tv The Kelly File FOX News August 18, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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number of home grown terror suspects who aspire to join isis was in court today in new york. >> reporter: 44-year-old terrorist had his hand in shackles as he told the judge he understood his rights and his charges. his attorney entered a not guilty plea and requested a competency exam for the father of two. >> he's a lifelong resident of this area. he has family in yemen. >> reporter: he was taken into custody last month because he was planning to travel overseas to join isis in syria. >> once he made that decision, we decided it was appropriate to effectuate an arrest. >> reporter: he made two unsuccessful trips in the past to join isis, but only got as far as turkey and yemen.
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his home is in the same neighbor as the same lackawanna six. they were arrested for traveling to afghanistan to fight with al qaeda. he knew the half dozen men and was questioned, but was not charged in that case. the judge cited his history of, quote, violent conduct. he also cited his purchase of military gear. his next court date isn't until april. in the meantime, prosecutors have requested 14 search warrants to examine electronic items. they say he sent out thousands of tweets. many espousing jihadist ideology. i pledge to hear and obey al baghdadi. president obama is launching an initiative to combat heroin use.
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half of that money will go towards a program with public health and law enforcement agencies. deaths from heroin overdose have kw quadrupled in the past decade. >> reporter: he's referred to this as the fourth quarter of his presidency. but president obama is also preparing for his life after the white house. >> the first thing i'm probably going to do is i'm going to catch up on my sleep. >> reporter: sleep not withstanding, he sought the advice of steven spielberg and eva longoria.
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>> i can tell you his focus is very much on the year and a half he has left in the white house. >> reporter: the clock is ticking, and long-time observers say don't expect the president to draw very much from the experiences of former commander and chiefs. >> each president charts his own path, taking up the issues that were most important to them when they were in the white house. >> reporter: first you recover after years of high stress and no rest. then you hit the reset button. then you reengage combining what you learned in office with your passion to impact the world in a meaningful way. >> i'll go back to doing the kinds of work i was doing before, just trying to find ways to help people. >> reporter: the president's list of goals is ambitious. from a state of the art presidential library to international diplomacy in africa and cuba.
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a list in many ways that will mirror his time in offense, but with a new set of challenges. his daughter sasha will be in high school by the time he leaves office. you already know that in and of itself can be a handful, doug. >> indeed, i do. as do you. there's been no claim of responsibility yet for a bombing at a popular shrine in central bangkok. at least 18 people were killed. more than 100 injured. the state department has not determined whether any americans were involved. the search for survivors in a plane crash in indonesia are resuming. wreckage from the plane carrying 54 people was spotted in the air on monday. the plane was carrying nearly a half million dollars in public cash to help people pay for fuel prices. are frozen embryos property
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donald trump says he is prepared to spend a large chunk of his personal fortune to fund his presidential campaign if necessary, but there's a lot of uncertainty about how much money trump has and how he goes about keeping it. >> reporter: $1 billion, that's how much of his own money donald trump says he's willing to spend in order to win the white house. >> i make $4 million a year, so what difference does it make? >> reporter: he wants to win
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without any money in lobbyist. he turned down $5 million from a lobbyist on friday. >> i don't want it because when you come back to me in two years and you want help for a company that you're representing or the country you're representing, i want to help out the people of the united states. >> reporter: just six years ago, his lenders in atlantic city lost more than a billion dollars and more than 1,000 people were laid off when his company filed for bankruptcy. that was the fourth time he used corporate bankruptcy laws to help him to his advantage. a practice, he defends. >> four times i have taken advantage of the laws and frankly, so has everybody else in his position. >> reporter: 1.8 million of that personal fortune has already been loaned to his campaign. that accounts for almost all of the $1.9 million campaign
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dollars raised from april to june. about a week ago, trump started accepting personal donations online. you have to promise that the account that it is drawn from is not a corporation. money isn't everything. >> you have to make sure people show up to the polls and vote for you. that requires blocking and tackling. >> reporter: trump is now poised to attend one of his first private fundraisers as a candidate. in order to get in the door, the host says you have to make $100 donation. >> thank you. we told you earlier that more of hillary clinton's e-mails routed through a non-secure personal server are being flagged as classified
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material. there is concern she may get special treatment. we have more on that. >> reporter: when former cia director david petraeus was prosecuted for sharing classified information with his girlfriend, by contrast, multiple copies of clinton's private e-mail accounts were made. four people had access to or used the account. >> we see no indication of negligence or wrongdoing at this point, so we're just going to have to keep working through it. >> reporter: transferring data over an unclassified e-mail account and an ipad may be violations of code on
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information relating to national defense. >> the fact that something is not marked or the person may or may not know it was classified would not be relevant at all in prosecution under the espionage act. >> reporter: brettler's warning was ignored and three marines were killed. >> i lost my son. i'll never be able to have him, never be able to hold him again. now they're taking this young man and ruining his career. >> reporter: in a new letter, a republican senator wants to know when hillary clinton's attorney got his security clearance and whether it was active when he took custody of her e-mails. "the grapevine" is coming up next. and then a fight over frozen
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embryos and neither side can let it go. ♪ let it go, let it ♪ look how beautiful it is... honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know - and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80%
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ballot measure raising taxes on corporations on energy, the results are not pretty. of 11,000 jobs a year promised, only 1700 have been created. the school district would save up to $27 million a year on energy costs. projects proposed by the district so far would save only a million and a half. wait, there's more. not a single project has been completed, and the accountability board has never met. the state energy commission says the program is still on track and more data needs to be collected. selfies are free speech in a live free or die state thanks to a u.s. district court. in 2014, several new hampshire voters took pictures of their ballots and posted them online. they were under investigation for breaking state law.
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quote, displaying a photograph of a marked ballot on the internet is a powerful form of political speech. the new hampshire secretary of state called the result disappointing saying the ban was designed to address voter coercion. a kodak moment in idaho when one large hairy and uninvited guest showed up at doug carter's condo. it still gave the small cat door a try, offering a great photo opportunity. this is the third time bears have visited the home and no injuries have been reported. probably some honey in that kitchen. property or progeny? that's the question tonight. >> reporter: steven findley is fighting to have five frozen
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embryos destroyed after divorcing his wife. just before they married in 2010, lee, then 41 years old, was diagnosed with breast cancer and knew her treatments would leave her infertile, so the couple underwent invitro fertilization. family law attorney says findley's got a strong case. >> his argument is i'm going through a divorce. we signed a contract stating what would happen if we go through a divorce. he just wants his contract provisions fulfilled. >> she's a cancer survivor and she is infertile. she has no other options to have a biological child, so we're confident when we get to that balancing part of the test, our client is going to win. >> reporter: the case is similar to the bitter and very public
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court battle between actress sophia vergara and her former fiance. fertility experts say these legal cases could have a beneficial impact. >> i would hope that people really understand what they're signing before they decide to make such an adult decision to create an embryo, which is a very precious set of cells. >> reporter: the ruling could determine that frozen embryos are future children and subject to custody battles as opposed to the focus of a contract dispute. a ruling in the san francisco case is expected by november. the losing side is certain to appeal. thank you. the internal revenue service says a breach of its computer database in may is much more extensivetivive than first repo.
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you may have seen that i recently launched a snap chat account. those messages disappear all by themselves. they'll try to tell you this is about benghazi, but it's not. and you know what. it's not about e-mails or servers either. it's about politics. i won't get down in the mud with them. i won't play politics with national security or dishonor the memory of those who we lost. >> i get that she's frustrated. sometimes when people are
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frustrated, they look in the mirror and they engage in a little bit of self-reflection and sometimes they lash out and blame nonexistent right-wing experiences and apparently, she's chosen to do the latter. >> two different perspectives on the hillary clinton e-mails. it's not her political opponents who are stirring up this hornet's nest. it is two inspectors general and also now the department of justice and the fbi. and there's some new information today that the state department has now recommended that 305 of clinton's e-mails be flagged for review for potential violations of sending classifiied information. let's bring in our panel now. what do you think of the new developments, charles? >> it shows you once again how bad a candidate she is. that attempt eed self-depricati
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doesn't work. the second problem here is it is now out of her hands. the clintons are obsessed with control. the whole reason she did the personal server was to preserve secrecy and control. now that is completely out of her hands, we don't know what will happen. it is not going to be decided politically. it will be decided by, number one, the technical skill of the fbi. can they recover what is in the scrubbed part of the server? if it is recovered, it is going to have extremely damaging stuff, national security stuff that she says is not in there. it's in their power. if they go easy on her, they keep a double standard.
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they allow it to drag on that she can get away with us. i would suspect that she would be least in jeopardy of being indited, but surely exposed as having said a lot of things that aren't true. a lot of it will depend on what's the signal from the president, and he will send it not openly. it will be subtle and we will see. >> just like e.f. hutton, when bob woodward speaks, people tend to listen. >> if you look at nixon and the history of this on the tapes, nixon would always say, oh, yeah, everything is fine. it looked good. he didn't remember the bad structu stuff, and that's human nature. we don't remember the bad stuff. and 60,000 e-mails, my god. >> premature.
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inappropriate for such a comparison? >> i think it's a little early. i think bob is actually in concert with the majority of people in the latest fox poll. 58% say they think she lied. beyond that, did she break the law? well, nixon broke the law. i don't think we have seen anything yet that would indicate that secretary clinton as secretary of state broke the law. you have a lot of republicans, i think, who are hyperventilating and who are engaging in overreach about this business, well, we'll see what's in the server and then questioning whether or not the fbi and the justice department will be fair and impartial in looking at this because of president obama, so there's a lot of political overlay here. but she created this problem by
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using the private server. and the question is now whether or not she broke any laws. so far, no law broken. >> we already know she sent top secret information and that's illegal. >> but it wasn't marked. >> the law is top secret information. it's illegal to send it. >> you have some experience in this with your military reporting. what do you make of it? >> i think that it's a question one of did she know or did any of her aids know that it was classified at the time it was sent? not knowing is not necessarily a defense. there's no question that other members of the state department were sending classified information using nonsecure networks. the fbi is looking at who else in the state department sent e-mails to hillary. when we talk about comparisons to nixon, there's a culture within the state department
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while she was there using nonsecure networks. to my mind, that's where the story goes next. >> when you're invoking the watergate analogies, instantly your thoughts go to the justice department and its creditability. the justice department and the fbi are under new management with mr. comey and loretta lynch. >> i'm not saying there's going to be a deliberate cover-up. but you can various levels of enthusiasm in presumping the democratic nominee to inherit obama's presidency. for example, the justice department has dragged its feet and accomplished zero on the irs
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scandal. >> admiral kirby at the state department today took a bit of a benign interpretation of some of these e-mails. you can interpret it that way. listen to what he had to say. >> when we say classified, everybody thinks, you know, you think about spy thrillers, classified. sometimes classified can be high. sometimes it can be low. and most of these are at a very low level, what we call confidential, so 63,000. that's a pretty small percentage. >> now we have the chairman of the senate judiciary committee asking whether clinton's attorney had a security clearance. >> he was given a thumb drive with copies of the e-mails. did you have a security clearance? did you have a safe place to put that thumb drive? if you didn't, you have a thumb
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the automatic citizenship, where do you stand on is that? if a child is born from illegal immigrant parents, they become citizens right now? >> well, of course, you know, our constitution has said over the course of time that that's the case. what i have said recently is that's got to be something that is discussed in an entire reform package. everything should be on the table to be discussed. >> new jersey governor chris christie and presidential
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candidate are reacting as are virtually all the g.o.p. candidates donald trump's first concrete proposal that regarding um congratulation. trump also setting the agenda these days it, seems. he proposes a wall across the u.s., mexican border as you heard. immigration laws must be fully enforced and everify to determine status. no more anchor babies and a lot more in it. also comes in the aftermath of a fox poll yesterday which is sort of take us -- allowed us to take a look at how things are gelling post fox news debate. here is where it stands right now. we have got trump at the lead of the pack. he has only dropped 1% in the past few weeks. carson making tremendous gains at 12%. cruz 10%. also up. bush dropping just a little bit and on and on now. let's take a snapshot of the race right now, charles. what do you make of it? any important changes? >> well, just add one thing in the trump immigration plan is to deport the
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illegal aliens en masse. i think he adds he would let the good ones back. in i'm not sure how that works. that's a lot more even radical than the romney plan of self-deportation. you squeeze them on jobs and they deport themselves. that is sort of the most startling element of his immigration plan. and i doubt there will be a lot of other republicans who sign on to it. as for the polls, it looks to me as he if he has a very loyal constituency that's going to stick with him. as we saw, there is almost no change, slight drop, a quarter of the electorate. i think it's anywhere from a fifth to a quarter and he will hang on to it the way rand paul had a very strong constituency, the way the others have in the past. and i think that stays with him. it is interesting that in that same poll, 31 percent said he had the worst performance of the debate and these are the
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republicans who are answering and gave him the number one spot overall. that's a high number. 19 percent said he won. that's a minus 13%, which was the largest negative of people who watch the debate. so i think that probably is going to effect his standing and it puts kind of a ceiling on his support. >> there is another interesting component to the fox news poll yesterday and it's hypothetical matchups with hillary clinton among the g.o.p. candidates. jeb bush 44%, hillary 42%. he is he up by 2%. marco rubio 46%, hillary 44%. again, up by 2%. carly fiorina 40%, hillary 47%. what a gain fiorina has made there. here is is the interesting thing to me trump 42%, hillary 27%. not a great showing for hillary. >> actually, that's improvement for trump, each worse before. i think what's interesting out of these polls is one you finally have some
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republicans bashing her nationally. previously that wasn't the case. for bush that's a significant moment. on the other hand for bush he is down among republicans in those polls that you just displayed. he suffered a loss. trump is about even, the big winner as you can see and as you have described it is ben carson who doubled his level of support to go up. so you have people like that ted cruz is up four points, again, a little bit of a surprise sense you had trump basically saying the same. and the thought is that once trump's support starts to deteriorate, most of it would migrate toward ted cruz, here is ted cruz gaining on his own. on the democratic side, what was surprising to me, hillary clinton enlarged her lead in this poll over bernie sanders. >> what do you make of it. >> the feeling has been so long this is just a lark, that at some point the trump balloon would burst and he would start floating down to earth. you are not seeing it he is building freezing rain
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structure in iowa and new hampshire. he is he is trying to win. he had been dismissed so long as somebody doing this for fun. he was a joke and tv host. now it looks like he is seriously campaigning. whatever you make of these plans and i agree of charles deporting 12 million people is radical. build proposals and infrastructure. this is not looking like somebody who is in it just for a joke. >> at what point do those with the good ground game begin to see some advantage. >> well, they have money. the money builds infrastructure. and trump right now is relying on his own money. apparently is building infrastructure as you were saying in iowa. not so much if you then go south, south carolina and through those type of key stretch there that will come very quickly. so that's where the entrenched candidates have a big advantage. the biggest advantage is to jeb bush. >> charles, do you agree with that? >> if you are in a field of 17 and you land a helicopter in the iowa state fair and you take kids on the rides, i mean, this is showmanship
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of the highest order. so you are going to command an audience. you are going to command the media. you are going to command everything. in a field of 17, you get 20%, 25%, you are in the lead by a lot. once that whittles down, it's going to be different because that's not going to be a plurality. that will not be elite, and the question is can he expand beyond that? and we will see. >> we will see. that's going to do it for the panel. stay tuned to see one presidential candidate really hamming it up in iowa.
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finally tonight, the iowa state fair has presidential contenders like mike huckabee and jeb bush eating pork chops on a stick. one republican candidate is eating pork a very different way. the ij review caught one senator ted cruz in iowa as he used a different culinary method to cook some bacon. >> of course, in texas, we cook bacon a little differently than most folks. ♪ ♪ all right.
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let's see if we cooked the bacon. all right. machine gun bacon. [ laughter ] >> 1 purex% rating from the nra, right? >> i think he lost to peta right there. >> the pizza vote? >> no, peta. >> oh, yes. >> on several grounds all at once. >> i wonder how that will appeal to middle america? machine guns and bacon. well, he is a tough guy. >> we will see. thanks for washing "special report." i'm doug mckelway. good night from washington. "on the record" coming up next. >> it is tuesday august 18th. a fox news alert. the military mobilized as wildfires explode off to the west burning homes to the ground. the move made for the first time
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in nearly a decade. >> official hit by the ball. >> knocked totally off his feet. >> 100 mile an hour fast ball takes out a yankees pitcher. >> comedy come back. >> 18 months after a crash nearly kills him tracy morgan returns to the stage. >> the saturday night he will definitely want to circle on your calendar. ♪ look at this guy running across the street with his umbrella. lots has changed when we came in this morning. it wasn't raining. i am ainsley earhardt.
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>> nice to be back with you. >> thank you for starting your day with us. we begin with a fox news alert. hundreds of wildfires burn through 7 states. 200 active duty soldiers prepare to head out west to help fight the flames. >> this is the first time in nearly a decade the military had to mobilize trips to wildfires. they are train expect to be out on the training field. right now 95 large fires are burning. more than 1 million acres. the flames expected to rage on unfortunately for several more weeks. >> jaw dropping moments at a yankees game when a rookie pitcher takes a line drive right to the face. look at that. the hit knocking brian mitchell right off his feet in the second inning. he was down for more than a
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