tv Red Eye FOX News July 28, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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ow and everything else that comes to mind. former arkansas governor and former presidential candidate mike huckabee is on at 8:00 p.m. with o'reilly and trump is on at 10:00 with sean. good night from washington. tonight on "red eye" donald trump is leading the polls. i thought you want to lead americans. leave poland out of this. twitter starts policing comedy? don't wore ree. you can still steel jokes and tell them at work. and can being the dorky kid help you later in life sph what i have known for years. answers and/or doifs. first, a news break. live from america's news headquarters i'm kelly wright. president obama wrapping up his africa trip. on monday night the president was honored at a state dinner.
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ethiopia's prime minister spoke about the opportunity to welcome a sitting u.s. president. ethiopians and americans are from the same human family. the historic trip mark the first time a sitting president has visited kenya and ethiopia. president obama will return on wednesday. ending a ban on gay adult leaders. it ends a lengthy controversy that raised the threat of lawsuits. the national executive board approved the change on monday. the church-sponsored units are allowed to exclude gays because of their faith. more than 2,000 firefighters are battling a wildfire in california. it is burning in the sierra nevada foothills outside sacramento. four firefighters have been hurt. one remains hospitalized with serious burn injuries. the flames are threatening 1800 homes. it erupted on saturday and has burned more than 1700 acres.
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as of now it is 25% contained. and fiat chrysler reaching a deal with regulators that could cost it hundreds of millions of dollars. they settle claims that fiat chrysler mishandled two dozen recalls. as part of the deal they must buy back ram pick up trucks about 200,000 of them. one million jeeps also affected. owners can trade them in or have them repaired. the company is also paying a record fine of up to $105 million. i'm kelly wright. now for all of your headlines you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox newschannel. welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shillue. let's check in with andy levey over at the news desk.
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andy? >> tom? >> andy? >> tom? >> let's welcome our guests. she has a name for business. it is llc. i am here with's lauren lyon cole. head writer for "the tonight show" for jimmy fallon, ad miles. this morning she interviewed me. how the tables have turned. and he has the kind of hair that would make dalila leave sampson. let's start the show. donald trump is now attacking hillary clinton. don't worry gop candidates, he will go back to attacking you soon. the republican front runner or trump runner is criminal comparing her to general david petraeus after he allegedly gave his mistress access to
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classified information. here is trump calling out clinton on hannity. >> the fact is what she has done is criminal. when you look at general petraeus, what he did is nothing compared to what she did. what he did honestly, is nothing by comparison, and they destroyed his life. his life was destroyed and his reputation was destroyed. what she did was far worse. >> meanwhile one of scott walker's fundraiser referred to trump as dumb dumb. trump chose to ignore it. i'm kidding, of course. >> and then i read this horrible statement from his fundraiser about trump. i said oh finally i can attack. finally. >> finally. lauren it really seems like trump enjoys attacking his opponents, doesn't it? >> right. it definitely does and hillary is a smart target. it seems like a big poker
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match to me. he is trying to make us think there is criminal activity and she is making us think there isn't. it is something to keep following. >> and you are hot on the trail? you will keep following it? >> i will have all of the breaking news. >> i don't think trump will let us not follow this, am i right? ad miles, i didn't introduce you as the bear -- baritone. >> yes there are sneaky notes you have to play. >> you know what we always say? you get to sing the notes nobody else wants. >> i have a basket of notes. it is my special tie. >> about trump is he toeder dash dosh fodde -- is he fodder or are we sick of him 1234*. >> as long as he existed he delivers a fresh batch of premises that we can go on. >> although rob ford was bounced out but trump was
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leading in the polls. >> it is spectacle at this point. >> maybe it is for a good reason. what is interesting about him is he is saying kind of like whatever he wants and people are so tired of listening to politicians deliver up the manufactured little van matz and it is interesting. >> that's right. that may be it, kasey. what was the word you said? spectacle? perhaps that is speculation on his part and trump is headed to to -- >> that's what i do here. >> trump is running it like it is a rap beat, like a hip hop beat. he has all of the spectacles coming out. he is saying what he wants. nobody has dirt on him because he owns his dirt. they said you a dumb dumb. so when trump gives it to everyone else he is winning this beef. although what is walker hiding behind his staff for? they are out calling him dumb
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dumb why doesn't walker do it? >> he should man up and he should put it in a disk track at trump and the polls will go up for him. >> he has his rap about hot ham. >> he loves hot ham. does -- doesn't he, scott walker? >> don't go to lisa with hot ham. that's thought nice. >> it isn't? >> no. i know more about hot ham. >> don't tell me because i know there is something up with the hot ham. as far as i'm concerned it is a great on tray to have after church. >> absolutely. >> enough of your dirty mind. >> i like a lot of hot ham. i am just saying it. i like plenty of hot ham. >> lisa, what do you think? >> i think the guy is on fire. >> do you know who is above trump? not trump. there is like 20 people in the field. when you add them together they are still all ahead. all of the people that want
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sort of a normal regular guy or woman their vote is all spread out. but also trump is the only one getting media attention. >> why is that? maybe people are attracted to him. he is saying the things people don't want to say. >> that is true. there are a lot of issues in ann coulter's back we should hear from some of the campaigners. >> oh yeah, bring up somebody noncontroversial. now wait a minute. it is true that her popularity is saying what people are afraid to say but maybe it is time now for politicians to stop hiding behind their rhetoric and being brave and maybe he is the guy to do it. >> i can't remember who said this but -- >> say it anyway. >> it is not -- it is good to have trump to clear it out for everyone. i am going to say this outrageous thing and then you say this semioutrageous thing. . >> trump has a lot of
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accusations. he keeps saying criminal. he over uses it to the fact it doesn't make any sense anymore. he said "it is criminal." "if you hack the pentagon it is criminal." these prices at starbucks, it is criminal. it is like you found my keys, you are genius. >> does he lie about huge also? >> huge. >> he is a huge liar. he is covering up a lot. he is combing over a lot. >> wait a minute. i think you actually have a history with donald trump is that right? >> yes. >> i have seen you and him together at -- what is this here? you were at cpac. what are you doing? are you helping trump out? what are you on stage with him for? >> you're welcome america. i gave trump his first ever political speech and introduced him. >> someone introduced you. >> it was a nobody. we didn't have anything for him to do and we were like, well you can be the emcee and introduce me before i introduce trump. that dude was ted cruz.
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>> ted cruz, can you believe it? 2011 there was a time that ted cruz was like -- he wasn't even -- he didn't register as an opening act. that's amazing. i wish we had trump here to defend himself. he has been here before, but he couldn't be here tonight. >> i am here tom. >> wow that's lucky. mr. trump, you're here? >> what are the odds? >> i wasn't aware you are still with us. >> i have always been here. i haven't left since the last time. >> you have always been here? am i the caretaker? >> that's good, that's good. "the shining." i like that. >> you got that quote? >> that's a good quote. >> are you good with the quotes? >> yes very quotable myself. i love quotes. >> movie quotes? let me try some on you. >> go ahead. >> i'm shocked to find out there is gambling going on in here. >> that's from "casa blain
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caw." >> coffee is for closers. >> seriously? alec baldwin. >> what i have is a very specific set of skills. how is that? >> liam niesen from "taken" come on, give me something harder than this. >> luke, i am your father. >> try that one. luke i am your father. that's from the peanut gallery. >> that's "star trek." >> we're gonna need a bigger boat. >> that's a misquote. you're gonna need a bigger boat. that's chief brody. >> let's have a pint and wait for this all to blow over. >> you thought you would stump me from that? that's sean from "dawn of the dead." >> you're not the boss of me, jack. you're not the king of dirk. i'm the boss of me. >> tom let me give you a hint when you are quoting people.
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don't mention the person's name in the quote. it is dirk digler from "boogie nights." i am fantastic. i am tremendous. why do i even have to say this to you? >> a lot of people have taken quotes of yours and they say that at the very least you are decisive. do you say decisive or de decisive? >> i say both, you know what i mean? >> how about this, a great relationship with the blacks. i have always had a great relationship with the blacks. >> right. i am being specific. i am a very specific person. i am just trying to be clear. what's wrong with that? >> you are talking about the blacks. black people, right? >> exactly. the people. >> nothing wrong with that. >> everybody is trying to split the atom here. >> laziness is a trait in blacks.
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>> i obviously didn't say that. the word "the" is not there. >> black guys counting my money, i hate it. the only kind of people i want counting me money are short guys that wear yamika's every day. >> it could be anybody jewish. that's all i care about. just like my taylor. they have to be uh italian. i don't want somebody not italian making my suits. >> that makes sense. how about all of the women on "the apprentice" flirted with me consciously or unconsciously. >> absolutely. >> they flirted with you? >> every woman i meet flirts -- the woman on your panel when she introduced me she was flirting. you can see it in her body
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language are. that's how women are. lauren is flirting with me and she is not even on camera and i can feel it. >> you are good. some people said -- ariana you huffing ton is unattractive inside and out. i can understand why her former husband left her for a p ma. he made a good decision. >> he made an excellent decision and i think that shows i am for the gay people. >> as long as i see these things in context it makes sense. >> absolutely. >> what about this if hillary clinton can't satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy america? # 2016. what about that quote? >> did i say that? >> you tweeted it. >> exactly. if it is a retweet it is not an endorsement. >> that's your saying? >> that's my saying. i made that up.
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by the way, my hats have tote local sold out already. every single one. i am already helping the academy, tom. it is fantastic. it is tremendous. it is huge. >> i have one more question about today. do you think what hillary clinton did was worse than what general petraeus did? >> yes1006789. yes, 100%. all general petraeus did was with his woman. he gave her a little -- like you do, agents pillow talk. he didn't put his server in his basement, you know what i'm saying? you late next to somebody and say some stuff. it happens all the time. >> that makes sense now. it was just a little -- i guess you are talking speaking out of turn. >> he said something was sexy and romantic.
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and then she writes it down. he is just being a good guy. she did the thing that was wrong. she put the server in her basement. who does that? who puts the server in the basement? that's crazy. and then suddenly it doesn't work. they wiped it clean. that's criminal, tom. there are 10 different investigations right now. >> it is criminal. >> we will go. any final questions from the panel? >> i just want to thank him for running as -- for attacking the democrats. >> that's a good point are you starting your own party? >> i won't start a third party. i would attack more democrats but there are none in the race. who is lincoln chaffey? who are these people?
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i don't even know who they are. >> you should find out who they are. >> name some more -- tom snake some of the democratic people running. >> bernard sanders and he is doing well in the polls. >> the guy is a hundred years old. please tom. >> well, are you going to have to run against the democrats. >> i doubt that. >> thanks a lot mr. trump. a study shows kids are not cool and they have better lives because of it. this study was not funded by greg gutfeld. don't forget to set your dvr to record "red eye" with tom shillue. every time you press record an angel gets his once. gets his wings.
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have long said the popular kids are not that popular and the nerds know they are not really nerds. it was even the subject of one of my comedy lp's. not that i needed any proof but a scientist has done just that. he has proved it. and a new study called whatever happened to the cool kids writes that the kids who were social -- socially precocious have fallen behind in their mid20s. his theory? while the kids were chasing popularity they missed a critical development period. the dorks and the losers could hang back and form meaningful friendships and build confidence in themselves. don't cory, kids. revenge of the nerds is a true story, but it takes 10 years. that's why this dish is best served cold. >> did you say gross?
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it is a little gross? it is based on an old saying. i think it is churchill who said revenge is a dish best served cold. brilliant guy. wait a minute. i think you and i were considered a little dorky when we were teens and now we are on top of the world. >> i don't know if i was that much of a dork. well i played troll bone in the marching band and part of a christian rock band. that's not dorky. >> that, no. that's good old american fun. i sang in the barber shop quartet in high school. but i always knew that we would have our time, what was considered i did not have that much. i needed the full 10 years. women say i love a nerdy guy but it never happens. >> i am right here. >> it is funny you bring it
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up. my boyfriend is a very big nerd and he would self-identify as such. >> self-identify. >> anybody that self-identifies is a nerd. >> does that make him more of a nerd? >> a lot of guys are claiming they are nerds but they were not 100% real nerds. >> i am pretty sure he was. i was too. >> i bet your boyfriend was the nerdiest member of the football team. >> exactly. >> we need to run the play begin, guys. >> does this study make sense? the people who were the so-called big men on campus, in middle school, it is not going to last because that's their heyday. >> although there are still some of those popular kids who have gone on to be successful but i was terrified of those kids. i thought they were scary because they used words i didn't understand and they talked about drugs and things that dabbing -- i didn't get that. it was not so much being nerdy, but being afraid of the cool kids. >> that's what it is. he was talking about cool kids
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are different at 13. they are the ones to misbehave and the first to experiment with alcohol and drugs are the cool kids because they know more than other kids. >> that's how i felt when he was talking about hot ham. is that something i should know? >> it is just an on tray. whatever is going on. >> i can sell you hot ham no problem. >> it is just a good dish to have on a sunday. >> it is funny there is a study. doesn't every movie with a high school reunion say this? the nerdy kids are really rich? >> he is a warehouse m >> why is this news all of a sudden? i am worried about the jocks. they are not getting any love and the nrds are running a pod cast empire. what are happening with the jocks? >> the jocks right now are
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still married to the hottest girl in high school. they will divorce soon, but that's good for now. i think honestly i think the concern is that the study just checked out the cool kids at 23. i think anybody at 23 is adrift. have you met a 23-year-old? probably not because they are at a bar until 4:00 a.m. and they wake up at 2:00 p.m. every day. when i was 23 i was a complete mess. i was certainly not cool in high school. >> that's right. they said all of these 23-year-olds are adrift and drinking too much. everybody drinks too much at 23. >> 23 years old? you are a monster. >> isn't it the issue that everybody is wiling away their 20s and 30s when they should be married and have kids younger right? >> i totally agree. my parents were 4 years old when they had me. that's the way you did it. we prolong our add -- adolescents. >> everybody is having kids at the years when it is getting difficult to conceive.
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isn't that true? they wait to get married until they are 38 and then they are like let's be married for four years and then try to have kids and they can't. >> they can barely swim up the canal. >> shouldn't you be getting pregnant earlier? go to a go with these questions. >> why haven't you fathered in i children yet? >> that's why i feel like i have my raw oats to eat. >> keep eating the raw oats. coming up, when does half time feel like double time? here is trivia to tide you over until then.
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live from america's news headquarters i'm kelly wright. good morning. the boy scouts of america allowing gay adult leaders. the national executive board is voting to end the ban on monday as the group's president argued it was no longer sustainable. the new policy is taking effect immediately. it ends a controversy that threatened for years.
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the church sponsored scout units are allowed to exclude gay leaders because of their faith. experts say it may be difficult to determine a cause of death for bobbi kristina brown. the daughter of the late whitney houston died six months after being found face down in a bathtub. a police report describes it as a drowning. the medical exam never's office said an autopsy will help determine what lead to her death. testing could take weeks. one of the nation's busiest airports is getting a makeover. andrew cuomo announcing a plan to redesign and rebuild laguardia airport criticized by many as being cramped and outdated. joe biden once called it a quote, third world country. the first part of the plan will start next year and cost $4 billion. this will be the first new airport built after the 9/11 attacks. and it is official. the 2024 summer olympics will thought beheld in boston.
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the u.s. olympic committee is cutting ties with the city citing a lack of support from boston citizens. many were concerned the local taxpayers would be stuck picking up the tabs if it went over budget. some believe los angeles now has a shot of the cities vying for the 2024 games which are paris, rome, hamburg buddha best and toronto. now back to "red eye" for all of your headlines go to fox welcome back. it is time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tv's andy levey. high -- >> hi, tom how are you sph. >> this is going to be a short half time. >> we only did two stories. >> we didn't make many mistakes. >> you didn't have a chance. it is not your fault. >> trump says hillary is a criminal. there is a broken clock and
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all that? you said it is hard to tell who is telling the truth between hillary and trump. safest thing to do is to always assume they are both not telling the truth. you are right. i should have said that in the first place. in this case i really am -- i would like to know the answer. is it criminal what she did in i don't in -- what she did? i don't know. >> she may be telling the truth when she said none of the e-mails that were classified were deemed classified at the time. at the least you would think the secretary of state would have a pretty good idea what may be considered sensitive information regardless of classification. and she clearly lacked that judgment. >> yeah, you would definitely think that. although i think it is a bad thing when you trust donald trump more than hillary clinton. >> that's a fair point. i am also curious how a secretary of state could not have an e-mail to send classified information or send classified information. >> ultimately we can all agree she is an 8 morale and unethical liar who is not
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allowed near office. >> thank you all for agreeing. >> by a show of hands. >> you said you are not sick of trump yet? >> i kind of am. i just wanted to get that out there. you are not sick of it at all? >> no, i think this is a circus that is just getting warmed up. >> you said not trump is above trump in the polls. you have like 87 candidates run so that is regardless. >> this is how socialists -- socialist countries end up with conservative candidates. all of the socialist votes are split. i think as some people are blocked out some people start
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coalesce. >> lyndsay graham is around negative 4%. >> you also pointed out you hosted trump's first political speech. we are in a fight. >> and i would like to apologize to trump supporters. i thought his as saw 9 comments -- as saw 9 comments would be the end for him. for that i apologize. >> i think it was me on this show who said it ain't over. >> you're right. i was wrong. being cool at 13 is bad 10 years later. how does this prove the cool kids know they aren't really cool and the nerds know they aren't really nerds? >> it is on "red eye." they are all watching. i told them and now they know. >> the cool kids or the nerds? >> everybody. what is negative 4% again. >> and you said revenge is a
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dish best served cold. you thought it was a churchill quote? >> yes. >> it is an old klingon proverb. >> this study is just -- i am so glad i didn't become cool until i was 17 or 18 when i could ham it. i'm happy about that. lauren you said some of the popular kids have gone out to be successful. this was a study of 184 kids. so let's take it for what it is worth. >> and it was a small town in virginia. >> there was dancing kids and nondancing kids. you went down the wall at the say de huh -- sadie hawkins dance. >> katie, i don't think hot ham is not what you think it is. >> i i am almost positive i know exactly what it is. >> can i ask? >> i don't want to know. what i know is it is just a food. it is what scott walker gets
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every sunday. >> and he gets into his rv. >> yes on his way back from target or wherever. >> kohl's. >> the fraction of a percent who are good enough to go pro they are really in trouble. >> even if you think the jocks, their social life is enviable, it is not anymore. at least the jocks got something when they were picking on the nerds. now they don't get to bully anybody. they don't get to do anything. >> the anti-bullying thing is changing everything. >> now the bullies are getting bullied. >> they are making it like bullying isn't a choice. i mean it isn't a choice. >> you said your parents were four when they had you. >> yeah. i have no proof you are lying
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but i feel it in my bones. >> i don't have known video but it says on my birth certificate i was four. >> if i had video of my own birth? it was a high -- hyperbole. your story is falling apart. >> what a tangled web. >> i am trapped in my own lives. >> thank you andy. it is time to take a break. now a look at what is coming up on the next kennedy. >> on the next kennedy you know him and love him. it is tv's andy levey. 8:00 p.m. eastern and 5:00 p.m. pacific on the fox business network.
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finally it is time for the most important story of the day. >> twitter has taken on a new role. the joke police. they report that twitter has deleted at least five separate tweets after olga cried plagiarism. she saw someone spill their juice cleanse and now i know it was on my side. it doesn't give any credit to the original joke writer. i myself have been the victim of joke thieves on
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two walk into the bar and one was assaulted. that's my joke. world of brown tweets. why couldn't the kid get into the pirate movie? it was rated arr. you know who won't get into any movies? that's my joke. and does this sound familiar? pete and repeat are on a boat. no that is not a cor kneel -- corneal. they demand i tell it again and again. have you ever been thieved on twitter? >> god i hope so. is that what retweeting is? >> if we retweet you they will see your face on there. >> this is actually people presenting it as their own. >> i think if i put something out on twitter i would assume that guys will do what they have to do. what about the income you could be earning off that joke
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playing cruiseships and nightclubs? >> i guess you are right. it goes down a little bit when other people steal my joke. i mean, i think you are big on the social media right? >> yeah, i do what i can. no one steals my joke. so apparently i am not at risk of this. you know what it made me think of? it is a lot of work to put in these complaints. why bother? just focus on the fact that the joke is getting out there. but have i a feeling it would largely disagree with me. >> what do you think? you put jokes out there. have they been lifted? >> my personal jokes i don't know. you don't know if they are being lifted. i feel stealing is the highest form of flattery and that's a phrase i invented. >> it is an original. >> but i think i flattered a lot of comedians in my day.
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i think the issue is twitter will be taking stuff down. i understand if you take down a boobie-pic, but then you take down the tweets and they take down all of the boobie-pics. >> it is all about freedom. >> free to steal. >> well, i don't understand how they will police twitter for jokes if they can't get isis pr people off of twitter. >> and by the way the isis pr jokes are horrible. >> nothing funny about isis. do not joke about that. >> let's go to this story. >> they put out a list of the best songs. surprise all it did was start more arguments right? aerosmith's best song, what it takes. bruce springsteen's born to run. guns and roses and lead -- led zeppelin.
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nirvana, all apologies. and hall and oats, you make my dreams come true. >> i always thought it was man-eater. ♪ she's a man-eater. ♪ watch out boy she'll chew you up. ♪ he's a man-eater. ♪ >> i think that has been tampered with. >> i love that song. >> it might have been a feed off the board there. what was wrong with this list? >> bruce springsteen's best song was pink cadillac. it is ridiculous they didn't put that on there. >> i love that springsteen song.
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little houses for you and me? great one. i thought those were all the best songs. you can never do better than that. >> what about "fairway --" stairway to heaven." >> he doesn't know what he is talking about. >> i'm busy. >> there is no troll bone songs on -- trombone songs on there. >> they did the version of kashmir. >> you must have loved that song "madness." >> specifically what songs do we have a problem with, lisa? >> the ac/dc song they picked. "highway to hell"? he said f-this list. >> why would you ever want to do that?
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>> >> what do you think kasey? aerosit is -- aerosmith is pink is my favorite lady -- dream on. >> the list is that they didn't even pick a beatles song. if you are doing a list, don't be a woos. do the bands you set up to do. if you can't stand the heat, get off the internet. >> i bet they didn't want to start any -- they knew the beatles would be a hot button. and then it wouldn't be controversial. >> it is not like they need people to go to their sight. >> the other issue is they had
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coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" anthony l fisher. we are going to andy. andy is in the "red eye" news desk. you may have had some problems. >> i am not prepared to talk about, but sure. who thinks "jump" is the best van van halen song? any song on one is better than "jump." sorry "air bag" is a good song. it is not on the album. "faith no more" is epic, but not their best song" picking jerusalem" is trolling. "one more red nightmare" is a good song, but you have red on that song and both of which
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are a lot better. and now they are not even trying. it is oh what is the popular song. i will stop before i have an aneurism. >> not prepared at all. >> if i would have known you were coming i would have looked at the list more carefully. >> i will give you fair warning next time. >> thank you andy. >> it is time for a bedtime story. >> when i was growing up sports meant dwoing outside and rough housing with the boys. you got out from under mom's feet and learned available lesson about the importance of human interaction. now we have professional video gaming. and of course it would be an official stouter not at all if the big league didn't have its own drug scandal. the electronic sports league is set to introduce drug testing after a high ranking player not only admitted to using add -- add roll, but said it was widespread. this as there was $17.2
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million of prize money at stake. did you know this industry was so big? >> i actually had no idea it was that big. i knew there was money on the line. that's why people are using drugs. that's more than lance armstrong had to give back. >> i don't even have a problem with lance armstrong. did you ever have a problem riding a bike without changing your blood? >> what is the problem? you need to focus if you are eating all of those dots are doing that. >> when i watch the real housewives it is more interesting. there -- is that performance enhancing? >> and you take a viagra. >> it is getting out of
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control. >> that's what america is about. and people who have had a couple of belts are a little more entertaining, right? and isn't that -- we can smell the whisk ski on your breath. the whiskey on your breath. video games you have to do something to step it up, right? >> can i show you something? look what tom uses. this is a performance enhancing drug. >> it is. that is true. what will they ban next? it helps you focus. >> i can't remember who. the people who are into on-line gaming may take aderol for real. >> they may need it. >> and they happen to be good at video games. >> so if it is a real drug that helps real people how can
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rick perry is going to be here. that's it for "the five." pro-life supporters trying to win a major battle in the abortion war by cutting off the supply lines of planned parenthood. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. pro-life supporters will gather here in washington tomorrow and in dozens of other cities throughout the country. they're supporting new efforts by lawmakers to cut taxpayer funding of planned parenthood following the release of undercover videos alleging the group is selling aborted fetal body parts. we have tonight's top story. >> reporter: gop lawmakers are launching multiple efforts to strip
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