tv Hannity FOX News July 30, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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investigators found battered luggage that washes up in the same area. final note. kelly file for what life is like on the set of the kelly file. tonight, they see what's happening. there is a movement going on. >> people are tired of inxenlt competition. >> despite attacks from the media. donald trump continues to surge in the polls. then a shocking new video shows a plant apparently hood executive negotiating prices for fetal parts. the creator of these videos will be here. >> this is the most assinine arrest. >> our panel tonight reacts. in a new book claim that bill clinton is cheating on hillary with a shapely blond mistress.
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the author is here with all the details. right here right now. >> despite attacks from the local media, donald trump continues to surge in the polls. two new polls show donald trump has a sizable lead heading into the first gop primary debate. he leads with 25% in the new reuters poll which is more than jeb bush. donald trump has an edge in the new quinnipiac university poll with 20% compared to scat walker's 13% and jeb bush's 10%. joining us now. the author of the queen, the ambitious of hillary and the second coming, and the coming of the second clinton era. the washington time charlie hurt. you've been a bit of a critic of donald trump. knowing you as much as i know you, that you understand where this is coming from. that he is speaking his mind. he is politically incorrect. he is bringing attention to issues in a way that republicans have been far too weak and timid
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to deal with. >> i was very critical about the comments from senator mccain. i think it is true about everyone in the race and on both sides of the aisle. donald trump is the only one there will likely be a musical made. i've never said that before. he is vastly entertaining. i got an e-mail from him two days ago i asked him to be my show tonight. he single me a fax note. he can't do it. i'll do it next week i'm in england which i will own, watching the ladies' british open. i thought that's so donald. he told the focus group, send it the focus group. he said he's most like us. now, he's a billionaire. he is not like many of us at
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all. >> that's not what they're talking about. they're not talking about the money. they're talking about outthat spoken. when you're with your friends, do you monitor your every word? has it been prepared by should political advisers? he is raw, real it is genuine, authentic, and refreshing. in this day and age of politically pre calculated sound bites. that's what they're saying. they're not talking about how much money he has. >> i don't think it will last but you've hit on something very important. it is his creativity. he is an enormously creative guy. as he very very good at marketing. and he thinks of new ways of marketing his campaign. and do you know what? it works. it is a breath of fresh air in politics. nobody else is doing it. i don't know if you saw the story out today where donald trump will take his private helicopter out to the iowa state fair grounds and he will give
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free rides to any child seen wearing a make america great cap. you can say it's goofy. but it's brilliant. and so these kids -- >> you watch. there will be some liberal group that say he's trying on buy swroets helicopter rides. >> i'm sure the government will say he's not allowed to do it. the point is that he gets it. and he is not ashame of the fact that he is a billionaire. he is taking and using it as an advantage. and he knows what appeals to people. >> let me say this. i thought mary matlin who has always been a smart media adviser. she said that everybody republican ought to learn from donald trump and i agree with her. i want to see that level of energy. i want to see the scripts get thrown to the side a little bit. i want to see some genuine passion about getting the country back on the right track. helping out those millions of americans out of the labor force
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and poverty and on food stamps. we're going to take out isis. >> every broadcaster should. he is the blocking tackle of 2016. he is clearing out everything. he makes mistakes. i think he made miss weighs the the mexican remark. he made a terrible mistake about senator mccain being a captive and he doesn't like people who get captured. he needs to apologize. >> that issue is dead. >> don't you think that if he had it to do over again, he might have refined some of those statements? >> yes. >> to his credit i happen to agree with you. to his credit he just says i'm moving on. i wish i'd said it differently. i won't ring my hands and try to cow tow to people. >> he is most like teddy roosevelt. and he would extraordinarily say
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extraordinary things that got him into trouble. i hope he roads a couple in the roosevelt biographies. i would love him to run for mayor from new york against blasio. wonderful you like that? >> i think if he followed through on his promises and was serious about governing, i think he could be a great leader. i think he is inspiring a lot of people. and especially people that are tired, including me of republicans being weak. i'm so sick of it. let me ask this. he dealt with two controversy there's week. dwelt the daily beast, the ivana trump. that was dead and buried within 12 hours. a tribute to him and his family. and a second one to the new york times, bringing up a lawsuit that he won and even got lawyers fees for about a woman pulling out a breast pump in the middle of a deposition. and he said this is disgusting. isn't that a lesson for the other republicans, as all of the
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garbage is piled on them by the media? just blow it off. >> absolutely. and it is amazing how every scandal that democrats skate through scandals all the time and they move right on. republicans get mired down and it is like kelp. they can't get out from under it. they are hand wringing and apologizing. like you say, he just keeps walking right on through it. walking through the smoke ask the fire and doesn't let any of it aerlt his focus on the vision that he is trying to convey. and he does a very good job of conveying in it those simple term that people see. and people understand his vision. and so they forgive him. >> if that didn't bring him down i guarantee both the daily sgeeft new york times, they thought they had him.
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>> what he has to do is help the republican party. he has to go after hillary. hillary has been revealed to have had four different sources of information on her server. i'm looking for donald to bring the hammer that he has down on hillary and i'm looking at chris wallace and megyn kelly. >> and brett bair. i'll get to do it a couple weeks later. at that point, donald trump will either be serious or not. >> speaking of hillary, let's go back to the quinnipiac poll today. this is like the seventh or eighth poll. is she honest and trustworthy? 57% say no. then the poll on how voters view hillary clinton, 51% unfavorable. >> if i'm a democrat i'll saying run joe, crazy uncle joe run. even though he likes to apparently we'll get into this later, swim naked in front of female secret service agents.
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>> her favorability is under water nationally and underwater meaning her unfavorability outpaces her favorability in iowa and in new hampshire by double digits right now. this is like a four-alarm fire for them. or it should be if they were paying attention. >> all right. so democrats are panicky. does elizabeth get in? >> it's crazy, of course. >> no no john kerry. the dreadful candidate of hillary goes away and john kerry comes back clutching the iranian agreement and saying peace in our time. watch for it. >> i voted for the $87 billion before i voted against it? we'll to have live through that nonsense against? >> i say joe biden. and i wouldn't be surprised if president obama doesn't take out be the shif and put an end to the clinton dynasty and get behind joe biden. >> crazy uncle joe, the skinny
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dipper? >> crazy joe is proud of america, he loves america and people. i don't think you can say, those are the first things you would say about hillary clinton. >> a driver took me to my victorian airport in canada on, two days ago said that joe biden had been in calgary. he had a 12-car motorcade because he wanted to make sure he got back to our country. i think joe biden has no viability. john kerry is the guy. >> disagree. i think the person to watch out for. two people. i think they alined. i think elizabeth warren may get into this brace the support of bill de blasio. >> what a -- >> what a team that will be. >> what a snoozer. >> just what we need. another law professor. this one from harvard. >> all we need is another communist. obama on steroids. here we go. we're in trouble. good to see you both.
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coming up next on "hannity." >> neither do we. >> no one wants to get -- >> how do we protect ourselves? >> a new just released undercover video that shows planned parenthood executives knew just what they were doing. and later, a bombshell claim. bill clinton apparently has a blond mistress. plus why is the white house is more concerned about the killing of cecil the lion than the killing of kate steinle. yet i'm so awake? did you know your brain has two systems? one helps keep you awake- the other helps you sleep. science suggests when you have insomnia, the wake system in your brain may be too strong and your neurotransmitters remain too active as you try to sleep, which could be leading to your insomnia. ohh...maybe that's what's preventing me from getting the sleep i need!
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french indian ocean island of reunion. a battered suitcase discovered hours after a piece of wing was found. aviation experts say they are highly confident the wing part is from a boeing 777. that is the same model plane as malaysia airlines flight 370. that plane which was carrying 239 people vanished more than a year ago. hot temperature and gusty winds thrusting northern california into full fledged wildfire season. look at that. flames flaring up in several areas, forcing hundreds of people from their home. firefighters state the biggest challenge is the fire in lake county 130 miles north of san francisco. it started yesterday and has destroyed two homes and clared 13 square miles. now back to han. now back to "hannity." welcome back. the central for medical progress has released another shocking video showing a high ranking planned parenthood executive
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negotiating the sale price of aborted fetal parts. we have to warn you again, this video is very disturbing. it contains very graphic material. we think it is important to show you. take a look. >> when you get on 17 18 some of those. you might get larger that's where we have to do a little training -- >> so it is a matter of training. >> we have to be on the same page. >> right. almost to the point where we have to disclose if we're doing this so if anyone gets called out for this oh i didn't know you were doing this too. we have to be i think we have to be coordinating. >> to keep the stories straight. >> to make sure we're all saying the same thing and the ceos are saying the same thing. >> and joining us now, so you're
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responsible for this. but yet yesterday you had a court literally in california blocking the release of new videos. first, your response to that and then we'll talk about the video. >> right. so the temporary restraining order from the court in california yesterday was actually very, very limited. and it is only in reference to an alleged recording of a very specific meeting with the leadership of stem express with the company that's partnered with planned parenthood around the country. >> what is really shocking with this in the second video. i want to buy a lamborghini. all the haggling for prices and in each the videos they have a discussion about parts and price and procedures. i want a lamborghini. oh it is another boy they're dissecting. how is it possible that people act the way they do?
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they sip wine they eat salad, they talk about buying lamborghinis from the body parts. i'm wondering, where is the conscience of these people? did you ever get the feeling that anyone is aware of what they're actually doing? >> you know some of them are. and actually really interesting. it is really important to sometimes watch the full conversations. things that weren't covered so much in the past couple weeks. the senior director of medical services for planned parenthood who was in the first video, sipping wine and talking about partial birth abortions. she had an interesting comment toward the end of the conversation. she was talking about before becoming an abortion doctor she wanted to do two medicine. she said believe it or not, before, this i actually liked baby. we were posing people who were as deep into abortion as she was. i think she was trying on convince herself.
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and there were similar actions in the full footage that will be released shortly. you can feel the wave of sadness coming off her when she walked into the path lab after doing 10 or 12 abortions that day and was pretty agitated picking through the dishes looking forward different body parts. so there is some conscience still there but there's a lot of powerful psychological, ideological and financial factors, frankly, that keep people in the abortion industry and keep it going. >> when in this particular new video, i think a per item thing works a little better. we can see how much we can get out of it. it is illegal to sell those parts. is it not? >> yep. it is completely illegal. and the really interesting thing about the colorado footage that we put out today, what it really illustrates is behind the scenes, the reality of the coordinated cover-up going on in planned parenthood that is
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playing out right now before our eyes in the media as they try to get away from the fact that they are selling the body parts of aborted babies and it is illegal. you don't their vice president of medical director of plarnl in the rocky mountains ever say she is concerned that following the law or about doing what's right. you hear her say that she is kernel about not getting caught and about not getting called on selling body parts. >> let me go back to what this doctor says out of colorado in this latest tape that you reveal. sometimes if we get, if someone delivers before we get to them for a procedure, then we are intact. and then they're talking about second trimester abortions. we would have to do a little training with the providers to make sure they don't crush. it sounds to me like it is almost they're describing infancide at that point. >> that's right. that was one of the really chilling moments that our
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investigators. did a lot of people don't realize this. if you're in a facility does a high volume of second trimester abortions, just based on the, based on different patient cake sticks and how different patients responsible to the preparation protocols for second trimester abortion it is not unusual that you'll have live births and precipitous deliveries before it happens. throws born live infants and that's infanticide. >> there is an awareness where you can hear them talk about getting caught. >> how confident are you with your attorney, with they're building many layers so they are making it difficult? >> he has it figured out. we talked to him in the beginning, you know. we're like we don't want to get called for selling fetal parts.
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>> neither do we. >> how do we protect ourselves? >> talking about the lawyers, the full understanding what they are doing is illegal. where is the attorney general on this? >> i know. good question, good question. there's ten different states investigating planned parenthood now in three different congressional committees. so hopefully that will move forward. and we'll start to get some answers as to how deep and pervasive the law breaking really is within planned parenthood. that kind of attitude to try to hold yourself above the law and completely disregard and find every way around it possible. that come from the top level down of the litigation and law department. roger evans who sent the letter to the congressional committees investigating planned parenthood he gave an entire presentation at the meeting a few months ago in d.c. in march on how the skirt the federal law
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on fetal issue the sales, saying i think this is a good idea guys. you should go for it. bull these are the ways to do it. >> we'll continue to show these videos even though many in the media have given more coverage in one day to cecil the lion than to this issue and these tapes. and we applaud what you're doing. i hope they finally defund this organization. this is barbaric grotesque and gruesome. claim that bill clinton has had a blond mistress. that the clintons are only keeping their marriage together for a shot at the white house. our panel will react. and a police officer charged with murder after shooting an unarmed man. we'll show you exactly what happened. we have the videotape.
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claims that bill clinton has a blond girlfriend called the energizer. joining me now, new york times best selling author now available in paper back. secret service agents reveal the lives of the presidents. blond, busty, mistress. named the energizer. wow! >> the reason she's named the energizer, the first letter of the code name for each family begin with the same letter. so in the case of the clintons bill is eagle, hillary is evergreen, and therefore, the secret service agents decided to
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call the mistress energizer. >> it is viewed as a punishment though to get on hillary's detail. that the secret service loved the energizer because she's nice to them. bakes them cookies. and hillary is mean to them. is that accurate? >> well hillary is not only mean she's nasty, abusive. being assigned to her detail is considered a form of punishment. it is the worst assignment in the secret service which tell you a lot about the character of this individual. if you knew someone like that you would have nothing to do with them. you would never hire that person. you would never be a friend of that person. and yet she is running for president. so this is something that the secret service has to put up with. it tells you a lot about character. there was the ethics else before
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he was elected and sure enough we've got watergate. >> a couple other notes. you talk to the secret service agents. and i have my pin. i have a lot of respect for them. some of them came under fire but the vast majority they're willing to take a bullet to protect our leaders which i admire greatly. joe biden likes to swim naked in front of female secret service agents? that's creepy. >> talk about a war on women. biden likes to swim flood at his vice president's residence in washington and his home in wilmington which he goes back to several times a week. all at our expense, by the way and this offends secret service agents. they sign up for service. >> they say as he pervert. >> well they certain it will didn't sign up to see biden naked.
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and it is offensive, abusive and it is in this book, the first family detail. of course the press doesn't want to touch it. >> you know you're sourcing this book. how many sources did you have for that particular story? >> several who have first has not knowledge of what happened. and this continuing problem. >> and he doesn't want the nuclear football within a mile of him? what happens if we have a national emergency? >> that's right. i contains the codes to unleash a retaliatory strike if we're hit by another country. if obama is taken out, biden would have to unleash these codes. he insists when he goes back to wilmington several time a week that the military with the football reminute a mile behind his motorcade. he wants to have thimage of a regular joe. a man of the people. he doesn't want to have a long motorcade. of course, the result is even if there was no traffic, the
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military aide with the football could not catch up to biden in time. so we are totally defenseless in a situation leak that. >> what about this conversation that secret service agents related to you. >> talking to barack about racial be issues. >> agents have been dismayed to hear michelle urge her husband, not only to attack republicans more aggressively but also to side with blacks in racial controversies. we've seen him do over and over again. >> all right. pretty scary. it is all happening here. and i don't know. that's just bizarre. thank you. appreciate it. >> the white house is now showing concern for death the cecil the lion. they didn't seem to care much about kate steinle or the american hostages that they could have negotiated the release for or that much about the planned parenthood videos. our panel will react.
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ask your doctor about lyrica. tonight outrage over cecil the lion is so intense the dentist who killed him is reported to have police protection. earlier today the u.s. fish and while life service is offering protection. dave is with us. also criminal defense attorney rebecca rose woodland and outnumbered co-host, jed die a. wait a minute. they're not going to support the border after kate steinle, they won't investigate the tapes of planned parenthood where obviously laws are broken. but the u.s. fish and while life service will go after this dentist in minnesota who kill an
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animal in zimbabwe? help me out. >> it was illegal poaching. zimbabwe has already arrested two have the two others involved. the guides. and there is an extradition treaty could place this man in danger. >> and he might get 15 years in jail. he spent $50,000. he got the los angeles to hunt. if you, he got the license to hunt. i would say the responsibility wlis the guides. i doubt the minnesota dentist knows much about what's going on with zimbabwe. >> sne they say as he big game hunt here has done this before. they would know better. they would be tracking the location knowing he was on a national preserve. he was like at the edge of yellowstone. >> i'm not buying it. i doubt he knew this was the beloved lion. >> i don't know. the way these people have explained it to me. when you go out to nans nia and hunt -- to tanzania and hunt a
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lion. the lions in the wild are very, very dangerous. it is objection. this lion was lured out as if he was someone's house cat. >> the president, kate steinle, he doesn't fix the immigration problem. you see the planned parenthood videos they're despicable. they're going after the people shooting the video. but they're going to make a bigger deal about cecil the lion. >> my response is they should be doing it all. i think they should be investigating it. i think something happened. he is making some kind of gesture. something doesn't sound right to me in material of the way this lion was lured out of the park. i don't buy that this guy didn't know what was going on. there's month reason why because you prioritize one thing, you can't do another. he should be coming about kate steinle. if there was a law violated here i think that they have a right to investigate it all. >> so a lion over the line is
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okay. a lion within the reserve -- >> the way they lured hill out. putting the dead animal on the car. >> i blame the two guys. >> be you're the expert. what do you say? >> yeah. obviously, if we're not talking about the morals and ethics we're just talking legalities there are a lot of things that come into this. to get your permit to legally hunt the lion, the handle owner has to prove that that lion is on his land and it is been there are more than 30 days. whether they did that or didn't do that we don't know. the other thing that would cause alarm besides they were close to a national park. besides they baited this animal across. the animal has a big, big collar around its neck for tracking. even if everything else you claim ignorance all the way around. at some point if you're close enough to shoot with it a bow,
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you're close enough to see the big collar. >> was not it at night? >> it was, if it was at night. he would have to have some sort of vision. so they use spot lights. on top of that if there is a big spotlight on the lion absolutely you will see this big collar. >> let me go back to jedidiah. two they tweeted out this dentalist's address. i understand people's reaction to the lion. i wouldn't how many of the people that are outraged hire assassins to kill their cows that they can eat their steak with or kill their turkeys or the fishermen who kill their fish. i think there is hypocrisy. what's the difference between a cow and a turkey? >> she shouldn't have tweeted out that information. that's like saying something inhumane happened here so i'll respond with more inhumane
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behavior. you know if you do this you will invite people to destroy his business or cause harm to this. if this bothers you, you feel there was an injustice done you don't respond to it with more injustice. >> is there more coverage in the media of cecil the lion in two weeks of videotapes showing the corruption of planned parenthood? >> it says something if. i'm uncomfortable with it. they did a survey. and people in this survey said it's okay. it's okay that planned parenthood is breaking the law. we're not talking about abortion. we're talking about body parts being sold. that's illegal. >> so they can buy lamborghinis. >> exactly. for personal profit. they're not putting that money back into federal research. >> so our government will look into the cecil the lion issue. >> so there is a reason for
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that. people in this country have been desensitize desensitized. when you talk about the lion they're looking at the lion. >> they went to see lion king and bambi. >> when they talk about abortion they've been told this is a clump of cells. this is not a human life form. >> for all the people out there. >> if you're upset, are you eating steak? you got chicken, turkey at thanksgiving. >> the reality is nobody in trophy hunting is actually eating a lion. that's to show off to your friends when you get home. >> i'm pro-choice. i don't want to put a lion head
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in my den. on one teeth lion. it is not the -- no one eats the lion. it is not the same thing. but trophy hunting is so egregious. >> even if issue of trophy hunting, even if you condone that which i'm not a huge fan of if you did, you would look at the way this guy did it. and you would say this lion was hit. 40 hours before he died. probably undergoing a lot of suffering. he was lured out with a dead animal. this is not going on sit right with a lot of people. >> the same people that might be putting a little salt and pepper on their steak. >> you hire assassins to kill your animals. >> not to kill lions. >> you go to your local supermarket and you buy it in a supermarket to kill the cow. >> i ito over. >> you hire assassins.
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you hire assassins to kill your food. >> that's not true. >> what this was for, basically just for a trophy on the wall. and wasn't legally procured. we're not arguing about hunting being right or wrong. it is certain in this country in certain locations. >> it is legal in zimbabwe. i blame the guides. they're ones that know the terrain. not the hunter. >> we'll see if he knew or didn't know. >> if they want to put him in jail for 15 years. >> well he has a defense. let him mount it. let him mount it. the way he mounltd the lion on the wall. >> the next time i see you eating steak -- >> a different debate. >> that is a different debate. >> no it is not. >> you want it to be a different debate. it justifies you eating steak, chicken, turkey and fish. >> this is about the humanity about the way it was executed. >> it is and not for
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consumption. >> you eat bacon too. >> no. i eat turkey bacon. >> up next on "hannity" -- >> i've been doing this for over 30 years. this is the most assinine act i've ever seen a police officer make. >> a cincinnati police officer, the entire incident caught on his body cam. i'm not sick. i'm not sick. i'm not sick. she's perfectly healthy. cigna covers preventive care. that's having your back. do you suffer from constipation or irregularity? trust dulcolax® for dependable relief. try free at dulcolax® stool softner makes it easier to go comfortably. hurry! try free at dulcolax®. designed for dependable relief.
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a cincinnati police officer faces life in prison for murder of killing aunt unarmed man. he pled not guilty. the incident has been heavily scrutinized and was captured on a body camera. as you see the victim disobeys the orders of the officer to take off his seatbelt and instead turned on his car. this is when the cop yelled stop before pulling out his weapon and firing the final shot. the officer said he feared he would be run over. two other officers involve have been placed on administrative leave.
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let's roll this video. let's roll it slowly. and as we're showing it again, i want to you explain bo, from your perspective what y is going on here. you hear the conversation. what are your thoughts- what are your thoughts on what the officer did? >> he pulled him over asking for a license. it's a conversation. now, all of a sudden he closes the car door. now, the cops react. and again, he starts to drive away. he shoots him first. i don't hear a shot. a shot actually happened. a lot of times i come up here sean just seems to me stand up to the cops. this incident and in carolina i mean this is tough to have a defense for what i see. i see something the guy wasn't trained very well. and then also now, they suspended two other guys other cops. >> it's not their fault.
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>> no. no. but they might have supported him. he said he was dragged. they might have supported that contention until the cameras came out. >> maybe they thought that. >> they had cameras. >> body cameras. >> yes. >> at the end of the day i say i want body cameras but there is a slight risk they don't tell the whole story. >> all i've got to say, everyone of these bad shootings like this now, cops that are out there trying to do their jobs every time they do their jobs they're going to be second guessed. >> i looked at this over and over. it doesn't matter what this guy did. at some point, whether he's argueing arguing, there are other actions but i think bo is right.
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a 25-year-old young cop. a guy trained a little bit above to me would be a university campus police with a gun. this makes it so much tougher and a bad environment, already. the police are under scrutiny. it doesn't do any good for this. >> eric you're defending the cop in this case. what would your argument be? >> i have a case. now you want me to say -- >> everybody deserves a defense. what would you say? >> everybody does deserve a defense. what his lawyers may do, first all the guy needs to go to prison. his lawyers may try to say welsh he was fearful for whatever ridiculous reason and see if someone will buy it but there is no defense. this cop was wrong, he was hot headed and he got angry that
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samuel dubose -- >> but he didn't sound like he was lugswas about to lose his temper. >> you have a confrontation between two young men. it heats up and it moves on. >> you're both. >> he's driving away. the cop was nowhere near getting hit. >> this doesn't outweigh this terrible crime, i'll call it a crime. the fact is if he sat there, complying with the police that is what i'm getting at. let's just listen to the cop. >> and -- >> this doesn't weight outweigh the shooting. is it right to drive away from the cop? >> what is right is that the cop
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should have followed the guy home chased him down then arrested him. that is all he had to do. he had the information. he knew who the guy was. >> i'm talking about communication. communication between cops and people they're stopping. respect back and forth. >> we're going to leave it there. >> yes. >> respect is able to go and don't shoot people in the face. that is the level of respect people deserve. >> we agree this looks like a really bad shooting. and it's going to make a bad climate for other officers that have to do their jobs. >> coming up a very-important question of the day, straight ahead. bring us your aching and sleep deprived. bring us those who want to feel well rested. aleve pm. the only one to combine
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