tv The Kelly File FOX News August 18, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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always remember it. if i tell you you will forget. thanks for watching us tonight. please remember the spin stops here because we're looking out for you. breaking tonight the black lives matter movement takes on hillary clinton. as brand new video reveals tense moments between activists and the top democrat. it ends with them accusing her of, quote, blaming the victim. welcome to "the kelly file." last week hillary clinton took to new hampshire. at that forum leaders from black lives matter planned to confront her about her husband's role in the war on drugs, something the group blames for mass incarcerations of african-americans. but instead of confronting her publicly they did manage to get a private audience with clinton afterwards. now the group has released
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videos of sometimes tense exchanges in which clinton suggests that the activists need to come up with concrete demands if they hope to accomplish anything. at times her advice seems to back fire. watch this. >> if you don't tell black people what we need to do then we won't tell you all what you need to do. >> i'm telling you to tell me. >> what i mean to say is that this has and always been a problem of violence. there's not much that we can do to stop the violence against us. >> i understand what you are saying. respectfully if that is your position then i will talk only to white people about how we are going to deal with a very real problem. >> that's not what i mean. what you just said -- what the black lives matter movement needs to do -- >> i don't believe you change
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hearts. i believe you change laws and change allocation of resources and you change the way systems operate. >> there are so many levels to look at this exchange on. let's start. fox news contributor and speech writer for george w. bush. robert zimmerman, gentlemen welcome to both of you. mark, what is your take away from this exchange? >> if democrats are looking at this video they ought to be worried because it is further evidence of the fact that hillary clinton is no bill clinton. can you imagine what her husband would have done? he would have bit his lower lip and convinced that he felt their pain and connected on an emotional level and laid out specifically what he would do as president to address their concerns. she did none of that. she starts talking there about changing the way systems operate, allocation of
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resources, accuses them of not having an agenda or telling them they have to come up with something that she can sell. >> i don't know how -- you think bill clinton could have finessed this moment better, perhaps. sanders backed down to this group. o'malley has backed down to this group and hillary clinton basically got pushed back by this group a while ago. let's skip forward and play the hillary clinton from a year ago when she said this and she perhaps has been paying for it until this day. >> i asked her what kept you going. her answer was very simple, kindless along the way from someone who believed she mattered. all lives matter. and for her -- >> all lives matter according to this group is a form of violent hate speech to say that all
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lives matter. so she is in a tricky spot with this group. mark says bill clinton could have played it much better. >> i appreciate the analysis of how democrats should feel. let's look at this very unscripted moment because it makes me as a democrat very proud and all americans should be proud when we see candidates running for president actually sit and meet sometimes it was tense but a respectful exchange where hillary clinton spoke with them about being involved in our political process and engaging in our democracy to seek achievements and to seek their goals. it would do the republican presidential candidates a world of good if they had the character and courage to sit down with groups like black lives matter and learn what their agenda is and sit with the lesbian and gay community instead of advocating legislation to discriminate against them. >> this group was saying you played a role in your husband's
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administration. his drugs program is what put us in this position where we have too many african-americans incarcerated. no matter what she said they said you have to take the blame. you have to take the blame. she said let's sit down and try to talk about this and then they said you are being condescending. >> let's understand this issue of mass incarceration is not a democrat or republican issue. you see organizations like the koch brothers and the heritage foundation stand up and address this issue. >> that is what they were saying. let's remember another moment here. let's talk about political courage and look at another moment here. many people look back at the moment which i know you remember well when bill clinton took a somewhat similar moment and used it to turn around to members of his base and say wait a minute. this is how it works. let's play it. >> last year she said you can't call me or any black person a racist. we don't have the power to do to
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white people what white people have done to us and if we did we don't have the low down dirty nature. if there are good white people i haven't met them. where are they? right here in this room. that's where they are. i know she is a young person but she has a big influence on a lot of people. and when people say that, if you took the words white and black and reversed them you might think david duke was giving that speech. >> mark? >> the difference between then and now is that in 1992 bill clinton was running as a new democrat trying to convince mainstream america that he wasn't too left wing to be president of the united states. today hillary clinton is trying to convince the democratic base that she is left wing enough to be their nominee. she is running against bernie sanders who is a self-proclaimed socialist who isn't left wing enough for the black lives movement. people literally said to her you
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and your husband are personally responsible for turning black bodies into profit and she doesn't push back. the reason is -- >> let's understand what is going on in this video. >> read the transcripts. >> i did read the transcript. i suggest you read that and not the talking points. the reality is she stood up and spoke with this group unscriptedly and gave her real passionate belief about being involved in the system and the issues they raised are being raised from the right wing of our country. >> robert, let me ask you a question. does this group in your mind, in your opinion deserve to be stood up to and pushed back a bit? let me read you what they said. they say black lives matter is the most violent statement of love that you can do to say all lives matter. they say that is a violent statement to say that all lives matter. we understand it is true but in
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this country for the longest time united states acts like black lives don't matter. do you believe any candidate should push back against that notion? >> let's understand these people and many african-americans truly very deeply feel that they are not being respected and not being included and not being considered in terms of many aspects of our lives in the same way many segments of our society do. hillary clinton had the character to meet and talk with them and none of the republican candidates do. >> jeb bush? >> so did jeb bush. according to the "huffington post" he didn't cht you can't name one other republican -- how about meeting with the hispanic community to counter the deportation strategy? how about talking to the gay and lesbian community and standing with the black community against voter discrimination laws. what hillary clinton did and is very important is bringing people together and we see that happening not just among
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republicans running for president. >> we have to go. >> good to see you both as always. also breaking tonight fox's ed henry confronts hillary clinton regarding brand new information from the fbi concerning her private e-mail uv server. >> reporter: did you try to wipe the server? >> her answer to that question making headlines tonight. ed will join us live with that story plus serious new questions about the security of that server amid a new report about the company that was overseeing. as donald trump makes the campaign trail rounds what some call his surprising views on the obama administration's iran deal that are just coming to light. israel's ambassador to the united states here on that. and are the words mommy and daddy divisive? wait until you hear this new
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some of the data from the device after it was wiped clean. listen to this heated exchange between clinton and our own ed henry earlier today. >> two inspector generals believe there are hundreds. >> you are not listening to me. if it were -- ed, if it were -- if it were a government account they would be saying the same thing. well, look -- this -- first of all that is not in any way agreed upon. state department disagrees. that happens all the time in these efforts to say what can go out and what can't go out. that is a part of the ordinary process. everybody is acting like this is the first time it happened, it happens all the time. >> you are not listening to me live from vegas with the latest. >> reporter: good to see you. you heard her saying basically
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this is routine. it happens all the time. and that is basically just a process matter. it tells agencies fighting over what is classified and what is not. obviously anyone looking at this independently, objectively realizes this is not routine. this is not common and that there is a real great debate going on right now within the intelligence community and elsewhere about the possibility that hillary clinton basically leaked out classified information. that was a specific thing i asked her in the middle that stopped her and she said that hasn't been determined yet. remember in march at her news conference at the u.n. she said there is no classified information in the server. now you have two inspectors general saying there may be hundreds of e-mails in there. her defense is it was not marked classified all of this being investigated by the fbi. what the fbi is also looking at is the server. i pressed her, as well, on these reports that someone wiped the server or at least tried to wipe the server clean.
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now the fbi believes they can recover some of the data. listen. >> nbc is saying that the fbi believes you tried to wipe the entire server. so that there would be no personal and no official? >> my personal e-mails are my personal business. so we went through a pain staking process and turned over 55,000 pages of anything we thought could be work related under the law that decision is made by the official. so that's all i can say. i have no idea. that is why we turned it over. >> you were in charge of it. did you wipe the server? >> like with a cloth or something? >> you know how it works. >> i don't know how it works digitally at all. >> what with a cloth or something? she never directly answered whether or not she wiped the server or whether she tried,
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whether she asked someone else to do it. this company in colorado, they are the i.t. company involved here that was oversees her personal account. very interesting in the daily newspaper saying that this company run out of a loft apartment in denver and that their servers recolle sservers, server but their server was kept in a bathroom closet, did not sound very secure. >> it certainly doesn't. tonight we are learning more about the details of the company that managed the server before it was handed to the fbi last week. the daily mail broke that story saying the company contracted to manage the server ran their servers out of a bathroom closet. joining me now daily political edit editor. >> explain your reporting from your paper, from the daily mail. bathroom server and how is it connected to hillary clinton's
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server and why would these people in denver have access, be the people in charge of this? >> well, that's really the big question, why these folks? why not one of the dozens or hundreds of larger more reputable companies that are authorized to handle classified materials. it is a mom and pop organization. it was run out of somebody's loft apartment and the server in the bathroom until a few months ago. but as far as we can tell they have no authorization to possess or process or get anywhere near classified material. all signs point to this being a political connection in that there were connections to john hickenlooper and may have well had questions to joe biden around time of the 2008 democratic national convention. we don't know why they were chosen but not because of level of expertise or qualification.
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i have a lot of respect for ed. ed hit it out of the park. there should be more reporters with guts like that to put it right to hillary clinton and ask her about the server. the bigger question now is where is the data? platte river network says it is likely a backup was made at some point. if i'm hillary clinton and her aides right now i have to be very concerned that all of these progressively wider and wider denials are going to be shown to be false. this is a very big problem and a lot of serious democrats out there think she is not going to last to new hampshire. >> i had a couple of different channels on in my office and i was aghast to watch the reaction of people who watched it saying why is she being bothered with these questions? this is not what it is about. this is a silly matter. when you look at this just raises the question and bathroom server that backing up hillary clinton's server from her home
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raises the question of sloppiness if you are dealing with potentially classified documents why on earth would you be relegating that responsibility to this small mom and pop company to be having troll over that? she said clearly today again none of the things that i received or sent were marked classified. that word marked entered the lexicon of this debate since her original comments now saying it wasn't marked classified. we may be talking about cutting and pasting into other e-mails. that is illegal if that is what happened. >> well, not only is it illegal bought doesn't pass the sniff test. in december of 2009 president obama designated 20 people in his administration as having the authority to determine on their own if something is top secret classified. hillary clinton was one of those 20 people. she should know by sight if her
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gut tells her that something ought to be classified top secret. she doesn't have to look for a stamp or mark from some inspector general. she should be able to look and the president of the united states says she should be able to make the determination. it doesn't make a lot of sense to say i'm in the clear because nothing was marked classified. when you're secretary of state i don't think you get to fall back on that. >> the investigation underway. she says it is all just bureaucratic mumbo jumbo and the state department and intelligence agencies often disagree on what is qualified and what is not. good to have you here tonight. >> anytime, thank you. so to parents they are really the sweetest words the first time you hear your child say mommy or daddy. to the pc police there are reason to think they may be offensive and now there is a move to have them nixed. why tony perkins says this is a beginning of the move to
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redefine parenthood in this country. one city's decision to allow illegal immigrants to serve on city commissions gets push back from a kind of unlikely source. >> i would have -- there is a difference between immigrant- if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history
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children in tennessee no longer allowed to have a mommy and daddy on some official documents. revised the paperwork replacing the words mother and father with the labels of parent one and parent two. tony perkins is the president of the family research council and i'm guessing you are not too happy about this move. >> brace yourself for more of this politically correct
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foolishness in the wake of the court redefining marriage there are those who feel they have to redefine parenthood. denying and defying the basic facts of biology . this is really politically correct absurdity. there is no other way to describe it. >> i don't know how you decide who is parent one and who is parent two? >> that is interesting. how do you decide that? do you draw lots? do you have a baby toss? >> you feel like parent one and other nights you want to be parent two? >> it's interesting, it used to be kids that played make believe. now it's the progressives and it's the bureaucrats that are making like gender doesn't matter in the creation and raising of children. this is problematic because this is a document that matters, a birth certificate. where does this lead?
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you no longer have a mom and dad. you have parent one and parent two. there is significance in having a mother and a father? >> what do you do for the children who have lgbt parents and the gay and lesbian parents who are raising four percent of adopted children. >> what do you do with the must just of americans who have a mom and a dad? every child has a mom and dad. that is basic biology and birth certificate serves a purpose. you are redefining parenthood for a small percentage of the population that wants to be accommodated. this will bleed into every aspect of life. in essence this is a denial of nature. what i find ironic about this is the ones who are so dedifferento
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nature are -- >> thank you very much. good to have you with us tonight. >> thanks. a fairfax county, virginia police officer facing charges for shooting a man while he was on duty. the officer says the shooting was justified. mark and arthur take up the legal debate. a new poll finding donald trump on top of the gop field. there is one big problem. we will take a look at it. >> are we all a part of a show? you know that some of the criticisms we feel like we are in a reality show. >> this is the real deal. (wolves howling) when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums.
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against the plan. today senator menendez of new jersey joined in opposing the administration as the iran negotiations are a top sticking point in this election. senator ted cruz and scott walker saying they would rip up the deal on day one if they were elected. some candidates have taken a less strident view of that agreement. take a look. >> this deal if you had the right you would have the prisoners back years ago. >> iron would get money. let me ask you this. i understand there is a lot of people critical of the deal. what deal can you come up with that wouldn't give iran money? >> i would have told them up front we will never give you back your money. you are never getting that money back. . number two, before we start negotiations you have to give us our prisoners. when it started it was three, now it is four. you have to give us back without question give them back.
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and you don't want them but we do and it will help us make a better deal that is good for you. but i would have told them you will never get your $150 billion back. they are going to be such a wealthy, such a powerful nation. they are going to have nuclear weapons. they are going to take over parts of the world that you wouldn't believe. i think it is going to lead to nuclear holocaust. >> joining me now israel's ambassador to the united states. thank you for being here tonight. >> good to be with you. >> you saw quite a bit of donald trump talking about the deal with iran. what is your perspective? >> instead of ripping up a bad deal why don't we prevent a bad deal? hopefully people in congress you saw senator menendez, hopefully they will prevent it from happening. it actually paves iran's path to a nuclear weapon. it frees up a lot of money for iran. i'm not sure if congress rejects
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the deal that iran gets the money because i think they are subject to sanctions. if they comply then maybe that is the way to get the money. i think if this deal is rejected by congress i think you can start anew and get to a much better place. >> israel has to be looking at these many republican candidates and wondering if perhaps one of them is the person that you will be dealing with in the future. when you look at donald trump and i know you know mr. trump. you have met mr. trump. is he somebody you want to deal with as president of the united states? >> we are not going to get involved on politics on either side of the aisle. we deal with one president at a time. this president made a deal. we don't question the sincerity of his motives neither president obama or secretary kerry. they believe this is better for america and israel. we disagree and think this can threaten the very survival of israel. we hope it is rejected. i hope every single person who is seriously looking at this
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deal will read the speech today because he was very clear about the problems with the deal. here is a senator who knows a lot about iran and dealing with the issue. >> many people watch washington closely as i know you do who believe that this situation gives senator schumer cover and gives senator menendez that cover and will not pass. >> there is a possibility this deal will be rejected by both houses of congress. i think the more people learn about the deal the more they are opposed to it. americans oppose the deal by about two to one. people understand that iran has been in a war with the united states for the last 36 years and haven't forgotten taking over of an american embassy, hostages for 444 days and haven't forgotten the marine barics blown up in lebanon and the embassies in africa and the thousands of american soldiers who have been murdered by
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iranian backed ieds. iran is at war with the united states and iran is saying they will continue that war with the united states and this deal gives them the opportunity within a few years to get nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles to use the weapons. i have news for you, israel is on the same continent as iran. those missiles are not for us, they are for you. sglmt ben carson says he believes the administration is antisemitic and demonstrated. >> i don't think we should question the motives on the other side. israel doesn't want to see a nuclear and don't want to see war with iran because we will pay the highest price of the war. there is a third way. you can get to a better deal. all of the talk of the opponents being only for war and not having an alternative is not true. we should sit together and scrap this deal and work to get much better deal safer for israel and
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for america. >> good to have you with us tonight. >> thank you. donald trump is gaining traction in some polls. at the top of the pack according to a new cnn poll up six points since last month. it's not all good news for mr. trump when you look at the numbers. 58% of voters who lean republican say they believe the gop has a better chance of winning in 2016 if the republican nominee is not donald trump. joining me now a trump supporter and spokesperson for the tea party fund. >> what do you make of the numbers? favorability is high at 58%. the same amount say they don't think he can beat hillary clinton or whoever turns out to be the democratic nominee. >> i think that makes complete sense. most of the gop voters are trapped in an echo chamber where they are hearing talk about how
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awful trump would be for the country and how he is hurting with women and catching it from some of the conservative side their supporters saying he is not conservative enough. of course they are a little bit on edge about where donald trump would stand in a general election. this particular poll did not include democrat responses. if you look at the national average whereas donald trump was trailing hillary clinton sometimes by 30 points two months ago today is within five points in a general election. that shows real movement and the kind of movement we haven't seen input apresidential politics in long time. >> we'll see. bush could beat hillary clinton by a couple of points close to the margin of error. rubio in that category and republicans that has to be their top priority. they want to win and put someone forward who can win. when you take a look at the regional contest, caucuses in
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iowa you look at south carolina and new hampshire there are a lot of questions about whether or not mr. trump is going to be the retail politician that is needed in those states. is he looking forward to getting on the ground and being their day in and day out and spending time talking to people? >> i think mr. trump is showing along the way that he is committed to this race and a lot of skepticism comes from the fact that a lot of people don't know if he is in it to win it. now that he has his first policy out there and hitting the pavement hard and flying around in his helicopter and keeping promises i think more and more people are gravitating towards mr. trump and blowing everybody away on policy questions. he is winning that by a high margin. just a few weeks ago everyone was freaking out that he was hurting with women. he was not only the first choice but also the second choice. the polls are a little skeptical
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depending who you are asking. that is why we launched where do they stand? we will find that out. this cnn poll was clear to me that we are just looking at the negative, the one negative in that poll which is 58% of the people are unsure that he could win in the general when the numbers all over the place are showing that he might actually pull this off cht. >> thank you very much. virginia police officer is facing criminal charges for shooting a man while he was on duty. the officer says the shooting was justified. mark and arthur take up that legal debate moments away. watch as these magnificent creatures take flight, soaring away from home towards the promise of a better existence. but these birds are suffering. because this better place turned out to have a less reliable cell phone network, and the videos on their little bird phones kept buffering.
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domestic dispute, a girlfriend had called police saying her boyfriend was throwing her belongings outside and that he had weapons inside. when police arrived 46-year-old john gear was at the front door with a gun in a holster. police say he put the gun down and spoke to police with his hands above his head even asking permission to scratch his nose. during negotiations officer adam torres surprised fellow officers by firing a shot telling detectives he was making a move. >> he brought both hands down really quick near his waist. i pulled the trigger one time. >> but neighbors, gear's family and fellow officers saw things much differently. >> next thing you know i hear a pop. you know? he just scratched his nose and
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put his hand back up there. shot him like he shot him. >> after he was shot john gear stumbled away from the door and because police weren't sure if he was dead or alive they waited 70 minutes for a s.w.a.t. team to arrive. the internal investigation found the shooting was not justified and torres was fired. the family fought for charges to be filed and even won a civil suit against the county but it took two years for a grand jury to hear the case. the county acknowledges that is way too long. 75-year history of the department, the first officer to ever face charges. >> trace, thank you. joining me now new york trial attorney and fox news legal analyst and mark, former prosecutor. welcome. it took a long time for this to get to the point.
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20 witnesses basically said they believe he acted wrongly. arthur, you disagree? >> i wouldn't say i disagree. i would say this is a very difficult case. if i was called by his family to represent him basically i would have to put the burden on my client to explain what happened to a jury in as articulate detail oriented way as possible that showed his fear, his belief, what he thought was going on at the time. even if it contradicts what other people say he would say my angle is this. i know he has a gun in front of him. he is not listening and not coming -- >> blah, blah, blah. >> are you saying there is an argument to be made that the officer acted in the best way that he knew how at that moment. you disagree, mark. >> that is a wonderful generic
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argument that we all make as defense lawyers. in this case in the real world with these facts what the officer did appears to be extremely excessive, unreasonable and thus unlawful. and arthur's fake client is going to the pokies. >> take a look at the case and what happened. he was standing there for a long time with his hands according to the witnesses pressed against the storm door. according to the testimony we had relayed to us he claimed that even when he went to scratch his nose he asked permission. he clearly understood he was in a very high stress situation. the report also says the holster that he had his gun in hee floo around his feet and not within his reach. that makes it a pretty tough argument. >> and what he is saying is he thought there was a possibility that he had another weapon on him and the high stress situation for the deceased is
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also high stress situation for the officer. what happens in the real world is i would come into the d.a.'s office and make all of these arguments to the lead prosecutor and try to negotiate some sort of settlement where officer torres can see the light of day again. >> it comes down to what the responsibility is of officer torres giving expectations of how he should behave in that situation, right? >> absolutely. my bald, beautiful brother from brooklyn would put on knee pads and beg for an amazing plea bargain. virginia law very different than here in florida, no stand your ground stuff. you must impose the least amount of force and look for other alternatives before you pull the trigger. i feel for this cop because when you screw up as a police officer in these circumstances it's a murder charge. you don't get to make a mistake. >> adam torres in your argument on his behalf it sounds like you
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would be seeking to mitigate. >> i would be seeking to mitigate. the clip you played, he is being questioned by investigator under the circumstances which are so stressful without the benefit of an attorney. so when you have a lawyer i'm not saying you change the story but there is a way that a lawyer works with a client to tell every single detail, to explain what his perception was, the perceived risk that he saw and maybe it mitigates the prosecutor or possible jury to give him really just the ability -- >> let me ask you one last question here in terms of the climate that exists in the country right now. this is a white officer and a white person killed in this situation, is there any bigger picture here that comes into play? >> it shouldn't. i don't think that it does. i think the issue is based upon this officer and what he perceived and the facts that exist in this case it just seems like an unjustified shooting.
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i don't know how you get around that. >> i'm going to go back to what you said. you may be right but the problem with the cases is when you make a mistake and you misspeak there is a price to pay. when i make a mistake in a courtroom there is a price to yes, he's taking someone's life and that's why if we want to look at the bigger picture, martha, we need to keep in the front of our minds the real hard job that all law enforcement officers have. >> absolutely. >> that's true. >> absolutely. >> but you've got to look at every situation independently. and that's what they'll do. thank you very much. arthur. good to see you as always. many thanks. talk to you later. all right. so one city's decision to appoint two illegal immigrants to city commissions has been generating protests for weeks. but last night, the city council got an earful from an unlikely source. >> people shouldn't get rewarded for doing the wrong thing. it's not fair. and it's not fair for other people, as well.
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we are back, and there's a developing controversy over one city's decision to appoint two illegal immigrants to city commissions. while folks have been protesting there for weeks. last week, they got an earful from one man who came to this country without breaking laws. with what he had to say in our west coast newsroom. hey, trace. >> and martha, last night's meeting was a good indication that people are going to fight this. huntington park is southeast of downtown los angeles and it has a very large illegal immigrant population. so one city councilman decided to create more opportunity for those who are undocumented. when council member johnny pineda appointed two illegal immigrants to be city commissioners. the mayor then backed him up. watch.
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>> we want to give some kind of advisory. they're part of the community. >> i want to say thank you and congratulations for being bold and proactive. in your nomination. >> the city council calls the move historic saying that huntington park is the only city in the country with illegal immigrant commissioners. and as far as we could find, they're right. but that historic status isn't exactly pleasing to critics who say it sends the wrong message to say not only can you be here illegally, you can come work for the city. this man came here legally. listen to him. >> there's a right way to do things and a wrong way. people shouldn't get rewarded by doing the wrong thing. it's not fair for -- and it's not fair for other people, as well. >> both of the illegal immigrant appointees apparently worked on the council member's campaign, and some say this as his way of rewarding them. we're told the appointees will
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not have any power to change city ordinance and that federal law says they're not supposed to be paid. then, again, federal law says they're not supposed to be here. martha? >> interesting. trace, thank you. going to take a quick break. we'll be right back. most always. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,
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