tv Fox News Reporting FOX News September 4, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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"black lives matter" movement? go to kelly file and follow me on twitter @megyn kelly. let me know what you think. thanks for watching, everyone. i'm megyn kelly, this is "the kelly file." ♪ they're the videos that shock the nation. >> we need limbs, but no hands and feet attached. >> who does this? what civilized culture? does this? >> would you call that intact? >> these are intact, yeah. >> are they selling body parts? >> this has become selling while pretending not to sell. >> or worse. >> are you accusing some of these doctors of murder? >> will it change the debate about adoration in this country. >> i've been screaming about this for i don't know, 30 years now. >> will supporters fight back? >> i will continue to fight for and uphold a woman's right to
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choose including defending planned parenthood. >> fox news reporting, planned parenthood, the hidden harvest. from washington, d.c., shannon bream. >> they call themselves investigative journalists, but the tactics they employ would probably get them fired in most newsrooms. as guerilla fighters. the people who work at the centers for medical progress have made front pages and the videos they've released have got everyone talking. before we continue, a warning. some viewers may find the material in this program disturbing. >> we know that i'm not going to crush that far. i'll crush above, below. >> this is dr. deborah nucatola planned parenthood's senior director of medical services discussing how her organization helps ensure aborted fetuses can be properly harvested for medical research.
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>> 30 to 100 price is per specimen that we're talk about, right? >> yes. >> on july 14th the video seemed to come out of nowhere to shock america. but it was the culmination of years of work for 26-year-old david daleiden. david had been a pro-life activist in high school. the message beneath his senior picture. vote pro life, what god wants you to do. in college he joined live action, a pro-life group headed by lila rose. >> let's talk about live action. the precursor to a lot of what we're seeing today. >> starting investigative work at live action was really because i saw just this complete lack of discussion about what was really happening at planned parenthood and in the abortion industry. the only thing that you would hear is something positive at how planned parenthood is helpful to women. >> i was the director of research for live action from 2008 to 2013. so in that capacity i helped
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construct most of the undercover projects that they did. i'm definitely really proud of the work we did together. >> three years ago rose and daleiden collaborated on a sting that sounds awfully familiar. a woman posing as a donor to planned parenthood began asking questions about federal funding for abortions, questions so suspicious that planned parenthood set up a surveillance camera to catch her next visit. the tape ended up in the hands of california attorney general kamala harris. no charges were filed but the sting was exposed. for daleiden, it was a valuable learning experience. >> i think we developed novel and pioneering investigative journalism approaches, especially with this issue in particular. >> daleiden and rose parted ways not long after the failed sting. daleiden had a new idea, a covert operation looking into the buying and selling of fetal tissue. one of the people he called was troy newman, the controversial leader of anti-abortion group operation rescue.
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>> save these babies from certain death. >> it was a very interesting, elaborate sting operation. did you counsel him on that? >> i can't walk into a planned parenthood. i have been in the pro life movement for over 25 years. they have -- they will surely recognize me. here is this young, very bright, very courageous, very faithful young man mapping out this idea, and so we hit it off very, very well and we began to discuss all the various techniques he would use in order to infiltrate planned parenthood. >> did you all at that point start having planning discussions or sessions about how he would carry out something that would have to be a disciplined, very long-term operation? >> what we wanted to do was to catch them off-script. what do abortionists say having lunch over salad and a glass of wine. that was the idea. alternate identities had to be set up. alternate companies had to be set up. >> so daleiden founded the center for medical progress, or cmp. >> it's a vague-sounding name that could mean many things.
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>> cmp was started as a 501-c3 charitable trust. daleiden also founded a company called biomax procurement services and enlisted people to represent biomax. >> these are people, whoever you have posing as buyers, who clearly have in-depth medical understanding and education, seems like. >> the center for medical progress shows they have intelligent, creative, adaptable people to do this work. there was a lot of really intensive training and preparation that went into preparing them to actually go undercover. >> you have to be able to talk like them. you have to know the information sometimes better than they do. they had to be very well versed in medical technology, medical terminology, the medical procedures, anatomy and so forth. >> how did you all come up with the 21st century technology to walk into these places, to be able to record the conversations in a way you felt was reliable? >> it's as simple as a google search and a credit card.
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the equipment was high-quality law enforcement type equipment. it's not going to fail at the critical moment. ♪ >> with everything in place, the infiltration proceeded more smoothly than expected. >> it was definitely surprising to myself and to some of the other investigators on the team that, when our investigators basically said two things to planned parenthood representatives, number one, you know, we love abortion, we think what you do is great, you know, thank you, and number two, we want to harvest your baby parts and sell them and pay you money in exchange for that, those two statements were like the magic words that got us in the door. and planned parenthood was happy to welcome one more biotech company to the table to harvest and sell baby parts. >> i'm glad we were finally able to connect. i know it's been difficult. >> yeah. >> before too long, daleiden found himself in a big meeting
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at a posh l.a. bistro with dr. nucatola who we saw earlier. >> you want to break even. if they can do better than break even and do so in a way that seems reasonable, they're happy to do that. >> overall daleiden says his group shot about 300 hours of video. the entire project had taken two and a half years, but daleiden was finally ready on july 14th to make public his undercover work. >> there are no guidelines. >> not written. >> no. there are guidelines on research but there are not guidelines on tissue procurement. >> okay. >> and there will never be guidelines. >> dr. nucatola also said when possible she would help facilitate the procure. of specific fetal tissue during actual abortion procedure. >> i'll actually collect what you want sometimes. >> you actually do the collection? >> if i see it, yeah. why not. oh, for sure. i mean, to me, i don't know, i just -- it makes the procedure
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that much better. like i've just done something even better, you know what i mean? if you maintain enough of the dialogue to the person actually doing the procedures may understand what the end game is -- >> the video caused a fire storm. we should note that we tried repeatedly to get planned parenthood to respond on camera to the controversy. the organization and several of its surrogates declined our invitation. however, the first video did prompt an immediate public response from the president of planned parenthood. >> i want to be really clear. the allegation that planned parenthood profits in any way from tissue donation is not true. our donation programs, like any other high-quality health care provider's follows all laws and ethical guidelines. >> but it was only the first video. daleiden and the center for medical progress were just getting warmed up. >> so in the second video we released, that's a lunch meeting with dr. mary gatter, who for a long time was the medical director of planned parenthood
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los angeles. >> figure out what others are getting. in the ballpark, it's fine. if we're low, then we can bump it up. >> dr. gatter was actually haggling over the compensation price that a middle man biotech company should be paying to her planned parenthood affiliate in exchange for intact fetal specimens. >> using a less crunchy technique to get more whole specimens. >> i want to go back to your most basic statement is that they are selling body parts. again, they say there is no direct evidence of that, that there are repeated times during these videos that we've seen so far that the doctors talk about this not being about revenue, this not being about selling, that they make that clear and that there is nothing so far that you have released that proves that they've broken any federal laws. >> at the end of the day money goes in to planned parenthood and baby parts come out. if you look at what they're actually doing and how their business is actually structured, it becomes clear that they're profiting off of the sale of the
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body parts of the babies that they abort. >> planned parenthood was now on the defensive, but the next video daleiden released was to in the most shocking yet. care of my heart. that's why i take meta. meta is clinically proven to help lower cholesterol. try meta today. and for a tasty heart healthy snack, try a meta health bar. thought i told you to stay off our turf. and what would you know about turf, skipper? let's end this here and now! let's dance! flo: whoa there!
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♪ ♪ david deleiden put out two videos that got everyone talking, but the third released july 28th still came across as a bombshell. >> the third video, our investigators are shown in the abortion clinic's path lab with the doctor who is the vice president and medical director for planned parenthood of the rocky mountains. >> dr. genda and daleiden's undercover agent specimens, in other words, an aborted fetus with all its parts. >> intact is probably less than 10%. >> less than 10%. >> sometimes, you know, if we get, if someone delivers before we are able to see them for a procedure then we are intact. but you'll never know. >> but that's not --
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>> also in that video, daleiden introduces 24-year-old holly o'donnell as stemexpress, a company that guys tissue from planned parenthood. >> i thought i was just going to be drawing blood, not procuring tissue from aborted fetuses. >> she describes her shock as what she says she saw there. >> the moment i took the tweezers, i put them in the dish, i remember grabbing a leg, and i said this is a leg, and the moment i picked it up, i could just feel, like, death and pain. never felt that before like shoot up through my body. and i started to -- i blacked out. >> when daleiden created his front company, biomax procurement service, it was in the mold of stemexpress. the video captures biomax operatives at a planned parenthood lab hoping to duplicate the experience of stem express representatives. >> that's the heart.
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>> i think so, right? >> yeah. >> here is the heart. >> my fingers will smush it if i try to pick it up. >> a heart over there. >> would you call that intact? >> these are intact kidneys, yes. if somebody needed. >> if i looked at that, i would be like, that's good to go. >> yeah. >> five stars. >> in the next video we see a woman identified as melissa feral, director of research for planned parenthood gulf coast in houston discussing whether abortions can be performed to harvest certain parts of the fetus. >> yeah. so, if we alter our process and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, then we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. i mean that's -- it's all just a matter of line items. >> do you think that that is going to be one of the toughest
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things for planned parenthood and for those involved to explain because we know under federal law you can't change the timing or procedure of an abortion for the specific purpose of harvesting these parts. >> yeah. i think it's frankly impossible for them to explain. and if you look at the statements from planned parenthood, they still have yet to address at all the claim in the very first video that their senior director of medical services was using partial-birth abortions in order to get higher quality body parts from the babies that she was aborting. >> my understanding is that, for those specimens to be sellable, to use for research, you can't have used certain drugs in utero to have caused the death of the child. to end that life. how does that work, then, if you end up with a fully intact fetal cadaver that's available for sale and research? >> that's exactly the question that law enforcement across the country need to be asking of planned parenthood leadership.
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>> some of the scenarios that we're talking about here would involve a child that is alive at some point during the delivery, makes it out of the womb. out of the canal still living and at some point is killed either during the harvesting of organs or dies in the pathology lab. are you accusing some of these doctors of murder? >> absolutely. it's not just my accusation or allegation. it's their own words. in the third video we released dr. ginda is very clear that occasionally they'll have a late try midwester patient that, quote, delivers before the clinic gets to see the patient. melissa ferrell admitted that sometimes their doctors have been able to get completely intact specimen s and it's something they could go for tissue procurement. >> a powerful accusation and planned parenthood supporters didn't wait long to make accusations of their own. more on that later. when we return we look at how planned parenthood got to be the organization at the center of so much controversy.
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planned parenthood's roots go back to 1916 with the social activism of its founder and first president margaret sanger. >> margaret sanger was an early to mid 20th century figure who championed birth control. contraception. >> professor robert george teaches constitutional law, legal and political philosophy and bioethics at princeton university. >> she wanted to make birth control more widely available, so that there would be fewer, quote, unwanted, quote, children. >> sanger is a controversial figure today because of her apparent support for birth control as a way to limit the number of what she saw as inferior people. >> she cared about who was having the children. she thought there were some people who should be having
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children or several children but other people who shouldn't be having children. >> many opponents claim she was a racist whose ideas were at the base of planned parenthood. while supporters reply she was fighting for the empowerment of women and her backing of what were widespread ideas at the time is overstated. wherever she stood, preventing certain children from being born was on her mind to the last as this 1957 interview with mike wallace suggests. >> do you believe there is such a thing as a -- as sin? >> i think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world that have -- diseased from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being, practically, delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things. just marked when they're born. that to me is the greatest sin. >> in the early years of planned parenthood the planning was about birth control. >> as late as the early 1960s planned parenthood itself was sharply and publically distinguishing abortion from
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contraception. on the precise ground that abortion takes a new human life, whereas contraception simply prevents a life from coming into existence. >> throughout the '60s and early '70 that was a nationwide debate on adoration. some say it's liberalized their laws. while a pro life movement sprang up for the rights of unborn children. in 1973 everything changed when the supreme court handed down roe versus wade. which in essence created a right to have an abortion. >> we had a case here of a decision, yes, that was being carried along by cultural cushions, but which at the same time and with just as much force shaped those cultural currents. because once you introduce the idea that the government can authorize the destruction of human life, you have introduced the different form of government. >> father frank pavone, author
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of "abolishing abortion" has been a pro-life leader for decades. >> you have a different kind of government which no longer protects all human life but which rather becomes the arbiter of human life. very profound. that introduces very profound changes in the way we look at government. >> planned parenthood became a leading provider of abortion, performing an estimated 6.8 million since 1970. another important development came in 1970 when planned parenthood affiliates started receiving federal funds through family planning subsidies to low-income people. since then, the amount that federal government gives to planned parenthood has risen to over a half a billion dollars a year, according to their 2013-2014 annual report. however, the hyde amendment first passed by congress in 1976 forbids the use of certain federal funds for most cases of abortion. so the money officially goes to other planned parenthood expenses. >> we know that planned parenthood can take money that
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is from private sources, use it for abortions, and replace that money with money from the federal government that's used for other planned parenthood purposes. so the fungibility of money tends to undercut the effect of the hyde amendment. abortion was treated as a constitutional right by the supreme court of the united states, precisely on the ground that it was a purely private act. but now we're told that, even though this is a private service, not a public good, we should be forced to pay for it even if we have the most profound moral objections against killing innocent human beings, much less dismembering them and selling their body parts. >> meanwhile, a new question arose. what to do with discarded fetuses. some saw medical potential while others felt experimenting with a being that had a full compliment
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of human dna was wrong. in 1993 bill clinton and a democratic congress passed a law that gave the national institutes of health direct authority to fund human embryo research. then in 1995, a newly elected republican congress passed the dickey-wicker amendment, which prevented federal funds for research where human embryos are created or destroyed. >> i co-authored an amendment to the labor hhs appropriations act prohibiting the use of taxpayer funds to create human embryos for research or support any research in which human embryos are harmed, destroyed, or subjected to risks not permitted for unborn children. >> i think the reality is the law was written to try to achieve a certain purpose, to make sure that there wasn't some kind of financial incentive or some kind of rationale based on how fetal tissue might be used for research purposes that would create an inducement to have an
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abortion in the first place or conduct the abortion in a certain way specifically because you wanted to harvest the tissue if you will for research purposes. >> dr. scott gottlieb was a bush administration official in the food and drug administration. >> policy makers wanted to make sure that there was a clear separation between a woman's decision to have an abortion and the ultimate use of the tissue for some kind of research purpose so that the use of the tissue itself couldn't become some kind of rationale, if you will. >> one thing is certain. abortion isn't the end of the story. it's just the beginning. a small industry has grown up around the harvesting of fetuses. we'll look into that when we return. ing of fetuses. we'll look into that when we return. i asked my dentist
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm patricia stark. austria and germany announcing they will grant unhindered passage to migrants who are being bussed to the border. tens of thousands of refugees have been pouring into countries across europe this summer. many of them have endured hard trips across the mediterranean sea from their native syria, iraq, and afghanistan. hillary clinton admitting her use of a private e-mail system at the state department wasn't the, quote, best choice. in an interview, the presidential candidate said she didn't stop and think about her
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e-mail setup when she became president obama's secretary of state. she claims she was more focused on the world's problems. but clinton added this shouldn't raise questions about her judgment. i'm patricia stark. now back to fox news reporting, "planned parenthood: the hidden harvest." for all your headlines, log on to so far we've seen how david daleiden set out on the controversial task of exposing the inner workings of planned parenthood. he has released a number of explosive videos with more promised. no matter what side you come down on, he has demonstrated at least one thing. an abortion may be the end of a potential life, but it can also be the beginning of a journey for the fetal tissue involved. ♪ >> there are approximately a
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million abortions a year performed in the united states. each one has its own story, but taken as a whole that is a lot of fetal tissue. in an age when many see promise in research utilizing such tissue and during a time when there are gray areas in the laws governing what can be done with the tissue it's not surprising that an industry has sprouted up built around buying and selling the aftermath of abortions. in particular we're seeing biotech startups who procure the material from places like planned parenthood and get it out to end users such as universities and researchers around the world. >> research universities, in some cases pharmaceutical companies, don't want to be in the business of going to the sites and procuring the tissues for themselves. >> dr. scott gottlieb, the former fda official who worked on tissue regulation explains the rise of these middlemen. >> so they're happy to pay a markup and in some cases a substantial markup so that this can be a truly arm's length transaction and they could be far removed from the procurement of the tissue.
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>> one such company in this up and coming market is stemexpress. tucked into an office park in placerville, california, about an hour and a half east of sacramento. >> i feel like stemexpress does something very unique for medical research that most of these institutions, whether or not it's a small academic to a big pharmaceutical is not set up to produce those types of cells and specimens. >> 36-year-old ceo cate dyer who graduated with a sociology degree from sacramento state started stemexpress in 2010 with just $9,000. billing itself as the largest provider of maternal blood and fetal tissue globally it's grown by leaps and bounds, taking in $2.2 million in revenue in 2013. it's also gotten great press. inc. magazine listed stem express among the fastest growing women-led private
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companies in america and dyer was featured in the article "cracking the glass." she was listed as one of 14, quote, women who mean business in the "sacramento business journal." any doubt that this is a business is expelled at the stemexpress website where the company's product lines and pricing are displayed. fetal tissue is only a portion of what they sell, but you can pick up items such as fetal liver stem progenitor cells for up to $24,000. that's right. $24,000 for this top-of-the-line product. stem express also markets cells for the development of humanized mice. >> there is still a lot of early experimentation work being done in the laboratory and work being done in animal models to see if you can take the tissue itself and try to make it differentiate into different kinds of tissue and different kinds of cells. there is also work being done to look at how the tissue would react to certain kinds of drugs. >> david daleiden targeted stemexpress early on in his investigation. on may 22nd he arranged a lunch meeting with ceo cate dyer. >> what would keep your lab
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happy? what would make your lab happy? >> another 50 livers a week. >> in the video attracted by dyer's success, daleiden's tissue buyers actually wanted to partner up with stemexpress. >> realistically if we were to do an agreement with you guys -- >> dyer touts her close relationship with planned parenthood. >> i mean, planned parenthood is volume institutionition right. >> she discusses the qualms felt by some of the reseahers who receive the tissue her company provides such as when they send a fetal skull. >> tell the lab it's coming so they don't open the box. [ laughing ] >> it's almost like they don't want to know where it comes from. where they're like we need limbs, but no hands and feet need to be attached. >> in a video released september 1, daleiden talks with perrin larton from advanced bioresources. >> the whole point is to not have a live birth. so the doctors have all --
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unless it's somebody who has had six pregnancies and six vaginal delivery. >> and it kind of pops out. >> have literally had women come in and they go in the o.r. and they're back out in three minutes. i'm going, what's going on. oh, yeah, the fetus was already in the vaginal canal. it just fell out. >> wow. >> but larton laments the fact that's usually not how it turns out. >> most of the time it is not intact. the abdomen is always ripped open. everything is get ripped up. whenever we have a smooth abortion of liver, we think that's good. >> oh, okay. >> most of the time, just the instruments they go in. >> they don't have my interests in mind. >> or mine. that really pisses me off. >> so i've been screaming about this area lacking in oversight and accountability for 30 years now. >> dr. arthur caplan is head of medical ethics at the langone medical center.
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>> until the sting happened nobody remembered it was going on. it's just -- you normally want to take a look when you're dealing with human remains as to what happens with them and how they're distributed. that's why i think you need the lines that you don't cross. you don't want to be sliding down any slope where you start to say our goal is to get fetal tissue for research. >> a lot of people have become concerned that people have found end runs around the no sale of fetal tissues and body parts aspect of the law.harge or over producing the body parts, shipping and handling, managing the body parts and so forth. this has become selling while pretending not to sell. we should react with horror at what is going on in the clinics. dismembering the child in the womb. vacuuming out the consequences
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and then examining the, quote, specimen, unquote, to see whether there are usable organs or parts that can be, for want of a better word, sold to people who can use them in scientific research. >> perhaps these videos have finally provoked awareness of the fetal trade. in fact, though it's not normally something people like to talk about, it has become part of the national conversation. when we return, the fallout, political and otherwise, of the planned parenthood investigation. political and otherwise, of the planned parenthood planned parenthood inve i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years.
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no sooner had the center for medical progress started to release its videos than they became one of the biggest stories of the year. and in the midst of a presidential race, the candidates spoke out. >> the next thing i intend to do is instruct the department of justice to open an investigation into these videos and to prosecute planned parenthood for any criminal violations. >> i de-funded planned parenthood more than four years ago, long before any of these videos came out. >> and these were not empty threats. since the videos came out arkansas, utah, alabama, louisiana and new hampshire have taken various steps to de-fund planned parenthood. several states are investigating planned parenthood clinics
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they include texas, florida, georgia, arizona, missouri, kansas and tennessee. >> selling or buying fetal parts associated with an abortion is entirely illegal. ♪ >> on a federal level senate republicans tried to bring up a de-funding bill but were blocked by democrats. meanwhile republican house speaker john boehner says he is awaiting the results of several house committee investigations into the controversy. >> if you have seen this video, i don't have to tell you how sickening it is. rest assured we're going to get to the bottom of this and protect the values that we hold dear. >> you can't sell, for a profit, donating for research is one thing, but selling for a profit is another. manipulating abortions, that's a crime. >> republican congresswoman
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marsha blackburn is vice chairman of the house energy and commerce committee, one of the investigating bodies. >> when you talk about a less crunchy way of forming -- performing an abortion or manipulating that abortion to preserve parts, that is something that we want to delve into. >> on august 7th her committee sent letters to planned parenthood and to biotech companies requesting information regarding fetal tissue collection. a week later, august 14th, stem express terminated its relationship with planned parenthood. in a statement the company said, while we value our relationship with planned parenthood, that work represents a small percentage of our overall business activity and we must focus our limited resources on resolving these inquiries. on august 27th they provided to us a further statement. they said stem express has not been found to have broken any laws, that the company is cooperating with investigators
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and that, quote, approximately 1% of the company's business involves unaltered fetal tissue and that part of the business operates at a financial loss. while this was happening, there was a counter attack on daleiden. many supporters of planned parenthood blasted him for deceptive editing in his videos. >> an organization that opposes safe and legal abortion used secretly recorded, heavily edited videos to make outrageous claims. >> planned parenthood then commissioned an outside group to analyze the videos. they concluded there was so much editing, it was impossible to say how much of the undercover encounters was distorted. in a statement to us, planned parenthood called daleiden and his team extremists who doctored video to support false claims. daleiden insists that the videos accurately depict what happened and his raw material will prove it. >> we can provide it to law enforcement if necessary.
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>> meanwhile two temporary restraining orders were issued against the center for medical progress preventing them from releasing certain video. the first came from a los angeles superior court protecting stem express employees on privacy grounds. >> the idea that a court is enjoin free speech on a broad based scale without evidence, it's called a prior restraint. >> he is an attorney who now represents board member try newman. >> it's an intimidation tactic, though. >> the other restraining order from a federal court was based on the concern for the safety of national abortion federation leaders in the video if their identities became known. >> there are a couple legal battles already going on at the time we're talking with regard to these videos. there are probably others coming. how confident are you that you'll be able to move forward and continue to release material with all of these legal battles pending? >> the center for medical progress follows all applicable laws in the course of our investigative journalism work
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and we also are prepared and we are contesting any attempts to suppress our first amendment rights to freedom of speech or freedom of the press. >> his lawyers advised daleiden to exercise his fifth amendment right against self-incrimination in the case by the national abortion federation. father frank pavone says daleiden and others have a moral right to employ controversial methods. >> it's a war. and in any war you have to employ the tactics of war, which include spying. there is an enemy here. you have to spy, and you have to go in and you have to go undercover and you have to get information that ultimately is aimed not at destroying them but exposing them. because all we have to do is expose this information to the light of day, enough of the american people, on seeing this evidence, on seeing the truth, will in fact reject both abortion and the industry that is behind it. >> one group that has yet to sue to stop the release of any videos, planned parenthood. they've stated they're
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considering legal action against cmp but so far haven't taken any. >> why haven't they gotten involved in one of these legal fights? they would seem to have more than anybody an interest at blocking any more of the videos? >> i think planned parenthood and their lawyers do not want to be in a table sitting across from a lawyer asking them real questions about what was really taking place inside those abortion clinics and inside these clinics where they were selling body parts. because if you are in discovery, you get to ask those questions. >> he believes daleiden's videos will eventually all be released, and there should be investigations into all facilitators of the fetal tissue trade. >> so it is better to be investigating those groups? have they done anything wrong? is the focus rightly on planned parenthood? >> i think it needs to be on planned parenthood and the others. let's think about what we're discussing right now. the harvesting of baby body parts, in order to put them into a stream of commerce, for
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research or whatever it might be. who does this? what civilized culture does this? ♪ ♪ >> on august 21st an l.a. judge sided with daleiden's group, ending the restraining order relating to stemexpress. while this was happening the democrats were figuring out how they should respond to the controversy. hillary clintons, the party's front-runner for president at first called the video disturbing. planned parenthood had enlisted the support of a public relations firm run by two powerful long-time democrats, hillary rosen and anita dunn. within a week of her initial comment, hillary clinton changed her tune in a professionally produced video. >> republicans like scott walker and jeb bush are calling to de-fund planned parenthood. when they attack women's health, they attack america's health and it's wrong and we're not going to let them get away with it. >> that was a pretty quick pivot. >> it was. i have to wonder if there was -- if -- what kind of discussions
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might have happened behind the scenes. >> some democrats have even suggested that daleiden and the center for medical progress be prosecuted for creating a fake business and recording people without their consent. they have asked two people to look into it. u.s. attorney general loretta lynch and california attorney general kamala harris. yes. the same one who was involved in stopping daleiden's earlier project at live action. neither side was backing down. by late august live action organized protests outside planned parenthood clinics. lila rose said the videos have energized the pro-life movement. >> i have words for planned parenthood and their defenders in politics and even the media. this battle is not only not going away, but this battle is going to be won. planned parenthood will be de-funded. the country is changing, and that change is happening now and we're going to see it even more in coming months. >> it seems likely this issue will play a role in the upcoming election. does planned parenthood not
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deserve federal funding, or is even asking that question an attack on women? once you ask that question, it leads to another. what sort of choices do women have beyond planned parenthood? a look at that when we return. a look at that when we return. when it comes to small business, she's in the know. so strap yourselves in for action flo! small business edition. oh, no! i'm up to my neck in operating costs! i'll save the day! for plumbers and bakers and scapers of lawn, she's got insurance savvy you can count on. you chipped my birdbath! now you're gonna pay! not so fast! i cover more than just cars and trucks. ♪ action flo did somebody say "insurance"? children: flo! ♪ action flo cut! can i get a smoothie, please? ooh! they got smoothies? for me.
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in the battle over defunding planned parenthood is the issue of identity and the, itself. it is an essential provider of women's health care or a high volume abortion operation, or both? >> for more than a sendry, planned parenthood has provided essential services for women. >> but others claim providing essential services is not what planned parenthood is really about. >> we were told that we were to turn every client visit and every telephone call into a revenue generating visit. >> abby johnson, who started as a medical assistant and worked her way up to director of gulf coast planned parenthood in houston questions whether the
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organization has the best interests of its patients at heart. >> well, there is certainly motivation at planned parenthood to sell a product. >> and that product line is limited. >> if a pregnant woman comes in to planned parenthood, the only thing that we can offer her is an abortion. because planned parenthood phased out their prenatal care program. we don't have any adoption assistance for them. and so literally, the only way that we can make money off of a pregnant woman is to sell her an abortion. and selling an abortion to a woman who is feeling very scared and very vulnerable is a pretty easy sell. >> with that sale comes a pitch to donate the remains to medical research. >> when we would talk to women about donating the tissue during a consent process, you know, almost all of the women said yeah, sure. i think it soothes their conscience. we needed to be able to sell the
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woman on this so that she would consent so that we would get the additional money from the abortion. >> johnson became so disgusted that she quit planned parenthood and became a pro-life activist. >> our generation will be the one that ends abortion. >> the daleiden videos remind her of what she left behind. >> i don't think that these workers are necessarily cold hearted. i just think that like i was, i think that they are blinded to what is right in front of them. i mean, i did that job. i pieced babies back together. i picked out the parts. how did i not see that? and i don't really have a good answer. it's just this blindness that takes over your mind and your spirit, and you don't see what is so blatantly obvious right in front of you. >> once again, we should note that we repeatedly asked to sit down with planned parenthood to discuss the controversy, and they declined to be interviewed.
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opponents note that while planned parenthood has 700 clinics across the country, there are actually up to 10,000 other clinics available to women with over 1200 of them federally supported. one place they can go is obria, which operates six clinics in southern california. they don't perform abortions, but they offer many other service. i spoke to claire venegas who works in development and expansion at obria. >> we have almost 35 years of experience delivering life affirming health care. >> is it truly an alternative to planned parenthood? >> absolutely. we offer everything from pregnancy tests and ultra sounds to cancer screenings, hiv testing, std testing and treatment, as well as prenatal care. and we also treat women where they are emotionally. we want to make sure that they feel comforted and understand we're there as a resource, no matter what decision they make. >> i would say the majority of the patients that come in have
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only one option in their mind, just because they're scared. a lot of times it's abortion. so we educate them about all of their options, abortion, parenting and adoption. >> ruthie burk is a nurse who works for obria. >> we make sure that before they leave the clinic they're well aware of each decision, and if they choose that, what they're going to be getting into after that. we don't want them to leave feeling like we pressured them to make a decision. >> christy poladores is a former patient who now volunteers at obria. >> as this was playing out, you mentioned there was a lot of pressure in your life, those who wanted you to have an abortion. you actually had an appointment at planned parenthood. >> the father was telling me to, my ex-boyfriend who i was still close to was telling me what to do. i didn't really have a lot of friends. working and being a single mom, i didn't have a social life.
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there had been mistakes in my past that i carry with me, and it's a very, very heavy load to carry around for the rest of your life. so i canceled the appointment, and i came home, and i was still pregnant. and i told everybody i'm having this baby. leave me alone. be in my life or don't be in my life. >> some of obria's patients have already been to planned parenthood, like danielle stoneberger who went there as a single pregnant 19-year-old. >> you were 11 weeks into your pregnancy. when you got there, what were you met with? what kind of options were you given? >> i was simply asked if i had already made my decision or not. and when i said yes, they left it at that. i asked if i could have an ultrasound, and they said no. so that was pretty much it. it was very cut and dry. >> danielle got pregnant again. but this time she went to obria. >> how did you end up at obria? >> i wanted to go a different route. and i looked up clinics in my
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area. they counseled me in all different options that a woman has. they really change mid life because i didn't have a support system. >> this time she had the baby. ethan, who is now 2 1/2. >> that's a great sacrifice for a young woman. >> it is, but it isn't. there is going to be sacrifices, but there are also huge blessings with it. i haven't given up any of my goals. i work full time. i go to school and i still make time for him and family and friends. i lead a very well balanced life and i'm very happy. i wouldn't change anything because i really straightened out everything for myself. >> the story we have shown in the last hour isn't going away. it's already become an issue in the presidential elections. but the bigger point is what it might say about us. we live in a nation where abortion is legal and safe, but not rare. in the four decades since roe v. wade, perhaps abortion has become so commonplace that most
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americans don't give it much thought. if the activists behind these videos have accomplished anything, it might be that they have given us all something to think about. that's our show. thanks for watching. good night. i did not email any, classified material to anyone on my email. >> hillary clinton says it was all a matter of convenience. >> secretary clinton violated federal law. >> i have released 55,000 pages of emails. >> every time she opens her mouth on this issue she loads credibility. >> maybe the heat is getting to everybody. >> she has lied about being subpoenaed. she has lied about how many devices she used as secretary of state and lied about the nature of the emails and the sensitivity of the emails. >> i won't pretend that this is anything other than what it is, the same old partisan game.
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