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signed. we had so many advantages. they are going to become a very rich nation. they are getting billions and billions of dollars. we have our inspecting teams, unless any time any place. you have to have any time any place. you have to go in there and check. we have to give 28 and 24 day notices. it is so ridiculous. not to mention the fact to me it is important all of the money they are getting but how about the four prisoners. why aren't we getting the four prisoners out. kerry said he didn't want to complicate the negotiation by asking for prisoners. these guys are babies. we have babies. as you know they are celebrating in the streets of iran. they made an incredible deal. this is amateur night. >> what would a president trump have done differently from the outset and what would be the
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parameters of a trump deal? >> as you know i did read and often times everybody else is telling me it's the best book. i did write "the art of a deal." they didn't read it. i will tell you, it is amazing sean. you look at the basics of what they have don't knowed how they have done it. i would have doubled and tripled up the sanctions. i would have waited for them to call us. we want the prisoners before we start. they would have given them up in 10 minutes. we would have had a deal that would have been much better. but what we are doing is insane. from everything i read at the end of the term they are going to be able to easily produce nuclear weapons which is really the worse of all. this is a potentially catastrophic deal with israel. they have to be concerned about what's going on with iran right now. >> let me go back to immigration
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which has catapulted you to the top. every single cat dan-- candidate is discussing the issue. this drug kingpin el chapo has pretty much threatened you and told you to be quiet. what is your response back to him? >> what i am bringing up is much more important than donald trump my life frankly. what i am doing is so important for the country. i am -- appreciate the question the way you worded it. we wouldn't be talking about illegal immigration if it weren't for me. i talk about mexico because i am not talking about individuals. i am talking about mexico is forcing people in they don't want. they want us to take care of those people. they want us to put people in prisons. fidel castro emptied his jails and sent them to us. in a much more sophisticated way that's what mexico is doing also
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at the border baz they don't want the costs. the cost is tremendous. had i not brought immigration up particularly illegal immigration you wouldn't be asking me all of the questions now all of the candidates are trying to jump on. they are weak and they don't understand what to do mentd ofyou have to build a wall and you have to have strong people there and you will be able to control it. when they send illegals into our country we charge mexico 100,000 dollars from every illegal that crosses the border. it is trouble. >> in your thought process when you were contemplating this run you see 93 million americans out of the labor force, 46 million on food stamps poverty. how important is that to you people. you are a billionaire. how important are those americans that are struggling just to your sooif?
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oo very important to me. they look for a job. statistics are totally -- i don't know if they are done for some politician. i don't know when this started. you look for a job, you can't find one. people have given up. they want to work. they can't find a job. they are considered employed. so the number doesn't reflement. we have a 40 percent inemployment. our country is suffering. we are going down. we have people that are incompetent doing it. if you have hillary clinton or jeb bush it will be more of the same and we are not going to have a country left any more. >> how bad do you think america in terms of the -- you talk about making america great again. that means we are not great right now. >> we lost our number one seed to china. china now is the big economic engine. we lost our number one seed to
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china. that was unthinkable. 6, 7 8 years ago that was unthinkable. we have infrastructure that is rotting. i travel all over the world. you go to places like anywhere qatar saudi arabia, china, any place you can name a00 -- you could name 30 places, you got to see the airports the magnificent roads. you have to see the bridges that they have. we are falling apart. our bridges are falling down. you see hospitals where they spend 2 billion to build a house they can't open it because it doesn't work. believe me i could turn this country around so fast. people would love me for it. that's what they want. that's why i am leading in the polls i think. >> coming up on this special edition of "hannity"." >> i don't need anybody's money. i am using my own money. i am not using the lobbyists. i am not using donors. i don't care. i am really rich. >> a special report on donald
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trump. how will it impact the 2016 race. k he turn his lead in the early polls into a presidential nomination? that's as this special edition of "hannity" "continues. why should over two hundred years of citi history matter to you? well, because it tells us something powerful about progress: that whether times are good or bad, people and their ideas will continue to move the world forward. as long as they have someone to believe in them. citi financed the transatlantic cable that connected continents. and the panama canal, that made our world a smaller place.
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[ gustav squawks ] he's gonna meet us there. the name your price tool. still only at >> test. >> test. >> test. >> test. >> test. >> >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity" the trump card. he is a successful business mogul. he doesn't need anybody he says to run for president. how rich is donald trump? >> from the beginning of his campaign for president donald trump wanted america to know that he is extremely wealthy. a oo i don't need anybody's money. i am using my own money. i am not using the lop iests or donors. i don't care. i am really rich. >> the wealth of donald trump has been the subject of speculation. the worth of him is around $4 billion.
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but in june released a 1 page document estimating his wealth at $8.7 billion. according to his financial disclosure filed days ago with the federal election commission trump detailed the net worth of more than 10 billion largely comprised of 59 the different properties including buildings and golf courses with a value of $50 million each. in addition to the massive portfolio of properties he has engaged in business ventures in and out of the world of real estate. some have been highly profitable, four different trumps have filed for bankruptcy. trump has never filed for bankruptcy personally. according to a wall street journal article, quote, after flirtation with personal bankruptcy in the early 90's he shrewdly de risked his portfolio by focusing branding and licensing his name. this focus included a canceled
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contract with macy's multiple season gig with nbc as host of "the apprentice"" and many buildings across america that bear trump's names are not actually owned by donald trump but a product of his branding enterprise. clever. whether or not he is worth $10.01 thing is true by every standard out there donald trump is a very wealthy man. sean back to you. >> thank you very much. some of donald trump's republican prooiflsrivals have been cocking out strong against him. >> i don't care if he drops out. stay in the race just stop being a jackass. you don't have to run for president and be the world's biggest jack ass. >> he needs to apologize and refrain sfr comments like that. >> i don't think he has the character or the temperament to hold the highest position in this country. >> tszit is not just absurd it is offensive and ridiculous. i think it is a disquall pier as
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commander-in-chief. >> he has every right to have every belief he has. if he runs that's fine. i don't want to be associated with the vitriol he has coming out. >> i have known him for 13er yaos. i like him personally but his comments were inappropriate. >> charles hurt and republican media strategist rick wilson. what do you think? >> i think the reaction that most people are having to donald trump the voters has been a fantastic response. i think that's why we are seeing him in the polls doing as well as he is doing. it is why he keeps getting all of this media attention. all of it earned by him which is pretty smart for a novice politician. the people having the biggest problem with him as you just pointed out are the professional politicians and party leaders because they are seeing him get carted aby guyway by a guy and it
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scares the tick dickens out of him. >> the only people that have the control are the people. they will decide. plenty of time. you have been critical of donald trump. i am listening to these guys criticize each other. that happens every election cycle. nothing new to me. should be nothing new to you. >> everyone should know it's a rough game. you play without pads. donald trump so far because he's a celebrity and he is a task master of the media game has been able to make it a one-way fight. we are going to get into a position he lobs an insult at the candidate and another one lobs back. they are preparing fog after his record the things in his background the details everybody has to face. he doesn't get a free ride much longer. >> but that's the process. >> he needs to play in the
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process. >> i agree. that's all going to ham pen. lindsay graham and john mccain in particular. mccain said his supporters are crazy. lindsey graham called him a jackass. he fought back. i look at the graham and mccain as part of the problem. think didn't repeal or replace obamacare. they didn't control the border. they do a lot of talking and don't get a lot done. >> rick is exactly right. we will get to the point where we are going to talk about issues and it will be great. as we have seen so far anyway that donald trump is very good at debating. he's very good at fighting. he's good at speaking plainly in a way that a lot of voters especially republicans but also independents who are frustrated with the system. frustrated with the professional politicians. he has a way of reaching the voters in a way that none of
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these candidates know how to do. we need a voice like that. he's also talking about vitally important issues like illegal immigration and sanctuary city we wouldn't be talking about without him. >> the problem is he is not really debating. he's yelling with a bull horn. he has the media following him around because he's sucking all of the oxygen in the room. he is belloing. once he has to answer for the fact that in his past he is a born again conservative. he has been partial -- pro abortion, pro single healthcare pro tax, pro gun control. these are things he has to answer for. right now he has not. >> i can his answer. >> i can't either. >> and he's going to have to answer them. >> as every candidate does.
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this is a long process. appreciate both of you being with us. can donald trump at the end of the day win the republican nomination and if he doesn't will he run third party? that's coming up next straight ahead. {off-line} {off-line} the foot emerges from its long winter hibernation... and preening is a must. instantly, smoother, beautiful skin
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>> welcome back to this special ed sdigs of "hannity." he has ejected a lot of energy into the race. can he ultimately win the nomination? legal analyst peter johnson junior junior and ari fleischer. interesting bit of news. you go back to the time 2007 you know who was winning the nomination? >> with 33 percent of 2007. >> 2007 in the summer it was romney. >> wrong. >> don't know. >> rudy giuliani. >> you are right. you are right. >> guess who was number 2 with 20 percent? >> fred thompson. interesting right. i would argue polls really they mean something, not everything right now. can he win this race? >> no. here's why. >> i went back and looked at this. going back to the days of pat buchanan beat hw bush. there has been an anti establishment development inside
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the republican party. usually 20-25 percent of the party. we saw with a with governor perry. it was a rotating crop of people that rose to the top. most of them anti establishment. what happens is the candidates it starts to whittle and becomes a one-on one or one on two race. donald trump has a seal lent. he has a following within that but it is a relatively low sealing. >> as somebody what wants a revitalized party in washington words reagan used it's not a third party or revitalized second party. i want the infusion of energy. are you suggesting test inevitable it is an establishment candidate that wins in>> that is what history shows. you have to go back and show me a time with ronald reagan. >> he was hated. >> he may be the exception but he made the case the governor of
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california. >> he we had a sitting president gerald ford. >> since 80 you can't find a time where that hasn't happened. >> i would agree with you. >> what do you think? >> i think it is a new bare time. i don't know whether he can win or not. he will explode in success or flameout in abject failure. he is doing something we haven't seen in american politics in a long while, excite the electorate or a portion of the electorate and also excite the media. the media in great part may want him to fail. he is focusing on all of the things are a lot of the things that a lot of americans are upset and concerned about in this country. including the political elites. including the inability to tell the truth on everything all of the time as someone perceives it to be. so he is channeling a lot of folks that are home tonight saying if i was a billionaire, i would love that opportunity that
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he has and to speak in an unfettered rayway unafraid. we can disagree about whether he is telling the truth or not telling the truth, but i think it is a new pair time that he is creating at this point. >> my analysis of donald trump is that he is willing to fight, and i think republicans in dc have been unwilling to fight on these issues specific issues. immigration they haven't gotten the job done and built the wall. when you were in the bush white house we were promised 700 miles of fence. they haven't built it. they go 33 miles and quit. same thing with our vets. vets are treated horribly. >> that's why i think trump has captured attention and hurt ted cruz the most. he wanted to be the voice of the anti establishment academy. he sucked it out. >> you think it is too late for him? >> i think it is still a wide open field. you have 16 candidates.
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someone will win iowa with a flur rality of -- plurality of 20 percent. once the field shrinks down and you are only dealing with a few candidates a slice of the party is not big enough. you have to be the coalition builder. donald trump don't have the ability to be a coalition builder. >> are you saying the matth doesn't add up. >> it doesn't. >> the math hasn't worked out for anybody in the campaign. in terms of mr. bush the perception was everyone was going to pullfall out of the way. rand paul was going to be the truth teller. ted cruz was going to be the truth teller chris christie was going to be the truth teller. unfettered uni ammpedeunimpeded. trump cap you are tooed people's imagination in a way we haven't seen. somebody i think is wrong and pernicious and he has taken back a lot of it we don't need that in our politics but there's a
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lot what with he do. he is exposed the corruption of republicans and democrats. he basically said i was part of the problem. i bought and sold these people coming from the white house and down. that's not what we should have in the country. >> he also highlighted they failed. failed to secure the border. and democrats. they have failed not one person has been held accountable to the va scandal. institutionalized corruption. >> i know him. i represented him. i disagree with him at times. i told him i disagree with him. it is an exciting opportunity for americans to have their voices heard when it is not heard. >> more "hannity" after this break.
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>> i am not getting it. so educate me. >> what is he talking about? >> are the american people already alarmed? >> forget it. i have had it. i am done. i am through. >> seems to be just failing on every level. >> hi, i am greg gutfeld. thank you for not watching "naked and afraid. the best five words ever burning smoke album. which candidate lost my votes all because of van halen. can everyone please stop discriminating against vam fires. open your minds and your
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