tv Happening Now FOX News September 3, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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>> celebrations across massachusetts, maybe not in other places. >> your son harry is going nuts. we got to run. >> good-bye, everyone, have a great day. see you next time. >> the decision is now in. tom brady wins. a judge nullifying the nfl last four game suspension of the new england quarterback, the deflategate case as it became known. we will play the season opener one week from tonight naming roger goodell went too far in affirming brady's punishment for case in which the league's investigation found only that it was, quote, more probable than not that two patriots employees deflated game balls below the standards for use in last january's afc title game. roger goodell upheld the
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suspension after brady challenged it announcing in july birdie tried to obstruct the league's probe by destroying a cellphone. we have more on the ruling and the fallout just had this hour in a live report. >> top members of hillary clinton's inner circle facing intense scrutiny on capitol hill over in their roles in the lead up and response to the benghazi attacks and the use of the pri private e-mail account. the two controversy is threatening to engulf her campaign to the white house. welcome to "happening now". i am patty ann brown. >> i'm gregg jarrett. members of the house benghazi committee returning from vacation to grill high-profile allies of hillary clinton, that is former state department chief of staff cheryl mills and policy adviser james sullivan.
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the interrogation is taking place behind closed doors. notwithstanding the request for public hearings. capitol hill producer chad program caught up with a mill at this morning and asked if she would invoke the fifth amendment. >> have a good day. >> how long the expected go? >> in the meantime another clinton aide said he will lead the tenth, to install the mail server at her home. chief white house correspondent ed henry is live in our in washington newsroom. >> that for aid was also called to testify before that special benghazi committee in the house ledmer aid was also called to testify before that special benghazi committee in the house led by republican
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trade out. plans to avoid a subpoena, not just his that many but senate judiciary committee, senate homeland security committee tied to a committee trying to get to the bottom of the security of this server for one thing and the senate judiciary committee chaired by chuck grassle iowa confirming last night, quote, his legal counsel told the committee yesterday he would plead the fifth to any and all questions if he were compelled to testify. that obviously raises the stakes big time for hillary clinton and her campaign. you see her suffering in the polls as this has been bubbling up. they wanted this former staffer, all staffers to testify that hillary clinton's use of a personal e-mail was a loud and she has not send or receive anything more classified confirmed by the state department and inspector general, made every effort to
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answer questions and be as helpful as possible, current and former to do the same, i mentioned the first, the republican in the center of all of this is trade audi, the chairman of the house select committee on benghazi. little earlier this morning as he was bringing cheryl mills in for that testimony he had this to say. >> i know in the past people have invoked their fifth amendment privilege but you'll have to ask him and you are free to blame whatever inference you want from the fact it did. >> democrats on that panel eyes saying this former clinton staffer did it because he doesn't want to get dragged into what they believe is a political firestorm. republicans like trey gaudi are skeptical of that and think this develops a lot more here behind the scenes that could come out down the road. greg: thanks for the summary of
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those import events. all of these controversies taking their toll on the clinton campaign with a new survey we will show you in a few minutes showing more americans than ever do not hold a positive view of hillary clinton. let's bring in our political counterterrorism former managing director of the democratic congressional campaign committee and founder and ceo of new blue strategies katrina person joins us, national tea party leader, candidate for congress from texas, great to see you both. it is true that occasionally an innocent person in folks the fifth but when i say this strictly as a lawyer most of the time people have something to hide, people who have done something wrong and don't want to incriminate themselves. isn't that the public impression of it as well and to that extent this damages hillary clinton? >> i think you are right. also former factor for mrs.
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clinton, the guy said to have set up his private server for hillary clinton and pleading the fifth speaks volumes with his silence being consent. he is the one who knows where the missing e-mails win, he is the one who knows why it was up in the first place so most people if hillary is out there saying she did nothing wrong and staffers saying she did everything by the book, this is one guy who can put this to bed at his pleading the fifth speaks volumes. greg: there is an old maxim. if you have nothing to hide, don't hide. why is that? because it looks bad. how bad are the optics' here for hillary clinton? >> you got to remember one important thing. the rig clinton never received or send any classified information. the story continues and continues and continues. it is a political firestorm you said earlier. he doesn't want to get dragged into that. i won't speak for why he made
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these choices but i think there are two asides to the story. wind you say, most of the time people don't do that but most of the time people are facing this kind of scrutiny and political fire storm and the fact that no matter what, hillary clinton has said, there is this air of people not be leaving her and continuing to investigate even though she continues to be proven that she hasn't done anything wrong. i can definitely see why if you are staffer you might want to say i am not going to get dragged into is this, i will stay out of it. greg: our own kathryn heritage tried to ask cheryl mills, clinton's chief of staff, whether she knew classified information was on the server. here it is, take a look. >> did you know classify e-mail was on the server? greg: why is that important? failing to report a possible
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compromise of national defense information which by the way is a lower threshold unclassified is the crime. the statute is 18 psc 793. fox news has learned that the fbi is considering that very statute as part of their investigation. isn't it sort of everyday it gets worse and worse? >> it does. just because she says she didn't send or receive classified information the facts now show a lot of these e-mails were rejected because they had classified information but not only that but top-secret information on some of these so it is not just political fight out there. she violated the law and tried to get others to do the same when she requested information that was classified. she told them to send it anyway. greg: doesn't matter how it was marked, it is the content. prosecutors don't have to prove
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knowledge, only that she should have known the obvious. the abc news washington post poll on the screen, negative views of hillary clinton as you see here have jumped to their highest on record, 45% see her favorably but that is down 7 percentage points since midsummer, 53% rate her and favorably, that is upbeat%. you are looking at a downward swings, net change of 15 points. is her campaign based on those numbers in this order free-fall? >> i don't think so. i really don't. i want to clarify those e-mails were classified after the fact. never send or receive it any classified information. >> it may make no difference. it is the content and not the martinez. >> we are going to continue to see this investigation to drag
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on it that she has done nothing wrong and it is a non story, and she has been able to withstand much of this scrutiny and see these numbers where they are, that is no surprise to me, this is the longer race and their that primary going on, a crowded gop field, i don't think you'd call this a free fall at this point in the game, at this point in the election. it is summer. greg: thank you both, good to see you. patty: we are awaiting a major meeting in the race for president, donald trump getting ready to talk to the chairman of the republican national committee. this as the eye in see is pushing all candidates to sign a pledge not to run as independents if they should lose the party nomination. the war of words is heating up between the real estate mogul turned presidential contender and governor jeb bush. chief political correspondent
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live right now hampton. let's start first with this pledge. >> we will find out what donald trump intends to do at 2:00 this afternoon. he plans a news conference in trump tower in new york and then the chairman of the republican national committee in the last couple days has been circulating a pledge for the past several weeks republican national committee members and the brass have been discussing. most of the field has made it clear they will sign this pledge which says they will support the republican nominee if they don't win and will not run as independents or third-party candidate. a couple weeks ago in cleveland nine candidate put up their hands saying they would abide by such a pledge and donald trump did not. in the intervening few weeks most of the field except donald trump said that. he has been telling some donors and people in new york insiders that he would likely sign the pledge in south carolina which would be a loyalty pledge as part of its petition and
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necessary filings to get on the balance in south carolina from the primary. it would be pretty unlikely to go and agreed to have a meeting with from abotrump about this in the petition is being circulated. they will be intent on keeping him out of debate and the campaign because they believe he will run as an independent. today presumably he will end as saying he will support the republican nominee and go forward, ready to abandon any hopes of an independent or third-party candidacy should he not win the gop nomination. >> trump and jeb bush are attacking each other again today. what is the latest? >> yesterday on the campaign trail jeb bush spoke spanish when he was asked a question, some of the rhetoric on the campaign trail calling people stupid and idiots and the rhetoric has been barbaric, referring specifically to donald trump. last night donald trump said it
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would be much better and more responsible if jeb bush were to speak english in the united states. to that jeb bush took offense and today you can see he is in the middle of this town hall, has questions about immigration and he was making it very clear that trump rhetoric, anti-immigration, illegal immigration policy in his view is impractical, won't be successfully accomplished and divides the country. watch. >> donald trump's view is the end is neither. his pessimistic view is let's close the border, let's create tariffs, let's do this, let's do that based on negativity. that result is all of us will suffer if that philosophy gains favor. >> shortly after these remarks he began taking questions from the audience and one audience member stood up and said frankly he was kicked off and mr. bush seemed a middle irritated by the length of his question, he was
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asking a long one that went through it and rattled off what he said his immigration plan would be and said if it is a fantasy or not, he said do what you do about mexico and bush argued it is not the government, the people coming the cross are from countries like guatemala, el salvador, nicaragua, honduras and not mexicans and mexicans should secure their southern border, not so much of the no. one with the u.s.. >> do you think donald trump should sign the are in sea pledge of two live chat event running, go to greg: law enforcement looking for a cop killer and converging on an area hoping to find a suspect but the woman who gave them that we'd is in hot water. big win for patriots quarterback tom brady, really defeating the nfl and roger goodell to get
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greg: a federal judge handing down tom brady in another victory. the nfl in deflategate erasing the four game suspension for the patriots quarterback. following the story closely, david lee. >> this is it, a 40 page decision by the judge, the bottom line the nfl commissioner roger del full of hot air. the controversial game alleged deflationary controversy, a federal judge has tossed out on brady's four game suspension meaning brady will be on the field when the patriots take on the steelers, the nfl season opener next week, previous remarks by this judge had many observers thinking he would be
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siding with brady. the issue hoodie whether the commissioner acted fairly and within the bounds of the collective bargaining agreement when he upheld the suspension. critics of brady's suspension have taken issue with the vague wording of the nfl investigation that concluded quote make it was more probable not patriot personnel deflated game balls and he was quoting generally aware of the inappropriate activities that caused the balls to be deflated. quoting again, the court concludes a matter of law, no nfl policy notifies players they may be disciplined as a suspended for general awareness of misconduct by others and went on to say the award is premised on several legal deficiencies including inadequate notice, the potential the sultan, four game suspension and alleged misconduct, denial of the opportunity for brady to examine the two lead investigators, the nfl executive vice president,
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and denial of equal access to investigative files including witness interview notes. no official reaction from the nfl but the players' union saying players rights win again, patriots tweeted a picture of brady ashore time ago. according to published reports the nfl commissioner roger del wanted to read knit his guilt in deflategate and was considering reducing the number of games would this be suspended, berating lilly agreed to a fine for not cooperating with investigators. in july after the nfl commissioner upheld the four game suspension brady posted on his face the page i did nothing wrong and no one in the patriots organization did either. setting case law the judge said in this ruling that roger goodell dispensed his own brand of industrial justice but this doesn't mean the case is over. the nfl can appeal the overruling. that process could take months and a decision might not come
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down until after the current season is long over. greg: this is just the latest, they were overturned, roger goodell has a perfect record. hasn't had any wins, all losses. david lee miller, thanks. >> they both lead rogue nations and the controversial iran and the deal could find kim jong un and the ayatollah teaming up. why iran and north korea may be a match made in nuclear-digit king cobra on the loose. where it was last seen and what he should do if you spot it. >> an 8 foot long king cobra, still has venom in it so it is a dangerous snake. well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right
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greg: the hunt is on 4 missing king cobra, green and yellow and 8 feet long missing from home in orlando. the florida fish and wildlife commission said the owner is an experienced snake handler. oh really? with a proper permit to keep the reptile as a pet. they are warning folks not to approach the snake facie it. that is a good idea. call the agency alert hot line. patty: congress prepares to disapprove the iran deal next week, the president appears to have secured the votes he needs to make sure the agreement survive the challenge. he may hope the deal will be one of his biggest foreign policy legacy's there are many with concerns about it including fears that iran could outsource its nuclear program to a country like north america -- north korea. john bolton, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, senior fellow of the american enterprise institute and fox news contributor, thank you for joining us.
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the republicans in both houses will introduce a resolution disapproving the iran deal. president obama is expected to veto, democrats in both houses are now working to build enough votes to prevent an override. any way to stop this deal? >> it is baked in the cake as far as congress is concerned that it is important to have these votes in the house and senate. for every member on record one way or the other and then people in 2016-2018-2020 election, as it certainly well. the iranians won't comply with their obligation that they achieve the economic relief they want, they're on a path to nuclear-weapons, and those who support the deal have to answer for that. >> one of the biggest flaws in the deal? >> the principal flaw is allowing iran to keep any iranian enrichment capability,
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anyone who is familiar with the problem of nuclear proliferation will tell you enrichment is blanc told in the tent in the program of any nuclear weapons state. there are a lot of things wrong with the deal but it all flows downhill from there. john kerry was quite candid in his testimony that the iranians said unless we can enrich uranium there is no deal. at that point negotiation should have stopped. >> peter bob brooks has an article out saying it is entirely possible that iran and north korea are looking to gather to fill the gap in both countries's nuclear programs. do you agree? how troubling? >> we have known for quite some time since at least 1998 iran and north korea have the working on their respective ballistic missile programs and it makes sense. the objective in both cases is to create delivery vehicles for nuclear weapons, not to launch weather communications
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satellites, they both use the same soviet missile technology. there is no doubt on that front. there is considerable reason to believe they have cooperated on the nuclear side too. the reactor that israel destroyed in september of 2007 in syria was being built by north koreans, a clone of their reactor. the north koreans don't give anything away for free and in syria because of the along cultural and historical association with serialism one was paying for that, good reason to think it was a three way joint venture between syria, iran and north korea and a lot of other pieces of evidence like that. we need to know a lot more about that connection. we won't find out about it before the house and senate vote. that ought to be a major congressional focus going forward. patty: ambassador john bolton, thank you. greg: outrage across the country
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and on capitol hill, kate steinle gunned down as she walked with her here on a san francisco peer, an illegal immigrant who had been deported five times accused of killing her and today a judge could make a crucial decision in that case. we are live with that story. aha! cinnamon. milk. cinna-milk. cinnamon toast crunch. crunch! crave those crazy squares. cinna-milk! this is judy. judy is 65 years old. her mortgage payment is $728 a month. that's almost $9,000 a year now judy doesn't think that she'll be able to retire until her mortgage is fully paid off.
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lately, 145 points. rebounding from the turbulence of the past couple weeks. woman lied about the lead in the manhunt for the suspect to gunned down a cop in electoral and she is facing serious charges. patriots quarterback tom brady, chase the win on the football field. find out what the judge had to say when crossing out the nfl's punishment. greg: a key court action in a case that ignited a national debate over illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. the murder of this young and woman kate steinle and was gunned down on a san francisco peer, an illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet was deported five times, charged with a killing and a judge expected to decide is there enough evidence to try him?
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adam house leave from the san francisco hall of justice. >> that is right. on tuesday the family announced their civil suit, the criminal case continues at the hall of justice in downtown san francisco. could decide whether to go ahead with murder charges. this is the third time they -- they do believe the decision will be dated it could come as late as middle of september. ended in half an hour or so, the killing him july on the waterfront, accused one francisco lopez sanchez to have a long criminal history, he has been deported five times from the u.s. and the preliminary hearing does resume, the did not guilty to murder charges the he does admit to firing the shot insisting it was an accident. and despite a federal request, he was >> reporter: because of
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sanctuary city law and one attorney insists this leads to in security. >> shooter had a 22 year history, repeat five time felon. there was nothing according to the mayor that prevented this sheriff from simply picking up the phone and notifying a federal agency that is responsible for detention and deportment. no one standing up to take accountability. >> on tuesday kate steinle's family specified damages, the san francisco share see promise and the department of homeland security, san francisco is one of three cities or counties in the united states that does follow the sanctuary city law. so far there have been no changes as far as we have been told from the sheriff's department or city officials meeting business as usual. i will say there are surrounding
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cities in the bay area's that have changed their policies since the killing in july. today judge will decide most likely whether or not the defendant will face a murder charges sorry possibility there could be a couple more weeks before that decision. legal experts believe it will come today. we will keep you updated, we are set to begin in 30 minutes. greg: thanks. patty: the cop killer manhunt in northern illinois enters its third day. police still searching for three suspect in the shooting death of lt. joseph gliniewicz. 1-woman raise hope with what turned out to be a false report that sent officers on all wild goose chase and she is now in trouble with the law. >> $100,000 bond for the woman who made up the trail that drained resources from this search, 100 police officers, paula, k-9 units were investigating this should search the short distance from police
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headquarters. kristin beaver said she pulled to the side of the road and we to clinton tried to get in her car. the prosecutor said one grab the door handle, when cops swabbed the door handle for dna she said she was just trying to get attention. >> reported two individuals approached her car, asking for a ride to wisconsin. the officers continued to investigate this, a few holes in her story and questioned her about it and it began to appear less truthful. she finally admitted she made the whole thing up. >> the dynamic of the search has changed. officers are going door to door following tips. it is a painstaking process and they need to show up in body armor with weapons at the ready. the head of the taskforces the reality is if they're searching for cop killers they need to be prepared for deadly force. uber thank you. patty: we have more from the
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legal panel on this. greg: fox business alert on what has become wall street roller-coaster ride, triple digit losses over the last few days. right now take a look at this. the dow a green arrow, people--in the market up 132 points. gerri willis with a fox business network is live with that story. gerri: we are in positive territory in the green today, very good news for investors who endured a rash of volatility over the last month. let me tell you why you are seeing that green. we have weekly jobless claims that came in a little higher than expected, bad news for the economy but maybe we will delay that rate hike to the fed is expected to put in place. also in europe mario draghi, the president of the european central bank saying he is keeping the gas in the european
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economy by not raising rates, more liquidity for europe, the markets see that as very good news indeed. let me tell you the secret thing no one is talking about china is on vacation. getting no bad news from china and that is one thing that has sent markets into turmoil. we won't hear anything from china in all likelihood today or tomorrow. you will have to wait until next weekend once again we will be on china watch. greg: your buddy charles payne made me feel better today when he said i was the moaning the market and he said we are down 11% but we are up 190% from the lows of march of 2009. i will take it. gerri: that is true. people don't realize the week we had the worst week we had we were up 1% on the dow. these are moves from the highest all-time performance on the dow also if you are an individual
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investor, you are best sitting out this mess and letting the pros have fun, have at it. you can't win in this game. greg: don't panic. good to see you. patty: three allegedly drunk women had an unusual way of getting around, they hopped a school bus. we will tell you what happened to them and the bus driver. patriots quarterback tom brady scores a win. a judge nullifies his four game suspension. does the league have any other legal options to keep him off the field? diabetes, steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. as a firefighter approaching a fire i had to confine it, contain it and attack it. and i went to cancer treatments centers of america. we were able to do a thoracoscopic surgery where we could use tiny incisions, we put a camera inside the chest and tony was able to go home three days after surgery.
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that detergand we'll have to like half thuse like double! maybe more! i'm going back to the store? yes you are. dish issues? get cascade complete. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. now that's clean. greg: crime stories we are following, the school year getting off to with carey started in ohio. two sure would middle school students taking into police custody for bringing guns on campus. columbus police got a tip and found a loaded gun on one of the students, they found later a second gun in the backpack of a second student.
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surveillance. capturing three grown women boarding a school bus in texas, school officials say the women upward from, made it to a san antonio middle school. the bus driver fired over joy. martha: given criminal trespass warnings. of 55-year-old florida man busted for shining laser light into a deputy sheriff's helicopter. deputies say the light temporarily blinded the pilots who was still able to direct to the suspect's home. patty: a touchdown for tom brady and the court room. of federal judge erasing the four game suspension and england quarterback was given for his alleged role in deflategate. let's bring in our and legal panel, prosecutor and criminal defense attorney and a young and ashley merchant. let's start with you. reaction? >> the judge got it right. a lot of people a disappointed with this ruling but the judge got it right because he found
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there was no evidence, no actual evidence that tom brady new or authorized or participated or conspired with the rest of the team. he is not saying the balls were deflated or tom brady didn't do something wrong by destroying his cellphone. what he was saying is there was no evidence to support the decision and roger goodell overstepped his bounds. that is the correct ruling to. the lead can try to appeal but they will have a tough time doing it. patty: should be lead to go further with this or drop it? >> the league may go further and if this. they are strong in their position. they could go and try to appeal the decision and request a stay on the decision and try to enforce the four game suspension. i agree in this sense the judge had strong opinions in this matter. he could have sent it to the original arbitrator or upheld the decision but he overturned it effective immediately and that shows his belief in terms of lack of evidence regarding
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tom brady. patty: an appeal would say so long of the season would be over before the decision. wait and see. another topic of the moments ago we heard from mike to open on the latest on this man and in illinois. dozens of officers combed a corn field 5 miles away late at night looking for suspects in this order of an illinois police officer but the investigators say it was based on a false report. christian kieffer said two planned to try to get into her car when she pulled over to the side of the road and they ran off but she later admitted she lied to get attention from the nanny, she is in court. the officer is lieutenant joseph gliniewicz. was shot tuesday. they're looking for tweet through suspects, and she said she was having car trouble and two men tried to steal her car. it was a five hour search, it was intensive. there were 100 law enforcement
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authorities, a 11 k 9 units, three air units, and she admits she gave up the whole thing. how serious? >> very serious. this comes down to restitution. anywhere from 85 to 100 law enforcement officers, some from neighboring counties, levon k-9 units, five hours, she needs to pay back every cent that is known as she should because this situation where the prosecution is not playing games, sending a message by saying if you're going to make this kind of thing of you have to face some consequences because she is facing a felony which makes exposure of to three years. patty: it is not just the possibility of paying back restitution for the amount this cost, these are also crimes committed. she is charged with two counts of disorderly conduct for falsifying a police report. one is a felony, could be three years behind bars, when you're on a misdemeanor. what do you think is an
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appropriate punishment? >> really good question. it deserves restitution, if you sentence her to present time, she will not pay this money back because you have three years. and required to pay this money back or send her to prison. and the county and state won't see this money. it is a tough decision, you want to punish her by prison time or want her to payback what she has taken from citizens and this grieving town in man-hours. what is the appropriate punishment? patty: resources were diverted, the suspects are out there, they have three hours to get further away, at how much damage to this man hunt? >> that is exactly right. it could have cost detrimental damage. it almost makes you think her
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excuse was she wanted to get attention from her employer because she is than anybody is this a decoy? in terms of trying to attention see, is this a decoy in the sense they are somewhere else because you are right, five ours is a long time when it comes to what man hunt and we have no lead. this town is shocked by this behavior and it is true she can pay the restitution but if she goes to prison she might have that problem. it is a double-edged sword. we don't know what will happen but a prosecutor is going to see full punishment to the fullest extent. patty: the prospect has been raised that this woman is mentally ill and her excuse is she wanted attention from the families that employed her as a nanny. does she have possibly a mental illness claim here? >> if that is the truth and that is the reason she did this than i think mental illness has to be explored. there's another side, she could be participating in this.
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she could know who these people are and is helping them. this needs to be explored. whether or not it is terminal stage or not she could have other involvement. patty: thank you for joining us. greg: a federal judge is set to hear the case of the clerk in kentucky who insists gay marriage goes against her religion. now the supreme court made the law very clear and what to do with an elected official who says supreme court of i am not going to follow your law. my name is mark amann.
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i'm a gas service rep for pg&e in san jose. as a gas service rep we are basically the ambassador of the company. we make the most contact with the customers on a daily basis. i work hand-in-hand with crews to make sure our gas pipes are safe. my wife and i are both from san jose. my kids and their friends live in this community. every time i go to a customer's house, their children could be friends with my children so it's important to me.
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when a farmer aid is expected fifth amendment cleans the >> the growing anti police sentiment sweeping the nation where an officer was denied service at a major fast-food chain all because of her uniform. unbelievable story. >> the racket smacked that gone viral american tennis star losing her temper big time, why is showing that girls can became as bad as the boys. >> hash tag one lucky guy, in our world. top of the hour. >> a lifeline, but. speaking of lifelines. and there she is on the right, not withstanding the u.s. supreme court's legalize
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same-sex marriage at. a federal judge will decide what to do with the elected official who refuses to follow the law and carries out the duties of her office. here is more from washington. >> we are awaiting word from that federal courtroom where karen davis, the county clerk in kentucky is facing possible contempt charges, heavy fines or even jail time if she refuses to each marriage licenses to same-sex couples. she says she doesn't want her name and signature on a licensed wedding against her religious beliefs. protesters on both sides of the debate gathered outside the courthouse to weigh in. in a dispute that puts the constitutional rights on collision course. it is a showdown legalizing same-sex marriage predicted was coming, saying the court's decision would create real life program with those with religious convictions regarding marriage. >> even with the supreme court decision is a mistake to beat
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people over the head and say you must believe as we do and there ought to be room for people to exercise their religious beliefs and not be told they have to do something they find morally objectionable. >> others say as a governor government employee she has a clear obligation. >> and her personal life she is free to oppose same-sex marriage, in her church, with her family, her friends and her community but as an agent of the government, as a public official she is required to follow the supreme court's ruling that same-sex couples are entitled to marriage licenses as any other couple. >> as an elected officials recant be fired, she would have to be impeached, the lengthy process would involve the kentucky state legislature. greg: thanks. >> a car owner turns the tables on a carjacker setting him up for a ride to downtown instead. you can watch it all go down and
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