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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  August 20, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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jenna: we'll see you back here in an hour. "outnumbered" starts now. ♪ >> this is "outnumbered." i'm andrea tantaros. here with us today, sandra smith, harris faulkner, democratic strategist, fox news contributor julie row beginsky is back, our #oneluckyguy, we welcome a first timer to the couch. fox news correspondent john roberts. first time you're not on a remote. >> i'm in studio. i'm a newbie. i can't help think i'm spending four women exactly like my wife. >> is that a good thing. >> she is beautiful and anchor
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as well. both are the in business. you're very lucky man. >> never cuts me a break ever. >> we might -- good to have you. >> we love a man who appreciate as strong, smart woman, don't we, girls. >> amen, sister. >> hillary clinton's email scandal well, keeps growing. her team perhaps feeling pressure, drops the jokes and mounts the most vigorous defense yet. this on a new reports that hillary's blackberry while she was secretary of state was not government issued. and not certified as secure. and that the blackberries used by her top aides, huma abedin and cheryl mills were destroyed. meantime yesterday in conference call hillary's team touted a exclusive fox report on the orgy rin of the -- origin of if the bi investigation into the private server saying it shows she did nothing wrong although a top watchdog disagrees. the report by our catherine herridge, revealed two emails sent from top clinton aides
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carried classified information about benghazi. the clinton camp says the report actually proves their case, listen. >> what you see in these two emails is that, number one, both emails were forwarded on to hillary clinton and did not con klain any classification markings in the body of the emails. nor did they have have any classified documents attached to them. in fact one of the emails was specifically marked, unclassified. >> and now we may have our first democratic lawmaker saying on the record that hillary's candidacy may be doomed. in an interview, kentucky congressman john yarmouth a conservative who doesn't always toe the party line, quote, i never feel that i have a grasp of what the facts are. clearly she has handled it poorly from the first day. and there is appearance of dishonesty. if it is not dishonest i still think there is a chance this would upend her campaign. julie, i will go to you first. do you think she is doomed and
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do you think they're panicking within their camp. >> i don't think she is doomed. i can't tell you what is going on in her camp but i don't think she is doomed for following reasons. if the clintons were doomed in '92 with cattle foot tourings, white water. >> this is the biggest scandal. >> no it is not. >> she have you beening for commander-in-chief. different than being first lady in arkansas. >> no. this running for president first time and running again in '96 with monica, scandal after scandal with the clintons. i understand why people are fed up. say clintons are batting a thousand in beating these scandals. they just are. the clintons teflon. >> i wouldn't argue she is beating. i think it is getting worse and biggest scandaling she personally has ever faced because of the office that she is seeking. >> you're certainly right on one point, that spotlight such hotter in the position she is in and microscope is much bigger than it was in the past. while she was able to escape and
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bill able to escape things like whitewater and cattle futures and foibles befalling them back in 19 the 6, many of them of their own making more difficult to escape it now. people may much more attention. she will not be just first lady. not just secretary of state. vying for highest office in the land, leader the free world. you're held to different account. longer drips, drips, drips even in the end turns out to be nothing it is wounding her. on campaign trail people are standing on sidelines. one of those people joe biden looking to see how badly wounded she is. if it seems she can't go forward with the same momentum she had a few months ago he may throw his hat in the ring. >> harris, speaking of joe biden there are fascinating polls out in the key state of ohio. look how biden polls in the buckeye state. you see in a matchup, biden against bush, biden beats bush
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42-39. that is pretty good. let's also look at another one. he also beats rubio in ohio. do we have that one. there it is. 42-41. and trump. take a look at that. harris, what do you think? >> that is the biggest spread right there. but as you look back, up or down on that there are virtual ties. he has gone from, is joe biden going to run, boy, wouldn't it be interesting if joe biden ran for the democrats? i would say this, the advisors, all people had access and emails will start to become programmatic for hillary clinton. i did kind after deeper dive on this i remember this message that went back and forth the night of the benghazi attack. i looked it up this morning. hillary clinton sent a message to three senior state department officials. do you remember what it said? cheryl, cheryl mills advisor to her 2008 presidential campaign, cheryl told me libyans confirmed the death, meaning of christopher stephens of our ambassador in benghazi. should we announce tonight to wait until morning?
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these are pretty interesting detailed emails. these were not just things, these are ones we can get. what did she delete. >> do you deny there has been a shift in tone from hillary clinton's camp? i mean obviously yesterday the, we continued to hear sound of her responding to ed henry's question, wipe the server clean with, a cloth? the sarcasm. >> the tone is horrible. the tone has been horrible and handling of this i think has been horrible. i'm not minimizing the handling of this or her tone which i thought was inappropriate. what i am saying though is, time after time, she's teflon. so is bill clinton. people heap their own stuff at them. they keep winning. >> ever wipe that server. because we learned that she went on this, she went rogue. didn't get permission from the administration and destroyed the blackberries they're in big trouble. >> any day you're on defensive in the presidential campaign is a bad day. she has been on the defensive a lot. >> she is off message.
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big reaction to new report. have you heard about this? iran will be allowed to inspect its own controversial nuclear sites. stunning detail we're learning included with a side agreement with the u.n. agency which typically carries out such inspections, the iaea. this according to document by associated press. agencies from the iaea will be barred from the nuke site and monitor iranian personnel as they do inspections. white house repeatedly denied allegations of this side agreement and that it's a secret, insisting thirls of the u.n. agency's inspections are always confidential. republicans already skeptical of the new deal. are even more riled up over these details. house speaker john boehner saying this, quote, president obama boasts his deal includes unprecedented verification. he claims it is not built on trust but administration briefings on these side dealings have been totally insufficient. it is still not clear whether anyone at the white house has
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actually seen the final documents, end quote. democrats are shrugging off the ap saying they have enough votes to back up the president anyway. director of u.n. agency that made the agreement is speaking out about the ap report. saying quote, such statements misrepresent the way which we will undertake this important verification work. separate arrangements under the road map agreed between the iaea and iran in july are confidential and i have a legal obligation not to make them public. i can state that the arrangements are technically sound and consistent with our long-established practices, end quote. how would we know? >> well the white house is not making any secret deals except they didn't tell anybody about it and contents are confidential. >> that's a secret. that is definition of a secret. >> that would add up to secret, yes. we thought the nfl investigating itself was bad. can you -- >> that is bad. >> iaea did not let saddam
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hussein investigate his suspected nuclear sites. so why in the world, this puzzles many, many people the world over, why in the world would they craft a deal with iran, okay, you go investigate the parchin site, you report back to us what you found. >> good question. let's ask julie. >> since i was secretly negotiating with iran i have the answers to this question. look, first of all this iaea is denying this report. they're saying that was a draft. that the final report actually does allow them access. but parchin site apparently was a long, not used site by nuclear development by iran. >> that's what they tell us. >> that is what they tell us. iaea, not iran. they felt it shouldn't be part of whatever larger agreement was. technical details of this, you will have to trust the iaea because it is in their interest to make sure iran doesn't go nuclear. you're not taking iran's word for it. you're taking word of iaea. if we're not trusting allies and
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organization we fund, iaea we have larger problems than one deal. >> we also fund the u.n. and i don't trust them. >> i'm sorry, harris i don't trust iaea. united nations. i think we should cut off funding to them. i think we should kick them out of new york city. what are the other side deals? if this is one of them we learned about, what are the others? you talk about all the time. susan rice says there were number of these deals done on the side nobody seems to have access to. >> what julie is talking about, a sticking point here, that is a huge deal to have in draft and take out for final version. why in the world would iran, ayatollah agree? this is so juicy, do you agree to a deal that doesn't have it in it? we can inspect our own sites? >> they're laughing and celebrating. the president used these words, unprecedented verification this deal offered. we learned it is built on trust of iranians. why then do we continue on daily basis to learn there is more support for this deal on the democratic side?
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why? why when we learn things like this, julie do they continue to throw their support behind isn't. >> listen this is no means perfect deal or good deal, in as sense of a deal things would be a lot worse. say the deal goes down, our allies continue to do what they do. trading with iran and lift their own sanctions. what will end up happening no verification and iran will reap benefits. if you weigh that against a deal that may not be ideal, you got to say, you know what? you have to err on -- >> i'm not buying that. attitude this is what it is and they are growing to do it anyway. >> they are. >> why embolden them to them 150 billion back an not get one hostage? heaving shoulders, they're boeing to do it anyway. it's joke. >> life were ideal i would agree with you, reality russians, chinese, french are already in tehran trying to negotiate a deal. >> but, julie, they want to trade with us. why so we have to follow enemies
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and rush shuns and chinese? why do we have to follow their lead? >> we'll now put sanctions on allies, french, germans, chinese we do trade with. russians we're not doing them we'll sank them them. >> we're strongest country in the world. keep our sanctions should not following them. instead leading from behind again. >> we're still keep being our personal sanctions but unreal list to say we'll prevent other major powers of the world -- >> give them 150 billion-dollar check to fund terrorism. >> why don't we do something will at least some sort of verification process to hopefully stop them developing a weapon. >> it is not going to work. >> do you think we'll ever know what is in the side deals? you say this might not be a good deal, you don't know what this deal. you have 159 pages in a pdf you can get online. i'm talking about the part you can't see. last word, john. >> the obama administration is trying to sell the country on a deal we do not know details of. members of congress say we need to know more. there are things being kept from
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us definitely have legitimate beef. smackses of nancy pelosi let's pass the bill so we find out what's in it. pass this agreement so we can find out what's in it. >> lawmakers here on summer break, whoopee for them. jeb bush and donald trump taking off the gloves in dueling town halls in one key early primary state. so is taking on "the donald" the best strategy? plus shocking new details coming to light from the hack of that adultery website, raising series questions just what government workers may be doing on taxpayers dime. oh, man. can't get enough of us? we understand. overtime on the web, baby. click, there is new middle of page tab on our page, brand new. push that join us. we have a live chat. stay with us. ♪
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ensure. take life in. bill's got a very tough 13lie here...... looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. i believe that's a "kraken", bruce. it looks like he's going to go with a nine iron. that may not be enough club... well he's definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. if you're a golf commentator, you whisper. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. this golf course is electric...
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♪ >> uh-oh. are you all right? new revelations about the data dump reported hackers of the cheating website as many as is a thousand of email addresses used to register accounts as we reported yesterday, appeared to be tied to numerous federal agencies as
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well as u.s. military. the breach involved an office email address for member of canada's parliament. >> say it isn't so. >> she claim she never visited the website. ashley madison allows users to set up account using any email address without verification. okay. i can confirm that. as a journalist i felt it was my duty to go on an sign up because our brain room did tell us there is absolutely no verification when you sign up. so you can just be anybody. i could put any of your email addresses. looks like julie roginsky on ashley madison. >> pick on the liberal. there we go. >> that being said, safe to assume a lot of these are legitimate. dot-mil, dot-gov addresses. we're learning on financial side, merrill lynch, wells fargo. employees at major financial institutions were logging on. this is getting deep. it is -- i've been following the
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story for quite some time, john. >> it is interesting, no question about it, but i think the situation with eve adams, outgoing member of parliament candidate proves maybe there is some hacking going on here, some identity theft. i grew up in canada and i know that no canadian member of parliament would ever log on to ashley madison website. >> i love your sarcasm. >> you know what the problem is? you could screw over everybody. if you want to make somebody's life miserable. sign them up with the e-mail account. >> that is horrible thought. >> ashley madison could pop up in the gmail account. >> i've been covering hard news for too long i think of domestic violence, things growing south. i had a stocker for years. that could turn so far south and you wouldn't know what happened until it hit you. >> first thing i thought of, "glamour" magazine publish ad link to put in anybody's name if
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they were on the site. there will be a lot of fights. my stomach started to do turn. i'm not a cheater. i don't get it. i don't get why if you are going to cheat you will go on a website. i don't get why you put personal information on a website. that doesn't make any sense to me. there are situation, journalist, doing reporting and research have names on the sites. >> we are learning some alleged email addresses are included here may not actually be verified. some are whitehouse.gove. we do get emails from whitehouse.gove, daily press releases go out, most of the personnel, i believe all the personnel in the white house email server, it is not white, but >> this is fierce reminder how vulnerable all of our information is. whether the people are on there or doing wrong, that is irrelevant to me. but what it does tell me, just how vulnerable our personal information is with every single
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website we go on. >> i will go a step further. even if we're cheatings on wife or husband, legitimately on the website, i don't condone it. to be publicly humiliated on internet, that is horrible. that is between you and your wife. the rest of the world doesn't need to know about it. lovers, political figures. >> toward did legal is a like shaw's. >> karma. >> you know what it is. you know what they say. behave yourselves. republican presidential rivals donald trump and jeb bush trading shots at dueling town halls. they were just miles apart. is this the beginning of a long, long fight? should other gop candidates go after trump? or will it only fuel his fire? plus lady liberty about, a symbol of our freedom but how free is the united states really? the new ranking that puts the u.s. below other countries like hong kong and chile when it comes to freedom! what ♪
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so it's big in nutrition and small in calories. i'm not about to swim in the slow lane. stay strong. stay active with boost®. ♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." well the governors are off. republican presidential rivals donald trump and jeb bush holding dueling town halls in new hampshire, just miles apart. and the night was not without its insults. watch. >> i don't see how he is electable. jeb bush is a low-energy person. for him to get things done is hard. >> you know what is happening to jeb's crowd, as you know right down the street? they're sleeping! [laughing] >> meantime jeb made his most pointed attack on "the donald" to date. >> mr. trump doesn't have a proven conservative record. he was a democrat longer in the last decade than he was a
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republican. he has given more money to democrats than he has given to republicans. it wasn't that long ago he was for and continues to, hadn't denied it, i don't think for a tax on assets. >> is this smart strategy? what do you think, julie. >> well, you know, poor jeb bush, he is a guy that sort of invites over to the house to study. the guy invites you to house to throw a kegger. who is the guy you want to hang out with or whose rally you want to go to. jeb starting to make policy points and education. donald trump is so boring. look at him trying to talk about substance. trump, this is why trump is doing so well. >> jeb bush and donald trump going head-to-head on insults is new york yankees against a little league team. nobody an out trump, trump. i was at his press conference. i left before his main event. you look at trump, he is great at throwing out these slashing criticisms of people.
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fairly or unfairly. look at the way, bush comes back. trump says, what is going on with his people, they're sleeping. well -- >> all insults were very different. >> very different. >> insults coming from donald trump were very personal. insults from jeb bush as you heard them were policy oriented. >> somewhat political. >> sandra, do you think more of these candidates should adopt what trump is doing, rather than attack him? i say that, because scott walker is trailing in iowa now. what does he do? he started to do get behind donald trump on immigration. is that smarter strategy? >> you could argue kasich tried to embrace him, not necessarily his style but embrace trump. they morning on fox business network, andrea, said he would build the great wall of trump. okay. >> put a mark key on there -- marquee with neon lights. >> nobody talked about immigration like this before. america is surprised daily by
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donald trump and entertained. the question is, how long does it last? >> right about scott walker, don't know if you saw him on soapbox iowa state fair. picked out a heckler in the front of the office. i'm not intimidated by you. i will not be intimidated by anybody. >> is there only one donald trump? should you not to try to imitate is it hillary clinton trying to dance like janet jackson? rolling stones versus ambrosia? i love ambrosia but no comparison. >> hillary clinton dancing like, let's wipe that from our -- >> only harris can dance like that. >> please, no. you mentioned how personal one side was or how professional, political one side was, it is interesting to see. it is hard for jeb bush to land a blow and land it because he couldn't even say i still think he said this -- i'm not really sure. trump is all over the road. is he like the borg in "star
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trek." he is learning as he goes, a simulating. on illegal immigration by might do this, might do this. talk the 14th amendment, might do this. he is learning as he is going. picking up steam. >> problem with jeb bush, attack like he is not real conservative, doesn't fly with donald trump supporters. we don't care. they're not making that point. >> not even that. jeb bush isn't a real conservative. most people don't believe that. so why would you point out something that you are vulnerable for yourself? >> jeb bush is counting on the fact this is summer of 2015 and by the summer of 2016 we'll have nominee. in six months when people pay attention he is counting on the fact, this is not presidential behavior by donald trump. >> not spending a dime. told us on fox business network this morning, haven't spent a penny of his own money. >> the ad on instagram got so many hits. jeb bush picked on somebody who loves to fight. >> you make a mistake when you misunderestimate donald trump. >> should adopt his policy
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positions instead. when it comes to freedom our country is doing a little bit worse sadly. according to a new report that rates freedom in countries around the world. here is a list of the top 10. notice the united states. not on the list! number one? hong kong? where police repeatedly crack down on pro-democracy protests last year. the u.k. is ninth. the united states? all right, we had to put it on there, didn't fit, squeezed on there, 20th on that list. down from 17th last year. the study's authors blame drop on steady growth of government, increased business regulations, invasions of privacy through the wars on drugs and on terror. and seizures of property through eminent domain. hmmm. by the way, another thing, not to put trump back in the conversation but he said plans to roll back dodd-frank, talking about all the financial regulations hard on the united states.
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but what do you make of this, julie? are we that much worse off today? >> this is cato institute one of the people, one of the organizations that did the study. they have a very political viewpoint. they obviously are libertarian-minded. to them this is what makes freedom or not freedom. i'm not libertarian. i think our drug laws are insane. one of the other things we mentioned, search and seizure. they have a point about certain aspects of this, but if you look very political definition what constitutes freedom. freedom to the cato institute, as i said one of the people in the study very different than freedom to others. >> john, are we that much less free than those other 19 country on the list. >> i don't think we're any less free than people in chile. there is subjective aspect to that assessment. post-9/11 some freedoms eroded. some cases necessarily so but some cases a bit of a overreach. i'm troubled being 20 on that list, politically or not.
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canada i grew up in number six and i moved to the united states, back in 1989 believing this was greatest country in the world and to see it falling to 20 -- >> we have to fix it. we don't want you to go back to canada. >> they won't have me back. >> what did you do. >> kidding. >> what is interesting to me about you look at indices they looked at for this. when you compare where we were couple years ago from 17 to 20, we're sliding in the wrong direction. we're anesthetized to the fact we need to fix this. look at huge conversation they had inside of congress about the nsa and snooping program. talk about a presidential candidate perhaps put on public display for a while there with 10 1/2 hours on the senate floor, rand paul, that was a center discussion for this country in a while about being snooped on. the whole world saw that all of our business laid out there. >> sandra, you cover this every single day. more and more regulations on businesses that feel strangled. everywhere you turn there is
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another environmental regulation. here in new york, i can't even get a big soda. i can't even bring a damn cupcake into school or a ding-dong because there is too much sugar in it. i think there is something to the study. >> there has been an attack on business in this country. i always use the phrase, we have created a very business-unfriendly environment. people have come here for a long time looking for a better position, looking to build a business, start a family business. that's changing now. people are looking outside of the united states. i mean look at our corporate tax rate. the highest in the world in some cases. it's, again that is another, that should be another big talking point. >> this should make donald trump so happy. he doesn't need to build the wall. apparently people don't want to come here. >> i have trouble with not bringing a ding-dong or hoho in school. >> said the liberal. >> sugar and cupcakes in school. >> i agree. >> moon pies yes, ho-hoes, no.
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>> still the best country to start a business in my opinion. united states navy planning to open elite seal team tryouts to women for the first time. founder of seal team six is raising concerns. why he says this is a bad idea.
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♪ >> we're seeing history be made this week. two female soldiers set to become the first-ever to graduate from the army ranger school. we talked about it on the couch. now the navy's top officer says it is planning to open the seal commando team tryouts to women as well. founder of legendary seal team six is raising serious concerns about growing trend of women in combat. retired commander richard marcinko quoted the in the navy times, women have been shooting since an any oakley. seals have to make tough choices an women would make the
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decisions even tougher. the leader of this mission, should i drag her along with me and potentially slow things down, or do i leave her and hope for the best? my concern is putting added pressure on a un tactical situation. i just hate to see the system riched around for political correctness, end quote. he speaks his mind, john. >> he does but i think what we're going to see tomorrow, i believe it's tomorrow is the graduation of very first female rangers. and i think that's terrific to see they made it through the training and going to get ranger patch. i did training in fort benning ahead of iraq war. we went to ranger school and saw the graduation. that is a tough unit to try out for. tough unit to get into. tough unit to be with. if a woman can go through buds training, the exact same training as a man, because the train something designed to be at ha level so you perform level you need to in the field, if the
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woman can pass same course as man i say go ahead. >> let me put a fine point. still in the ranger school women are not al applied yet to the 70th reg meant the elite fighting force even within the rangers. i would argue that is probably more commensurate we're talking about navy seal team six. what do you think. >> i don't know if i'm kind to weigh in on this only because i'm not a navy seal. i never been to navy seal. i spoken to a few members of navy seals they agree with the founding members of the seals. as men they're wired different way than women. so they do want to protect women. they do have to make tough choices. these are their words, not mine. i trust them to make the best decision. look if a woman can form and get into army rangers school great, as long we're not lowering standards or altering requirements i'm totally fine with that but i have to take the seals words, not mine. >> does anybody on the couch take exception the way he worded it. >> i do?
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>> specifically didn't want to be pc. >> i do. if these women can hack it, i think virtual impossible for men and women to hack being navy seal. the elite of the elite. if for some reason women out there actually physically compete, don't penalize women because some guy wants to be protective. they will want to be protective of each other. >> i side with andrea on this this is so beyond my comprehension what these people do and seen and know what happens in combat and i think it should be up to each branch of the military. by the way, army and air force are opening up all combat jobs to women. the marine corps says they're still deciding. they think they will keep it to men only. just so beyond what i can fathom what they do every day. and women, physically are made up differently than men. and as long as they're passing same non-gender oriented tests i get it, i get that. in combat there certainly can be differences. not saying worse for women. i don't know what those might be
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because i never endured combat. >> some people in the military with whom i've spoken, john, not what the women can do or not do, they have full faith in them. what the enemy would do with the women that some of men are worried about, how different the battle lines. >> look what enemy does our captured soldiers or seals or marines? >> good point. >> i don't know, maybe they would treat a women slightly different than that, might be worse. what the enemy has been doing so far is pretty bad. i don't know how much worse it can get. i know, when i was in my 20s, my physical peak, i would have folded up like a cheap suit five minutes into navy seal training. so if there is woman and the head of the, special naval forces says he believes there are some in this country who can go through that, i would say give them a shot because i know i could never do it. if a woman can do it, god bless them. >> i'm all for female empowerment and i believe females should be there and i believe in quality and all those things, there seems to be a
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sense men can't have anything to themselves. kicking down the doors and golf clubs and navy seals we have to be everywhere in the name of empowerment. it is not always about women, julie. why should we care about the men? because we should care about how males feel. not always about the women. >> no. because, if the women can compete, on equal physical footing with the men -- >> not about their competition. how the people they're fighting next to feel as well. >> people should get over it. >> not so easy to tell a bunch navy seals to get over it. >> same way didn't tell bunch people at golf clubs didn't want african-americans didn't want to hurt their feelings. same told a bunch of men -- >> i don't see men busting into all girls spas. >> they should. more the merrier. come on in. >> leave us alone. >> there you go, metro sexual. that's great. >> no, compliment. >> because you mentioned that the army rangers school with the two women graduating is tomorrow. that will make news.
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we'll follow this. every branch of the military will look to put women in combat and they will make those individual decisions. we'll cover the news as it happens. the more kids the merrier? the new study that says happier parents are the ones with four or more kidswe'll look at new study and what parents are the unhappiest. ♪
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>> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. first to jenna lee with what is coming up in hour two of "happening now." jenna: next hour in washington state three firefighters killed. fires raging across seven western states. thousands of evacuated. hundreds of homes burned. mother nature is not cooperating. we'll have a live report ahead on all of this. jeb bush holding a town hall meeting in new hampshire. donald trump as you know is stealing spotlight quite a bit. we have the dueling town halls yesterday that paint quite a picture. we'll take a look at the gop field with our political panel. stocks plunging again, with dow trading lower 250 points as oil prices continue to fall. more growing fears of worldwide economic slowdown. we'll keep eye on your money and
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other headlines at top of the hour. >> thanks, jenna. >> researchers say parents with four or more kids are the happiest because they had planned for their large family. now the disadvantages of having more kids like money and time pressures are all balanced out by the joy that their children bring them. conversely, the study finds the least satisfied parents are single dads who feel like they're seen as lesser parent and often taken wrongly as the cause of family breakups. let's find out who is happier. you have god two kids. you've got two kids. you've got none andrea. >> yet. >> you have none. >> that i know of. >> andrea -- poor andrea. >> john, give me a break. i'm in my mid 30s. i believe you and your wife had kids late in life. i will say i'm third of four and my parent were very, very happy. >> let me point out. we have picture. here is my wife and our two
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children. twins. four-year-olds. i have two from my first marriage. so i have four. >> so you have -- how hold was your wife when you had the twins. >> she was 42. >> she been excellent mentor. we had this talk. she written a amazing book on fertility. she is role model for women who put their career first and wait longer to have husband and kids like exhibit a over here. julie -- >> yeah i do. i waited until later to have him. he will only child. because i can't hack having more because he is such a handful. i'm only child as well. i'm perfectly happy. >> happier with bigger or smaller family? >> the distinct you were making according to what they looked at in the study, being a single parent is very different situation in terms of support. i mean, i don't know how you do it. >> i have a lot of support. i have a lot of family support. >> do you want more children? >> you know? i'm an only child, all i know is only children. and mine, i'm so happy.
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first of all i'm a little late in life for me to start having more. he is so wonderful. i'm so blessed to have him. i don't know if people know this, he is in love with harris faulkner. his ideal woman. he has life-sized poster of her. only three. >> i was his first baby sit ir. >> i have three siblings. you have more than me. big household. was it filled with happiness. >> i'm youngest of six kids. i would say my parents are pretty happy. i think they're going on 50 years of marriage, something crazy. you know what i think you can be happy with whatever you choose, one, two, none, five, doesn't matter. two sounds pretty good to me. might stick with that. >> as late as i got started i'm blessed to have any. i'm good with that. my husband really wants -- because he is outnumbered at home there are so many women, i told him i would get him a boy dog. >> harris that is so sweet. >> talking about single dads
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least happy. friend of mine, his wife left him and kids. he raised kids by himself. he is one of the happiest people. >> and all the single parents out there. >> facebook page catching lots of flak these pages. let's users digitally slim down photos of people including modeling and celebrities. site ace creator is on defensive that it is meant to help overweight people. is this the way to do it or is it cruel shaming? we'll be back. ♪ i brought in some protein to get us moving. i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. could protect you from cancer?
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♪ >> well, a facebook page that lets you photoshop images of plus sized men and women including celebrities without their permission is causing quite the stir. it is called, project harpoon. it compares side by side pictures of the plus size person and their slimmed-down version. celebrities like melissa mccarthy and meghan trainor. the site administrator says about making heavier people, quote, realize their potential. but some on facebook are posting complaints this page is fat shaming and is violating its subjects. one questioning the mental state of the site's creator. harris i think this is mean.
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>> you know what is really interesting? so i went on here to read some of the comments and they're kind of a mixed, nasty brew of comments. some rin sulting women. some are saying other inappropriate things. some like it. but this is interesting. they in the last two hours, project harpoon put a new post up. hello, unfortunately project harpoon will be jumping ship to newon't know what unfortunately. not explaining what is going on. in all caps, we're continuing the movement. we'll regularly post on the new and improved operation harpoon which is linked below. we will no longer posting full time on project. we'll be posting full time on -- blah, blah. i wonder what is going on? >> i don't know, sandra. this seems cruel. melissa mccarthy came out, i'm fuller figured. i'm happy with my figure. will this help them realize their full potential or make them feel bad about themselves? >> what do they label them, heavier people?
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some people or celebrities look better in the state. when they lose, 30 or 50 pounds, their faces are sunk in. people need to be themselves. i don't really know what the goal of the website is. is it to tell them they're not healthy to lose weight or shame them? i don't get it. i don't know who has the time. >> melissa mccarthy realized her full potential. melissa mccarthy is not loser sitting home crying. she is major movie star and beautiful woman. this is cruel and unnecessary. i think it is mean. >> what is the point, john? if you talk to fuller figure women they feel like they're being shamed. one size fits all mentality, that big is unhealthy in all these things. what is wrong with that? >> well, obesity can be unthink because puts amazing strain on cardiovascular system. >> no question. >> leads to diseases. >> but you don't need strangers telling you -- >> some women are not obese on the site. >> they're not. yes, being overweight can be a risk to your health. but fuller figured women, many
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of them are absolutely healthy. most of them i think are absolutely healthy. i think point of is this just to because people are ridiculous and think they can do anything. >> we have to go the "outnumbered" tomorrow noon eastern, catch us her "happening now" starts now. "happening now". wildfires take a deadly turn. >> i can't imagine. >> three firefighters have been killed and it is crazy and how these heroes died in a fierce battle with mother nature. >> and dozens of guests lucky to get out. >> what caused a gas leak that demolished a motel?


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