tv Hannity FOX News August 21, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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>> so what do you think? is hillary clinton's campaign full of controversy? go to the kelly file. i'm shannon bream. this is "the kelly file." the hurricane is now hitting in south florida. a category 1 storm makin the hurricane is now hitting in south florida. a category 1 storm making landfall just south of ft. lauderdale. shepard, the wind has picked up considerably in the last 20 minutes. you can't even turn your face really in this direction because the wind and sand is blowing pretty hard. >> the better model of we're in pretty good agreement shifting more towards southeast louisiana and mississippi. >> out across areas towards new orleans you need to be watching this closely because we need to time it to evacuate over the
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next couple of days. >> we'd always heard about the big one, at least in my generation we had yet to experience anything like that. it was evident that this was the big one. >> mayor nagin was a little slow in expressing the need to evacuate new orleans. my name is andy card, and i was chief of staff to the president of the united states. he said i want to think about it. and he didn't need to think about it. >> the mayor won't order a mandatory evacuation, the governor won't order a mandatory evacuation. >> became a major hurricane category 3. >> i had my store to think about. i had the employees to think about. as well as myself. my name is doris neville, and i lived in new orleans east at the time of katrina. i didn't want to frighten them, so i opened shop. and i'm still waiting for nagin to say we need to evacuate.
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>> i don't want to panic you, but i want to make sure that you understand that there's a major hurricane that is in the gulf of mexico. >> we did have several people come up to us and say what are you doing? we're here for a hurricane. they said, oh, what hurricane? >> saturday august 27 is too late to start saying to your city that it is time to think about evacuating. >> my name's michael brown and i was the undersecretary of homeland security and the director of fema. >> we have had conference call after conference call with all of those governors including the mayor about how serious this is. >> it was not a natural disaster. it was an engineering failure. these l levees that were designed, built and constructed by the federal government
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failed. and when they failed, the city flooded. >> politics has certainly intervened in a way that the project was designed and constructed. the corps had proposed building gated structures. >> this is not new. it was new to people who arrived in new orleans the day before katrina say the levee failed. levees can always fail. my name is russell monterey, in 2005 i was a lieutenant general in the united states army. mission was simple, save lives, evacuate people, provide food, water and medicine to people. >> the ones who were in disbelief what are they going to do? they didn't make preparations. i brought my employees home, got my few things, jewelry, bank book, important papers, medication, five days of clothing. >> it becomes very routine. you're packing the same things over and over again, going through the same checklist as what to secure, what to bring with you. my name is drew ryan, born and raised in new orleans, louisiana. and it's back to reality after that. just come back home, everything's there. >> it's costly to evacuate. it's time consuming because of the traffic.
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i'm jamie miller. i live in metarie, louisiana. we did flood during katrina. so a lot of people say we'll just ride this one out. when i put the television on and saw the magnitude of the storm, i was scared. we left saturday evening. i think a lot of people were doing a wait and see. >> you could look over to the highway and see the cars slowly moving out. it's a very strange feeling, you know, when everybody's leaving to save their lives and you've got to go in there. >> i am getting ready to head down to baton rouge. so i call the president at the ranch in crawford. brownie, what do you want me to do? need to call the mayor. why? he hasn't ordered a mandatory evacuation. >> i think mayor nagin was worried if he ordered a mandatory evacuation then everybody would dump out of the hotels and restaurants and the city would lose money.
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douglas brinkly, author of the great deluge, tourism the big engine there. if you kick people out they may not come back again. >> one thing that does not happen in new orleans, the bars do not shut. they didn't shut for katrina. this whole thinking is very real, let the good times roll. every time i was ever in new orleans it was fun. ♪ >> new orleanians, we like to go with the flow, treat everybody fine. we all know each other even if we've never met. >> come out and take a picture with us over here. >> i was born and raised in an old place called lakeland, louisiana. i understood the culture in new orleans. i understood the people here.
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>> new orleans had different rules. i liked the accent. i like the way its people interact with each other. i love the music. >> the proliferation of jazz goes back a hundred years. back into world war i when musicians from here that served took jazz to europe. >> we call new orleans now the new new orleans and it's become a place we share with a working river in terms of cargo, tourism, economic development. >> new orleans is called the crescent city because the city was built on that high land thanks to the levees that exposed the bottom of the bowl. and that's where the ninth ward was. and that's where the lowlands were. >> this is my house today, my mom's house. ten years ago i couldn't stand here because i'd be under water as the water was up to the roof. but here we are a decade later. the sun is shining and new orleans is smiling once again.
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>> i grew up in the 13th ward. i can remember when i was a little girl sitting outside. and we didn't have street lights. it's like the dish. it's so many things all in one that makes new orleans a great city to live. and to make it my home. >> category 4 already. hurricane evacuations under way primarily most are voluntary at this point. interstate 10 heading towards baton rouge. the contraflow system is in place, which means all traffic is outbound only. >> on sunday the 28th of august, katrina was a powerful category 5 hurricane. >> i remember seeing the lines and lines of people outside the superdome on sunday waiting to get in. >> leaders here are warning that if residents do not heed the warnings to evacuate
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voluntarily, there may not be enough body bags to handle all of the casualties. >> the next morning it was definitely a sense of everything is very serious now because the hurricane was not jogging to the left or the right. at that point it was still coming dead on straight for new orleans as a cat 5. >> we would be doing a mandatory evacuation. >> mayor nagin didn't give us ample enough time to get out of here. when he decided to call mandatory evacuation, you had thousands of people trying to get out of this city. i lived in the lower ninth ward before and after katrina. i had just had back surgery. so i had issues about leaving here. my husband said we're going. >> we are fully prepared to not only help you during the storm, but after the storm. >> i remember about that conference call had to potentially be a pretty dangerous storm.
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the president acting pretty well to say we've got to be ready for this. >> it was also a conference call where we learned for the first time that mayor nagin had decided to use the new orleans superdome as a shelter of last resort. >> it was a voluntary evacuation all the way until sunday. and at that point people were lined up at the superdome. they figured that was the best shelter they could find. >> it started out the day as a shelter for those with special needs, but now for many it's their only option. >> we've all been warned early enough to get out. >> we were going to leave, but the car broke down. >> at that point on sunday before the storm hit you were there and you were not getting out. and essentially you had to ride it out. >> there was a 27-foot wall of water that came ashore and knocked almost everything down in its path.
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some of the towns like waveland were flat. marie callender's knows you may not have time to roll out a perfectly flaky crust that's made from scratch. or mix vegetables with all white meat chicken and a homemade gravy. but marie callender's does. just sit down and savor. marie callender's. it's time to savor.
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c300 sport sedan. but hurry, offers end august 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. ♪ it's about five minutes it's about five minutes after 5:00 a.m. and new orleans is standing, the lights are on though the water and sewer are still working. right now we're doing okay here, brian. >> this has to be a scary time for anybody in mississippi because it's dark, because lightning's crashing over there, because your power's out, because you can't see a darn thing. >> don't know exactly where it will make landfall, but right now it looks as if the area between new orleans and mobile. >> the real goal is to get to the worst spot and then to try and stay up and keep broadcasting.
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they know about new orleans so that's where we went. when the storm slightly missed us and we had a flood there, well, we weren't getting any calls out of waveland. there were no phones. >> about 7:00 if i remember right is when the water started coming in. of course we can't evacuate. i think there was 28 of us all together. my name is steven beil and i was an officer with waveland police department during hurricane katrina. i remember one of the officers opening the door and saying, hey, it's up to the tire. well, close the door. and within a couple minutes tried to open that door again and the door wouldn't open because of the pressure of the water. >> it was dark. the lights were out. once they kicked the board out, the water came rushing in on us. i'm teresa beeson, i was a patrol officer with waveland police department. it was just like a shock to come walking out and the water is waist deep on you. we couldn't believe that it was the gulf. >> in katrina the storm cells
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created easily six miles inland in many areas, but it can come in to the coastline with very dangerous batting waves on top of the surge almost like a bulldozer. >> i said we got to do something. i'm going to swim across and try to get up on that roof. >> i just saw that truck sitting there with the railing on the bed. and i said this looks like a pretty good place. i think i'll just hang onto this one. >> when i was on the roof, they estimated the water being 12 to 15 feet, and it was over the doorway. and you're looking down and seeing everybody like struggling in the water. >> i sat on the top of the truck and slid down to the hood of the truck and went to swim over to the flag pole. they pulled me over to the low roof where they got us up to the roof. i think we were probably there three, four hours. >> when the water started receding, we ended up just walking down the highway until the assistant chief was in a school bus and he came down looking for us because everybody thought we were gone.
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>> the storm surge was coming in from the east. my name is michael park. i was the acting chief of operations division for the new orleans district army corps of engineers. the flood wall catastrophically failed. and released a torrent of water into the lower ninth ward. in jefferson parish in the kenner communities, the parish president made a decision in the interest of the safety of the operators of the pump stations that they should be evacuated. >> i remember everybody thinking we really dodged a bullet. my name is mitch landrieu, i'm mayor of the city of new orleans. and it really wasn't until the levees broke when everything changed. >> we do have unconfirmed reports that there's 10 to 12 feet of water inside the levees. >> you know, everybody talks about the three big breaches,
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but there were 53 breaches. the pump houses failed. they were antiquated. people left pump house stations. the whole system was crumbling. >> we are getting reports of people trapped on top of their homes. earlier one guy calling on his cell phone to say he was climbing higher and higher as the water level came up. >> my mom would always have an axe in hand. why do you have an axe, she said if they evacuated into the attic and the water got that high, they would literally cut the hole in the roof to be able to escape outside of the house. when we realized the extent of the flooding, it truly became a dun kirk plan. my name is jimmy duckworth. during katrina i was united states coast guard lieutenant commander reserve. if it floats, bring it. >> but out of it you get some heroic rescue people. a group i call the cajun navy, people from western louisiana, southwestern louisiana, said let's get our boats. we have them. let's just use the waterways to get in there and rescue people
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by boat. >> the fact that lieutenant governor had to be in a position of a boat rescuing people means the system as it was designed on the federal, local and state level wasn't working. that's the first and most important thing to remember. but when you have a catastrophic event, it's all hands on deck. >> the second day after the storm there were over 80 helicopters in the air, many of them doing hoisting operations. so it was just target rich for things to do and people to save. >> canoes coming in with six people rescued as well as three people hanging on to the side. expectations that hundreds of bodies will eventually be found, people still reporting seeing bodies floating in water. >> there is a concrete levee near 17th street according to the mayor, which has been breached for three blocks. the army corps of engineers and the national guard are now working to drop 3,000-pound bags of sand on that levee to stop that place from bringing water
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into the city. >> 1,600 national guard troops have been mobilized here in mississippi. bodies are still being recovered and damages are only beginning to get assessed here. as you can see the devastation surrounds us just off the beach here. >> there was a 27-foot wall of water that came ashore. and knocked almost everything down in its path. some of the towns like waveland were flat. and other towns like biloxi and gulfport, they had maybe more substantial buildings, older homes that had been there for centuries. >> so many things are not where they normally are. this is a giant shipping container smashed into this house. if you look down the street you'll see dozens of those giant shipping containers and other things normally shipped have smashed into people's houses. >> this place over here is called the st. charles. this building here still standing but next door there was a twin to that building, an exact replica of that building has been completely destroyed.
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>> a majority of my rescues were from the rooftops of apartment buildings. my name is bryan hopkins, i'm a commander in the united states coast guard. during katrina i was a helicopter rescue pilot flying the 860. it can take from two to three minutes, typically, once we start getting a pattern in place. once to get five or six people in the aircraft it may take 15, 20 minutes. the folks that i rescued appeared very grateful that we were there to help them out. i could see in their eyes their distress. and there was oftentimes where we would pick up part of a family or portion of a family. we had the moral obligation once we dropped off half the family to come back and get the second half and try to reunite them at the dropoff location.
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these people have been trapped inside their homes or on this bridge for two days. these people have been trapped inside their homes or on this bridge for two days. i want to show you what we found when we went to the edge of the projects. at the beginning of the water that's contaminated with sewer and human remains. >> we need help. we really need help. the mayor and governor need to do something about this. we're drowning. >> clear to me they were derelict in duty. i'm surprised worse things didn't happen to them. >> nagin behaved badly before
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and after. >> not only behaved badly during katrina but behaved badly after it and he's paying for it by serving time in prison. >> mayor nagin didn't send the buses. wonder how he's dealing with that in jail. >> cause they're doing we're stuck up here in the heat, the project is flooded. >> officials were saying we're there and everything is fine. i was there and everything wasn't fine. >> they got old people on the bridge, can't get no water or nothing. >> we deployed 4 or 500 18-wheelers just outside the perimeter of what we thought would be the worst part of the disaster for food and cots and medicine. >> it collapsed. and there was nobody there to fix it in time to save lots of lives. >> they rented a helicopter for us to go to the superdome. we would bring in water and supplies for people who were stranded. i wanted to go inside and one of them said we're not letting you go inside the superdome. so i start taking numbers they want me to call relatives. and somebody says arthel, your cousin charline is here. my cousin who is missing is in here.
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he escorts me to an area where they can unlock the barricades. oh, this is -- oh, i'm so sorry you had to go through this. are you okay? are you okay? we hug and everybody's been looking for you. >> i had water up to here. i had to be rescued. >> these people have been standing here for three or four days by the time we got them out of here. and i think having grown up dirt poor myself, poor people have a patience about them. and they learn to wait. >> many guys i interviewed from the 82nd airborne said we were dying to get there three days sooner. they wanted in. let us in. >> in a disaster you're never on time. if you're on time, then you didn't have a disaster, you had an inconvenience. it's a lot different coming in your suv than it is coming in here with thousands of troops. so it's going to take a few days. that's why fema tell people they have three to five day supply of food and water. >> we had the rescue teams, we had everything.
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but you don't take the very people who are going to rescue people and put them in danger where they become victims and so now you have to rescue the rescuers. >> superdome was nowhere near prepared. they did not have proper water system, they didn't have a sanitation system. there were reports of horrible things happening that never happened. >> i got a call from general onere saying there were killings and rapes in the convention center. and none of that happened. >> so we were in the helicopter shot at us. i said, chief, you probably wouldn't be here. if a sniper shot at you. what happened is people would hear a helicopter and they went to shoot to try to get somebody's attention. >> the president of the united states on board air force one getting his own birdseye view. >> obviously looking down at floodwaters is different from being on the ground. he got criticized by everybody and had to leave crawford and come back to washington, d.c.
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it was recommended he take a look at the disaster from the air. >> he missed a moment though of leadership that somehow the country wanted the president to say we feel your pain, we feel that you're hurting. >> if anybody should be blamed about him looking out his window, it probably is me, the chief of staff. >> what really angered people with that his homeland security chief michael chertoff was in atlanta at an avian bird convention and saying new orleans isn't really flooding. it's not so bad, when the cameras were showing the city flooding. the problem with the bush administration is they believed the early report that the hurricane missed the big one and the levees were good. and when those levees started breaching, they never got themselves out of that hole. >> i've been unable to establish and unify command structure between the feds and state of louisiana. i have a unified command structure in mississippi and alabama. >> katrina denied us everything.
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so i don't like to point fingers at anyone and say they did a bad job. i think from the top to the bottom everyone did the very best that they could do. >> too many lives was lost unnecessarily. and that's what the survival mode, a lot of looting, food and everything else. >> national guard troops had m-16s with them because there was this aura that looting was about. >> i watched looting on tv, stealing vacuum cleaners, tvs. here you got a city full of water. what are you going to do with a vacuum cleaner, suck up the water? >> i think we've got to find a balance in what we call looting and what we call people doing survival mode. >> we got to steal from each other so we can survive and feed our children. >> you had 15,000 people at the convention center and they went into those hotels in some cases
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good evening. live from america's news headquarters i'm jackie ibanez. two americans leaping to action on a high speed european train. the men subdued the gunman who had opened fire. the pentagon says one of the soldiers was injured. two other people were hurt before the gunman was stopped. french officials confirming the suspect a 26-year-old moroccan. he is in custody. the train was traveling from amsterdam to paris. two people are dead after a shooting at a federal building in new york city tonight. police say a man walked into the building shooting and killing a security guard. the gunman then turned the weapon on himself. detectives are investigating what prompted the incident. the building where it happened houses immigration court, a passport center and a department
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of labor office. i'm jackie ibanez, now back to hurricane katrina, the storm of a lifetime. people here should know that. >> today the question i heard over and over and over again, where are the buses? >> there are a fleet of yellow school buses in a parking lot that nobody knew where the keys even were for them when katrina came. >> mike brown had told me he had 500 buses he could get into louisiana instantly. as it turned out in the fema bureaucracy the order for those buses was delayed.
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>> you can't just scoop up 500 buses in 24 hours and have them in new orleans. the airlines had offered to take people out. amtrak offered trains. if they'd ordered a mandatory evacuation, we could have gotten buses there in advance. >> they didn't want to stand up and say this is what we're going to do. they completely failed us. >> i think that the american public got in '05 was a version of events that allowed a narrative to attack the federal government, and in particular attack george bush and i was the vehicle for attacking george bush. >> the bush administration tried to scapegoat governor blanco, but michael brown became the sacrificial lamb. >> mike brown earned lots of criticism. i think some was false criticism, was political rather than substantive. when he became the story, he was not allowed to be part of a solution.
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>> live from the astrodome in houston where behind me in this building there are about 4,000 people who have come from the superdome in new orleans. >> there's a much better place than what you might have had, you know, in other kind of shelters at times. >> don't tell me 40,000 people are coming here. they're not here. it's too doggone late. now get off your [ bleep ] and let's do something. and let's fix the biggest [ bleep ] crisis in the history of this country. >> i think his rant made sense if it would have come two days earlier. mayor nagin i think had some kind of a brokedown. he gave himself a vertical evacuation up to the top floors of the hyatt where he kind of blocked everybody out and hid. >> brownie, you're doing a heck of a job. >> michael brown had earned kudos and compliments for his ability to respond to hurricanes in the past. >> the president says i want to thank fema who's working day and
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night as hard as they can to have a plan. >> brownie, you're doing a heck of a job. >> and i cringed instantly. because he's getting ready to see, and the press already knows how bad things are in louisiana. >> i think he was reflecting the comments by governors and others who were observing what mike brown and fema were doing. remember, we were getting high marks about what was happening in mississippi and alabama. >> president bush that first trip met individually with governor blanco and then with mayor nagin. >> gave nagin a shower and clean set of clothes and satellite phone and try to keep him from opening his mouth. >> he went in the bathroom and locked himself in the bathroom so he was a man who had a shaved head so he was shaving his head perfectly. they're waiting where's the mayor, he's in the bathroom, what's he doing. they finally had to kick the door and say will you get out here, we have a meeting.
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>> that's when i recommended we federalize, we take over all the response away from the state of louisiana and we actually start drawing up the paperwork. and he's given governor blanco 24 hours to think about it. >> i promise you george w. bush cares deeply about african-americans. the problem is pre-katrina. it was a city not prepared for disaster. i'm very critical of president bush, but he did not build the bad levee. >> i had gotten a midnight call from the white house. they were still trying to get us to federalize. and i was still saying i need law enforcement. >> president bush was very frustrated because he deeply cared about the victims of hurricane katrina. but he was powerless to help them if the governor did not make the request. so she had to put down her specific challenges and fill out
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the paperwork. the governor of alabama, the governor of mississippi both filled out their paperwork. >> she understands the political ramifications as a governor of giving up control of her state to the federal government when she says no. >> governor blanco tried to do her very best. she did not have a lot of experience, and it was an all-consuming event that no one could get under control. i write about presidents for a living. and i promise you fdr would not have hesitated over a governor of louisiana. you just go in. you are the federal government. it became a paper chase, a bureaucratic shuffle. >> but once onore got down there and took control, he was able to bring the kind of sensibility and leadership to the situation. >> he was the type of man that didn't tolerate no foolishness. he believed in fair law and order.
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>> when he talks, people listen. and they needed on the ground leadership like that. >> i think he famously said, don't get stuck on stupid. and there were a lot of people stuck on stupid in the process. i brought in some protein to get us moving. i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. it's a calling. a love affair. a quest.
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we need some help out here. we've been out here for six days. >> the rest of the city had flooded, so there was no way to get to and from the convention center via ground. they had their household belongings, they had their pets, they had everything that they still owned. >> this has been an incredible transformation. here after the most incredible air lift in our nation's history what was a crowd well over 10,000 desperate people has now been reduced to just a few hundred. >> other states opened their doors so people were scattered all around the country. which was not good news for mayor nagin nor to governor blanco because they didn't want people abandoning louisiana. >> it's going to get bad next three or four or five days. it's going to be 30 to 60 days before they can pump water down. >> what have you seen today?
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>> initially there were a lot of boats that took a lot of people out. but the folks don't want to leave. >> come here and talk to me. >> what do you say to those people? >> we'll just try to convince them they need to come on out. if the water doesn't get them, then, you know, time will. >> well, i'm going to stay. >> i finally get an opportunity to go home in new orleans east. right now if i wanted to drive home, i can't go. if i wanted to go see my dad, i can't go. we've been in the boat, i'm disoriented because the water is so high, i see tops of street signs. this is my house. i saw it sitting there soaking up to the roof. soaking in that dirty, filthy, smelly water. and i just -- i mean, i lost it. i turned to the camera and i said, mom, it's okay, i don't want you to get sick, okay?
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we're going to be fine. going to be good. >> former presidents bush and clinton today visiting houston and meeting with refugees at the astrodome. the current president put them in charge of raising money for the relief effort. >> recovery's going to take years. we need to help these gulf coast communities. and of course the great city of new orleans. >> nothing we do can be an adequate response to the agony that we have seen. >> well, i didn't expect to be watching tv watching the coverage and watching the water rise and looking at my house sitting in the middle of the street. i said, lord, my dogs, i seen one of my dogs on tv sitting on my house. >> the head of fema took our fox crew down hard to reach st. bernard's parish. 70,000 had called this place home. very few remain today. mike brown was our escort in st. bernard's parish today.
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>> michael brown was the director of fema. and he was taking a lot of shots. >> he wants to get his story out. fema's not a first responder, i don't have cops and firefighters. i would estimate we had 60% of the city under water. even some areas where the water was as high as the rooftops you're now starting to see part of the building. >> search and rescue operations continue today in the city's ninth ward, one of the areas with the hardest flooding. many of the hold-outs are the elderly. >> it is almost a crime that you can have a storm of this size barrelling toward a major american city and not evacuate a senior citizen center. >> one of the things people want us to do here is to play a blame game. what i'm interested is helping save lives. that's what i want to do.
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>> we drove up and down that coast for days. we went to one town one day, another town the next day and they'd say have you been to waveland yet? >> the town of waveland no longer exists. hundreds and hundreds of homes are gone. >> the affected area covers 90,000 square miles. >> home after home after home, nothing but mounds, piles of debris. but that debris is actually someone's life, someone's home. >> the water came in and sucked stuff back out. i don't even know where my house wound up. it's probably back out in the gulf at some point. it didn't land anywhere where i could find it. >> the fema director michael brown who was last week praised by the president for doing, quote, a heck of a job, is no longer in a job down here at least. he's being replaced by the coast guard vice admiral thad allen. >> we serve at the pleasure of
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the president. and mike brown was not part of the solution. he gave definition to the problem. and that in itself was a problem. >> in addition to all the other criticism of brown, "time" magazine today reported that brown may have embellished his resume. >> the media's pounding on me, and, you know, it's really horrible. my family's watching all of this. and they're horrified by it. >> when reporters asked brown if he was quitting, chertoff shut them down. >> i'm going to answer the questions. >> in washington you soon find who your friends are and who they're not. and to find the people you worked with that, you supported, that you met every challenge they gave to you, to walk away and stab you in the back like that.
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>> so much of what we call americanism emanates from this city unlike any other city. we provide seafood and oil and gas and are much stronger than we were ten years ago. >> i think the story is still relevant because it's not over. new orleans still seems to be a city in transition that is still trying to figure out what it is and what it is going to be. >> i remember a big concert in new york, called from the big apple to the big easy. so it was a big fundraiser from madison square garden and the neville brothers performed there. >> i was able to get my money and rebuild. i invited all the congressional
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leaders to come into my home and show them how happy i was to be in a home instead of a trailer. >> my mom built a home in texas and lived there for a while and finally said she wanted to go back home. she went back in her home that was ravi ravished by katrina, i able to move back in my room. >> we were able to cook. it took us about a year before we were able to fix up the home and move back in. >> the heroes in my mind were the local police and firefighters who were there every day and night trying to save their towns, even though they had lost everything. they focused on helping others. >> i was supposed to be there on that day. and -- you know, professionally it was the best day of my life, really. i got to help save my friends, you know, and that is something that i won't ever forget.
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>> it's been ten years. it's still tough sometimes. but we're just like survivors. you know, we did it -- >> the community has done a lot with debris and sculpture, talking about scraps that were in the city making monuments and memorials. >> years after the storm you could drive around and stop at a stop sign and look over and be reminded of the storm. and they found some bodies in that house. >> louisiana has done a marvelous job, particularly their display of having lights representing victims. >> the super dome is repaired and more beautiful than it was before. so the city has really done well in the post-katrina years. a lot of federal money flowing in the city. >> but the big question is, will the levees break again? >> i'll say it is the best place
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for flood reduction from storm surge. we certainly learned that this system was not an integrated system that was ready to face a threat like hurricane katrina. >> if the levees didn't fail this would have been a bad storm. that was the game-changer. because the city flooded. >> there was a hurricane model submitted to congress prior to this that explained exactly what would happen had a storm actually hit new orleans. >> the hurricane showed so many weaknesses. >> hurricane pam was pretty much a waste of time because people just said well, we got this. >> katrina has become a political football. and many people who look back on katrina see it through
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ideological glass. >> it is a great story, we need to remember what happened. but let's remember the people of new orleans are robust people. so when my husband started getting better dental checkups than me, i decided to go pro... with crest pro-health advanced. my mouth is getting healthier. my teeth are getting stronger. this crest toothpaste is superior in five areas. great checkup. you pay your auto insurance every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies,
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