tv Red Eye FOX News August 20, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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little firm found itself with a connection to hillary clinton. >> good night from washington, d.c. we'll see you tomorrow night. tonight on "red eye." carly fiorina posts a yelp review. good. i have been dying to know her take on chipotle. and hillary clinton answers questions, but is a shrug an answer? and donald trump can't remember the last time he apologized. is he telling the truth or like hillary, is he having a senior moment? our panel provides stories and nourish meant. first, a news break. >> live from america's news headquarters i'm patricia stark. firefighting efforts turning tragic in washington state. a fire in oak -- okinogan
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killing three firefighters. the winds shifted 180 degrees and caught them by surprise. the fast-moving flames are threatening buildings and forcing people from their homes in winthrop and twisp. a police shooting left a black teen dead. cops arrested nine protestors and officers used teargas to dispurse the crowd when they didn't follow orders. >> as the officers approached them to ask them to leave the intersection, glass bottles started to be thrown at officers. bricks started to be thrown at officers. officers had to use shields to protect themselves from the objects being thrown. >> tensions are high following the shooting of another black teen in nearby ferguson. several u.s. lawmakers ripping a u.n deal allowing iran to use their own nuclear inspectors. the international atomic energy agency monitor them as
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they inspect a development site. the revelation enforced concerns about the broader agreement which is before congress for approval. it is like letting the inmates run the prison. jared fogle pled guilty to receiving child more nothing -- pornography and sex acts with a minor. he agrees to pay $100,000 restitution to each of the victims. and he will be sentenced to a five to 12 and a half year prison term. now here is "red eye." for all of your headlines log on to fox >> welcome to "red eye." hello, everyone. i'm tom shillue. let's check in with andy levey at the "red eye" news deck.
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>> big day. >> what's going on? >> did you not hear the news about subway? >> they are the only one with frito-lay do -- flavor sph. >> they had a record for most making sandwiches simultaneously with 1481 people doing it. >> i can't believe i didn't hear that. >> you need to do a better job keeping up with the latest news. let's welcome our guests. when you hear what she has to say you will be saying yes-chasinsky. it is joanne nosuchunsky. and from the gavin mcginnis show it is gavin mcginnis. >> thanks, tom. >> she is the founder of the accountability project so she will be held accountable for all of the crazy things she says on this show. and he recently starred in a
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one-man show. i guess he hates women. let's launch this skif. carly fee rein pho can add another job title to her long and impressive resume, yelp reviewer. the website allows critiquing of government agencies and fiorina jumped at the opportunity giving the tsa one mezely star. she said the tsa spent $160 million of your taxpayer dollars on body scaners that have a 96% failure rate. it is part of a pattern of what we have known for a longtime of our government. it is too big, too powerful and too corrupt to do its job. this is not the first time carly has yelped. look at this review from mcdonalds. great burgers. the fries are too salty. american people deserve better. and here is one for starbucks. the pumpkin spice lattes do
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not have any real pumpkin. they have the same deceitful practices as hillary clinton. and "americans don't need a king. americans need a president that follows the constitution." right on, carly. aren't you glad that there is finally a woman you can vote for in this election? >> where? joe biden is not running yet. >> that's right. >> where was this when the patriot act was passed? i would have loved to have reviewed the pa i tree why the act. the pay tree yect act. come on, nerds, where were you? >> i guess you can't review an act. >> we have nerds who can get on that, right? >> you would have to review certain policies. maybe you could review the department of homeland security or something like that. >> sure. that means i have to get on my computer and do nerdy things. i would like to review donald trump's hotel. i think they should ban together and review donald trump's hotel. >> donald trump is in real
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estate as well? >> and modelling agencies. >> i knew he was famous for something. gavin? >> yes, tom. >> reviews are to review companies, but you don't have a choice. what good is a yelp review. >> maybe if you get enough people can say you have 32,000 bad yelp reviews. if there is one place i would like the free market to have a look at, it is tsa. the airlines have a great incentive to handle this themselves. your customers die if you don't do a good job. instead we have these drones -- they are sub dmv. they are the worst workers in america i would say. >> well, i bet the dmv would argue that as well. they are proud of their work at the dmv. >> they are all the worst.
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i remember once there was a guy telling us what the shortest line is and then going go over there, go over there. i'm like, i know! there is a natural order here. i am not going to sit in this line with 12 people and stare longingly at that line with three people saying i wish i had eyeballs and a brain. i said to the guy we are not cattle. he says you would be surprised, sir. i don't think so. i can't say [bleep] you you pig. >> you can't say that? >> i just had to go, i respectfully disagree, sir. >> i am glad your kids aren't here, gavin. i am glad there are no children in the room. >> my daughter is in the audience. >> did you find carly's review helpful? >> i thought it was an interesting tact because there are so many republican candidates. it is like 68 people. it is like the ncaa tournament. so i think she is trying to raise name recognition anyway
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she can. she sort of goes under the radar and on to yelp going after the i've got too much time on my hands demographic. anybody who has enough free time to write an essay about a burrito they ate is not up on how bloated the federal government is. >> it is true. when i go on there i am amazed at the people and their detailed explanation of how they took their girlfriend to this place to buy this item. someone should do a study. >> 2,000 words on salmon and uh spare gus. >> joanne, are you a yelper? >> i am not. wasn't yelp recently not doing too well? i remember stock went down. this is really a great move for yelp. i think that's really what they are thinking about. they are not really caring about how people feel about their government. it is a business. >> they want to bring angry people to the table. >> and that's the thing.
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it is the angry posts that make these shows. we do segments on it and all of that stuff. i personally don't really care if they treat me like cattle at these things. i care about my safety and they have been failing at that. you would think that would be enough to get them to change their protocol. but they need to be shamed on-line. >> it is true. i guess i would give up freedom. >> i haven't crashed. i am happy about that. >> i asked for a pat down. >> i actually don't mind the pat down. >> the next story, sorry, but donald trump doesn't say sorry. in an interview with the hollywood reporter his first magazine cover since running for president the billionaire with his own personal awning confessed, "i believe in apologizing, but to apologize for me is very difficult. i definitely would apologize
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if i were wrong on something. the last time he said he was sorry, quote, was too many years ago to remember. i have one of the greatest memories of all time, but it was too long ago." we looked into it it and trump is humble enough to apologize. check it out. in may 2013 he said sorry losers and haters, but my iq is one of the highest and you although it. and you all know it. then he tweeted sorry, losers and haters, but i love the great energy in madison square garden during my speech. the wwe thought it was incredible and it was. in may 2014 he offered this, "sorry for all of the millions of people who long to hear my brilliant words of wisdom on" fox and friends" on monday 8:00 a.m. no go. why dubai. later he tweeted sorry, rosy is a mentally sick woman, a bully and dummy and above all
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a loser. other than that she is wonderful. i believe he is referring to the victoria secret model rosy whitely. >> yes. >> and then he said sorry, folks, i am not a fan of sharks. and don't worry, they will be around long after we are gone. so true. gavin -- >> thank god he apologized for that. i would say why do you hate sharks? why do you get away with hating sharks? >> he hates them, but they will be around a longtime. >> sharks have been around for 3,000 years. >> concerned about sharks coming over the borders as well. >> he is a shark. >> it may be a metaphor, but i think that's what people like about him. >> continue agree more. i think america is sick of apology culture. it is insincere and unamerican. the past few elections are dominated by nondads. it is dominated by mops, kids,
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everybody else who built this country. they are board by politicians. when they see somebody being a real man they say maybe i will get off this couch and elect ted cruz. >> maybe. do you think ted cruz will pick up his crap? >> he is clearing out the filth and washing the scum off the streets and then at the last second he goes goes ta-da. >> no meeky. you so fine, no meeky. does trump have to apologize? >> his parents should apologize to america. >> for what? all of the awesome buildings? >> have you ever been in a trump building? paper thin walls. >> my midtown apartment has roaches. the paper thin walls sound great. >> they are in all new buildings, are they not? they have to put some vinyl in
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between the sheet rock. >> and i feel left alone. what about trump? is he a blow hard? >> he doesn't apologize for it. we live in an apology culture. like everyone says sorry for everything that they aren't sorry for and it loses its meaning. i say sorry all the time. it is like a reflex and he won't do it. when he does say he is sorry he will mean it and i respect that. >> he has the guys getting off the couch. the women respect him. he has everybody, right? >> he has the i don't care attitude. and that attracts people. we all agree on this. when i think of all of the uh tall yins and the -- the italians and the jewish people i know who are embedded in generational family guilt and i think about the apologies
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that take place in my family in a week this guy says i don't know the last time i apologize -- apologized. it is amazing. i don't buy his schtick, but that is admirable to me. >> my people are nonapologetic as well and probably gavin. you say the italians and the jews are more -- they are a closer people. >> irish catholics are racks of guilt -- >> they bury it. >> they bobble apologize -- they don't apologize for it. it. >> they just write him off for 20 years. see you at your funeral. >> leave grandma alone. that's the message from hillary clinton. thereafter reports she tried to wipe her private e-mail server. he tried to get the former secretary of state to address the issue, but instead got a combination of ignorance, pleading and a great stand up routine. >> the fbi believes you tried
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to wipe the entire server. did you try to wipe the server so there is no e-mail, no personal and no -- >> my early p -- my personal e-mails are my personal business. have i no idea. we turned it over. >> you were in charge of it. you were the official in the server? >> like with a cloth? >> you know how it works. >> i don't know how it works digitally at all. >> i like how she looked out to the gallery like this was for you guys. >> no one is laughing. >> you can't defend this guy. >> everybody looks to pea, but i am a biden fan. >> this is weakening her and greasing the wheels for him is it not? >> definitely. every bad day hillary has is a good day for biden. >> nothing like a young guy getting into the race. >> he is young in spirit. he is the hippest millennial of all of them. >> he is always kissing
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women's necks from behind and saying weird things. he is creepy in 2016. >> and hilarious. great for comedy. >> why so bad at comedy. why not just play the states woman? >> deep thoughts. i don't know. i think she talked to her consult -- consultants. >> she mentioned cloth which makes her feel like a real person. that is like a move on her part. >> no paper towel. a cloth is like a silver spoon. we clean things with cloths. no, you use paper products. >> the paper industry would be backing her if that was the case. it was a prepared line. >> you can't find the joke. what, with a cloth? >> she is trying to give her
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supporters an out and they make a joke about cloths because that is a big thing with the left that they don't like to get into it because they haven't done their homework. yeah, yeah, wash it with a cloth? i don't know what i am talking about or it was like a trump thing where she said he has huberous so i am going to try it. it came across as your bratty sister is in your room and you say get out of here and she says what, with a cloth and you say mom hillary is in here and acting crazy. >> are you a democrat? >> it was full of theatrics. >> that's what we are looking for. >> it is safe to say that daniel day-lewis was more authentic and genuine as abe lincoln than hillary is as herself. i don't even know -- that's her problem.
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hillary has a hillary problem. she doesn't connect with people. she is a bad candidate. she doesn't have caw charisma on the stump. she is interesting because the scandals are interesting. >> it is the most interesting thing about her. >> thank you, sir. >> before we go, before we take a break, courtney friel talked to kids about getting ready for school. let's watch that. >> are you going to miss your mom? >> no. >> no? >> wow. >> we have to watch that again. >> are you going to miss your mom? >> no. >> no? >> it is better the second time. gavin, you have kids. why were you laughing so hard
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at that instead of crying? >> i don't like kids. i have had three of them now and they are annoying and they are violent and always demanding stuff and to see one cry fills me with joy. >> i am so glad your kids aren't here, gavin. >> it includes, you, you brat. >> she is there. >> she has earmuffs on. >> coming up, we honor the life of yvonne craig better known as bat girl. get your utility belts ready.
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batman tv show like the importance of fastening my seatbelt and drinking glass after glass of buttermilk. but i also learned a lot from bat girl. when i was a kid bat girl represented my three greatest passions, secret revolving walls, motorcycles and police commissioner's daughters. >> ♪ bat girl ♪ bat girl ♪ bat girl ♪ where do you come from ♪ where do you go ♪ what is your scene ♪ maybe we can start a know ♪ bat girl ♪ bat girl ♪ whose baby are you ♪ bat girl >> very inconspicuous. i love the parallel octaves. i know a lot of people were obsessed with bat woman, but she was a bad seed. a girl from the wrong side of the tracks. but bat girl was a woman in a skin tight suit who fought for
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the forces of good. here is to you, commissioner gordon. you raised a great gal. >> mark, what did bat girl teach you? >> we are about the same age and she was on my mount rushmore of child arousal. we are talking about bat girl, ginger from gilligan's island and daysy duke -- da sigh y duke and -- daisy duke and then blair. she was an accomplished dancer and on "star trek." >> the dancers -- in those days they didn't go for the models. they went for the dancers. they had substantial legs. >> she did her own stunts. >> she did. she had a great set of gams on her and it worked. >> that's why you like tree trunk legs to this day. >> yes, it is true. >> i heard you say that.
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>> she will take you in a flood and walk you down the aisle. >> throw you over her shoulder and get you home. >> kevin, who is on your mount rushmore? i was a marianne. you liked ginger. >> i loved this lady. she gave me my first swimsuit area feelings. they weren't real, but i knew i would become obsessed with this force in the next few years. something big is going on there. >> it was not a sexual attraction. i just wanted bat girl to come on because i liked her suit and utility belt and i liked the way she kicked and road the motorcycle. >> do we get to touch those in a few years? it was like you saw something, but i didn't know what sexy was. >> i was a big guy -- i was big on bailey on wkrp. mr. codder's wife was something to write home about. >> you're right. >> and the shattering glass was sandy at the end of
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"grease" when she slutted up for john travolta. >> okay definitely not gay. >> you know what was great about mrs. codder's wife? she raved at all of his jokes. >> i don't even remember that. i'm too young. >> i'm just telling you, that's what we value. >> i have been laughing at jokes the whole time. i am hitting on you and you are not doing anything, jeez. >> but do you understand what yvonne craig meant to us as young boys? >> i think i do. i have a thing for a lot of men who were actors who turned out to be gay. >> i feel you, girl. >> what is that? it is different for us. we love his style and love how he talks to us. then we find out they are gay. >> it seems like every girl i know went to the prom with a guy who turned out gay. >> my first boyfriend, gay. i'm sorry if -- no one can figure it out. >> why did all of the gorgeous
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girls date gay guys in high school? >> we felt safe with them? that's probably it. >> they were uncharacteristically clean. >> i didn't know about yvonne. it is a shame. i did do some searching on youtube. but these women had a special quality in their voice when they spoke. it is lovely. i think now you get a lot of the female actresses who are trying to do that sexy low grainy breathy thing, but they had this quality to their voice and their lips perched together. >> trained actresses. >> maybe modern women with feminism and there is something about obese women who can't cook or clean and won't shut up and have purple hair and the ugly glasses. i don't know what it is, but they don't seem as appealing as the traditional ladies. >> and thinking about all of these women on tv they all had jobs and they were feminists. got you! >> ginger didn't have a job. >> it is true. >> she did in real life.
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>> the feminists of today look into kids at 45 and then the ship has sailed. >> they are the original feminists. bat girl was who i watched. >> i they had a job for five years and kept a home. >> betty white is still working and is 90. >> an neck dough tall evidence alert. >> beautiful. >> i can't believe nobody said linda carter on "wonder woman." >> she's so hot. >> and all mightyicis. >> she could move the clouds around a. >> tea time? no, that's not it. oh, it is half time with andy levey. stay tuned.
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live from america's news headquarters i'm patricia stark. a tragic toll in washington state. three firefighters have been killed while battling a wildfire northeast of seattle. at least three others were injured. people in the area are being urged to evacuate as the infer foe continues to threaten lives and property. fortunately homeowners and firefighters are now getting some assistance from u.s. soldiers. >> that's what we do. we fight all of our enemies foreign and domestic.
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this is what i see as a domestic enemy. >> new developments out of tie land this morning involving a deadly bomb attack that rocked bangkok last monday. investigators say at least 10 people took part in the plot. the police chief describes it as , quote, a big network, but unlikely tied to international terrorism. the bomb was placed near a popular hindu shrine and 20 people were killed and more than 120 others injured. president obama is set to visit new orleans next week almost a decade after the most detory. 2,000 people were killed by hurricane katrina. the white hows says mr. obama will meet with survivors who spent the last few years trying to rebuild their lives. a major setback for oscar pes store yous. oscar miss -- pistorius. his release is on hold as a review board looks at his case. he is serving a five-year sentence for fatally shooting his girlfriend.
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he has been in prison for 10 months, but may serve the remaining time under house arrest. and it is a no go for rod blagojevich. they will to the rehear the appeal over his corruption convictions. for now he will continue to serve his 14-year sentence. i'm patricia stark and now back to "red eye." >> hey, welcome back. it is time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tv's andy levey. andy? >> i hi, tom. i don't know what that was. i should probably never do it again though. fiorina's yelp review. is there finally a woman in the race you can vote for? i don't know what you meant. >> he is in touch with his
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feminine side. >> when i think of biden i think of femininity. >> lyndsay graham. how about that? >> and you asked where this was, the whole leaving comments on the yelp thing. when the patriot act passed you may have done that. twitter may have been helpful. >> that's a good point. >> although probably not. >> if it were like it is now. >> yeah. >> do you think politicians read twitter and say i am going to change my opinion. >> yes. >> i think a lot of things. >> you suggested if an agency gets enough bad reviews something may happen, but they don't care, do they? >> no. but we need leverage to explain how terrible they are at their job. >> they have to know that. it is fairly public that even
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without yelp everybody in the country hates the tsa and they don't care. >> nobody considers the free market option where the airlines pay for it and handle it themselves. it never comes up. i don't know why. >> anyone who has enough free time to write how about a burrito was they ate probably isn't aware how bloated the government is. yeah because they have their own bloating to worry about. >> that's what i was going for. >> joanne, you said you don't care about being treated like cattle. you care about them keeping us safe. i think you meant sheep and not cattle. >> sure. any barnyard animal will do. >> i was just taking a shot at you calling you a sheep. >> i see what you did there. i see. okay. trump can't remember the last time he apologized and
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completely ripping off my i apologize for nothing motto. to be fair i did rip that off from sports night. >> double ripoff. >> you said he thought he was referring to the victoria secret model, rosy whitely. >> yes. >> no, it was rosie o'donnell. >> she is a model? >> no, that was trull p's point, i think. >> i agree agree trump is a smoa plow, but not for ted cruz. it is for hillary clinton. >> that's the continue controversial theory. >> she can't win. she is totally out of touch with everyone including herself. >> i hope that's true. >> you said your trump apartment was nice on the outside and cheap on the inside? >> paper thin walls on the inside. crap all-around. >> you said like trump. so you think he is beautiful? >> he is well coifed and he
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has a lovely tan and great teeth. >> that's also de script teres for me -- descriptors for me. >> we found somebody who likes his hair. >> his apartments are golden and so is he. >> i don't under why you think him not apologizing makes him look strong. >> he did apologize. i showed you several. >> what should he have apologized for? >> i don't even care about a specific thing other than everything he said in the past. >> give me one. >> i thought the mccain thing. >> it is a very weak person who can admit that he is wrong and can never uh -- apologize. >> he said he basically said he has never been wrong. >> he hasn't been wrong much. no one has given me one.
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>> pretty much all the time. >> ask ivanaa and marla maples. >> he just doesn't care. >> he enjoys stuffed crust pizza. i will hold it against him. >> i loved it for a minute, and then they added the hot dogs. hot dog stuffed crust pizza. >> he was wrong to go back and get a doctor's note if he decided to be a real man and fight a war. >> but those who did say it was a waste of time. >> he did serve jury duty and didn't get a doctor's note for that. >> he probably said something so he could leave early. >> there were cameras out there waiting for him. >> hillary needed to say paper towel instead of a cloth. isn't a cloth more environmentally friendly? >> what do you have to do with a cloth? you have to wash it in a
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washing machine which uses a lot of water. >> i thought she was playing. you could be right. >> you said it is safe to say daniel day-lewis is more authentic as abe lincoln than hillary clinton is as herself. the thing is he was authentic. >> but he was playing a character. >> i feel like it would have made more sense if she said she was authentic. >> or like the president on independence day. he was 38. who played sarah palin in "the game changer"? oh julianne moore. it was more about hillary being bad at being herself.
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>> what was your motive for the joke? >> rip yvonne craig. please retire the mount rushmore of child arousal. it doesn't sound right. mr. codder's wife was played by the late, great marcia strauman. >> dave capaln was a complete ass. he was a nightmare to work with. >> everybody is talking about yvonne craig's role a as bat girl, but not enough people in the season three episode. can we roll that? >> am i annoying? >> not really. >> he finds me fascinating and you are broth -- bothered by it.
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>> i may have you beaten to death. >> i am the most beautiful wrom on this plan -- planet. >> it was true too. i left her out of my tribute because i knew andy would pick up on it. >> thanks, andy. time to take a break. dolphin spies and here is what is coming up on the next "kennedy." >> next time on "kennedy" a party panel of a century. 8:00 p.m. eastern and 5:00 p.m. fox business network.
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mark your calendars. today is the day of the dolphin. the palestinian group hamas said a dolphin was a spy for israel and arrested it. it is not the first time israel is accused of using animals as spies. there is an entire wikipedia page that trained vultures and even sharks. we here at "red eye" have a recording of the israeli dolphin in hamas' c's de. viewers beware. this is disturbing. >> sir, is it true that you are 2,000 years old? >> yes. i will be -- i am not yet. i will be 2,000 on october 16th.
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>> that was -- i don't think they should have been laughing in an -- in the an interrogation room. >> that was scary. >> should we free the dolphin? >> we are laughing, but we don't know if it is true or not. everybody is afraid of being anti-sametic so they are afraid that a lot of ease these jews -- >> mark -- mark. he is okay. the movie "munich" would have been better with dolphins. >> spielberg and dolphins, how can you lose? while the hamas guys were arresting the dolphin the coyote dropped an anvil on their heads this is so insane. they will acknowledge an ma'ams acting -- animals
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acting as spies. i wouldn't put this by the israelis. strapping on a go pro and sending it over to gaza? do you think it is a stretch? it keeps an eye on it to me. >> it is very hannah barbara. >> what do you think? do you believe this or not? >> i it is a well known secret in hollywood that flipper was an anti-seem might. >> maybe it was his host family. >> that's why you had the hit show. >> i feel like i misled you. i didn't get the surge in my earpiece. >> joanne, do you think the dolphin was a spy? >> it seems like it.
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you have to do what you have to do. the thing that is unfortunate is we say the robots are going to take our jobs. no it is dolphins. it is animals. what i think is nuts is hamas is holding this dolphin, right? and we are going to get groups like peta and other animal rights groups that will be so upset about this. if this was a human that they captured who was spying, no one would care. >> there are people in captivity. they will try to trade the dolphin for some of the nasty prisoners. >> israelis don't care. >> what will you do, kill it? >> they will try to turn him. you can turn a dolphin, you know. >> they are like, oh they are recruiting them through children? this is how we'll get them now. >> we will close things out with a bedtime story.
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bed dreaming as a perfect woman, but i know the perfect woman doesn't exist or does she? model and volleyball player gabrielle reece is married to laird hamilton. she described her husband as an alpha male and describes how to keep a relationship with such a masculine leader. one, respect his masculine tee and give him space. two, give him food and sex regularly. three, allow him space to be tender and honor you as a woman. and four, don't try to be his mother. oh my. she has nailed it. it is so simple. it is four steps. this is amazing. publish it. >> where has she been all our lives? i think sometimes when people are so hot and successful their entire adult lives like she is, successful model, world class volleyball player and successful athletic brand, sometimes people like that think that common sense is a
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revelation that they came up with. thank you talk about give a guy space and give him food and sex and allow him to be nice to you which is a result of space, food and sex and then don't annoy him. wow. i am blown away. >> sometimes we need the simple messages. don't you think she is right? >> she used to be an alpha male. she is super tall. >> she is still transphobic. >> you like to mock them in joke. >> there is nothing wrong. >> and laird makes no bones. >> it is funny how we talk about common sense, but they don't even know the basics. they can't cook or clean. the apartments are a mound of
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clothes and a futon. they are all lonely and giving away the milk for free and nobody wants to buy the cow. this basic common sense to someone would be like a slap in the face. that list is a little involved. you get that leg of lamb and you don't frown upon it though. >> i know plenty of guys who married these feminist liberals and they say as long as you get the other half of number two we can work it out. joanne, what do you theng? >> this is why i don't date masculine men. problem solved. if you don't want to do this, don't date an alpha male. date somebody questionable. >> you mean tran? you like half a man. what would your rules be for half a man? >> my rules in general are the other person is not responsible for your happiness. only you are. and pick your battles.
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hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier in washington. critics of the president's iran nuclear deal say the newest development today sounds like a joke. but no one on capitol hill is laughing. iran will get to conduct its own inspections of its own facilities using its own personnel and equipment under one of the side deals between the islamic republic and the u.n.'s nuclear agency. it's a revelation fuelling even more fire against president obama's legacy nuclear deal with iran. correspondent kevin corke is live tonight at the presidential vacation compound on martha's vineyard. good evening, kevin. >> reporter: bret, good evening to you. no question this has
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