tv The Five FOX News August 22, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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do odd prettycal bed fellows have never shared the same nest, but there are a number of similarities between them. here you have a couple of antiestablishment forks with crazy hair and even crazier ideas. but the one thing tying both of them together is they're both sick to death of this american nightmare. >> who breed that the american people are prepared to take on the economic and political establishment of america?
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>> donald, if i uplifting thoughts? would you like to complete that sentence? >> the american dream is dead. >> so wonderful. and they're both obsessed with money. >> i'm not using donors. irf don't care. i'm really rich. >> prepared to take on the billionaires who apparently are not content to have ten or $20 billion in wealth. they feel the need toid a have e and more and more. >> i'd be content with that. it's not just the rhetoric. there fox is a stunning amount f philosophical overlap between them starting with immigration. people think this election cycle only goes something like this. >> they're bringing crime, they're rapists and some i good people. >> but bernie isn't exactly mr. open borders. >> is it really true that we can't find america workers to do those jobs? frankly, i don't believe it. >> yeah, they're saying the same
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thing and don't get these two loved bird started on free trade. >> i'm not for a trade bill that will continue the race to the bottom and at that could cost us hundreds of thousands of millions. >> i think nafta has been a total disaster. >> at least they're worlds apart on fun control, right? >> very strong on the second amendment. i am a second amendment professional. i love the second amendment. >> this is socialist standards. the colonel of communism. surely he hates guns. no. not so fast. he has been denounced as a gun nut by other leftists and once had the support of the nra. what the populists feed to do is combine forces, throw the system into total chaos and make it rain. can you imagine trump-sanders on one wild ticket? guns, fair trade and donald trump's money for everyone? what could possibly go wrong? that would be so right. tonight is this hillary
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clinton's worst week ever? there are so many to choose from and we will do just that. iran will reportedly use its own weapons inspectors as part of the nuclear deal. you tonight even have to worry about anything. they're totally self monitoring and the drug war is going so badly that philadelphia and police department has resorted to using old saved by the bell ads that are make you want to smoke something. i'm glad you're here. i'm kennedy. the bizarre and simultaneous rise of donald trump and bernie sanders is one of the great political dramas of our time.nt so let's talk with the party panel. joining me right now is co-host of "red eye" and comedian joe dm la de la devito and one of the sharpest minds of his generation.
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let's discuss some of these similarities. how close are these two if terms of philosophical populism? >> they're almost exactly the same. you actually used the word we should bethey using. populism and the fact that people think that donald trumpm. is a republican, i mean, he was a democrat how long ago? r five years ago. he's vacillated on almost every position. he's hit upon something that works. populism usually does work for a short period of time. pat buchanan did it. but ultimately people are going to back away because bernie sanders is sitting electric -- there going like this. that's the only difference. i don't know why i made him my -- >> i think with a they're both doing is they're appealing to emotions, making different waves, but both of those appeals, while they are emotional, it's letting people know if you're frustrated with this establishment, we are the ones --
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>> we're going to replace it with something even dumber. that's essentially the argument. no free trade. my the way, i notice for the first time in the clip had he says some of the immigrants. that should have preceded rapists instead of afterwards. he's like, and some of them are good people. >> that was the tack on. what is it about these two that you see resonating with voters? >> i think it's the quality of voice. at the both have very distinctive voices and you could just fall asleep to that. it's funny. the two political parties, you have the two circles and kind of if the middle that's where bernie sanders and trump meet and really that's the nucleus. that's the core of that voter philosophy, that angst and it gets to a point where when you have the two create opposite sides, when you're so angsty, it meets if the middle and you flip right over. so there is a lot of acrobatics happening in this campaign and i at this of bernie sanders and trump ticket could be an
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interesting one. >> i hope at some point -- they won't can't be president. but at some point they could realistically logically and hopefully join forces because i think that would be phenomenal. if we are circling the drain, if this has turned into utter political chaos, then why not have them be together? but what is it about them? is it the hair? >> no. i think we are knee has -- bernie has had enough of them crossing into vermont. it's a long trip to get there. the pelting pot that is vermont, of course. let's not forget the culture of diversity. if you have a vin diagram, that's sort of labeled -- this might sound crazy and that's where they find their connection. i think what people like is that these guys who are both i don't want to say outside the system, because bernie sanders has been around for several decades. but you get the feeling they're
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not lying to you. that even if -- you're hearing well, it may be a crack pot idea, but at least they're serious about it. >> or they're representing their own establishment. if they are anti-anti, it's against the two parties, which should make democrats and republicans very nervous. >> that is a good point pause the people who are amused by this rhetoric are the people that are going to go out and vote in primaries. people who think that if you think the country is going down the toilet and it's going to the dogs and trade has ruined everything and immigration, you are the type of person that is going to latch on to this type of person and vote in the primary. not necessarily the one who will vote if the general election. this is why you never see them -- >> as you were saying, it's very difficult to sustain that. >> yes. >> and the f oment usually doesn't last for the ten months fess. hillary clinton and donald trump pay be leading their packs. but according to a new
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quinnipiac poll, one undeclared candidate could best them all, plea it or not. joe biden. he's now polling as well as or better than clinton against top gop candidates if three swing states, which aren't very important. florida, ohio, pennsylvania. no one lives there. no one votes there. oh, wait a second. so is a biden campaign coming? i don't know. what do you think? the hypothetical biden -- >> one must keep it as a hypothetical. the real biden might be a disaster. i think biden fits into that same kind of category of people who speak their minds. this is what we always talk about. pie calcinesly once said that a gaffe is when a politician was telling the truth. this is what biden does. we say another gaffe from him. but he speaks. his mind. >> ha better campaign cycle could you have -- >> better than people ho just don't think before they talk.
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so it seems to be -- unfortunately for im, it's on tinges like d the item of indias that own dunkin' donuts. if you don't remember at that, look it up. >> we could spend all night. i reallyl hope people do. i hope they if down that joe biden rabbit hole 'cause it's worth is he just biding his time? physical hillary fully implodes? >> i don't know. i think right now with a he's got going for him, his most appealing characteristic is that he's not hillary clinton. he's got that coveted what else you got vote because when you n look at hillary -- >> that's not working for jim webb or lincoln chaffey. >> nobody has any idea about those guys. >> i think what biden has done from a career of saying these bizarre, crazy, uncle things, he's built up a weird kind of reverse equity so that -- at this point, with a are you going to bring up? he plagiarism. that sounds almost quaint now because nobody died from his
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plagiarizing a speech. >> yeah. you could say benghazi. bill deal. i stole words. i dave them back. what are you going to do? i got a billion dollars. maybe he doesn't. is he too ordinary? >> no. all of the means at that i have seen says he is more than ordinary, which i think would serve hillary well, going down that biden rabbit hole as you said, would really i think help her campaign because right now we're focusing on her 'causee that's kind of all that there is. and i wouldn't be surprised ifth biden does jump in because people crows to him, people close to hillary who know thatau something is going to be revealed very soon about hillary's e-mail account. >> oh, mercy. >> are pushing to get biden in because they know they need a strong candidate. >> he has a fantastic laugh. our panel will stick around and talk a little bit about who reportedly will inspect the
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iranian nuclear site. and then pro wrestling's long relationship with donald trump and his body guard. which of these people is not body guarded? the answer is coming up a little bit later. stay right here up later. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we're making hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. you don't have to be a member to buy their services directly at but members save more on special offers. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today.
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it's what you do. go on kitty, kitty... ♪ ♪ kennedy: welcome back a deal with the iranian agreement over the likely weapons sites. it will be a iran. to save on commuting time and travel expense is but is there any possible downside using the honor system with nuclear weapons? not at all. so who is having a worse week the iran deal or the hillary clinton's server?
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>> that is up punchline to have a problem? but to give us the same piece of mine when the catholic church said they conducted their own investigations now that takes care of that. >> removed them over here. >> there is only one self examination and the y new do-it-yourself in the shower in the morning. >> what do we get out of this deal? could have been negotiated worse? what could be more in depth than the when investigators? >> john kerry cannot get a nobel peace prize he says he has not even read the side deal? but i could not bring the papers with me.
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and then the general director said he is bound by secrecy and cannot talk about it. what is going on? >> first of all, i do appreciate, i do trust them. everything is cool. there has ben some controversy about the actual story if what they reported is accurate that you pointed out the most important thing is it's a side deal and it is ideal number two. what is number one? it is like a game show. [laughter] kennedy: i just wanted a turkey sandwich. this is a horrible deal. >> but the fact there is a secret side deal whether
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american or canadian would be allowed and it is a nuclear site that has not been in use since 2003. it is important to was stablish. >> but it is the guy with that question mark all over the suit? >> isn't this giving tom brady access to the game balls during the national anthem? >> i never want to blame the victim but you are asking for it if you allow iran to do their own searches we cannot even trustor own government workers with the toxic spill and watching porn and nukes are the role
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more dangerous some may say. >> so the river has a little bit of zinc? [laughter] >> don't blame the victim. [laughter] take that out of context. >> our panel will return later is this hillary clinton's worst we ever? but first the great wall of the trump. is this plan bad economics? next. 73% of americans try... cook healthy meals. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day men's 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure
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kennedy: donald trump is flushing out the proposed immigration planned to the point of seeming security barriers. >> i know how to build and to get it done. we will have a great wall to throw up the great wall of trompe. it will be a great wall and actually it could be good looking. kennedy: it will be great. he said he was just being facetious but his plans to include deporting 12 million immigrants even those with the high-tech work visa. breaking it down let's discuss the economics. >> what would it cost to
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deport 12 million people? >> hundreds of billions of dollars. 12 million people the average cost of one is 12 and a half thousand dollars multiplied over 12 million it is $150 billion that is just to apprehend and transport to get them now. then how do you keep them out? that is another 300 billion and sold 700 billion al based over the course of 10 or 20 years it is the enormous. kennedy: we cannot bear that burden and that is why bernie sanders and trumped unison on to a similar bet what are the opportunity cost? getting into this isolationism i jokingly referred to which as splendid isolation but how does that affect the economy? >> talk about 12 million
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that are 6% of the labor force 1.5 trillion of economic activity like taking texas to take it out of the u.s. economy and that is huge but if you think about illegal workers like they are cancer you are not cutting out a cancer but it hobbles the economy do have to pay attention to the opportunity cost they're doing valuable activity if you remove them there are huge unintended consequences >> to make it cheaper for americans who like to buy stuff. >> part of the reason it is catching on is the idea that people come from other countries can take jobs from americans is it true? >> is the long way to talk about it if they're stealing
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jobs and we're stealing jobs than i have it did i steal a job? no. i am having kids someday they will compete are they stealing? no. they will probably be working together so it is the wrong way to frame it it is not economics works. kennedy: that is what gets frustrating then maybe i over simplify but doesn't that grow the economy? >> it does. you cannot think of work in the high-stakes some to do value-added activities that creates opportunities won a lower rate wager madrid takes a job it gives them the opportunity to reinvest somewhere else that creates opportunities for
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native-born americans as well so there is the wind when economics is not the big issue but we are falsely doing that. kennedy: and sanders wants to give free college in expand entitlements it sounds great but at the same time the wall of the border they do say they are for american so me and this is what it cost to support cradle to grave it is not viable. >> as soccer player actually passes out please stay right passes out please stay right here. why should over two hundred years of citi history matter to you? well, because it tells us something powerful about progress: that whether times are good or bad, people and their ideas will continue to move the world forward.
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storm". number one. bad lipreading makes me love electricity and america of the recent debate got the treatment that they look like a match the lip movements over the video. please watch. >> i just wanted regular potatoes but guess what so did other people. >> that was that maybe. >> that was a gentle toward. >> i always take it shopping >> i don't know how to do this. >> if there is of pimple live senior house i will throw what. >>
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♪ [laughter] kennedy: that is a beautiful. any night of the week. number two. we showed you the campaign trail of marco rubio with the football. [laughter] now the senator is turning it into a campaign cash to sell t-shirts with the self mockery sauternes into bumper stickers. there really 82 cell helmets'. -- it is embarrassing when you get your pictures back
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to realize your children were almost obliterated by the world war ii water mine. that explosive disguise itself with a camouflage of barnacles laying out on a beach where they were climbing all over it. nothing deadly happened. but authorities could remove the explosive to make it the domain of sharks. number four. one couple decides to forgo discussions about granite connors -- countertops in refrigerator paneling by using this as their model. the the the us census -- from "the simpsons".
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themselves as terrible as they are naturally. if you have any weird stories tweet me @kennedy nation and also on instagram. #"topical storm". coming up the panel returns what would he do review was declared king? what are the thoughts of their given the crown? iwill will ask the panel. real cheese people pack uber flavor into ultra thin. sargento ultra thin slices with just 45 calories a slice- that's 45 reasons to layer, stack sneak, peek, beg, like, love. sargento- we're real cheese people. did you know that meeting your daily protein needs actually helps to support your muscle health? boost® high protein nutritional drink can help you
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tough week for hillary clinton and. the press conference nearly plundered and descenders is gobbling up the weight of the party so is this the worst we've ever? so please rate these three weeks. this week or monica week and the week she married bill clinton? >> this week it is in third place behind the using that nomination to obama followed by clinton swapping cigar tips now this is in third place but this could be the worst that knocks her out of the game forever.
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>> you never know she is, pounding from her life there is so many monica is pretty high and there but you did point out i could make a pretty convincing argument that was the best week of her life because there's so much electricity in their relationship without that marriage i don't think there is any screwups even my water was a very good. >> but she skated out all those bad weeks. kennedy: is this the one that ends up with the worst week of her life? you think it is a gash on the forehead? >> i think the worst are yet to come because it is like she has a head wound to and
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she is wondering where everyone is asking her about this gash on her forehead. why is everyone so concerned as blood is pouring down her face. is an issue it is supportive you add your being and her character and voters are responding to that. kennedy: her spokesperson said the decline you get to the person in your -- to the point you are talking about wiping servers you were at the end of legitimate questions. >> really the first legitimate question in the campaign so why are you wiping servers? but short of taking the place to smash them you cannot so they will find out what they were trying to hide. >> and judge napolitano said
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that its destruction if you know, that this is coming she could have put herself in even deeper trouble if that is possible. recently john kasich revealed this be a disease. >> if i was caving in i would abolish all teachers' lounges where they sit together. >> dream bigger what would the panel to? we are about to amend the constitution and. and while we are adding why not just added king or a queen? >> i would make my favorite holiday black friday and national holiday feast to haiti and i would be
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bartending would have to work my shift and get it covers so i could shop all that when anyone to work everybody should enjoy to put that money into the economy. kennedy: but the teachers' lounge is the place of of orgy and the methamphetamine cooking. [laughter] >> jim 40 new olds vote? >> est. juvenile platform. >> alice cooper crank in the background. ♪ no homework. >> what good gene michael do? >> it is in a different country. [laughter] you just sit back to collect taxpayer money and do
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nothing that is what king does kore a dictator doesn't have the same residence. [laughter] but the teachers lounge because the top of communist activity. [laughter] raleigh cigarettes to talk about the soviets. what on earth? [laughter] kennedy: the vice principal? [laughter] >> maybe the building reference is forthcoming. [laughter] kennedy: you want to strike a chord. for those people to connect that is with the philadelphia police department has done. >> creasy. dangerous. stinks'. in one word would i use dope? note -- nope.
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>> i and the police commissioner ramsey. i have a great idea for the new season. don't do drugs. kennedy: now in fairness they said there were just trying to get people to look at the social media page not making a statement but congratulations that worked. there is a spike of drug use in philadelphia they are trying to erase that image. >> i feel that i always used to watch "saved by the bell" bin now should i? [laughter] that was enjoyable spirit that was part of the psa they recorded. >> three favorite episode
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was the caffeine pills. >> that is no one. >> you're right. >> the best thing about this they did not spend a lot of time just by pasting of face on the monitor. [laughter] kennedy: why didn't they use the cast of falcon crest? [laughter] is great. and i think justin diamond. [laughter] if you have a knife to not smoke though read. -- the weed. but then they tell people not to do drugs then he had
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drug use. kennedy: it is very sad. except where the majority has full recreational medical -- marijuana. >> california and colorado? >> you get a prescription on the beach. [laughter] kennedy: thanks. a great night. viewer mail is minutes away but first we will talk about the relationship between trump and the world of wrestling.
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kennedy: a professional race letter and made a giant a former celebrity bodyguard which has tyrus not guarded? the answer is lincoln chafee for kobe he is working with me right now. >> nice to see you again. tell me about guarding mike tyson is that the admission you could kick jim? >> first of all, when reseats other is funny but we did a few things together but before that i used to bodyguard for the nephew in
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los angeles he ran a club band would have surging gas to come at night and said any age you to take care of this guy. >> i was the guy inside to protected them and everytime might cave is you have him. kennedy: did you ever have to protect him? >> no. you hear bad things but he was a class act. kennedy: who was your favorite? >> schaede was the nicest. she always remembered my name. kennedy: did you get her pregnant? direct a court case is out with that. that was nice. she was in it and a real-estate deal they were back-and-forth.
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kennedy: that is with the of mechanical pool. how did you go to new wrestling? >> fighting. breaking up the fight between relief to small guys fighting over a woman who ironically had already left there was no end game. >> have you ever heard somebody other than yourself ? >> a guy hit me with the table my sciatica exploded but then i got the book. [laughter]
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do you watch the news? i know you are into politics >> i broke him in on bill maher then i like bill via the because he says stuff like what? said he is so passionate he tells it like it is said he doesn't care. >> i know donald trump is longer affiliated with rustling and you are a strong supporter? >> one simple fact is he has thick skin he says what is on his mind we have become so sensitive then 15 seconds of fame then it offends anybody cannot save the thank you cannot crack a joke or have fun and he tells it like it is we have had nice guys in the white house, a dumb guys of the never had a bad guy.
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may be wrestling world needs to look at that blakey is the businessman and from what i have seen i know i am minority but he just sees green. i make jokes all the time he is the new uncle sam. kennedy: i don't know if everybody of color shares your view. >> look what he really said he was talking about specific in the goals but not latino's says the whole but there's not many dutch people taking it over from mexico. >> one of their gold members? that would be awesome. kennedy: day you have children? >> i have a three year-old son on monday and my the
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>> i am a big fan because you are so informed with a great sense of humor and don't take yourself too seriously. kennedy: let's talk about the 2016 race. >> give sanders is a real socialist his slogan will be you can get on my yard -- though lot. >> it makes no difference which you vote for either way your planet is too much. and hillary for prison. >> all new episodes monday through thursday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on fox business network and follow me on twitter and facebook and through e-mail. thanks for watching the
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show. good night. hello. i'm greg jarrett. >> i'm molly line. topping the fuss, high drama on a high speed train in france. the if you details about the foiled shooting as the brave americans who tackled an armed suspect speak out about the terrifying ordeal. >> at that point i looked back and the guy with an ak entered the cabin. me and my friend got down and i said, basically let's go. >> dry winds fueling deadly wildfires out west spreading the flames in one area by 10pi
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