tv The Five FOX News August 29, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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ambush of a sheriff's deputy. they say he's fail charges in the killing of sheriff darren goforth who was gunned down while pumping gas into his patrol car. i'll have more. guess what, lou dobbs will be back. in the meantime, thank you for coming by. ♪ kennedy: well, hello, you. i am watching interesting movement in the polls, which holds great news if you are a real estate tycoon, a real estate tycoon,
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i don't know if that's good or bad. trump was arrogant. i wonder which of these three has done the better job of cementing a preferred perception in voters' heads. arrogant. charlie leduff dives in a police shooting. when is it appropriate to chat on your cell phone? movies, funerals? at the same time we will clarify your phone etiquette and new york's mayor is trying to back down on topless women in times
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square. i guess i'm out of a hobby. i'm going to hit the streets to ask people more or less nudity in new york. glad you're here. i'm kennedy >> vice president joe biden -- joe biden polling much better than hillary clinton in a general matchup versus top republicans. the trouble in hillary land continues. welcome the party panel. it's melissa francis, co-host of "after the bell" on fox business. an incredible week on that show. jimmy fala, comedian who shot a one hour special. and andy levy, good friend and great co-host of "red eye." welcome. >> thank you. >> you're all blond haired, blue eyes. boy, do i feel outnumbered. melissa, i'll start with you. why is biden besting trump in this latest quinnipiac poll? >> boy, that's a tough one
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because they're both whacky and fun and over the top and just a delight to watch. they each need have their own shows all the time. they're definitely rating. i can't tear myself away from the television when they're on. >> those are some similarities. but whatever the campaigning and governorring styles? >> we don't know anything about trump's governing style. we know a lot about his campaigning style. he just gets out there and is wildly entertaining and says whatever he wants. i have a new verb called trumping. >> like krumpen. >> yeah. >> wildly entertaining guy. >> so andy what, does joe have to do, given this information, what does he have to do to actually make it to a general election, 'cause there is a big difference between being the guy who is not running and getting great preliminary numbers. >> that's the thing. he's not even in the race yet. a lot could change for him if he declares as a candidate and faces fresh scrutiny. but i think what you're seeing is a couple things. there are a lot of people who really don't like hillary
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clinton. and sometimes you do better in a poll when you're not actually running. biden is a likeable person. hillary is not. biden also just went through the horrible, horrible experience of losing a child. i think there is a lot of natural sympathy for him. that might be reflected in the poll numbers. he's america's slightly creepy but likeable uncle. >> yeah. who smells clavicle. >> he does weird -- >> just a good sniff. >> he does weird, vaguely creepy stuff and people chuckle and say, oh, joe. there you go again. >> i know. but it's as though we're discovering joe biden for the first time. is he coming of old age? >> that is what's going on, to andy's point. he hasn't faced any scrutiny as a noncandidate. >> but he has. he ran for president and lost twice. >> that stuff will come up again. like the plagiarism issue. which he says that's not true, four score and seven years ago. >> great speech, though. >> there it is. lay off joe. he has a dream. >> super fun the second time around. will we grow to hate him?
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>> yes. i think if we have more exposure to him. i think that's what's going on with everybody else. we see so much of them. >> remember, hillary's numbers were sky high when she resigned as secretary of state. when she was no longer holding that appointed position. people really liked her. she's only gone downhill from there. like the stock market. when are we going to see the bottom of her numbers? it sounds dirty and i didn't mean to. >> you apologize. >> i don't want to see the bottom of her numbers. no, i think the white house is behind this joe biden thing. i think they're the ones that are putting him out here, that this goes back to that feud that will never die between the obamas and the clintons and they saw the perfect time to push joe biden back into the race and that they're going to stand behind him and push him further out. i think she's in real trouble. i think it was neil cavuto who said a while ago that she will ultimately not be the nominee. it's really starting to feel like that. >> yeah. that net inevitability was looming. that's what has been annoying so many people, especially independent voters. the idea that there would be this coronation of a horrible
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candidate who is ethically questionable. >> that's the thing, as you mentioned in that quinnipiac poll, the three top words that people used to describe her were liar, untrustworthy and -- >> liar. >> that's the other one. >> criminal will work its way up there. but the -- >> but not smooth. >> no. no. that's ben carson. so the fourth one was experience. >> yeah. >> what's what she's running on. if that's being beaten by owes other three words, not a good sign. maybe not as much as jeb bush where people think of him as his name and that's not a good thing. that's got to hurt. >> the first negative word that comes to mind. i've always thought levy is a fine adjective. >> thank you. >> hillary clinton is staying a drumming over her e-mails. now she says she's so sorry and she'll be incredibly transparent. wonderful. >> clearly wasn't the best choice. i should have used two e-mails.
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one personal, one for work. and i take responsibility for that decision. and i want to be as transparent as possible, which is why i turned over 55,000 pages, why i've turned over my server. >> wow. >> that clears that up. talk about the responsibility you have in knowing that some of the information that you send and receive might possibly be reclassified at some point. >> no. i know. she was sure to get that in when she said it wasn't marked classified. she's so bad at line reading. you see her looking down, it's like when you watch snl and they have fresh lines and the actors are reading off the cue cards. that's what i feel when you watch her do that. she's so bad at it. you would think by this time she could give a strong convincing answer. but i guess there isn't one so she can't do it. all i know is i could have come up with a better, stronger lie
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by now. >> she's not good on her feet. >> no. >> you say she's like tom brady. >> she should choose him as a running mate. she keeps reminding us she turned over 55,000 e-mails. yeah, out of 4 million. like tom brady, i fully cooperated. i gave 12 hours of testimony. yeah, after you destroyed your cell phone and told the ball boy you would get aaron hernandez after him. fully cooperated. >> i'll get aaron hernandez to beat you up. so i think that joe biden knows what a wmb are buried. does that make me -- >> i'm not a conspiracy theorist, but. >> it's a big but. >> it is a big but. yeah. look, with hillary, it's like first of all, oh, wow, you take responsibility for something you wow. congratulations. super brave. i should have used two e-mails, one for work and one for personal e-mails. thanks for finally figuring out what every 12-year-old knew.
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the first thing they would think of is i should use my personal e-mail to and my work e-mail. this is more -- it's poll tested nonsense. she tried being flip and making her cloth joke and she and her team saw that went over really, really badly. >> you know what's going to happen? joe biden is going to use that political cloth and he's going to wipe her personal server clean. what? what? the panel is returning in moments because donald trump is gaining in the polls. ben carson building up steam. charlie leduff dives into a controversial police shooting. who should we believe there? charlie went after that. that's coming up. stay tuned
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yes, we are twins. when i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name of my parents and my grandparents. i was getting all these leaves and i was going back generation after generation. you start to see documents and you see signatures of people that you've never met. i mean, you don't know these people,
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but you feel like you do. you get connected to them. i wish that i could get into a time machine and go back 100 years, 200 years and just meet these people. being on ancestry just made me feel like i belonged somewhere. discover your story. start searching for free now at ben carson comes in second jeb and rubio are all tied, stuck like a big wad of gum in third pace. are outsiders going to storm the gop primary? my panel is back. it's melissa francis and -- so
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trump will be the nominee. >> you know what? that's fine. i'm done with this. i don't care anymore. if republicans want him, go with god. >> you sound like a parent whose 18-year-old -- who announced they're going to get a bald eagle on their face. >> there has always been a segment of this country's population that is susceptible to a demagogue. we've done much better in actually electing those people generally. maybe it's our turn. maybe it's our turn to be a third world nation electing an insecure bully out of fear and anger and maybe it's just that time. >> so here is how i see ben carson. ben carson is like a firefighter. people love firefighters. they're brave and they go in and rescue things. most politicians are lawyers and lawyers are like cops and people are always kind offed scared of cops. that's why people like ben carson, 'cause he's got that yummy doctor, you're going to save my life thing. >> i like it, but i liked in
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your intro where you is said he's the quiet storm. to me, that's really what it's all about. >> you're going to be having babies when he's elected. >> he's like the super cool dude and trump is on fire. together what they tell you is that people don't want a politician. that's the only thing these two guys have in common is they're not politicians. >> i like how you see similarities. you're like a human rorschach test. jimmy, you say ben carson is a democrat's worst nightmare. why? >> there is nothing the left hates more than a black conservative. you talk about heads exploding. the anti-thieves of everything they stand for. that's inflammatory. i think what's going to happen with trump, though, and i think the best thing is ranked third or fourth, he's a reality show candidate. this is not part of the process right now. we're not running on substance. this is reality tv. i think as the campaign goes on, 'cause we're 16 months out, we're going to start caring about the real message. right now he's just popular.
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>> i have such bad news. no one ever cares about substance in an election. it never comes down to that. it says so many bad things about our country. but nobody ends up focusing on that. >> that's like bobby jindal and others are saying, if they care about substance, woo hoo. what is bobby jindal think is going to happen? does he think every other candidate is going to get in a doomed bus headed for atlantic city, the driver will get distracted and they'll head over a cliff? >> yeah. >> and then bobby will be the last one standing? >> absolutely. there is a lot to be said for that. >> totally possible. >> bless his bones, he's a really nice, lovely person. but i don't see most of these guys -- >> most of them -- it's still early. because we work in this business, we feel like this election has been going on for the last 20 years. it's still really early in the process. i get why there are people in it who are polling really low, like jindal who aren't going to be around for that much longer.
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but they'll be around another couple months. maybe into early 2016. >> not going to be around that much longer. has ben carson told you something? this is awful. no, it's not. don't worry. the panel will be back a little later. and charlie leduff is back. this time investigating eyewitness accounts in the wake of mysterious police shooting in detroit. later, the panel, they're going to react to this. >> what do you think of the painted women? would you ever do that? >> yeah. >> they make good money, right? >> yes, they do these two oil rigs look the same.
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>> eyewitnesses claim otherwise. >> a fugitive task force went into a detroit home last april looking for terrence killam a 20-year-old robbery suspect. the black man ended up dead. the federal agent who shot him said the suspect dropped through a hole in the attic and came at him wielding a hammer. the father claims his son was unarmed and was the victim of a police assassination. recently the wayne county prosecutor ruled in favor of the agent. no charges will be brought. in the current climate of america, it's important to say that the federal agent is also black, as is the prosecutor. the pizza guy is white. >> yes. black lives matter. of course they matter. but you know what else matters? credible fact matter.
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supportable evidence matters. proofable evidence matters. doing justice matters. and the truth matters. >> all right. do people ultimately want to believe whatever they want after police shootings? welcome charlie leduff, good to have you back on the show. >> hey, kennedy. >> so you investigated this. you went and talked to terrence's dad. what did you find in your investigation? >> i found that there is a guy that's hurting. the son is a punk and that the evidence matches the agent's testimony. apparently he squeezed through a hole in the attic, dropped into a bedroom and came out with a hammer. the family says it's impossible. a baby couldn't fit through that hole. so i went through the hole. >> you went through the hole. you're apparently 60 pounds heavier, according to your piece. terrence is only 110 pounds,
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little guy. but he fit through a small hole. and this federal agent said that he had a hammer. now, here is the difference and here is why i take issue with this story. and i understand his dad is hurting and that is the worst thing a human being could go through, i believe, is losing a child, because to you, that person will always be your baby no matter what kind of record they have. and i understand his father's pain. but when the task force came to the door, the dad lied and said his son wasn't there. >> yeah, go to youtube, you can see the story. but that's exactly right. it's a lie. listen, if it was me and i come from a place, you come from a place, it's my mom's house, i'm coming down 'cause that's what you'll bring on her. the point here is we got issues in america. but everybody keep a cool head. you can even go back to ferguson, the ballistics match what wilson said. everybody keep a cool head and let's decide the cases we want to complain about based on the evidence, not what you want to
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feel. it's not getting any of us anywhere. >> all right. charlie -- >> come to the door and turn yourself in. >> when you asked terrence's dad if he wished that the cop were white, what did he say? >> i said do you think you would have got more attention nationwide if the cop was white? and he said yeah, of course. 'cause that's what you see in the news and that's what you expect. and probably that's the confusion built in here. here is the cop, but he's black. right? so where do we go with that? another fact of the matter is, twice as many white people are killed by police across this country every year than blacks. and hispanics, 50% of that. meaning there is an issue all over with police and people without money, right? what are we going to do, make it all about race? are we going to say we got issues as a society? there is no two sides. there is 50 sides in this
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country. let's stop burning stuff down because we perceive everything to be the same when it's not. here is a case where it's not. having said that, let's acknowledge the issues we really do have in this country. >> yeah. we do have some issues and we have to be able to trust police officers police officers and you also don't want cops second guessing themselves every signingle time because that ultimately makes a less safe society and i have to say in defense of some of these police officer, they're the ones who are trained witnesses. they're trained to gather information all day long and therefore, people don't understand why they're considered to be more credible suspects. but the bad work of some bad officers shouldn't destroy these communities across the country when a majority of them are really good people trying to do a very difficult job. >> yeah. i know a lot of them. you know what? we've seen the video. we know there is bad cops out there. we know it. whether it's black, white or brown. we know it. but having said that, without police, where are we going to
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be? we can't turn this thing upside down. >> ask people in ferguson who are now complaining that police don't get their fast enough. before it was too heavy handed and now cops aren't showing up and we have to find the middle ground. you have to find the middle ground. that's what you're doing and i appreciate that. thanks, charlie leduff. >> you're welcome. >> very good. coming up, a cameraman on a segueway shouldn't be any near where one of the best athletes in the world. and a live performances of smelly cat. that can only mean one thing. tropical storm is next art healt. you may... take an omega-3 supplement... ...but it's the ingredients inside that really matter for heart health. new bayer pro ultra omega-3 has two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. new bayer pro ultra omega-3.
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go get help, boy. go get help. go get help! right now! if you're a cat, you ignore people. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. go on kitty, kitty... >> it's always summer here where you can feel the heat of our strange new stories dripping down your nickname. it's better than beach blanket bingo. this is the topical storm.
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topic number one, the world's fastest man was taking a victory lap in beijing after winning the 200-meters. the man loves gold. he slipped off his little spiked shoes and was almost killed by that rogue cameraman on a segway. look at that. wow. one more time. come on now. let's see it in action. boom! yes. the fastest gams in the land were nearly severed in half. he plunged faster than the chinese stock market, but his currency was not devalued. mr. lightning bolt will live to race another day. thanks god. topic number two, taylor swift is partying like it's 1989. her main stage looks like back stage. she's had more famous friends join her on that tour than all the glittering glimmers at the oscars. she's lord, serena williams and now the specialist friend of
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all, cb. that's right. k.k. invited lisa kudrow to perform the spelly cat. you know, song from friends. watch. ♪ smelly cat ♪ smelly cat ♪ what are they feeding you ♪ smelly cat ♪ smelly cat. ♪ >> beautiful. i cannot wait for the calvin remix. blame it on the cat. ♪ don't blame it on me >> topic number three, did you ever try to run away from home as a child? of course you did. chances are you went to a neighbor's house, sipped some lemon raid and then came back home once you got bored, unless you stole your folks' car in the process. in st. paul, an eight-year-old boy went on a joy ride until a trooper pulled him over in the
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interest of public safety. here he is parking the car. backing it into the trooper's cruiser. he proceeded to ask him a few questions before the young lad got personal effect attention from the trunk, followed by his passengers. yeah, the eight-year-old had not only taken off in the car, he had taken his five-year-old foster sister and his three-year-old brother, who is still in his jammies. that's so sweet. if you add them all up, they're 16. but you can't apply for a license as three people. next time start small, kids. take a golf cart out for a spin in a safer area and that's one to grow on. topic number four, it's a game of cat and mouse for most parents. every night you try and put your kids to sleep but sometimes they want to chat well into the night. these seattle twin babies try and fool their mama bear when they hear her voice coming through the monitor. >> hi, babies.
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quick, pretend you're sleeping. she can't see us. she'll never know the difference. i love how they dive for the mattresses as soon as they hear mom's voice. very sweet. makes hadn't to have twins. no, it doesn't. topic number five, if your car gets in a scrape and you need a tow truck, well, it's not a bad idea to record everything for your insurance company, like this flipped car. >> oh, oh. we have a fox news alert. authorities in houston announcing that they have arrested a suspect in last night's deadly ambush of a sheriff's deputy. they say he'll face charges in the killing. let's take a listen to this press conference. >> sorry to keep calling you back here.
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felt it was important to keep you apprised of an ongoing investigation. i would first like to thank the deputies and investigators who worked diligently through the night to seek justice on behalf of deputy goforth. the efforts are evidence of the professionalism, diligence exhibited every day by the dedicated professional of the harris county sheriff's office. i'd also like to thank the collective law enforcement and greater harris county community for their support. with encouragement, cooperation and prayers behind us, we have identified the suspect responsible for the senseless and cowardly act. we continue to evaluate the mountain of evidence collected by investigators and are actively interviewing witnesses that may have additional knowledge of the incident. i'm proud of the men and women that have worked swiftly to apprehend the responsible person who posed a threat to the law enforcement and community at large. our deputies returned to the streets tonight to hold a delicate peace that was shattered last evening.
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likewise, i ask you to hold the members of harris county sheriff's office, or brothers and sisters in law enforcement, and deputy goforth's families in your thoughts and prayers this evening. today the district attorney's office has accepted capital murder charges on shannon j. miles, a black male, 9-15-84. i'd like to extend my personal thanks to devon anderson and her staff who never left our side throughout the course of this investigation. miles is in the custody of the harris county sheriff's office. he does have previous criminal history that includes charges for resisting arrest, trespass, evading detention and disorderly conduct with a firearm. questions? >> shannon, middle initial j. last name miles. >> do you have any more information? >> we have not been able to extract any details regarding a
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motive at this point. as far as we know, deputy goforth had no previous contact with the suspect and it appears at the outset to be clearly unprovoked. >> is this the man who was in your custody ating it 30 this morning? >> he is the man who has been with us all night. >> why weren't you asking for the -- why were you asking for the public's help if you had this man in custody? it sound this morning like you needed the public's help because you had nobody in custody. >> we want to make sure we left no stone unturned because people who were at the scene that we had not talked to yet can have additional details to help solidify our case. >> i want to go back on motive. are you still investigating -- the prosecutor still going through this with the assumption that -- (inaudible). >> at this moment, as of this
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morning, our assumption is that he was a target because he wore a uniform. at this moment we found no other motive or indication that it was anything other than that. >> had they ever interacted before? >> not that we're aware of. >> what did he say to you, if anything? >> i really couldn't tell you. the investigators continue to talk with him. >> was he turned in by his mother? did you find out about him from his mother? >> no. no. through routine research, methods, we located the vehicle and the residence close to the proximity to the location where the incident occurred. >> is his mother giving you an alibi? is his mother saying that he could not have done this because he was with her last night? >> i have seen statements such as that made in the news, but i wasn't the one that talked to her, so i couldn't speculate what her conversation was. >> (inaudible). >> not that i'm aware of. i'm sure other people have greater details.
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as you can imagine, our responsibility is making sure we manage the overall investigation, apply proper resources. there are people that deal with much greater detail. >> has the suspect mentioned any of these other high profile shootings? >> not that i'm aware of. >> (inaudible). >> as i mentioned, our routine research looking for that particular vehicle type by area and we followed license plates to addresses, checked the addresses and so forth. just routine research. >> is this the same gentleman in the red pick up? >> yes. >> what does the arrest mean to your deputies? to the community as a whole. but all of the family members of the harris county sheriff's office, our local law enforcement partners, as well as our state and federal came together and were proud that we were able to resolve this in a timely manner. to answer the questions about an ongoing threat to the community and to the law enforcement community. i think it gives us some peace
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knowing that this individual is no longer at large and that he wasn't somebody that would be targeting the rest of the community. >> is there anything at all that you can tell us? >> i really can't. i've not had any dialogue with the investigators talking to him. the weapon was recovered and ballistics indicated it is a match. >> what kind of gun? >> a big gun. hand gun. >> was there somebody over gut go cans forth at the time he was shot, indicating that she knew him? there was a witness report that said there is a woman that said i know him. he has two children. >> i don't know anything about a conversation regarding that individual. video does show a woman who reacted immediately and was near his body, but there is no sound, so i don't have any indication what conversation took place. >> if you live near the area?
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who was this woman who might have known him? maybe a neighbor? >> i don't think he lived near the area. but he was a frequent attendant at that facility there. a routine gas location. guys get coffee there. so he hung out there. >> (inaudible). >> i think that's something that we have to keep an eye on, the temper, the general climate of the rhetoric can be influential on people to do things like this. we're still searching to find out if that's actually a motive. we'll continue to research that in the days going forward. certainly as we collapse around our family and make sure that goforth family is properly supported, they will get most of our attention in the coming days. >> do you have any -- >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen. >> thank you.
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>> has he confessed? >> on monday, we'll try to put a -- have information more about the suspect, the defendant, excuse me. mug shot, current mug shot, again information that will be released as far as the arraignment, when that will be, you'll have all that on monday. he is in harris county custody. thank you. please remember this is less than 24 hours old. so a lot of the questions you're asking will be answered in the days to come. >> are you looking for anybody else? >> not at this time. thank you. >> this press conference out of the houston area just wrapping up now. that was ron hickman, the sheriff down there who is talking about the death of deputy darren goforth execution-style killing. they're announcing the arrest and capital murder charges, arrested shannon j. miles.
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they traced the vehicle that was seen leaving the scene to an area that led them to this suspect in the case. ultimately the weapon also recovered and ballistics they say was a match in this horrific killing. greg? >> let's turn to will carr who is standing by live. he's been following this case all day long. will, it's quite tragic. this is a sheriff's deputy, very distinguished in his job. 47 years old, leaves behind a wife and two young children. but the apprehension of the alleged funman was pretty quick, wasn't it? >> absolutely. some good news after such a tragic evening torso -- for so many in harris county, texas. it's been a fluid day throughout the course of the day. this morning we learned that the authorities there said that they had a suspect and then they initially backed off of that and said that what they had was a person of interest who they were questioning. now we've learned that person of interest, the person they've been questioning almost since this shooting happened last
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night is indeed shannon j. miles, who is charged with capital murder here. we've learned that the person of interest, shannon j. miles, he had a red ford truck, a ford ranger that we've shown surveillance pictures of that authorities released a short time after the shooting. evidently authorities found that truck outside of miles' home. they went to the home. they arrested him. they've been questioning him throughout the course of the night and the course of today. we weren't sure if he was a suspect since they did back off on that. a little earlier they held a press conference and came out and were pretty strong in their wording, saying that they really needed the public's help, that this suspect was still out there. now it looks like he was at least being questioned by detectives throughout the course of the day. now faces this murder charge for gunning down the deputy, a father of two who was simply filling up his car with gas when, according to authorities,
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miles came up behind him, shot him in the head, in the back. the deputy fell to the ground. he fell to the ground and according to authorities, that's when miles continued to shoot him and then took off. greg. >> cold blooded execution, according to the sheriff who issued a statement last night. but in addition to the red ford ranger truck that implicates the accused, you've also got some pretty powerful evidence in terms of ballistics. they recovered a gun, we heard the sheriff say. and now it is very sophisticated forensic, scientific technology can match a slug to an exact gun. if they recovered shells, that as well, right? >> that's right. they've called this, you said an execution. they've also called it an assassination. when they're looking at motivation here, they say simply they don't have one that they know of. they really think that miles, according to authorities, was going after deputy goforth
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because he was that, he was a law enforcement member with a badge. they think he simply went after him because he was a sheriff's deputy. now, you mentioned that he's a father, he has a family. some other news that we've learned throughout the course of the day is there is a nonprofit police charity called the 100 club that has already immediately given deputy go cans forth's family $20,000 to help them right now. they've also pledged to help pay for his two children's college education going forward in the future. so people really rallying around this family, around this sheriff's office in the community there in texas. at the same time, obviously celebrating that now the man accused of gunning down deputy goforth is off the streets. greg? >> will carr, thanks very much. in addition, the statement by the sheriff last night, he said the rhetoric has gotten out of control. we've heard of black lives
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matter. well, cops' lives matter as well. so why don't we drop the qualifier and just say lives matter. >> absolutely. what's so important here is that we remember this deputy that was actually killed, darren goforth, 47 years old at the time of the ambush killing investigators ha, literally shot in the back and then shot several more times there on the ground, leaving behind a wife and two children, five and 12 years old. these are young kids. the community now rallying around hem. we're getting so much more information about his dedication to his job. more than ten-year veteran. clearly someone who any suspect would understand was a patrol officer on the job right at that moment, literally pumping gas into a patrol car while wearing his uniform. >> and there is deputy darren goforth, 47 years old. we're going to have more on this story, top of the hour. kennedy is next.
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>> a shooting guard for the los angeles clippers. the all-time leading scorer for duke of the his number was retired there. he played for the orlando magic and the milwaukee bucs before joining l.a. in 2013 and he joins me now. hello.rl >> hello, how are you? >> good, how are you? >> fabulous. >> let's talk about sports. so tom brady deflates his balls. i rod juices. what do basketball players do? how do they cheat? >> i think our sport is different because we have to have the skill to put the ball in the hoop. >> yeah. >> i'm sure guys are finding an edge some way with what they put in their body. >> do you seee ba people gunning clear in the locker room? thinning blood like lance
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armstrong? >> honestly for us like nba players, the emphasis that we have is on our diet, our training and our recovery. ways to recover better. do you know about the crier chamber? >> i do. >> so guys are using that. guys are buying their own and putting it in their house. >> michael jackson did that with his champ. god rest his soul. do you turn into a pile of goo in the offseason? >> excuse me? >> do you turn into a glob? >> i take my job very seriously. >> i know you do. you keep improving. >> i take saturdays off. other than that, i'm in the gym. a little bit of time away froms basketball in late june, early pilates. ime a take my wife -- i try to volunteer myself as my wife's trainer this summer. so on tuesdays we'd go to the local middle school in austin, texas, in 100-degree heat run on
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the track. >> sprint? >> basically. >> i'm sure she loved i >> she's in great shape. >> so what's his name? ballmer, he's getting a little heat right now for the way he's running the clips. who do you like better? donald sterling or steve ballmer? >> first part of that, you're referring to the fine, i assume, that we got $250,000 fine, yeah. steve kind of came out and said mea culpa. honestly it sounds like whatever was kind of promised to d.j. happened prior to our meeting that swayed him. >> he was very upset about that. very upset. >> i wasing distraught. i gave our team an f minus in free agency. >> i saw that. did you get heat from the organization? >> no. we had a good laugh about it, though. >> i was wondering if you were outspoken that got you in trouble. >> no. it didn't get me in any trouble. and actually shortly after i said that, steve said hey, i want to come down to austin and have dinner with you and talk about the team and everything. >> that's never good.
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>> no. we had a great conversation. second partth of that question, steve ballmer. no question. >> is he a good guy? >> he's a great owner. >> 'cause bill simmons, who is going to hbo said that he's horrible. >> bill thinks a lot of people are horrible. >> that's true. >> unless it's tom brady. >> yeah. are you excited for kobe bryant to retire? >> so i don't have to guard him? yes. but to be able to play against one of the greatest players ever and he's kind of been the benchmark for our generation of players has been an honor. him and lebron and probably kevin durant i think in our generation will go town as the best players. >> yeah. and i have to ask you, how dowi you keep improving? what is it? is it your mental game? what are you doing physically that you're getting better and better because that's notep supposed to happen. >> i feel like i'm peaking on the wrong side of 30. >> inspiring.
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>> it's a lot of hard work. someone gave me this piece of advice once and i really believe it. you've never arrived. you've always becoming. so i never really get complacent. i'm always thinking about theheo next thing. >> it sounds like something you would hear in a yoga class. >> but it's true. i'm hopefully going to play another five years. >> i hope so. >> eventually i'll break down and i won't be able to play anymore and i'll have to think about the next phase of my life. >> we've only got a couple seconds left. if you could start swapping your body parts out with robot parts, would you like to play in the nba until you're 100? >> 100%. the first body part i would swap out for sure are my arms. i'm the only person in the nba with a negative wing span. >> that's crazy. >> i'm ans. anomaly. >> defies physics? >> it does. >> thank you so much for stopping by. good luck this season. i can't stand the lakers! i cannot stand them. i grew up in portland. therefore, i love the clippers. >> thank you. >> so i cheer for you. coming up,and your tweets, snail mail and telegrams.
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viewer mail . coming up, your tweets, snail mail, and telegrams. americans. we're living longer than ever. as we age, certain nutrients... ...become especially important. from the makers of one a day fifty-plus. new one a day proactive sixty-five plus. with high potency vitamin b12... ...and more vitamin d.
2:57 pm
why are all these people so asleep, yet i'm so awake? did you know your brain has two systems? one helps keep you awake- the other helps you sleep. science suggests when you have insomnia, the wake system in your brain may be too strong and your neurotransmitters remain too active as you try to sleep, which could be leading to your insomnia. ohh...maybe that's what's preventing me from getting the sleep i need! talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia.
2:58 pm
check out the wildest attraction this side of the may have been-dixon line. it's time for your mail. randy writes, i saw kennedy for the first time. you and greg gutfeld are the most interesting person on tv. we are the same person. another says love your work. bright, funny. very articulate and as a bonus, attractive. don't worry. i'm 77 and the only way i could stalk you successfully is if you came to a complete halt. go! robertt says, i like the way you speak about a subject. i may not agree, but i appreciate your straightforward approach. another says any chance of. seeing kennedy the blond or kennedy the red? shake it up apeak bit. change your hair color and
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change the world. you are so brunette. speaking of hair, another says, you could read the back of a shampoo bottle and i'd like that, too. don't ever change. mtv is nothing without kennedy. i have a treat for you. shampoo, please. look at this! nourish and replenish! seals in moisture and enhance shine. lastly, i received some career advice from beth smith. she says you'd be great for a children's show. just not ready for the grownup table. oh, really? your mom is. with all those sailors.or what? thank you so much for watchingld the showre tonight. don't forget you can watch all new episodes of kennedy on the "fox business" network. please follow me on facebook. and until then, i will see you again.
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a fox news alert. authorities have just arrested and charged a suspect in the cold-blooded killing of a texas sheriff's deputy. deputy darren goforth was gunned down friday night while pumping gasoline at a service station. authorities say that is when the suspect walked up behind him and began shooting. welcome to america's news headquarters. i'm gregg jarrett. >> i'm molly line. a news conference just wrapping up moments ago announcing the arrest of shannon j. miles. the sheriff calling deputy goforth's murder senseless. will carr joins us from our west coast news room with the latest. >> reporter: the sheriff has also said this is the most cowardly act that he has
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