tv The Five FOX News August 20, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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fox business network this. market was absolutely annihilated today. a lot of amazing bargains out there. i'll talk to you about it. also i've got the democrat who's going to try to pull the party away from the socialist tent. right now, though, "the five" is next. keep it right here on fox news. hello, everyone. i'm greg gutfeld along with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, brian killmead and she was on morning and mindy. >> in a cnn interview donald trump was asked what he would say to the pope if he were to meet him next month. roll it, sven. >> the pope believes that capitalism can be a real avenue to greed, it can be really toxic and corrupt and he's shaking his finger at you when he said it. what do you say in response to the pope? >> i'd say isis wants to get you. you know that isis wants to go in and take over the vatican. you have heard that. you know that's a dream of theirs to go into italy. if you look at what's going on,
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they better hope that capitalism works. because it's the only thing we have right now. and it's a great thing when it works properly. >> well done. now, i think it's great for donald to meet the pope. here you have together an outspoken leader of a major religion and the pope. but donald is right, especially since the pope has bashed capitalism which has lifted millions out of misery, and he's also said that "charlie hebdo" victims should have known better. that's not good. as for isis, they do want to kill the pope. but they want to kill everyone, including themselves. heaven awaits such tools. but trump should take his own advice, too, and put all focus on those who wish to destroy us. just for fun let's ponder these headlines from the past. clinton sees crisis from global warming. it's time to fix america's broken immigration system. both of those headlines were from september 10th, 2001, the day before 9/11. there were no headlines on
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islamic terror but lots on immigration and global warming. so while those concerns matter, it's the stuff we never see coming that gets us. we're facing a new age of terror. today's technology married to today's hate. when ghouls master new methods of mayhem, today's bar barrism will seem like the good old days. if you're ever going to be a single-issue voter that's your issue. our next president must put aside platitudes and come to grips with a new threat that's almost too horrid to contemplate. a store-bought drone with aerosol spores offers ten 9/11s at a fraction of the cost. if that doesn't get the popes or donalds and america's attention, then nothing will. >> what a great meeting, k.g., if the pope and donald got together. how do you think that would go? >> i would like to get an invite. i would for sure rsvp immediately. i think it would definitely be a surprise probably for both, depending upon how that went. but when you see his comments right the way off the bat the first thing he this about with
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the pope hey pope isis is after you. it's not exactly what you think your opening line would be, right? he wants to get right to the point and say look there's this threat of global terrorism. then he also wants to then sell capitalism to the pope. i'm all in on him bringing up those two ideas, put it that way. >> juan, what did you make of that? it's true. those are bigger concerns than the pope's, i think. >> what do you mean? >> well, terror, isis. it's a little more scary or scarier than air conditioning which the pope seems to hate. wait a second. the hope is an argentinian. he's talking about people who live on farms where they're being exploited by capitalists. >> not just that, juan. play that game with me. >> i am playing that game. the dung of the devil, you yourself said that there is such a thing as the pope. >> are we in medeival times? >> that's what donald said. >> last time you were talk about how the pope said you got to watch out for people who exploit
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folks. >> that's what he sees as capitalism. he's a communist. he is a communist. let's admit it, people. >> first off, donald trump is brilliant at finding -- hi, thanks for welcome me, greg. for eric hope he feels better. but real quick, essentially donald trump is brilliant at finding somebody's weakness. >> yes. >> so he says, okay. the pope really has a problem with capitalism. who's protecting you? and by the the way, who's the superpower that's got your back? we are. that was drill down on capitalism. do you have a better idea, mr. pope? if you want to be in that show of respect mr. pope, if you want to be protected, if you have a better way, if you want to further perfect capitalism that's fine. to show kindness with the kindest charitable nation in the world. to tell us not to alter money and profit when we go ahead and pursue money and profit we create jobs and opportunity. >> that is so true, melissa. go ahead. call us greedy. >> we cannot possibly fight about this again. what i love about this is like every answer with donald trump
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he starts answering and you go he's crazy. then he talks for a little while longer and you're like wait a second. there's sense in there. he was saying, why the heck are we talking about capitalism when isis is coming to kill us? we need to focus on other things. so he was shifting the focus. i also like how he said i have great respect for the pope. i like him. i actually like him. that's like the kiss of death from trump. right afterward but you're an idiot. >> always when he says he likes you. >> i want to run this. this is donald trump talk about where he gets his military views from since he's talking about isis. >> who do you talk to for military advice right now? >> i watch the shows. i really see a lot of great -- when you watch your show and all of the other shows and you have the generals and you have certain people that you like. >> there is a go to for you? every presidential candidate has a go to. >> probably there are two or three. i like bolton, tough cookie, knows what he's talking about.
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jacobs. >> master general bolton. colonel jacobs? >> i think he's a good guy see him on occasion. >> should we trust a man who gets his information from the sunday shows even though he mentions bolton? if he put bolton in his administration that would be great. >> he was the king of red eye, wasn't he? >> he was. >> that doesn't bother me. i'd rather you be exposed to a variety of different mediums than get your information from newspapers, from watching great interviews. you can learn a that. >> didn't we done president obama for saying these things? i found out about it on tv and we mercilessly mocked him. >> i don't have a problem with it but you can over there. it's fine if he listens to ambassador bolton or general jack keene is another person. >> i thought you would bring up jack because he's your favorite. i was going to say he says his favorite web site is drudge. gets everything from drudge, thinks drudge is a genius because he's well informed after reading drudge. now he's telling us he watches
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the shows to see if he can get all the information. >> he read all the newspapers as well. >> i somehow don't think he really meant that. >> it's his weakest moment. we watch all the interviews, compelling, great television. it's his weakest moment. he admitted in a speech yesterday he had aeks sern exce going to be a bit of a sleeper on the military. he's not going to be there calling the shots and saying put the cannons there and the icmb missiles here. he's going to be getting the best people involved in doing the things and executing the plan. george bush had a way of saying the generals you've been in military your entire life. why am i calling the shots? sell me on your plans in front of me. >> best practices. >> my answer would have been a better answer. my answer is better than his answer. >> do you think he's ill prepared or ill equipped? >> of course. do you think he has any experience, kimberly?
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>> killmead made the criticism. >> no one this donald trump is buying buildings and has military expertise. i'm going to be finding colin powell and best military advisers i can find of. >> it will be amarosa. >> who was the villain in almost every single episode. even of "celebrity apprentice". >> that's what deal guys do. that's what business guys do. you don't only buy companies that you know exactly how to run that company as the ceo. you're only one person. you buy a company and then you identify who's the best in that space. you put him in there to run that business. so he's not expected to know how to do every single thing. he is expected to know how to find the best people to give him the best advice in the areas he doesn't know. >> you need to have some foreign policy expertise. >> like president obama? >> makes a difference. >> as a community organizer? >> the president was in the senate and dealing with some of these issues. >> for 144 days. >> let me just say that mike hayden the former cia director,
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he said this is ridiculous. how can you say you're watching tv? this is like uncle jack screaming at the tv oh, my god, i can't stand these people. and he's now running the country? going to trust that guy with the bomb? >> it's just one bad answer. he gave a bad answer. >> we have a collection shots of him also discussing -- >> what are sots? >> sound on tape little man. >> we have to stop isis. i didn't want to do iraq. it was a big mistake. it should never have happened. the way we got out was also a big mistake. we cannot let isis continue to do what they're doing. >> i believe more strongly in the military and military strength than anybody running by a factor of a million. i will tell you, and i told them, we are going to make our military so strong and so powerful and so incredible we're going to take care of our vets by the way as part of it. >> so brian, there's a new poll that says 32% trust him most to
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handle isis, which nobody else came close. my issue is, we're not talk about military intelligence anymore. we're not talking about these other threats. >> we're talking about willingness to have an objective and to implement that objective. you get david petraeus, you don't wing it because you've been in big business. carly fiorina had a very similar mantra. on the international front i deal with a lot of world leaders. i got them in my cell phone. so that's who donald trump has. he knows vladimir putin. he travels to scotland and deals with not only the golf course but the leadership there because he's got to cut the best tax deal possible. >> i like how you say he knows putin. >> i'm name dropping for somebody else. >> that's a big problem. >> he does know him. how many guys out there can say i like to call vladimir putin. he likes to see me. >> it seems like a lot of people have to explain what donald trump says. because what donald trump says is what you want to hear. but he doesn't articulate it. >> he's like a rorschach painting. when you look night and see exactly what you want to hear.
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it's working for him. >> brian saw what he wanted to see. >> juan talk about him not having foreign policy experience, do you like hillary clinton's experience on benghazi anymore? she has a track record people don't like. >> i don't think so. from my perspective you can say i don't like the outcome with benghazi. but this woman's been around the world and dealt with world leaders and has not only that remember she was in the white house and the senate. >> successfully, juan? >> i know you don't i'm telling you i think she does. i will say this for mr. trump, he promises he's going to get his wife out. i'm thinking maybe she will make sense. >> actually in all seriousness, his greatest asset is his family. if you talk to eric, you talk to don jr., talk to ivanka, you cannot be a part-time somewhat interested parent who's an egomaniac as he's been labled and raise these children who are fine upstanding respectable
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people. >> left out a couple wives. >> left out tiffany i don't really know. >> to you, kimberly, he's the master of leverage. he wondered if he should go to cnn and tell them he's not going to be part of the debate unless cnn gives $10 million to a charity. so he's basically blackmailing, extorting cnn. it's funny. >> what a great businessman. >> what if he did that to us? to fox? >> such transparency. oh, god knows we would pay. >> is that what he'd do with the immigration plan? he's shooting for the moon going to cost $160 billion. he's going to end up with half that and said i got success. i moved the goal post back and ended up with 100 yards. >> build a wall and have cnn pay for. >> it anything is possible. >> i find you look at kimberly a lot and have never welcomed melissa. >> i welcomed in the intro, remember?" morning and mindy"? >> a man likes what he likes. >> okay. who can blame him. moving on from this
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travesty. coming up, donald and jeb traded attacks at town halls in new hampshire. what they're saying about each other ahead. ♪ your body was made for better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start
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well, if you want to win the white house you're going to need to win at least two of the biggest swing states, florida, ohio or pennsylvania. hillary clinton's certainly got her work cut out for her. with more than 60% of votes in each of those states don't trust her. according to a new poll by quinnipiac. voters are tiger ring of excuse about her e-mail server like this one that hasn't aged well. >> the system we used was set up for president clinton's office. and it had numerous safeguards. it was on property guarded by the secret service. and there were no security breaches. >> all right. melissa francis, woman to woman from another woman? >> can we trust any politicians? i don't know about the trustworthiness question. also on the polls, do we trust the polls? i mean, when's the last time you answered your phone as part of a
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poll? i did it once. it was quinnipiac. i told them i was a disillusioned democrat who left the party because i don't believe it global warming. i had so much fun with them. none of that is true of course. >> wow. >> who is even answering -- >> i admit it on television, now they know. they got me on the phone, i was annoyed so then i just answered in a crazy way to everything. i don't know. i have a hard time with the polls. and i don't know that we believe -- >> isn't there a good reason to distrust what we've heard so far? >> there is a reason. i'm not sure that qualifies you to not be a politician. i don't think your brand as a politician is truthfulness. probably as a journalist it's important to your brand. it's unfortunate but i don't know that it kills you. >> hard time with the polls, eh? genophobic. it is so weird she's actually seen as less trustworthy than bill clinton. that's amazing to me. >> that is something. >> she needs to hire a crisis management firm to deal with the current crisis management firm that is dropping the ball here.
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she's of, no coherent explanations for what's happening. she seems entirely cavalier about this whole idea. this is during an environment when our contemporary world and the threats involved, we need to have somebody who understands security and who understands why our secrets are important. you don't hire a bodyguard who leaves his gun in a bathroom in arby's. this what is we're dealing with. this is somebody who's just not paying attention. >> i've never been to arby's without doing the drive through. i always opt to drive through so i wouldn't have that incident. >> you want to build on that? >> i want to welcome you back to the show. >> thank you. >> encourage and invite your participation. >> can i say thank you? can i engage? >> please. >> melmelissa, i do believe the polls. when she left secretary of state she had like 70% approval rating. before this thing popped up her trustworthiness was about 15 points higher. it's how she's acted since and a further examination of her record which is reflected in these polls. >> let me confuse you with some
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math my friend. if you look at the most recent cnn poll it says 52% of the people they called are planning to vote in the gop primary. only 10% voted last time. how could 52% if they extrapolate it out from their sample, 52% of people are going to vote in the primary. their numbers just don't add up in general. >> do do you think what she has done so far has reflected trustworthiness? >> no. >> she had to come out today to define what she meant the day before. >> some were angry because they were on vacation. >> absolutely. james carville. he called himself cavelle. he mispronounced his own name. >> greg called him a vampire. >> no, i didn't. >> didn't you say he came out of the grave? >> that's a zombie. get your undead right. >> you know who's has a high lack of trust in their honesty? the guy who's leading the republican race, donald trump. >> nobody cares about honesty.
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>> what you get is a situation where even if people say hey you know what we think she's kind of like a trickster. i think she's privileged entitled and all that. but say hey, guess what, we like her as a politician. we think she knows how to play hardball. >> but i think upon further review they say what was the post plan in libya? what was the reset in russia what happened when mubarek the arab spring. off the top of my head. jotted it down instead of doing the math problem. >> that's like donald trump saying he owe positioned the war in iraq. >> a businessman oppose the war in iraq as opposed to secretary of state whose job it was implement our policy? >> donald's upset because he wanted the oil. >> donald wants the oil now, doesn't he? >> i think we should have gotten something for it, too. >> you know what donald said? this was so intriguing to me. he said we'll go back into the middle east and fight your wars but you'll pay us to have our people fight the war. >> like the first persian gulf war. japan wrote the check. our allies broke the check and we basically broke even on it.
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>> this quid pro quo for our military and the use of our lives. >> mers nacenary. >> i don't like it. >> back to hillary, she set up a private e-mail server for government work. that is wrong. >> the judge said that. >> if you focus on that, she shouldn't be in the race. she should go away now. >> what about the company that did the backup work on that? platt river? they're getting absolutely hammered. >> death threats. >> that's the other thing that bugs me. what is this new death threat craze? why are people like oh, my god i'm mad at these people i hope you die? when did this start? >> i don't know. it's really out of control. mom and pop operation. >> i am against death threats. and i'm willing to take a stand and let the slings and arrows fly. >> so i'm forgiven? >> yes, you're forgiven. absolutely. >> juan, i think you're having a better day today a little bit. >> what makes you think i had a bad day. she thought i had a bad day?
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>> you're just being truthful today and we're so happy to have you here. >> you're welcoming me but kill me didn't get welcomed. >> no, i did welcome him and encouraged him to participate as i encourage you to participate at home. stay with the show. so much more ahead. donald and jeb took some pretty strong swipes at another on the campaign trail. just 20 miles apart today. and we're going to show you exactly what happened. hp instant ink can save you up to 50% on ink, so print all you want and never run out. right now, buy an eligible printer, and get three months of free ink with hp instant ink. available
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it's how i try to live... how i stay active. so i need nutrition... that won't weigh me down. for the nutrition you want without the calories you don't... introducing boost 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you... 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. so it's big in nutrition and small in calories. i'm not about to swim in the slow lane. stay strong. stay active with boost®. because you're competing for the same job. the tension was so high in new hampshire we could not even cut it with a knife. >> you tried? >> two gop presidential candidates holding simultaneous town halls 20 miles apart.
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donald trump was in derry and jeb bush was in merrimack. here's what happened. >> mr. trump doesn't have a proven conservative record. he was a democrat longer in the last decade than he was a republican. he's given more money to democrats than he's given to republicans. >> you know what's happening to jeb's crowd as you know right down the street? they're sleeping! they're sleeping now. >> jeb bush is a low energy person. for him to get things done is hard. he's very low energy. between common core, his active love on immigration, and skin in the game with iraq, that's the third one that we've now added, i don't see how he's electable. >> strong words, juan. change in tactics. jeb bush is not ignoring donald trump or dismissing him he's now taking him on, is that an effective strategy? >> it's a big change. let me say what stand out, brian, that he thought for the
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longest time this was going to go away. it ain't gone away. i mean, in fact donald trump has solidified that lead. and so now he decides the way to do it is to go directly at him. but i just got to say, forget serious analysis. wasn't that great? >> back and snort. >> i've got a big crowd. i've got 2500 people. and he's got like 100 people over there and they're falling asleep. >> right. >> i mean -- >> is that school yard? come on, that's too much. >> i'm confused. you liked it or you didn't like it? >> it's entertaining. it's funny. it's hilarious. can you imagine this is a serious candidate? >> the low energy thing. i'm taking b-12 shots. >> kimberly i know melissa loves the math. i'm going to ask you this. we've seen the other candidates. every time they take donald trump on they get hurt until position. >> must be very quick with the witty rejoinder. if you're going to do barbs and take him on he's going to come
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after you. he's a big afficianado of the leg sweep. i think it's good that jeb is trying to take him on because he can't just ignore it forever. >> it destroyed rand and hurt perry. his staffers pointed out jeb bush i'm calling it like i see it. donald trump is a tax-hiking -- >> when you look at them together it is like comparing a monster truck rally in trump and kind of shuffle board on the lido deck with jeb. trump is a showman, jeb is a snowman. he's stiff and he's frozen when you compare it to the lively banter of trump. i mean, trump ace showman. he commands attention and people enjoy it. >> you can have fun on the lido
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deck. >> you can. it raises a false argument if you criticize trump you must be for jeb. people forget there are 15 other candidates out there. it is knoll not really a trump-jeb face-off. >> on that point the polls show right now, kasich has caught up with bush in new hampshire. >> one point off. >> that's unbelievable! >> i feel sorry for jeb bush in all this. the biggest knock on jeb bush he's boring. guess who's not boring donald trump. trying to get the attention back as mom it's like trying to get your kids to eat broccoli after they've just pounded 47 slurpies. it's hopeless. you can't turn them back. the broccoli was already really tough to stomach. and now you're just littered with sugar and entertained and fantastic. >> greg is offended by your comparisons. he has gotten the copyright on comparisons. >> high high fiver. >> you heard what 43 said.
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his brother said he's the tortoise. this week he's got the foundation. town halls, policy statements, retail interviews. he's going to go to retail shops and local interviews. he's got a plan. donald trump seems to be winging it and seems to be more effective so far. >> okay. so what's the point? >> the point is it's a strategy difference. >> there's a strategy difference. but you also have to go with your best level of play and what you're comfortable in because you're probably going to excel in that regard. right now this actually working for trump and he's not letting people micromanage him and tell him he's got to do it the old-fashioned way. >> what am i doing now? the control rooms' talking to me. i'm going to go to a side. this is this morning. come in, please. we're going to maria bartoloma's interview with donald trump. >> donald are you a conservative? >> i am. interestingly, ronald reagan was a democrat. i was a democrat also. and ronald reagan was a democrat and he became not a very
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conservative person. over the last number of years when i started getting very political i started seeing more and more that that is my leaning. >> are you a moderate conservative? would you say you're a liberal on social issues and conservative on fiscal issues? >> certainly i'm very conservative on fiscal issues. i would say on social i'm on the conservative side. >> then a lot of people say well but you want to spend $160 billion on your immigration plan. so is that being fiscally responsible. >> let me ask you. do you buy the reagan analogy? >> well, reagan was a democrat. reagan did flip. you're allowed to do that. >> but there was 25 years of strong republicanism before he was president. >> yeah. and don't forget he was governor of california, involved in politics. a big supporter of barry goldwater. there's a lot more to ronald reagan. well, i'll leave it to you, brian. i don't see the analogy hold. >> that by the way is the first one anyone's ever said that to me. special moment i'll leave it to you, brian.
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let's go around the table. if there's one person not named kasich, bush and trump that we should keep our eye on who do you think it will be, greg? >> i still would say rubio. >> rubio. >> fiorina. >> fiorina. >> yeah. i think it's rubio. >> yeah. rubio, walker i think still have something to show. kasich is coming up. >> governor christie. he's working hard, doing the blue-collar thing through new hampshire. he knows it's do or die in new hampshire. >> he is working very hard. >> you're saying that if trump -- >> i'm saying when you look at these three too much, if you look to some part of the other 15 that matter, in my humble opinion -- >> what about cruz? because cruz thinks that once trump falters he could benefit. >> but i only had to pick one and i just picked one. >> i like christie a lot. but i wonder if cruz wouldn't get the same bounce. >> it's funny. cruz is drafting trump. srnt that li isn't that like the cyclist term where you get behind somebody?
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he's doing that with trump. >> christie could never do that because they're too similar. >> and too big. >> he's lost 100 pounds. >> you can't draft behind a skinny person. >> terrible. >> we have so much show left. >> personal attacks. >> look at me. i'm fat. >> you are not. >> oh, thank you. >> you're little but i wouldn't call you fat. >> hey coming up straight ahead, two women are about to make history as the first female graduates of the army ranger school. and you are going to hear from them coming up.
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call to action that's been put out continuously with the black lives matter actions that are taking place right now. she was challenged, she like changed hearts and minds she said she doesn't believe in that. >> i'll come back to that. anyway, sheriff david clark of milwaukee was not impressed with the the movement. >> let's take a look at this group, this black lives matter, which i have renamed black lies l-i-e-s matter. the reason i have is because this is the bastard child as you know of the hand up don't shoot. the whole thing is built on a lie. the whole premise built on a lie. it's a conglomeration of misfits. >> he thinks their true mission is to mobilize the black vote for 2016. if the movement really cared about black lives they'd be protesting black on black crime. which to me is a pretty good point. melissa, i'm going to ask you, what do you think about the idea that, huh, that's what all white
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people say whenever you bring up race. they just get defensive and they shut down and they won't talk about changing hearts. >> i don't know. i've been accused of something similar on this. it is hard as a person to sit there and answer that question. i think she looked incredibly uncomfortable. i think it's interesting how the movement has turned on hillary clinton. i thought when sheriff clark said that blacks are victims of the democratic party and what moderate liberalism has done to the black family. that was a very strong statement. it goes back to the theme in this election when you look at social welfare and handouts. some look at it as a safety net. others see it as a way to buy votes. others say it's a way to keep mine anotherim minorities enslaved. >> i think that's what black conservatives safety. there's a lot of truth to it. this is the 50th year after the moynihan report. if you look at conditions of black family out of wedlock births, poverty rates, unemployment you'd have to say
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something's wrong here and we need new answer. i don't think you can be without compassion. but i do think you've got to think about the fact that the old strategies have not played out, not been successful. but let me put you back on the spot. >> i thought i got through that. i mean it was an argument on the set of outnumbered. i mean, you don't want to talk about race. you don't want to talk about race. i think it was montell williams. and it is -- i mean, it is uncomfortable. sometimes you feel like it's hard to say anything right. >> kimberly? >> right? >> yeah. i mean, listen, i love this guy. i think he's fantastic. i hope he gets even more involved in the politics and the direction that the country is going. >> sheriff clark. >> absolutely. i think he is courageous, i think he's honest, he's authentic. and he's somebody that speaks to all people. and i love that. you've got to be inclusive. you can't sit there and say i'm just addressing one group. i think it's very insulting to say white people don't understand it. what are you talking about?
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you're part of the problem then if you're casting aspergss that way and speaking and labelling all white people saying they don't understand the issue or they can't relate. that's really not giving people much credit, is it? if that's what you're complaining about to begin with yet you're making the problem by putting other people down and putting people down by race or putting people down by gender. like open your mind and look to the individual and what's in that person's heart and mind and what are they showing you with their actions? >> and what hillary clinton said in that moment was, listen. you could fill yankee stadium and people could say all kind of lip service to you, brian. it's a matter of what your goals are. and what are the goals of your movement. she asked him and they couldn't tell her. >> again we like the way she directed the question didn't back down because she built up to that. she actually was told that her husband's administration was anti-black. so she kind of defended even him. but i will say this. we're in an impossible situation. if you come up to us and say there was slavery in this country 220 years ago and white
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people did it and i hold you responsible. what do you want me, melissa, greg and kimberly to say? number one by ancestors weren't even here at the time. if you want to talk about real issue and getting your pointer across and changing things do what steven a. smith said. he goes over to a college, addressed a bunch of students. all you guys and ladies do is vote democrat. make them work for your vote. tell republicans what they need to get your vote. go out and earn it. right now it's a layup forever democratic candidate therefore they have no power. >> i couldn't agree more. got to get out of the box of being taken for granted by the democrats or ignored by the republicans. but you know, audience, i've saved the best for last. because gregory has breaking news about somebody who's been faking it. >> i was just going to say, as a white person if you're uncomfortable talking about race, just say you're black. because you've seen that with rachel dolizar and now shawn
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king, of black lives matter turns out he may have been fic about being black. there he is. family members have come out and said that he's in fact white. but it doesn't matter. because identity these days is fluid. and hoaxes are acceptable if they further the truth. in these activist groups, a hate crime, a hate crime can be exposed as a hoax. but the response is, well, it probably happened somewhere. this is happening somewhere. so truth is doomed and hopes are ven rated. we've conflated identity with achievement. now pigment is somehow superior to productivity. so you have white people pretending to be black because it helps their career. >> it helps their career? >> i think there was a movie about that. >> what we're talking about here is do you have a credible movement? do you have a goal? who do you stand with? it's frustrating. >> identity obsession has now merged with victim culture. if you can get victim status by adopting a certain race, then you'll do it, which is what
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you've seen. >> okay. they're telling me i got to go. >> cousin? >> because yesterday he revealed his own lineage as the debate players talk about what to do with illegal immigration in american mexico is tightening its border security. mexico next. fact. fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. i needed work done around my house at a fair price.f sure can. so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? yup! or make a backyard pizza oven? oh yeah. i can almost taste it now. tastes like victory. and pepperoni...
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at pg&e wherever we work, we work hard to protect the environment. getting the job done safely so we can keep the lights on for everybody. because i live here i have a deeper connection to the community. and i want to see the community grow and thrive. every year we work with cities and schools to plant trees in our communities. the environment is there for my kids and future generations. together, we're building a better california.
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effect in a busy crossing of the u.s.-mexico border. pedestrians going to tijuana from san diego via the san ysi, dro crossing have to have a passport and staying more than a week they got to pay 20 bucks. the top immigration official says the change is about quote putting our house in order. greg gutfeld they want order at the border. >> it's almost as if they're requiring people to get in line and form an orderly process. it's like charging a cover to get into a club. got a stamp try to rub it onto your friends to get in? could i pose a weird question? why does the don't drink the water cliche' continue to persist? and you read up on travel when you read up on travel things when you're going to go to mexico they say as a rule you should not drink tap water. like how can a large country just accept that? do you know what i mean? >> that's a great point.
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>> how can you just accept that? i don't blame them for coming to the united states if you can't drink your own water. >> i knew you were going somewhere with it. i was hanging in there for you because i knew it. >> have you ever thought about that? >> recently i did and i asked somebody because i was curious about this. they said they don't have trouble drinking the water. >> they're used to drink their own water. >> is it the water table that is contaminated? is it distribution that's a problem? i don't know. but it's a cliche' because it's common. >> it's a complete non, sequiter. >> they had 170 were expelled from baja because they had outstanding warrants. they want to throw criminals out of mexico and back into the zbl u.s. >> they're listening to our news, reading this paper, they know what's going on. they've expanded the conversation and said we'll build that wall because we're afraid of americans and the criminal element coming in.
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i lived in san diego for awhile and would walk over to tijuana to do something truly mexican, go to hard rock. i would go there all the time. i'm thinking in retrospect why would i go to tijuana to go to hard rock? >> how weird that is? >> 20 bucks revenue generator? >> listen, good. clean your house up. we're going to clean our house up. pull it together. let's start observing and following the laws and make some money off of it, too. let them charge 20 bucks. >> the 20 buck fee that's right out of trump's play book. >> i think donald trump is now in charge of mexican immigration. >> unbelievable. >> whenever i'm in san diego they tell meet marines aren't even allowed to go over tijuana. >> not anymore. >> guess what happens. they go over there and things get out of control, baby. >> that's tijuana for you. one more thing is up next. i think she tried to kill us. no, it's only 15 calories. with reddi wip, fruit never sounded more delicious, with 15 calories per serving and real cream, the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy.
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so what i'm saying is, people like options. when you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. it don't matter, day or night. use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. the point is, you have options. oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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time for one more thing. let's go to juan. >> all right. so i'll begin with really a touching moment today. president carter down at the carter center in atlanta saying that the cancer has spread to his brain. from his liver. he said he's had part of his liver removed and he thought he would only have a few weeks left once he heard it had spread to his brain. now he's more hopeful. he also said the best thing in his life in 69 years was roslyn carter. but here he's talking about a mistake he made. >> anything you wish, sorry you had not done or that you'd done
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differently? >> i wish i'd sent one more helicopter to get the hostages and we would have rescued them. i would have been re-elected. but that may have -- >> well. talk about looking back. but he said what's interesting. he's not depressed much he's not angry. >> he looks great. god bless him. >> president carter as kimberly just said we are rooting for you. >> all right, k.g. >> i brought you a story earlier in the week about the first females to accomplish and achieve and graduate from the army ranger academy. and so now they've actually spoken publicly. so we're going to take a listen to that captain kirsten griest and first lieutenant shaye haver. >> it's definitely awesome to be part of the history of the ranger school in general. so graduating with these guys next to me. and the 90 plus other ranger students that will graduate tomorrow probably will be one of the highlights of my life. >> i'm just happy to be done with the course. i just came here to try to be a
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better leader and improve myself. i feel like i did that. >> all right. well done, ladies, an inspiration to us all especially the men at this table. >> they'll get deployed now. >> let's see. that's the next step. >> all right. time for dana perino news. dana has been out for a couple of days traveling around. she ended up returning, however, to the bristol motor speedway where she decided to take a few laps. i don't know if you can catch her here. but she had ended up there in a forbidden area of the speedway. >> people were afraid to approach her. >> well, she does bite she also has claws. there she got through. they had to suspend the racing for a few hours before dana could get back to her perch somewhere. >> her hutch. >> her hutch mu. >> first time in a 17-year career, one of the greatest players in any sport looked up to him more than anybody else
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had negative things said about him by his former general manager brian cashman. turns out in 2010 he said you had a bad year? i'd rather have a different player, troy tulowitski than you. i like the fact i was able to tell him something that bluntly because i was tired of his diva-like ways. i've never heard anybody talk about derek jeter like this. but general manager brian cashman at a major expose' in "sports illustrated" is nothing if he's not honest. he was very candid there. he doesn't want to throw his company's money out the streets. >> you love your sports. >> that's an interesting comment. >> it's an interesting marginal one more thing that no one cares about. >> oh, my gosh! so mean. >> let me go to one that everyone cares about. did you know that it is 119 days and 10 hours until the force awakens? yes. look at this picture of my family as we are completely ready for the force to reawaken. you'll notice we are building a death star lego while we are
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watching the six movies on loop. if you look closely at the table there we have an r 2 d 2 game of operation where you try to pull his little parts out. >> all right. we got to go. "special report." that's very strange. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier in washington. fox news has exclusively obtained a copy of the so-called side deal to president obama's nuclear agreement with iran that has led to another wave of opposition from critics. it clearly show allowing iran to conduct the inspections of one of its own major military facilities with ties toyota nuclear program. correspondent kevin corke is at the presidential vacation compound on martha's vineyard with these breaking details. good evening, kevin. >> reporter: good evening to you, bret. you are right about this document. very interesting. fox news exclusively obtaining a document dated july 11th,
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