tv Red Eye FOX News July 30, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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for stepping up. remember that the next time someone says tonight on "red eye." hollywood actors want you to support a deal with iran. sounds like a sequel to "argo." how are actors reacting to the spanish language interview? i will answer in french. and should a man be villa fight for hunting and killing a lion? i will answer after i remove the rug skin. now, a news break. >> live from america's news headquarters i'm jackie ibanez. aviators investigators are hoping they are one step closer to answering the mystery of the malaysia air.
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debris found off the island of madagascar is from a boeing 777. it is the same as malaysia airlines flight 370. the plane carrying 239 people vanished more than a year ago. it was traveling from malaysia to beijing. the white house says reports of taliban leader omar's death are credible. the main intelligence agency announced his death wednesday saying he has been dead for more than two years. mullah omar's group hosted al-qaeda in the years leading up to the september 11th attack. a grand jury undieting a -- indicting a police officer who shot a man to death during a traffic stop. he claimed he was dragged by the car but prosecutors say a police body camera video shows a different story. the shooting of 43-year-old samuel dubois happened less than two weeks ago.
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three university of virginia graduates suing "rolling stone" over a retracted campus rape story. you may remember. it a lawyer for the men say they suffered, quote vicious and hurtful attacks because of inaccuracies in the article. the three men are seeking damages for defamation and inflicks. inflicks ofy -- inflicks of emotional distress. he is the american dentist facing worldwide criticism for illegally hunting a protected lion in zimbabwe. they want him to be extradited where he is facing poaching charges. he claims he didn't know he killed a protectedded animal. a protected animal. now here is "red eye." >> well exom to "red eye." i'm tom shillue. let's check in with andy levey. >> a confusing day at the "red
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eye" news desk jie. why is that? >> like -- because i hate tom brady and i also hate roger goodell. it is like watching a war between syria and isis. >> president do you -- don't you think that is a little harsh? >> no, i don't. >> let's welcome our guest. it is wednesday which is prince spaghetti day and joanne returns to "red eye." i am here with joanne nosuchunsky. and she spent more time in the west wing than stocker channing. his first words as a baby was fe fi, fo and fum. it is giant comedian ben kissle. and her plans are shopping at macy's and shutting down ellis island. next to me is the author of adios america. ann coulter. let's start the show.
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>> reaction to president obama's nuclear deal with iran has been all over the place. some are calling it horrible, but others disagree and say it is terrible. rest easy, america because as usual celebrities are here to tell you what you think. and it turns out that the deal is good. >> i love playing frisbie with my sons. >> i love the sound of the waves on the pacific at sunrise. >> i love curling up with a good book. >> i love to see my grandkids smile. >> if congress sabotages the nuclear deal with iran. >> we can be denied the moments that make our life worth living. >> why? >> dude because we would be dead. >> super dead. >> like totally fried like a major bomb dead. >> i won't be able to play frisbie with my sons because the frisbie will be melted. >> wait, there is more. i will be here. please don't change the
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channel. >> i don't think you need a food metaphor to comprehend the shear recklessness of the war with iran. the chances of iran developing a nuclear weapon will only increase. >> wait a second. valerie plame is in this video. valerie, do you know that because you are a spy? >> i am not going to answer that question, jack. >> i think what valerie is saying that the agreement currently on the table is the best way to ensure iran doesn't build a [bleep] bomb. >> wow. how did all of those celebrities hear each other from the different backyards. it goes on awhile longer, but i think you get the idea. re was a saying in the regan white house. as goes jack black so goes the nation, right? >> yeah, we are all in really big trouble now. they bought it hook, line and sinker. they bought this notion that president obama and secretary kerry say if you don't like
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this deal, you must want a war with -- probably a nuclear war with iran. it is a complete false choice, yet they bought it. they are reading their teleprompter. they got their lines down. >> i guess they are trying to contrast president obama's plan with the plan of the rest of the nation which is calling for nuclear war. isn't that right? >> they are speaking to the small minority of the population that somehow doesn't think a nuclear war would be a great idea. in some cases you could make the case that if we have to worry about global warming maybe a nuclear winter has an advantage. >> and can you believe they got valerie plame to do the video? she is very publicity shy. >> she is. she is a big spy. >> i know that. do you think they outed her with this? that was not ethical was it?
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>> she was in deep cover on the cover of ""vanity fair"." >> i always wait to see hollywood celebrities weigh in on big issues like a thiewk clear deal before i know where to stand. i heard bad things like we will be building the nukes for iran. but apparently this is where they are. one of them played a scientist in a movie once, right? >> yes. >> there you go. >> i think morgan freeman has played them all. he played pro-nuclear guys and anti- nuclear guys. ben, i won't pretend you know anything about this issue but we may as well go to you. you are a strong willed guy. >> right. >> you are also susceptible to suggestion. did they pull you to their side? >> absolutely they did. have i a degree in political science, tom from the university of wisconsin and milwaukee. hello, watch out for it. >> i dwes you do know a few -- i guess you do know a few
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things. >> and she does thought cuddle up to books. mostly masses of heroin. that's what she likes to cuddle up with. i love her for it. natasha, call me. >> you know i am a knicks fan. i love bad deals. and i love really terrible leadership. james dolan is the barack obama of nba owners. that's the name of the person we drafted. he is the next jordan. i will air -- all of the kids will bewaring air pour zingas'. >> with a name like know saw nosuchunsky i totally understand. i think this individual yoy was definitely aimed toward millennials. i think that was their target audience. unfortunately it went over my head. i think it was extreme sarcasm or some sort of farce that i just didn't know when they were being serious or not because that's what happens when politicians try to act. but i think they are hoping
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the millennials will see this. we don't want another war. we will call up our members of coming except millennials don't like to make phone calls so it won't happen. >> part of the deal is, let's face it, now the sanctions are gone. they are gone. our sanctions are gone. the world the u.n. sanctions are all down, and they are never coming back, is that right? >> it is unrealistic. i used to teach nuclear weapons at mit. it is not verifiable. they say we will have an agreement where we will have live cams looking at what the iranians are doing. we will test the soil samples. it is all hackable and changeable. it is not verifiable, and we have no ability to go on the site and look for ourselves. i think it is unen rs toable. we will have the snap back sanctions the minute they cheat, no they will not. the russians are already negotiating to sell them weapons and the chinese have
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cut deals to buy oil and europeans will sell cars. mcdonalds has put out a request for a franchisee. you will not unwind all of that stuff if they are cheating. >> kt, blah, blah, blah. what about jack black's frisbie? >> we don't want that to melt. >> in a nuclear war -- he will be melted too. he will be vapor rised. >> they may leave l.a. alone though right? >> it is not just the iranians getting nukes. it is what happens after that. the saudis and the turks and the egyptians they are all going to get nukes. look what happened in the arab spring. we saw the governments change. >> look what happened with north korea. we have the same deals. >> they are okay. they are fine. >> we have the republican presidential candidate jeb bush who sat down for a 25-minute interview with telemundo. it was conducted entirely in espanol.
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>> [speaking spanish]. >> now is a good time to mention i don't really speak spanish. can i get the sub styte tells on that [speaking spanish] >> i guess our interns don't speak spanish either. those were not helpful. i have seen the interview without knowing what he was saying but i can tell jeb did hold his own under tough questioning. look at this. [speaking spanish]. [speaking spanish].
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[speaking spanish] >> she had to be held back there. now, i'm being told by a translator that bush promised comprehensive immigration reform in his first term, dismissed trump's angry and aggressive rhetoric and said that he speaks spanish in the home when his wife is mad at him. wow, that was pretty good. anne [speaking spanish]. that means are you a supporter of bush? or it means can i get more coffee beans? i can't tell. >> more coffee beans. i think -- why doesn't bush live in mexico? he speaks spanish at home. he is married to a mexican woman. he complains about discrimination against his half mexican kids. i like chardonnay, but i don't
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insist everyone drink chardonnay. we have mexico, honduras, argentina and guatemala. there are lots of spanish speaking latin american countries. can't we have one united states of america? >> well, i would say -- if jeb bush were here he would say ann coulter, of course i do. i just want mexicans and south americans to be able to move to this country and live among us. >> they have a quarter of their population and he doesn't come to california. >> he does not believe in a path to full citizenship, am i right? >> they all say that when they want our vote. from rubio and chris christie. they want our votes.
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>> listen, kt maybe they are too much of a pessimist. maybe she can think finally they are listening to me and they are reading my book and i am pulling them to my way of thinking. is that right? >> i am so confused about everybody's position on immigration. >> she is against it. >> i know she's against it. i don't know who is for it organs it. or against it. >> i think what are you seeing with the lope wolf terrorists terrorists and -- lone wolf terrorists and isis, we have to know who is here, and we have to make sure that guys like that don't get in. if you can smuggle a person in with a suitcase you can smuggle in a suitcase bomb. >> kt, they are all saying, all of the candidates get them out of the shadows. that will help national security. what do you think of that? >> i worked for president regan when we had the same issue, and he said here is the two-part deal. we will give amnesty to the people who are here, and we will shut the border. they gave the amnesty, that was great but they never got
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around to shutting the border. >> why didn't they do that? >> i think it was an afterthought. nobody has a good answer for why it never happened. it would have been so much easier to do then. shut the border. let's see who is already here. if it is true that some estimates are that a third outer qaer or whatever high number are illegal immigrants send them back. the people who were here from birth and are hard working americans -- they are paying the system and the kids are go ing to harvard i want those people here. figure out who is here and send back the bad guys and let's figure the rest out. >> go trump go go. >> aren't they all criminals ? they came here illegally. >> that's why you are friends with all of them.
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i love a good criminal mind. >> i have to say telemundo in a pinch is the best smut substitute. some of the best i have seen in my life. and i vote in food delivery interest. and that's why i specifically enjoy chinese food delivery and that's why i am pro-mexican and pro immigration and more of them here immediately. i am always hungry and slightly drunk. >> are you saying mexicans are bringing your chinese food to you? >> it is the american melting pot that we were promised. >> that's amazing. joanne chinese bring my chinese to me. where does he live? >> i don't order chinese food. there is a delicious white wine you should look into. >> she likes chardonnay. >> i thought this was a wonderful interview. something he said here which was so great his wife columba i believe said as soon as he met her he turned
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his life around. he started working hard and working for something so he could marry her and start a family. we either need more men like that or more women like columba. >> i agree. she sounds like a female co will you colombo. >> i will stlai is a metro psc that is hiring, but you must speak spanish. when jeb fails to become president he can get a job making boxes for people and sending them out. >> anne, you are getting a bad wrap. you are anti-illegal immigration, am i right? >> you could not be more wrong. >> let's explain. >> even the ones who are working and are not the felons, i think our immigration policy like any other government policy ought to be dug. it was so bad -- it would be relief if we had a presidential candidate who would get rid of the illegals. that's step one. but we are bringing in all kinds of peasant cultures who
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are taking more than they are paying in. they are hard working and add mirral. admirable. are they filling up our schools and hospitals and roads? that's what the tests should be. while we bring in all of these poor people to deliver your food and you will not eat that much food. i don't care how big you are. we have quite though thousand. all -- we have quite enough now. if you are going to keep bragging let's bring in more. >> if you ever go to mexico city it is not peasants down there. >> we are generally the ones doing well in our own country. the guys who invented the indian nuclear bomb are doing fine in india. they are doing fine there. >> actually they are coming here. the number of students from a third world are coming to mit and caltech and specifically the technical university and
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take the stem subject had science, math, physics computers, engineering. those are the people who when they come here want to stay here. and they create the new jobs. >> some. some are doing standard computer programming work. the reason zuckerburg has the visa is it is tied to -- the visa is tied to facebook. you can't -- it is good for the employers and terrible about the employees. >> we don't care of the employee. >> that's the position of the republican party but not donald trump. just one other thing even with the smart ones, make sure they are not bringing in the entire village and extended family where they will be on welfare. the basic idea is immigration that helps america. sorry. >> coming up, universities have a new list of words you should not say. i will say them all right
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hi, friends. you know navigating cam toc life can be -- campus life can be complicated. our friends have come up with a bias free language guide. if you are in the area of the campus or any campi really i would like to share tips to keep you out of trouble. words matter and they can have consequences. if you see someone who is overweight, make sure to refer to them as a person of size. if you see someone confined to a wheelchair don't say that. they are a wheelchair user.
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don't say disability. remember, you are not able bodied. that's offensive. you are nondisabled. this is the poimt you think you are making these up. if you are talking with someone from this country you are a u.s. resident. don't use the term "american" it is offensive. and use person first constructions. he is not black. he is not a black student. he is a student of color. she is not a blind woman. she is the woman who is blind. >> i got through the whole thing and i only added one fake one. but was i far off? >> ben, it is obviously ridiculous. campuses are getting more and more ridiculous, but they have to put it down in writing and that's what you are seeing. i think you thought a lot of viewers thought i was
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kidding. those who were from the university of new hampshire website, the language guys -- >> when you stop teaching science and math you have to teach the guys something and you have to make it up on on the fly. >> believe it or not that's not a trade that will help you in the workplace to be you offended easily. if you have a dating profile how would it work? guys say y'all which is scarier than guys. y'all doesn't conjure any terrible images of racism and prej diss. what would a dating profile be like? hey y'all i'm a person of size with european-american currently experiencing poverty. tweet me. how do you talk to people like this? it is impossible to get the words out. >> it sounds like most comics from williamsburg. >> it does.
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fat people and me being previously 350 pounds heavier and still fat i am 6-7 and i am still a person of size. why don't they include me in that list? >> it is true. obviously there are a lot of pressing issues in the world. you are more into macro aggressions. don't you think we have to solve the microaggressions as well? >> it is a long, cold winter if they are worried about this stuff. >> somebody from university issued a statement saying these are just guidelines. >> do you think they have done it so somebody does president sue -- doesn't sue them? >> maybe the university says well if we do this, then it makes us lit gracious -- litigation proof. >> you may be uncomfortable talking about the subject. >> i think the guide -- that
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wasn't one of the words. >> it was this there somewhere. >> you are not allowed to hear it. >> i was going to look through -- i look at these guys so i can learn what words to use. none of these -- >> they wouldn't occur to you. >> an older person? you can't say an older person or whatever that was. >> you can't say senior person. you say old person and that's better. >> you think it is a citizen thing or the senior thing that is offensive sph. >> they don't like senior. >> they also don't like american. they are not even fun. you can gin up liberals with -- i don't see anything. >> remember the good old days in new hampshire when everyone got drunk in the winter? >> there is one word that i do agree. they said the word rich is problematic, and it is because i am not it. >> rich is not bad and they wanted person of wealth. i thought it was interesting
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because what will they do with their occupy signs? eat the persons of wealth? >> i see this going so horribly wrong. college students are not the most ma -- the most mature. you will have gaggles of friend together. >> it is not fun. and on a serious note, this is stoping kids from actually protesting real things. college kids used to protest -- in 2 swlr 01 when i was at the university i have to do that -- we don't talk about the fact that that is not the worse of the two. they were not protesting the war. they were outside the student union. somebody sang "rolling stone's stone's -- rolling stone's" brown sugar." we are about to invade a
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live from america's news headquarters i'm jackie ibanez. the secretary of state john kerry is returning to capitol hill for more questioning about the iran nuclear deal. the secretary clashing with several senators about side deals made between iran and the international atomic energy agency. kerry was accompanied by general martin dempsey the chairman of joint chiefs of staff. the deal doesn't address all concerns about iran, and he had this exchanging with new hampshire senator. >> you said under no circumstances should we relieve pressure on iran. so was it your military recommendation that we not agree to lifting of those sanctions? >> yes and i use the phrase as long as possible, and that was the point at which we could
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continue. >> the house passes a bill providing $8 billion for the federal highway trust fund. that will keep money flowing to the states for the roads and bridges until mid-december. the house bill now goes to the senate for action and facing a midnight try day deadline. the bill also contains funding for the veterans administration. the search for two missing teenage fishermen continues off the coast of florida. they have not been seen since last friday. the coast guard is expanding the search zone as they are nearing survival boundaries. closing arguments are set to begin at the murder trial of james holmes. he is accused of killing 12 and wounding 70 others at a denver theater in 2012. the jury must decide if he will get the death penalty or life in prison. holmes' mother took the witness stand wednesday fighting back tears. her testimony is the first time she has talked about her son publicly since the trial started. i'm jackie ibanez.
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now back to "red eye." >> welcome back. it is time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tv's andy levey. hi andy. >> hi, tom how are you? i like to make the papers dance. >> you are really dancing. >> actors make a video supporting the iran deal. kt you said if you worry about global warming a nuclear winter may be a good idea. this is not helpful to the cause . they asked seinfield to be in the iran deal and he said what is the deal with iran? that was spot. that was spot on. >> that was worse than nuclear winter. >> and one of the celebs played a scientist. and morgan free man played the president and under his watch a comment fragment hit the atlantic ocean and it wiped out th entire eastern united states. excuse me.
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i don't think he is the expert on how to deal with a calamity. >> i didn't know that. i stand corrected. >> ben you said she does president cuddle up to books. she cuddles up to heroin. >> yes. >> my friend has been clear for years now. she deserves an apology and i am not moving on until she gets it. >> andy, i want to apologize to you and to natasha. you can cuddle up to all of the hair. >> she will never call you. >> kt, you say she -- you teach nuclear weapons at mit. >> yes. >> what do you teach them? good night everybody. >> it was one of the most popular courses. 8:00 a.m. on a friday morning trough stey -- strategic nuclear forces. when i asked them why are you doing this course? they said you are the only girl we have seen on campus
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all week. >> maybe if they went out thursday u -- thursday night to the bar. >> and it was mit. >> they have bars in boston i think. they used to. jeb bush spanish interview. and you ask why bush does president live in mexico. i think it is because he is an american. >> i think you can be an american and be married to a woman from mexico. i think you can do that. >> that was hardly the end of list. the end of the list. i still haven't finished the list. you are telling someone not to interrupt. they have taken more than a quarter of mexico's entire population. you have 30 to 50 million illegals. you want to swing open the border and give them amnesty. that will turn america into another latin american country. we are close to it now.
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>> you know you say the same things people said about the italians the irish and the jews in the early and mid20th century. >> the only thing that is not true -- that is always heavily exaggerated. there were no irish need not apply signs. i will write a column. >> were there no signs that said dogs and jews keep off the ground? >> these are people who vomited their way across the atlantic ocean. a lot were turned away at ellis island. and 30% went home. we are getting the creme-de-la-creme. still white european were learning english pretty fast. there was a pause in immigration from 1924 until 1965 immigration act. it was the most economically prosperous period in america's recent history. >> i am moving on now.
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>> then don't challenge. >> it is not a question of challenge, but i only have six minutes and you took four. >> push her and she will write a column. >> kt, you want to shut the border you mean completely? >> no, what i mean is you can have -- well i think it would be best served by having two fences fences -- they are two miles apart. you would have surveillance drones and you can see if somebody gets through the first. then by the time they get to the second, law enforcement could converge on that point. >> it sounded like you said you want to sort of pause all immigration for awhile. >> all illegal immigration. >> i was just asking. >> we have now clarified. >> it was just a question, kt. wow. people are edgy tonight. ben where do you have the mexicans bringing you chinese food? i want chinese bringing me chinese food. >> they wring me my papa
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john's and domino's and i had three papa johns this past weekend. >> you realize that is not chinese food. >> there is -- as i think tom was getting at, there is a difference. all of the delivery guys are mexicans. the chinese food is always chinese. i think you would enjoy the diversity of williamsburg. >> it sounds like no diversity. >> that's what diversity is. >> unh's language free guide. she is not a blind woman. she is woman who is blind. he is a white male, he is a male who is bad and you said one fake one. which is fake? >> you see how close i was sph. >> you caught me. >> it is ierch knee and comedy and -- it is irony and comedy and a wonderful cocktail. >> kt, you said it must be a long cold winter in new hampshire if they are worried about this. we are seeing this at colleges across the country. this is too much for me.
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>> i would agree with that. >> nondisabled is -- we need two meeting tiffs now? nondisabled literally means abled. it is harder to say. >> it is like -- it is okay when jew had call people gentiles, but we don't go around saying hey gentiles. it is fine when the disabled people call them nondisabled. >> to be honest we would like it if you called each other gentile. >> you would? >> yes. >> hello gentile. >> hello gentile. >> joanne, you pointed out that rich is one of the words on the problematic list. it sucks if your name is richard. >> or richie rich. >> that's why i call him dick. i'm done. >> thank you andy. time to take a break. an awkward interview when we come back.
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>> thenminnesota dentist says he regrets the lion's death but he said he was acting angrily. supermodels around the world are not buying it. dr. palmer who said he paid $55,000 who killed cecil the lion is now getting death threats. protesters dressed as dentist hunters have been throwing stuffed lions at his house. peta suggested he be hanged,
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and celebrities have been slamming him on twitter. she called him a poor excuse of a human being. jimmy kimmle choked up as he expressed his disgust. >> i think it is important to have something good come out of this disgusting tragedy. this is the website for the wildlife conservation unit at oxford. if you want to make this into a positive you can -- sorry. i -- okay, i'm good. make a donation to support them at the very least maybe we can show the world that not all-americans are like this jack hole here, this dentist. >> meanwhile the lion community is taking it pretty hard. >> kt, you thought only express sympathy for this
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hunter but you thought the cubs should have been killed. isn't that right? >> boy you are having a slow news night. >> that's all anyone is talking about. jimmy kimmle is crying. >> i actually felt sorry for the dentist. here is why. he thought when he went on his safari and he got the guides, the guides were doing something legal. the guides are the ones we should be protesting because they went and found the lion and shot him with whatever they did to make him dopey so then the dentist could kill him. and that's the tragedy. that part of the world poaching and the kinds of things they are doing to their animals is significantly serious, and they are getting away with it. the question i would like to know is not just the dentist and how much did he pay but who were the guides? who did they bribe to get access to the lion? which official had in the tan swraw knee yen food chain?
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>> all of a sudden it is not a slow fuse day. she wants all of the questions. >> thank you for joining the panel. ann coulter had to leave. >> i can fill in for her and i can say i wish the lion was a mexican. i am shocked the person who killed the lion wasn't a mexican. >> no, he was not. he he was a dentist. >> i don't believe it. >> there are a couple of things to remember. the real losers are the good people of minneapolis who might have needed a teeth cleaning and now can't get to the dentist. the other thing is cecil had been studied by scientists since 1999. for 16 years this creature was subject to god knows what kind of bizarre scientific experiments by these modern day doctors. his death probably came as a release. >> maybe. what do you think? >> number one of course it was a dentist.
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they are the most sadist of all the people on the planet. he makes great giggles look like dr. oz. this dentist is awful. lion hunter dentist sounds like a great name for a half vee on sci-fi. for a movie on sci-fi. >> it will take "sharknado" out of their top spot and it will be huge. it is so interesting. people pretended to go into the woods and he covered himself in lion urine. they had a i can p up truck and -- they had a pick up truck and they rolled it around a the streets trying to get this lion to come out. it is literally more dangerous hunting in a supermarket this america. >> for those who don't know what a wawa is it is a convenience store/deli with great coffee on the east coast.
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>> they were a black couple and she was a woman who dared to call them that. a waitress at a st. louis restaurant was fired for the way she labeled a pair of customers on the receipt. as you can see she referred to them as black couple. customer kimberly kill son who was dining with a friend wasn't pleased. >> totally totally just humiliated. i was frustrated. i was angry. i was thinking, really? are we still doing this in 2015? >> the waitress claims she merely described the table when she couldn't remember its number but that didn't excuse -- but that excuse didn't fly with the owner. after firing her he wrote on facebook quote i patrick han
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none sincerely apologize for the unacceptable act that is not symbolic of our company values and beliefs. we do not tolerate this behavior. andy, do you andy levey that he patrick hannon, over -- overreacted? >> it could have said couple of blacks and that would have been much, much worse. i patrick hannon, you know what it sounds like to me this stuff like this happens so often tay he has a form letter. where else do you see i whatever. they only do that when it is a form and you are putting in your name. >> it is your facebook page and your restaurant. >> he obviously president whatted -- he, patrick hannon, wanted to make himself part of this story and separate him from the reprehensible behavior. it was a waitress writing down black people. she wanted to remember where she was going. >> i had a receipt at the
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perkins restaurant and they put mozzarella monster. i framed it and said i am a mozzarella lover. that's how far we have come. the victim is the woman who got fired. literally she said she wasn't able to remember the numbers and problem whree -- probably in the college she went to they were too busy teaching proper pronounce and not numbers. now we have a woman who was fired because she -- should she have drawn a painting? >> joanne, you worked in the service industry. do they know what people say in the kitchen about them? >> oh no. they would then spit in their own food and give it to me. or something like that. i have advice for her. she will get another job and they need help especially if you are pretty. code names. we all have codes we use for people for tables. if you are not sure if it is appropriate, probably not.
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mom has always been one of those people who needs to keep busy. if she's not working in her garden, she's probably on one of her long walks with bailey. she was recently diagnosed with a heart condition. i know she's okay, but it concerned me she's alone so often. so i encouraged her to get a medical alert button. philips lifeline offers the best options to keep her doing the things she loves in the home she loves. if she ever falls, or needs help, i know we can get to her quickly and with her condition that can be critical. and even though she doesn't typically go far from home, the button always goes with her. these days, she's still as busy as ever. just the way she likes it. innovation and you. philips lifeline. lifeline is america's #1 medical alert service.
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visit today or call this number for your free brochure and ask about free activation. republicans savage the head of the internal revenue service about his sponsor lack of it for the targeting conservative groups. this is "special report." >> good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. by virtue of his job as america's tax man, john costinen is already one of the country's most disliked bureaucrats. today the irs commissioner was definitely feeling no love on capitol hill. senate republican went after him for what they see as institutional indifference to the scandal over the targeting of conservative groups by his agency. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel has tonight's top story.
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