tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News September 3, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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left tonight. thank you so much for watching. have a great night. the o'reilly factor is on tonight. >> i will be totally pledging my allegiance to the republican party, and the conservative principles for which it stands. >> donald trump will not run as a third party candidate. convinced he can win the republican nomination. tonight we'll have an inside look at how the gop is changing. >> to a significant extent, the republican base does have elements that are animated by racism. they still sort of look down on minorities. >> some americans continue to say the republican party is racist. but what about dr. ben carson's strong showing? we'll have a special report on that. >> i feel like i've always
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played within the rules. i would never do anything to break the rules. >> big victory for new england patriot tom brady. a judge voids his four-game suspension. but is the quarterback guilty of cheating? caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. factor begins right now. thanks for watching us tonight. the changing republican party. that is the subject of this evening's talking points. memo, donald trump held a press conference today in new york city, telling the world he will not run as a third party candidate. mr. trump believing he will win the gop nomination outright. and that he is the man to turn the country around. >> our country can be doing much better. we have deficits that are enormous. we have all bad trade
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agreements. we have an army that the head said is not prepared. we have a military that needs help, especially in these times. nothing works. our country doesn't work. everybody wins except us. >> according to real clear politics national polling, here's what the republican field stands today. trump leading with 27%, followed by dr. ben carson 13%, and jeb bush and ted cruz and marco rubio is the sixth. the second republican debate will be held and that will influence the polling. some pundits say it's still early. that's not true. the first vote in iowa, just about five months away. now, there's no question the republican party is changing. few expected a populous like donald trump to be dominating the campaign, but millions of americans are very angry about what president obama has done and how the republicans have failed to counter it. mr. trump's signature issue is
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illegal immigration, as you know. he was smart to seize upon that. as every fair-minded american understands, our southern border is a mess. and immigration in general chaotic. for decades, both parties have been unwilling to solve the problem. trump says he'll solve it in dramatic ways. so standard politicians like jeb bush, for example, find themselves up against a man who has literally nothing to lose. who says pretty much anything he wants. taking no prisoners rhetorically speaking. trump's posture has again changed the republican party. the other aspect is dr. ben carson, polar opposite to trump. he also speaks straight, but softly. >> of course black lives matter. but what i feel is that instead of people pointing fingers at each other, and just creating strife, what we need to talk
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about is how do we solve the problem in the black community of murder. >> carson's entry into the race is problematic for liberal america. african-american, he grew up in poverty, no father in a tough detroit neighborhood. through hard work, carson graduated from yale, and then the michigan school of medicine. he became a skilled neurosurgeon. the fact that so many republicans admire dr. carson, completely trashes the far left line that the gop is a racist party. we'll get to that in the second block tonight. summing up, the rise of trump and carson means traditional republican campaigning is over. probably for the best. now for the top story tonight. joining us from washington, laura ingram, editor in chief of life zed, a brand-new website. laura, do you have a litmus test, a conservative litmus test that the republican candidates
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must meet before you will vote for them? >> i don't know if i have a litmus test. i worked for president reagan. i believe in reagan conservativism, bill. i think it's more of a nationalistic economic policy, a prudent strong foreign policy. even an immigration policy that was smart and focused towards more of the american workers, and what's good for the american middle class. remember, when reagan agreed to the enforcement, that was 3 million people. who knows what reagan would say about where we are today. his conservativism was much more skeptical of a very adventurous foreign policy and an economic policy that would be tangled up in all these international trade agreements. so that's where i am. on social issues, obviously i'm more of a social conservative. but the party, people will disagree on these issues, and that's fine. i don't think there's anything wrong with that. >> that's what's happening with
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trump. brett stevens of "the wall street journal" scorched him this week and the people who support him. it was a very, very aggressive column that said, look, the guy can't get -- >> called him a vulgarian. >> i think that's disrespectful. >> it's ridiculous. he called trump supporters quieter vulgarians. think about that. you have a guy who has now 30% in the polls, right? that's millions of people. now, you tell me the strategy for republicans to win the presidency by alienating and basically calling stupid or racist or zenophobic millions of voters. >> i don't think stevens is in the business to win elections. he's a columnist, that's what he does, an opinion guy. but the point of the matter is this, whether you like him or not, donald trump's a polarizing man, right? >> reagan was polarizing. go back and look at what people
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were saying about reagan. >> no, no, no -- >> i'm not saying he's reagan. of course he's different. they're all different. >> no, come on now. look, ronald reagan went out of his way to try to convince the other side to agree with him. trump doesn't care what the other side thinks at all. he's basically putting it out there what he believes is right for the country, and as you pointed out, millions of people are saying, you know what? that's the way i believe. >> well, bill, the millions of people are reacting directly to what they've seen as a failed establishment republican party. in 1974, in '73, reagan, they're not the same people. reagan was governor of california. he had a huge experience in politics. i'm not saying they're the same people, but he challenged the establishment in a different way. >> far different way. >> they hated him. republicans hated reagan for what he was doing and demanded that he drop out. a lot of them did. >> now we have a whole different
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ball game in the sense that it isn't based on ideology, it's based on style. >> i don't think so. >> oh, yeah. >> i disagree with you, bill. >> that's why jeb bush and some of the other candidates who they have good things to say, too, on some issues, but they can't get their message out because their style is so low key. and trump seizes upon that. >> you just made the point that carson was low key. but carson is hitting key issues for people, from social conservative issues, economic issues, some trade issues. i think, look, it's not a problem, right? if you're a politician and you're able to get thousands of people to come to an event, that is a good thing. we shouldn't downplay that. but if trump were doing the same thing, bill, and he were advocating jeb bush style policies, i don't think trump would have thousands and thousands and thousands of people supporting him, or be at 30% of the polls. >> but he has definitely put himself out there on very emotional issues that people care about. in kentucky, kim davis, 49 years
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old, elected clerk, won't give marriage licenses to gays. so they put her in jail. roll the tape. >> why? >> because -- >> why? >> i'm not doing marriage licenses today. >> under what authority? under what authority? god's authority? you would say that? i didn't see the temple. >> a judge ordered her to be taken into custody, because it is federal law that gays can marry. she is a federal representative, has to obey the law. so i think she's a conscientious objector, i think that's what's going on here. >> muhammad ali was a conscientious objector during the vietnam war. if you have 30 million, 40
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million americans, tell them they're hateful, awful people and have no religious liberty rights, i guess we could go down that path. i just don't think that's a helpful path for anybody, gay americans, straight americans. i think it's a bad, bad -- >> if you're going to say you have to uphold immigration law and they say blank you, they should pay a price. >> the supreme court interpreted the constitution, which is fine. they don't write the law. but there should be an accommodation for people of faith, and they can get married obviously easily in other -- with other licenses. >> she is an elected official of this country. >> you have no liberty rights? >> you have to be a conscientious objector and take what comes, you have to obey the law. >> jailing someone for their religious beliefs is -- yeah, that's a little much. >> she has to pay a price. she has to enforce the law. she is elected to do so.
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laura, thank you. next on the rundown, the republican party race. focusing on dr. ben carson. and president obama's alaska trip, that could get out of control fast. and we are coming right back. if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief. they don't worry ifto 3 days. something's possible. they just do it. at sears optical, we're committed to bringing them eyewear that works as hard as they do. right now, buy one pair and get another free. quality eyewear for doers. sears optical i found her wandering miles from home. when the phone rang at 5am, i knew it was about mom. i see how hard it's been on her at work and i want to help.
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we told you in the talking points memo, dr. ben carson now running second to donald trump in the national polling. african-americans usually vote democratic, and more than a few of them buy the theory that the republican party is anti-black. >> to a significant extent, the republican base does have elements that are animated by racism. >> nowadays, if you're racist, you're probably a republican. >> publicly stated is to do whatever it takes to see to it that obama only serves one term.
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>> there's also a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party. what do i mean by that? i mean by that is they still sort of look down on minorities. >> the question tonight is simple. dr. ben carson is doing so well, is he not a minority? david webb fox news contributor, and keith boykin. do you think the republican party is racist, mr. boykin? >> i think that it has racist elements in it. just as i think several of the commentators before us acknowledged. i don't think it's a racist party entirely. since 1968 with the southern strategy going to barack obama questioning his background, his identity, birth certificate, you have a party that is -- >> was that on the party platform? i don't believe it was. >> i it doesn't have to be on the party platform. everybody in the republican party was condemning barack obama. >> everybody? >> i don't mean literally
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everybody. but i understand this party has a problem with racism. >> are there racists in the democratic party? >> absolutely. the republican party caters to racism. >> can you give me an example of that? >> 1968 -- >> today? >> look at jesse helms in 1990. >> north carolina? jess te hee helms running the republican party? >> yes. ran in 1990. >> he wasn't running the republican party. >> he was running with the republican party. >> he was a senator from north carolina. >> but he's a classic republican. >> robert byrd -- >> he disavowed those beliefs. the democratic party used to be a racist party until 1968. >> abraham lincoln was a republican. >> you're going back in time. >> so are you. >> the democratic party used to be a racist party until 1968. it's no longer a ratist party.
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>> i've also been a republican for over 40 years. so let's put that in context. are there elements within american society, right or left, that have racial tones? yes. institutionally, no, we don't accept any codified law, social morees in the republican party. they go to the minority communities around america in support there. i would say to the black community, why are you giving your vote to another -- to a party that no longer needs you or gives you, if you look at the urban environment, any future path to success? when it comes to racism, we have to deal with the individual aspects of it, bill. and this constant cry, narrative, is to paint republicans as someone to run away from. they will use whatever necessary platform to send that, but cannot provide proof -- >> it's definitely a vote getter. but i think carson proves, mr. boykin, that a black american with a message of self-reliance
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can and will be embraced by the republican party. am i wrong? >> black people like ben carson, for many, many years, when he was just a neurosurgeon, before he became a political candidate. they didn't like him until he started attacking -- republicans weren't even paying attention to ben carson until -- >> attacking a policy and attacking a man -- >> but when you compare obamacare to slavery, that's not a common -- >> all right. >> that's a comment that white -- >> staying on the attacks. let's separate the policy, as you talk about, from the men. dr. ben carson has lived by conservative principles his entire life. his mom who decided an education was important while he was in the tough neighborhoods in detroit, all the principles that led him to where he was, earning his way forward, not having entitlements handed to him. he stepped out and spoke
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politically. i know dr. carson. this is a man who has always been who he is. therefore, his decision to come out and be a republican candidate is reflective of who he has been. >> he's a great neurosurgeon. can i add an additional point? >> be quick. >> b.e.t. was in love with him, the movie about his life. they ran this movie repeatedly. they, since this has come out and he's come out politically, have not. you on the left like to push aside republicans and put them in a narrative -- >> it's a political -- >> all the black people who support barack obama are dumb and -- >> that was a good debate, but i've got to go. all right? directly ahead, star quarterback tom brady wins a huge victory in court. we'll tell you all about it. also, the end of television as we know it. the ridiculous mtv exposition. >> all right. on the count of three, everyone is going to say, marijuana! one, two, three! marijuana!
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big victory for the new england patriots and their star quarterback tom brady. it allegedly happened in a play-off game against the indianapolis colts. brady said he did nothing wrong. but was suspended for four games by nfl commissioner roger goodell. today in new york city, u.s. district judge richard berman overturned that suspension, saying basically brady did not receive due process. joining us now from atlanta, hall of fame quarterback fran tarkenton. you're sympathetic to brady,
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right, jim? >> yes, i am. never should have happened. didn't occur. he did nothing wrong. the nfl admitted their top lawyer went under pressure from judge berman said they had no direct evidence. it never should have gotten to this point and it was wrong from the beginning. >> you say he did nothing wrong. but you couldn't possibly know that. because you weren't in the locker room. and, you know, the other side says he did do something wrong. they couldn't possibly know that either, because there really isn't any witness that came forward and said tom brady ordered this. a lot of innuendo, is there not? >> i'm just judging from the direct evidence, just like the judge did, even though that wasn't what he was trying to figure out. that was the line of questioning. the direct evidence points to absolutely no involvement -- >> there isn't an eyewitness -- it's all circumstantial evidence. he did destroy a cell phone before the nfl investigators could look at it. did that give you pause, jim? >> no, sir.
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he was not told that he would be punished for not turning over his cell phone. to destroy something that's not going to be turned over and then not given notice, he got rid of his cell phone. it's not like he threw it off the top of the empire state building. he got rid of a cell phone that wasn't working, because he wasn't told if he didn't turn it over he would be punished. he offered all those e-mails to the nfl. roger goodell noted that in a footnote as well as the text in -- >> you, jim gray, are 100% sure that brady got shatfted in this whole deal? >> that's my opinion, yes, bill. >> mr. tarkenton, you see it differently. tell us. >> i strongly disagree. it's no question that the balls were deflated. the question is, did tom brady have anything to do with it? where are the ball boys that deflated the balls? they were fired and now they're somewhere in the bahamas. i played 18 years. i had ball boys get the balls
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ready for our games, get the sheen off the balls. i was in control of the balls. they would have never done anything -- >> i've thrown a lot of footballs in my life, too, not at the level, of course, that you have. >> yeah. >> when i had a preference, i made it clear to the football team manager, you know, i like this ball, or i like that ball. isn't it possible that brady made a preference saying, the softer the better, guys? find a ball that's not frozen. isn't that possible? >> oh, i think it's possible, improbable. i don't believe that's the case. i believe he instructed the people to deflate the balls. >> why would you believe that? if brady says he didn't do it, why would you believe -- >> brady said he didn't do anything wrong. and the judge didn't question whether he did or didn't do it. he said the process that goodell -- >> that's absolutely true. the judge did not rule on that, that's true. you're a good man. i think brady's a good man.
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i don't know him as well as jim does. but i know him. he seems like a standup guy to me. if brady looks me in the eye and says, look, bill, i didn't do it, why would i not believe him? you seem to be adamant that he's lying, and that's what i want to get to. >> here's what i'm adamant about. the ball boys were guilty of deflating the balls. that seems clear. and that's everybody's agreement on that. i would say this, the ball boys -- >> nobody's in agreement on that. that's absolutely wrong, fran. >> wait, jim. please. >> no, no -- >> jim, wait, wait. mr. tarkenton, go ahead. >> if the balls were deflated, which i understand they were, and i've heard they are, then brady is the person in control of the balls. i want to hear from the two ball boys. where are they? >> that would be an interesting interview. i don't know where they are, but we'll try to find them. i'll give you the last word, jim.
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it's true the balls were deflated. that's true. it is true that the balls were in the possession of the ball boys. it is true that the ball boys have vanished. we don't know, we'll find them. isn't it possible that this might have happened? because the judge didn't say it didn't happen. he just said that mr. brady didn't get due process. 30 seconds. >> i'm speaking to the credibility of tom brady. i don't know the ball boy. i don't know the trainer. i don't know what went on in the organization. tom brady said he had nothing to do with this. he's been proven right. there's no evidence that -- it's well documented and recorded, the nfl never corrected any of that. at the end of the day it was a courageous judge, judge berman, who set the record straight. the nfl cannot do whatever they want just because they have the power to do it. >> i'll put my best investigators -- both of you guys -- wait, wait. you both had your say. the audience is going to decide. i'll put my best investigator to
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find where the ball boys are. all right? we'll continue. thanks, gentlemen. another appalling display at the mtv awards, almost beyond belief. i believe children are getting hurt by all this stuff. also, analysis of president obama's alaskan journey. stay tuned for the reports. you tuck here... you tuck there. if you're a toe tucker... because of toenail fungus, ask your doctor now about prescription kerydin. used daily, kerydin drops may kill the fungus at the site of infection and get to the root of your toe tucking. kerydin may cause irritation at the treated site. most common side effects include skin peeling... ...ingrown toenail, redness, itching, and swelling. tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away. stop toe tucking... and get the drop on toenail fungus. ask your doctor today about kerydin.
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give a hoot about the mtv video music awards. i know that. however, the show that ran last sunday evening was so base, so full of garbage, it was off the charts. the hits including many pro-drug references, believe me when i tell you, kids 10, 12, 14, hear this stuff. and they internalize it. ♪ >> a lot to say about me the other day in the press. ♪ >> i wrote up another song. ♪ >> they're strong. ♪ >> i don't give a [ bleep ]!
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♪ >> i have decided in 2020 to run for president. ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it ♪ ♪ and i feel fine >> sweet dreams. >> [ bleep ]. >> here to comment, fox news contributor, megan mccain. you used to work there. >> i did. five years. >> did you watch that sunday night? ? i did. >> and you thought? >> i thought that the '90s were much more pristine era. we started every video music awards with ankle-length -- back in the '90s -- i'm sure you did, you were on the air in the '90s and you complained about mtv then. i don't let my kids watch it. i won't let my kids watch it. >> there were millions of kids watching that show. >> not that many millions. this year's vmas, the viewership
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was way down because people look at them like miley cyrus and they go -- >> they go on the internet, you know they do. millions of kids see this. >> can i tell you how influential mtv was to me in my life? i agree up watching kennedy. but i do what i do because of women like that. i did grow up in the age of mtv when they were asking politicians questions. asking bill clinton about marijuana use. mtv has a lot of influence. but this has evolved into trash and vulgarity. i am embarrassed the fact that the only influence young women have, a woman going on the stage naked and talking about being drugged on pot. it's embarrassing. >> the kids that are watching this, kennedy, though, they take it all in, all right? and the message is, you can be as salacious as you want, or as
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drug addled as you want and that's a fun, fun thing. do you disagree with that? >> i don't disagree that the kids internalize. they'll internalize that message from other places, bill. >> but you don't justify bad behavior by saying other bad behavior is okay. that's my concern. >> i understand where you're coming from. >> it really is to the point now where parents have to say, look -- you know what's shocking to me, meghan, that this miley cyrus person who i believe now has destroyed her career -- >> i agree. >> -- introduces her parents. if i was her father, i would have gone up and taken her off the stage myself. >> this generation, choose or lose was important to me growing up. they talked to politicians, it doesn't exist anymore. mtv does not care. >> she performed at the show in 2013, she's not a very talented host.
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>> i don't care about her. i just think there should be a line, all right? and there isn't a line anymore. i have to call you on one thing, when you were on mtv, you did a little gross thing with rudy giuliani in a mic. i don't want you to defend it or even talk about it, i'll just assume you were much more immature than you are now. >> it was my 22nd birthday. it was live tv. >> i'll get letters on that. but ten seconds each, if you were running mtv, would you have put that show on the air? >> i understand -- >> would you have put it on the air? yes or no? >> no. i have higher broadcast standards. but mtv is not mine. >> i'll take that no. >> no, you can be rock 'n roll and edgy and pop culture without this vulgarity. that's exactly what it was. my 22-year-old sister, i don't want her watching this. i sound like a grandma saying this, but -- >> anybody over 18, in my opinion, can watch what they want. 10, 12, 14 -- >> i don't want -- >> if you're over 18, that's
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a record-breaking pot situation. president obama in alaska. the president spent three days in alaska, gutfeld. what was he doing up there? >> a number of things. for people at home, alaska is a state. it's actually the largest state in the united states, but it's 48 in population. there's only 800,000 people in alaska. the reason is, it's because it's freezing cold. the second state, the largest state, is texas. 28 million. why is that? because it's warm. president obama went there because it's cold. he's worried about global warming. if you only understood that a few incremental increases in temperature, more people would live in alaska. but he doesn't like science. so instead he watched fish spawn, because that's what he does. >> what do you think he was doing up there really? >> you have to commend the president, he gave up his traditional end of the summer
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vacation -- >> no, no, he had three weeks in martha's vineyard. >> then we went up to alaska. this isn't a vacation. >> it was work. >> is he the kardashian in chief? look how hard he's working here. he went out with bear grills, who is out. >> who is that? >> that's a bar. he's a former british special forces guy. tough dude. they're not up there on some brokeback mountain -- >> what was he doing? >> they went out to check out the environment. to raise awareness for climate change. >> we don't hear about it enough. >> you guys both say this trip was to promote global warming and fewer fossil fuels. >> except for the fact that president obama, you know, like for example, al gore said five years ago that the polar ice is going to vanish. nasa just came out a few months ago saying it's almost tripled.
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>> antarctica, i think. >> drinking his own urine and talking crap. >> have you guys ever been to alaska? >> no. >> i want to give them a plug. one of the best trips ever. excellent place to go. okay. the university of michigan, good school. did a study that says that pot use in college is now the biggest ever -- bigger than woodstock, bigger than the '60s when everybody was going nuts, more use on pot, gutfeld. and you say? >> i think they were comparing that to smoking cigarettes. am i right, mr. o'reilly? >> no, i think it's used more than cigarettes. >> it's not about an increase in pot, but a decrease in smoking. fewer people are smoking cigarettes than ever. pot is more popular not just on campus, but here at fox news. more people at fox news smoke pot. i saw gretchen out there toking up. it was disgusting, in front of
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the children. it also points to -- criminalization makes drugs easier by a delivery system. >> one in every 17 college students smokes marijuana daily, 1 in every 17. >> that's sad, because -- >> their parents are paying their tuition, that's why it's sad. >> it's a jungle out there. gpas, the only way to -- >> this is a serious thing. you know what the k-2 is? synthetic pot. you know what that is? that can till you. that is a rage all over colleges now. this isn't the woodstock -- this isn't cheech and chong. this is serious stuff. >> it will fry your brain and you'll lose that edge. i found these on the chair last night. >> that's everywhere. >> so gretchen and lou dobbs and barack obama. we have three. please direct them individually. i had nothing to do with it. all right, gentlemen. hillary clinton on deck. one of her aides now taking the
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gate, namely, a low level figure that served in the campaign and government whose name was essential to the maintenance of a secret operation and could be flipped to testify about the higher ups with whom he ant yacht yac, checked just about every box with a making of a scandal. >> we don't want to speculate on it. but learner was not offered a deal. i don't think she would have taken it anyway. pagliano, i don't know a thing about it. >> edward snowden would have us believe the nsa could recover every key stroke you and i type. every centipede is recoverable except if you're lois learner or
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hillary clinton, then, your stuff is just gone. this committee was formed two years after the events in question. it started kind of behind the 8 ball opposed to water gate or iran contra. in this case they're trying to determine is why was the request for more security by the folks on the ground in benghazi almost systematically rebuffed? why did the white house -- >> mislead -- >> have false explanations of what occurred. >> rosen is speculating this is water gate bubbling up. do you see it that way as well? >> i think there are serious questions about whether there are efforts to cover up the extent of the classified. we uncovered new information this week with senior producer
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pamela brown there was monkey business with the code. so e-mails went through the lawyer's office and coding was changed to something called five, making it impossible for the public and congress to see. the key thing is that the lawyer is the same lawyer handling the lois learner e-mails at the irs. whistle blowers were like woah. >> it's a tight little dirty circle. catherine rosen, thank you. factor tip of the day, i am a magazine cover guy, once again. the tip, moments away. nts away. (wolves howling) when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums.
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he's a zealot on illegal immigration. nick as a young conservative i respect ramos. he only wants to help people. >> bill, you had jorge on the point about him being a commentator, not a news reporter. the federal government and business look the other way so more profit could be made. but that doesn't justify the nail your to secure our borders or to enforce the law. steve, florida, it's really quite simple, jorge should change the name of his show to the ramos factor. michael james, bolling green, kentucky, i had my mind made up i would hate the ramos interview but i was wrong. great interview. i'm a new premium member and love it. >> seriously, do you really think dick and liz chaney on
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credible on bias sources of information? most of our guests are strong points of view. that's what makes the factor hum. what they say is submitted if are your consideration, same thing with all of the guests. connor, new jersey, i chose to read "killing lincoln" for summer home work and it was amazing. i appreciate that. "killing lincoln" now out in paper book. thank you very much. sasha, staten island, new york, thanks bill for an o'reilly summer. read "killing patten" on the beach and caught the "don't be a pin head" show. only three shows in the fall have tickets remaining, chicago, south florida at the hard rock and phoenix. details on happy birthday to evelyn wagner, 102 in florida. way to go. and finally tonight the factor
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tip of the day. this coming sunday, september 6, i am once again a magazine cover guy. parade magazine which you get in your sunday newspaper has an article on my books called "bill o'reilly is killing it." the stimulator for the piece, "killing reagan" which will be released on september 22nd. the article is fair which is refreshing and don't forget, if you become a bill 0 rile premium member you get any of the books free of charge. check out parade magazine this coming sunday. this is it for us tonight. check out the fox news website. o'reilly at fox name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, no salebrosity when writing to the factor. pretty good word. trump hereby tuesday along with beck. wow. again thanks for watching us
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tonight. ms. meg, is next. please remember, the spin stops here. looking out for you. breaking tonight, jeb bush ramps it up in what is now a full-blown political war with donald trump. a fight that could help decide the republican nominee for president. welcome to the kelly file, everyone. i'm megyn kelly. this rivalry has been simmering for weeks but in the last few days it's erupted as trump continued to go after bush for being low energy, being part of the establishment and even for speaking spanish in response to a question asked in spanish on the campaign trail. bush pushed back first with campaign ads, then remark to the press and tonight in a town hall campaign stop in new hampshire, he made it clear that it is on. watch. >> donald trump has proposed in
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