tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News August 3, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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we'll see you back here tomorrow night. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> republicans like scott walker and jeb bush are calling to defund planned parenthood and they are joined by republicans in congress who will not waste a minute in voting to make that happen. >> hillary clinton coming down on the side of planned parenthood, even in the face of proof the organization is selling baby body parts. also a federal judge blocking more videos from coming out in the case. charles krauthammer will address it all tonight. >> you are the chairman of the democratic party. tell me the difference between you and a socialist. >> congresswoman wasserman schultz could not do that embarrassing? we will let you decide after you hear the entire clip. >> why don't you support kate's law? >> tell me what that's all
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about. >> also ahead senator dick durbin sitting for a hearing with indicate steinle's parents still doesn't know what kate's law is is is that even possible? >> i answered your question. >> in addition, donald trump surging in the polls caution, you are are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the problem with liberalism, that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. no matter who wins the democratic presidential nomination they will tow the liberal line that's because the democratic liberal party has been taken over by the far left. few moderate democrats have any currency in the program. -- in the party. that was demonstrated again today when only two democrats voted to defund
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planned parenthood. the measure failed because the senate could not get 60 voters. only one voted to defund on principle that man is mark kirk from you will know. now, there is no question planned parenthood is an abortion factory and there is no question sells the dead bodies fetuses. yet the democratic party doesn't care. so my question tonight is, what happened to liberalism? the liberal philosophy is based upon fairness for the underdog. helping those who are down and out. protecting the defenseless. yet, unborn babies don't count. how does that work? when the liberal line urges social justice to those of you who deny life begins with human d.n.a. on conception what qualifies you to say that? it's a belief, that's all. and your belief may be wrong. meantime millions of potential human beings have been destroyed. if you voice objection to that then you are declaring
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war on women. just ask hillary clinton. >> the decline of liberalism began with a real war vietnam. the left voiced major objections and they were right. the war was fought in a dishonest way and hundreds of thousands of american working men and women primarily were killed or wounded. that radicalized the left and many liberals turned sole alinsky mean, damming anyone who did not agree with them. today we have the most liberal president in america's history, barack obama, elected twice. but his economic policies have not improved the lives of the poor or african-americans. every statistic tells the same story there are fewer good jobs, salaries are stagnant on obama's watch. that's because the feds cannot run a free marketplace. even in a country like cuba population 11 million the lack of free enterprise dooms people to poverty. incredibly even some left wing commentators are now catching on. >> what is the difference
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between a democrat and a socialist? >> [ laughter ] >> i used to think there was a big difference. what do you think it is? >> the difference between. >> is it democratic like hillary clinton or socialist like bernie sanders. what's the difference you are the chairman of the democratic party. tell me the difference between you and a socialist. >> the relevant debate we will be having in this campaign democrat and a republican. >> i think there is a huge difference. >> she can't answer the question. she simply can't answer it. she is the head. now, on the protection front, even a simple thing like kate's law which would mandate incarceration for illegal aliens who commit felonies in america and defy deportation coming back back back back. even a simple law like that he rejected by many liberals. later in the broadcast jesse watters will confront senator dick durbin. so why why are liberal politicians against the law that would protect americans? makes no sense at all. and would not impede the
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quest for so-called progressive immigration reform. finally, let's take a look at three cities run by uber liberal mayors. over the weekend in new york city, 25 people shot, three of time died. victims of perps mostly black. 40 people shot. baltimore 15 people shot, five of them died. african-americans the victims and the perps primarily. so where is the group black lives matter on that? i guess black lives matter not so much in cities run by liberal politicians who cannot control the streets. no matter how many facts talking points presents on the economy on crime on foreign policy, on individual behavior, liberals will not admit their philosophy has gone off track. thus, we have a presidential election coming up in 2016 that will once again pit the liberal philosophy against a traditional one. if facts matter, the election should not even be close.
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if facts matter. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. reaction, joining us from washington, charles krauthammer. all right, you live this whole thing as i did through vietnam. you have seen the evolution of the liberal philosophy in america. am i wrong here? >> well, i think i would interpret the actions of liberals as embodied in the democratic party, which is a liberal party as less driven by ideology than by the ball cannization of the population in order to win elections. for example you began by talking about abortion. planned parenthood. for them, they see a constituency of feminists and a large constituencies of particularly single women whom they want to cater to, for whom this is an important issue. that's their constituency and nothing no evidence, none of the videos, nothing is going to dissuade them. hillary clinton managed to
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say that the videos were disturbing but her support is unshakeable. planned parenthood supports the democrats and the other way around. for example for teachers and education the opposition to school choice, liberal ideology if they really believed it would be for choice, number one and second to give the poor minorities in the cities the choice that rich, white people and liberals have. also in the cities of school choice. but, no. because they have a particularly minority leadership that will oppose this and because they have the teachers' unions that is there constituency. so i would argue this is less a matter of ideas but it's a matter of constituencies. the democrats specialize in balkanizing dividing americans and they have won the popular vote the
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strategy is just purely on a basis of winning and losing obviously has been successful. what you are saying, charles krauthammer is saying to the world tonight is that liberals are morally bankrupt. they don't believe in anything. they don't believe in helping the down trodden. they don't believe in protecting the defenseless. they don't believe in anything. they are a bunch of cynical vote counters who will do anything for power. that is what you are saying? >> no. that's what o'reilly says that krauthammer is saying. and since i'm more of an expert on what krauthammer is thinking, i will give you what krauthammer thinks. and that is that the democrats have an overall commitment to what they sees a the underdogs and they identify constituencies, immigrant constituency, for example, hispanics on um congratulation, they identify, for example single women particularly poor women for whom they want to provide free
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abortion on demand, so they have these constituencies that overall is not that they are morally bankrupt, they believe that conservatives are the ones that have no ideals. >> how can you say -- >> -- they ought to be in power. >> i don't care about what they believe. i care about what's true. that if you are for abortion on demand, up until birth all right you don't care about the least defenseless in this world the unborn, all right? you don't care. if you are against free choice of schooling in ghettos, as you pointed out you don't care about the little black or puerto rican or minority kid that can't get a good education when just a simple voucher system would change that. so you don't care about the babies, you don't care about the little minority kids. and you are telling me that's not morally bankrupt? is that what you are sitting here telling me tonight? >> on the particular issue of abortion, the democratic party and liberals have
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talked themselves into the belief. >> oh, bologna. >> that this is not a human being. >> you can't talk yourself into it. when you see the marketing of body parts right before your eyes. ask that like the german people talking themselves into oh, the national socialist party swell? is it the same thing? >> no, it's not the same thing there is a difference between a fetus and a born, adult or child human being. i'm telling you the reason that planned parenthood and liberals are so afraid of the videos were released because it lifts the curtain. it's not the selling of the body parts. it's the production of the body parts. in other words, actually seeing what happens in the back room of the abortion clinic. >> this is why they are afraid because they know they're wrong. they know this is not morally acceptable to honest people who really care about the defenseless. that's why they are frayed. >> and that's why two thirds very large number of
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americans are against second and third trimester abortions. >> you are giving these people largely a pass. and i'm not going to give them a pass. hillary clinton and her ilk know that's wrong and don't care. that's something every american should know. >> you have a different belief. you believe that a person -- person hood occurs at conception. >> i have never said that because i don't get into that political thing. but i will tell you what i believe is based on fact. >> your views are a reflection of that. >> my views are based on facts. and the scientific fact is that dna human dna is present on conception. that is where i start my opinion. okay? on a fact. not some flight of fancy that oh, i believe after six months it's -- no, after nine months, no, when it walks out of the hospital? that's bull. nobody knows and you can't base a policy where lives
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are lost on some kind of phantom fantasy. now i have got it hold charles over. i'm going to hold you over. can you come back at me. i want to talk about the new polling around the republican contenders for president. later it's mentioned jesse watters confronting senator durbin on kate's doers. they don't worry if something's possible. they just do it. at sears optical, we're committed to bringing them eyewear that works as hard as they do. right now, buy one pair and get another free. quality eyewear for doers. sears optical i called for help as soon as i saw her. i found her wandering miles from home. when the phone rang at 5am i knew it was about mom.
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impact segment tonight. the republican presidential debate is coming thursday right here on fox news. there are three new polls out today all of them showing donald trump surging. jeb bush, scott walker are competitive. the other candidates well behind. rejoining us now with an sea. charlesassessment chalk. do you want to say anything before we get into the republicans. >> i think there is division in the country between people who believe as do you that life and personhood begins at conception and others who believe it is a gradual process.
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and one of the arguments is if life or personhood begins -- i believe that life, of course does, that's not an issue but personhood, all the attributes and protects. if it does, why is it that we don't have a funeral at a miscarriage? there are legitimate arguments that the very early embryo is not enjoy the kind of protections that a nine month old fetus and certainly a child does. you are working with a small clump of cells and deciding whether you should divide stem cells? >> i'm on the side of caution. i'mering on the side of potential human beings. it's a major deal to destroy it and should be taking seriously and the state has an obligation to make sure when people do that they know what they are doing. that's all. i have got to get to republicans. all right. now, it looks like the only battle is between perry and christie to see who gets in and it looks like christie
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is going to get in with the latest polling here because perry is at 1% in the fox news poll. but it's the trump show. it's the trump show. it's his to win or lose. he comes in with a huge momentum behind him. how do you think that's going to play out? >> well, i you would think from his point of view, when you have the kind of lead he does and the others have no particular incentive to attack you because it might hurt the two of you and leave the rest of the field unmolested, you have got a pretty good shot at just playing statesman or being quiet. and i don't see trump coming in throwing around insults. but what i do see is maybe one of the candidates on the lower rung who has got a lot less to lose and more it gain might take a shot at trump. >> is that would be rand paul. >> it could be. it could be. >> no that's who -- >> -- it would have been rick perry but probably is he not going to be there.
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>> but rand paul, i think if you are going -- if this were a betting thing in vegas you would say i'm going to put chips on paul and he is going in go in for trump. >> what will happen is trump will probably react. however much he may have told himself i will take it easy that's. >> he hasn't told himself that: >> don't you understand, he relishes this. he believes he is on a populist bent that he has been designed to do this. he relishes the confrontation. he will lose interest if he isn't involved with that. >> well, he knows that he is playing so far the game he has playside a winning hand. >> yeah. >> every time he gets attacked it only strengthens him. therefore, i think he has shown there is no doubt that the month he has been in the race has shown that he is going to be a durable candidate. all those who thought as i did in the beginning that this would come and go, but i mean i do think at some point it will probably be later in the year. he ask going to come up with
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a win winnowed field. >> the whole dynamic -- you know what i call this it's the jane you ignorant slut syndrome. he is going to do it. that's why he is going to get huge ratings. and he knows that's why the people are coming in to see it last word. >> it's more like network. i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take it anymore. >> it's working because millions of americans are mad as hell as well. and believe me there is good reason to be mad as hell in this society. >> there is no question about it. and the way he has survived you would have to say he is teflon don up to now. >> charles krauthammer everybody. directly ahead mary katharine ham and juan williams on whether america has already become a radical left country. and later hillary clinton raising the specter of the war on women once again. get your helmets bazookas,
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personal story segment tonight as mentioned the debate on thursday will feature the top ten republicans in the national polling. tonight it looks like the following will be in: trump, scott walker, jeb bush carson, rubio rand paul and john kasich. it could change but at this point that lineup is a good bet. mary katharine ham and juan williams join us. before we get to that does anything about the current liberal mind set in this country disturb you? >> very very much. in fact i don't want to ruin this show and agree with bill o'reilly. i happen to agree on this the school choice and vouchers. i don't get it how liberals support the unions who
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support the liberals but nobody is looking out for the kids. i think this is an abomination. >> you think that's worst than the plan the parenthood thing. >> >> oh yeah. >> oh yeah? >> in terms of the crime thing that you point out in the talking points memo, big cities liberals running the government. >> can't control the streets. >> but people make excuses. >> where does black lives matter? how come they don't show up. >> the gangster rap the drug culture that's embraced i think -- again i think it's abomination. >> i'm glad you are looking out. >> i don't agree by the way on the economy. i think that goes back to the bush era i think we are much better off now than we were 8 years ago. >> if you are the manager of the washington nationals and they come in fifth place for five years do you know where you are? spokane. >> you don't think the president was handed a bad deal? >> he had six years to fix it. fix it. i could have fixed it in. >> oh my gosh. >> i could have fixed it. reagan fixed it. were on the brink
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of economic collapse. >> cartedder was as -- carter was just as bad and reagan fixed it. now, the only guy that may sneak in here is perry in texas. he only about 1% in the fox poll released today so i don't think he is going to make it. this roster, all right you have got 10 people. i think it's the donald trump show. people are going to tune in to see him and that he as a showman is going to figure out a way to dominate this. am i wrong? >> he certainly is shoman and he has been dominating thus far in getting untold amounts of media coverage which compounds the phenomenon as we go. but i do think there is a chance as charles krauthammer noted he may go the way of going oh, perhaps this is the day i will be the statesman and then when someone comes after him it's going to be on. but here's the thing. i think that the trump card, if you will, in this debate, is the fox news moderators who are going to be very well prepared, very smart about asking him some very specific questions perhaps about his very liberal
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distances on the policies of the past. >> trump is like every other politician. he answers what he wants to answer. i'm not going to answer this dopey question i'm requesting to answer this. i think baier and wallace and kelly but they are going to have to jump in. >> they can jump in. you know all three of them are capable of it. >> they can but then he this will get accused of being a pinhead like interrupting. anyway. what do you see? it's the trump show, right? >> wait a second. we have someone here who is not only a media professional, you are great on stage and on camera. >> that then becomes a dog and pony show. i don't want to be in it. >> right now here's the deal for you. okay? >> yeah. >> trump is center stage. he is the number one person. >> i got him tomorrow night. >> and then on his left jeb bush. on his right guess what, right there you are going to have scott walker. when he gets in to it, what do you expect bush and walker to do? >> well, i know what jeb bush will do he will stay on the issues all the way. smirk at him?
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like oh my god -- >> -- jeb bush very disciplined. i don't think he is going to smirk or juggle or leave. is he going to stay there and put forth his positions. scott walker i'm not sure yet because we haven't seen enough of him. go ahead. >> walker is eyeing his good standing in iowa where he is working on the ground. so this is maybe not his strategy. and he is maybe not looking to be on top of the heap at the end of this debate in particular. he may just hold his own. i think somebody lower down in the tier may take some shots at trump. >> rand paul is going to throw a grenade. marco rubio might. ted cruz might. everybody say no, no, cruz is a big trump fan. >> he is taking from him. see one side have a debate and have choice who might be their candidate. >> this is the most fun debate ever. >> absolutely. >> i think trump is going to get in there and try to be under control but he will lose control in about 25 seconds. >> your republican party is looking kind of crazy. >> your party don't give me that propaganda business i'm
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just as tough on them as i am the others. >> i appreciate that carson -- >> -- but ben is very mellow. very very mellow he. >> that might be the winning ticket. >> i would bring the stethoscope and take trump's pulse if he gets upset because he is is the doctor. all right. i have got to go. plenty more aheads at factor moves along this evening. hillary clinton throwing in with planned parenthood. slick new video says the former secretary of state doesn't care very much about the baby boat parts controversy. watters on kate's law and senator who apparently opposes it. >> do you support that five year mandatory minimum? >> i will look at it carefully because i want to protect everyone. but i also don't want to discriminate. >> oh. no we hope you stay tuned to those reports as the factor continues all across the u.s.a. and all around the world.
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unresolved problem segment tonight. a story that has not been widely reported but if true is very disturbing. as you may know, isis terrorists and other muslim fanatics in the middle east are murdering christians and some who feel endangered have managed to come to the u.s.a. to ask for political asylum. right now there may be 27 iraqi nationals christians being held in san diego by the feds.
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these people arrived at the southern border asking for political asylum. joining us from san diego mark rabo, spokesman for the minority humanitarian foundation which helps iraqi christians seeking asylum. so your group has been critical of the obama administration why? >> it seems like the border is open to everyone unless you are an iraqi christian that fled isis. obama is to blame. congress is to blame and the state department and in the absence of their leadership, we're going to do something. >> okay. but tell me what the situation is. they come to mexican border. they ask -- they turn themselves over to the border patrol saying, look: we need political asylum. they are escorted in to san diego, put in a detention center as anybody would be. any refugee or illegal alien. so what's the beef? >> so, right now, they are being held without any explanation.
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they have escaped isis only to be in prison by ice. what they are saying they don't have enough resources to go through the cases. these are 20 innocent christians that have fled a christian holocaust only to be imprisoned by isis. >> how long have they been there, how long have they been in san diego. >> four to six months and the families are begging for them to be released. they have family in san diego. we have a job waiting for them. we have a home for them. these are folks that we should celebrate not imprison because the symbol of america is the statue of liberty, not a gated fence. >> okay. but that's the argument made by every minority group. i know you have heard the hondurans and the he will value have el salvadorians. it's a brutal we live. in they are in danger we come here and want political asylum. you know there is a process. so you say they have been there four to six months. they are still in detention. you would like them released
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immediately? is that what you are asking for? >> we are asking ice to answer our questions and release them immediately. in 1939 when m.s. lewis came to our shores with hundred jewish refugees that left the holocaust we turned it them away. >> the ship of fools. >> this is our boat. this sour people. we can't -- this is our people. we can't turn them away. we have to accept them. >> i'm on your side. >> sure. >> if these iraqi christians were in the danger zone where isis was in control they're obviously at risk for being murdered. everyone knows that. but i'm just wondering whether they are being abused by being held or they they are just caught up in a very complicated immigration system. you know how chaotic it is in the san diego sector. >> well, what the families are saying is they are being held indefinitely. ice is not answering any questions that the attorneys have. they are getting statements as if they don't have enough
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resources to process the paperwork. and if you see the san diego border myself as a san diegon, can i tell you firsthand it seems like it's open to everyone unless you are iraqi christian fleeing from isis. it's shameful and it should be released. >> he we will ask homeland security. we will try to get you some answers if, indeed, they are stonewalling or something like that, we will find out. we appreciate you bringing it to our attention mr. rabo, thank you. >> sure. thank you so much. >> when we come right back, hillary clinton throwing in with planned parenthood. also jesse watters confronting a senator ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmm...amazing.
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live loud. polident. number 1 dentist recommended. thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly. in the factor follow up segment tonight hillary clinton used the planned parenthood controversy about selling the body parts of dead babies to radio ignite the war on women. >> republicans like scott walker and jeb bush are calling to defund planned parenthood. the country's leading provider of reproductive healthcare. and they are joined by republicans in congress. if this feels like a full-on assault on women's health, that's because it is. when they attack women's health they attack america's health, and it's wrong. and we are not going to let them get away with it we are
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not going back. >> joining us now from washington katie pavlick author of the book "assault and flattery, the truth about the left and their war on women." here in new york city kennedy, host of her own program host on the fox business network at 8:00 p.m. each night. and you say? >> i say the war on women actually doesn't work. it's not as effective when it's coming from a woman. and also you have to realize that this is 2015. it's not 2008. it's not 2012. and i think a lot of this is going to fall flat. because people realize that she is trying to take a simple wedge issue and shove it under a very complex umbrella of women's health. >> do you subscribe to the war on women in general? >> no, i don't. i think. >> nobody is waging war on you, kennedy? >> no, i'm more worried about the war on individual liberty. >> okay. how about you katie? now, mrs. clinton, as you saw in this video this was a slickly packaged video distributed to play on the media and we gave her free
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air time. don't write me a letter, you guys, telling me that. this is news. this is what i do. but, she doesn't mention anything about the sale of body parts. that's totally deceptive correct? >> right. and the other thing that's extremely deceptive is that she acts like it's just jeb bush and scott walker who want to defund planned parenthood when it's g.o.p. presidential candidate carly fiorina who wants to defund planned parenthood including republican congresswomen who just on the hill who will vote and also support defunding planned parenthood. that's disingenuous. in terms of whether this works, it all depends on how republicans respond to it. it worked in 2012 because mitt romney wasn't willing to respond to the disingenuous comments being made. >> how would you respond? say you were running for president and you heard this ad which is obviously deceptive. i'm not saying that in any partisan way. she is taking an issue, the sale of body parts of babies or fetuses depending on your belief system, totally ignoring that, doesn't
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mention it and then makes it like bush and walker out of nowhere want to punish planned parenthood this very benign organization. talk about pro up there it's not just punishing planned parenthood it's punishing american women. the party has a history of hating women and wanting to take away their healthcare. in terms of the questions asked how do republicans respond to this republicans in the 2014 midterm elections tried to use the war on women argument specifically in colorado and they lost because republicans actually had solutions and responses to the left's accusations, for example. >> i want to come back to you. give it a thought. if you are a candidate like carly fiorina is a candidate how do you kennedy. >> if i'm carly fiorina talked about my own women's health issues. i talked about my own reproductive cancers. i love women so much i want to make sure if any of this
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healthcare is within the purview of the government put in the right place saving lives. we love women and we love babies. can you say that and frame it in a defense. >> here is what i would say if i were carly fiorina which is possible now in the medical -- >> -- god bless america. >> hillary clinton is not telling the truth. hillary clinton is taking this whole issue out of context because she doesn't mention the baby sale of body parts. i mean, i would go right after her. >> it's offensive to voters and offensive to independence. it's okay to be disgusted by those videos. it's really okay to move the the dein evolved direction. >> what would you reply katie, to mrs. clinton. >> here is a dirty little secret that most people don't know about the american public. if you look at polling the american public is outraged over late term abortion. the majority of people actually support a ban on the five month abortion late term abortion. the majority of women in this country support
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heaviest restrictions on late term abortions. that's the first thing that i would point out. second thing too. i think that's a really good strategy to say look, hillary clinton has a history of being deceptive in every single area of her political career. this is exactly what we have to do going forward. >> all right ladies. thank you very much. watters on deck. senator dick durbin listened to the parents of kate steinle appeal for a new law to protect people from being murdered like their own daughter. there he is. he is listening to that durbin seems to have forgotten all about their testimony. you will see watters confront the senator in just a few moments. doers. they don't worry if something's possible. they just do it. at sears optical, we're committed to bringing them eyewear that works as hard as they do. right now, buy one pair and get another free. quality eyewear for doers. sears optical
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mentioned, about the murder of their 32-year-old daughter in san francisco by a criminal illegal alien. senator dick durbin was in that hearing and expressed skepticism about passing kate's law which would incarcerate aggravated you will legal alien felons who defy deportation, who come back after being deported. so we sent jesse watters to speak with senator durbin. ♪ >> dick durbin basically misdefined kate's law. he did it on purpose. he knows what it is. he did it to object secure the real issue hoping that kate's law will not be passed. >> the suggestion that we make a mandatory minimum five year sentence for people who have been deported and come back across the border with, let's say with in other criminal -- no criminal hesitate industry and no other history from the government's point of view, that seems to me to it be an invitation for a lot of prosecutions. >> we're here in springfield, illinois, the
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land of lincoln and where president obama launched his presidential campaign. it's also the hometown of senator dick durbin, who is against kate's law for some reason. let's find out why. ♪ >> have you ever heard of kate >> have you ever heard of kate steinle? >> yeah. >> she was walking with her father. and got shot by an illegal immigrant. >> i think it is terrible i can't. imagine what the family is going through. >> the murderer convicted seven time deported five. >> i think he shouldn't have been back after the first time. >> what happened there? a fame you're in our immigration laws and trying on deport people who should not be here. he went to a sanctuary city so no one would mess with him. >> i think we need on come back and sympathize with our own people before we worry about the others. >> bill o'reilly wants kate's law passed.
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do you know what that is? >> yes. >> do you support kate's law? >> when someone breaks a law in the united states they lose the privilege to be here. >> you're very knowledgeable about it. >> that's because i watch bill o'reilly. >> good man. >> guess who is not supporting kate's law? >> our liberal democratic senator. >> you're not a fan of our senator? >> no. >> what do you think of dick durbin? >> i am not a fan. >> do you think he's lost touch? >> i don't see him around here. he spenls most of his time in d.c. >> i'm going to d.c. and get some answer from senator durbin. do you think he'll answer my questions? >> let's hope he does. >> good to see you. you're not bill o'reilly. you're better looking than him. >> thank you very much. i'll take that to the bank.
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a quick question why don't you support kate's law? >> tell me what that is about? >> pregting criminal ail yenls? >> i think we should make sure americans are protected from those who -- >> a five-year minimum for those convicted of aggravated felonies? and they get supported and we catch them when they come back. five-year mandatory minimum? >> i'll look at it carefully. i want to protect everyone. he also don't want to discriminate against those who come to the united states and are asking for an opportunity to become legal in the u.s. >> i home you support it. i expect you want to protect people like kate. you do want to protect peel like kate right? >> i want to protect all americans. >> so in his home town you found most people not supportive
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of durbin right? >> no. no one really likes him there. he doesn't spend any time there and everyone supports kate's law because it is common sense. he said he said it was discriminating. >> he is fogging the illegal aliens with the claim better maids. they don't want to fast law inexplicably. springfield is in the southern part which doesn't vote democrat. durbin is elected by the chicago machine time after time after time. that's where his power base is. at least he talked to you. >> and emi was better looking than you. so i guess he has one thing right. >> no. he needs new contacts or something. jesse watters back.
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saying some prayers for media folks. first the mail. the republic of pan that a, planned parenthood is waging the real war on women. millions of potential female doctors, teachers and nurses have been destroyed. the question is legal. what to do with w the aftermath of the fetus. you failed to mention. why so cowardly? >> not my job to dispose of potential human beings. most american doctors will not perform abortions and there's a good reason for that. from kentucky. the latin word fetus means unborn mammal. when speaking in human terms, fetus then means unborn human being. please remind people of that. if they cannot be persuaded by
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science, remember dna is there on conception nothing we say will matter to them. nothing. bill bernard. great talking boinlts equal justice for all if regular folks do what some politicians have done with e-mail irs targeting and other matters they would be prosecuted. just ask david petraeus. >> we will be crossing the border into nevada to see and you miller in vegas on december 5. i won't stop writing until you read my e-mail. >> looking for everybody in the carolinas. charlotte sold out for the don't be a pin head tour. st. louis, just 50 tickets remain. chicago, phoenix all selling fast. info on bill o' will link you to the box offices. why don't you have miller anchor the factor when you're out? i would like the program to be hereupon my return jim.
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scott from phoenix, air air. i am disgusted over planned parenthood but feel comparing that story to cecil the lion is not fair. our story was not the merit of the two stories. richard from port angeles, washington. you said you were against what they're doing against the ocean. who are they and what are they doing? overfishing, using drag nets. japan a big time offender. catching seabass, doing damage. then there is pollution. give the oceans a break. married an american woman. i've been trying to gain legal entry. very slow and difficult process. maybe i should sneak across the bored he. do it the right way, matt. you won'ter sorry. and finally tonight, praying for we media types. there is a group called master
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media that prays for one media person every day of the year. for example, jack nickelson gets prayer. on august 31st, the group is praying for me. as we all know i need all the prayers i can get. so you might want to check out master media if you are a kind and spiritual person. if not, as rosanne rosanna dana was fond of saying never mine. we would like to you spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. o'reilly@fox if you wish to opine, do not be bellicose. and tomorrow trump will be here and we'll go over some debating things. i'm going to ask him some questions.
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how are you going to answer this and that? trump and i on the factor on tuesday. please remember the spin stops breaking tonight, three days away from the first republican primary debate in a series of major new polls redefines the field. the candidates get a chance to size each other up in a face to face forum tonight. welcome to the "kelly file." at this time tomorrow we will know the final lineup for this thursday's gop debated hosted by fox news in cleveland, ohio. there are 17 republican candidates. the largest gop field in gop history and the polling has been intense. right now in a fox news poll just released donald trump is
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