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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  August 22, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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thanks for watching this special edition of the factor. i'm jesse waters. bill o'reilly will be back on monday. and president tonight on "red eye," lieu lieutenant haber and captain grice are the first two women to graduate from army school. does this mean that girls rule and boys drool? and what is more american than a bald eagle? donald trump with a bald eagle. and will hillary clinton be -- be paid the same as a man? first, a news break. >> live from america's news headquarters, i'm jackie ibanez. two admonishes -- americans leaping to action during an attack on a high speed european train. the service members subdued
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the gunman who opened fire. the pentagon says one of the soldiers was injured. two other people were hurt before the gunman was stopped. french officials are confirming the suspect, a 26-year-old moroccan is in custody. the train was traveling from amsterdam to paris. two people are dead after a shooting a the a federal building in new york city on friday. police say a man walked into the building shooting and killing a security guard. the gunman then turned the weapon on himself. detectives are investigating what prompted the incident. the building where it happened houses immigration court, a passport center and a department of labor office. a mistrial declared in the case of a police shooting after the jury deadlocks. white police officer randall kerrick was on trial for voluntary manslaughter in connection with the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man in 2013. kerrick shot jonathan ferrell, you can see him there, a former a and m football player, while trying to subdue
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him. protests began in charlotte just minutes after the mistrial was announced. and a jury awarding former chicago bulls superstar michael jordan nearly $9 million for the use of his name without permission. jordan sued the now defunct domino's grocery chain for using his name in an ad. he is as proud as the championships jordan helped bring the windy city, but said the award should be more -- no more than $126,000. now back to "red eye." for your headlines go to fox >> welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shillue. let's check in with tv's andy levey at the news desk. >> on behalf of all of us, happy senior citizens day.
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>> thanks, but -- >> but proclamation of ronald reagan it is to show value and contribution of elderly people like you, tom. >> seriously, i am not -- >> as the great communicator said, we owe you and your fellow citizens our thanks and a heart felt salute. >> i am like two months older than you. >> shut up, old man. >> let's welcome our guests. anyone who says we don't make anything in america just look at her. joanne nosuchunsky. remember, viewers, tonight's ticket stub is redeemable for one free beacon. andrew styles. he is so smart he uses 11% of his brain. and he has been on conan and inside amy schumer and running from the police since 1995. sitting next to me is comedian mark norman.
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he co-hosts the pod cast with stories. >> you got it right. >> let's start the show. >> gi joe? more like gi joanne. on friday shane haber and captain kristen grist were the first two women to graduate from the u.s. army ranger school. the first woman to become a navy seal was of course, demi moore in 1997. the rangers began admitting women into the grueling nine-week qualifying course and many thought they cooperate compete without lowering standards. their accomplishments showed that, quote, we can ham things physically and mentally on the same level as men. here are the two proud kick ass ladies speaking at the student panel. >> no woman that i know wanted to go to ranger school if they changed the standards. then it degrades what the tab
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means. it would lower training for everyone. it would reduce that quality of training for the entire army. >> i think if females come to this course, they can been urge cked -- be encouraged by what we have accomplished, but hopefully they are encouraged by what the ranger community has left. >> do you feel less safe? >> no. i will say that as a general policy i don't like to make any jokes about any woman who knows at least 600 different ways to kill me. i think the only thing i will say about this is congratulations to completing this course. the only thing that is seen in that clip is the only difference between a male ranger and a female ranger may be that they use about five times as many words to describe the same thing. >> they were good. very articulate. >> i am not surprised they graduated, but they seem extra special tough. they are not your average gal, right? >> i get sick of this women is just as strong as men and they are just as strong as
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nurturing. it is like saying black guys are better at basketball than white guys. wouldn't you say? >> yes, some people say that. i hate when we blanket everything. >> i think it is women -- i think they were worried it would lower the standards when they were taking women to the fire department and they would change the standard, right? they didn't do that. these women are qualified and so they should be rangers, right? >> the physical aspect as least they have down. i just don't know if they can mentally prepare for living in the desert with a bunch of dudes and the smells and the sounds. >> women are strong if that mental department. i would think physical, that was the first thing they would have to overcome, but that they could play the mental game as any guy.
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guys can be cry babies, can't they? >> obviously. i would be crying if they approached me in a dark alley. i am not going to sneak. >> speaking of the mental aspect though. definitely you need somebody who is strong emotionally, physically, mentally. they could offer something else too when it comes to these combat missions. it is a different way of thinking. men and women do think differently. so maybe instead of from a to b they think of a way to get around. you know what i mean? it could be beneficial because you do have someone who does think differently on your people. >> that's right. and they are great at cleaning up and cooking meals in the desert. >> oh boy. well the phones are lighting up. >> 600 different ways. >> they have it going on, but here is what the "new york times" mentioned that the women are carrying a burden now. they are aware. but really are they carrying a
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burden? they are special women. they are not like every woman. what is the burden? >> being awesome. >> it is hard to be awesome. >> is the idea that they are representing all women -- they are not. these women are not -- they are not like other women. >> that's move offensive saying you have to do it for us women. stop putting them on a pedastool. >> not all women are rhonda rousy. you wouldn't get them into a range and you don't expect every woman to go out and do what these women are going to do. >> do you think the j's psyche will kick in and he will be more protective than the women in his unit? >> i am not sure. i believe one of them said or one of the men who was in that group with these women when they graduated said when ever we would do these drills she would volunteer to take the extra weight. so i mean, i don't know.
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i think it really depends on the individuals who are in the group. i think they really get to know each other very well. i think within any group dynamic you have people taking on more than others and i really don't think it is because of gender that happens. >> donald trump poses for a photo with a bald eagle. he said it was an honor for the bird. he is the cover boy this week. and inside he is pictured standing in his 25th floor office in new york city holding the national emblem of the united states. the inspiration for the pic was an ad for pistachios. actually the inspiration was trump's slogan, make america great again. he said he is very difficult to photograph. if you ask him to look up a little bit, he says no. or he just doesn't do it. >> that's the spirit of america. >> he literally has one angle. i ask him to smile and then he goes back to his look -- to
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his blue steel look. i don't know what he is talking about. trull p has plenty of looks besides blue steel. let's look at some of them. >> see, a lot of variation there. >> he looks like he is holding in a crab all the time. >> is that what it is? >> it is that get to the bathroom and get through this photo. >> the donald has landed. he is on "time" magazine. we have to accept it, right? >> i have been skeptical of donald trump. i am not a huge fan.
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if he takes the eagles as a running mate i am all in. he feeds to go tulsa lad damir pew -- he needs to go full vladimir putin. >> should he do it shirtless? >> i am not sure it would be a good look for him. >> as long as he has the make america great hat on. he would be fine. >> he looks great with an eagle, but i think an eagle would look great with the trump do. >> yes, the bald eagle. >> that's the problem. it is a bald eagle. >> there we grow. >> how did they do that? >> that's making america great again. >> did you see our production team? >> they are good. >> i all for the eagle with the wig. >> i would like to see the eagle latch on and fly off with it. >> yeah, i was surprised that the photo shoot was not interrupted by the eagle being distracted and thinking that it was a ferret.
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>> haven't you seen him? he touches the hair and pulls back the hair line. >> i would like to see him jump in a pool and get out of it. that's what i want to see. >> he did the ice bucket challenge last year. >> did he? >> he did. he did the ice bucket challenge last year. they dumped water on his head and it seems to have stayed. >> i have seen trump pull back the hair and he shows it is his real hair. you doubt it? you think it is a rug on his head? >> it is real, but it is eight miles long and folded over. >> that takes a lot of work. >> so does running the country. >> i think it was mrs. truman said about douglas mcarthur, never trust a man who parts his hair in his arm pit. >> you act like you recognize that quote. >> have i a quote a day by my bed. have i a quote a day by my bed. >> i want everybody to read your columns because they are fantastic and smart.
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>> i am going to read this. the republican party is in danger of becoming a white identity party. what do you mean by that? >> so, in europe you have a lot of -- in the democratic coalition you have a lot of identity politics that goes on. targeting specific groups and pitting them against other groups. one of the dangers you have in america right now is that the republican party could turn out to emulate the european right. you have these populous parties that throw off rage at other ethnic groups and things of that nature. i am concerned that donald trump is tapping into a lot of the same sentiments in america. >> in europe they have many, many parties. then you have one far right. what if the republicans are able to use trump and fuse it with the traditional republicans? then they will be unstoppable. >> that's hard to do. what you need to do is synthesize the rage against government frustration with the political elite into something that is beneficial as opposed to
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turning it into we are going to play to the 28% of americans or whatever who want to put a bunch of illegal immigrants in train cars and just deport them all. that's a dangerous proposition. >> next story, since the hillary clinton e-mail story first broke, the former secretary of state said she didn't send or receive information that was classified at the time. now routers reports 30 e-mails including foreign government information which according to regulations is always presumed to be classified, or as one former u.s. official puts it, it was born classified, like lady gaga, right? at a town hall event in las vegas, a little girl who was absolutely, positively and in no way a clinton campaign plant asked hillary a delightful question. >> do you theng -- think when you are president you will be paid as much as you would if you were a male?
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>> did you all hear her question? oh my goodness. well, this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. >> that's cute, isn't it? >> i would ask that same question to caitlyn jenner. >> exactly. >> did caitlyn's pay go down? >> it should if we are being fair to her being a woman, you are a woman. >> i hadn't thought of that. >> how could you down with the struggle without the struggle? >> that girl was not a plant, was she? that was an honest to goodness question from a little girl? >> absolutely. at no point did they reveal any robot hardware underneath the face. what is lovely about this is
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you -- tiers off -- first off, she will never be paid the same for being president. but he is likely to be paid for being a convict. at this point, the response -- the next question i would have had if i were actually the little girl and i was actually asking the question was something like in order to be president, do you have to marry a far more charizmatic man to bring you along and make up for all of your weaknesses as a politician to get to where you are? there are just so many other questions to ask. >> maybe you have to follow them around. obviously she is taking questions from regular americans. it could work. andrew, do you think hillary will be able to weasel her way out and not talk about the e-mails and just talk about woman stuff? >> probably. you see this girl in the audience that happens to be there and probably had to sign a disclosure form, but i think on senior citizen day the question is will you be paid more because you are so old? older people make more than
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younger people and that is discrimination as well. >> they are running away with the money, aren't they? >> these freaking boomers, they have all of the money. >> the movie ticket for an old person is like half off. >> joanne, hillary's biggest mistake was wearing the orange papt suit, -- pant suit, don't you? >> oh yeah. it is getting more press than it should. can we stick to the issues, people in like the wiping of the server. can we stop talking about the orange jump suit? >> i was kidding. is there a lot of talk about the orange pant suit? >> yeah. >> that would have been another question for the girl to ask. what kind of cloth is best to wipe a server with. >> they don't make child actors like they used to. they used to go off book and this girl stuck to her line. come on. i wanted more juice. >> she had the right
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inflection. if she was an actress, she was acting well. >> she is definitely an actress. >> that pant suit looks like "deep space 9". do we have a picture? i thought we add picture. >> oh there goes my [bleep]. it went back down. coming up, on-line mops. it must be a story about the hoards of my adoring fan fans.
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has social media become a voice for the choiceless? they ask if they deliver injustice as people share their grievances with their followers in assisted of -- instead of calling the cops.
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a woman who outed her ex-boyfriend as an abuser and a cheater publicly sharing his name and work info on facebook. he denies the accusations, but it won't stop the death threats he receives. shared by rolling stone and smeared an entire fraternity without proof of wrongdoing. gavin mcginnis wrote an article whose mission statement is we believe all thinking is relevant. and someone started a campaign that resulted in his entire life being shutdown. everything. his company and the whole deal. this kind of cyber revenge justice makes it easy to assign guilt. and it bestows a lot of power on a few bitter, angry people who don't want justice. they want to push people who don't think like them. mark, you were nodding your head at the end of my monologue there. >> i agree. i like what you said there. h pho f post is the -- huff post is the same way.
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>> do they come after you? >> all the time. they say they want equality, but they want to win. they want it the way the other people have it. >> that's true. the people who say they want a world of love and peace are the angriest ones. is that right? >> here, here. i agree completely. >> fantastic. ben this is public shaming. it is going back to the puritan days. >> that would be more healthy. you get the tomatoes in your face. it is like you are always in the stocade. it is toxic and there is no standard of proof. you can make any claim you want. and then you have to deal with it and in terms of this situation we don't know anything about the truth. i have to say i feel more sympathy for mark. here is somebody that does comedy and in this environment it is like if you say one joke
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that goes over that line you have to deal with people linking the youtube and saying look how terrible this guy is and complaining to their parent when they are on campus and stuff like that. that's got to suck. >> how much did he pay you to say that? that is a nice tsa there. >> this is my agent. >> in the end it does drum up publicity, right? i guess the wrong kind. >> the wrong kind. then you are labeled a racist and a homophobe. you don't even know me. it is just wild accusations. then they don't apologize. >> the left never has to apologize. isn't that right? >> exactly. i think we should take a step back and celebrate the innovation that the internet has brought to go anonymously threaten somebody is an ordeal. you have to look up their address and slip a note under their door or post an angry letter in a public square. >> remember cutting up the newspaper to make your note so no one can recognize your hand
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writing? >> i have wonderful proof because after criticizing donald trump i have really gotten some excellent hate plail. mail. i wouldn't have gotten that for weeks. and now i get this you are a jew immediately. >> i think the -- a lot of the trump supporters, they are all hyped up. the thing is if you read your articles you are not anti--trump. >> not that much. >> that's the thing. people will selectively read or they know something about the person who is offended and coming to their defense because they have one thing in common or they see something in them that they have themselves. then it is a greater -- like they are championing for being the underdog. but what happens is it is similar to freedom of speech. you can't say you are for freedom of speech by silencing everyone else. >> sing it, sister. i completely agree. they hear these trigger words and jump on it and try to be a hero. they don't really care about
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the injustice. they just want to be a hero. i told a joke. i said a friend of mine, a black guy -- somebody yells out, who says he has to be black? i don't know. his parents? it is huh hereditary? >> everyone knows joke about white people only. how about justin saco, do you remember her name? has justin landed? she made an aids joke which we have all done. she tweeted a joke about aids which was inappropriate, but she got on a plane and by the time she got off the plane she was fired from her job. >> someone actually met her a airport and there were pictures. it is insane. >> has justine landed and a hash tag where everybody celebrated her being fired and she didn't even know it. >> on behalf of all people we will celebrate this person
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getting fired. >> taking somebody's job is insane. >> that's what happens. well, coming up, everyone's favorite chosen person, tv's andy levey returns with half time. stick around for that.
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live from america's news
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headquarters, i am jackie ibanez. republican front runner donald trump is rallying thousands of supporters. he vowed to build a wall dividing the u.s. and mexico. he also attacked the obama's administration with iran calling it, quote, so sad. and he promised to repeal and replace obamacare. the billionaire businessman is promising to bring strength and prosperity back to the country. >> i oftentimes say the american dream is dead, but i'm going to make it bigger and stronger and more powerful than ever before. i am going to be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. i will tell you this. i will tell you. >> donald trump is leading the republican pack, but despite closing the gap on hillary clinton, he is still trailing her in head to head polls meantime two female soldiers making history. there they are. they are now the first women to graduate from the army's
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elite ranger school. ranger training is considered one of the most difficult courses in the army pushing physical and mental limits with little food or sleep. before this spring the school allowed only men to enroll. and wildfires if washington state are so out of control and chaotic right now that authorities say they have no idea how many homes are lost. the group of fires that killed three firefighters earlier this week has blown up. growing more than 100 square miles in a day to more than 250 square miles. president obama is signing an emergency declaration authorizing federal help. i'm jackie ibanez. now back to. back to fox and you are watching the most powerful name in news. fox newschannel. >> welcome back. it is time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tv's andy levey in the
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"red eye" news deck. hi, andy. >> tom, you sound a little hoarse. >> did you hear that? i am drinking tea with honey instead of my usual coffee. >> did something happen? >> i think that it was yesterday we did a thing called the power of torn. i did 10 takes in the booth. i was trying to get my rock and roll on. i did like 10 takes. can we play that? >> ♪ that's the power of starns ♪ ♪ the power of starns >> andy, that's what did it. >> it was that second power where you probably lost it. >> the best reason for being hoarse ever.
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>> power of start, best reason. >> you said as a general policy you don't like to make jokes about women who know 600 ways to kill you. i would like to commend you on your wisdom, first and foremost. i feel like that is all women. >> at least 600 ways to crush your soul. >> some may take 30, 40, 50 years. >> you said you get sick of hearing all women are just as tough as men and we shouldn't make blanket statements. tough, yes, strong, no. we shouldn't make that blanket statement. >> sure. you know, the childbirth is impressive. i've heard. >> it doesn't look -- i mean, whatever. >> they are laying down, come on. the whole time. hours.
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>> they made a baby inside themselves. >> the guy did a lot of the work. >> they cut the cord. the cord isn't easy. >> i am now being told it is more work from the woman. andrew you said that these two women have the physical stuff down, but you don't know if they are mentally prepared to live with stinky dudes in the desert. i totally get. but as joanne pointed out their platoon mates basically said -- one said no matter how bad she was hurting she would volunteer to grab more weight and i would trust her with my life. another one said she would -- he was getting tired of carrying the heavy machine gun. the other guys didn't want to help out and she took it from him and almost with excitement. i feel like maybe they will be okay.
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>> maybe. it would be great for the guys to give them their stuff to carry. >> i worry from that, andy, that do women then feel like they have to take that on? are they then going to sort of run themselves rag ged? and are they doing too much to prove they can? i don't know. this hasn't happened. >> tom, you seem to to the really understand why these women or why a big deal is being made that they represent more than just themselves. is that right? >> i still don't understand that. >> so like when jackie robinson was the first african-american baseball player in the major leagues, that had nothing to do with anyone else. it was about him? >> i am drawing a chart, andy and it is just to show you -- >> does it have anything to do with what we are talking about? >> this big circle is all people, men and women. and then this tiny circle are
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the people who can be seals. and then it is tons of men and only a couple of women. most women can't do it. they are not representing all women. they are representing totally crazy women who are like physically amazing. >> but they are representing women who want to do it. >> yeah. god bless them. >> okay. >> for the record, tom drew a swastika. >> joe, you said women think differently. do you think they will try to talk to the enemy instead of kill them? >> you know what, maybe it could be a new kind of interrogation tactic. maybe? >> just nagging? >> you said that. i didn't. >> i can make jokes like this because i am a feminist. >> that's true.
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it is meta what you just said. >> and write mean things about them on the internet. >> i enjoyed your column on how trump could turn the party to white political politics. >> i had wonderful and thoughtful and cogent and respectful responses. and only about half of them made some anti-sametic or racial comment. >> for the record, ben, are you jewish? >> i am not jewish. i am puerto rican and dutch and irish so commence with your -- >> on the other hand, welcome. >> thank you. >> mark, you said you would like to see trump -- you were talking about his hair expwow like to see trump jump in a pool and get out of it. how about not get out of it? it is a joke. >> too far. >> none of those women comments were too far, but
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that's too far. >> hillary e-mails. tom, you noted the former official who said information regarding foreign governments is boring and classified. i believe it is a choice also i got the sense that at least some of you thought that the girl who asked hillary about equal pay was a plant. >> i can't believe you would cully the good clinton name by suggesting her campaign may do something about that. what do you make of hillary's latest attempt at poo-pooing the e-mail thing. she said our ridiculous classification rules are the real problem. >> i don't know. i think she has been going with a helpless grandmother defense. maybe that will work for her. she doesn't know how to use a fax machine. she wipes the server with a cloth. >> ben, did you have a question? were you raising your hand? >> no. i think the whole -- you know,
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response to everything, that's what we will get for the next, you know, year and a half. >> how does this stuff work? nobody really thoughs? go to best buy and take care of everything. >> but put me in charge of the nukes. >> definitely. >> ben, you said you think the stock cade is better justice than on-line mob justice? [no audio]. >> you are allowed to out people with fetishes. >> it is sad, but true. >>, ma, you don't like being called -- mark, you don't like being called racist, sexist and homophobic? >> i don't have time for all three, come on. >> start with one. see how that goes. >> i like the jews.
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i give them my rent and they hire me. >> you can't say you are for freedom of speech by silencing everyone else. sure you can. i'm done. >> time to take a break. more stories when we come back.
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the author of such award-winning as decorations as freedom and the corrections revealed in a new interview that he once considered adopting an iraqi war orphan so as to better under young people. at the time he felt alien thatted from the younger -- alienated from the younger generation saying i thought they were idealistic and angry. he gave up on the idea after hissed for suggested he just meet some new university graduates in assisted, which he said, quote, cured me of my anger at young people. problem solved. twitter had a field day making fun of old man franzen. tweeting, i considered wearing a diaper for a year because i don't understand what babies even are. jonathon franzen adopting a kid to understand the youth is like buying a laundromat to figure out where all of your socks are going in the wash. and considering adopting
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jonathon franzen to figure out whatnot to say in interviews. that's a good one. >> that's the best thing he has ever said. >> and andy levey tweeted, you're crazy if you think today's story will stop people from continuing to pretend they read the corrections. that's a real burn. >> burn! >> joanne, you are one of these young people franzen was trying to relate to. what was he talking about? >> why was it the generations are trying to understand each other? why is that necessary? each one think these are superior to the other -- each one thinks they are superior to the other. what is fascinating is, two things, he was considering adopting, but changed his mind because hissed for helped him change his mind and not his family. hissed for. and he also decided after he met with the university students he felt a little more comfortable with these young people. after meeting university students i would want to never speak to young people ever
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again. especially today these young kids are awful. they are awful. >> i absolutely great. i absolutely agree. >> kids these days. >> is the job of an author dissuade you from kids? >> it makes me as an editor feel like sometimes we do matter. >> who is that guy? >> i am also glad it didn't happen because i'm sure this iraqi war orphan would have been thrilled to come to the states and have this author grill him for insight into teenage american angst and dysfunction here. >> isn't that what everyone was making fun of? come olet's face it. an iraqi war orphan, he would have a great time. he got a great home with a pool in the back. your dad is a famous writer. they would have loved it. >> he is essentially the white you kanye west. let's start with that.
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and then looking at the situation to joanne's point, why would you want to understand mill 11 y'alls? millennials? they were begot by the worst generations? it is like spending time with young people is something i generally try to avoid in my daily life as opposed to saying i really need to get down and understand what is going on with you. >> doesn't he meed to know -- >> young people don't read. come on. >> you tweet. >> you are the opposite of jared fogle, by the way. he is trying to avoid young people. let me just say this though, what's his name? >> franzen. >> he is in his 40s and this is the weirdest midlife crisis ever. get a corvette. not an iraqi boy. the wife must be freaking out? you want an iraqi boy? get a months do miata, you --
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get a mazda miata, you weird owe. >> my wife said i don't care what he says. he is a good author. have you read his books? >> i have not. they look big and intimidating, but she says they are great and she likes the books. we will close things out with a bedtime story. >> ♪ the power of starn ♪ the power of starn
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we were over. >> when's we heard we shall overcome. i am referring to bernie sanders album. his version of this land is your land spoke to all of us. and now deeper cuts from the album have surfaced. i give you more bernie. >> for thousands of years and every nation on this earth, men and women have put their lives on the line, believing that freedom and human dignity were often more important than life itself. >> fantastic. let's hear another. >> banks are made of marble with god in every door. and the vaults are stuffed
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with silver. >> i need more sanders. >> where have all the soldiers gone? longtime passings. where have all the soldiers gone? longtime ago. >> now -- one more. >> on this earth there will be peace, there will be justice, there will be human brotherhood. >> i am starting to get this. i am starting to get this. i laughed at first, but the more you listen to it, it is soothing. >> it is no power of starns. it is endearing. he is an old school socialist with no frills. we don't need so many different brands of deoderant. you don't need inflection in a song. he is old school. >> i like the great talk singers like rex harrison and people like that. do you think he is up there on
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the level with them? >> well, you know, william shatner was an excellent spoken word album. he is the peak of it. and listening to it, this is kind of the same thing, but for somebody who is much more capable of dealing with society or anything like that. much more crippled. >> andy, i forgot to mention you are on the panel again. that always happens. >> it does. i forget to address and mark norman had to do a gig. thank you for filling in. >> do you want to talk about the story? >> yes. >> for some reason i felt like i was about to be bar mitzvahed again. then play the tape again and i remember who he reminds me of. >> do you care for a snack of some kind? i have the snack wells which are very popular, although i think sometimes with the so-called fat free cookies
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people may over indulge. he is the rabbi on "seinfield". >> we can put the music behind that rabbi and it would sound the same. fantastic. joanne, are you becoming a fan of bernie's music like i am? >> i support the arts, but i don't think we should be setting the barlow for the arts. the bar low. i don't like this at all. what is awful too is during any debate i am going to be hearing him and hearing the sing songiness in his voice. that's a problem. >> it is not so much the spoken word, but bernie has been singing all along. >> that's all i hear now. my ear is now conditioned to think of it as the next spoken word album. maybe it is his politics. maybe if it was ronald reagan on the album i would feel differently.
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special thanks to joanne nosuchunsky. look at him sitting there. that does it for me. i'm tom shillue. see you next time. pwhat've we got? 5. bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy
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12:59 am
1:00 am
set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "the five" "special report" is next. i'm bret baier in washington. this is a fox news alert. they are trying to pick up the pieces tonight on wall street after the dow's worst day in four years. the industrial average plunged 531 points today. the s&p 500 lost 65. the nasdaq dropped 171. for the week the dow and the s&p 500 both lost almost 6 percentage points. nasdaq was down almost 7. take a look at this chart. showing the track of this week's dow drop. and today was the biggest one-day point loss since august 8th, 2011. let's get some analysis now of what's going on. joining us from our sister network, fox busin


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